FOW Meeting Minutes - December 2012

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Friends of Walgrove Members Meeting December 4, 2012 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m.

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School 1630 Walgrove Avenue*Los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone (310)391-7104*Fax (310)391-9809

I. Welcome & Introduction of FOW Executive Board (Brandy Oeser) II. Special Thanks (Brandy Oeser) A. Green Team: Asphalt removal and Walgrove Wildlands, Sony Grant B. Room Parents: Annual Fund Calling Campaign C. Annual Fund Team: Matching and Friends & Family Drive D.Walgroovy Wine Tasting Hosts E.Walgroovy Yoga and Movie Night Hosts F. CPK Dine Out G. Shakespeare Club Auditions H. Clorox Campaign III. Guest Speakers (PS Arts: Michael Cappelli- rescheduled for January) IV. School/Instructional Reports- (Lisa Laichtman and Olivia Adams) A. The teachers discussed math for several hours in Professional Development today. 1. Deena Williams spoke to them about teaching themes in math that are useful in the real world. 2. Teachers will be using new standards of practice in math called Common Core. B. Enrichment classes will be starting up again in January. If parents are interested in team teaching with a teacher, they can submit their ideas to Lynn Webster for consideration. V. School Site Council (Laura Groppe) A. The results of the survey they conducted about P.E., Arts, Studio, and Differentiation indicated there are still some parents unclear about what takes place in these classes. VI. Officer Reports A. President (Julie Dair) 1. Virtual Wednesday packet is going well. Ms. Laichtman felt it would be good for the the teachers to also receive this email. 2. The signs for the kinder yard have been made by Martin Gueulette and will be up soon. 3. Studio photos are currently being displayed on poster boards in the quad outside the office door. B. VP Fundraising (Brandy Oeser) 1. As of tonight's meeting, we have received $6500 in donations towards the $10,000 match for the Annual Fund. 2. Annual Fund tables will be up Thursday and Friday morning in the quad. VII. Old Business A. Green Space Update (Emiko Kuwata and Clare Carey) 1. Work has begun on the asphalt removal for the Walgrove Wildlands. a. Looking at April 20-21 as probable date for planting to take place. b. Looking at documenting the progress of the garden as it evolves. 2. Walgrove received a $7500 grant from Sony Pictures to use towards our green space. B. GBTF Update:Clorox and Google 1. Everyone needs to keep voting for Walgrove daily in the Clorox campaign.

IX Happenings A. See's and Innisbrook Deliveries This Week! B. Coffee & Chat with the Principal: 12/7, 8:15am-9:15 am, Library C. Walgroovy Ornament Decorating Party: 12/8, 5:00pm-10:00pm D. Holiday Boutique: 12/13, 8:00am-3:00pm, near auditorium E. Winter Program: 12/13 at 8:45am and 1:15pm, auditorium X. Help Wanteds A. See's and Innisbrook Deliveries B. Yard Sale Trash Help: 12/6 at pick-up and 12/7 after drop off C. Holiday Program: Help decorate on 12/12 and bake goods for the Bake Sale!

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