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LaserMOD 3.

User Guide

RSoft Design Group, Inc.

400 Executive Blvd. • Suite 100
Ossining, NY 10562

Phone: 1•914•923•2164
Fax: 1•914•923•2169

Copyright © 1999-2008
All Rights Reserved.
Preface 1
Overview .....................................................................................................................2
Notices .......................................................................................................................................3
Limited Warranty ........................................................................................................3
Copyright Notice .........................................................................................................3
RSoft Design Group™ Trademarks.............................................................................3
Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................3
System Requirements.................................................................................................................3
How to read this manual ............................................................................................................3
What should I read and when?.....................................................................................3
Conventions .................................................................................................................4

Chapter 1: Installation 5
1.A. Main Program Installation..................................................................................................5
1.B. Testing the LaserMOD Installation ....................................................................................6
1.C. What Next?........................................................................................................................9
README File .............................................................................................................9
Examples ...................................................................................................................10
Technical Support & Software Upgrades ..................................................................10

Chapter 2: Physical Models 13

2.A. Introduction.....................................................................................................................13
2.A.1. What is LaserMOD ........................................................................................13
2.A.2. CAD Environment .........................................................................................13
2.A.3 Simulation Techniques ...................................................................................14
2.A.4. Analysis .........................................................................................................15
2.A.5. Feature Summary...........................................................................................16
2.B. Optics ..............................................................................................................................18
2.B.1. Optical Modes................................................................................................18
2.B.2. Photon Rate Equation.....................................................................................19
2.C. Bandstructure ..................................................................................................................21
2.D. Gain.................................................................................................................................24
2.D.1. Free Carrier Gain Model................................................................................25
2.D.2. Many Body Gain Model ................................................................................25
2.E. Carrier Transport .............................................................................................................26
2.E.1. Poisson’s Equation and Charges ....................................................................26
2.E.2. Carrier Continuity Equations..........................................................................29
2.E.3. Lattice Heat Flow Equation............................................................................36

Chapter 3: CAD Interface 41

3.A. The CAD Layout Window ...............................................................................................41
3.A.1. The Menubar...................................................................................................43

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Contents • iii

3.A.2. The Top Toolbar .............................................................................................45
3.A.3. The Side Toolbar ............................................................................................46
3.A.4. The Status Bar.................................................................................................47
3.B. Cursor Modes ...................................................................................................................47
3.B.1. Selection Mode ...............................................................................................47
3.B.2. Zoom Mode.....................................................................................................48
3.B.3. Drawing Mode ................................................................................................48
3.C. Common Element Properties............................................................................................49
3.C.1 Geometry Information......................................................................................49
3.C.2 Non Uniform Mesh .........................................................................................50
3.C.3 Material Information .......................................................................................52
C.3.4. Material Library .............................................................................................56
3.D. Quantum Well Region.....................................................................................................57
3.E. DBR Region ....................................................................................................................59
3.F. Optical Grating Region....................................................................................................60
3.G. Electrodes........................................................................................................................61
3.H. Global Parameters ............................................................................................................62
3.I. Symbol Table.....................................................................................................................63
3.J. Bias Table..........................................................................................................................64
3.K. Profile Generation ............................................................................................................67
3.L. Mode Calculation .............................................................................................................67
3.M. Material Gain...................................................................................................................69
3.N. Laser Simulation ..............................................................................................................70
3.O. Plot Generation ................................................................................................................72
3.P. Packaging Effects .............................................................................................................75
3.Q. Scan Variable ...................................................................................................................76

Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter 79

4.A. Layout ..............................................................................................................................79
4.A.1. Starting a new file ...........................................................................................79
4.A.2. Drawing the regions........................................................................................80
4.A.3. Defining some usefull symbols.......................................................................81
4.A.4. Setting Region Parameters..............................................................................82
4.A.5. Tiling the regions ............................................................................................87
4.A.6. Saving the layout ............................................................................................88
4.B. Verifying the layout .........................................................................................................89
4.B.1. Defining the nonuniform mesh .......................................................................89
4.B.2. Calculating the alloy profile............................................................................90
4.B.3. Calculating the doping profile.........................................................................92
4.B.4. Calculating the index profile...........................................................................92
4.C. Calculating the mode........................................................................................................93
4.D. Calculating the material gain............................................................................................94
4.E. Setting steady-state bias parameters .................................................................................99
4.F. Steady-state laser simulation...........................................................................................101
4.G. Generating standard plots...............................................................................................102
4.H. Generating custom plots.................................................................................................107
4.I. Generating reports ...........................................................................................................108
4.J. Setting transient-response bias parameters......................................................................109
4.K. Getting the transient-response........................................................................................110
4.L. Getting the frequency-response ......................................................................................111
4.M. Accounting for parasitic effects.....................................................................................113

Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material

Calibration 115

iv • Contents LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

5.A. Layout ............................................................................................................................115
5.B. Recalculating the material gain ......................................................................................115
5.C. Calibrating the Free-Carrier Gain...................................................................................120
5.D. Calibrating the loss.........................................................................................................125

Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating 129
6.A Layout .............................................................................................................................129
6.B Setting the Thermal Boundary Conditions ......................................................................129
6.C. Effects of Self-Heating...................................................................................................131

Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter 135

7.A. Layout ............................................................................................................................135
7.A.1. Starting a New File .......................................................................................135
7.A.2. Drawing the Regions ....................................................................................136
7.A.3. Defining Usefull Symbols.............................................................................138
7.A.4. Setting Region Parameters............................................................................139
7.A.5. Tiling the Regions.........................................................................................146
7.A.6. Saving the Layout .........................................................................................149
7.B. Verifying the Layout ......................................................................................................150
7.B.1. Defining the Nonuniform Mesh ....................................................................150
7.B.2. Calculating Parameter Profiles.....................................................................152
7.C. Calculating the Mode .....................................................................................................155
7.D. Calling the BeamPROP Mode Solver ............................................................................156
7.E. Calculating the Material Gain.........................................................................................157
7.F. Setting steady-state bias parameters ...............................................................................161
7.G. Steady-state laser simulation..........................................................................................163
7.H. Plotting the Results ........................................................................................................165
7.I. MultiMode Operation ......................................................................................................171
7.I.1. Mode Calculation and Mesh Observations.....................................................171
7.I.2. Running the Multimode Laser Simulation .....................................................174
7.I.3. Generating Custom L-I Curves for each Mode ..............................................174
7.I.4. Multimode Carrier and Field Distributions ...................................................176

Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter 179

8.A. Material Calibration .......................................................................................................179
8.B: Validation Results .........................................................................................................183

Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating 187

9.A. Using the DBR Layout Element: ...................................................................................187
9.B. Designing the Cavity:.....................................................................................................191
9.C. Simulating the VCSEL:..................................................................................................195

Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM 201

10.A. Using FEM:..................................................................................................................201
10.B. Simulating the VCSEL:................................................................................................209

Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example 215

11.A. Introduction..................................................................................................................215
11.B. DFB Layout Plane ........................................................................................................215
11.C. Grating Region .............................................................................................................216

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Contents • v

11.D. Structure Overview ......................................................................................................218
11.E. Creating the Structure in the CAD Environment ..........................................................219
11.F. Setting the Bias Parameters ..........................................................................................221
11.G. View the Mesh .............................................................................................................222
11.H. View the Index Profile .................................................................................................223
11.I. Calculating the Modes ...................................................................................................224
11.J. Running a Simulation ....................................................................................................227
11.K. Plotting Results ............................................................................................................229

Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift 231
12.A. Structure Overview ......................................................................................................231
12.B. Creating the Structure in the CAD Environment..........................................................232
12.C. Setting the Bias Parameters ..........................................................................................232
12.D. View the Mesh .............................................................................................................233
12.E. View the Index Profile..................................................................................................234
12.F. Calculating the Modes ..................................................................................................235
12.G. Running a Simulation...................................................................................................238
12.H. Plotting Results ............................................................................................................240

Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide 243

13.A. Introduction..................................................................................................................243
13.B. Tutorial Overview ........................................................................................................244
References ...............................................................................................................245
13.C. Steady-State Waveguide...............................................................................................245
13.D. Structure Overview ......................................................................................................245
13.E. Creating the CAD Layout.............................................................................................246
13.F. Setting the Bias Parameters ..........................................................................................247
13.G. Viewing the Mesh ........................................................................................................248
13.H. Viewing the Index Profile ............................................................................................249
13.I. Calculating the Modes ...................................................................................................251
13.J. Running the Simulation.................................................................................................252
13.K. Plotting the Simulation Results ....................................................................................254
13.L. Appendix – Relevant Symbols .....................................................................................257

Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide 259

14.A. Transient Waveguide ...................................................................................................259
14.B. Structure Overview.......................................................................................................259
14.C. Setting Time Dependent Bias Parameters ....................................................................260
14.D. Running the Simulation................................................................................................261
14.E. Plotting Results.............................................................................................................262
14.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols......................................................................................265

Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator 267

15.A. Mach-Zehnder Modulator ............................................................................................267
15.B. Structure Overview.......................................................................................................267
15.C. Procedure Overview .....................................................................................................268
15.D. Method 1 ......................................................................................................................269
15.E. Method 2.......................................................................................................................273
15.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols......................................................................................276

Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch 279

16.A. 3D Y-Branch ................................................................................................................279

vi • Contents LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

16.B. Structure Overview.......................................................................................................279
16.C. Running a Simulation...................................................................................................282
16.D. Running a Scan ............................................................................................................284
16.E. 3D Layout – Two Approaches......................................................................................285
16.F. Loss Profiles – Two Results .........................................................................................286
16.G. Appendix – Relevant Symbols.....................................................................................287

Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler 289

17.A. 3D Directional Coupler ................................................................................................289
17.B. Structure Overview.......................................................................................................289
17.C. Generating the Launch Mode .......................................................................................290
17.D. Generating the Coupler Profile ....................................................................................292
17.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols......................................................................................294

Appendix A: Troubleshooting 295

Common LaserMOD mistakes...............................................................................................295
Usage Guidelines for LaserMOD...........................................................................................296

Appendix B: File Formats 299

LaserMOD Data Formats.......................................................................................................299
BeamPROP Data Format .......................................................................................................301
Supported Output Types ..........................................................................................302

Appendix C: RSoft Expressions 307

Valid Arithmetic Operators....................................................................................................307
Built-in Variables...................................................................................................................307
Standard Functions.................................................................................................................308
Additional Functions..............................................................................................................308

Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters 311

D.1. Global Symbols..............................................................................................................311
D.2. Material Parameters .......................................................................................................312
D.3. Material Library Auxilliary Parameters .........................................................................316
D.4. Bias Point Parameters ....................................................................................................317
D.5. Quantum Well Symbols .................................................................................................318
D.6. Electrode Symbols .........................................................................................................318

Appendix E: Plotting Utilities 321

E.1. WinPLOT........................................................................................................................321
E.2. Simulation Window.........................................................................................................321
E.3. RglPLOT.........................................................................................................................324
Mouse Commands: ..................................................................................................324
Menu Commands:....................................................................................................325
Recognized Files: ....................................................................................................325
bdutil – BeamPROP utility ....................................................................................................326
Syntax ......................................................................................................................326
Options & Usage .....................................................................................................326

Appendix F: Table Gain Model 331

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Contents • vii

F.1. Index File Format ...........................................................................................................331
F.2. Data File Format .............................................................................................................332
F.3. Database Availability......................................................................................................332
F.4. Table Gain Model Interface ............................................................................................332
F.5. InGaAs/GaAs standard gain library...............................................................................332

Appendix G: Material Library Data 335

AlAs .......................................................................................................................................335
AlGaAs ..................................................................................................................................338
AlGaAsSb ..............................................................................................................................342
AlGaInAs ...............................................................................................................................347
AlGaInP .................................................................................................................................350
AlGaN (Wurtzite) ..................................................................................................................358
AlInGaN (Wurtzite) ...............................................................................................................362
AlN ........................................................................................................................................366
AlN (Wurtzite) .......................................................................................................................371
AlP .........................................................................................................................................375
AlSb .......................................................................................................................................378
GaAs ......................................................................................................................................382
GaN (Wurtzite) ......................................................................................................................397
GaP ........................................................................................................................................402
GaSb ......................................................................................................................................405
InAlGaSb ...............................................................................................................................408
InAsSbP .................................................................................................................................415
InGaAs ...................................................................................................................................419
InGaN ....................................................................................................................................422
InGaN (Wurtzite) ...................................................................................................................426
InGaNAs ................................................................................................................................431
InN .........................................................................................................................................435
InN (Wurtzite)........................................................................................................................439
Polysilicon .............................................................................................................................453
Si ............................................................................................................................................457

Index 463

viii • Contents LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide


LaserMOD is an integrated software package for the design and simulation of semiconductor lasers and active photonic
structures. The current version can accomodate Fabry-Perot (F-P) edge emitters, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
(VCSEL), distributed feedback lasers (DFB), and detector applications. LaserMOD is a fully integrated platform with
user friendly parametric CAD interface, nonuniform Delauney mesh generator, material libraries, gain and mode
calculation utilities, simulation engine, standard and custom plot generation utilities, and versatile graphical viewing
The interface is organized in a sequential manner so as to allow for validation of each step of the design process.
Layouts can be verified both graphically and via text reports, waveguiding can be studied, and quantum well gain can be
optimized, all before the first laser performance simulation is run. Both steady-state and transient performance can be
simulated. The standard characteristics such as L-I, I-V, frequency response, etc… are generated and saved during each
run, for easy comparison. Finally, all real and energy space data are stored at every bias point and can be retrieved via a
custom plot generation utility, so there is no need for plot selection prior to a simulation run.
With the LaserMOD interface, a designer can layout a nearly arbitrary 2D geometric cross-section. If an F-P cavity
structure is chosen, then this cross-section is treated as perpendicular to the optical axis and the lasing direction is
defined by a cavity length and facet reflectivities. If a VCSEL structure is selected, then the cross-section will span the
radial and lasing axis of the structure. In this case, the geometry is treated as a body of revolution, yielding a 3D
simulation, albeit cylindrcal symmetry is enforced, DFB’s are simulated in the plane defined by the growth direction and
the direction of propagation so as to include longitudinal effects. Finally, photodetectors are simulated in cross-section
as F-P’s, though the light is assumed incident from the top of the device.
The geometric layout is currently created from a combination of rectangular regions, each specifying a particular
material system. Each material is conveniently selected from a pulldown list that reflects every system in the material
library, including those added by the user. The material systems commonly found in semiconductor lasers are included
with the software. Library parameters may be overriden, region by region, via local symbol tables. Finally, the alloy
composition and doping can be varied arbitrarily within each region.
Pre-simulation setup includes mesh generation, which is controlled by a default parameters that can be conveniently
overriden both globally and locally, region by region. The selection of bias ranges, to drive the simulation, is also
conveniently facilitated by a Bias Editor that allows for activation/deactivation of any set of bias points and setting of
bias specific simulation options such as transient or steady-state.
A variety of mode solvers are included to accommodate both single and multimode structures. In addition to a Ritz-
iteration technique for waveguide modes and an Effective-Index Transfer Matrix Method for 1D VCSELs and DFBs,
LaserMOD has been integrated with RSoft’s BeamPROP and FemSIM so that the Beam Propagation Method (BPM) and
Finite-Element method (FEM) can also be exploited for waveguide and 2D VCSEL modes solving, respectively.
In addition to optical, electronic and thermal transport must be simulated in order to accurately predict semiconductor
laser performance. The techniques used in LaserMOD are based on those in Minilase-II, from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign. These include a free-carrier 8x8 band K⋅P method for calculating the gain in quantum well
regions, rate based carrier capture between bound and continuum (propagating) states in the quantum well, and fully
coupled solution of the drift-diffusion equations, with thermionic emission at heterojunctions, and the photon rate

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Preface • 1

equations. Futhermore, a look-up table based gain model has been added which can accommodate user defined models,
such as the many-body gain database currently available from Nonlinear Control Strategies (NLCS)
Addition of multiple photon rate equations allows for multi-mode competition and fully coupled solution of the lattice
heat equation, with Joule, Thomson, and Peltier sources, provides for analysis of self-heating. Many other models and
features, such as interface tunneling and quantum effects, have been and continue to be added to LaserMOD’s

The outline of this manual is as follows: Chapter 1 describes the straightforward procedures for installing the package,
and should be read before installation. Chapter 2 provides technical background on the theory and simulation
techniques used by the program, along with references. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the software by describing the
various aspects of the graphical interface, and how they are used to design and simulate a laser struncture. Chapter 4
demonstrates some of the results that can be generated with the software, by considereing several tutorial examples that
are included with the software distribution.

2 • Preface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

This section has a list of legal and other miscellainous information pertaining to the software.

Limited Warranty
RSoft Design Group, Inc. warrants that under normal use, the physical media (diskette and documentation) will be free
of material defects for a period of thirty days from the date of purchase. Upon written notice, RSoft Design Group, Inc.
will replace any defective media. No other warranty of any sort, either expressed or implied, is provided with this
software. No liability for damage to equipment or data, or any other liability, is assumed by RSoft Design Group, Inc.

Copyright Notice
Copyright © 1999-2006 RSoft Design Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright is claimed for both this manual and the software described in it.

RSoft Design Group™ Trademarks

RSoft Design Group, RSoft Inc., RSoft, The RSoft CAD Environment, BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE,
GratingMOD, DiffractMOD, FemSIM, LaserMOD, OptSim, LinkSIM, EDFA for Vendors, ModeSYS, Artifex,
MetroWAND, SWAT, WinPLOT, and RPlot are trademarks of RSoft Design Group, Inc.

IBM is a registered trademark and IBM PC, PS/2, and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft and MS- DOS are registered trademarks and Windows
is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names referred to in this document are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

System Requirements
LaserMOD will run on an IBM compatible personal computer with an Intel Pentium III or higher processor (or AMD
equivalent), 256 MB RAM or higher depending on the application, and 250 MB of hard-disk space. A Windows version
is available and requires Windows 2000/XP.
Additional requirements may exist if Gain Tables are to be installed (see Section 1.C.).

How to read this manual

The following are some guidelines on the contents of this manual and the conventions used within it.

What should I read and when?

You should begin by reading Chapter 1 to ensure that you have correctly installed LaserMOD. Chapter 2 contains a
brief summary of some of the theory behind LaserMOD as well as a brief outline of its capabilities. This material may
be familiar to most users, but it explains some technical conventions followed in LaserMOD and should be at least

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Preface • 3

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 contain descriptions of the laser design layout and simulation processes. The Tutorial chapters
go through several step-by-step examples and describe the various features and options available in the software. It is
recommended that you start with the first tutorial and continue on to the last.
The Appendicies include such things as a list of material parameters, pre-defined symbol table functions used in the
software, command utilities included with the software, file formats, and simulation trouble-shooting procedures.

This section describes various conventions concerning the physics, the product names, and the manual.
Physics Conventions
As with any branch of science, there are a number of concepts in the study of active photonic devices for which there
exist several different definitions in the literature. The following are the conventions adopted in LaserMOD.
The units in LaserMOD are as follows:
• The standard unit of length is measured in microns (µm) unless otherwise specified.
• The angular unit used is degrees, unless ohterwise specified.

Manual Conventions
A number of typeface and layout conventions are followed in this manual.
• Actions to be performed in the LaserMOD interface are usually indented in bulleted or numbered lists.
• The names of fields and controls in the GUI dialogs are written in boldface Courier
• The values of pull-down menus and radio button controls are written in Roman italics.
• Symbol table variables and formulas, and expressions to be typed into the GUI edit fields are written in

• In referring to example LaserMOD files, the installation directory is specified as <rsoft_dir>, and
should be replaced with the correct location of your installation. On Windows machines the default
installation is c:\RSoft\Bin.

Product Name Conventions

The executable files for the various RSoft product that work with LaserMOD are shown below:

Product Windows Name

LaserMOD CAD tool
LaserMOD simulation tool
BeamPROP simulation tool
FemSIM simulation tool
Meshgen nu-mesh generator
WinPLOT graphing tool
RglPLOT graphing tool

4 • Preface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Chapter 1: Installation

This chapter explains the installation procedure for LaserMOD, and provides a quick example to test the installation.

1.A. Main Program Installation

The installation instructions for the main LaserMOD program can be found in the separate RSoft Installation Guide.
Please refer to that document for initial installation.

Gain Table Users

A separate product that works under the LaserMOD platform is a Many-Body Gain model that is in the form of a series
of library databases. Each library is a separate product and applies to a different material system. These are created by
Nonlinear Control Strategies and are distributed by RSoft (see Appendix D for details).

Installing Under Windows:

To install a Gain Table library under Windows, place the distribution CD, with the desired gain library, in your CD-
ROM. Next, choose Run from the Start Menu and give the command:
where x is the drive-letter of your CD-ROM. You will be asked several simple questions, and after providing the
necessary information, the software will be installed on your system.
• You will need a significant amount of hard drive space for these installations (0.5GB or more, depending
on the material).
• Each library will be placed in its own subdirectory beneath the
\RSoft\products\lasermod\tablegain directory.
Note that you do not need to be logged in as administrator to perform this task.

Backing up the Examples

LaserMOD comes with a large set of example and tutorial files which are used extensively in the manual. Since it is
easy to accidentally overwrite these files in the course of experimenting with the tool, we recommend copying the entire
Examples directory in the install directory to another location, perhaps a subdirectory of your own home directory.
Then you can perform the exercise and tutorials and retrieve the original versions when necessary. We suggest you do
this now.
• Windows:
Copy the directory <rsoft_dir>\Examples to a suitable location.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 1: Installation • 5

1.B. Testing the LaserMOD Installation
Once the installation instructions above are completed, try the following steps to check that the software has been
correctly installed. Both CAD and simulation engine should be checked.
Start the CAD tool.
• Windows: Use the Windows Start Menu to open LaserMOD.

If a error message involving the hardlock key appears, please review the hardlock instructions found in the RSoft
Installation Guide.

The LaserMOD CAD interface should open.

If so, check the simulation engine.
1. Use the File/Open menu command in the CAD interface and choose the file
<rsoft_dir>\Examples\LaserMOD\fp1d\fp1d.las. This file contains a simple 1D F-P laser.
2. The CAD window should appear as follows:

3. Hit the Run Simulation icon (the green light). The LaserMOD simulation dialog will appear.

6 • Chapter 1: Installation LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

4. Hit the OK button. The interface will launch the simulation and a GUI window will appear indicating that a
simulation is in progress and that there is no data to display. After about 1-2 minutes, depending on
computer speed, a message box will appear indicating that the simulation has completed. Hit Enter to
reveal the results. The transient response (left) will appear. Use the View/Show L-I-V menu command to
reveal the L-I-V curve (right).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 1: Installation • 7

8 • Chapter 1: Installation LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
If both the CAD opens and the simulation runs without error, then the installation has been successful. If not, please
review the installation instructions in the previous section and contact RSoft if the problem persists. If an error message
similar to “This hardlock key is not licensed for…”, please check that you have replaced any existing key or license file
with the one supplied with your RSoft package. Otherwise, please contact RSoft Design Group, Inc. for any further
problems or issues.
If you receive no errors, then you can proceed to Section 1.C.

1.C. What Next?

At this point, you are ready to begin using LaserMOD.

The file readmelm.txt, which is located in the installation directory, should be read. This file may be viewed in any
text editor, such as Windows Notepad. The readme file provides important last minute information about LaserMOD
that is not contained in this manual, including new or improved features and options.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 1: Installation • 9

A series of LaserMOD example (.las) files have been included with the software distribution, and reside in
subdirectories of \RSoft\examples\LaserMOD. These include:
• \dfb_phaseshift\dfb_phaseshift.las
GaInAsP DFB with 2 grating sections and intervening phase-shift.
• \dfb_uniform\dfb_uniform.las
GaInAsP DFB laser with uniform sinusoidal grating.
• \fp1d\fp1d.las
InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter.
• \fp2d\fp2d.las
InGaAs FP ridge (2D) edge emitter.
• \fp2d_ingan\fp2d_ingan.las
InGaN FP ridge (2D) edge emitter.
• \fp2d_mqw\fp2d_mqw.las
GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter.
• \pdsn_pin833\pdsn_pin833.las
AlGaAs Surface Normal Photodetector.
• \schottky\schottky.las
Simple Schottky contact example (electrical).
• \soi_branch\soi_branch.las
Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) branch waveguide structure (quasi-3D).
• \soi_coupler\soi_coupler.las
Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) directional coupler (quasi-3D).
• \soi_mz\soi_mz.las
Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) Mach-Zhender (quasi-3D).
• \soi_wg\soi_wg.las
Simple Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) waveguide structure.
• \vcsel1d\vcsel1d.las
850nm AlGaAs Oxide Aperature VSCEL (1D using TMM).
• \vcsel2d_fem\vcsel2d_fem.las
850nm AlGaAs Oxide Aperature VSCEL (2D using FEM).

If the InGaAs980nm gain tables have been installed, then the following additional examples will be present:
• \fp1d_table\fp1d_table.las
InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter with Table Gain model.
• \fp1d_table_therm\fp1d_table_therm.las
InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter with self-heating and Table Gain model.

Technical Support & Software Upgrades

Finally, the LaserMOD software comes with one year of maintenance, including technical support and product updates.
Updates are released on our web site every one to three months, and include program
corrections as well as new features. To access updates, you must contact RSoft after receiving the software to obtain a
username and password. Information regarding each update is located in the README file, which can be accessed on

10 • Chapter 1: Installation LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

the website to determine if you need or want to upgrade, and should be read thoroughly after downloading and installing
any update. If you have any questions regarding your maintenance contract, or to renew your maintenance, please
contact RSoft Design Group.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 1: Installation • 11

Chapter 2: Physical Models

2.A. Introduction
This chapter provides technical information, terminology and notation, journal references, and other pertinent
information regarding the use of LaserMOD.
The objective of LaserMOD is to provide a general laser diode simulation package (Laser MODeling and Design
Software) for use in both industrial R&D and university research applications.

2.A.1. What is LaserMOD

LaserMODTM is a photonic device design tool for simulating optical and electronic properties of semiconductor lasers.
LaserMOD combines the most versatile, user-friendly, and easy to learn GUI in the market, with a powerful, robust
simulation engine, which provides for the self-consistent solution of electro-thermal transport and optical field
propagation. Device applications currently include edge emitting, such as Fabry-Perot type, and vertical surface emitting
(VCSEL) lasers. Resulting from ongoing development effort, future releases of this tool will address DFB, SOA and
PBG cavity-based lasers. Together with the other component design products from RSoft Design Group, LaserMOD is
well positioned to meet the design need for optoelectronic integrated circuits.

2.A.2. CAD Environment

Convenient Layout
LaserMOD shares the same advanced parametric CAD technology that is used by the other component design tools in
RSoft Design Group's tool suite, such as BeamPROPTM and FemSIMTM. The GUI is structured to lead the engineer
through the design of a semiconductor laser. Convenient layout utilities assist in defining the geometry. Predefined
region types such as multiple quantum wells or distributed Bragg reflectors enable quick and intuitive input of the
corresponding layers as well as the associated material parameters. Arbitrary profiles for doping or material composition
can be defined and verified via designated utilities.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 13

Intuitive Simulation Controls
After the layout is completed, the mesh generator creates a non-uniform mesh, which can be controlled via local and
global parameters. Isolated computation modules allow the user to analyze aspects of the design before running involved
full-scale self-consistent laser simulations. These simulation modules provide customized dialogs to adjust physical
models as well as numerical settings. A mode calculation module provides a variety of mode solvers for analyzing the
wave guiding properties of the design. Gain computations can be performed for varying temperature and carrier
densities allowing for optimization of the active layers. Finally, the interplay of the different aspects of the laser design
can be simulated by solving for the optical field propagation and carrier transport self-consistently. A bias table editor
provides an intuitive tool to control the bias conditions applied during the full-scale laser simulation. After the
simulation is completed or as data becomes available, a post-processing and visualization utility provides a list of
standard and customizable plots, which allow for displaying and analyzing the device characteristics.

Simulation Interface
You do not need to be a simulation expert to begin using LaserMOD. After defining a laser structure using the
parametric CAD system, starting a simulation can be as easy as clicking on the “Go” icon (green light), and selecting
“OK” to accept the default simulation options. These options, which control numerical parameters such as grid spacing
and convergence criteria as well as default material and model parameters are automatically given intelligent default
values based on the material properties and geometry of the design. The progress of the simulation can be observed in a
graphical window that displays results as they become available.

2.A.3 Simulation Techniques

Proven Technology
The simulation capabilities of the package are based on the renowned Minilase-II program, developed at the University
of Illinois, in Urbana-Champaign. LaserMOD solves the electro-thermal transport, optical properties, and carrier-photon
interactions, using a fully coupled numerical scheme on a spatial discretization of the device geometry specified by the
CAD layout. A methodology for carrier transport has been developed and established for silicon device simulation in
multiple dimensions that LaserMOD adapts for material systems common to semiconductor lasers, to describe electronic
transport through bulk regions, in which active layers may be embedded. The injection current into the active quantum
well region determines the carrier densities within bound quantum well states and therefore, the degree of inversion. For
carrier transport through bulk semiconductor regions the drift-diffusion system of equations is applied (carrier continuity
equations, Poisson’s equation). This set of equations has been extended to an electro-thermal transport model
appropriate for describing self-heating effects. LaserMOD includes a complete set of models for carrier mobility,
radiative and non-radiative recombination, thermionic emission, quantum corrections, etc.

Advanced Quantum Models

Advanced quantum mechanical models are applied to multiple quantum wells in active regions. Bound states are
coupled to classical carrier transport in continuum states via incomplete carrier capture due to carrier-carrier and carrier-
phonon scattering. A Schroedinger equation determines the charge distribution. The material gain is calculated based on
an 8x8 KP bandstructure calculation. Import of gain, spontaneous emission and refractive index data computed based on
an advanced many-body gain theory is facilitated through a gain library interface, which enables the use of external
models or measured tabulated data.

14 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Optical Field Propagation
The optical field is expanded in terms of eigenmodes. The intensity within these modes is described by photon rate
equations, which are solved fully coupled with the electro-thermal transport. A selection of solvers is available for mode
calculations, providing an optimal choice for any given structure (Beam Propagation Method, Finite Element Method,
Transfer Matrix, Ritz Iteration). The integration with BeamPROP and FemSIM enables LaserMOD to take advantage of
their respective mode solving capabilities.

The Complete Package for Many Applications

LaserMOD is complete with material and model parameter libraries for most common compound semiconductors. The
tool is capable of simulating 1D cross-sections, appropriate for analyzing broad area lasers or obtaining a quick estimate
on the perfomance of more complicated structures, as well as full 2D laser cross-sections, necessary to account for the
effects of carrier spreading and optical confinement by a waveguide. LaserMOD can perform full 3D VCSEL
simulations quickly by taking advantage of the cylindrical symmetry of the device. Simulations can provide steady-state
solutions, for analyzing CW performance, and transient solutions, for analyzing the pulsed or modulated performance of
the device. External parasitics such as packaging can be accounted for in calculating the frequency response.

2.A.4. Analysis

LaserMOD provides a complete set of post-processing and visualization capabilities. The visualization utility offers a
list of standard plots, which allow for quickly displaying device characteristics of common interest, such as IV, LI,
spatial distribution of carriers, modal gain spectrum, energy bands and many others. Access to virtually all simulation
data is provided for via customizable plotting features. A variety of plotting utilities is available which allow the user to
view the spatially resolved plots from any perspective or cross-section

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 15

2.A.5. Feature Summary

LaserMOD is complete with standard material libraries, tutorial examples, on-line help, and all simulation and analysis
features integrated under a single graphical user interface. Some of the distinctive features are itemized below.

CAD Features
• Designer friendly parametric CAD interface for device layout and selection of all material and simulation
• Custom material library editor for extending the standard material libraries
• Local, region by region, material parameter control to override library values without having to edit the
• Fully integrated, user controllable, non-uniform grid generator with global and local grid parameter
• Bias control editor to make driving the simulation easy and versatile
• Easy selection of simulation options for enabling/disabling physical models
• Isolated index profile generation, mode calculation, and material gain calculation utilites
• Custom and standard plot generation utilities
• Generation of BeamPROP/FemSIM input files and compatabilty with all data files
• Specification of arbitrary doping and material composition (ex for graded junctions) profiles

Simulation Features
• Integration with BeamPROP & FemSIM mode solvers
• Internal Transfer Matrix and Ritz Iteration mode solvers
• Transverse and Longitudinal Multi-Mode competition
• Carrier dependent index variation
• Models for absorptive and scattering losses
• Advanced theoretical gain model for single and multiple quantum wells based on 8 band K·P band structure
• Look-Up table based gain model to accomodate input from external models, such as the many body gain
database, or measured data
• Solution of lattice heat flow equation for self-heating effects
• Models for incomplete carrier capture by the quantum wells
• Nonlinear solvers for carrier transport
• Schroedinger equation eigenvalue solver for determining correct quantum well charge distribution
• Models for spontaneous, stimulated and non radiative carrier recombination

16 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

• Bulk and Quantum well current spreading for accurate determination of threshold and efficiency
• Steady-state simulation mode
• Transient simulation mode

Analysis Features
• L-I curve
• I-V curve
• Run-time display
• Optical spectrum
• Carrier spectrum
• Near Field
• Far field
• Mode profiles
• Index profiles
• Modulation/Transient response
• Frequency response
• Current contours and vector plots
• Charge distribution
• Energy bands
• Wavefunctions
• Bandstructure
• Modal Gain/Loss
• Custom plots of simulation results as a function of bias condition
• Custom spatially resolved plots of simulation and output data throughout the device
• Custom plots of spectrally resolved data

In the following the physical modeling applied to different aspects of the laser simulation and user accessible parameters
are discussed in more detail. Optics, bandstructure calculation, gain models, carrier- and thermal transport are described
in designated sections.

Physical modeling in LaserMOD is based on the MINILASE II code, which is described in more detail in Ref. [1].
Results obtained using LaserMOD were published in Refs. [2,3]. A general overview of the theory and concepts
involved in the simulation of optoelectronic devices is given in Ref. [4].

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 17

2.B. Optics

The light propagation within a laser structure is determined by the solution of Maxwell’s equations. A set of
approximations has been developed, which reduces the computational effort with respect to the full solution for specific
cavity structures. Expanding the field in terms of eigenmodes, the slowly varying modal amplitudes are described by
photon rate equations. While the photon rate equation approach is universal, a selection of mode solvers offers
optimized performance for specific cavity types.

2.B.1. Optical Modes

Optical simulations for edge-emitting lasers are typically separated into tranverse and longitudinal problems.

The first N (specified by user) transverse modes are the solutions of the scalar Helmholtz equation which is solved for
the largest eigenvalues via simultaneous iteration or BPM. This yields the 2D (or 1D) spatial field distribution of each
transverse mode. The superposition of these fields is then used to determine the nearfield pattern. Thermal perturbations
to the field are currently ignored.
An odd number (specified by user) of longitudinal modes, centered around the gain peak, are simple Fabry-Perot modes
determined by the cavity length, effective index, and wavelength. No longitudinal field distribution is currently
The total number of separate rate equations (modes) considered in the simulation is then the product of the numbers of
transverse and longitudinal modes.

The optical modes are determined from the solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation (2.1) via simultaneous iteration,

∂2 ∂2
( )

+ + k02 ε ( x, y ) − neff , m Em ( x , y , z ) = 0
∂x 2
∂y 2

Em ( x, y, z ) = Em ( x, y ) exp(ik0 neff ,m z ) (2.2)

or from the paraxial wave equation via Beam Propagation Method (BPM):

∂2 ∂2 ∂u ( x, y, z )
( )

+ 2 + k 02 ε ( x, y ) − n 2 u ( x, y, z ) =

2k 0 n ∂x 2
∂y ∂z

E ( x, y, z ) = u ( x, y, z ) exp(ik0 n z ) (2.4)

18 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

The eigenvalues are given by the effective index neff,m. The transverse modes are extracted sequentially from the
propagating field, E(x,y,z), in the BPM, via a technique known as Imaginary Distance BPM [5]. The field is normalized
to the cavity volume.

The frequency ω0 with k0=ω0/c for which the mode is solved can be specified via the global symbol table parameter
mode_solve_frq in units of eV. If user specified the frequency is kept constant. By default, the frequency is selected to
correspond to the quantum well band gap energy. The refractive index with ε=n2, is a material parameter, which can be
adjusted by specifying kpmat_DIELOPT in the region symbol table or material file.
The temperature dependence of the refractive index is modeled in terms of a linear variation given by material

ε (T ) = ε (300 K ) + r (T − 300 K )


The coefficient can be adjusted via the material parameter kpmat_dnr_dT.
If carrier dependent refractive index variations are selected via the appropriate checkbox in the laser simulation dialog
the quantum well refractive index accounts for the index variation induced by the carriers by performing a Kramers-
Kronig transformation of the gain spectrum.
The mode profile can be solved for once at the beginning of the simulation as governed by the checkbox “Recalculate
Mode” of the simulation dialog. If a carrier dependent refractive index model is requested by selecting “Carrier Dep.
Index” in the simulation dialog, the mode profile is updated for every bias point.

