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Languages 2 2A Write a word in each gap. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2B 1 2 3 4 5 6 2C If you point something out, you mention it.

If you ______________ through a list, you start at the top and work down. If you ______________ something out, you use your printer to make a copy of it. If you ______________ things together, you combine them. If you ______________ something off with something, you begin in a certain way. If you ______________ an idea across, you manage to convey it. Rewrite each sentence using the given word. Combine all the envelopes into one large pile. Put all the envelopes together in one large pile. Let's begin the talk with a short introduction. I'd like to mention that this is only a suggestion. Quickly read the article and underline all the names of people. You have to communicate the idea to your children that no means no. I'll make copies of the handouts tonight using my printer. Write the correct form of the given word in each gap. 2)inform 3) write, speak 4)dimension 5)present 6) demonstrate off out through across out ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 1)introduce 1 2 3 4 5 6 2E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 together

I've finished the main part of the essay but I've still got to write the __________________. Please read this __________________ sheet carefully before assembling the product. The _______________ transcript of a _______________ conversation always looks strange because we often don't speak in full sentences. A cube is a three-___________________ object where all the sides are of equal length. Tomorrow night, Tony Hill will be giving an interesting _________________ on the history of ancient Persia. During the __________________, they showed us how to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Choose the correct word. The theatre got into financial trouble from the word (go / start) and closed within a year. What did I think of the film? Well, (in / with) a word, rubbish! We're all human. In (other / more) words, we all make mistakes. I didn't believe a/an (individual / single) word he told me. They told me I was sacked, or words (to / with) that effect. The politician accused the journalist of putting words into his (ear / mouth). Could you put (in / over) a good word for me when you see the boss tomorrow. Spending the night alone in a dark cemetery would be (too / very) scary for words.

2D(BSB 14) Write a word from below in each gap. Then listen to a lecture on gestures and check your answers. nod roll shake tut Gestures Gestures around the world vary depending on culture. In Britain, a number of gestures are used regularly. British people often ______________ their head to signify confirmation or approval. Basically, this gesture means 'yes'. When people _____________ their head, they are expressing the opposite: negation or disapproval. Basically, then, this gesture means 'no'. When people in Britain _____________ - that is, they make a small audible click with the tongue that is also a sign of disapproval. Another sign of disapproval, often used by parents to small children, is to ____________ your finger. This involves a small sideways movement of the index finger several times. To ___________ is to move the whole hand sideways several times. This is used for greetings and saying goodbye. To ____________ at someone - that is, to quickly close and then open one eye usually indicates that the person doing it recognises a shared secret or shared information between them and the person they are doing it to. It's often considered a humorous, naughty or cheeky gesture, and is usually only used informally. If you _____________ your eyes, you rotate both eyes upwards for a short time. This can me used to express a number of negative emotions including boredom, disbelief, annoyance and impatience. 2F fail 1 2 3 4 5 3A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Write a verb from below in the correct form in each gap. give keep say take wag wave wink

I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone, and I'm going to _______________ my word. I _______________ you my word that I wouldn't tell anyone, and I won't. Don't ______________ my word for it; see for yourself! Just ______________ the word, and I'll come over and help you. Words _____________ me when I walked in and everyone shouted, 'Surprise!' Choose the correct answer. Actually, I b a little Dutch. a) am understanding b) do understand c) have been understood c) I hadn't gone c) you told c) doesn't decide c) been told c) you did

_____ to Australia but I'd love to go. a) I never went b) I've never been Who _____ that phrasal verb are always informal! a) told you b) did you tell She _____ yet where she's going to study. a) didn't decide b) hasn't decided We've just _____ that the French exam is next Tuesday. a) been telling b) told What _____ when you realised you'd made a mistake? a) did you b) did you do

I _____ a few grammatical mistakes, but at least they understood me. a) did make b) was making c) make Sally _____ her lunch right now so she'll call you a bit later. a) has b) is having c) has had

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