For VCSEL mode calculations a Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) is employed. While for 1D simulations the index
profile in propagation direction is given by the layer sequence, for cylindrical simulations (quasi 3D), the effective index
is computed for each numerical layer, by solving for radial and azimuthal modes. The field around a material interface
can be decomposed in for- and backward propagating plane waves. The boundary conditions for TE and TM waves at
the interface determine the coefficients in one layer as a function of the amplitudes in the prior layer. Written in matrix
form, the transfer matrix for the whole structure is given by the product of transfermatrices for the individual layers. The
eigenvektors are obtained by applying proper boundary conditions.
The refractive index outside the simulation domain can be adjusted via global parameters index_bc_right,
index_bc_left, index_bc_top, and index_bc_bottom for the indicated boundaries.

2.B.2. Photon Rate Equation

Optical field propagation and electro-thermal transport are coupled via rate equations for the intensity within each cavity


∂S m ,ω 

=  Gm ,ω −

S m ,ω + Rmspon
,ω , (2.6)
∂t τ m,ω

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 19

where the spontaneous emission into mode (m,ω) is given by:

,ω = dV Em u (ω )
Rmspon (2.7)

and the modal gain is defined as:

Gm ,ω = dV Em g (ω ) .
neff , m

Here, g is the material gain, u is the spontaneous emission spectrum.

The losses entering the photon rate equation are the sum of contributions due to light leaving the cavity through the
facets, light scattered out of the cavity and absorptive losses

1 1 1 c
= + + αb , (2.9)
τ m ,ϖ τ mirror τ scatter neff ,m

Scatter losses can be adjusted in the global settings dialog box. The absorptive losses include free-carrier absorption
mechanisms such as inter valence band absorption. With coefficients ke/hfca, free-carrier absorption is modeled as a linear
function of the respective carrier densities:

α b = dV E m
(k e
ne + k hfca nh + α 0 , ) (2.10)

The free-carrier absorption coefficients can be adjusted via the material parameters fca_elcoef and fca_hlcoef for
electrons and holes, respectively.

The Soref free-carrier absorption coefficients [15] include the additional index perturbation parameters fcn_elcoef and
fcn_hlcoef for electrons and holes, respectively. And the exponent for the hole concentration fcn_hlexp.

Quantum well barriers, cladding layers and other non-active regions in semiconductor lasers usually are designed to be
transparent at the emission wavelength as given by the effective bandgap of the active layer material. However, while
band to band absorption in such layers may vanish, band tail absorption due to phonon assisted transitions or due to
disorder induced localized states can lead to background absorption in real world semiconductors. These carrier density
independent absorptive losses are accounted for by α0. The constant background absorption α0 is determined by the
material parameter bg_absorption.

20 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

2.C. Bandstructure

In order to model semiconductor quantum wells, the bandstructure has to be calculated via a KP perturbation theory
providing information about the density of states, as well as energy and strength of optical transitions. Currently
quantum wells are assumed to be square, and in the case of MQW’s, that they are uncoupled and identical.
The default model is an 8x8 band KP calculation with axial approximation. Band gap renormalization is determined via
self-consistent solution of the Poisson equation for the Hartree potential and approximative accounting for the exchange
potentials using a local density type of approach for a given carrier density in the well.

The bandstructure of quantum well carriers is calculated based on bulk material parameters using a KP method as
described in detail in Refs. [6,7,8]. An effective-mass equation is derived for the quantum well structure by considering
the barrier as a perturbation of the well material and defines an eigenvalue problem for the envelope wavefunctions:

k||2 2
∂ 2y  


δ n , N En ( y ) +


+ PN ,n ( y ) k|| + ey
  + RN ,n ( y ) ψ n ( y ) = Eψ N ( y ) (2.11)

n 2m 2m i

On the diagonal of the matrix, the prabolic energy dispersion of the bulk bands of the quantum well material can be
found. Due to the confinement potential, coupling to other bands occurs, represented by non-vanishing momentum
matrix element Pn,m. It can be shown, that the renormalizations included in Rn,m are dominantly diagonal in the energy
bands [6,7].

In our 8x8 band KP method, one conduction and three valence bands are considered including the spin degeneracy.
Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of a bulk bandstructure for AlGaAs. The bandgaps between different energy
bands at the gamma point are specified via the material parameters kpmat_G6C_G8V for the fundamental bandgap
between the lowes conduction band (En = E6c) and the highest valence bands (E8v), kpmat_G7C_G8V between the next
higher conduction band (E7c) and the highest valence band, kpmat_G8C_G8V between the conduction band E8c and the
highest valence band, and the gap kpmat_G8V_G7V between valence bands E8v (heavy and light hole) and E7v (split-off

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 21


E8c P‘




Figure 2-1: Schematic illustration of AlGaAs band structure near k=0.

The temperature dependence of the bandgaps is described by a Varshni expression. The change of the bandgap with
respect to the reference temperature Tref, Tref = 300K if not stated otherwise, is described by:

T2 Tref2
Eg (T ) = Eg (Tref ) + A −A (2.12)
T+B Tref + B

The coefficients for the linear and quadratic behavior, A and B, can be specified for the corresponding bandgap via
parameters like kpmat_G6C_G8V_A and kpmat_G6C_G8V_B for the bandgap given by kpmat_G6C_G8V. The
Varshni coefficients for the other bandgaps are named correspondingly.

Besides the bandgaps, the offsets between conduction and valence bands of quantum well and barrier material play an
important role in determining the optical and transport properties. The material libraries offer two alternative ways to
specify these offsets. By setting for the hole affinity kpmat_HLAFF=HLAFF_DISCONT, the hole affinity is
calculated based on the specification of the band offsets. Via the parameter DEv_DEg_REF the valence band
discontinuity can be specified with respect to a reference material, by default GaAs, as specified by a reference bandgap
(Eg_REF) and a reference hole affinity (HLAFF_REF). The hole affinity is given by HLAFF_DISCONT =
HLAFF_REF + DEv_DEg_REF*(Eg-Eg_REF), as defined in the material libraries, where Eg is the minimum of
direct and indirect bandgaps. By selecting kpmat_HLAFF=HLAFF_INTERP in the material library, an interpolated
value is used for the hole affinity. The offsets then will result from the differences in hole affinities and bandgaps of
quantum well and barrier material.

22 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Besides the bandgap parameters, the bulk bandstructure is described by Luttinger parameters, adjustible via the material
parameters kpmat_GAMMA1, kpmat_GAMMA2 and kpmat_GAMMA3. Furthermore, the bulk electron mass can
be specified via kpmat_MG6C. Its temperature dependence is described by:

mG 6C (T ) = mG 6C (Tref ) + C (T 3 − Tref3 ) + Q(T 2 − Tref2 ) + L(T − Tref ) (2.13)

where the linear (L), quadratic (Q) and cubic (C) coefficient can be adjusted via material parameters kpmat_MG6C_T,
kpmat_MG6C_Q and kpmat_MG6C_L. The heavy hole mass is given by kpmat_MHH, the light hole mass by
kpmat_MLH, and the mass for the split-off band by kpmat_MSO.

Strain leads to renormalization of the energy bands. As a function of the lattice constants of the strained crystal a with
respect to the reference unstrained material aref energy shifts due to shear forces,

 c a − aref 
δ Eshear = b 1 + 2 12
c11 aref

and hydrostatic strain,


 c a − aref 
δ Ehydro = 2acv  1 − 12  (2.15)
c11 aref

occur as diagonal renormalizations in Equation (2.11). The axial deformation potential b can be adjusted via the material
constant kpmat_AXDEF. The hydrostatic deformation acv potential is accessible via kpmat_ACV. c11 and c12 are
elastic stiffnes constants, which are given by the material parameters kpmat_C11 and kpmat_C12, respectively. The
lattice constants are defined via the material parameter kpmat_LATT. A linear temperature dependence,

a (T ) = a (Tref ) + d a (T − Tref ) , (2.16)

where the expansion coefficient can be defined via kpmat_LATT_DT.

The off-diagonal elements in the effective mass equation are expressed in terms of momentum matrix elements P, P‘ and
Q. P describes the coupling between conduction and valence bands, via P‘ the conduction band is coupled to higher
conduction bands and Q describes the coupling of valence band and higher conduction bands. The diagonal elements in
the effective mass equation constitute renormalizations in the bandstructure. The momentum matrix elements can be
calculated from experimentally accessible quantities such as Lande factors and effective masses [6,7]:


m0 2m 2 P22 P12
 2 P2′2 P1′2 
− 1 = 20  +  − − + 6 A′  (2.17)
mG 6C 3 E6c − E8v E6c − E7 v E8c − E6c E7 c − E6 c

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 23


g G 6C 2m P22
 P12 P2′2 P1′2 
− 1 = − 20  − − + + C′  (2.18)
g0 3 E6c − E8v E6c − E7 v E8c − E6c E7 c − E6c

Here, m0 and g0 are the free electron mass and Lande factor, respectively, mG6C is the mass at the gamma point as defined
by Equation (2.13), gG6C is the corresponding Lande factor as given by the material parameter kpmat_LANDE, A‘ and
C‘ are determined by the material parameters kpmat_CPRIME and kpmat_APRIME, the energy separation in the
denominators are defined in the bandstructure in Figure 1. Furthermore, the momentum matrix elements P and P‘ are
defined by:

2 δ− 2 δ−
P1 = P + P′, P1′ = P′ − P
3 E7 c − E7 v 3 E7 c − E7 v
2 δ− 2 δ−
P2 = P − P′, P2′ = P′ + P
3 E8c − E8v 3 E8c − E8v

The coefficient δ- can be adjusted via the material parameter kpmat_DELTAMINUS. The remaining coupling between
the higher conduction bands and the valence bands Q is entered directly via the material parameter kpmat_QQ.

In our implementation of the KP calculation, the Hermitian form of the effective mass equation is solved after Fourier
expansion in the y-direction, which is the growth direction of the heterostructure. The number of plane waves used in
this expansion is determined by the input parameter kpband_fourier_comps (=8 by default), which can be specified in
the physical data table of the quantum well region. Note, that this parameter significantly influences speed and accuracy
of the calculation. The resulting eigenvalue problem is solved for a grid of in-plane momentum vectors k|| as defined by
the maximum absolute value kploop_wavevec_max and the number of values kploop_wavevec_num, which can be
adjusted in the quantum well physical data table. The grid of in-plane wavevectors should cover the energy range given
by the electron and hole quantum well depth. For every in-plane wavevector the full subband spectrum is obtained.

Optical matrix elements are calculated for the TE or TM polarization direction, as has been selected in the gain
calculation dialog.

2.D. Gain

Gain is currently restricted to quantum wells regions. Besides a free carrier gain model, which is evaluated during
run-time, a table interface is in place allowing access to gain libraries. The database must include real and imaginary
parts of the gain and the spontaneous emission, for a range of carrier densities and temperatures (see appendix for
database file formats).

24 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

2.D.1. Free Carrier Gain Model

Neglecting interactions of carriers with other quasi particles of the semiconductor, the gain g and spontaneous emission u
can be written as:

u (ω ) = dE ψ e ,i ψ h , j ( Bg red )i, j f e2,iD ( E ) f h2, Dj ( E ) Li , j ( ω − E )

i, j

g (ω ) = dE ψ e , j ψ h , j ( B21 g red )i , j ( fe2,iD ( E ) + f h2, Dj ( E ) − 1) Li , j ( ω − E )

i, j

The collision broadening is modeled through a truncated Lorentzian, which prevents unphysical absorption below the

∆E / 2
Li , j ( E ) = Θ ( E − Eg ) (2.22)
( ωi , j − E ) + ( ∆E / 2 )
 2 2

The linewidth broadening is determined by the material parameter regmat_krelaxener.

2.D.2. Many Body Gain Model

The gain database allows the semiconductor laser simulator LaserMOD access to gain, refractive index, and photo-
luminescence spectra for semiconductor quantum wells, which are calculated by Nonlinear Control Strategies
( using a sophisticated quantum many-body theory. The individual gain libraries are distributed
through Rsoft as optional modules for LaserMOD. Based on the information contained in the database, LaserMOD can
perform electro/thermal/optical simulations of semiconductor quantum-well lasers. The gain database can be selected as
an alternative to the built-in gain model of LaserMOD, providing several advantages in terms of reduced calibration
effort and increased predictive capability of the overall simulation.

The data within the database is grouped in a set of libraries providing spectra for different quantum well/barrier material
systems and target emission wavelength of the laser. Within a library the gain, refractive index, and photoluminescence
spectra are tabulated for varying wavelength, temperature, carrier density, alloy composition of quantum wells/barriers,
and quantum well width to allow the user to investigate variations in the active region design.

Comparison of measured photo-luminescence data with calculated spectra enables the user to characterize the sample in
terms of deviations from the nominal quantum well/barrier geometry and composition. Furthermore, the inhomogeneous
broadening indicating the amount of disorder present in the sample can be extracted for corresponding adjustment of the
calculated spectra for further simulations.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 25

The microscopic calculation of gain/absorption, refractive index, and photo-luminescence spectra is described in detail in
references [9,10,11] and references therein. It is based on solving the semiconductor Bloch equations, i.e. the equations
of motions for the reduced density matrix, to obtain the optical susceptibility of the quantum well system. The real part
of the susceptibility gives the carrier induced change of the refractive index and the imaginary part gives the
gain/absorption. The photo-luminescence is derived from the gain/absorption using the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relation.
Coulomb-induced effects like bandgap renormalization, Coulomb enhancement of the absorption and excitonic
resonances are taken into account self-consistently. The electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering processes are
calculated in a second Born approximation enabling the prediction of spectral broadening and spectral shifts. The
resulting scattering equations take the form of generalized quantum Boltzmann equations.

The many body gain model is selected by checking the corresponding box Look-Up Table Gain Modelin the laser
simulation dialog. The name of the library should be entered for the global symbol table_gain_material, for example
the library name InGaAs980nm. The library type, standard or custom, is entered for the global symbol
run_table_mode. For standard setting, an encrypted library is expected, while the custom mode enables use of other
gain data. Disorder induced inhomogeneous broadening of the gain spectrum can be accounted for by specifying a non-
zero value for table_gain_inhomog.

2.E. Carrier Transport

A methodology for carrier transport has been developed and established for silicon device simulation in multiple
dimensions that LaserMOD adapts for material systems common to semiconductor lasers, to describe electronic transport
through bulk regions, in which active layers may be embedded. The injection current into the active quantum well
region determines the carrier densities within bound quantum well states and therefore, the degree of inversion. For
carrier transport through bulk semiconductor regions the drift-diffusion system of equations is applied (carrier continuity
equations, Poisson’s equation). Optionally, a lattice heat equation can be coupled to describe self-heating effects.
Transport across hero-interfaces is facilitated via thermionic emission and, optionally, tunneling, allowing for bandgap

Currently, a single 2D laser cross-section is rendered with rectangular semiconductor elements and electrodes. A
material system, alloy composition, and doping are selected for each. The cross-section is then digitized with a non-
uniform (Delauney) mesh. The transport equations are then solved via Gummel & Newton-Raphson iteration. No self-
heating, tunneling, or graded junctions are currently considered.

2.E.1. Poisson’s Equation and Charges

The electric potential Φ is determined by Poisson’s equation:

∇ε∇φ = q ne + nh − N D+ + N A− , ) (2.23)

where the charges are given by the densities of electrons ne, holes nh, and ionized donors ND+ and acceptors NA-. q is the
elementary charge. The static dielectric permittivity ε can be adjusted via the material parameter kpmat_DIELSTAT.

26 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Incomplete Ionization
Donors ND and acceptors NA are entered via the designated dialogs of the GUI. If incomplete ionization is activated by
setting run_incomplete_ionization to 1 in the global symbol table, the ionized impurities are given by:

N D+ =   (2.24)
F − ED
1 + g D exp  e ! 
k BT

N A− =   . (2.25)
E − Fh
1 + g A exp  A ! 
k BT

The dopant degeneracy factors are typically gD=2 and gA=4. The activation energies for donors ED and acceptors EA are
material parameters, which can be adjusted via the material parameters ion_acceptoractiv and ion_donoractiv,
respectively. Fe/h are the Fermi energies for electrons and holes, respectively.

Carrier Distribution and Wavefunctions

In quantum wells, the confinement potential leads to localized bound states, while propagating states exist for energies
higher than the barrier bandedge. LaserMOD distinguishes between bound states and propagating states. The latter are
treated classically using the same approach as used for bulk regions. Quantum mechanical modeling is applied to
carriers in bound states. Within an envelope function approximation, the spatial distribution of carriers in the confined
direction of the quantum well is described by wavefunctions ψj:

n2 D ( y ) = ψ j ( y) g 2 D , j ( E ) f ( E )dE , (2.26)
j Em

which are obtained by solving a 1D Schroedinger equation:




− − Ve / h ( y ) ψ j ( y ) = E jψ j ( y ) ,
2me / h dy 2

Here, the growth direction is assumed to be along the y-axis. The bound carrier densities are determined by integrating
over the occupation probability as given by the Fermi distribution function f(E) and the density of states g2D,j for subband
j, which results from the bandstructure calculation. me/h are the masses for electrons and holes, respectively. While the
bulk masses are material parameters, the masses for bound quantum well electrons and holes are determined from the
bandstructure as obtained from the KP calculation. The confinement potential for electrons and holes Ve/h contains
contributions due to offsets of conduction and valence bands as well as the electric potential. Additionally, carrier
density dependent bandgap renormalizations that are derived from a local density approximation for the Coulomb self-

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 27

energies, are included in the bandedges. Solving Schroedinger’s equation, subband energies Ej, for subband j, and the
respective wavefunctions are obtained.
Different levels of self-consistency between the Schroedinger and the Poisson/carrier continuity equation solve can be
requested. Per default, the envelope wavefunctions are calculated for the potential as given by the bandgap offsets after
the zero bias solution has been obtained. Since the energy bands around the active region are relatively flat above
threshold, this is a reasonable approximation for many cases. Self-consistency can be selected by checking the
corresponding box in the laser simulation dialog. In the self-consistent mode the wavefunctions are recalculated for
every Newton iteration. A compromise might be the recalculation of the wavefunction for every converged solution,
which can be selected by specifying true (“1“) for the boolean parameter per_bias_schroedinger in the global symbol
table. Note, that the higher degree of self-consistency will override other settings. This is especially true for local
settings, which are possible in the advanced symbol table for individual bias points for per_bias_schroedinger and
run_schroedinger, which sets the fully self-consistent mode. If a self-consistent calculation is requested, it is advisable
to set sim_lhartree=1 to include the electric potential on top of the confinement due to the bandgap discontinuity
between well and barrier materials. Since the energy bands above threshold will be relatively flat in the region around
the quantum wells, the flag sim_lhartree should be set to 0 if neither self-consistent or per bias solve is performed in
order to yield a good approximation.

In quantum wells, the total carrier concentrations is given by the sum of carriers in bound states and propagating
continuum states, ne/h = ne/h2D + ne/h3D. The bound carriers are the sum over individual subband contributions. In bulk
regions, the carrier densities are related to the Fermi levels by:

" "
± Fe / h EC /V ± Fe / h EC / V
3/ 2
m kT     
n 3D
= 2 e / h B2
   F1/ 2 = N Ceff/ V F1/ 2 (2.28)

k BT k BT

where F1/2 is the Fermi integral of order one-half, Fe/h are the Fermi energies of electrons and holes, EC/V are the
conduction and valence bandedges. The prefactor defines the effective density of states for electrons and holes.

Haensch Quantum Correction

At heterointerfaces strong band bending can occur, leading to a confinement potential for electrons and holes. The
classical representation would lead to strong spikes in the densities, while quantum mechanical considerations predict
strongly reduced densities close to the barrier. In order to introduce a quantum mechanical correction to the classical
treatment, the conduction and valence density of states near the interface can be epressed as:

N Ceff/ V ' = N Ceff/V 1 − exp(−(d − d 0 ) 2 / λthermal
) ) (2.29)

Here, d is the distance from the interface, λthermal = 2π #

mk BT is the thermal wavelength, d0 is an effective
tunneling length characterizing the barrier penetration of the wavefunctions, which can be adjusted by specifying the
material parameter haensch_tunnel_length. This model, suggested by Haensch et al. [12], can be activated via the
global boolean parameter run_haensch_model.

28 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

2.E.2. Carrier Continuity Equations

The carrier concentrations obey continuity equations. In quantum wells, separate continuity equations are solved for
bound and continuum states, describing incomplete capture of carriers. Figure 2 illustrates the transport model. Capture
due to carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scattering couples classical propagating bulk and quantum well continuum
states to quantum confined bound states. Carriers entering the quantum well in continuum states can pass through or get
captured into bound states. For sufficiently fast inter-subband scattering leading to thermalization between the subbands,
the occupation of the individual subband occupations can be described by a common Fermi level. This reduces the set of
rate equations to a four level system defined by effective rates and density of states, which are the sum of the subband

q = ±∇J e / h,|| − qR dark − qR stim − qR spon,bound + qRecapture (2.30)

q = ±∇J e / h − qR dark − qR spon ,bulk − qRecapture (2.31)

Here, Re/hcapture are the capture rates for electrons and holes, Rdark is the non-radiative recombination rate, Rspon, bound and
Rspon, bound are the spontaneous recombination rates for bulk/continuum and bound carriers, and Rstim is the stimulated
recombination rate. Je/h and Je/h, || describe currents. For bound states, only carrier flux within the quantum well plane
indicated by || has to be considered, since the carrier distribution in the growth direction is determined by the
wavefunctions within the confinement potential.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 29

Figure 2-2: Schematic illustration of our transport model as applied to quantum well regions. A: bulk drift diffusion current, B:
transport into quantum well continuum states, C: carrier capture and escape, D: non-radiative recombination from continuum states,
E: radiative (stimulated, spontaneous) and non-radiative recombination from bound quantum well states (taken from Ref. [1]).

Quantum Well Carrier Capture

Capture into and escape from bound states is described by Maser equation type rates for in- and out-scattering. The
capture rate Re/hcapture = Re/hcapture, cc + Re/hcapture, ph is the sum of contributions due to carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon

= dE dE ' g e3/Dh ( E ) g e2/Dh ( E ' ) ×
× (s ecapture
( E , E ' ) f e3/Dh ( E )(1 − f e2/ Dh ( E ' )) − s eescape
( E , E ' )(1 − f e3/Dh ( E )) f e2/ Dh ( E ' ) )

, ph
= dE dE ' g e3/Dh ( E ) g e2/Dh ( E ' ) ×
× s ecapture
, ph
( E , E ' )(n ph + 1) f e3/Dh ( E )(1 − f e2/ Dh ( E ' )) − s eescape
, ph
( E , E ' )n ph (1 − f e3/Dh ( E )) f e2/ Dh ( E ' ) )

30 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

In general, the scattering coefficients se/hcapture/escape, cc/ph would have to be assumed to depend on the occupation of the
involved states to emulate the dynamics, which would result from a quantum kinetic treatment of the scattering process
in terms of quantum Boltzmann equations. Following [1], the scattering coefficients are given by constant rates
normalized by the final density of states. The rates are inversely proportional to the corresponding material parameters
regmat_elelcaptime and regmat_elphcaptime giving the scattering time for electron capture due to electron-electron
and electron-phonon scattering. The hole capture is determined by the scattering times as assigned to the material
parameters regmat_hlhlcaptime and regmat_hlphcaptime, which determine the hole capture due to hole-hole and
hole-phonon scattering, respectively.

Due to emission and absorption of longitudinal optical (LO) phonons, capture due to phonon scattering allows
continuum states to interact with energetically non-resonant bound states. In contrast, energy is conserved in Coulomb
scattering processes. The phonon occupation number is given by:


ω LO  

n ph = exp −1
k B Tlatt

Here, ωLO is the LO-phonon frequency, which can be specified via the material parameter regmat_hnuloph.

Auger Recombination
The non-radiative recombination Rdark occurs in both bulk and quantum well regions. The rate is the sum of
contributions due to Auger and Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) processes. In the Auger process an electron and hole
recombine while the corresponding energy is transferred to an additional electron or hole. The Auger recombination is
modeled by:

R Auger = C eAuger n e + C hAuger n h n e n h − n i2 )( ) (2.35)

Here, ni is the intrinsic carrier density. The Auger coefficients are temperature dependent with:


1 1
C Auger
e/h (T ) = C Auger
e/h (300 K ) exp − E  Auger , act 
e/h  −  
!  !  (2.36)
k B T k B 300 K

The room temperature Auger coefficients can be adjusted via the material parameters regmat_Augn300 and
regmat_Augp600 for electrons and holes, respectively. The temperature dependence is characterized by an activation
energy Ee/hAuger,act, which is accessible by setting the material parameters regmat_AugnEact and regmat_AugpEact.
The Auger recombination model can be activated via the designated checkbox in the laser simolation dialog.

Shockley-Read-Hall Recombination
The SRH process describes recombination via trap levels. In LaserMOD the corresponding rate is modeled by:

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 31

ne nh − ni2
τ hSRH ( ) ( )
R (2.37)
ne + netrap + τ eSRH nh + nhtrap

The lifetimes τnSRH and τpSRH for electrons and holes can be adjusted via the material parameters regmat_SRH_taun and
regmat_SRH_taup, respectively. The trap occupations ne/htrap are given by:


± Etrap EC / V 

/ h = N C / V F1 / 2
netrap eff  
k BT

The trap energy Etrap is a material parameter, which can be set with respect to the valence bandedge by specifying
regmat_Et-Ev300. The SRH recombination model can be actvated via the designated checkbox in the laser simulation

Interface Trap Recombination

Deep level trap can be especially associated with material interfaces. LaserMOD provides an interface recombination
model to account for corresponding effects. Similar to the SRH mode, the interface recombination rate (per surface area)
is given by:

ne nh − ni2
R interface − SRH = (2.39)
e +n trap
e )+ v 1
interface-SRH (n
h +ntrap
h )

The interface recombination velocities ve/hinterface-SRH can be adjusted via the material parameters ifrec_vn for electrons
and ifrec_vp for holes. The trap occupation is computed using Equation (2.38) using a trap energy Etrap as specified for
the material parameter ifrec_Et-Ev300. In order to determine which model settings to use for a given interface between
at least two different materials, a priority can be assigned to individual regions by assigning an integer value to

Spontaneous Recombination
Radiative recombination processes include spontaneous and stimulated recombination. With Z(ω) being the photon
spectral density of states, the spontaneous recombination can be written as:

R spon ,bound = dω Z (ω )u (ω ) , (2.40)

where U is the photo-luminescence or spontaneous emission spectrum. While in quantum wells, the photo-luminescence
can be derived from the optical matrix elements known from the bandstructure calculation, in bulk regions and for
continuum states, a simpler approximate expression is used:

32 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

R spon ,bulk = B n e n h − n i2 ) (2.41)

The Einstein coefficient B is a material parameter, which can be adjusted via regmat_sponrecoef.

Stimulated Recombination
Above laser threshold, stimulated emission is the dominant radiative recombination channel. The stimulated
recombination is given by contributions due to photon emission into individual cavity modes (m,ω):

R stim = g (ω )
S m,ω E m (2.42)
m ,ω neff ,m

Here, g(ω) is the gain spectrum determined by a built-in gain model or tabulated data via the gain table database
interface (see section 2.D.).

Carrier Current and Mobility

The current densities Je/h in the carrier continuity equations are calculated within the framework of drift-diffusion theory:

J e / h = ± qDe / h∇ne / h + qµ e / h ne / h∇EC /V ± qµ e / h ne / h Pe / h∇T (2.43)

Here, De/h is the diffusivity, µe/h is the mobility and Pe/h is the thermoelectric power of electrons and holes, respectively.
Under non-isothermal conditions, as in self-heating simulations, an additional contribution to the current occurs due to
temperature gradients. For Fermi statistics, the diffusivity is related to the carrier mobility via a generalized Einstein

 ± Fe / h EC / V 
F1/ 2  
De / h k BT k BT
=   (2.44)
µe / h
q  ± Fe / h EC /V 
F−1/ 2  
k BT

Different models can be selected for the carrier mobility via the global integer parameters el_lowfield_mobility and
hl_lowfield_mobility. In a similar way, the behavior of the mobility in high electric fields can be selected via the global
integer parameters el_highfield_mobility and hl_highfield_mobility. The mobility is written as:

µ e / h = µ eHF
/ h ( E , µe / h )

where the high-field mobility is a function of the low-field behavior and the electric field for electrons and holes,

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 33

Constant Mobility
For el_lowfield_mobility = 0, the electron mobility is directly determined by the material parameter kpmat_MOBN0.
Similarly, for hl_lowfield_mobility = 0, the hole mobility is directly determined by the material parameter

Temperature Dependent Mobility

For el_lowfield_mobility = 1 / hl_lowfield_mobility = 1, a temperature dependence is accounted for using the

  δ 0,e / h
µ LF
e/h = µ 0,e / h  !  (2.46)
300 K

The exponent δ0,e/h is given by the material parameters kpmat_MOBN0_exp / kpmat_MOBP0_exp, while µ0,e/h is
determined by kpmat_MOBN0 / kpmat_MOBP0 for electrons / holes. The temperature dependence is mostly induced
by increased phonon scattering for increased temperature, leading to exponents, which are smaller than zero for most

Doping and Temperature Dependent Mobility Model

A temperature and doping dependent mobility model has been suggested by Arora et al. [13], which was originally
developed for Silicon devices and later extended to cover compound materials. Due to impurity scattering, the carrier
mobility generally exhibits a dependence on the doping concentration. The lowfield mobility is given by:

+ ,
δ 0,e / h + ,
δ dop ,e / h
T 0. T 0.
µ 0,e / h − µ dop ,e / h
- -
+ ,
δ dop ,e / h / /

T . 300 K 300 K
µ = µ dop ,e / h
/ 0 + % &
T ( α ,e / h
300 K '
+ ,
αe / h ) *
- . 300 K
- .
N dop
1+ -
+ ,
δ ref ,e / h

- .
- - T 0. .
/ N ref ,e / h / 0

300 K

Here, Ndop = NA + ND is the total doping concentration. The maximum mobility µ0,e/h and corresponding exponent for the
temperature dependence are defined and adjustible as described in the temperature dependent mobility model above. For
increasing doping, the mobility approaches the value as given by the minimum mobility µdop,e/h, which can be adjusted
via the material parameters arora_elmudop / arora_hlmudop for electrons and holes, respectively. The temperature
dependence of this minimum mobility is characterized by exponents δdop, e/h that are accessible by specifying
arora_elmudopexp and arora_hlmudopexp. The exponent αe/h and its exponent δα, e/h are accessible via the material
parameters arora_eldopexp1 / arora_hldopexp1 and arora_eldopexp2 / arora_hldopexp2. The reference doping

34 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

density Nref, e/h with its temperature dependence described by the exponent δref, e/h can be specified via arora_elnref /
arora_hlnref and arora_elnrefexp / arora_hlnrefexp.

High Field Mobility

The high field mobility accounts for velocity saturation effects of the carriers. Model selection is facilitated via the
global parameters el_highfield_mobility and hl_highfield_mobility controlling the behavior for electrons and holes,
respectively. For low field, these effects can be neglected leading to:

µ eHF
/ h ( E , µe / h ) = µe / h

for settings el_highfield_mobility = 0 / hl_highfield_mobility = 0. A common model for the highfield behavior of the
electron and hole mobility is given by:

µeLF/ h
µ eHF
/ h ( E , µe / h ) =
1 2 (2.49)
7 βe / h
3 µ LF
E 4
βe / h 1 + 3 e/h
5 6
vsat ,e / h

This model can be selected by setting el_highfield_mobility = 1 / hl_highfield_mobility = 1. The saturation velocity
vsat,e/h for electrons and holes is modeled using:

vsat ,e / h (300 K )
vsat ,e / h (T ) = (2.50)
a T
(1 − asat ) + sat
300 K

The saturation velocity at 300K can be adjusted via the material parameters hfmob_elvsat and hfmob_hlvsat,
respectively. The temperature dependence coefficient asat can be adjusted via the parameters hfmob_elvsattemp and
hfmob_hlvsattemp. The exponent βe/h in Equation (2.49) is accessible via parameters hfmob_elexp and hfmob_hlexp.

In compound semiconductors, the electron mobility may exhibit a local maximum at high electric fields. If this regime is
of interest, the following model may be selected for the respective carriers by setting el_highfield_mobility = 2 /
hl_highfield_mobility = 2:

vsat ,e / h E $

µ eLF/ h + 3
µ eHF
/ h ( E , µe / h ) =

HF ,e / h



EHF ,e / h

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 35

The field strength EHF,e/h can be adjusted via the material parameters hfmob_elfield0 and hfmob_hlfield0 for electrons
and holes.

Material Interfaces
While the electric potential is continuous at material interfaces, leading to a Dirichlet boundary condition, different
physical effects have to be considered for the carrier transport. Due to band discontinuities ∆EC / V electrons and holes
might encounter an energetical barrier. Carriers with kinetic energy exceeding the barrier height are described via
thermionic emission. With A and B indicating wide and narrow gap materials, the current is given by:

1 2 1 2
8 9
k m *
: 3 Fe / h , A − EC / V , A 4 3 Fe / h , B − EC /V , B − ∆EC /V 4 ;
J e / h , A−> B = B e/h
exp 5 − exp 5 (2.52)
2π 2> 3 < 6 6 =
k BT k BT

where m*e/h is the carrier mass in the higher bandedge material. For carriers with insufficient energy to cross the
interface may underly quantum mechanical tunneling. A simple approach accounts for tunneling by reducing the barrier
height as a function of the electric field to reflect increased tunneling probability for increasing electric field strength:

∆E 'C /V = ∆EC /V − qλtunnel max(0, Ensurf ) $


Here, λtunnel is the effective tunneling length, which is adjustible via the material parameter eff_tunnel_length, Ensurf is

the projection of the electric field onto the surface normal at the interface. The integer parameter eff_tunnel_priority is
used to govern the precedence of the regions in determining which parameters are used for evaluating the model. The
use of the tunneling model can be selected by setting run_barrier_lowering = 1 in the global symbol table.

2.E.3. Lattice Heat Flow Equation

Due to carrier-phonon scattering part of the electronic energy may be transferred to the crystal lattice leading to an
increase of the lattice temperature. In LaserMOD a lattice heat flow equation can be solved to describe self-heating

? @

B ∂T
CL + k B (ne + nh ) D
2 ∂t
= ∇ κ L∇T − SE e − SE h + H ) (2.54)

Here, CL = cL ρ is the heat capacity of the lattice, which is the product of specific heat and material density as given by
the material parameters regmat_specific_heat and regmat_material_density. If activated by selecting the check box in
the laser simulation dialog, the heat flow equation determining the temperature profile within the device is solved self-
consistently with the carrier transport.

36 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Thermal Conductivity
The heat conductivity of the lattice carries a temperature dependence,

δκ L
κ L (T ) = κ L (300 K )
  , (2.55)
300 K

where the thermal conductivity at 300K and the exponent δκ L can be adjusted via the material parameters
regmat_thermconduct and regmat_thermconduct_exp, respectively.

Energy Flux
The electron and hole energy fluxes are given by:

Se / h = Pe / hTJ e / h − κ e / h∇T
$ $ (2.56)

The thermal conductivities of the electon and hole gas are determined by:

κ e / h = ne / h k BT µ e / h Pe / h (2.57)

Heat Sources
H in Equation (2.54) is the sum of different heat source contributions,

H = H Joule + H recombination + H transient (2.58)

Heat generation is due to Joule heat,

H Joule = −
J e ∇Fe + J h∇Fh
$ $ ) (2.59)

recombination heat,

H recombination = ( Fe − Fh ) R dark (2.60)

and an additional heat production rate originating from the transient modulation of the carrier concentration:

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 37

? @

A ∂Fe ∂ne ∂Fh ∂nh B

H transient = −T C + D (2.61)
∂T ∂t ∂T ∂t

The sum of Peltier and Thomson heat,

H Peltier+Thomson = − J eT ∇Pe − J hT ∇Ph

$ $ (2.62)

is included in the convective part of the energy fluxes in Equation (2.56)

Thermal Boundary Conditions

Two different boundary conditions can be associated with the heat flow equation at the electrodes. For
elec_thermboundary = none in the physical data symbol table of the electrode region, the contact is treated as a
reflective boundary. For elec_thermboundary = dirichlet, a Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed for the lattice
temperature. The temperature at the contact is determined by the electrode physical symbol table parameter

For elec_thermboundary = cauchy in the physical symbal table of the electrode, a Cauchy type boundary condition is
imposed at the contact:

(T − Tcontact )
κ L n∇ T = (2.63)

Here, nH is the surface normal at the contact, A is the contact surface area, Gthermal is the heat conductance associated with
the electrode and Tcontac, as specified by elec_temperature in the physical data table of the electrode, is the temperature
of the heat sink. Thermal properties of regions, which are not included in the simulation domain, can be lumped into the
thermal conductivity parameter, which can be specified via elec_thermconduct in the physical data symbol table of the
corresponding electrode region.


[1] Grupen & Hess, IEEE JQE, vol. 34, no. 1, Jan. 1998, pp.120-40, including corrections in IEEE JQE, vol. 34, no. 21,
Feb. 1998, p. 384.
[2] B. Grote et al. “Quantum-Well Laser Diodes: Temperature and Many-Body Effects”. In: Advanced Simulation and
Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices, ed. J. Piprek (2004).
[3] B. Grote et al. “Integration of microscopic gain modeling into a commercial laser simulation environment”. In:
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI Proc. SPIE, vol. 4986, ed by M. Osinski, H. Amano, P. Blood, pp.
413-422 (2003)
[4] J. Piprek: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (Academic Press 2003).

38 • Chapter 2: Physical Models LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

[5] R. Scarmozzino, A. Gopinath, R. Pregla, and S. Helfert, "Numerical Techniques for Modeling Guided-Wave
Photonic Devices," J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 6, p.150 (2000). And references therein.
[6] Paul von Allman, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 46, no. 23, Dec. 1992-I, pp.15377-81,
[7] Paul von Allman, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 46, no. 23, Dec. 1992-I, pp.15382-86.
[8] U. Rossler, "Nonparabolicity and Warping in the Conduction Band of GaAs", Solid State Communications, Vol.49,
No.10, pp.943-947 (1984).
[9] J. Hader, et al., IEEE Photon Technol. Lett., Vol.14, No.6, p.762 (2002).
[10] J. Hader, et al., Sol. Stat. Electron., 47 (3), p.513 (2003).
[11] J. Hader, et al., IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol.35, No. 12, p.1878 (1999).
[12] W. Haensch, T. Vogelsang, R. Kirchner, and M. Orlowski, “Carrier transport near the Si/SiO2 interface of a
MOSFET”, Solid-State Electron., vol. 32, p.839, (1989).
[13] N.D. Arora, J.R. Hauser, and D.J. Roulston, "Electron and hole mobilities in silicon as a function of concentration
and temperature", IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 29, p.292 (1982).
[14] W.W. Chow, S.W.Koch, "Semiconductor-Laser fundamentals, Physics of the Gain Materials", Springer, Berlin
[15] R. Soref, B. Bennett, “Electrooptical Effects in Silicon”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronic 23, 123 (1987).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 2: Physical Models • 39

Chapter 3: CAD Interface

This chapter describes the features of LaserMOD CAD window in detail.

3.A. The CAD Layout Window

In this section, we describe the features of the layout window in which all CAD drawing, editing, launching of
simulations, and generating of plots is performed.
Recall that after starting up the main program by double clicking on the LaserMOD icon (or selecting LaserMOD from
the START menu) the main program window appears as in Fig. 3.1 (the white area will be dark grey until a file is
opened). The key components of this window are the client drawing area, the menubar, the top and left toolbars, and the
status line. These components are typical of all programs employing a graphical user interface, and their specifics are
described in the next sections along with references to additional descriptions in the documentation.
Note that each layout created from this interface contains all the necessary information for specifying a laser structure,
running a simulation, and extracting plots. No direct editing of files is required.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 41

Figure 3-3: The Main Program Window showing the menubar (top), toolbars (top and left), and status lines (bottom).

The main CAD window is a laser cross-section editor that allows the placement of rectangular elements, though the
interior of each rectangle can be profiled in several ways. There are eight types of elements: bulk semiconductor, bulk
insulator (oxide), bulk active, taper between 2 bulk materials, (multiple) quantum well/barrier active, (bulk) DBR stack,
electrode (electrical/thermal boundary condition), and an optical grating (treated as bulk with respect to its electro-
thermal properties). Elements are placed by opening a file, selecting the appropriate element type button (draw mode),
and then using the mouse to frame an area of the window that the element will fill. Note that the electrode element has a
default height of 0.1 µm when it is first placed, and that the QW element thickness will adjust automatically once the
well, barrier, and SCH thicknesses are chosen. The DBR element will likewise update its own size based on the layer
thicknesses and number of periods chosen. The optical grating will show 2 periods by default.
The quantum well element is comprised of separate material systems for the barriers/SCH and well(s). The DBR region
is composed of two layers, one each for the "high" and "low" sections of the grating period, as is the optical grating
element. Bulk semiconductor, insulator, and active elements each consist of a single material. Specific material
parameters and local grid properties are separately adjustable for each element, by right mouse clicking on that element.
Global parameters are also available, as is a complete set of default values.
In the client drawing area, the user defines the cross-section of the laser. In the case of FP edge emitters, this cross-
section is the (X-Y) plane perpendicular to the lasing axis, and for VCSELs, it is the (R-Y) plane that forms the
cylindrical diameter of the device (note that the R variable is still identified as X in the status bar). Finally, for DFBs and
other longitudinal structures the X direction is the lasing direction and the lateral (ridge width for example) direction of
the device is in/out of the screen.

42 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

All cross-sections are treated as two dimensional, and can be simulated in their entirety. However, if the structure has a
plane of symmetric along its length, this plane should be located about X=0. The simulator can then apply the
appropriate boundary conditions to represent the entire structure, while only simulating the right half of the domain,
hence reducing simulation time. The setting for this is in the Global Parameters Dialog. Furthermore, the user can
choose to simulate a one dimensional version of the structure, which will run faster still, of width determined by the
narrowest element straddling X=0. For VCSELs, though the entire diametric cross-section is drawn, only the right half
will be simulated (positive R), since VCSELs are assumed to have cylindrical symmetry and are therefore treated as
bodies of revolution about X=0. Within this approximation, the simulation results will actually be three dimensional.
In addition to the client drawing area, the CAD window is composed of a menubar, two toolbars, and a status bar. The
options that they contain are described in the following sub-sections.

3.A.1. The Menubar

The menubar allows the user to access the bulk of the CAD options. Note that some of these options can be accessed via
the toolbars as well, and will be described in the next sections. Also, some options have keyboard shortcuts which are
shown in parenthesis.
The menubar contains the following options:

Under File:
New This option creates a new layout.
Open This option opens an existing layout.
Import This option opens an existing layer file. (See Appendix B)
Save This option saves the current layout.
Save As This option saves all open layout.
Close This option closes the current layout
Close All This option closes all open layouts.
Print This option prints the current layout.
Printer Setup This option sets printer related parameters.
Exit This option exits from the CAD interface.

Under Edit:
Undo (Ctrl-Z) This option reverses the last change made to the layout .
Cut (Ctrl-X) This option moves any selected regions from the layout to the clipboard.
Copy (Ctrl-C) This option copies any selected regions from the layout to the clipboard.
Paste (Ctrl-V) This option pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current layout.
Delete (Delete) This option deletes selected regions form the layout.
Duplicate This option creates duplicates of any selected regions in the current layout.
Select All This option selects all regions in the current layout.
Edit Symbols This option allows the user to edit the Global Symbol Table, where new
variables may be defined and edited.
Edit Bias Table This option allows the user to edit the Bias Table, where electrode current
and voltage ranges are determined for the simulation.
Edit Material File This option allows the user to edit any of the systems in the material library.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 43

Under View:
Full This option sets the viewing domain of the CAD so that the entire structure
is visible.
In This option zooms the CAD interface in by 20%.
Out This option zooms the CAD interface out by 20%.
Last This option sets the viewing domain to the last viewing domain.
Redraw This option redraws all the regions in the CAD window & recalculates the
layout grid.
Aspect Ratio = 1:1 This option enforces a 1:1 (X:Y) aspect ratio for the layout.
Aspect Ratio = any This option allows the aspect ratio for the layout to float with regional
zooming .

Under Options:
Global Settings This option allows the user to edit the global layout settings.

Under Run:
Tile Regions This option tiles the regions, according to their references, to fill the domain
Generate Mesh This option generates a Nonuniform Delauney Mesh for the current layout.
Generate Profile This option allows the user to generate parameter profiles for the current
Mode Calculation This menu allows the user to compute the modes and optical spectrm of the
current layout.
Gain Calculation This option allows the user to compute the gain spectrum, of the quantum
wells, for different temperatures and densities.
Simulate Laser This option allows the user to perform a complete laser simulation, and
generate the LIV characteristics and transient response of the current layout.
Scan Variable This option allows the user to perform multiple simulation (gain, mode,
laser, plot) while varying some parameter.

Under Graph:
View This option opens WinPLOT, RSoft’s plotting program.
Close All This option closes all open WinPLOTs.
Launch Data Browser This option opens the RSdataBrowser for convenient viewing of all plots.
Launch Sim Window This option opens a plot using the Simulation Window which provides
additional plot information such as FWHM and confinement factor.
Generate Plot This option allows the user to generate a variety of standard and custom plots
from the resulting simulation data.

Under Utility
Parasitics This utility allows the user to account for chip and packaging parasitics and
their affects on the frequency response of the current layout.

44 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Under Window:
Tile This option tiles all open layouts in the CAD window.
Cascade This option cascades all open layouts in the CAD window.
Arrange Icons This option arranges multiple design windows when minimzed within the
CAD window.
Close This option closes the current layout.
Close All This option closes all open layouts.

Under Help
Online Help This option opens the online manual.
About LaserMOD This option opens the Help About dialog box, which contains current
version, copyright, and hardlock key information.

3.A.2. The Top Toolbar

The top toolbar contains the following icons:

New Circuit
This option creates a new layout (same as File Menu option).

Open Circuit
This option opens an existing layout (same as File Menu option).

Save Circuit
This option saves the current layout (same as File Menu option).

Undo Last Change

This option reverses the last change made the to layout (same as Edit
Menu option).
Cut Selection
This option cuts the selected region(s) from the layout (same as Edit Menu
Copy Selection
This option copies the selected region(s) from the layout (same as Edit
Menu option).
Paste Clipboard
This option pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current layout
(same as Edit Menu option)..
Duplicate Selection
This option copies and then pastes a copy of the selected region(s) into the
current layout (same as Edit Menu option).
View Full This option sets the viewing domain of the CAD so that the entire structure
is visible. (same as View Menu option).
Redraw Circuit
This option redraws the layout in the CAD window (same as View Menu
This option allows the user to select a plot file to open in WinPLOT (same
as Graph Menu option).
Launch Data
This option opens the RSdataBrowser for convenient viewing of all plots.
(same as Graph Menu option).
Online Help
This option opens online help version of the CAD manual (same as Help
Menu option).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 45

3.A.3. The Side Toolbar
The side toolbar contains the following icons:

Select Mode
This option allows the user to select regions in the CAD window using the
Zoom Mode
This option allows the user to zoom in/out in the CAD window. To zoom
in, simply click the left mouse button. To zoom out, either right click in
the CAD window, or left click and press the Shift key.(same as View
Menu options)
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be a
bulk semiconductor.
Bulk Insulator
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be a
bulk insulator.
Bulk Active
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be a
bulk active region.
Bulk Taper
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to have a
taper comprised of two bulk materials.
Quantum Well
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be a
(multiple) quantum well.
DBR Stack
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be a
DBR stack.
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be an
Optical Grating
Setting this option, when adding a region, will cause that region to be an
index grating for optical and bulk for electro-thermal properties.
Edit Global
This option allows the user to edit the Global Settings (same as Options
Menu option).
Edit Symbol Table
This option opens the Symbol Table where the user to create new variables
and modify existing variables. (same as Edit Menu option).
Edit Bias Table
This option allows the user to edit the Bias Table, where electrode current
and voltage ranges are determined for the simulation (same as Edit Menu
Edit Material File
This option allows the user to edit any of the systems in the material
library (same as Edit Menu option).
Tile Regions
This option tiles the regions, according to their references, to fill the
domain library (same as Run Menu option).
Generate Mesh
This option generates a Nonuniform Delauney Mesh for the current layout
(same as Run Menu option).
Generate Profile
This option allows the user to generate parameter profiles for the current
layout. (same as Run Menu option).
Calculate Mode
This menu allows the user to compute the modes and optical spectrm of
the current layout (same as Run Menu option)
Calculate Gain
This option allows the user to compute the gain spectrum, of the quantum
wells, for different temperatures and densities (same as Run Menu option).

46 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Simulate Laser
This option allows the user to perform a complete laser simulation, and
generate the LIV characteristics and transient response of the current
layout (same as Run Menu option).
Perform Parameter
This option allows the user to perform a parameter scan over a variable to
see how the simulation results change as a function of that variable.
(currently inactive).
Generate Plot
This option allows the user to generate a variety of standard and custom
plots from the resulting simulation data. (same as Graph Menu option).

3.A.4. The Status Bar

The status bar is located on the bottom of the CAD window, and provides information about the current mode of the
CAD interface, as well as the coordinates of the mouse in the CAD window.

Figure 3-4: The Status Bar can be found in the bottom portion of the CAD window.

3.B. Cursor Modes

The cursor modes are determined by the first 3 groupings of buttons on the Side Toolbar.

3.B.1. Selection Mode

Selection mode is active when the Select Mode button is depressed.

To select one or more elements, simply move the cursor over the element and click on the left mouse button. Additional
elements can be added to (or removed from) the selection by holding down the Shift key while left mouse clicking over
the new element. When the Shift key is held down, clicking on a component toggles its selection state without affecting
other components, otherwise a new selection is initiated as in the first example. Furthermore, once one element is
selected, others can be selected in sequence by using the up/down arrow keys.
Selecting one or more elements can also be done positioning the arrow cursor at the upper left corner of an imaginary
rectangle that completely surrounds the desired components, and press but do not release the left mouse button. Now
move the mouse to the lower right corner, until the blue rectangle that is being rubberbanded encompasses the desired set
of components, and release the mouse button to complete the selection.

Selected elements can be deselected by moving the cursor to an unoccupied area of the layout window and clicking on
the left mouse button.

Once one or more elements has been selected, they can be operated on in several ways. To move the selection, place the
cursor over any one of the elements in the selection, and press but do not release the left mouse button. The selection
can now be dragged to the desired location by moving the mouse while holding down the left mouse button as usual

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 47

(note that while moving the selection the handles disappear). To complete the move, simply release the mouse button;
the selected elements are redrawn in their new position, and any attached elements are relocated as well.

To resize or scale the selection along a particular direction, simply grab the corresponding handle (highlighted block dot
on edge of selected item) in any one of the selected elements and move it to the desired position. The selection is then
redrawn to reflect the new size.

During the motion or rubberbanding phase of any of the above mouse procedures, clicking on the right mouse button or
pressing ESC before releasing the left mouse button will cancel the operation in progress (as in the case of the drawing
procedures discussed in the previous section).

3.B.2. Zoom Mode

Zoom mode is active when the Zoom Mode button of the Side Toolbar is depressed.
A CAD feature that is frequently useful when editing is the ability to zoom in or out around a particular region of the
circuit using either the mouse or various menu items. To access the mouse-based zooming features, first place the layout
window in Zoom Mode by clicking on the magnifying-glass icon in the toolbar. The icon remains depressed and the
status line indicates the mode as usual. Furthermore, the mouse cursor changes to a magnifying-glass shape.
When in Zoom Mode, there are several mouse techniques for zooming in or out around a particular area of the layout
window. The simplest is to move the cursor to the center of the region about which you want to focus, and click on the
left mouse button to zoom in or magnify by 20%. The cross-section will be redrawn enlarged, with the selected position
at the center of the window. Repetition of this procedure will naturally yield greater magnification. In order to zoom out
or demagnify by 20%, simply hold down the Shift key while pressing the left mouse button. Alternatively, clicking on
the right mouse button will achieve the same effect more easily.
Another zooming procedure allows you to fill the layout window with a particular portion of the cross-section. To do
this, move the cursor to the upper left corner of the rectangular area you want to zoom in on, and press but to not release
the left mouse button. Now move the cursor down and to the right until the desired region is bounded by the blue
rectangle that is rubberbanded, and release the mouse button to complete the zoom operation. Similarly, zooming out so
that the current window is redrawn inside the selecting blue rectangle is accomplished by holding down the Shift key
while dragging the selection box with the left mouse button, or by using the right mouse button to do the selecting. In all
of the above rubberbanding procedures, the zoom operation can be canceled by clicking on the opposite mouse button or
pressing ESC.

3.B.3. Drawing Mode

Drawing mode is active when the Insert Rectangle or Insert Polygon buttons of the side toolbar are depressed.
In this mode the cursor will appear as a cross in the client window. Elements can be drawn in this mode only. The type
of element placed will depend on which of the Bulk, MQW, Oxide, DBR, or Electrode buttons (Side Toolbar) is
All regions should be tiled, meaning that the edges of adjacent regions should touch without overlapping, and fill all the
space in the simulation domain. Whenever the outer perimeter of the cross-section is not rectangular, additional regions
should be added (ex. insulating regions…) to achieve this effect.

48 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

3.C. Common Element Properties
Right mouse clicking on an element, in either of the draw or select modes (but not Zoom mode), will bring up the
appropriate element properties dialog box (for example, see Fig. 3.3). Or, if the element is highlighted, clicking the
spacebar will invoke the properties dialog. All element properties dialogs have three main sections, the geometrical
settings, mesh specification, and material information. The material information is organized into subgroups, which are
the specification of material composition itself and other profiles, such as doping, under Set Material and the setting of
material and model parameters in a local symbol table accessible via the button Phys. Data. This section is customized
for different region types. QW and DBR regions, for example, provide for specification of parameters for two materials.
The electrode region is a special case since it is used to define boundary conditions rather than a metallic material.
Though Bulk and Oxide Regions share the same Properties Dialog (Fig. 3.3), the major difference between these region
types is the fact that no continuity equations will be solved in the oxide since it is assumed to be and insulator. The
region type is governed by the symbol reg_regtype="generic", "oxide", “active” "qw", or "sch" in the Physical Data
Symbol Table of the element.
The regions are enumerated in the order of creation. This number is used for identification of the element in creating
references, etc. Several buttons exist along the bottom of the dialog, for convenient access to the Global Symbol Table
(Symbols), material library files (Mtrl. Files), and context sensitive help for material parameters (Mtrl. Help) and the
dialog itself (Dlg. Help).

Figure 3-5: Properties Dialog for Bulk Types.

3.C.1 Geometry Information

Display Color, Element Height, and Element Width are self-explanatory (units are in microns). The X Ref is the
middle of the element and the Y Ref is the lower edge of the element. So the sides of the element are at X+Width/2, X-
Width/2, Y, and Y+Height. The reference position can also be defined by its offset from the reference position of
another element. Element # = 0 signifies an absolute position (no offset in that direction). When an auto tile checkbox
is selected, any non zero value in the reference element # box will cause the current region to be tiled in x or y, so that it
is contiguous with the region it has referenced in that direction. Offsets will be calculated automatically when the tile
regions utility is run. Whether a region is auto tiled to the left, right, top, or bottom depends on its initial position

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 49

relative to the referenced region. Electrodes are tiled in a similar fashion, but will also depend on whether the initial
position was inside or outside of the referenced region, since (only) electrodes are allowed to overlap.
The Properties Dialog also contains Help buttons that brings up this section and the material help sections of the OnLine
manual directly.


Regions will be initially out of place, prior to tiling, if a reference is used without adjusting the offset.

3.C.2 Non Uniform Mesh

The local grid parameters, Min. Spacing-Left, Min. Spacing-Right, Min. Spacing-Top, and Min. Spacing-Bottom,
govern the minimum grid spacing at the left, right, top, and bottom edges of the region, respectively. They can be set
individually and default values are provided automatically via the Use Default checkboxes. Additionally, the Max.
Spacing-X and Max. Spacing-Y parameters are used to control the largest grid spacing, in that direction, allowed in the
region. Furthermore, if a Uniform checkbox is selected, the appropriate Max. Spacing parameter value is used to create
a uniform grid along that direction. This behavior is identical in all non-electrode regions (which are not gridded), with
the one exception of the Y spacing in the MQW region. Quantum wells and barriers are automatically gridded
uniformly, so only one spacing parameter is needed for the wells and one for the barriers.
Conceptually, the nonuniform grid begins at the edges of a region with the prescribed minimum spacings, and proceeds
inward toward the center, continuously doubling its spacing, until the maximum spacing has been reached (see Fig. 3.4).
It can be seen that this will typically lead to an overly constrained problem.
During mesh generation, there are three conditions that should be fulfilled in the ideal case:
A: The mesh has the specified spacing at the interface
B: The mesh spacing does not increase more than by a factor of two between neighboring segments
C: The mesh spacing increases to but does not exceed the specified maximum spacing
It is not always possible to satisfy all of these constrains. In order to provide for robust meshing performance for the
general case, the user can select between two sets of constrains to be enforced, while the third will be ignored. Via the
global symbol glob_grid_method you can select between:
glob_grid_method = 0 : A and B are enforced
glob_grid_method = 1 : A and C are enforced
Usually, the default setting of glob_grid_method = 0 produces good meshes concerning the transport part of the
simulation. However, sometimes the mode calculation might require to enforce a lower maximum spacing to resolve the

50 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 3-6: Effect of grid parameters on the grid of a single region.


When the edges of multiple regions (not necessarily contiguous) fall along the same line, the smallest of the mimimum
spacings from these regions, is used to establish the grid spacing near that line. This leads to a behavior in which
adjustment of the local grid parameters, of a particular region, may not actually affect the final grid.
In such cases, it is convenient to define global variables in the Symbol Table, and use these as the local grid settings,
rather than having to change the local grid parameters for many regions, every time a new grid spacing is desired. A
good way of specifying the mesh is to select designated regions for controlling the mesh in x and/or y direction, while
setting the spacing to a large default in all others.

Mesh Optimizer
An additional feature of the grid generator is its ability to reduce the density of gridpoints in regions where they are not
needed. For example, a vertical heterojunction may be formed in a ridge structure, and an unoptimized mesh would
place many gridline along this junction that would extend into the substrate to the edge of the simulation domain. The
optimized grid would terminate these gridlines with triangles, so that the gridline density in the substrate, where physical
parameters do not vary that much, would be reduced (See Fig. 3.5). This feature is enabled in the Global Parameters
dialog, by setting the # of Optimizations to a nonzero integer value.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 51

Figure 3-7: Optimized Grid, where the # of Optimizations has been set to 3.

3.C.3 Material Information

The material specification is facilitated by a designated dialog, which is invoked by clicking the Set Material button in
the Element Properties Dialog. According to the selected material name, default material parameters are loaded from the
database. These defaults can be overridden locally in the Symbol Table accessible by clicking the Phys. Data Button.

52 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Material Data Dialog

Figure 3-8: Material data dialog box

All material parameters are stored in library files, which are selected via the Material System pulldown list in Material
Data Dialog. A set of files for standard material systems are provided with the software, but these may be edited and
saved as new files. Provided they are saved in the \rsoft\products\lasermod\materials subdirectory, which is created at
installation. These new files will then appear automatically in the pull-down list, and be available for use.
The following additional information is also required by the program, and is selected from the Material Data Dialog.
• Alloy X composition is the stoichiometric parameter X in ternary/quarternay compounds.

• Alloy Y composition is the stochiometric parameter Y in the quarternay compounds.

• Donors are specified here

• Acceptors are specified here

• Trap dens. is currently inactive.

In addition to constant values for the respective regions, profiles can be specified for doping and X/Y-mole fraction. The
profile specification is facilitated via a designated dialog, which is invoked by selecting the corresponding profile button.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 53

Profile Dialog

Figure 3-9: Profile specification dialog box

The profile definition dialog facilitates the specification of spatially varying profiles on top of the constant background
as specified in the material data dialog. Multiple profiles can be defined and scrolled through by setting an integer for
Number or by increasing/decreasing using the arrow buttons. The profile type can be selected via a pull-down menu.
Predefined types can be selected and their parameters can be set using amplitude and scale factor fields. Alternatively, a
custom expression can be entered. The specified profile can be added or existing profiles removed from the list using the
designated buttons.
The resulting profile can be written as:

P( x, y ) = P0 + F1 ( x, y ) ⊕ F1 ( x, y ) ⊕ ........ ⊕ FN ( x, y ) (3.64)

Here, P0 is the constant offset, Fi are added profiles. The operator, ⊕ , is selected in the pull-down menu for merging of
the profiles.
The following predefined profiles are available and can be applied to the x or y-direction:
• Constant: F ( x) = a
• Linear: F ( x) = a ( sx)
• Trapezoid: F ( x) = 1 if x is within xo of center, else F ( x) = a ( sx)
• Parabolic: F ( x) = a(1 − ( sx) 2 )
• Gaussian: F ( x) = a ∗ exp(− ( sx) 2 )
• Error function: F ( x) = a ∗ erf ( sx)

54 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

• Complementary error function: F ( x) = a(1 − erf ( sx) )
• Delta function on interface (Edge Pulse): F ( x) = a(δ ( x + 1) + δ ( x − 1) )
• Custom expression as entered in the designated box using normalized coordinates
Amplitude a and scaling factor s can be specified in the respective fields of the profile dialog box. x and y
are normalized coordinates, which are defined with respect to the region center. From the actual
coordinate, x', and the region boundaries, x'max & x'min , the normalized coordinate is derived as:

(x′ − x′min ) −1
(xmax ′ )
′ − x min
Where "a" represents the profile amplitude (in units of the background) and "s" represents the scale factor. "x0"
represents the normalized local origin within the region, so that x0=0 is in the center and x0=+/-1 is at the max/min edge,
respectively. Corresponding expressions are used for the y-direction.


Profiles can be overidden, just as any other material parameter, by specifying that parameter in the Physical Data Table.
If profiles fail to appear when expected, this will most likely be the cause.

Physical Data

Figure 3-10: Physical data symbol table.

All region parameters, are accessible via the Phys. Data buttons in the Material Information section of the Element
Properties dialogs. Each brings up the local Symbol Table for the region (see Fig. 3.8). Parameters defined in these
local tables are only recognized by the table in which they are defined. Parameters defined in the global Symbol Table
(accessed from tool bar or pull-down menus) are available to all local tables. Only non-default values are visible in the
table. Non-default values in these tables will override their corresponding values in the material library. This allows the
user to change any material parameter, region by region, without having to create any additional material library files.
All regions have a single Physical Data table, except for the quantum well region, which has two; one for all the wells

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 55

and a second one for all the barriers. Similarly, the DBR regions have two Physical Data Tables, since two materials are
needed to specify a grating period.
In Fig. 3.8, such a physical data table is shown. The model parameter for the electron Shockley-Read-Hall
recombination lifetime (regmat_SRH_taun) has been set to a global symbol, "Global_SRH". All predefined
parameters (material parameters) are available from a pulldown list via the Predef Symbol button.

Taper Definition

Figure 3-11: Taper definition dialog

If the bulk region has a Taper, then the Taper Definition Dialog will be enabled (Fig. 3.9). This provides an additional
Set Material and Physical Data Table, essentially for the material comprising the exterior of the taper, while the primary
material comprises the interior of the Taper. The entire taper fills the region and is constructed from smaller rectangular
bulk regions, each of which will be simulated on the self-consistent electro-thermal and optical mesh. So, a taper will
substantially increase the number of nodes in the simulation, but may be used to easily render cross-sectional shapes that
would otherwise be difficult to construct by manually placing rectangles.
The following tapers are available and can be applied to just the left side, right side, or both sides:
• Linear: F ( x) = x
• Power: F ( x) = x a
• Ellipse: F ( x) = sqrt (1 − a(0.5 − φ ) 2 )
• Lens: F ( x) = sqrt (R 2 − a(0.5 − φ ) 2 ) , where R=radius

• Custom expression: F(x), is a function of the variable “x” where both x and F are between 0 & 1. The
expression is entered in the designated box, which is enabled for this option.

C.3.4. Material Library

56 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 3-12: Material file editor

The Material Files button brings up an Open File dialog that displays the list of available material files in the library.
Selecting one, opens that file with the Material file editor, shown in Fig. 3.10. This is a Symbol Table containing all the
material parameters used by the program. The files included with the software contain standard interpolation formula for
ternary, AXB(1-X)C and quarternary AXB(1-X)CYD(1-Y) compositions. X and Y are updated automatically by the program so
that the correct values for the specified alloy are used in the simulation.

Material File Names

• File suffix must be .mat.
• Placed in \rsoft\products\lasermod\materials subdirectory

3.D. Quantum Well Region

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 57

Figure 3-13: Quantum Well Properties dialog box

The quantum well region allows for convenient input of a multiple quantum well stack. The corresponding properties
dialog provides for entering additional information that has to be specified to facilitate generation of the desired
• Number of quantum wells
• Well Thickness
• Barrier Thickness
• SCH Thickness (first and last barrier in the region)
Since the quantum well region consists of well and barrier material, two sets of material specification dialogs and
physical data symbol tables are provided for.
Furthermore, there are a few additional quantum well region parameters currently accessible only through the Physical
Data table, that are associated with the KP calculation. The quantum well parameter, “filkp”, defaults to “auto” and will
automatically call the KP band calculation on the quantum well region each time the laser simulation is performed. To
reduce computation time, the following files are saved in the workspace directory for the current problem:
• ome.dat
• dos.dat

These files will not be recalculated unless the quantum well parameters have changed. This option should only be
changed from “auto” if an appropriate set of the above files is provided by the user.
The Quantum Well Properties Dialog also contain Help buttons that brings up this section and the material help sections
of the OnLine manual directly.

58 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

3.E. DBR Region

Figure 3-14: DBR properties dialog box

Similar to quantum well regions, two materials constitute a DBR region. Alternating layers of the two selected materials
form highly reflective mirrors for a VCSEL cavity. Material settings and physical data symbol tables exist twofold and
can be accessed by selecting the corresponding buttons.
To specify the DBR the following information has to be provided:
• Number of periods of the DBR stack (a non-integer value causes an additional half period of layer 1 to be
added to the stack).
• Thickness of layers 1 and 2, where layer 1 designates the material of the bottom layer of the stack, and
layer 2 designates the top (unless a non-interger is specified for # of periods)
Two simulation modes are possible for DBR regions, governed by the checkbox DBR for Index Only:
• Full Simulation
The DBR region is treated like a stack of bulk regions and meshed accordingly. This mode simulates the
full electronic and, if selected, thermal properties of the DBR in addition to the effect of the index profile
on the optical modes.
• Optical Only
The DBR index profile is accounted for in the calculation of the optical properties. To drastically reduce
the computational effort, the electrical (and thermal) part of the simulation is performed on an effective
bulk region. By eliminating all inner interfaces of the DBR for the transport part, the number of mesh
points can be reduced. These bulk material properties are determined from either the top or bottom layer
material, as selected via the radial button (which is enabled when the Index DBR box is checked).
The DBR Properties Dialog also contains Help buttons that brings up this section and the material help sections of the
OnLine manual directly.


LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 59

The material properties of the effective region, when Optical Only DBR is used, will probably need to be adjusted
carefully to obtain comparable results to those generated when the Full DBR simulation is employed.

3.F. Optical Grating Region

Figure 3-15: Grating properties dialog box

Similar to the DBR region, two materials constitute a Grating region. The grating is formed at the interface between
these two materials and its shape is determined by selecting a profile from the Grating Profile pull-down list and
setting the Period and Left Facet Phase. The number of periods and the right facet phase are then both
determined by the width of the region. Certain profiles require an additional parameter, which is enabled as needed. For
the Square, Trapezoid, and V-Groove profiles this extra parameter is the Duty Cycle, and for the Lens profile it is the
Radius. Material settings and physical data symbol tables exist twofold and can be accessed by selecting the
corresponding buttons.
The grating is for the index profile only, i.e. just calculation of the optical properties. The electrical (and thermal) part of
the simulation is performed on an effective bulk region. These bulk material properties are determined from either the
top or bottom layer material, as selected via the radial button.
The following profiles may be selected for the grating:
• Sin: F ( x) = sin(φ )
JLK 1, φ < DutyCycle
• Square: F ( x) = I
0, φ > DutyCycle
• Sawtooth: F (x) = φ
JLK aφ , φ < 0.5
• Triangle: F ( x) = I
a(1 − φ ), φ > 0.5

60 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

M aφ , φ < 0.5 − DutyCycle
• Trapezoid: F ( x) = 1 MN

a(1 − φ ), φ > 0.5 + DutyCycle


1 M

a(1 − φ ), φ < 0.5 − DutyCycle

• V-Groove: F ( x ) = M
aφ , φ > 0.5 + DutyCycle

• Ellipse: (
F ( x) = sqrt 1 − a(0.5 − φ ) 2 )
• Lens: F ( x) = sqrt (R 2
− a(0.5 − φ ) 2 )
• Custom expression: F(x), is a function of the variable “x” where both x and F are between 0 & 1. The
expression is entered in the designated box, which is enabled for this option.

The Grating Properties Dialog also contains Help buttons that brings up this section and the material help sections of the
OnLine manual directly.

3.G. Electrodes

Figure 3-16: Electrode properties dialog box

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 61

The material information specific to electrodes is used for applying boundary conditions at the associated nodes. Note,
that a node can belong to an electrode and to a bulk or other region. The following information characterizes the
properties electrode:
• Electrode number - A unique integer starting from 0 and ascending in order used to identify the electrode
• Metal workfunction
• Electrode Type
• Contact Temperature
• Thermal (Effective) Conductance
• Thermal Boundary condition
The Electrode Properties Dialog also contains a Help button that brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

3.H. Global Parameters

The typical laser and simulation parameters are set in the Global Parameters Dialog (Fig. 3.15). This dialog appears
automatically when a new file is created, or whenever the appropriate toolbar button or pulldown menu option is
selected. All the following parameters may also be accessed via the Global Symbol Table.

Figure 3-17: Global parameters dialog box.

Structure Options
• Simulate Half the domain in X (device symmetric about YZ plane at X=0)

62 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

• Simulate Half the domain in Z (device symmetric about XY plane at Z=0)
• 1D simulation (assume broad area device with vertical structure taken at X=0)
• 2D simulation (full XY plane)
• Cavity type (Fabry-Perot, VCSEL, DFB, PD, Solar Cell, Modulator, and Electrical devices are currently

Grid Options
• # of Grid Optimization (0 for no optimizations)
• Show Structure allows plot data to be overlayed on top of the device structure
• 4 global spacing parameters are used whenever Use Defaults is selected for the local mesh properties.

Cavity (dependent) Properties

• Cavity Length/Width (microns)
• Ambient temperature (Kelvin)
• Waveguide loss (per cm)
• Reflectivity of Low Reflectivity/Left Side Facet
• Reflectivity of High Reflectivity/Right Side Facet

Finally, the Global Parameters Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

3.I. Symbol Table

As stated, the LaserMOD interface is fully parametric. Meaning that variables may be defined and assigned values, or
expressions of other variables (see Appendix B. for built in expressions). While the dialog boxes give the User access to
the built-in variables, custom variables may be defined via any of the Symbol Tables. The master table, in which
variables are seen by all other tables, is called the Global Symbol Table (Fig. 3.16), and is invoked from the Symbol
Table toolbar button, or the Edit/Edit Symbols pull-down menu. Variables defined in this table may also be used in most
of the dialog boxes (edit controls), in place of fixed values.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 63

Figure 3-18: Symbol Table dialog box.

3.J. Bias Table

The Bias Table is accessible from various places in the interface, the toolbar, pull-down menus, and buttons within other
dialogs. When invoked the Dialog in Fig. 3.17 appears. Bias points can be added deleted and individual simulation
point parameters can be adjusted via the Advanced Table (Fig. 3.18).

Figure 3-19: Bias table dialog box.

64 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

• To add a point - click New Bias, adjust the parameters at the top of the dialog, and click Accept Bias.
• To clear an erroneous data before hitting Accept Bias, click Reject Bias and renter data.
• To delete a bias point, select the row with the cursor and click Delete Bias. All subsequent points in the
table will be shifted and renumbered automatically.
• To insert a bias point, click New Bias, enter the desired data, and set the Bias # to the value of the point
prior to where the new point is to be inserted, and click Accept Bias. All subsequent data will be shifted
and renumbered automatically. This may also be accomplished by highlighting an existing point and
hitting Duplicate.
• To edit a bias point, click on the row with the cursor and edit the data as desired. Click Accept Bias when
• Bias points are activated by setting the leftmost column field to Run, or to " ", if the previous point is
• Bias points are deactivated by setting the leftmost column field to Halt, or to " ", if the previous point is
deactivated. Deactivated points are not simulated.

When a bias point is selected, its data appear in the controls at the top of the dialog. Likewise, the advanced table that
will be shown when the Advanced button is clicked will be specific for that point.
• Bias # identifies this point so that simulation results can be indexed and plots generated on a point by point
• Elec # is the number of the electrode to which this bias is being applied. This number must match the
electrode number set in the Element Properties dialog for that electrode. (see section 3.G.)
• Value is the applied bias in mA or V.
• Value of incident light, in the case of PD/Solar Cells, is in mW/cm2.
• Current/Voltage sets the type of bias
• The number of intermediate points (ramp points) for the bias point
• The maximum number of iterations for convergence
• Time Dep. selects between steady state and transient response. Typically several points together make up a
usable transient response, Lo-Hi-Lo for example
• The edit boxes just below the Time Dep. are for the # of time steps and the size of the time step in ps,
respectively [t = N * dt (ps)].

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 65


Figure 3-20: Advanced Table.

The Advanced symbol table, which is associated with each individual bias point, contains additional data specifying
simulation options and numerical settings. Furthermore, some global settings can be overridden for individual bias

Bias Ramp
Specification of a bias ramp facilitates the set up of a sequence of bias points in a convenient way. Furthermore, use of
the bias ramp invokes a prediction algorithm improving convergence and speed. Convergence problems or diverging
behavior is detected and handled by a strategy of step size reduction. In addition to the specification of parameters
needed for a single bias point, the number of steps (to achieve the requested target voltage/current) or the
(voltage/current) step size can be selected using the parameter n_steps or step_size, respectively, in the bias table
advanced dialog.

• Each electrode present in the circuit must have a zero voltage value bias point listed at the beginning of the
• Activating all the points in the table is done by setting bias point 0 to RUN.
• Bias values need to be chosen judiciously to allow the simulation to converge, i.e. sufficiently small steps
between points.

Finally, the Bias Table Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

66 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

3.K. Profile Generation

The Generate Profile dialog (Fig. 3.19) allows a parameter to displayed on the spatial grid that digitizes the structure.
This useful to verify that the geometry and material parameters have been specified correctly, and should be performed
after setting the grid and before simulation. Currently, index, doping, and mole-fraction profiles can be generated and
visualized through this dialog. Note, that for visualization a uniform grid is used, which can be adjusted by specifying
the number of points in x- and y-direction. There is also a checkbox for saving the index profile for later use by the
Optical DBRs. This ensures that the Optical DBRs will have the same index profile as regular DBRs.

Figure 3-21: Generate Profile dialog box.

All profile data is stored in a workspace subdirectory, which is prefixed by a User specified name. This run prefix will
be referred to whenever the Plot Generator is called. The default prefix is "tmp".
Finally, the Generate Profile Dialog contains a Help button, which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

3.L. Mode Calculation

There are many parts to a laser simulation, the material gain of the wells, the optical waveguiding, the electronic
transport, etc.. Any of these, if poorly designed, may cause the laser to fail. Due to the length of a typical laser
simulation, it is useful to perform these design phases individually, before invoking a complete, self-consistent
simulation. To this end, the optical problem and the material gain (see next section) problem may be run sepatately in
LaserMOD, and it is suggested that these be performed and optimized prior to running the complete simulation.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 67

Figure 3-22: Mode Calculation dialog box.

For Fabry-Perot lasers, currently there are three mode solvers available in LaserMOD. The first is a scalar Helmholtz
equation direct matrix method based on Ritz subspace iteration, the second is a BPM (Beam Propagation Method) based
mode solver that can calculate the scalar or vector modes of the waveguide crossection, and the third is the FEM (Finite
Element Method) for 2D F-P lasers.
The Ritz iteration method uses the non-uniform mesh as specified for the transport problem. While interpolation issues
for the underlying index profile are avoided, additional constrains might be imposed on the non-uniform mesh in order to
resolve the mode. The global parameter ritzit_nitvec determines the number of basis vectors used in the subspace
iteration. By default, the parameter exceeds the requested number of lateral eigenmodes by 5. If the mode solve fails,
this number should be increased.
The BPM method operates on a uniform mesh, which can be adjusted independently by setting the number of grid points
in the different directions in the appropriate boxes of the mode calculation dialog. Additionally, the BPM technique may
require adjustment of the compute step, or the tolerance for the effective index Neff used to determine convergence. The
index profile is automatically calculated if BPM is selected, and, it can be determined from this index plot, whether the

68 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

grid resolution needs to be increased. The compute step determines the convergence, and when properly set, the
resulting Neff should be insensitive to small changes in this parameter. If the mode solver still fails to converge, after
exploring the compute step settings, then reducing the tolerance may allow the mode calculation to converge.
For 1D VCSEL cavities and DFB cavities a Transfer Matrix method is used. Both methods operate on a uniform mesh,
which can be adjusted in the dialog box specifying the number of grid points in x- and y-direction.
For 2D VCSEL, the FEM method is used. In this case the 2nd order elements will be most accurate for predicting the
resonace of the mode, but due to efficiency, the 1st order elements are selected by default. 2nd order elements should
agree very well with the equivalent 1D VCSEL solved via TMM.
Independent of the selected method, the mode solve is performed at the specified frequency. The default behavior is, to
track the gain peak for FP and the fundamental cavity mode for VCSEL. If the user supplies a value in the designated
box, this value will be kept constant throughout the simulation.
All mode data is stored in a workspace subdirectory, which is prefixed by a User specified name. This run prefix will be
refered to whenever the Plot Generator is called. The default prefix is "tmp".
Finally, the Mode Calculation Dialog contains a Help button, which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

3.M. Material Gain

Calculation of the material gain for the quantum well or bulk active region may be achieved through this dialog (Fig.
3.21), accessible from the toolbar or Run/Gain Calculation pull-down menu. Single or multiple density or temperature
points may be tabulated in a single sweep. Select which of these parameters you wish to vary, its starting value, ending
value, and number of points in the sweep. The peak value vs the sweep parameter, as well as the family of produced
spectra, will be plotted automatically when the simulation completes.
If the table gain model is activated, the gain calculation will simply extract the requested data from the gain database.

Figure 3-23: Material Gain calculation dialog box.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 69

All material gain data is stored in a workspace subdirectory, which is prefixed by a User specified name. This run prefix
will be referred to whenever the Plot Generator is called. The default prefix is "tmp".
Finally, the Gain Calculation Dialog contains a Help button, which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.


The Max. Density is used use for the actual laser simulation or when Recalculate KP is checked in the Simulation
Parameters Dialog.

3.N. Laser Simulation

The Simulation Parameters dialog (Fig. 3.22) launches the full laser simulation. All the bias points defined in the bias
table are simulated in sequence once this simulation has begun. Prior to hitting OK, the Bias Table may be accessed via
the Bias Range button, and the desired bias points may be activated or deactivated (see section on Bias Table). Note that
all the points must be simulated the first time, or, if significant changes have been made to the structure or material
parameters, or if the grid has changed.

70 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 3-24: Simulation Parameters dialog box.

Physical Models
The physical process to be simulated may be selected from this dialog. Please see the Physical Models section for a
description of the models. Currently, the following models are available to be selected from the laser simulation dialog:
• Impact Ionization Breakdown model for reverse bias
• Zener Tunneling Breackdown model for reverse bias
• Self-Heating activates the lattice heat equation and thermal boundary conditions
• Shockley-Read-Hall Dark recombination
• Auger Dark recombination
• Carrier dependent index changes: index is updated and mode is recalculated at every bias
• Temperature dependence of the index for self-heating simulations, mode is recalculated at every bias.
• Carrier dependent losses: Activates the free-carrier absorption model, (selected from Free-Carrier pull-
down menu)
• Bulk Spontaneous Emission: activates spontaneous recombination in bulk regions and from continuum
• Bulk Bandgap Renormalization: Activates bandgap shrinkage in bulk regions (always active in quantum
• Incomplete Ionization
• Quantum Interface Effects: Activates Haensch model describing reduction of carrier densities in the
vicinity of potential barriers.
• Interface Tunneling: Activates tunneling model for enhancement of current across potential barriers
associated with material interfaces
• Interface (SRH) recombination
• From the mobility model pull-down menus, various temperature, doping, and field dependencies may be
accounted for

Simulation Options
Several checkbox enabled option are available to allow the output of the modal gain at each bias, which incurs a small
computational penalty, the automatic recalculation of the Mode, and the automatic recalculation of the K•P data. If
unchecked, the currently saved data is used for the simulation. Additional options to control the simulation are:
• Recalculate the Pre-Process Material Gain (use if quantum well parameters have changed)
• Self Consistent Schroedinger solve: enforces self-consistency by resolving for wavefunctions and subband
energies for every Newton iteration
• 3 Options for Mode recalculation; just cold cavity, every steady-state bias, every transient point
• # Thermal Equalibrium points allows the User to simulate the TEQ (0 bias) point in several steps, each with
increasing doping level, until specified levels have been achieved. This may allow the TEQ point to
converge for highly doped structures, when all other tricks have failed (currently inactive).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 71

All simulation data is stored in a workspace subdirectory, which is prefixed by a User specified name. This run prefix
will be refered to whenever the Plot Generator is called. The default prefix is "tmp".
Finally, the Simulation Parameters Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual

3.O. Plot Generation

When the Generate Plot button on the toolbar or the Graph/Generate Plot menu item is selected, the Generate Plot dialog
(Fig. 3.23) will appear. Clicking OK here will generate any plot(s), selected by the check boxes, in a plot directory.
Uniform Grid Information, Bias Information, and choice for energy axis do not apply to all the available plots (the
<dependencies> are listed next to each option). The options which apply to a range of bias points such as the I-V or L-I
curves, or the Transient response, will generally include the data from all bias points that have been simulated to that
point. Data from the simulation is stored at every point, in the workspace directory, which stores the results of the most
recent simulation. Plots can be generated at any time for any bias point that has been simulated.

72 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 3-25: Plotting Options dialog box.

If the desired plot is not listed, custom plots can be generated as well. These fall into 3 categories, bias dependent data,
spatial data, and energy data. The plot axes in each case are selected from pull-down lists. Display of each of the three
custom plot types is enabled by a corresponding checkbox. Furthermore, the data can be modified by and expression in
the Operation fields (the axis values are denoted by x or y) (see Fig. 3.24).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 73

Figure 3-26: Custom Plots dialog box.

Most spatial plots are displayed on a uniform grid, and the resolution and domain of this grid can be set by clicking the
Set Grid button, which displays the Uniform Grid Dialog. If the Uniform Mesh checkbox is unchecked, then the
RglPLOT utility will be called and data will be displayed on the nonuniform mesh.

74 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 3-27: Uniform Grid settings dialog box.

In addition to the standard and custom plots, several reports are available and can be displayed by the default text editor
when their checkbox is checked.
Furthermore, several conveiniences are available for control of the plots. First, there is a quick access to the Bias Editor
through the View Bias button, also an additional subtitle may be applied to all plots as a documentation mechanism, and
lastly, several plots may be overlayed via the Add to Plot option, which allows the user to specify (or browse for) an
existing plot, onto which the new data will be displayed.
All simulation data is stored in a workspace subdirectory which is prefixed by a User specified name. To refer to the
desired workspace, enter its run prefix in the Generate Plot dialog.
Finally, the Generate Profile Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.


Currently, LI, IV, and certain other data are never deleted, so that the variation from run to run can be observed. To clear
this data, simply check the clear run file option in the Simulation Parameters Dialog.
Also, when the spatial domain of the structure changes between plots, clicking the Set Grid button and verifying that All
regions are selected, will ensure that the entire domain is plotted.

3.P. Packaging Effects

The frequency response of a device can be affected greatly by the parasitics of the chip and package. To account for
these the following model has been icorporated into LaserMOD.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 75

Figure 3-28: Parasitics equivalent circuit.

Rin is associated with the source and is typically 50 Ohms, while Cp, Lp, and Rp are associated with the packaging, and
Rs and Cs are associated with the substrate. These parameters are adjusted from the Package & Chip Parasitics Dialog,
accessed via the Utilities / Parasitics... pulldown menu.

Figure 3-29: Parasitics dialog box.

These effects can be enabled and disabled by simply checking or unchecking the Enable Parasitic Effects checkbox. The
results should be immediately appearent when the Frequency Response is replotted via the Plot Generation Dialog.
Finally, the Package & Chip Parasitics Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual

3.Q. Scan Variable

Multiple simulations can be run automatically in LaserMOD via the scan variable feature. This allows the user to choose
any symbol from the Global Symbol Table and run independent simulations over a range of values for that variable. The
range is specified by Starting Value, Ending Value, and Increment (see Fig. 3-28). A prefix must be specified or a

76 • Chapter 3: CAD Interface LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

warning is issued. A scan point number is automatically appended to this prefix, so that each run has its own _plot and
_data directories. Furthermore, in addition to scanning a full laser simulation, the mode and gain calculations can be
scanned as well. Additionally, once a simulation has been scanned, aggregate custom plots can be generated by
repeating the scan but with one of the three (bias, spatial, and energy) plot types selected. The resulting plot will be
stored in the same directory as the .las file. Note that the desired settings (plot or simulation) must be set prior to
running a scan. For example, the Plot Bias number must be set before running a scan over spatial or energy data.

Figure 3-30: Scan variable dialog box.

Finally, the Scan Variable Dialog contains a Help button which brings up this section of the OnLine manual directly.

[1] T. Tamir, Guided-Wave Optoelectronics, 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, 1990, Heidleberg, Chap. 5.
[2] M.L. Majewski & D. Novak, IEEE Microwave & Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 1, No. 9, Sept. 191, pp. 246-8.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 3: CAD Interface • 77

Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area
(1D) edge emitter

This chapter contains a tutorial describing the layout and simulation of an InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter. The
associated file, fp1d.las, resides in <rsoft_dir>\Examples\LaserMOD\fp1d. This tutorial should be used as the
first introduction of LaserMOD to a new use, and will be built upon by the other tutorials.

4.A. Layout
This section describes the procedure for creating the file, fp1d.las. Note that clicking the OK button in the following
dialog boxes has the standard action of accepting the settings in that dialog, while clicking the Cancel button reverts to
previous settings. These actions may not be stated explicitly in the following, in the interest of brevity, and since the
need for these actions will be obvious to the user.

4.A.1. Starting a new file

• Open the LaserMOD interface from Start Menu or Desktop Icon.
• Click the New Structurebutton on the Top Toolbar.
• The Global Parameters Dialog will appear, as in Fig. 4.1.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 79
Figure 4-31. Initial start-up dialog. This dialog is also accessible at any time from the Side Toolbar.

4.A.2. Drawing the regions

• Select Add Rectangle and click Electrode Region, both on the Side Toolbar.
• Draw the first electrode near the bottom of the CAD window (note that the height will adjust
• Select Bulk Region and draw the first semiconductor region just above the electrode.
• Select Quantum-Well Region and draw a MQW region. A thin green line will
appear in the middle.
• Select Bulk Region again and draw other semiconductor region above the Quantum Well.
• Finally, select Electrode Region again, and draw the second electrode at the top of the
window. The result should be similar to Fig. 4.2.

80 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-32. Layout after regions are randomly drawn.

4.A.3. Defining some usefull symbols

When a given parameter appears in multiple places, it is convenient to define a variable for it, in the Symbol Table, and
then use this variable everywhere in the structure. This allows the value to change automatically, eveywhere the variable
is used, by simply updating the variable in the Symbol Table.
• Open the Symbol Table using the Edit Symbols button on the Side Toolbar.
• Define Width by clicking New Symbol and give it a value of 1 (in practice this would
be the width of the active section in a broad area laser, and much larger than 1).
• Similarly, define Xcenter and give it a value of 0 (see Fig. 4.3).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 81
Figure 4-33

4.A.4. Setting Region Parameters

We will be using the previously defined variables to control the width and location of the structure.

1. Right mouse click on the bottom electrode and change the following settings, as in Fig. 4.4. Note that the Y
Reference Element # is 0, meaning this region is positioned absolutely.
• Set Element Width to Width.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• In this tutorial, Y Ref. is assumed to be 0.

82 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-34

2. Right mouse click on the first semiconductor region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 4.5.
• Set Element Width to Width.
• Set Element Height to 1.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set the Y reference Element # to 1.
• Click the Set Material Button and choose AlGaAs from the Material System
pulldown list. Since this is a ternary system, the Alloy X composition must be set; use 0.6. (the Alloy Y
composition will be ignored since a quarternay was not selected).

• In the Material Data Dialog, set the Acceptors to 1e18 (this sets the doping to p-Type).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 83
Figure 4-35

3. Right mouse click on the quantum well region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 4.6. Note that the height
of the region will adjust automatically so that the well is now centered.
• Set Element Width to Width.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set Y Reference to Element # to 2.
• Set Well Thickness to 0.008.
• Click Qwell: Set Material and select InGaAs, with an
Alloy X composition of 0.2.

• Set SCH Thickness to 0.076.

• Click Barr/SCH: Set Material and select AlGaAs, with an Alloy X
composition of 0.1.

84 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-36

4. Right mouse click on the next semiconductor region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 4.7.
• Set Element Width to Width.
• Set Element Height to 1.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set the Y reference Element # to 3.
• Click the Set Material Button and choose AlGaAs from the Material System
pulldown list. Set the Alloy X composition to 0.6.
• In the Material Data Dialog, set the Donors to 5e17 (this sets the doping to n-Type).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 85
Figure 4-37

5. Finally, right mouse click on the top electrode and change the following settings, as in Fig. 4.8.
• Set Element Width to Width.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set the Y reference Element # to 4.

86 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-38

4.A.5. Tiling the regions

At this point, the layout should look something like Fig. 4.9.

Figure 4-39. Untiled layout.

The regions are now overlapping with each other and must be tiled, meaning that they must form a single rectangle in
which the regions are contiguous, non-overlapping, and no gaps exist. Although this can be done manually, if the
regions have been refernced to each other, the automatic tiling feature may be invoked.
• Click the Tile Regions button on the Side Toolbar.
• Select Full from the View pulldown menu.
• Click the Redraw button on the Top Toolbar. The layout should now appear as in Fig. 4.10.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 87
Figure 4-40. Tiled layout.

4.A.6. Saving the layout

To preserve the effort so far, it may be wise to save the layout at this point.
• Click the Save Structure button on the Top Toolbar and choose a location and file
• Click Save to create the .las file.
• Any subsequent clicks of the Save Structure button will automatically update this file,
while the File menu,Save As option can be used to save the data to a file of a different name.

88 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
4.B. Verifying the layout
Once the CAD layout is established, the corresponding physical layout must be verified. Since the physical geometry is
rendered on a nonuniform mesh, the first step is to observe the mesh and make adjustments, if necessary, so that the
structure is properly resloved. The discretization of the structure can have profound affects on the simulation results.
Once the mesh is established, there are a number of material parameters, such as alloy composition, doping, and
refractive index, that can be immediately observed, to verify that the desired structure has in-fact been rendered. It
should be noted that for historical reasons, spatial results are plotted on a uniform mesh. This can cause some
confusion since the resolution of the displayed results is subject to both meshes, yet only the non-uniform mesh controls
the physical resolution of the simulation.
All raw data generated in a simulation process, which includes mode and profile generation, will be stored in
<prefix>_data, which will be created in the same directory as the .las file. <prefix> denotes the user selected output
prefix, and has the value tmp by default. Similarly, all plots are stored in a <prefix>_plot subdirectory. This
subdirectory is conveniently accessible by the View buttons on the Top Toolbar.

4.B.1. Defining the nonuniform mesh

Generally, the default grid is a sufficient starting point, however the user may wish to change the grid density in certain
places within the simulation region, to more accurately represent rapidly changing physical parameters. The grid
remains fixed once the simulation begins, and if the grid settings are changed, the simulation must be restarted from the
In this example the grid density near the contacts will be increased. No hard and fast guidelines exist for adjusting the
grid. Generally the grid spacing is reduced by a factor of 2 and the simulation is rerun, until the results become
insensitive to further changes in the grid.
• Begin by clicking the Generate Grid button on the Side Toolbar. A Winplot window
will display the resulting grid. The mouse can be used to zoom in or out by holding the left button down
and drawing a box around the region of interest.
• Go back to CAD layout and right click on Region 2 (lower red region)
• Uncheck the Use Defaults checkbox for the Y direction
• Change Min. Spacing - Bottom to 0.01.
• Repeat this procedure on Region 4 (upper red), only this time, change the
Min. Spacing - Top to 0.01.

• Regenerate the grid. It should appear as in Fig. 4.11.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 89
Figure 4-41. Nonuniform mesh for a 1D structure (variation along the vertical, y, direction). The view is zoomed out slightly to
include the electrodes, which are not meshed, as they are outside the simulation domain in this example.

4.B.2. Calculating the alloy profile

The alloy X profile can be displayed by clicking the Generate Profile button on the Side Toolbar and selecting Alloy X
composition. The uniform mesh parameters can be controlled from this dialog, and if the # of X pts is set to 1, a cross-
cut along y, at x=0 will be displayed. Otherwise a contour map will be generated. Furthermore, there is a 3D surface
plotting utility that is accessible from the View menu of the Simulation Window, via the Show 3D Contour Plot option.
It is strongly recommended that the reader reviews the Appendix on Plotting, at this time, since a variety of plotting
features are available.

90 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-42. Alloy X profile in contour (left) resulting from a uniform grid setting of 50 x pts and 500 ypts. The cross-cut at any x
location (right) can be then be taken by right clicking near the x axis. Similarly for any y location.

Figure 4-43. All plots gererated this way are persistent, and accessible via the View Graphs button on the top toolbar.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 91
4.B.3. Calculating the doping profile
The impurity ion and net doping profiles can also be displayed by clicking the Generate Profile button on the Side
Toolbar. Here we have selected Net Doping, and the # of X pts is set to 1. Note that the p-Type regions are denoted by
negative densities.

Figure 4-44. Net Doping profile in contour (left) resulting from a uniform grid setting of 50 x pts and 500 ypts. The cross-cut at any x
location (right) can be then be taken by right clicking near the x axis.

4.B.4. Calculating the index profile

The refractive index profiles can also be displayed by clicking the Generate Profile button on the Side Toolbar. Here
we have selected Index Profile, and set the # of X pts to 1, and the # of Y pts To 500, in order to resolve the quantum
well. Note that had fewer y pts been chosen, the quantun well would not be visible in the plot (uniform mesh), yet it still
would be simulatedon the nonuniform mesh.

92 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-45. Index profile in contour (left) resulting from a uniform grid setting of 50 x pts and 500 ypts. The cross-cut at any x
location (right) can be then be taken by right clicking near the x axis.

4.C. Calculating the mode

Before lasing can occur, the structure must exhibit an optical mode. In the case of index guiding lasers, if no cold cavity
mode results from this step, it may be necessary to change the laser stucture to improve waveguiding. Note that the
mode should be recalculated if there is a change made to the grid. This will be done by the full laser simulation if the
mode calculation is skipped.
Click the Calculate Mode button on the Side Toolbar, and set the # of X pts to 1. The mode in Fig. 4.16 should appear.
Typically, this cold cavity mode is used throughout the remainder of the simulation, although option to recalculate it is
available from the Laser Simulation dialog. If it is desireable to include the effects of index changes due to self-heating
or carrier density, then the mode will automatically be recalculated at each bias. These options are likewise set in the
Laser Simulation dialog.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 93
Figure 4-46. Mode profile in contour (left) resulting from a uniform grid setting of 50 x pts and 500 ypts. The cross-cut at any x
location (right) can be then be taken by right clicking near the x axis.

4.D. Calculating the material gain

The next step is to determine the gain behavior of the quantum well as a function of carrier density in the well. For
Fabrey-Perot lasers, the lasing frequency will be determined by the location of the peak gain. If the peak is in an
undesired location, quantum well parameters will have to be adjusted.
To sweep over density, click the Calculate Gain button on the Side Toolbar and adjust the Min. Density to 1e12.

94 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-47. Settings for a gain sweep vs density.

After a few minutes, the simulation will complete, and a plot of the gain spectra will appear as in Fig. 4.18. Zooming
may be required to get the exact view in the figure. Additional information has also been calculated however, which can
be displayed by going to the View menu in the Simulation Window, and selecting Show Material PL (Fig. 4.19), Show
Index Change (Fig. 4.20), and Show Peak Gain (Fig. 4.21). The transparency density can be read from the intersection
with the x-axis in the plot of Peak Gain vs Density. Similarly, these plots can be generated by sweeping over
The rest of the laser simulation will be conducted at whatever value is in the Max. Density setting. This makes
recalculation of the material gain uneccessary once the simulation resumes, although the option to recalculate is available
from the Laser Simulation dialog. Any density value above the transparency level should be appropriate. If the gain
calculation is skipped, the default density setting will then be used, which may or may not be above the transparency
density. Although, this carrier density is updated during the simulation, the bandstructure is not. Recalculation of the
bandstructure is time consuming and tends not to produce noticeable differences in the results.
Note that if # Points is 1, then Max. Density will be set equal toMin. Density .

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 95
Figure 4-48. Material gain spectra.

96 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-49. PL spectra.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 97
Figure 4-50. Index change.

98 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-51. Peak gain vs density.

4.E. Setting steady-state bias parameters

Once it has been determined that some material gain exists, is peaked at the correct wavelength, and that the structure
contains a mode, then the laser simulation may begin. A laser simulation is typically driven from thermal equalibrium
up to some operating bias condition above threshold. Small steps are taken and the simulation is allowed to reach a
steady-state solution at each bias. All data is saved at each bias, for future plot generation, as well as to provide an initial
guess for the subsequent bias point. Typically, voltage boundary conditions are used below threshold, and current
boundary conditions, above threshold.
Generally, the user only needs to specify the endpoints of the range and the minimum number of steps to take, and the
program will ramp the bias until the desired range is covered, stepping back as needed until convergence is reached, and
then proceding to the next point.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 99
• To adjust the bias settings click the Edit Bias Table button on the Side Toolbar.
For convenience, the table is automatically populated with several bias points.
• Add an additional bias point by highlighting bias 1 and clicking the
Duplicate Bias button. . Click Accept.

• Now highlight the new bias (bias 2) and click the Advanced button. A local Symbol
Table will appear with the simulation parameters for this bias. Increase the value of n_steps to 10.
• Add a final bias point and set the type to current and value to 25mA

Figure 4-52. Bias editor

Figure 4-53. Advanced table for bias 2.

100 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
4.F. Steady-state laser simulation
Finally, the laser structure is ready to be simulated. Simply click the Simulate Laser button on the Side Toolbar, select
the desired physical models, and click OK. We use the default set here, which includes SRH & Auger Recombination,
Carrier Dependent Losses (such as intervalenceband scattering), Bulk Spontaneous Recombination, and incomplete

Figure 4-54

The L-I-V data is plotted in the Simulation Window as the simulation progresses. All data is also saved at each bias
point in the <prefix>_data subdirectory (<prefix>=tmp here), for later plot generation. The L-I-V plot is saved in the
<prefix>_plot subdirectory. After several minutes, the simulation will finish and a message dialog will appear.
Click OK in the message dialog and the results (after zooming) should appear as in Fig. 4.25.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 101
Figure 4-55

Note that a .run file is generated when a simulation begins. This is essentially an archive of the .las file as it existed
when the simulation began (regardless of whether Save was clicked or not).

4.G. Generating standard plots

When the laser simulation has finished the data for all bias points simulated so far will be available for viewing. Due to
the large volume of this data, a Plot Generation Utility is used to extract the desired information.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar.
• Click the Set Grid button and change # of X pts to 1 & # of Y pts to 500.
• Set the Plot Data for Bias # to 2.

102 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Set the Far Field Resolution to 1.
• Check the Far Field checkbox.
• Check the Energy Bands checkbox.
• Check the Charge Carriers checkbox.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 103
Figure 4-56. Plot utility dialog box

Figure 4-57. Far field vs angle – note that in Set Grid, the #x pts has been set to 1 and #y pts to 500.

104 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-58. Energy bands

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 105
Figure 4-59. Charge carriers

To improve the resolution we need to regenerate the carrier plots, and we also wish to view both holes and electrons on
the same plot.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar again.
• Click the Set Grid button and change # of Y pts to 4000.
• After the new plots appear, click the View Editor button on the Top Toolbar of each.
• Copy the name of the data file in one plot, and paste it just below the data file in
the other (In Fig 4.30, tmp_Holes.rsf was pasted just below tmp_Electrons.rsf).
• Click the View Plot button on the Top Toolbar of each plot.

106 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-60. Holes (green) and Electrons (blue) zoomed in around the quantum well. The distributions reflect the contributions from
each of the bound states.

4.H. Generating custom plots

The Plot Generation Utility can also be used to view information that is not contained in the convenient list of standard
plots. We will us the custom plot generation feature to observe the lasing frequency as a function of current on contact 0.
A wide variety of bias, spatial, and spectral data can be plotted this way.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar
• Check the Data vs Bias checkbox
• Click the Set Custombutton.
• Select Current[0] for the X Axis Parameter and LaserFrequency for the
Y Axis Parameter.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 107
Figure 4-61. Laser frequency vs bias current

4.I. Generating reports

When the laser simulation has finished several text reports will be available for viewing in your computers default text
editor (under WindowsTM, for example, it would be NotepadTM). These include a materials report, a quantum well data
report, and a verbose simulation log.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar.
• Check the Materials Data checkbox in the Reports section. This provides
a region by region listing of all the material parameters used in the simulation.
The Quantum Well Data is somewhat cryptic, but contains information from the KP calculation that would not
otherwise appear in a plot.
The Run Log contains detailed output from the simulator and can be used for debugging if a problem occurs. This log
contains information from the last simulation (or mode calc. or profile calc. etc…) and should only be viewed when
working with RSoft Design Group tech. support.

108 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
4.J. Setting transient-response bias parameters
An important feature of LaserMOD is its ability to simulate the time-dependent behavior of a laser. This can be done
once the steady-state operating point is reached. Typically, a small time-dependent perturbation may be applied around
the operating point, and the transient response is recorded. To do this, several time-dependent bias points must be added.
• To add transient points to the bias settings click the Edit Bias Table button.
• Add an additional bias point by highlighting bias 2 and clicking the
Duplicate Bias button. Click Accept.

• Now highlight the new bias (bias 3), set the value to 25, and choose Current.
Click Accept (or click on the highlighted bias) to register these settings. Note that above threshold, it is
easier to apply a small perturbation via current rather than voltage. Also, we know from Fig. 4.25 that we
are already close to 25 mA, and we need to achieve a steady-state operation at some current level before we
can apply a perturbation. In the Advanced Table, set n_steps to 4.
• Highlight the bias 3, again and click Duplicate Bias 3 more times. Click Accept.
• Highlight bias 4, check the Time Dependent checkbox, and set the time step to 5
and the number of steps to 10 (t=5*10). This will give a stable level just before the perturbation is applied.
In the Advanced Table delete n_steps.
• Highlight bias 5, check the Time Dependent checkbox, and set the time step to 5
and the number of steps to 100 (t=5*110). Set the bias value to 25.001. This will give a 550ps
perturbation of 1uA. In the Advanced Table delete n_steps.
• Highlight bias 6, check the Time Dependent checkbox, and set the time step to 5
and the number of steps to 100 (t=5*100). Set the bias value back to 25. This will allow the simulation to
return to its pre-perturbation level. In the Advanced Table delete n_steps.

Another usefull (and time-saving) feature of the Bias Editor is that it allows each bias point to be acivated or deactivated
for a particular simulation. This is done by highlighting a bias and either double clicking on it to toggle through the
options, or directly selecting RUN (activate), " " (same state as previous), or HALT (deactivate) at the top of the
Since for this example, the steady-state simulation has already been run (and material, mesh, and model options have not
been changed), we just need to run the transient bias points (and the preceding steady-state point at the level where the
transient is applied).
• Highlight bias 0 and set the first field to HALT.
• Highlight bias 3 and set the first field to RUN.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 109
Figure 4-62. Bias editor

4.K. Getting the transient-response

The laser's transient response can now be simulated, just as the steady-state run before it.
• Simply click the Simulate Laser button on the Side Toolbar, leave the same
selection of physical models, and click OK.
When completed, the optical response to a 0.001 mA pulse (around a 25 mA operating point) will be displayed in the
Simulation Window (Fig. 4.33).
• To see the input pulse that was used to drive the laser, simply generate a custom plot of type
Data vs Bias, where the x axis is Time and the y axis is Current[0].

110 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 4-63. Transient response


In a transient simulation, if the initial (unperturbed) time steps are not perfectly flat, the frequency response can be
affected. In this case, a self-consistent bias point should proceed a transient simulation to avoid any small oscillations in
the initial time steps.

4.L. Getting the frequency-response

Once a time dependent simulation has been run, the frequency response of the device can be extracted from the recorded
transient response.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 111
We note that the time for each of the transient bias points, that were set in section 4.J, had been chosen to avoid
numerical spikes that can occur when the transient response is Fourier Transformed. Though a laser is a non-linear
device, the small size of the perturbation ensures that the Fourier Transform will yield a reasonably accurate frequency
• All that is required is to click the Generate Plot button and check the
Frequency Response checkbox (uncheck all others) and click OK.

Figure 4-64. Frequency response (where the last column, phase, has been commented out using a”!” at the beginning of the last line
in the plot script).


The dt variable for every bias point used in a particular transient response should be the same in order to extract a
frequency response from it.

112 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
4.M. Accounting for parasitic effects
The frequency response of the intrinsic laser diode can be dramatically affected by parasitics associated with the chip and
package. A simple model (Chap. 3, section 3.O) has been incorporated into the frequency response feature to include
these effects.
• From the main Utility pulldown menu, select Parasitics (Fig. 4.35).
• Change Cs to 5.
• Change Rs to 2.
• Check the Enable Parasitic Effects checkbox.
• Regenerate the Frequency Response (Fig. 4.36).

Figure 4-65. Parasitic effects utility dialog

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter • 113
Figure 4-66. The intrinsic laser response (green), the parasitic response (red), and the total response (blue) are overlayed for
comparison. The intersect of each curve with the dashed line represents the 3dB point for each case.

114 • Chapter 4: InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with
Table Gain model and Material

This chapter contains a tutorial describing the layout and simulation of an InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter using
the Table Gain model. The associated file, fp1d_table.las, resides in
<rsoft_dir>\Examples\LaserMOD\fp1d_table. The tutorial in Chapter 4, should be reviewed before beginning
this one. This tutorial also demonstrates the procedure for calibrating the material gain in LaserMOD.
Please Note: The Gain Tables are licensed separately, so this tutorial example file will not run unless a license for it has
been purchased (or requested in the case of evaluation).

5.A. Layout
This tutorial will utilize the same structure that was created in the tutorial of Chapter 4. Copy the file that was generated
by the Chapter 4 tutorial and rename it for use in the present tutorial. Open this renamed .las file. No futher layout
tasks are necessary.

5.B. Recalculating the material gain

In this section, the material gain will be recalculated, this time with the Table Gain model enabled. Note that Table Gain
libraries do not necessarily exist for all the material systems available under the Free-Carrier gain model. Currently, a
Table Gain library exists for 980nm InGaAs, and was generated by a Many-Body model. This library is incuded with
the LaserMOD distribution (installed separately – see section 1.H). Additional gain libraries for other material systems
will be added as they are developed. Each of these libraries is stored in its own subdirectory under

• Several Symbol Table variables are used to govern the Table Gain calculation (section 2…).
Here, we need only specify table_gain_material = InGaAs980nm in the Global Symbol Table (see
Fig. 5.1). If this step is skipped, an error will occur, when the calculation is run, indicating that "none"
cannot be found. The other parameters may be left as default.
• To sweep over density, click the Calculate Gain button on the Side Toolbar.
The Min. Density should be 1e12 and the Max. Density should be 2e12, as before.
• Check the Look-Up Table Gain Model checkbox and click OK (Fig. 5.2).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 115
Figure 5-67. Gobal Symbol Table.

Figure 5-68. Settings for a gain sweep vs density.

After a few minutes, the simulation will complete, and a plot of the gain spectra will appear as in Fig. 5.3. Zooming may
be required to get the exact view in the figure. Additional information has also been calculated however, which can be
displayed by going to the View menu in the Simulation Window, and selecting Show Material PL (Fig. 5.4), Show Index
Change (Fig. 5.5), and Show Peak Gain (Fig. 5.6). The transparency density can be read from the intersection with the
x-axis in the plot of Peak Gain vs Density. Similarly, these plots can be generated by sweeping over temperature.

116 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Note that if # Points is 1, then Max. Density will be set equal toMin. Density .

Figure 5-69. Material gain spectra for several densities, including absorption regime and exiton peaks.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 117
Figure 5-70. PL spectra.

118 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 5-71. Index change.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 119
Figure 5-72. Peak gain vs density.

Finally, it should be noted that activation of the Table Gain Model does not preclude the calculation of the
bandstructure via the Free-Carrier gain model, when the laser simulation is run. Other parameters, such as the density
of states, are also required for simulation, and these are provided by running the Free-Carrier model.

5.C. Calibrating the Free-Carrier Gain

Material parameter calibration is one of the most difficult procedures in laser simulation, but it cannot be avoided. Due
to the large number of material parameters, it becomes necessary to perform this calibration in steps. The first step is the
calibration of the gain. Typically, this requires some knowledge of the PL or other measured data for the quantum well
region of the laser structure, as grown. Here, we demonstrate this procedure by comparing the Free-Carrier model to the
Many-Body model, since the Many-Body model is quite predictive and typically compares well with measured data,
without calibration.

120 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
The gain tables distributed with LaserMOD are proprietary and encrypted. Therefore, they cannot be exported directly
to separate plots, as all other data in LaserMOD. These tables can only be viewed in the Simulation Window.

1. Repeat the steps of section 5.B., but this time select only 3 density values. Zoom in on the gain region.

Figure 5-73. Many-Body gain spectra for 3 densities. No calibration neccessary.

2. Now recalculate these same points via the Free-Carrier model.

• Click the Calculate Gain button on the Side Toolbar.
• Uncheck the Look-Up Table Gain Model checkbox.
• Change the Run Prefix so that the first set of data will not be lost.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 121
Figure 5-74. Free-Carrier gain spectra for the same 3 densities - uncalibrated.

3. Zooming in (Fig. 5.9), it can be seen that the gain peak is higher than that predicted by the Many-Body model (Fig.
5.7), and furthermore, it is at the wrong energy. The first step is to reduce the magnitude of the peak gain. This is done
by adjusting the broadening energy.
• Right click on the Quantum Well Region, and click on Qwell: Phys. Data.
• Add the new symbol, regmat_krelaxener, and set it to 0.08.
• Rerun the calculation and observe the result in Fig. 5.10.

122 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 5-75. Close-up of Free-Carrier gain spectra.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 123
Figure 5-76. Free-Carrier gain spectra for the same 3 densities – after initial calibration.

It can be seen, by comparing Figs. 5.10 with Fig. 5.7, that adjustment of these quantum well parameters has brought the
two sets of gain spectra into closer agreement, at least where the magnitude of the peaks is concerned.
As for the frequency of the gain peak, this is controlled by the direct bandgap, kpmat_G6C_G8V. This parameter should
be adjusted in the material library, since there is an alloy dependence. Note that it is best to save the edited material file
to another name, and then refer to this new file in the quantum well region's material pulldown list, so that the original
library settings are not lost.
There are two auxilliary parameters in each library file that can assist in the calibration of the direct bandgap. These are
EgG_BOWING and EgG_LINEAR. Either of these, or some combination of them, may be chosen as the value for
kpmat_G6C_G8V. But it should be noted that exact frequency agreement between the Free-Carrier and Many-Body
models is not possible, since the Free-Carrier model does not account for the exciton binding energy.

124 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Calibration of the frequency should be done first, since adjustment of the bandgap will require recalibration of all the
parameters discussed above.

5.D. Calibrating the loss

Having obtained roughly the correct magnitude for the gain peak, it is time to run the full laser simulation and perform
the remainder of the calibration by adjusting the carrier dependent losses and dark recombinations. Comparing the
different gain models to each other will not be sufficient for this part of the calibration, so in lieu of having measured
laser performance data, the process can only be described here (see the validation examples for more details).
• Click the Edit Bias Table button on the Side Toolbar.
• Deactivate bias 4 by setting it to HALT, since the transient response is not needed here.
• Set Bias 3 to 25 mA.
• Uncheck all models except the Incomplete Ionization
• Click Simulate Laser button on the side Toolbar.
• Check the Clear Run File checkbox to delete any data from previous runs.
• Check the Recalculate KP checkbox to insure that the calibrated values are used.
• Check the Recalculate Mode checkbox to insure that the correct mode pattern is used.
Note that the mode calculation is performed at the bandedge energy, so changes to the quantum well
parameters will affect the mode, and therefore the laser performance.
• Make sure the Look-Up Table Gain Model checkbox is checked, and click OK (Gain Dialog). Note: This
calibration can be done with the Free-Carrier model as well
• When this simulation finishes, rerun it with Auger and SRH recombination enabled
• When this simulation finishes, rerun it with Carrier-Dependent Losses enabled
• When this simulation finishes, click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar.
• Check the Light vs Current checkbox to observe the L-I curves from all runs.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 125
Figure 5-77. L-I curves with different loss models enabled.

The following parameters can affect both the threashold and the slope efficiency. These can be set in either the material
library files, or region by region in the local Physical Data Tables. They should be used to calibrate the slope. It is
recommended that global symbols be defined and used for the values of the following parameters in the local tables, so
that adjustment need only occur in one place.
• The Free-Carrier loss for electrons, fca_elcoef.
• The Free-Carrier loss for holes, fca_hlcoef.
The following parameters can be adjusted to affect the threashold. Except for the first one, these can be set in either the
material library files, or region by region in the local Physical Data Tables. Once the slope is correct, these can be used
to calibrate the threashold. It is recommended that global symbols be defined and used for the values of the following
parameters in the local tables, so that adjustment need only occur in one place.
• The Waveguide Loss in the Global Parameters dialog (global parameter only).

126 • Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• The Auger recombination parameter for electrons, regmat_Augn300.
• The Auger recombination parameter for holes, regmat_Augp600.
• The SRH recombination parameter for electrons, regmat_SRH_taun.
• The SRH recombination parameter for holes, regmat_SRH_taup.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 5: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Material Calibration • 127
Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with
Table Gain model and Self-

This chapter contains a tutorial describing the layout and simulation of an InGaAs FP broad area (1D) edge emitter with
Table Gain model and self-heating. The associated file, fp1d_table_therm.las, resides in
Please Note: The Gain Tables are licensed separately, so this tutorial example file will not run unless a license for it has
been purchased (or requested in the case of evaluation).

6.A Layout
This tutorial will utilize the same structure that was created in the tutorial of Chapter 5. Copy the file that was generated
by the Chapter 5 tutorial to a new directory and rename it for use in the present tutorial. Open this renamed .las file.
No futher layout tasks are necessary.

6.B Setting the Thermal Boundary Conditions

Many laser performance characteristics, such as threashold, gain saturation, and lasing frequency depend on temperature.
This is due to the change in material parameters that results from an increase in temperature within the laser during
operation, and is known as self-heating. To determine the self-heating the temperature profile is needed, which results
from solution of the lattice heat equation. Boundary conditions are required to accurately solve this equation.
These boundary conditions are set by the metalic contacts. Elsewhere, reflective boundary conditions are applied. In the
contacts, the default thermal boundary conditions are Dirichlet, of value equal to the ambient temperature. The reflective
boundary condition can also be applied in the contact by setting elec_thermboundary to none. A value of cauchy
may be chosen if thermal resistance is to be specified, which is done via the elec_thermconduct parameter.
The following symbols can be set either in the Physical Data Table or directly in the Electrode Properties Dialog
• Click on bias contact (electrode 0), and click on Phys. Data.
• Add the new symbol elec_thermboundary and set it to cauchy.
• Add the new symbol elec_thermconduct and set it to 0.003.
• Click on the ground contact (electrode 1), and click on Phys. Data.
• Add the new symbol elec_thermboundary and set it to none.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating • 129
Figure 6-78. Eelectrode boundary conditions for heat sink.

Figure 6-79. Electrode boundary conditions for no heat sink.

130 • Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Note that the electrically grounded contact may not necessarily be the one that has heat sinking. This depends on the
actual packaging configuration of the device.

6.C. Effects of Self-Heating

Self-heating simulations are generally less stable due to the coupling of an additional differential equation, activation of
additional models. So, with some foresight we adjust the Bias Table as follows.
• Open the bias editor and disable Bias 4 (not interested in transient response here)
• Set bias 3 ramp points to 100 (Fig. 6.3).

Figure 6-80. Bias Table for self-heating.

Run the laser simulation without self-heating.

• Use the set of simulation options depicted in Fig. 6.4., but with the self-heating model unchecked
• Run the simulation.

Run the laser simulation with self-heating for comparison.

• Go to the Simulation Parameters dialgog.
• Check the Self-Heating checkbox and run the simulation.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating • 131
Figure 6-81. Simulation options for self-heating.

When the simulations have finished, plot the temperature profile in the device.
• Go to the Plot Generator and click Set Custom.
• Select LatticeTemperature from the Spatial Data pulldown list.
• Check the Spatial Data checkbox.
• Set Plot Data for Bias # to 3.
• Click Set Grid and apply the settings in Fig. 6.5.
• Check the Light vs Current (L-I) checkbox in the Standard Plots

132 • Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 6-82. Uniform grid settings.

Figure 6-83. Temperature profile along the vertical direction.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating • 133
Figure 6-84. Effects of self-heating (green) as compared to no self-heating (blue).

It can be seen from Fig. 6.6 that the L-I curve begins to roll off when the self-heating is accounted for.

134 • Chapter 6: InGaAs FP (1D) with Table Gain model and Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D)
Edge Emitter

This chapter contains a tutorial describing the layout and simulation of a InGaAs FP ridge (2D) edge emitter. The
associated file, fp2d.las, resides in <rsoft_dir>\Examples\LaserMOD\fp2d.

7.A. Layout
This section describes the procedure for creating the file, fp1d.las. Note that clicking the OK button in the following
dialog boxes has the standard action of accepting the settings in that dialog, while clicking the Cancel button reverts to
previous settings. These actions may not be stated explicitly in the following, in the interest of brevity, and since the
need for these actions will be obvious to the user.

7.A.1. Starting a New File

• Open the LaserMOD interface from Start Menu or Desktop Icon.
• Click the New Structurebutton on the Top Toolbar.
• The Global Parameters Dialog will appear, select 2D Simulation and check
Show Structure , as in Fig. 7.1. This will activate the display of an outline of the device which will be
overlaid with mesh and spatial data plots.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 135
Figure 7-85. Initial start-up dialog. This dialog is also accessible at any time from the Side Toolbar.

7.A.2. Drawing the Regions

In the following, the "Snap & Glue" behavior of the CAD will be used. This is always active, and can be utilized by
simply starting to draw the next region close to the top-center position of the previous one (see Fig. 7.2). The CAD will
automatically vertically tile regions drawn this way.
• Select Add Rectangle and click Electrode Region, both on the Side Toolbar.
• Draw the first electrode near the bottom of the CAD window (note that the height will adjust
• Select Bulk Region and draw the first semiconductor region just above the electrode.
• Select Quantum-Well Region and draw a MQW region. A thin green line will
appear in the middle.
• Select Bulk Region again and draw a thin semiconductor region above the Quantum Well.
• Draw a second bulk semiconductor region on top of this one.
• Select Electrode Region again, and draw the second electrode.

136 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Select Oxide Region and draw 2 bulk oxide regions, one on either side of the topmost
bulk semiconductor region (no auto-tiling will occur). The result should be similar to Fig. 7.3.
• Click the Select Mode button on the Side Toolbar, since we are done drawing.

Figure 7-86. Vertical "Snap & Glue" feature.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 137
Figure 7-87. Layout after regions are initially drawn.

7.A.3. Defining Usefull Symbols

When a given parameter appears in multiple places, it is convenient to define a variable for it, in the Symbol Table, and
then use this variable everywhere in the structure. This allows the value to change automatically, eveywhere the variable
is used, by simply updating the variable in the Symbol Table.
• Open the Symbol Table using the Edit Symbols button on the Side Toolbar.
• Define Wsub by clicking New Symbol and give it a value of 15.
• Define Wridge and give it a value of 5.
• Define Wox and give it an expression of (Wsub-Wridge)/2.
• Define Xcenter and give it a value of 0 (the table should appear as in Fig. 7.4).

138 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-88

7.A.4. Setting Region Parameters

We will be using the previously defined variables to control the width and location of the structure.

1. Right mouse click on the bottom electrode and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.5. Note that the Y
Reference Element # is 0, meaning this region is positioned absolutely.
• Set Element Width to Wsub.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set Electrode Number to 1 (this will be the ground bias).
• In this tutorial, Y Ref. is assumed to be 0.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 139
Figure 7-89

2. Right mouse click on the first semiconductor region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.6.
• Set Element Width to Wsub.
• Set Element Height to 1.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Set the Y reference Element # to 1 (may already be set due to "Snap & Glue").
• Click the Set Material Button and choose AlGaAs from the Material System
pulldown list. Since this is a ternary system, the Alloy X composition must be set; use 0.6. (the Alloy Y
composition will be ignored since a quarternay was not selected).

• In the Material Data Dialog, set the Donors to 5e17 (this sets the doping to n-Type).

140 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-90

3. Right mouse click on the quantum well region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.7. Note that the height
of the region will adjust automatically so that the well is now centered.
• Set Element Width to Wsub.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Check that the Y Reference to Element # is 2.
• Set Well Thickness to 0.008.
• Click Qwell: Set Material and select InGaAs, with an
Alloy X composition of 0.2.

• Set SCH Thickness to 0.076.

• Click Barr/SCH: Set Material and select AlGaAs, with an Alloy X
composition of 0.1.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 141
Figure 7-91

4. Right mouse click on the next semiconductor region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.8.
• Set Element Width to Wsub.
• Set Element Height to 0.05.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Check that the Y reference Element # is 3.
• Click the Set Material Button and choose AlGaAs from the Material System
pulldown list. Set the Alloy X composition to 0.6.
• In the Material Data Dialog, set the Acceptors to 1e18 (this sets the doping to p-Type).

142 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-92

5. Right mouse click on the next semiconductor region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.9.
• Set Element Width to Wridge.
• Set Element Height to 1.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Check that the Y reference Element # is 4.
• Click the Set Material Button and choose AlGaAs from the Material System
pulldown list. Set the Alloy X composition to 0.6.
• In the Material Data Dialog, set the Acceptors to 1e18 (this sets the doping to p-Type).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 143
Figure 7-93

6. Right mouse click on the top electrode and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.10.
• Set Element Width to Wridge.
• Set X Ref. to Xcenter.
• Check that the Y reference Element # is 5.
• Set the Electrode Number to 0 (this will be the applied bias).

144 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-94

7. Right mouse click on the rightmost oxide region and change the following settings, as in Fig. 7.11.
• Set Element Width to Wox.
• Set Element Height to 1.
• Set the X reference Element # to 5.
• Set the Y reference Element # to 4.
• Click the Set Material Button and note that Oxide is already selected in the
Material System pulldown list.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 145
Figure 7-95

8. Right mouse click on the remaining oxide region and apply the same settings as in Fig. 7.11.

7.A.5. Tiling the Regions

At this point, the layout should look something like Fig. 7.12.

146 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-96. Untiled layout.

The regions are now overlapping with each other and must be tiled, meaning that they must form a single rectangle in
which the regions are contiguous, non-overlapping, and no gaps exist. Although this can be done manually, if the
regions have been refernced to each other, the automatic tiling feature may be invoked.
• Click the Tile Regions button on the Side Toolbar. An "Overlapping Regions" error
will occur, ignore it for now.
• Select Full from the View pulldown menu (see Fig.7.13).
• With the mouse, drag & drop the top Oxide region (grey – highlighted) anywhere on the left
side of the client drawing window (white grided area). Click the Tile Regions button again. The layout
should now appear as in Fig. 7.14. When there is a degeneracy as to where to place a relatively referenced
region (right side or left side), then the current position of the region is used. That is why dragging the
region to the left side of the layout is all that is necessary.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 147
Figure 7-97. Tiled layout – with overlapped oxide regions.

148 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-98. Tiled layout.

Note that the structure is not to scale. It can be viewed to scale by selecting Aspect Ratio = 1:1 from the View pulldown

7.A.6. Saving the Layout

To preserve the effort so far, it may be wise to save the layout at this point.
• Click the Save Structure button on the Top Toolbar and choose a location and file
• Click Save to create the .las file.
• Any subsequent clicks of the Save Structure button will automatically update this file,
while the File menu,Save As option can be used to save the data to a file of a different name.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 149
7.B. Verifying the Layout
Once the CAD layout is established, the corresponding physical layout must be verified. Since the physical geometry is
rendered on a nonuniform mesh, the first step is to observe the mesh and make adjustments, if necessary, so that the
structure is properly resloved. The discretization of the structure can have profound affects on the simulation results.
Once the mesh is established, there are a number of material parameters, such as alloy composition, doping, and
refractive index, that can be immediately observed, to verify that the desired structure has in-fact been rendered. It
should be noted that for historical reasons, spatial results are plotted on a uniform mesh. This can cause some
confusion since the resolution of the displayed results is subject to both meshes, yet only the non-uniform mesh controls
the physical resolution of the simulation.
All raw data generated in a simulation process, which includes mode and profile generation, will be stored in
<prefix>_data, which will be created in the same directory as the .las file. <prefix> denotes the user selected output
prefix, and has the value tmp by default. Similarly, all plots are stored in a <prefix>_plot subdirectory. This
subdirectory is conveniently accessible by the View buttons on the Top Toolbar.

7.B.1. Defining the Nonuniform Mesh

Generally, the default grid is a sufficient starting point, however the user may wish to change the grid density in certain
places within the simulation region, to more accurately represent rapidly changing physical parameters. The grid
remains fixed once the simulation begins, and if the grid settings are changed, the simulation must be restarted from the
In this example the grid density near the contacts will be increased. No hard and fast guidelines exist for adjusting the
grid. Generally the grid spacing is reduced by a factor of 2 and the simulation is rerun, until the results become
insensitive to further changes in the grid.
• Begin by clicking the Generate Grid button on the Side Toolbar. A Winplot window
will display the resulting grid (Fig. 7.15). The mouse can be used to zoom in or out by holding the left
button down and drawing a box around the region of interest.

150 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-99. Default nonuniform mesh for a 2D structure – note that the structure is visible in the background. Only the right half is
shown since it is assumed to be symmetric about x=0 (this is set in the Global Parameters dialog).

For efficiency, the mesh can be made coarser in certain places, such as the right side of the domain where there will be
small field and carrier density gradients, and near the heterojunction just below the Oxide. Note that eliminating vertical
gridlines will significantly improve the speed of the simulation since the quantum wells are solved along each vertical
line, and this is computationally intesive.
• Go back to CAD layout and open the Global Parameters dialog. Change
Spacing-Right and Spacing-Left to 2. These settings apply to all the regions. Regenerate the mesh to
observe the change. Mesh warnings can be ignored.
• Right click on the ridge (region 5) and uncheck the Use Defaults checkbox for X.
• Change Min. Spacing - Right and Min. Spacing - left to 0.5.
• Uncheck the Use Defaults checkbox for the Y direction.
• Change Min. Spacing - Bottom to 0.02. Note that the mesh will not change near
this interface. That is because the SMALLEST spacing near a heterojunction is used. Currently, the
spacing in the Oxide regions is smaller than 0.02.
• Right click on Oxide region 7, uncheck the Use Defaults checkboxes for X & Y,
change Min. Spacing - Bottom to 0.02, and Min. Spacing - left to 0.5.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 151
• Right click on Oxide region 8, uncheck the Use Defaults checkboxes for Y, and
change Min. Spacing - Bottom to 0.02. The X parameters will be greyed out because this region is
currently inactive, as it resides in the left half (unsimulated) part of the domain.
• Right click on the thin bulk region just below the Oxide (regions 4), uncheck the
Use Defaults checkbox for Y, and change the Min. Spacing - top to 0.02.

• Regenerate the grid one last time. It should appear as in Fig. 7.16.

Figure 7-100. Adjusted nonuniform mesh for half domain of a 2D ridge laser.

7.B.2. Calculating Parameter Profiles

A number of parameter profiles can be generated by clicking the Generate Profile button on the Side Toolbar. Here we
generate the alloy X, net doping, and index profiles by selecting Alloy X composition, Net Doping, and Index Profile,
respectively. The uniform mesh parameters are chosen accoring to feature sizes along each direction. # of X pts is set to
50 (not much variation here) and # of Y pts is set to 500 so that the quantum wells can be resolved. Note that fewer y pts
might not resolve the quantun well in the plot (uniform mesh), but the well would still be simulated on the nonuniform

152 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
mesh. In each case, the last profile generated will be saved automatically in the <prefix>_plot subdirectory, and can
be viewed at any time by clicking the View Graphsbutton on the Top Toolbar and opening <prefix>_Profile.pcs.
It is strongly recommended that the reader reviews the Appendix on Plotting, at this time, since a variety of plotting
features are available.

Figure 7-101. Alloy X profile as a contour plot (left). The cross-cut (right) from right clicking on the x axis at x=4.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 153
Figure 7-102. Net Doping profile as a contour plot (left). The cross-cut (right) from right clicking on the x axis at x=1. Note that the
p-Type regions are denoted by negative densities.

Figure 7-103. Index profile as a contour plot (left). The cross-cut (right) from right clicking on the x axis at x=4.

154 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
7.C. Calculating the Mode
Before lasing can occur, the structure must exhibit an optical mode. In the case of index guiding lasers, if no cold cavity
mode results from this step, it may be necessary to change the laser stucture to improve waveguiding.
• Click the Calculate Mode button on the Side Toolbar, and set the # of X pts to 50
and also set # of Y pts to 500. The mode in Fig. 7.20 should appear.
Typically, this cold cavity mode is used throughout the remainder of the simulation, although option to recalculate it is
available from the Laser Simulation dialog. If it is desireable to include the effects of index changes due to self-heating
or carrier density, then the mode will automatically be recalculated at each bias. These options are likewise set in the
Laser Simulation dialog.

Figure 7-104. Mode profile as a contour plot (left). The cross-cut (right) from right clicking on the x axis at x=0.


The mode should be recalculated if there is a change made to the grid. This will be done by the full laser simulation if
the mode calculation is skipped. However, if the KP is recalculated prior to a full laser simulation, then the mode should
also be recalculated. This is not done automatically, and the user should do this by checking the Recalculate Mode
checkbox in the Simulation Parameters dialog.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 155
7.D. Calling the BeamPROP Mode Solver
LaserMOD has been integrated with other tools from RSoft Design Group. Here, the use of BeamPROP is for the
calculation of the mode, is demonstrated.
• Click the Calculate Mode button on the Side Toolbar once again, but this time select
the Beam Propagation Method. Notice that several other controls will be enabled.
• Launch the mode calculation and view its progress by clicking on the BeamPROP process
icon on the Taskbar at the bottom of your computer screen.
• Notice that there are some unphysical features evolving along the center y position. This
indicates that the BPM step is too large.
• Terminate both the BeamPROP and LaserMOD Simulation Windows.
• Reduce the Z Step size by a factor of 2 and rerun the mode calculation.
• When it finishes, the results should be nearly (barring discretization error) indistinguishable
from those calculated previously. Note that the laterial cross-cut is shown in Fig. 7.21, as where the
vertical cross-cut was shown in Fig. 7.20.

Figure 7-105. Mode profile as a contour plot (left). The cross-cut (right) from right clicking on the y axis at y=1.2.

156 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
7.E. Calculating the Material Gain
The next step is to determine the gain behavior of the quantum well as a function of temperature (the density sweep was
performed in section 4.D, and will not be repeated here). For Fabrey-Perot lasers, the lasing frequency will be
determined by the location of the peak gain. So this procedure can give an indication of the how the laser frequency will
drift with temperature.
• To sweep over temperature, click the Calculate Gain button on the Side Toolbar
and select Sweep over Temperature .
• Set the Min. Density to 2e12.
• Set the Max. Temperature to 400 and click OK.

Figure 7-106. Settings for a gain sweep vs density.

After a few minutes, the simulation will complete, and a plot of the gain spectra will appear as in Fig. 7.23. Zooming
may be required to get the exact view in the figure. Additional information has also been calculated however, which can
be displayed by going to the View menu in the Simulation Window, and selecting Show Material PL (Fig. 7.24), Show
Index Change (Fig. 7.25), and Show Peak Gain (Fig. 7.26). Note that the peak gain shift dramatically in frequency as
well as in amplitude

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 157
Figure 7-107. Material gain spectra.

158 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-108. PL spectra.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 159
Figure 7-109. Index change.

160 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-110. Peak gain vs temperature.

7.F. Setting steady-state bias parameters

Once it has been determined that some material gain exists, is peaked at the correct wavelength, and that the structure
contains a mode, then the laser simulation may begin. A laser simulation is typically driven from thermal equalibrium
up to some operating bias condition above threshold. Small steps are taken and the simulation is allowed to reach a
steady-state solution at each bias. All data is at each bias, for future plot generation, as well as to provide an initial guess
for the subsequent bias point. Typically, voltage boundary conditions are used below threshold, and current boundary
conditions, above threshold.
Generally, the user only needs to specify the endpoints of the range and the minimum number of steps to take, and the
program will ramp the bias until the desired range is covered, stepping back as needed until convergence is reached, and
then proceding to the next point.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 161
• To adjust the bias settings click the Edit Bias Table button on the Side Toolbar.
For convenience, the table is automatically populated with several bias points.
• Add an additional bias point by highlighting bias 1 and clicking the
Duplicate Bias button. Increase the value of ramp steps to 10. Click Accept.

• Now highlight the new bias (bias 2) and click the Advanced button. A local Symbol
Table will appear with the simulation parameters for this bias. .

Figure 7-111. Bias editor

Figure 7-112. Advanced table for bias 2.

162 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
7.G. Steady-state laser simulation
Finally, the laser structure is ready to be simulated. Since a sweep over gain spectra was just performed, it is wise to
recalculate the gain and the mode before simulating the laser.
• Click the Edit Symbols button on the Side Toolbar (the following changes could also be
made from Gain and Mode calculation dialogs).
• Delete the run_mode_method symbol (sets the default mode method).
• Set the run_gain_maxtemp symbol to 300. Click OK.
• Click the Simulate Laser button on the Side Toolbar, select the desired physical models.
We use the default set here, which includes SRH & Auger Recombination, Carrier Dependent Losses (such
as intervalenceband scattering), Bulk Spontaneous Recombination, and incomplete ionization.
• Check the Recalculate KP and Recalculate Mode checkboxes to insure that the
desired settings are in effect during the simulation.

Figure 7-113. Global Symbol table – quick access to parameters and settings.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 163
Figure 7-114

The L-I-V data is plotted in the Simulation Window as the simulation progresses. All data is also saved at each bias
point in the <prefix>_data subdirectory (<prefix>=tmp here), for later plot generation. The L-I-V plot is saved in the
<prefix>_plot subdirectory. After several minutes, the simulation will finish and a message dialog will appear.
Click OK in the message dialog and the results (after zooming) should appear as in Fig. 7.30.

164 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-115

Note that a .run file is generated when a simulation begins. This is essentially an archive of the .las file as it existed
when the simulation began (regardless of whether Save was clicked or not).

7.H. Plotting the Results

When the laser simulation has finished the data for all bias points simulated so far will be available for viewing. Due to
the large volume of this data, a Plot Generation Utility is used to extract the desired information.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar.
• Click the Set Grid button and change # of X pts to 50 & # of Y pts to 500.
• Make sure the Region(s)pulldown is set to All.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 165
• Set the Plot Data for Bias # to 2.
• Set the Far Field Resolution to 5. Start with a large value here since too fine a
resolution may require virtual memory.
• Check the Far Field checkbox.
• Check the Energy Bands checkbox.
• Check the Charge Carriers checkbox.

166 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-116. Plot utility dialog box

The plots in Figs. 7.33-7.39 will result. The default plot utility for 2D spatial data is CPLOT. This utility allows the user
to view all 1D cross-cuts of the data by right clicking on an axis at the point of interest. These plots are in the
<prefix>_plot subdirectory, and are accessible any time via the View Contours button on the Top Toolbar.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 167
Figure 7-117. Far field vs angle: contour (left) cross-cut (right).

Figure 7-118. Conduction band: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

168 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-119. Valence band: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

Figure 7-120. Electron Fermi level: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 169
Figure 7-121. Hole Fermi level: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

Figure 7-122. Electron density: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

170 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 7-123. Hole density: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

7.I. MultiMode Operation

LaserMOD uses a separate photon rate equation for each requested mode of the structure. The number of modes
requested is the product of # Long./Azym. Modes and # Tran./Radial Modes in the Global Parameters dialog. For
Fabrey-Perot lasers, the longitudinal modes are a set of adjacent FP modes closest to the gain peak and the transverse
modes are a set of waveguide modes calculated at the quantum well band edge frequency (cold cavity) or near the gain
peak if recalculated above threshold.
In this section, the FP example of the previous sections, will be reconsidered with 2 transverse modes active; a mode
calculation will be performed, observations about the nonuniform mesh will be made, and individual L-I curves for each
mode will be generated.

7.I.1. Mode Calculation and Mesh Observations

Typically, the simulation solution variables such as carrier densities and electrostatic potential vary gradually over the
device (QW not withstanding). So a rather course mesh will actually not degrade the simualtion results, while improving
simulation speed. In this section we examine an exception to this that users studying mode competition should be aware
of. The optical field of higher modes may require a finer mesh to properly resolve, since the oscillations of the field
intensity contribute to the confinement factor.
• Go to the Mode Calculation dialog and set # Transverseto 2.
• Perform a mode calculation using the default solver.
• Notice that in the Message area of the Simulation Window, the confinement factors
for each mode are displayed, and are nearly identical here. Also, the mode intensity profile that is displayed
is that of the highest mode calculated.
• Click on View Contours on the Top Toolbar and open both the mode files
<prefix>__Mode[0,0].pcs and <prefix>_Mode[1,0].pcs.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 171
Figure 7-124. Fundamental mode: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

Figure 7-125. First order mode: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

Though subtle in Fig. 7.40, it is dramatically clear in Fig. 7.41 that the mesh is not properly resolving the mode profiles.
Reruning the mode calculation with more uniform grid points will not help. This is the price of a coarse nonuniform
• Refine the mesh in the ridge by right clicking on region 5.
• Check the Uniformcheckbox for X
• Set Max. X Spacing to 0.25.
• Regenerate the mesh (Fig. 7.42). Note that the mesh warning can be ignored, or alleviated

172 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
by setting the Min. Spacing - Left to 0.25 in the Oxide region (region 7).
• Recalculate the modes. Note that the new confinement factors are about the same as the old.
• Reopen the results from View Contours. (Fig. 7.43).

Figure 7-126. Coarse mesh (left) and refined mesh (right)

Figure 7-127. Fundamental mode on refined mesh: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 173
Figure 7-128. First order mode on refined mesh: contour (left) cross-cut (right)

From the results calculated on the coarse grid, it can be seen from the cross-section of the first excited mode that the
intensity is not represented very well and that still higher modes may not be accurately represented at all. If the
confinement factors are different for the finer mesh results, then the finer mesh should be used for the simulation.
Fortunately, in this example, the confinement factors are about the same, so the coarse mesh will be sufficient for
simulating mode competition.

7.I.2. Running the Multimode Laser Simulation

Having determined that the original simulation grid should be sufficient for multimode competition, return the settings in
region 5 to their original values and launch the full laser simulation.
• Uncheck the Uniform checkbox and set the X spacings back to 0.5.
• Go the the Simulation Parameters dialog.
• Check the Recalculate Mode and Clear Run Filecheckboxes.
• Click OK.
After a few minutes, the simulation will finish, but no kink will be visible. To discover why this is, the individual L-I
curves for each mode need to be plotted. The Simulation Window only reveals the total light output of the device.

7.I.3. Generating Custom L-I Curves for each Mode

The Plot Generation Utility can also be used to view information that is not contained in the convenient list of standard
plots. We will us the custom plot generation feature to observe the L-I curve for each individual mode. A wide variety
of bias, spatial, and spectral data can be plotted this way.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar
• Check the Data vs Bias checkbox.

174 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Click the Set Custombutton.
• Select Current[0] for the X Axis Parameter and ModePower[0,0] for the
Y Axis Parameter.

The L-I curve for the fundamental mode will be plotted. Repeat this for the first order mode.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar
• Check the Data vs Bias checkbox.
• Click the Set Custombutton.
• Select Current[0] for the X Axis Parameter and ModePower[1,0] for the
Y Axis Parameter.

• This time, also check the standard plot checkbox for Light vs Current.

Three plots have now been generated under the WinPLOT utility. It is more informative to compare all three data sets
on a single plot.
• Choose the standard L-I plot and click the View Editor button on the Top
Toolbar (this option is also available from the Window pulldown menu.
• Repeat this for the other two plots.
• Copy the data file names from any two of the plots into the third, for example:
• Click the View Plot button.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 175
Figure 7-129. Total (blue), fundamental mode (green), and first order mode (red) L-I curves.

It appears from Fig. 7.45, that the contribution to the device output, from the first order mode, is significant.
Furthermore, since the threshold are approximately the same, no kink in the net L-I curve should be visible.

7.I.4. Multimode Carrier and Field Distributions

Due to the contribution of the higher order mode, several other outputs of the simulation now become interesting to look
at, including spatial distribution of the carriers and multimode nearfield and farfield.
• Click the Generate Plot button on the Side Toolbar.
• Set the Far Field Resolution to 2 (memory permitting).
• Check the Far Field checkbox.
• Check the Charge Carriers checkbox
• Set the Plot Data for Bias # to 3, and click OK.
• Open the nearfield results from View Contours on the Tob Toolbar.


176 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
When the farfield is calculated, it is necessary to extend the half-domain results to full domain, that is if the half domain
feature is being used. Since the nearfield is calculated automatically when a farfield is generated, the extension to full
domain is also automatic. However, to see it (when half domain is simulated) the nearfield must be opened from the
saved data. If it is generated as a standard plot, only the half domain nearfield will be shown.

Figure 7-130. Multimode nearfield: contour (left) cross-cut along x (right)

Figure 7-131. Multimode farfield: contour (left) cross-cut along x (right)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter • 177
Figure 7-132. Electron distribution: contour (left) cross-cut along the quantum well (right)

Figure 7-133. Hole distribution: contour (left) cross-cut along the quantum well (right)

178 • Chapter 7: InGaAs FP Ridge (2D) Edge Emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP
ridge (2D) edge emitter

This chapter contains a tutorial describing a simulation validation for a GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter. The
associated file, fp2d_mqw.las, resides in <rsoft_dir>\Examples\LaserMOD\ fp2d_mqw.

8.A. Material Calibration

The ability of any commercial laser simulator to predict the performance of an actual device rests not only on the rigor of
the models used, but on the accuracy of the input material parameters. Since material system properties typically vary
between growth processes, a calibration cycle is necessary before simulated results will match those of the measured
device. LaserMOD has a wide variety of material parameters, all of which have reasonable default values. In this
section we discuss which ones are the most important to adjust in order to match with measured data. In practice, only a
small subset of the material parameters need to deviate from their default values. This calibration cycle should be
performed on a simple device structure, preferably using a 1D simulation, if possible. Once simulation and measured
results for a simple structure agree, it is reasonable to assume that changes in the geometry and operational bias of the
device will also be accurately simulated, provided the calibrated material values are used. In this way, CAD simulations
are used to optimize old designs and explore new ones, prior to fabrication.
The example used here is a Fabry-Perot laser structure with 6 GaInAsP multiple quantum wells. The example resides in
the FP1D_MQW subdirectory and it utilizes the GaInAsP.mat for the wells and barriers. Measured data is available for
this structure [1] and a study of the gain model calibration for both the default K·P and Table Gain models has been
performed [2].
Several variables have been defined in the global symbol table (see Fig. 8.1) for convenience. Only a couple of these will
be varied during the course of this calibration. They are

CarrLossP carrier dependent losses such as IVBA, for holes

Ea activation energy
Ebroad collision broadening halfwidth
KT thermal voltage
KTref reference thermal voltage
QWAugerP hole Auger coefficient
QWSRH SRH relaxation time in the quantum wells, for holes and electrons

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter • 179
Figure 8-134. Symbol Table for example fp1d_mqw.

In addition to the above processes which affect both the slope efficiency and the trheshold current, several other
parameters (see Appendix on Material Parameters) may be important to consider when doing calibrations. These include
energy gap and its temperature dependence (the "A" coefficient is most important) which affect the spectral location of
the gain peak, spontaneous recombination which affects both threashold and slope efficiency, and the waveguide loss
which (see global parameters dialog box) effects the threshold.

The temperature dependence of the Auger coefficient has been described in the literature [1] as

C p (T ) = C 0 exp a − a
R (1)
kT0 kT

and has been considered there as the dominant mechanism for controling the threashold current. An alternative
viewpoint [2] is that a the collision broadening, which has a complicated temperature and density dependence, is a better
fitting parameter. A model for this dependence available through the table gain model, but a built in model is not
available in the current version. The Ebroad parameter will be varied to approximate this dependence.

180 • Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 8-135. LI curves for different stages in calibration process for T=313K.

In Fig. 8.2, the solid curve represents all the default values in the material library. The long dashes represent all default
values except that the Ebroad has been increased to 60 meV. The effects of these two different broadenings can be seen
in the gain spectra of Fig. 8.3. The short dashed curve, results from increasing the Auger coefficent for holes (C0
specifically) and good agreement with the literature is achieved. All other parameters remain at their default levels.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter • 181
Figure 8-136. Gain spectra with different broadening halfwidths.

A second calibration point (see Fig. 8.3) is taken at a temperature of 333K. The solid line results from simply reruning
the KP and Laser Simulations at the new temperature. The Auger coefficient adjusts according to (1) automatically due
to the parametric nature of the software, but this is insufficient to match to measured data. Several approaches are
possible, a stronger temperature dependence for the Auger recombination can be chosen or some of the other parameters
listed above may be adjusted, but these would need to be adjusted at each new temperature as well. Instead, only Ebroad
is increased (to 80meV) which represents the higher collision broadening with higher temperature. Once again, good
agreement with the measured data is obtained. At this point is can be seen that with the appropriate broadening model
(which can be programed parametrically in the symbol table or achieved through the Table Gain) no further calibration is
necessary and device performance at new temperatures should now be predictable via simulation.

182 • Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 8-137. LI curves for different stages in the calibration for T=333K.

8.B: Validation Results

This section contains the device layout and validation results.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter • 183
Figure 8-138. CAD layout of the laser cross-section, showing 6 wells and Oxide confinement regions (not to scale).

184 • Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 8-139. Peak material gain as a function of carrier density at 6 selected temperatures (after material calibration).
Experimental data is shown with solid lines, while the circles show the points calculated by LaserMOD.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter • 185
Figure 8-140. Light - Current curves for the laser at 6 selected temperatures (after material calibration). Experimental data is shown
with solid lines, while the circles show the points calculated by LaserMOD.

[1] J.Piprek, P.Abraham, and J.E. Bowers, "Self-Consistent Analysis of High Temperature Effects on Strained-Layer
Multiquantum-Well InGaAsP-InP Lasers", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 36, pp. 366-374, 2000.
[2] B. Grote, et. al. "Integration of microscopic gain modeling into a commercial laser simulation environment",
submitted to Photonics West 2003 conference proceedings.

186 • Chapter 8: GaInAsP MQW FP ridge (2D) edge emitter LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-

LaserMOD can simulate VCSELs. Furthermore, a number of other features important to VCSEL simulation, such as
self-heating and tunneling at semiconductor heterojunctions, are among the simulation capabilities.
This chapter contains a tutorial describing the use of DBR elements in the device layout and the simulation of an
example 1D AlGaAs MQW VCSEL with GaAs/AlGaAs DBRs. The associated file, vcsel1d.las, resides in
This example will have self-heating activated and the roll-off of the L-I curve will be shown.

9.A. Using the DBR Layout Element:

To facilitate the layout of typical VCSEL’s, a new element has been added, the DBR region. This is essentially a shortcut
to defining a stack of alternating bulk layers. This element allows the specification of the material system, alloy, doping,
and profiling of each layer individually. The profiles can be used to create graded transitions between the layers and this
usage will be described here. See chapter 3 for more detail on the DBR layout element. Please note that in the
following, capital X,Y will denote alloy composition while lower case x,y will denote spatial dimension.
• Open vcsel1d.las. Though it shows the full 2D diametric cross-section, the simulation will be 1D and
therefore, the narrowest element in the domain (that crosses the y-axis) will be used to determine the width
(radius) used in the simulation. In this case, it will be the oxide aperture. Further note that the simulation
for VCSEL’s is carried out in cylindrical coordinates, so the x dimension is actually the radius, and the
structure is assumed to be revolved about the y axis.
• Right click on either the top or bottom DBR region.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 187

Figure 141. DBR Region Properties Dialog

• The number of periods and the thickness of each layer are specified. The color can be chosen
independently as well. “Nperiod” is a user variable that has been defined in the global symbol table. If a
non-integer value for # of periods is given, then an additional half period is added to the stack. Since each
DBR is composed of 2 layers; Bottom Layer governs the bottom portion of each period and Top Layer
governs the top portion. As a result, it can be seen that the layer specifications (thickness and material)
must be inverted between the top and bottom DBRs in order to create a symmetric cavity. It is convenient
to invert the colors as well, so that the same color represents the same material in each DBR. The
thicknesses have been parameterized based on the index values from the material database and the design
wavelength of the cavity.
• Right click on one of the layer buttons and notice that the standard dialog for setting material parameters

188 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 142. Set Material and Alloy X Profile Dialogs. The Trapezoid profile is convenient for representing a DBR layers that have
graded interfaces. An average alloy composition is set and then half the peak to peak value is given as the profile amplitude (“+” for
one of the layers and “–“ for the other, essentially representing the splicing together of two trapezoids, one upright and one inverted.

• Notice that an alloy profile has been specified for X. This is used to create a linear grade between the
layers. Click the profile button and notice that a Trapezoid profile has been used. Each of the 2 layers has
its own trapezoid profile, which extends from some average alloy value (.55) to either the maximum (.9) or
minimum (.2) alloy value. The normalized size of the flat part of a trapezoid is specified by Center yo (or
• Close the dialogs and generate an index profile. Notice the effect of the trapezoid.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 189

Figure 143. Index Profile near the quantum wells, showing the grading at the DBR interfaces and SCH region.

Note on “DBR for index only”:

This option is enabled by a checkbox in the DBR region dialog. It tells the program to simulate the DBR stack as a
uniform bulk region (not heterojunctions). This speeds up the simulation dramatically since fewer mesh points are
required. Only the refractive index profile will preserve the layer structure specified by the DBR, allowing the mode
solver to properly calculate the properties of the cavity. Furthermore, when this option is enabled, the nonuniform
mesh, which is now course in the DBRs may not be able to resolve the fast oscillations of the field. Instead the envelop
of the intensity will be displayed there. There are files in the _data directory that contain the original field with fast

Note on the display window:

In the Profile Generation Dialog there is a SetGrid button. If 1 xpoint is specified, a single cut along the y axis will be
plotted. For 2 or more xpoints, the simulation window will display the X-Y cross-section of the device (where X is the
direction along the radius of the cylinder), along with a white outline of the structure, which is superimposed. To disable
the outline, uncheck the “Show Structure” button in the Global Parameters Dialog. Right click on the X axis to see a cut
of the index profile. You can toggle between contour display and cut display by right clicking near an axis. Zooming
can be performed in either display mode by using the left button to draw a box around the region of interest. If a display
is zoomed, then the unzoomed view may be recoverd by a single right mouse click. The resolution of these plots can be
set in the Profile Generation Dialog.

190 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

9.B. Designing the Cavity:
To design a VCSEL it is convenient to know both the material gain spectrum and the transmission spectrum of the
cavity. Each peak in the transmission spectrum corresponds to a potential longitudinal mode of the VCSEL. The
dominant mode has the longest cavity lifetime and should align with the gain peak. The gain calculation for VCSELs is
performed in the same way as with FP laser structures. Performing a gain calculation and comparing the gain peak the
main cavity mode will quickly identify if the design will lase. This simple procedure can be used to design the VCSEL
cavity, prior to running a full laser simulation.
• Click the “Calculate Mode” button on the side toolbar. As many modes as you select in the Global
Parameters, along with there transmission spectra, will be saved to files after this calculation. The highest
mode calculated will be displayed in the simulation window.

Figure 144. Mode Calculation Dialog.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 191

Figure 145. Result of mode calculation with Index Only DBRs. Since the nonuniform mesh is course away from the quantum wells,
only the envelope of the mode is utilized there. Shown inset is the mode overlap with the index profile.

192 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 146. By contrast, the mode calculation with full DBRs produces the more typical field profile, as well as a far more time
consuming simulation.

• Go to the “View Graphs” button on the top toolbar and open the Transmission spectrum plot that was just
generated (in _plot directory).
• Perform a gain calculation using the “Calculate Gain” button on the side toolbar.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 193

Figure 147. Gain calculation dialog

• Go to the “View Graphs” button on the top toolbar and open the Gain spectrum (in _plot directory).
• The result may be superimposed with the transmission spectrum above to facilitate cavity design. This
overlay is done by opening both plots side by side and going to the View Edit Mode of Windplot. Copy the
data file of one plot to the edit window of the other. You will need to use the /sy option after the gain file
name so that both data sets will be visible on the same scale.

Figure 148. How to overlay plots using the Winplot script editor (see RPLOT.pdf or WinPLOT Help). The last line was cut and
paste from the script editor window of the Material Gain plot.

194 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

• Observe the small resonance (blue) in the center of the stop band and that it has been aligned closely with
the peak of the gain (green)

Figure 149. Resulting plot from the script shown in Fig. 8.

9.C. Simulating the VCSEL:

It should be noted that the electrodes in this example have the standard configuration for self-heating, one has a Cauchy
condition allowing heat flux to a heat sink with some effective thermal conductivity while the other boundary is allowed
to float.

• First, run the full laser simulation by clicking the “Simulate Laser” button on the side toolbar. Do not use
self-heating, since these results will be used for later comparison.
• Now, rerun the full laser simulation with self-heating. Make sure Auger and carrier dependent losses are
also enabled (see below).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 195

Figure 150. Simulation Dialog

• Go to the Plot Generation Dialog and generate a standard L-I curve. Both runs will be shown, with self-
heating (blue) and without (green). Notice the roll-off of the L-I curve due to temperature detuning
between the cavity resonance and the gain peak.

196 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 151. L-I curves for both with (blue) and without (green) self-heating model enabled.

• Generate “MaxTemp” vs Current (Custom Bias Data plot). Recall that Custom plots are enabled via
checkboxes and the “Plot For Bias#” must be set for Custom Spatial and Energy plots

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 197

Figure 152. Maximum Lattice temperature in the device as a function of bias (current).

• Use the Gain generation Dialog to sweep the gain over this temperature range. Overlay these with the
Optical Spectrum (standard plot), as before, to observe the detuning.

198 • Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 153. Red shift of the material gain with temperature and location of the lasing mode. While a good indicator of thermal roll-
off, the actual roll-off will depend on spatial distribution of carriers and temperature as well as other factors, such as shifting of the
resonance due to temperature and carriers.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 9: 1D VSCEL with Self-Heating • 199

Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM

This chapter extends the concepts of the previous chapters with a tutorial describing the simulation of an example 2D
Oxide-Aperture MQW VCSEL with GaAs/AlGaAs DBRs. The associated file, vcsel2d_fem.las, resides in
This example will demonstrate the use of the FEM (finite element method) mode solver to determine VCSEL cavity
modes. One effect of this multi-mode simulation will be to demonstrate kink in the L-I curve, which indicates a switch
in the dominant lasing mode.

10.A. Using FEM:

Layout and cavity design are the same as before (see Chap. 9), specifically, the material gain spectrum and the
transmission spectrum generated by the TMM solver are used to design the VCSEL. Only when a reasonable design has
been achieved should the FEM solver be invoked. This is due to the simulation time as well as the need for an initial
guess of the resonant frequency.
• Open vcsel2d_fem.las
• In the Global Settings select 1D
• Click the “Calculate Mode” button on the side toolbar. Set the “Mode Wavelength” to “default”, select
TMM for the mode solver, set #xpts=1 and increase the # y points. Click OK

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 201
Figure 154. Mode calculation for 1D TMM version of the problem

• Go to the “Output – Show Spectrum” menu option of the simulation window to see the Transmission
spectrum plot that was just generated.

202 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 155. Spectrum Plot and resonant mode at 871nm.

• From the transmission peak in the stop band (see Fig. 2) we get the initial guess for the “Mode
Wavelength” needed by the FEM solver (0.871).
• Close and reopen the file to reset it to the original parameters. Note that 0.86 is entered in the
“Wavelength” rather than 0.871. This is because, to save some time, we are going to use 1st order elements,
which will give the correct mode profiles but not the correct resonances (a much finer mesh would have to
be used for 1st order elements to give converged resonances). The more rigourous alternative, albeit still
slower, would be to use 2nd order elements (with 30 x points and an initial guess of 0.871). This will give
both the correct profiles and resonances.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 203
Figure 156. Mode calculation parameters for 1st order FEM simulation

• Select #azimuthal mode =2 for the mode calculation since the fundamental VCSEL mode is typically
HE11, which occurs at L=1 (not L=0). With these settings, 1 radial modes for each L number will be
calculated. (One FEM calculation produeces all requested radial modes for a single azimuthal #, so here,
two FEM calculations will automatically be performed)
• Observe the PML (perfectly matched layer) settings. Typically the domain must be extended by the
thickness of the PML since the PML should only exist outside the device. For index guided structures, the
side PML is not needed.
• Finally, note that the “Min Div/Layer” setting insures a min # of points per layer. Since the mesh is
nonuniform, the spacings can vary dramatically, and while interfaces are included automatically, this
setting insures that there are enough points within each region to resolve the variation in the field there.
Click Show FEM Mesh to the mesh.

204 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Click OK. The simulation will take some time…FemSIM will be running in the background. The unsorted
modes will be saved to the _data directory, one file for each field component of each mode. These can be
conveniently viewed with the RsdataBrowser.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 205
Figure 157. Cylindrical cross-section of the fundamental radial mode for L=0.

206 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 158. Cylindrical cross-section of the fundamental radial mode for L=1.

• The number of modes saved is given by the # of eigenvalues specified. The program then sorts these
modes, first by lowest cavity loss, and then by resonant wavelength. The requested number of azimuthal
and radial modes are then taken from this sorted set, and saved in the _plot directory (as is the case for all
other mode solvers). This is the final group of modes used in the full laser simulation.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 207
Figure 159. Mode 0 used in simulation

208 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 160. Mode 1 used in simulation

10.B. Simulating the VCSEL:

Simulate the VCSEL as before. As long as the mode settings don’t change, the mode calculation will not be repeated.

• Run the full laser simulation by clicking the “Simulate Laser” button on the side toolbar. For the purposes
of this tutorial, an extra bias point, Bias 8, has been added to drive the simulation to 20 mA.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 209
Figure 161. Simulation parameters.

• Notice the roll-off in the slope of the L-I curve. There are several possible causes; thermal roll-off (but
self-heating is not active here), Kink due to multimode competition, or in this case, saturation due to spatial
hole burning.

210 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 162. L-I-V curve for VCSEL – added bias point (#8) for 20mA operation

• Generate optical spectra at bias 7 & 8 using the Standard Plot in the Plot Generation Dialog. They both
show the same dominant mode, so this roll-off is not due to kink.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 211
Figure 163. Optical Spectrum at 20mA. Only 1 mode is lasing.

• To see which mode is lasing generate the individual L-I curves for each mode using the custom bias data
plot for mode power.

212 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 164. L-I curve for Mode 0 (left) and Mode 1 (right) which is below threshold.

• To explain the source of the roll-off, generate the charge densities for Bias 8. A large spatial hole can be
observed for both electrons and holes

Figure 165. Cylindrical cross-section of electron distribution (left) and cross-cut along the radius at the quantum well (right)
showing strong spatial hole burning. A similar situation exists for holes.

• Finally, it is desirable to see the nearfield and farfield of the device. Go to the Plot Generator dialog again
and check Nearfield and Farfield. Note the settings in the dependency area; x-z plane has been checked
and a position given just above the top facet. Click OK.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM • 213
Figure 166. Nearfield (left) and farfield (right) showing the lasing mode(s), which in this case, is Mode 0.

214 • Chapter 10: 2D VSCEL using FEM LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 11: DFB Introduction
and Uniform Grating Example

This tutorial will first give the background for the DFB cavity simulation and then proceed to give the basic layout and
simulation of a uniform grating Distributed Feedback Laser (DFB). It is a hypothetical example, for demonstration
• See file DFB_uniform.las .
• A new “grating” region will be introduced.
• The simulation plane will now be comprised of the growth (y) and lasing (x) directions. Note that x was
previously used to define a waveguide’s lateral dimension for FP lasers, and the radial dimension for
• Resulting laser performance, including optical spectra above and below threshold, will be plotted and

11.A. Introduction
• Distributed feedback (DFB) lasers employ longitudinal gratings to achieve a superior mode selectivity,
frequency stability, and sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR).
• Of interest in a DFB laser simulation are the effects of various grating profiles, facet reflectivity and phase,
and longitudinal carrier distribution. These, along with the standard electro-thermal transport effects, help
to determine the laser’s performance with temperature, injection current, and modulation frequency
• LaserMOD’s DFB module therefore allows the user to describe the geometry of single or multi-section
lasers with nearly arbitrary grating profiles, facet reflectivity and phase, and to calculate the gain and mode
spectra of the cavity prior to running a full laser simulation

11.B. DFB Layout Plane

• For FP lasers, the waveguide cross-section is simulated, as defined by the growth direction (y) and the
wavegide’s lateral direction (x). Lasing is perpendicular to the layout.
• For VCSEL’s the diametric cross-section is simulated, as defined by the growth direction (y) and the radius
(x). Lasing is along the y direction.
• For DFB’s, the longitudinal cross-section is simulated, as defined by the growth direction (y) and the
waveguide’s longitudinal direction (x). Lasing is now along the x direction. DFB simulations are always
2D. Note that the optical confinement factor for the waveguide mode can be accounted for by setting the

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 215
“Confinement Scaling Factor” to <1 in the Simulation Parameters dialog. This will cause the lasing
threshold to be higher. This factor can be determined by performing a mode calculation on waveguide
cross-section (FP layout).

Figure 167. Typical geometries for FP, VCSEL, and DFB cavities.

11.C. Grating Region

• A new region, similar to the DBR region, is provided in LaserMOD to handle grating sections. Geometry
and meshing are the same as with other regions.
• The grating is defined by its period, length, and starting phase.
• The number of periods therefore, depends on the length and period. Note that the length of the grating is
determined by the value in the Element Width field, due to the orientation of the layout.

Figure 168. Grating dialog

• A variety of built-in grating profiles are available, including sin, square, triangle, sawtooth, trapezoid,
custom, and V-groove (not shown below).

216 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 169. Several of the grating profiles that can be specified in the software

• The custom grating option (a parapolic profile is shown last in Fig. 3, as an example, in the above fig.)
allows the user to create a nearly arbitrary profile.
• The gratings are formed at the interface between two different materials, each selected independently by
the user (bottom layer and top layer).
• Finally, the phase at the left facet is specified explicitly, while the phase at the right facet is then
determined by; the left facet phase, the length, and the period. Typically, it is desirable to specify the facet
phases, the number of periods, and the period size. The grating length (entered in the Element Width field)
can then be determined from [Right Phase – Left Phase + Number Periods*Period Size].

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 217
Figure 170. Control of facet phase.

11.D. Structure Overview

The structure used will be a single section DFB with uniform grating, a single QW, and Ohmic contacts at the top and
bottom. It will be implemented in GaInAsP, and operate near 1550nm. The grating is located at the interface between
the bottom cladding and substrate layers.
Global symbols will be defined below to specify the phase of the grating at the right facet. The phase at the left facet is a
given explicitly in the grating parameters dialog. Controlling the phase at both facets simultaneously only requires the
definition of an additional symbol, for left facet phase, to be used in the grating parameters dialog. The grating length
(Element Width) is then [Right Phase – Left Phase + Number Periods*Period Size]. Left Phase will not be used below

218 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 171. Layout of Uniform grating example.

11.E. Creating the Structure in the CAD Environment

Use the following sequence to create this file from scratch.
• Open the CAD layout window, click the New Structure button and set the following parameters.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 219
Figure 172. Global Parameters Dialog

• Define the following symbols in the Global Symbol Table for convenience

Variable Value Description

D 0.1 Active layer (QW & SCH) thickness
Dc 0.15 Bottom cladding layer thickness
Dg 0.18 Grating modulation depth
H Dc Top cladding thickness
Length Nper*Period Cavity (=grating) length
Ndop 5e+017 n-type doping
Nper 300+Phase/360 # periods in the grating
PDop 5e+17 p-type doping
Period 0.244 Grating period in um
Phase 0 Grating phase (deg) at right facet
Xo 0 x reference
Yo 0 y reference

• Draw the bottom Eelectrode (# 1). This is done by clicking the RECT button on the side toolbar, and
selecting the region type (BIAS button) from the grouping formed by the next 6 buttons.
• Draw a Bulk Region (# 2) to represent the bottom substrate (BULK button).
• Draw a Grating Region (# 3) (GRAT button).
• Draw a Bulk Region (# 4) to represent the (ungrated) portion of the bottom cladding.
• Draw a Quantum Well Region (# 5) to represent the active layer. (MQW button).

220 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Draw a Bulk Region (# 6) to represent the top cladding.
• Draw a final Bulk Region (# 7).
• Draw the top Electrode (#8).
• Right click on each region and enter the corresponding values from the following table. The remaining
settings will be left as default.

Region # Electrode Width Height x ref. y ref. to Material Donors* Acceptors*

Group # Elem. # System*
(y ref.)
1 1 Length -- Xo (Yo) 0 -- -- --
2 -- Length 1 Xo 1 GaInAsP NDop 0
3 -- Length Dg Xo 2 GaInAsP NDop 0
Top: (.29,.61)
Bot: (0,0)
4 -- Length Dc-Dg/2 Xo 3 GaInAsP NDop 0
5 -- Length Xo 4 GaInAsP 0 0
Well: 0.008 (.24,.79)
Barr: 0.01 (.29,.61)
SCH: (D-0.008)/2 (.29,.61)
6 -- Length H Xo 5 GaInAsP 0 PDop
7 -- Length 1 Xo 6 GaInAsP 0 PDop
8 0 Length -- Xo 7 -- -- --
*In Set Material dialog for each layer

• Finally, click the Tile Regions button on the side tool bar.
• It may also be convenient to select View/Full from the main menu.

11.F. Setting the Bias Parameters

In order to drive the simulation, the voltage or current on each contact must be specified. 0 volts are applied to each by
default. Open the Bias Table and add bias points as shown below.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 221
Figure 173. Bias Editor

• Highlight each bias and click the Advanced button.

• Add the symbol, n_steps, and set a value, say 4. (i.e. 4 simulation points between this bias’ value and that
of the previous bias). This will improve the resolution of all the performance curves such as L-I and I-V.
Note that all spatial data (on the mesh) and spectral data are only saved when the simulation reaches the
value specified at each bias point in the table…not at the intermediate points specified by n_steps.
• If any bias has trouble converging, this parameter may be increased.

11.G. View the Mesh

The mesh can be by clicking the Generate Mesh button on the side toolbar. But first, set a uniform grid in the x
• Set a uniform grid by picking any region that spans the domain width, region #2 for example. Right click
on region #2 (a region’s # is shown in the lower left status bar, when selected) and check the Uniform box
in the x Grid section. The following mesh should result.

222 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 174. Simulation mesh for DFB example

11.H. View the Index Profile

It is good practice to verify that the correct structure has been specified by clicking the Generate Profile button on the
side toolbar. A variety of profiles can be tested, here we examine the Index Profile. The result below comes from
zooming in on the left facet.

Figure 175. Profile generation dialog

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 223
Figure 176. Index profile – zoomed in on a few periods

11.I. Calculating the Modes

It may be interesting to observe the cavity mode of the grating before proceeding with the simulation. Click the
Calculate Mode button on the side toolbar. This will also produce a cold cavity spectrum that can help determine if the
grating is working as intended. Note the mode is determined with resolution according to the number of (x,y) points
specified, but the result is then interpolated onto the non-uniform mesh on which the electro-thermal transport is solved.
Therefore, the mode profile will follow the envelope of the intensity wherever the mesh is not fine enough to resolve the
fast oscillations.
• Define plot_energy_grid = 1000, plot_energy_max=1.24/1.5, and plot_energy_min=1.24/1.6 in the global
symbol table to center the spectrum between 1.5um and 1.6um.

224 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 177. Mode calculation dialog

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 225
Figure 178. Fundamental mode (left) and cross-cut along the quantum well (right)

• Perform a gain calculation to determine where to place the modes. The transmission peaks on either side of
the stop-band are most likely to lase. Which one depends on where gain is placed and on the facet phase.
• Open the Transmission Spectrum plot (generated during mode calculation) from the yellow icon on the
LaserMOD toolbar
• Click the “View Editor” button on the Winplot toolbar
• Add the line “tmp_Gain_5.rsf/sy5e-4” to the end of the script
• Click “View Plot” button to see the transmission (blue) and gain spectra (green) overlaid

226 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 179. Transmission spectrum overlaid with material gain

11.J. Running a Simulation

Finally, the device performance can be assessed by clicking the Simulate Laser button on the side toolbar.
• Choose 4 longitudinal modes in the Global Parameters dialog and perform a full laser simulation

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 227
Figure 180. Simulation Dialog

• The L-I-V curve should appear as the simulation progresses.

• Note that the optical confinement factor for the waveguide mode can be accounted for by setting the
“Confinement Scaling Factor” to <1 in the Simulation Parameters dialog. This will cause the lasing
threshold to be higher. This factor can be calculated by performing a mode calculation on the appropriate
waveguide structure using (FP laser simulation) in a separate file.

228 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 181. L-I-V curve for 4 mode simulation of uniform DFB

11.K. Plotting Results

All the simulation data has been saved in the <Run Prefix>_data\ subdirectory, during the simulation. Use the Generate
Plot utility to view desired results. The plots generated by this post-process will be stored in the <Run Prefix>_plot\
subdirectory, where they can be viewed any time. However, if the same plot is generated, but for a different bias point,
the old one will be overwritten. A variety of standard plots are available, as well as 3 categories of custom plots; data vs
bias (LI, IV, etc…) spatial data (mode, index, etc…), and energy data (gain, loss, etc…). Note that spatial and energy
data are saved only at the bias values explicitly specified in the Bias Table, while the bias data is saved at intermediate
points as well.
• When the simulation is done, all spatial, spectral, and device performance data can be extracted and plotted
for each simulated bias point.
• To generate a mode spectrum below threshold, check “Optical Spectrum” in the Plot Generation dialog and
enter a 1 in the “Plot Data for Bias #” box. Repeat for bias 3.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example • 229
Figure 182. Optical spectrum below (left) and above (right) the lasing threshold

230 • Chapter 11: DFB Introduction and Uniform Grating Example LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Chapter 12: DFB With Two
Uniform Gratings and a Phase

This tutorial will focus on the basic layout and simulation of a Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser (DBR). It is a
hypothetical example, for demonstration purposes. The uniform grating tutorial should be studied before proceeding
with this one.
• See file DFB_phaseshift.las .
• Multiple “grating” regions will be employed.
• The simulation plane will now be comprised of the growth (y) and lasing (x) directions. Note that x was
previously used to define a waveguide’s lateral dimension for FP lasers, and the radial dimension for
• Resulting laser performance, including optical spectra above and below threshold, will be plotted and

12.A. Structure Overview

The structure used will be a single section DFB with 2 uniform gratings separated by a pi/2 phase shift (i.e. a DBR laser).
It contains a single QW and Ohmic contacts at the top and bottom. It will be implemented in GaInAsP, and operate near
1550nm. The grating is located at the interface between the bottom cladding and substrate layers.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 231
Figure 183. Layout of DFB with central phase shift

12.B. Creating the Structure in the CAD Environment

Make a copy of the example in generated in the uniform grating DFB tutoria. Use the following sequence to modify that
• Add/Modify the following symbols in the Global Symbol Table.

Variable Value Description

Lcav Period/2 Length of phase shift region
Length 2*Lgrat+Lcav Device length
Lgrat Nper*Period Cavity (=grating) length
Nper 150+Phase/360 # periods in each grating

• Duplicate region #2 to get region #9. Set region #9’s height to Dg and width to Lcav. Set its y ref to 2.
• Change the width of region #3 to Lgrat, and its x ref to #9 and y ref to #2.
• Duplicate region #3 to get region #10.
• Finally, click the Tile Regions button on the side tool bar. The two grating may be overlapping. Drag
region #10 to the left side of the layout and retile.
• It may also be convenient to select View/Full from the main menu.

12.C. Setting the Bias Parameters

The same Bias Table may be used.

232 • Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 184. Bias Editor

12.D. View the Mesh

The mesh can be by clicking the Generate Mesh button on the side toolbar. But first, remove the uniform grid in the x
• Right click on region #2 and uncheck the Uniform box in the x Grid section. The following mesh should

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 233
Figure 185.Nonuniform simulation mesh

12.E. View the Index Profile

It is good practice to verify that the correct structure has been specified by clicking the Generate Profile button on the
side toolbar. A variety of profiles can be tested, here we examine the Index Profile. The result below comes from
zooming in on x=0. Note #x pts. should now be 20*Nper (2 grating regions).

234 • Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 186. Index profile showing the central phase shift and several periods to either side.

12.F. Calculating the Modes

It may be interesting to observe the cavity mode of the grating before proceeding with the simulation. Click the
Calculate Mode button on the side toolbar. This will also produce a cold cavity spectrum that can help determine if the
grating is working as intended. Note the mode is determined with resolution according to the number of (x,y) points
specified, but the result is then interpolated onto the non-uniform mesh on which the electro-thermal transport is solved.
Therefore, the mode profile will follow the envelope of the intensity wherever the mesh is not fine enough to resolve the
fast oscillations.
• Define plot_energy_grid = 1000, plot_energy_max=1.24/1.5, and plot_energy_min=1.24/1.6 in the global
symbol table to center the spectrum between 1.5um and 1.6um.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 235
Figure 187. Mode calculation settings for fundamental mode

236 • Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 188. Mode profile (left) and cross-cut along quantum well (right) of fundamental mode

• Perform a gain calculation to determine where to place the modes. The transmission peaks on either side of
the stop-band are most likely to lase. Which one depends on where gain is placed and on the facet phase.
• Open the Transmission Spectrum plot (generated during mode calculation) from the yellow icon on the
LaserMOD toolbar
• Click the “View Editor” button on the Winplot toolbar
• Add the line “tmp_Gain_5.rsf/sy5e-4” to the end of the script
• Click “View Plot” button to see the transmission (blue) and gain spectra (green) overlaid

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 237
Figure 189. Transmission spectrum and material gain. Note the FP resonance in the middle of the stop-band. This is due to the
central phase shift.

12.G. Running a Simulation

Finally, the device performance can be assessed by clicking the Simulate Laser button on the side toolbar.
• Choose 4 longitudinal modes in the Global Parameters dialog and perform a full laser simulation

238 • Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 190. Simulation settings

• The L-I-V curve should appear as the simulation progresses.

• Note that the optical confinement factor for the waveguide mode can be accounted for by setting the
“Confinement Scaling Factor” to <1 in the Simulation Parameters dialog. This will cause the lasing
threshold to be higher. This factor can be calculated by performing a mode calculation on the appropriate
waveguide structure using (FP laser simulation) in a separate file.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 239
Figure 191. L-I-V curve for 4 mode simulation

12.H. Plotting Results

All the simulation data has been saved in the <Run Prefix>_data\ subdirectory, during the simulation. Use the Generate
Plot utility to view desired results. The plots generated by this post-process will be stored in the <Run Prefix>_plot\
subdirectory, where they can be viewed any time. However, if the same plot is generated, but for a different bias point,
the old one will be overwritten. A variety of standard plots are available, as well as 3 categories of custom plots; data vs
bias (LI, IV, etc…) spatial data (mode, index, etc…), and energy data (gain, loss, etc…). Note that spatial and energy
data are saved only at the bias values explicitly specified in the Bias Table, while the bias data is saved at intermediate
points as well.
• When the simulation is done, all spatial, spectral, and device performance data can be extracted and plotted
for each simulated bias point.
• To generate a mode spectrum below threshold, check “Optical Spectrum” in the Plot Generation dialog and
enter a 1 in the “Plot Data for Bias #” box. Repeat for bias 3.

240 • Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 192. Optical spectrum below (left) and above (right) lasing threshold. Note that the central FP resonance (middle of the
stop-band) is the preferred lasing mode. This can be seen by comparing the wavelength of each peak with Fig. 7.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 12: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift • 241
Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and
Steady-State Waveguide

This tutorial introduces the use of LaserMOD to simulate modulators based on thermal and carrier dependent index
effects. A steady-state SOI waveguide example is also examined here in detail. This tutorial should be studied before
moving on to subsequent examples.

13.A. Introduction
What follows is a series of tutorials that demonstrate the use of LaserMOD to simulate active waveguide devices in
which the performance is governed primarily by free-carrier and/or thermo-optic effects found in semiconductors. These
processes are of interest in a wide variety of devices, such as modulators and switches, used in photonic integrated
circuits (PICs). They are present in a variety of material systems, though these tutorials will examine mainly Silicon on
Insulator (SOI) structures.
• Silicon photonics has received much attention since it promises the advantage of monolithic integration
with electronics (EPIC)
• Modulators are key components of optical communication systems, traditionally implemented using
electro-optic materials like lithium niobate or fabricated from III-V semiconductor compounds
• Silicon modulators exploit the index change associated with free-carrier absorption, but suffer from slow
operating speeds
• Physics based simulation can assist in improving the performance of such devices [1].
• Inclusion of carrier-transport gives a more accurate assessment of the thermo-optic effects when dealing
with semiconductor systems
Physics Summary
• Fully-couple solution of Poisson, carrier-continuity, and lattice heat equations
• Complex index update based on free-carrier absorption/electro-refraction and thermo-optic coefficients.
Carrier effect coefficients may include free-carrier absorption, Burnstein-Moss band filling, and coulombic
effects (bandgap renormalization) while pure-field based electro-optic effects such as Franz-Keldysh (or
QCSE), Pockel, and Kerr effects are not explicitly included and are assumed small in the
materials/structures of interest.
• Drude and Soref Models for free-carrier absorption/electro-refraction are available [2]
• Internal or external optical solvers available

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 243
• See Fig. 1
General Procedure
• Layout device cross-section in LaserMOD
• Simulate the device up to desired operating bias, with desired models enabled
• Use internal mode solvers to assess effective indecies
• Use LaserMOD Plot Generator to analytically Post-Process cross-section results into device performance
• Or, export a complex index profile to an external solver, such as BeamPROP, to perform numerical 3D
• Or, scan over set of parameterized cross-sections in LaserMOD, and export a set of index profiles to
describe a complex 3D structure, which can then be simulated in BeamPROP, or other passive device tool
from Rsoft Design Group.

Figure 193. Schematic of Modulator Simulation Flow

13.B. Tutorial Overview

The tutorials are designed sequentially to take the user from simple layout through advanced 3D simulation.
• Introduction: This chapter
• SOI Steady-State Waveguide: Layout of a waveguide cross-section and Steady-State simulation with free-
carrier effects. This chapter

244 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• SOI Time Dependent Waveguide: Transient simulation of a waveguide with free-carrier effects. Chapter
• SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator: Two methods, (i) Post-Processing and (ii) BeamPROP, to determine the
device performance of a Mach-Zehnder Modulator with free-carrier effects. Chapter 15.
• SOI Y-Branch: Exporting 3D index profiles to BeamPROP and simulation of a Y-Branch with free-carrier
effects. Chapter 16.
• SOI Directional Coupler: Exporting 3D index profiles to BeamPROP and simulation of a directional
coupler with thermo-optic effects. Chapter 17.

[1] RSoft Design Group, “Simulation of Carrier Dependent Absorption Effects in Silicon Optical Waveguide Devices”,
presented Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2005.
[2] R. Soref, B. Bennett, “Electrooptical Effects in Silicon”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronic 23, 123 (1987).

13.C. Steady-State Waveguide

This tutorial will focus on the basic layout and simulation of an active waveguide in which the carrier- dependent index
profile is of interest. It is a hypothetical example, for demonstration purposes.
• See file SOI_wg.las
• No gain regions are present and self-heating will be disabled, so only electronic transport will be simulated
• Carrier-dependent index effect will be enabled, which will automatically update the index and invoke a
mode calculation at every bias point. This will cause the effective index of the structure to be calculated
and saved at each point.
• Resulting carrier and index profiles will be plotted and examined

13.D. Structure Overview

The structure used will be a simple ridge waveguide with top and side Ohmic contacts, implemented in Silicon on
Insulator (SOI), where the insulator is silica. Device operation will be considered at 1550nm.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 245
Figure 194. Waveguide cross-section

13.E. Creating the CAD Layout

Use the following sequence to create this file from scratch.
• Open the CAD layout window, click the New Structure button and select 2D Simulation. The rest of the
settings should be OK
• Define the following symbols in the Global Symbol Table for convenience

Variable Value Description

EpsOx 1.45*1.45 Insulator Dielectric
Hbuf 0.5 Buffer layer height
Hridge 1 Ridge height
Hsub 1 Substrate height
Ndop 1e+017 n-type doping
Pdop 1e+017 p-type doping
Wridge 2 Ridge width
Wsub 15 Substrate width
Welec 1 Ground electrode width
Xo 0 x reference

246 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Draw 3 Oxide Regions (# 1,2,3) to represent the buffer and regrown silica. This is done by clicking the
RECT button on the side toolbar, and selecting the region type (OX button) from the grouping formed by
the next 6 buttons.
• Draw 2 Bulk Regions (# 4,5) to represent the silicon slab and ridge. (BULK button)
• Draw 3 Electrode Regions (# 6,7,8) to represent bias and ground contacts. (BIAS button)
• Right click on each region and enter the corresponding values from the following table. The remaining
settings will be left as default.

Region # Electrode Width Height x ref. x ref. to y ref. to Material Donors* Acceptors*
Group # Elem. # Elem. # System*
1 -- Wsub Hbuf Xo 0 0 Oxide 0 0
2 -- Wsub/2- Hridge -- 4 5 Oxide 0 0
3 -- Wsub/2- Hridge -- 4 5 Oxide 0 0
4 -- Wridge Hridge Xo 0 5 Si1550 0 PDop
5 -- Wsub Hsub Xo 0 1 Si1550 Ndop 0
6 0 Wridge -- Xo 0 4 -- -- --
7 1 Welec -- -Wsub/2 0 5 -- -- --
8 1 Welec -- Wsub/2- 0 5 -- -- --
*In Set Material dialog

• Finally, click the Tile Regions button on the side tool bar. Note that the Regions 2 and 3 will overlay –
giving a warning. Simply drag the top one (Region 3) to the left of Region 4 and click Tile Regions once
• It may also be convenient to select View/Full from the main menu.
• Additionally, since the Oxide material represents a generic insulator, it is probably desirable to override the
default dielectric value. This is done by defining and setting “kpmat_DIELOPT” = EpsOx in the
Physical Data Table of each Oxide Regions.

13.F. Setting the Bias Parameters

In order to drive the simulation, the voltage or current on each contact must be specified. 0 volts are applied to each by
default. Open the Bias Table and observe the default settings. These should be sufficient.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 247
Figure 195. Bias parameters for steady-state

• Highlight bias 1 and increase the value of ramp pts to add more simulation points (say 10) between 0V
and 1V (these points are distributed between the highlighted bias’ value and the value of the previous bias.
This will improve the resolution of all the performance curves such as L-I and I-V. Note that all spatial
data (on the mesh) is only saved when the simulation reaches the value specified at each bias point in the
table…not at the intermediate points.

13.G. Viewing the Mesh

The mesh can be by clicking the Generate Mesh button on the side toolbar. The default settings should give the
following result.

248 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 196. Default mesh (full-domain)

13.H. Viewing the Index Profile

It is good practice to verify that the correct structure has been specified by clicking the Generate Profile button on the
side toolbar. A variety of profiles can be tested, here we examine the Index Profile.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 249
Figure 197. Profile generation dialog, Index settings

• View the different cross-cuts of the profile by right clicking along either axis. The unormalized values will
be displayed. Note that the full domain is displayed, even thought the simulation is on the right half…due
to symmetry. If different biases were applied to the ground electrodes the symmetry would be broken and
the full domain would need to be simulated.

Figure 198. Index profile

250 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
13.I. Calculating the Modes
These devices are waveguides. It is therefore prudent to observe that a propagating mode exists before proceeding with
the modulator simulation. Click the Calculate Mode button on the side toolbar and specify the wavelength of interest,

Figure 199. Mode calculation settings (scalar)

• View the different cross-cuts of the mode by right clicking along either axis. The unormalized values will
be displayed. Again, the full domain is displayed, even thought the simulation is on the right half. Note
that the plot grid is uniform and set by the #x pts & #y pts prior to clicking OK. This uniform grid is
populated via interpolation from the simulation (nonuniform mesh), so if parts of the simulation mesh are
too course, the plot may appear piecewise linear there, regardless of the uniform mesh resolution.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 251
Figure 200. Mode profile

13.J. Running the Simulation

Finally, the device performance can be assessed by clicking the Simulate Laser button on the side toolbar. Since we are
not actually simulating a laser, no light will be generated in the device, but the diode behavior will be shown. Enable the
models shown. Enabling Carrier Dependent Index will invoke a mode calculation at all bias points.

252 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 201. Simulation Parameters

Figure 202. I-V curve (no light generated)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 253
13.K. Plotting the Simulation Results
All the simulation data has been saved in the <Run Prefix>_data\ subdirectory, during the simulation. Use the Generate
Plot utility to view desired results. The plots generated by this post-process will be stored in the <Run Prefix>_plot\
subdirectory, where they can be viewed any time. However, if the same plot is generated, but for a different bias point,
the old one will be overwritten. A variety of standard plots are available, as well as 3 categories of custom plots; data vs
bias (LI, IV, etc…) spatial data (mode, index, etc…), and energy data (gain, loss, etc…). Note that spatial and energy
data are saved only at the bias values explicitly specified in the Bias Table, while the bias data is saved at intermediate
points as well.
• From the Generate Plot dialog select Charge Carriers, Data vs Bias, and Spatial Data.
• Choose Plot Data for Bias # 1, since this is the highest bias simulated.
• Click the Set Custom button and select EffectiveIndex[0] (mode 0) for the Bias Data and
RefractiveIndexImag for the Spatial Data, since this will reflect the loss.

Figure 203. Standard and Custom Plot settings

254 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 204. Effective index of the mode as a function of applied voltage (left) and current through the device (right), which was
obtained by setting the x-Axis parameter in the custom settings dialog to Current[0].

• Observe the change in the EffectiveIndex[0] due to the presence of carriers (decreases nearly
monotonically with current through the device). This is the mechanism behind electro-refractive (ER)
modulators, since this controls the optical path length of the waveguide.
• Now view the cross-cuts of the RefractiveIndexImag and Charge Carrier profiles.

Figure 205. Imaginary part of the index (loss) shown in contour (left) and cross-cut through the ridge (right).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 255
Figure 206. Electron density (left) and cross-cut through the ridge (right)

• Notice that the Electron Density and Imaginary Refractive Index profiles have similar (albeit inverted)
shapes, indicating that the electrons dominate the loss in this structure. This is the mechanism behind
electro-absorptive (EA) modulators, since this controls the loss of the waveguide.

256 • Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
13.L. Appendix – Relevant Symbols

Temperature effect parameters - Electrode Physical Data Table:

Variable Value Description
elec_temperature glob_temp Temperature of contact
elec_thermboundary none, dirichlet, cauchy Boundary condition type
elec_thermconduct 0.003 Effective thermal conductivity of contact (including

Temperature effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
regmat_thermconduct 1.31 Thermal conductivity of the region
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03 Exponent in model
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00013182 Change in index with temp.

Carrier effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
fca_elcoef 8.5e-018 Electron absorp change coef (Da)
fca_hlcoef 6e-018 Hole absorp change coef (Da)
fcn_elcoef -8.8e-022 Electron index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlcoef -8.5e-018 Hole index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlexp 0.8 Hole exponent for index change (Soref Model)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13: SOI Introduction and Steady-State Waveguide • 257
Chapter 14: SOI Transient

This tutorial demonstrate the use of LaserMOD to simulate the transient behavior of a SOI waveguide.

14.A. Transient Waveguide

This tutorial will continue from where Tutorial SOI-T1 left off. The focus here will be on using the transient simulation
of the waveguide to assess the potential frequency response of a device constructed from it.
• See file SOI_wg.las
• Additional bias points will be added to examine the transient behavior
• Custom responses will be generated post-process, to assess frequency performance

14.B. Structure Overview

The structure used will be a simple ridge waveguide with top and side Ohmic contacts, implemented in Silicon on
Insulator (SOI), where the insulator is silica. Device operation will be considered at 1550nm.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide • 259
Figure 207. Waveguide cross-section

14.C. Setting Time Dependent Bias Parameters

Open the Bias Table and add new bias points as shown. This will create a delta-function perturbation around the steady-
state operating point studied in the previous tutorial.
• Highlight the last bias point (bias 1) and click New Bias 3 times, and then Accept Bias.
• Highlight bias 2, check Time Dependent at the top of the dialog and set t=50*10ps. This gives a time step
of 50ps and 10 steps. Also, set the Value to 1V, i.e. the operating point.
• Highlight bias 3, check Time Dependent at the top of the dialog and set t=50*1ps. Also, set the Value to
1.1V. This creates a small perturbation around the operating point of 1V.
• Highlight bias 4, check Time Dependent at the top of the dialog and set t=50*400ps. Also, set the Value
to 1V. This give the simulation time to return to the operating point.

260 • Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 208. Bias settings for transient simulation

14.D. Running the Simulation

The transient performance will now be assessed when the simulation is run. But there are a few things to note first.
• In the Bias Table the steady-state points do not need to be rerun (unless the previous tutorial has not yet
been run), although it does not hurt. They can be disabled by setting bias 0 to HALT and bias 2 (the first
transient point) to RUN. In this case, a steady-state simulation must have been previously run on the
structure, so that the initialization data will be present in the <Run Prefix>_data\ directory.
• In the Simulate Laser dialog, enable Recalculate Mode(s) for all Transient. This will cause the mode to
be recalculated at every time step, thus the effective index will be recorded for all time. Since the effective
index gives the phase change of the waveguide and the phase determines the performance for many types
of devices, the change in effective index vs time will allow computation of the device’s frequency
• In the Simulate Laser dialog make sure Carrier Dependent Index is enabled. The optical output of the
device will be plotted as the simulation runs, this will be zero since no photons have been generated.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide • 261
Figure 209. Transient simulation settings

14.E. Plotting Results

All the simulation data has been saved in the <Run Prefix>_data\ subdirectory, during the simulation. Use the Generate
Plot utility to view desired results. The plots generated by this post-process will be stored in the <Run Prefix>_plot\
subdirectory, where they can be viewed any time. However, if the same plot is generated, but for a different bias point,
the old one will be overwritten. A variety of standard plots are available, as well as 3 categories of custom plots; data vs
bias (LI, IV, etc…) spatial data (mode, index, etc…), and energy data (gain, loss, etc…). Note that spatial and energy
data are saved only at the bias values explicitly specified in the Bias Table, while the bias data is saved at intermediate
points as well. These intermediate points include all the time steps as well (spatial/energy data are not saved for all
• From the Generate Plot dialog select Transient Response, Frequency Response and Custom Resp. The
last one tells the program to use custom settings to generate the responses, rather than the default, which is
optical output power, and would give a trivial result.

262 • Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 210

• In the Set Custom dialog choose Bias Data settings as shown below. The x Axis Parameter is used for
normalization of the frequency response but is irrelevant for the transient response. Note that since Spatial
Data and Energy Data are not stored for all time, they are irrelevant here.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide • 263
• Also, the background value of EffectiveIndex[0] has been subtracted off to give a better view of the
transient response, by setting “3.3941-y” in the y Operation field. It is easy to see where this number
comes from, by generating the plot without this modification.

Figure 211

Figure 212. Transient response without background (just the perturbation) is shown left, and the corresponding frequency response,
normalized by the current, is shown right.

264 • Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
14.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols

Temperature effect parameters - Electrode Physical Data Table:

Variable Value Description
elec_temperature glob_temp Temperature of contact
elec_thermboundary none, dirichlet, cauchy Boundary condition type
elec_thermconduct 0.003 Effective thermal conductivity of contact (including

Temperature effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
regmat_thermconduct 1.31 Thermal conductivity of the region
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03 Exponent in model
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00013182 Change in index with temp.

Carrier effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
fca_elcoef 8.5e-018 Electron absorp change coef (Da)
fca_hlcoef 6e-018 Hole absorp change coef (Da)
fcn_elcoef -8.8e-022 Electron index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlcoef -8.5e-018 Hole index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlexp 0.8 Hole exponent for index change (Soref Model)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 14: SOI Transient Waveguide • 265
Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder

This tutorial demonstrate the use of LaserMOD to simulate an SOI Mach-Zehnder modulator.

15.A. Mach-Zehnder Modulator

This tutorial will build on what was discussed in Tutorials SOI-T1 and SOI-T2. The focus here will be on using the
simulation results from a waveguide with carrier-dependent index to generate the response of a Mach-Zehnder modulator
constructed from multiple sections of that waveguide.
• See files SOI_wg.las and SOI_mz.ind
• An analytic expression for the optical output of a Mach-Zehnder modulator will be used in the post-process
plot generation to assess device performance.
• An alternate numerical approach will be presented as well. This relies on the integration between
LaserMOD and BeamPROP, and a license for both tools will be required.

15.B. Structure Overview

The cross-sectional structure (left graphic below) will be a simple ridge waveguide with top and side Ohmic contacts,
implemented in Silicon on Insulator (SOI), where the insulator is silica. Device operation will be considered at 1550nm.
The topology of the device (right graphic below) is a standard Mach-Zehnder modulator with a bias applied to one arm
so as to cause a difference in the optical path length (and phase) between the branches. LaserMOD will be use to
simulate the waveguide cross-sections as a function of bias, and BeamPROP will be used to simulate the propagation.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 267
Figure 213. Waveguide x-y plane cross-section (left) and device topology in x-z plane (right). While the waveguide cross-section is
the same everywhere along the modulator, the bias conditions for each branch will differ, causing their optical pathlength to change,
driving the device between constructive (ON-State) and destructive (OFF-State) interference at its output port.

15.C. Procedure Overview

There are two ways to get the device performance; the first relies purely on the LaserMOD results and clever application
of post-process plot generation, while the second relies on the integration of LaserMOD and BeamPROP. In the second
case, index profiles for each waveguide section, at a given bias, are passed between the simulation tools, creating a 3D
structure that rigorously accounts for carrier effects. The need for this second approach will be justified more clearly in
Chapters 16 & 17, but here we take advantage of the simplicity of the present structure to lay the groundwork.
Method 1:
• Run a steady-state simulation of the waveguide, as in Chapter 13.
• Use the post-process plot generator to apply the following formula for the transmitted light power of an
idealized Mach-Zehnder modulator. Since the effective index has been calculated for all bias points (V),
the formula needs only the identification of the effective index at the OFF-state voltage (Vo) to generate the
full performance characteristics of the device.

Method 2:
• Run a steady-state simulation of the waveguide, as in Chapter 13.
• Layout a 3D User Profile based Mach-Zehnder topology in RSoft CAD, (see manual for RSoft CAD
Layout), or refer to the example file provided (SOI_mz.ind).
• Each steady-state simulation will produce an <Run Prefix>.ipf file which can be accessed by name from
each waveguide in the topology layout. Here, two will be used, one for the ON-state bias and one for the

268 • Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
OFF-state. In the ON-state, the same index profile (at 0V) will be applied to all waveguide segments in the
topology, so no optical path length difference will exist. In the OFF-state, a second index profile (.ipf file
at some finite volatge) will be applied to one of the arms of the modulator, creating destructive interference
at the output. Here, for convenience, we will exploit Method 1 to determine the ON-state voltage, but in
general, all voltages can be scanned over, via a script, to determine the ON-state purely numerically.

15.D. Method 1
A similar procedure is used as in Chapter 13, except for the following modifications.
• In the Bias Table enable only the steady-state bias points (0 & 1) and highlight bias 1. Increase ramp pts
to 50, so we get good resolution for the device characteristic.
• Open the Simulate Laser button and make sure Carrier Dependent Index is enabled. The optical LIV
curve of the device will be plotted as the simulation runs, but the output light will be zero since no photons
have been generated.

Figure 214. Saved L-I-V plot

All the simulation data has been saved in the <Run Prefix>_data\ subdirectory, during the simulation. So if the
simulation window has been closed, use the Generate Plot utility to view desired results, or open the L-I-V curve via the
View Graph icon on the top toolbar.

• Add the following variables to the Global Symbol Table. Note that these can be varied and plots can be
regenerated, without having to rerun the simulation.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 269
Variable Value Description
K0 (2*pi/1.55)*(180/pi) Free-space wavevector in degrees
L 3000 Length of biased branch
Neff_OFF 3.3936 Effective index for OFF-state (~1V)
Neff_ON 3.3938 Effective index for ON-state (~0V)

• The effective indecies of the ON and OFF-states can be determined as follows. In the Generate Plot
dialog disable all plots except for Data vs Bias. In the Set Custom dialog choose Bias Data settings as
shown below.

Figure 215. Neff vs Voltage settings

270 • Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 216. Effective index vs voltage

• Neff_ON can be now read off of Fig. 4, and used to determine Neff_OFF. Use the phase formula above to
determine the index difference required for a π phase change (where λ=1.55µm and L=3000µm). It should
be ~2e-4. See table above for final values.
• Finally, the device characteristics can be determined. In the Set Custom dialog choose Bias Data settings
as shown below. This is the full formula for the optical transmission through the modulator. Fig. 6 shows
the first linear control regime.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 271
Figure 217. Mach-Zehnder transfer characteristic via post-process plotting

272 • Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 218. Normalized transmission vs voltage of Mach-Zehnder modulator comprised of the waveguide under study. The first
regime where ~linear control over this device is possible occurs at ~8.5-9V.

15.E. Method 2
A similar procedure is used as in Tutorial SOI-T1, except for the following modifications.
• In the Global Parameters dialog, uncheck Use Half Domain in x, so the full domain index profiles will be
• In the Global Symbol Table add a variable, V, and set it to 1.
• In the Bias Table enable only the steady-state bias points (0 & 1) and highlight bias 1. In the Advanced
dialog, increase n_steps to 50, so we insure accurate convergence at each point. Set the value of bias 1 to
V. This will be needed for scanning.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 273
Figure 219. Variable for bias voltage

• Open the Perform Parameter Scan dialog and select the settings as shown below.

Figure 220. Scan bias

274 • Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• The scan will create <Scan Output Prefix>00.ipf and <Scan Output Prefix>01.ipf, which are the index
profiles at 0V (ON-state) and 1V (OFF-state), respectively. It will also create <Scan Output Prefix>.ind,
which is a BeamPROP file that already refers to these profiles. Either open <Scan Output Prefix>.ind and,
by cutting and pasting the waveguide segments, create a Mach-Zehnder modulator, or just open file
• With a BeamPROP opened, calculate a mode to use as the launch field: (a) in the Launch Dialog choose
fiber mode & y-position=1, (b) in the Mode Dialog goto Mode Options and set Neff Min=3 and Neff
Max=4, and (c) set the same <Scan Output Prefix> before clicking OK.
• Close and reopen the file to reset it for a propagation (all profiles should be <Scan Output Prefix>00.ipf,
i.e. User 1). Run a propagation. This should produce ON-state results since each branch refers to a the
same profile.

Figure 221. ON-state propagation at 0V.

• Right click on either branch and change the profile to <Scan Output Prefix>01.ipf (i.e. User 2). Rerun the
propagation to produce OFF-state results.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 275
Figure 222. OFF-state propagation at 1V.

15.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols

Temperature effect parameters - Electrode Physical Data Table:

Variable Value Description
elec_temperature glob_temp Temperature of contact
elec_thermboundary none, dirichlet, cauchy Boundary condition type
elec_thermconduct 0.003 Effective thermal conductivity of contact (including

Temperature effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
regmat_thermconduct 1.31 Thermal conductivity of the region
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03 Exponent in model
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00013182 Change in index with temp.

Carrier effect parameters - Material Data:

276 • Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Variable Value (Si) Description
fca_elcoef 8.5e-018 Electron absorp change coef (Da)
fca_hlcoef 6e-018 Hole absorp change coef (Da)
fcn_elcoef -8.8e-022 Electron index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlcoef -8.5e-018 Hole index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlexp 0.8 Hole exponent for index change (Soref Model)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 15: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator • 277
Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch

This tutorial demonstrate the use of LaserMOD to simulate an SOI Y-branch.

16.A. 3D Y-Branch
This tutorial will build on what was discussed in Tutorials SOI-T1 through SOI-T3. The focus here will be on
examining a case where the combined LaserMOD and BeamPROP approach is needed due to lack of availability of an
analytic expression to be used in the plot post-processor.
• See file SOI_branch.las
• Two approaches will be examined, one where the same profile is used everywhere and the BeamPROP
layout controls the 3D structure, and a second, where multiple slices are generated and no additional
topological layout is required

16.B. Structure Overview

The cross-sectional structure (top graphic) will be a double ridge waveguide with variable separation. It will have top
and side Ohmic contacts, and be implemented in Silicon on Insulator (SOI), where the insulator is silica. Device
operation will be considered at 1550nm. The topology of the device, as shown in Fig. 2, is a Y-branch comprised of a
single profile, while alternatively (Fig. 3) the same Y-branch may be comprised of multiple profiles along z, each
generated by lasermod with a different separation. Both methods will be examined here. LaserMOD will be used to
simulate the waveguide cross-sections as a function of position along the propagation direction (z), and BeamPROP will
be used to simulate the propagation through these topologies.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch • 279

Figure 223. Waveguide cross-section at some z position after the Y-Branch split.

280 • Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 224. Topology as implemented with a single profile and 2 waveguides in BeamPROP

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch • 281

Figure 225. Same structure but implemented with 5 LaserMOD slices (each with a different separation). Each slice contains the full
Y-Branch profile for a particular z position, so the objects in this figure a merely place-holders for these profiles.

16.C. Running a Simulation

Open file SOI_branch.las and then click on Global Symbol Table. Change the value of “Sep”, and for each value
generate a mesh and a mode. Here are some examples for Sep=0.5 (left graphics) and Sep=2.5 (right graphics). Each
value of Sep represents a different slice along z (propagation direction) and together they comprise a 3D profile which
can be ported to BeamPROP.

282 • Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 226. Waveguide cross-section (top), mesh (middle), and mode profiles (bottom) at separations of 0.5µm (left) and 2.5µm

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch • 283

16.D. Running a Scan
Click on Perform Parameter Scan. Run the scan as shown below to generate a series of slices along z. The resulting
files are <Scan Output Prefix>00.ipf - <Scan Output Prefix>05.ipf along with an aggregate BeamPROP file <Scan
Output Prefix>.ind.

Figure 227. Scan settings for 5 slices, each with a different separation, starting with perfect overlap of the 2 ridges (i.e. a profile of
the waveguide before the branch splits)

284 • Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

16.E. 3D Layout – Two Approaches
As stated there are two ways the resulting files can be used. Shown below are the topologies generated by the scan and
corresponding index profiles along the propagation plane. The two-waveguide topology (left) results from manually
laying out tilted waveguides in RSoft CAD, and attaching the first index profile (single waveguide profile) to each of
them. Simply specify (+/-)2.5 as the x-position at the end of each waveguide. Note that the corresponding index along
the propagation plane is much smoother, having no jagged interfaces. The index profiles shown here (Fig. 6) were
generated by BeamPROP, using the Contour XZ display option at a y-cut = 2. While the advantages the two waveguide
method are obvious, it has a disadvantage which will be revealed in the next section.

Figure 228. x-z plane topologies (top) and index profiles (bottom) at y=2 (through the ridge) showing the two waveguide approach
(left) and the five slice approach (right).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch • 285

16.F. Loss Profiles – Two Results
In each of the above cases the loss profiles can also be generated using BeamPROP’s compute loss calculation. Doing
this once at the beginning and once at end of the Y-branch, for each layout method, we see that the two layouts give the
same results at the beginning, but not at the end. This is because the lateral current spreading breaks the symmetry with
respect to the center of each waveguide. Hence, just using a single profile may not be an accurate option. Furthermore,
the jaggedness of the multiple slice approach can be alleviated by simply using a sufficiently large number of slices.

Figure 229. Index/loss profiles at the end of the Y-Branch

Figure 230. Index/loss profiles at the beginning of the Y-Branch

286 • Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

16.G. Appendix – Relevant Symbols

Temperature effect parameters - Electrode Physical Data Table:

Variable Value Description
elec_temperature glob_temp Temperature of contact
elec_thermboundary none, dirichlet, cauchy Boundary condition type
elec_thermconduct 0.003 Effective thermal conductivity of contact (including

Temperature effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
regmat_thermconduct 1.31 Thermal conductivity of the region
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03 Exponent in model
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00013182 Change in index with temp.

Carrier effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
fca_elcoef 8.5e-018 Electron absorp change coef (Da)
fca_hlcoef 6e-018 Hole absorp change coef (Da)
fcn_elcoef -8.8e-022 Electron index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlcoef -8.5e-018 Hole index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlexp 0.8 Hole exponent for index change (Soref Model)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 16: SOI Y-Branch • 287

Chapter 17: SOI Directional

This tutorial demonstrate the use of LaserMOD to simulate an SOI Directional Coupler.

17.A. 3D Directional Coupler

This tutorial will build on what was discussed in Tutorials SOI-T1 through SOI-T3 by adding the thermoptic effect. The
focus here will be on examining a directional coupler in which the coupling length is temperature controlled. In
semiconductors, due to carrier transport, there are internal sources of heat in addition to those applied at the contacts.
Simulation of the full electro-thermal transport in the device cross-section promises more accurate assessment of
temperature dependent index effects, including thermal cross-talk from adjacent contacts and self-heating. Either
analytic post-processing or the combined LaserMOD and BeamPROP approach may be applied as before.
• See file SOI_coupler.las
• See file SOI_coupler.ind

17.B. Structure Overview

The cross-sectional structure will be a double ridge waveguide with an Ohmic contact on the top of each ridge and on the
bottom substrate. It will be implemented in Silicon on Insulator (SOI), where the insulator is silica. Device operation
will be considered at 1550nm. The topology of the device is a standard directional coupler. Only a single index profile
need be ported to BeamPROP since the coupler has an extruded topology. LaserMOD will be use to simulate the
waveguide cross-section, and BeamPROP will be used to simulate the propagation through the device.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler • 289
Figure 231. Cross-section of ridge waveguide coupler

17.C. Generating the Launch Mode

In order to see the coupling effect, we must first generate the mode of the single-waveguide structure to use as a launch
field. So, the simulation must be run twice, once with one of the ridges present, and once with both. To create the
appropriate launch field for BeamPROP, use the following steps.
• Open file SOI_coupler.las. Setting the left ridge’s material to “Oxide” and set the region type to insulator
(mesh and mode of resulting structure are shown in Fig. 2).
• Run the full simulation. This will generate the corresponding single-ridge index profile for BeamPROP
• Open file SOI_coupler.ind and perform a mode calculation. You will have to set the launch field to
Gaussian. Also, set launch x position=2 and launch y position=1 to speed up the process. Set the run
prefix to “tmp”. This will save a file called tmp.m00.
• Close both .ind and .las files without saving, to return them to their original settings.

290 • Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Figure 232. Mesh (left) and mode profile (right) when left ridge has same properties as oxide

Figure 233. Simulation settings

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler • 291
17.D. Generating the Coupler Profile
To create the full coupler profile, simply rerun the full laser simulation.
• Open file SOI_coupler.las again. Note that the Generate Aggregate .ind File box is checked in the
Perform Parameter Scan dialog, so file are conveniently copied the the problem directory.
• Run the full simulation, making sure both Self-Heating and Temperature Dependent Index are enabled.
This will generate the full coupler profile for the BeamPROP propagation.
• Verify that the temperature has perturbed the index profiles by clicking the Generate Plot button and
selecting Spatial Plot, and LatticeTemp in the Set Custom Dialog. Also plot the RefractiveIndexReal.
Results due to a 1V bias applied to the top electrodes are shown below. The temperature and index
profiles are shown with cross-cut’s of each taken at y~1.4um.

Figure 234. Lattice temperature profile in contour (left) and cross-cut (right)

Figure 235. Index perturbation due to temperature. Difficult to see in contour (left) but clearly visible in cross-cut at y=1.4µm.

292 • Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
• Open file SOI_coupler.ind again an run a propagation.
• Finally, repeat all previous steps in sections C. & D. but without self-heating enabled.
• Observe (see Fig. 6) the difference in coupling length due to the temperature dependent index perturbation.

Figure 236. Unperturbed coupling (left) and shortened coupling length (right) due to temperature dependent index.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler • 293
17.F. Appendix – Relevant Symbols

Temperature effect parameters - Electrode Physical Data Table:

Variable Value Description
elec_temperature glob_temp Temperature of contact
elec_thermboundary none, dirichlet, cauchy Boundary condition type
elec_thermconduct 0.003 Effective thermal conductivity of contact (including

Temperature effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
regmat_thermconduct 1.31 Thermal conductivity of the region
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03 Exponent in model
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00013182 Change in index with temp.

Carrier effect parameters - Material Data:

Variable Value (Si) Description
fca_elcoef 8.5e-018 Electron absorp change coef (Da)
fca_hlcoef 6e-018 Hole absorp change coef (Da)
fcn_elcoef -8.8e-022 Electron index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlcoef -8.5e-018 Hole index change coef (Dn)
fcn_hlexp 0.8 Hole exponent for index change (Soref Model)

294 • Chapter 17: SOI Directional Coupler LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide
Appendix A: Troubleshooting

This appendix contains some suggestions about what to do if problems arise during a simulation. Some guidelines are
also presented for minimizing the occurance of problems.

Common LaserMOD mistakes

Below is a list of common mistakes that can lead to simulation errors, inaccuracies, or non-convergence.

Symptom Possible Cause / Solution

Add another steady state bias point before the first
Oscillations in first time steps of transient response transient bias point (may also need to enable full
or noisy spikes appear in the frequency response. self-consistency for this new point).
Unphysically linear section of spatial plots Refine the mesh.
Add bias points or increase # steps for existing bias
Can't find steady state solution points.
Results for a given structure are different even Check with RSoft Design Group to see if the
though nothing has changed except the LaserMOD default settings in the program or material library
version. files have been updated.
Make sure the mode has been recalculated since the
QW parameters are changed and KP is rerun, but bandedges have changed and therefore the
expected changes in the simulation results are not frequency at which the mode is calculated may be
present. different.
For significant changes, especially in the mesh or
quantum well parameters, the simulation must be
rerun from bias 0. Starting from a higher bias will
Structural/Material parameters have changed and not work. Similarly, the enabling of certain models
the simulation crashes right away. requires starting at bias 0.
Check that kpmat_DIELOPT is not defined in the
Index profile doesn't seem to change regardless of Physical Data tables of the DBR, which causes the
settings in User Profile for alloy. profiles to be overridden.
DBR performance changes with uniform grid. Nonuniform grid not properly resolved in DBRs.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix A: Troubleshooting • 295

Usage Guidelines for LaserMOD
Below is a summary list of the important notes distributed throughout the manual. These can help act as guidelines for
both layout and simulation of devices in LaserMOD.


All user defined symbols that must be available everywhere, should be defined here. User symbols defined in the local
tables, are only available for use in that table.


The mode should be recalculated if there is a change made to the grid. This will be done by the full laser simulation if the
mode calculation is skipped. However, if the KP is recalculated prior to a full laser simulation, then the mode should also
be recalculated. This is not done automatically, and the user should do this by checking the Recalculate Mode checkbox
in the Simulation Parameters dialog.
When solving modes with beamprop, it is important to be aware of convergence to an unphysical solution, i.e.
discontinuities along interfaces that should not be there.


All regions should be tiled, meaning that the edges of adjacent regions should touch without overlapping, and fill all the
space in the simulation domain. Whenever the outer perimeter of the cross-section is not rectangular, additional regions
should be added (ex. insulating regions…) to achieve this effect.


Regions will be initially out of place, prior to tiling, if a reference is used without adjusting the offset.


When the edges of multiple regions (not necessarily contiguous) fall along the same line, the smallest of the mimimum
spacings from these regions, is used to establish the grid spacing near that line. This leads to a behavior in which
adjustment of the local grid parameters, of a particular region, may not actually affect the final grid.
In such cases, it is convenient to define global variables in the Symbol Table, and use these as the local grid settings,
rather than having to change the local grid parameters for many regions, every time a new grid spacing is desired. A
good way of specifying the mesh is to select designated regions for controlling the mesh in x and/or y direction, while
setting the spacing to a large default in all others.


Profiles can be overidden, just as any other material parameter, by specifying that parameter in the Physical Data Table.
If profiles fail to appear when expected, this will most likely be the cause.


The material properties of the effective region, when Optical Only DBR is used, will probably need to be adjusted
carefully to obtain comparable results to those generated when the Full DBR simulation is employed.


296 • Appendix A: Troubleshooting LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

The Max. Density is used use for the actual laser simulation or when Recalculate KP is checked in the Simulation
Parameters Dialog.


Currently, LI, IV, and certain other data are never deleted, so that the variation from run to run can be observed. To clear
this data, simply check the clear run file option in the Simulation Parameters Dialog.
Also, when the spatial domain of the structure changes between plots, clicking the Set Grid button and verifying that All
regions are selected, will ensure that the entire domain is plotted.


The gain tables distributed with LaserMOD are proprietary and encrypted. Therefore, they cannot be exported directly
to separate plots, as all other data in LaserMOD. These tables can only be viewed in the Simulation Window.


Calibration of the frequency should be done first, since adjustment of the bandgap will require recalibration of all the
parameters discussed above.
For multimode operation, results will be more sensitive to the mesh since a higher modes may required a finer mesh in
order to be properly resolved.


When the farfield is calculated, it is necessary to extend the half-domain results to full domain, that is if the half domain
feature is being used. Since the nearfield is calculated automatically when a farfield is generated, the extension to full
domain is also automatic. However, to see it (when half domain is simulated) the nearfield must be opened from the
saved data. If it is generated as a standard plot, only the half domain nearfield will be shown.


The dt variable for every bias point used in a particular transient response, should be the same in order to extract a
frequency response from it.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix A: Troubleshooting • 297

Appendix B: File Formats

This appendix contains the file formats used by LaserMOD and other RSoft device design tools. Because many of the
data files are compatible, the tools can receive as input, the output results of other tools. This is one of the mechanisms
through which LaserMOD has been integrated with the rest of the device tool suite.
Except where noted, all files are in ASCII text format. For further information, contact RSoft.

LaserMOD Data Formats

The following files include the data and script files for graphs that are displayed during simulation or post simulation via
any of the plotting utilities (see Appendix E) that work with LaserMOD. Additionally, the list includes raw data formats,
mesh formats, plot formats used specifically by LaserMOD, as well as input file formats used by LaserMOD and other
Additional information is available in the WinPLOT (RPlot) manual distributed with all RSoft tools.

File Extension Description

<prefix>.mat Material files (see Appendix G)
<prefix>.msh Nonuniform Mesh files
<prefix>.las LaserMOD input files
<prefix>.run Backup of current .las file being simulated
<prefix>.pcs WinPLOT scripts
<prefix>.rsf LaserMOD plot data (R-Soft Format) (same as .m##)
<prefix>.ind BeamPROP input files
<prefix>.ipf BeamPROP index files
<prefix>.dat Generic data
<prefix>.txt Generic text, used for reports
<prefix>.eng Energy space raw data
<prefix>.nod Node (spatial) raw data
<prefix>.liv L-I-V (bias space) raw data

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix B: File Formats • 299

<prefix>.log Log file (text)
<prefix>.gain Index file for gain tables, characterizes the data provided in the same dir.
<prefix>.matgain_eng ENG file for material gain

<prefix>.m## BeamPROP (.m##) mode file, ## passed via "specifier" argument

<prefix>.fmn BeamPROP frequency monitor file
<prefix>.cer radial component in x-y (diametric) plane
<prefix>.cep phi component in x-y (diametric) plane
<prefix>.cex x component in x-z (facet) plane
<prefix>.cez z component in x-z (facet) plane
<prefix>.vec Vector plot info

.las and .ind are proprietary formats.

Raw data formats are not currently documented – Contact RSoft for more information.

Mesh File Format

# of nodes
# of polygons
First polygon (4 columns = v1 v2 v3 v4)

Last polygon
First node's coordinates (2 columns = X Y)

Last node's coordinates
v# is an integer from 0 to # of nodes, and indicates the node ID for this vertex.
if v4 = -1 then this polygon is a triangle, else it is a rectangle.
X & Y are double values
The first node is node 0. Nodes follow sequential by ID, one node per row

Spectral Input File Format

Users can now specify a Reflectivity Spectra File name for each Facet Reflectivity in the Global Parameters Dialog. The
file format is:

<#pts> <min Lambda (um)> <max Lambda (um)> 0 OUTPUT_REAL
<ref @ min lambda>
<ref @ next lambda>
<ref @ next lambda>

300 • Appendix B: File Formats LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

<ref @ max lambda>

Input Layer File Format

The layers of an epitaxial structure may be conveniently specified via a .txt file. This file can be imported to the
LaserMOD CAD vai the File/Import menu option, where it will automatically be converted to a .las file. The format of
this input file is as follows: each row (or combination of rows in the case of gratings, dbr’s, and mqw’s) will become an
element of the specified type, material, alloy, and doping. Material system is the name (AlGaAs for example) of a .mat
file. Doping is typically in exponential notation and is (+) for n-type and (-) for p-type. Entries of each row are
separated by a space or tab. See ReadmeLM.txt for an example.

Element Type # Periods Material System Alloy X Alloy Y Thickness (um) Doping (cm-3)
elec 1 none 0 0 positive # 0
bulk 1 any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
graT 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
graB 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
dbrT 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
dbrB 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
well 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)
barr 1 or more any 0-1 0-1 positive # +/- (n/p type)

BeamPROP Data Format

The following is taken from the BeamPROP manual, Appendix B. The correct syntax for this file format is:

Nx Xmin Xmax Zpos Output_Type Optional_Data
Ny Ymin Ymax

Data1(Xmin, Ymin) … Data(Xmin, Ymax)

… …
Data(Xmax, Ymin) … Data(Xmax, Ymax)

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix B: File Formats • 301

The first several lines of the field file are WinPLOT directives, and though required for WinPLOT use, can be considered
as comments and ignored for all other uses. They begin with a slash (‘/’) character and can be identified and parsed by
that characteristic. Also, note that this format describes a function as (x,y,z0). However, note that these coordinates do
not have to correspond to the coordinates actually used in a simulation, and are only local to the data file.
The parameters shown above are:
Parameter Description
Nx Number of data points in the X direction.
Xmin The X coordinate of the first data point.
Xmax The X coordinate of the last data point.
Zpos The Z coordinate where the function was calculated.
Output_Type The sub format of the data. This field can be one of the values
discussed below.
Ny Number of data points in the Y direction. This line is only required for
a 3D Output_Type.
Ymin The Y coordinate of the first data point. This line is only required for a
3D Output_Type.
Ymax The Y coordinate of the last data point. This line is only required for a
3D Output_Type.
Optional_Data These parameters are not required, but are used in special cases. For
instance, if the field is a result of a mode calculation, there are two
optional fields containing the real and imaginary parts of the mode
effective index.

Supported Output Types

The supported output types can be divided into two main groups: those that are a function of one coordinate, and those
that are a function of two coordinates.

Functions of one coordinate (X)

These values of Output _Type correspond to functions of one variable, and therefore the second non-directive line
which contains information about the Y coordinate is not needed. In addition, only one column of data is present, except
for the special cases noted below.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the amplitude of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the real part of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the imaginary part of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to both the real and imaginary
parts of a field. The data is presented in two columns; the first contains the real part of the field, and the
second the imaginary part of the field.

302 • Appendix B: File Formats LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to both the amplitude and phase of
a field. The data is presented in two columns; the first contains the amplitude of the field, and the second
the phase.

Function of two coordinates (X,Y)

These values of Output _Type correspond to functions of two variables, and therefore the second non-directive line
which contains information about the Y coordinate is needed. In addition, only one column of data is present per Y
value, except for the special cases noted below.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the amplitude of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the real part of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to the imaginary part of a field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to both the real and imaginary
parts of a field. The data is presented in two columns per Y value; the first contains the real part of the
field, and the second the imaginary part of the field.
This output type indicates that the data contained in the file corresponds to both the amplitude and phase of
a field. The data is presented in two columns per Y value; the first contains the amplitude of the field, and
the second the phase.

Example Field Files

In order to better illustrate the field file format, several examples are given. In each case, a function will be given, and
then a corresponding data file.

Example 1:
The following file contains the real-valued function ƒ(x)=x2 over the domain x W [0,1] with X x=0.1:

11 0 1 0 OUTPUT_REAL

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix B: File Formats • 303

Example 2:
The following file contains the complex-valued funciton ƒ(x)=x2+ix3 over the domain x Y [0,1] with

0.00 0.000
0.01 0.001
0.04 0.008
0.09 0.027
0.16 0.064
0.25 0.125
0.36 0.216
0.49 0.343
0.64 0.512
0.89 0.729
1.00 1.000

Example 3:
The following file contains the real-valued function ƒ(x,y)=xy over the domain x Y [1,2] with
x=0.25 and y [0,1] with x=0.5

5 1 2 0 OUTPUT_REAL_3D
3 0 1
0.000 0.500 1.000
0.000 0.625 1.250
0.000 0.750 1.500
0.000 0.875 1.750
0.000 1.000 2.000

Example 4:
The following file contains the complex-valued function ƒ(x,y)=x+iy over the domain x Y [1,2] with
x=0.25 and y [0,1] with x=0.5

3 0 1
1.00 0.0 1.00 0.5 1.00 1.0
1.25 0.0 1.25 0.5 1.25 1.0
1.50 0.0 1.50 0.5 1.50 1.0
1.75 0.0 1.75 0.5 1.75 1.0

304 • Appendix B: File Formats LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

2.00 0.0 2.00 0.5 2.00 1.0
Note that every other column contains imaginary data.

Mode Field File Format

Mode field files are generated by the simulation program when one or more modes are calculated. These files have the
extension *.m##, where ## is the mode number. Their default format is identical to the field file format described above
This default can be changed via the output options dialog. Note that for mode field files, the optional fields in the field
file format documented above are used, with the two optional fields containing the real and imaginary parts of the mode
effective index. The effective index information is also stored and displayed in the corresponding *.p## graph file that
is generated.

Refractive Index and Loss Profile File Formats

Refractive index or loss profile files are generated by the simulation program when the index or loss profile is calculated.
These files have the extensions *.ipf and *.lpf, respectively. They contain the real or imaginary part of the refractive
index as a function of the transverse coordinates. Their format is similar to the field file format for the OUTPUT_REAL or

Index (*.ind) File Format

Index files are generated by the CAD program and used as input to the simulation program. They can also be generated
manually using any ASCII text editor. These files have the extension *.ind. They contain information describing the
waveguide circuit and any related parameters, as well as information controlling the simulation.
The index file begins with a list of variable assignments of the form "name=value" which correspond to the information
in the symbol table of the CAD program. While this information is normally changed via the CAD program, it can be
useful to edit this list manually in order to alter or delete existing variable definitions, as well as add new ones. This can
also be accomplished on the command line of the simulation. However limitations on the length of the command line can
make it necessary to edit the index file.
The remainder of the index file consists of lists of records describing the waveguide components, pathways, and
monitors that have been defined via the CAD program. Contact RSoft for further information on the format of these

Graph File Format

The graphs that are displayed during simulation are saved as WinPLOT command files with extensions .p*. The general
format of these files is documented in the WinPLOT manual. The following table lists some of the WinPLOT command
files which may be generated by BeamPROP, and shows the file extension followed by the data each one graphs:
File Extension Description
<prefix>.pcs The standard display with slices plus monitor
<prefix>.psl The slice data, <prefix>.###, displayable as slices
<prefix>.pct The slice data, <prefix>.###, displayable as a surface plot
<prefix>.pct The slice data, <prefix>.###, displayable as a contour map
<prefix>.pcy The YZ slice data, <prefix>.y##, displayable as a contour map

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix B: File Formats • 305

<prefix>.pmr The monitor data, <prefix>.mon, rotated as in the standard display
<prefix>.pmn The monitor data, <prefix>.mon, graphed normally
<prefix>.pfd The field output data <prefix>.fld
<prefix>.pfr The far field output data <prefix>.far
<prefix>.pft The calculated mode spectrum <prefix>.fft
<prefix>.p## The calculated mode field <prefix>.m##
<prefix>.ppf The refractive index profile <prefix>.ipf
<prefix>.ppl The material loss profile <prefix>.lpf
<prefix>.psc The parameter scan data <prefix>.scn
<prefix>.pne The mode effective index scan data <prefix>.nes
<prefix>.pds The derivative of mode effective index scan data <prefix>.der produced by

306 • Appendix B: File Formats LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Appendix C: RSoft Expressions

As noted elsewhere, virtually any numeric input field in any RSoft product can accept an analytical expression involving
pre-defined and user-defined variables which are defined in the symbol table. In this appendix, we discuss the form that
these expressions can take, the allowed operators, and the built-in functions that are available.
Expressions are written in the common form accepted by most programming languages (e.g. C or Fortran), and can
include numbers, variables, arithmetic operators, and function calls. They are currently limited in length to 64
Note that if an operator or function required by your application is not listed below, please contact RSoft and we will
attempt to add it to the next release.

Valid Arithmetic Operators

Valid operators for RSoft expressions, listed in order or precedence, are:
Operator Description
^ exponentiation
* multiplication
/ division
+ addition
- subtraction
Parenthesis can be used as usual to group operations and override this precedence. Note that when evaluating
expressions, earlier versions of BeamPROP considered the precedence of exponentiation to be the same as that of
multiplication and division (which is higher than that of addition and subtraction). With Version 3.0, exponentiation
now has a higher precedence. Also note that the mathematical constants pi and e are pre-defined for use in expressions.
These variable names can not be overridden and should not be used as user-defined symbols.

Built-in Variables
RSoft supports several built-in variables. These variables may be used in the symbol table, or in any numeric field
within the software. These variable names should be avoided when creating your own variables to avoid conflict.
Variable Value
inf infinity
c 2.9979246e014 µ&mu;m/s
e 2.718281828

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix C: RSoft Expressions • 307

pi 3.141592653
true 1
false 0
yes 1
no 0
default infinity

Standard Functions
RSoft expressions support many of the standard function calls found in programming languages, as well as several
functions useful in the context of defining waveguide profiles or tapers. The standard functions are:
Function Description
abs(x) absolute value
exp(x) exponential
log(x) natural logarithm
sqrt(x) square root
cos(x) cosine
sin(x) sine
tan(x) tangent
acos(x) inverse cosine
asin(x) inverse sine
atan(x) inverse tangent
erf(x) error function
erfc(x) complementary error function
ceil(x) truncate up to next higher integer
floor(x) truncate down to next lower integer
round(x) round to nearest integer
min(x1,x2,…) minimum of arguments in list
max(x1,x2,…) maximum of arguments in list

Additional Functions
These functions are not standard functions used elsewhere, but are available to allow for the creation of certain
• u(x)
This is the unit step function, defined as

308 • Appendix C: RSoft Expressions LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

M 0 x<0
u ( x) = 0.5 x = 0

1 x>0
• um(x)
This is a variation of u(x), defined as
M 0 x<0
um( x) = 0 x = 0 NM

1 x>0
• up(x)
This is a variation of u(x), defined as
M 0 x<0
up( x) = 1 x = 0 NM

1 x>0
• clip(x)
This function is defined as
M 0 x<0
clip( x) = x 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 NM

1 x >1
• step(x)
This function is a periodic step function, defined as

1 0 ≤ x < 0.5
{ x ∈ [0,1)}
step( x) =
0 0.5 < x < 1
and is periodically extended outside this range. This function is useful for defining grating structures or
segmented waveguides.
• step2(x,a)
This function is a variation of step(x), where the duty cycle can be controlled by the second argument a.
It is defined as

1 0≤ x<a
{ x ∈ [0,1)}
step 2( x, a) =
0 a < x <1
and is periodically extended outside this range. The parameter a must be between 0 and 1. This function is
useful for defining grating structures or segmented waveguides.
• sign(x)
This function returns the sign of the argument x. It is defined as

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix C: RSoft Expressions • 309

• if(x,a,b)
This is the logical if() function which can be read as “if |x| >= 5, then a, else b”. It is defined as

• slabneff(p,m,lambda,nc,ns,nf,h)
This special function computes the effective index of a 3-layer slab waveguide mode. The arguments are:
Argument Description
p polarization(0=TE, 1=TM)
m mode number(0=fundamental)
lambda free space wavelength (µ&mu;)
nc cover index
ns substrate index
nf film or guiding layer index
h thickness of film or guiding layer
• ranseq(int seed, int i)
This deterministic function returns a “random” result for a given pair of arguments. A typical use would be
to define one or more seed variables in the symbol table, and then use this function within a waveguide
with the same i index variable. This allows two or more fields within the segment to be correlated.
Changing the seeds within the symbol table will result in different random numbers.
The distribution is linear between -0.5 and 0.5, and several special seeds are recognized: 0 returns 0.0, -1
returns 0.5, and -2 returns -0.5.
• ranline(int seed, double corlen, double z)
This is a deterministically random function of a continuous variable z with a correlation-length of corlen.
The seed variable behaves like ranseq().

310 • Appendix C: RSoft Expressions LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Appendix D: Symbol Table

This Appendix itemizes the various built-in parameters indigenous to each Symbol Table employed by LaserMOD. As
stated, these tables comprise a two level heirarchy, headed by a global Symbol Table, in which parameters may be
defined that can be seen by all tables. And two categories of local Symbol Tables in which paramters may be defined,
but cannot be seen by other tables. These are the Physical Data tables, for material and region parameters, and Advanced
tables, for bias point parameters.
The following is the list of symbols which are defined in the symbol table by LaserMOD. They correspond to the
options which are set via the GUI. They are provided for two reasons:
• When creating user-defined variables, you should avoid using these variable names as you can
inadvertently change aspects of the simulation.
• Advanced users who wish to control aspects of LaserMOD via the symbol table can edit these symbols
directly. This is identical to using the GUI.

D.1. Global Symbols

All built-in global symbols have a corresponding control in the graphical interface dialogs, and do need to be edited
directly from a symbol table.
Usefull Global Symbols that currently do not have a corresponding control in the GUI are listed in the following table. If
these are typed into the Global Symbol Table, they will be understood by the program.

n_energy_grid # points in energy grid

fixed_mode_frq 1 = fixed trans. mode freq.
fp_mode_frq fixed long. mode freq.
glob_grid_method 0 (default) or 1 (max.
spacing control)
index_bc_top refractive index at boundary
index_bc_bottom refractive index at boundary
index_bc_left refractive index at boundary
index_bc_right refractive index at boundary
run_table_mode custom or standard library

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters • 311

table_gain_material path to subdirectory in
table_gain_inhomog inhomogeneous broadening
table_gain_shift additional frequency shift


All user defined symbols that must be available everywhere, should be defined here. User symbols defined in the local
tables, are only available for use in that table.

D.2. Material Parameters

All material library parameters are described in this section. They can be edited via the Material Library Editor Dialog
or they can be overriden in a given region by typing the particular symbol (as it appears below) into the Physical Data
Table of that region. In the case of quantum well regions, the barriers and well each have their own Physical Data Table,
as do the different layers in the DBR region (unless only the optical properties are being simulated, in which case all
other parameters are taken from the Layer 1 Physical Data Table).

Parameter Symbol: Description: Units:

arora_eldopexp1 exponent of Arora model denominator for elec. --
arora_eldopexp2 exponent for temp. dep. of denominator exponent --
arora_elmudop min. elec. mobility in Arora model m^2/(V*s)
arora_elmudopexp exponent of temp. dep. of min. elec. mobility --
arora_elnref ref. doping density for elec. mobiltiy 1/m^3
arora_elnrefexp exponent of temp. dep. for ref. doping for elec. --
arora_hldopexp1 exponent of Arora model denominator for elec. --
arora_hldopexp2 exponent for temp. dep. of denominator exponent --
arora_hlmudop min. hole mobility in Arora model m^2/(V*s)
arora_hlmudopexp exponent of temp. dep. of min. hole mobility --
arora_hlnref ref. doping density for hole mobiltiy 1/m^3
arora_hlnrefexp exponent of temp. dep. for ref. doping for holes --
bg_absorption constant background absorption 1/cm
eff_tunnel_length effective length for tunneling mode nm
eff_tunnel_priority region priority (which region's length to use at interface) --
fca_elcoef free carrier absorption for elec. cm^2
fca_hlcoef free carrier absorption for holes cm^2
fcn_elcoef free carrier index change for elec. cm^3
fcn_hlcoef free carrier index change for holes cm^3

312 • Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

fcn_hlexp free carrier index change – exponent for holes --
haensch_tunnel_length effective length for Haensch model nm
hfmob_elfield0 critical field for high field elec. mobility model V/m
hfmob_elvsat elec. saturation velocity in high field mobility model m/s
hfmob_elvsattemp temp. coef. for elec. in high field mobility model --
hfmob_hlfield0 critical field for high field hole mobility model V/m
hfmob_hlvsat hole saturation velocity in high field mobility model m/s
hfmob_hlvsattemp temp. coef. for holes in high field mobility model --
ifrec_Et-Ev300 trap energy for interface recombination model eV
ifrec_priority region priority (which region's length to use at interface) --
ifrec_vn recombination velocity for elec. m/s
ifrec_vp recombination velocity for holes m/s
ion_acceptoractiv acceptor activation energy eV
ion_donoractiv donor activation energy eV
kpmat_ACV hydrostatic deformation potential a_c - a_v eV
kpmat_APRIME Gamma6C block renormalization coefficient --
kpmat_AXDEF axial deformation potential b eV
kpmat_C11 elastic modulus c11 @300K 10^11dyn/cm^2
kpmat_C12 elastic modulus c12 @300K 10^11dyn/cm^2
kpmat_CPRIME Lande factor renormalization coefficient --
kpmat_DELTAMINUS spin orbit coupling between G15v and G15c eV
kpmat_DIELOPT optical dielectric const. @300K (E_LO< ω <Eg) eo
kpmat_DIELSTAT static dielectric const. @300K eo
kpmat_G6C_G8V energy gap E(G6c) - E(G8v) @300K eV
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A parameter A in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B parameter B in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G7C_G8V E(G7c) - E(G8v) @4.2 K eV
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A parameter A in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B parameter B in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G8C_G7C E(G8c) - E(G7c) eV
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A parameter A in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B parameter B in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G8V_G7V split off gap: E(G8v) - E(G7v) eV
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A parameter A in Varshni expression --
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B parameter B in Varshni expression --
kpmat_GAMMA1 Luttinger parameter at 5K --

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters • 313

kpmat_GAMMA2 Luttinger parameter at 5K --
kpmat_GAMMA3 Luttinger parameter at 5K --
kpmat_HLAFF hole affinity eV
kpmat_LANDE Lande factor at Gamma6 @4K --
kpmat_LATT lattice constant @ 300K Angstrom
kpmat_LATT_DT Temp. dep. (da/dT) of lattice constant Angstrom/K
kpmat_MG6C electron effective mass at Gamma6 @300K mo
kpmat_MG6C_L linear term in temperature dependence 1/K
kpmat_MG6C_Q quadratic term in temperature dependence 1/K^2
kpmat_MG6C_T cubic term in temperature dependence 1/K^3
kpmat_MHH DOS HH mass mo
kpmat_MLH DOS LH mass mo
kpmat_MOBN0 electron mobility @300K m^2/(V*s)
kpmat_MOBN0_exp exponent for electron mobility --
kpmat_MOBP0 hole mobility @300K m^2/(V*s)
kpmat_MOBP0_exp exponent for hole mobility --
kpmat_MSO SO mass mo
kpmat_MX6C electron DOS mass at the X valley mo
kpmat_QQ Q = <Gamma15v | p | Gamma15c> eV*A
kpmat_X6C_G8V E(X6c) - E(G8v) @300K eV
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A parameter A in Varshni expression --
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B parameter B in Varshni expression --
kpmat_dnr_dT temp. dep. index coef. 1/K
regmat_Augn300 el phon-assist. Auger coef. @300K (Cn) m^6/s
regmat_AugnEact activation energy for Auger recom. for elec. eV
regmat_Augp600 hl Auger coef.@600K (Cp) m^6/s
regmat_AugpEact activation energy for Auger recom. for holes eV
regmat_Et-Ev300 etrap-Ev level @300K (trap engy-SRH model) eV
regmat_SRH_taun el capture time (1/Cn*NT, NT=trap density) s
regmat_SRH_taup el capture time (1/Cp*NT, NT=trap density) s
regmat_coul_enh1 coulomb enhancement from k.p
regmat_coul_enh2 coulomb enhancement factor from k.p
regmat_delta_e spacing on energy grid eV
regmat_e3dav_el 3D average elec energy eV
regmat_e3dav_hl 3D average hole energy eV
regmat_elelcaptime elec-elec capture time s

314 • Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_elelscttime elec-elec scattering time s
regmat_elphcaptime elec-phonon capture time s
regmat_elphscttime elec-phonon scattering time s
regmat_hlhlcaptime hole-hole capture time s
regmat_hlhlscttime Hole-hole scattering time s
regmat_hlphcaptime Hole-phonon capture time s
regmat_hlphscttime Hole-phonon scattering time s
regmat_hnuloph h*nu-LOphonon (flat dispersion)
regmat_hotqmax cuttoff phonon freq. ~0
regmat_krelaxener Qwell transition broadening energy (∆E) eV
regmat_lo_frac LO optical to acoustic decay (phonon rate eqn.)
regmat_material_density mass density for thermal models 1/cm^3
regmat_qw_rich Richardson constant for QW lateral transport A/(cm^2*K^2)
regmat_scatener scattering energy range eV
regmat_specific_heat specific heat W*s/(g*K)
regmat_sponrecoef spontaneous recomb. coeff. (bulk, ~0) m^3/s
regmat_tauloph LO phonon lifetime s
regmat_thermconduct thermal conductivity W/(K*cm)
regmat_thermconduct_exp exponent for thermal model --

Additional Parameters for Wurtzite Systems (above are for Zinc Blend):
Parameter Symbol: Description: Units:
wz_latt_a Lattice constant along a A (300K)
wz_latt_c Lattice constant along c A (300K)
wz_Eg Direct energy gap eV (300K)
wz_Eg_A Energy gap coef A eV/K
wz_Eg_B Energy gap coef B K
wz_split_cr Crystal field splitting eV
wz_split_so Spin orbit splitting eV
wz_mel_a Electron effective mass along a mo
wz_mel_c Electron effective mass along c mo
wz_A1 Luttinger Parameter --
wz_A2 Luttinger Parameter --
wz_A3 Luttinger Parameter --
wz_A4 Luttinger Parameter --
wz_A5 Luttinger Parameter --

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters • 315

wz_A6 Luttinger Parameter --
wz_P2 Optical matrix element eV
wz_P1 Optical matrix element eV
wz_D1 Deformation potential eV
wz_D2 Deformation potential eV
wz_D3 Deformation potential eV
wz_D4 Deformation potential eV
wz_C13 elastic modulus c13 @300K 10^11dyn/cm^2
wz_C33 elastic modulus c33 @300K 10^11dyn/cm^2
wz_defc_a Hydrostatic deformation potential along a eV
wz_defc_c Hydrostatic deformation potential along c eV
wz_Psp Spontaneous polarization C/m^2
wz_e13 Piezo-electric polarization C/m^2
wz_e33 Piezo-electric polarization C/m^2

The temperature dependence of the energy gaps is assume to obey theVarshni expresssion:
Eg(T) = Eg(300) + A(T/(1.0 + B/T) - Tref/(1.0 + B/Tref))
Tref = 300K

D.3. Material Library Auxilliary Parameters

Most parameters in the ternary and quarternary material libraries are extracted through linear interpolation from
corresponding binary material values taken from the standard literature and texts. This tends to be rather inaccurate in
the case of direct energy gap for some material systems such as GaInAsP. For this reason, different alloy interpolation
formulae for the direct energy gap (kpmat_G6C_G8V = Eg_BOWING) have been taken from the literature [1], although
the linearly interpolated value is still available (kpmat_G6C_G8V = Eg_LINEAR). Note that the following may not be
present in all .mat files.

Eg_BOWING Eg with bowing parameters

Eg_LINEAR Eg as linearly interpolated

Additionally, all materials in the library have been adjusted to use band-discontinuity ratio to determine the hole affinity
(kpmat_HLAFF = HLAFF_DISCONT), although the linearly interpolated value (kpmat_HLAFF = HLAFF_LINEAR) is also
available. The following are now defined in each material library file

DEv_DEg_REF dEvb/dEg (valence band

Eg min. of direct and indirect

316 • Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Eg_REF 1.424 (GaAs bandgap)
HLAFF_REF 5.494 (GaAs hole affin.)
HLAFF_LINEAR (interp. from binary data –
see below)

In general, users may replace the alloy interpolation formulae in the library (.mat) files (or create new ones) to suit their
needs. However, this is currently limited by the "kpmat_" parameters to the following interpolation schemes as specified
by the following material parameter.

Interpolation_Scheme (Library ID – see below)

Library ID's are determined from the following table (the ID strings below are the allowed values for the
Interpolation_Scheme parameter).

Type: Library ID: Formula: Interpolation:

BINARY "AB" none none
TERNARY "AxB1_xC" A(x)B(1-x)C x*AC + (1-x)*BC
QUARTERNARY "AxB1_xCyD1_y" A(x)B(1-x)C(y)D(1-y) x*y*AC + (1-x)*(1-
y)*BD + (1-x)*y*BC +
QUARTERNARY_I "AxyBy_xyC1_yD" [A(x)B(1-x)](y)C(1- x*y*AD + y*(1-x)*BD
y)D + (1-y)*CD
QUARTERNARY_II "AxByC1_x_yD" A(x)B(y)C(1-x-y)D x*AD + y*BD + (1-x-

D.4. Bias Point Parameters

All bias point symbols are available through the Advanced Symbol Table (one for each bias point) but need not be
accessed directly, as all pertinent symbols have a corresponding control in the Bias Table Editor Dialog.
Usefull Bias Symbols that currently do not have a corresponding control in the GUI are listed in the following table. If
these are typed into the Advanced Symbol Table, they will be understood by the program.

sim_llatticetemp local control of self-heating

sim_lhartree enable Hartree potential
n_steps # steps in bias ramp
step_size current/voltage step in ramp

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters • 317

D.5. Quantum Well Symbols
Most region symbols have a corresponding control in the graphical user interface.
Some usefull region symbols, specifically for quantum well regions, that currently do not have a corresponding control
in the GUI are listed in the following table. If these are typed into the Physical Data Table for a quantum well, they will
be understood by the program.

kploop_wavevec_max magnitude of KP k vector (0-

kploop_wavevec_num # KP k vector points
kpband_basis_vecs KP basis vectors = 8 or 14
kpband_fourier_comps KP fourier components
kpband_self_consist self-consistent Shroeding-
Poisson solve in KP
kpband_spin_split use spin-splitting (y/n)
kpband_axial_aprx use axial approx. (y/n)
postkp_cbrange energy range in CB for KP
postkp_vbrange energy range in VB for KP
elem_barr_depth penetration depth into
barrier as a fraction of well

D.6. Electrode Symbols

Most region symbols have a corresponding control in the graphical user interface.
Some usefull region symbols, specifcally for electrode regions, that currently do not have a corresponding control in the
GUI are listed in the following table. If these are typed into the Physcial Data Table in an electrode region, they will be
understood by the program.

elec_thermconduct thermal conductivity for the

elec_thermboundary thermal boundary condition

[1] O. Madelung, "Semiconductors – Basic Data", 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[2] S.L. Chuang, “Optical Gain of Strained Wurtzite GaN Quantum-Well Lasers,” IEEE JQE, Vol. 32, No. 10, OCT.
1996 p.1791.
[3] I. Vurgaftmana, J. R. Meyer, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, “Band parameters for III–V compound semiconductors and
their alloys,” JAP, Vol. 89, No. 11, 1 June 2001, pp. 5815-75.

318 • Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

[4] J. Piprek: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (Academic Press 2003).

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix D: Symbol Table Parameters • 319

Appendix E: Plotting Utilities

This Appendix describes the the plotting programs and utilities available with LaserMOD. Furthermore there is a
command line utility, bdutil, that is employed by LaserMOD for converting the nearfield into the farfield. It has
additional functionality which its described here for completeness.

E.1. WinPLOT
Winplot is a self-contained, script driven, plotting program for displaying a variety of raw data files, and manipulating
that data for viewing.
Use WinPLOT to display all plots, zoom in on a region of the plot, adjust the data, or display static 3D surface plots.
To open a file with WinPLOT, select the yellow, View Graphs, button on the top toolbar of the interface, or from the
Graph pulldown menu option, View Graph.
A separate, comprehensive manual for this program, \RSoft\docs\Rplot.pdf, is provided with the software distribution
and is also accessible via the OnLine Help button on the WinPLOT toolbar or pulldown menu, when the program is
running. Please refer to this manual for more information on WinPLOT.
Also, WinPLOT has been improved recently to include a wide variety of 3D and crosscutting capabilities. For this
reason the use of CPLOT (a separate plotting utility distributed with older versions of LaserMOD) has been

E.2. Simulation Window

The simulation window, which is automatically invoked when any simulation is launched from the CAD, has several
useful properties that make it desirable for the display of saved data, as well. This can be accessed via the Graph/Launch
Sim Window menu option. The properties include the reporting of the FWHM and confinement factors in the text area
at the bottom of the window.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix E: Plotting Utilities • 321

Figure 237. Contour plot of fundamental mode - half domain

322 • Appendix E: Plotting Utilities LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Figure 238. Vertical cross-cut of the fundamental mode, showing FWHM and 1/e width in the report window

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix E: Plotting Utilities • 323

Figure 239. Zoomed in region of fundamental mode, showing the confinement factor of the data within this region (in both cylindrical
and cartesian systems) in the report window.

E.3. RglPLOT
RglPLOT is a self-contained plotting program, for displaying and manipulating surface plots in 3D. It is based on
OpenGLTM and the useful feature of this program is that all angles and zoom scales of the data are under direct mouse
control. Furthermore, this is the only utility that allows viewing of the data as it exists on the nonuniform mesh. All
other utilties interpolate onto a uniform mesh for viewing.
Use RglPLOT to display dynamic (mouse driven) 3D surface plots.

Mouse Commands:

Right Mouse Click Popup Menu (click X in upper right corner

to close menu)
Right Mouse Drag (up/down) Zoom (in/out) – default
Left Mouse Drag Rotate – default
Left Mouse Double Click Reset to default view and mouse behavior

324 • Appendix E: Plotting Utilities LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Menu Commands:

File Open Data File (2 selections are requested

for Non-Uniform Mesh)
Left Mouse Set Left Mouse Behavior
Right Mouse Set Right Mouse Behavior
View Viewing Options
Shapes Displays Predefined Shapes or File Data
Help Displays these options

Recognized Files:

*.msh Non-Uniform Mesh File

*.dat Data File For Non-Uniform Mesh
*.m RSoft Mode File
*.n RSoft Mode File
*.fld RSoft Field File
*.ipf RSoft Profile File
*.ind RSoft CAD File
*.rsf LaserMOD Contour File (same as .m)
*_Profile.rsf LaserMOD Profile File (same as .ipf)
*_table.txt LinkSIM Stokes Parameter File

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix E: Plotting Utilities • 325

bdutil – BeamPROP utility
The bdutil utility performs several calculations within the LaserMOD program, and is included in the installation as a
separate executable that the user can also perform these calculations separately. The utility can calculate the overlap
integral between two fields, grating coefficients, the field size, and the far field projection. This utility is designed to
work with the RSoft file formats as outlined in Appendix B.
Depending on the type of calculation to be performed, the utility accepts one or more data files, calculates the requested
information, and then outputs the new data either as a set of numbers or a new data file. The options for each switch will
be examined, and then several examples will be given to illustrate these options.

bdutil supports the following syntax and options:

usage: bdutil -i [options] input-file-name1 [input-file-name2 [weight-file]]

bdutil -k [options] mode-file1 mode-file2 index-file1 index-file2
bdutil -s [options] input-file-name
bdutil -f [options] input-file-name output-file-name
-? help - prints this message
-i power or overlap integral calculation (1 or 2 files)
-wx<range> select window in x (<range> = #,#)
-wy<range> select window in y (<range> = #,#)
-sq1 square field 1 in overlap integral
-k coupling coefficient calculation
-s field size calculation
-rp# rotate field in phi
-rt# rotate field in theta
-tx# translate field in x
-ty# translate field in y
-f# far field calculation: #=distance
-fa far field calculation: intensity versus angle
-da# override default angular spacing for above
-l# set wavelength (default=1.0)
-n# set refractive index (default=1.0)
-r automatically resize far field domain

Options & Usage

bdutil can perform several types of calculations. These include overlap integrals, grating coupling coefficients, spot
size, field transformations, and far field projections. These calculations and supported options are listed below.

Overlap Integrals: -i
This switch indicates that an overlap integral should be performed. The correct syntax for this option is:

326 • Appendix E: Plotting Utilities LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

bdutil –i [options] input-file1-name1 [input-file-name2 [weight-file]]
• -wx<range>
As with any integration, careful attention needs to be given to the limits of integration used. By default, the
utility uses the limits of integration which are given in the data files as coordinate ranges. If the files do not
lie in the same range, the utility calculates the integral over the area where the files overlap in the
coordinate space. The options –wx and –wy, however, allow for a calculation with custom limits of
• -sq1
This option squares the first field before calculating an overlap integral.
There are several combinations of input data files which this switch accepts, and the utility performs different
calculations in each case. For the purposes of this discussion, it is assumed that the files contain only one coordinate, but
the definitions can simply be generalized for files which contain two coordinates. Also, please note that these integrals
are normalized. There are three different calculations which the utility can perform:
1. If one data file is given which contains a function f (x) &fnof;(<i>x</i>), the utility calculates three
integrals of the form

S ( x) = h( x)dx

where h(x) <i>h</i>(<i>x</i>)is equal to f (x) &fnof;(<i>x</i>),

2 4
f (x) |&fnof;(<i>x</i>)|<sup>2</sup>, and f (x) |&fnof;(<i>x</i>)|<sup>4</sup>,. Since
f (x) &fnof;(<i>x</i>) can be a complex function, the value of the integral of
h( x) = f ( x) <i>h</i>(<i>x</i>) = &fnof;(<i>x</i>) contains both a real and imaginary part.

2. If two data files are given which contain functions f (x ) &fnof;(<i>x</i>) and g (x ) <i>g</i>(<i>x</i>)
respectively, the utility calculates the overlap integral of these functions. This is defined by

f ( x) g * ( x)dx
S ( x) =
_ \ 1 _ \ 1
] x2 Z 2 ] x2 Z 2
] * Z ] * Z
f ( x) f ( x)dx [ ^
g ( x) g ( x)dx [
x1 x1

where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate. The program returns values for both
S (x) <i>S</i>(<i>x</i>) and S (x) |<i>S</i>(<i>x</i>)|<sup>2</sup>. Since a complex conjugate is
taken, the order in which the files are input is important.

3. If a weight function σ (x ) &sigma;(<i>x</i> is given in addition to two data files, the utility calculates the
overlap integral using the form

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix E: Plotting Utilities • 327


f ( x)σ ( x) g * ( x)dx
S ( x) =
_ \ 1 _ \ 1
] x2 Z 2 ] x2 Z 2
] * Z ] * Z
f ( x) f ( x)dx [ ^
g ( x) g ( x)dx [
x1 x1

where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate. The program returns values for both
S (x) <i>S</i>(<i>x</i>) and S (x) |<i>S</i>(<i>x</i>)|<sup>2</sup>. Since a complex conjugate is
taken, the order in which the files are input is important.

eg. To calculate the integral of a function f (x) &fnof;(<i>x</i>), contained in a file field.fld over a
range of (-3,2):
bdutil –i –wx-3,2 field.fld

eg. To calculate the overlap integral between two data files, field1.fld and field2.fld, with the
default limits of integration and also squaring the first field:
bdutil –i –sq1 field1.fld field2.fld

eg. To calculate the overlap integral between two data files, field1.fld and field2.fld, with a
weight file, weight.fld, over the range (-2.3, 6.1), use the command:
bdutil –i –wx-2.3,6.1 field1.fld field2.fld weight.fld

Coupling Coefficients: -k
This switch calculates the coupling coefficient, kappa, between two modes traveling in opposite directions in a grating.
The correct syntax for this calculation is:
bdutil -k [options] mode-file1 mode-file2 index-file1 index-file2
At this time, there are no valid options for this switch. This switch requires four files to be input: two index profiles
corresponding to the peak and mean index perturbation of the grating and two mode files which correspond to the two
modes being studied. These files need to be in the file format specified in Appendix B for index profiles (.ipf) and
mode files (.m00) respectively. They can be produced directly with rSoft software or through any other means as long
as the file format is correct.
eg. To calculate the coupling coefficient between a forward mode, mode1.m00, and a backward mode, mode2.m00, in a
grating with a peak index profile of index1.ipf and a mean index profile of index2.ipf:
bdutil -k mode1.m00 mode2.m00 index1.ipf index2.ipf
The utility will produce both the real and imaginary parts of kappa, as well as the effective index of the grating. Kappa
is defined as:

(n − n12 ) ξvtξ µ*t dxdy

+∞ +∞
κ= 0
−∞ −∞
+∞ +∞
4neff , µ ξ µ tξ µ*t dxdy
−∞ −∞

328 • Appendix E: Plotting Utilities LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

where n1 is the mean index and n2 is the peak index. The calculated number is a dimensionless form of the above
expression, in which the k 0 <i>k<sub>0</sub></i> factor is not present.

This is consistent with the book: Raman Kashyap, “Fiber Bragg Gratings,” Academic press, 1998, pp.143, equation
(4.3.6). It is also consistent with the paper: P. Correc, “Coupling Coefficients for Trapezoidal Gratings,” IEEE Journal
of Quantum Electronics, Vol. QE-24, No. 1, 1988, pp.8, equation (1), (2) and (3).
For more information on the coupling coefficient and background on coupled mode theory used, see the document
KAPPA.DOC located in the C:\ rsoft\docs directory.

Field Size Calculation: -s

This switch calculates the 1/e height and width of a field. Its correct syntax is
bdutil -s [options] input-file-name
This switch returns the 1/e height and width in microns. For example, the 1/e width and height of a mode file mode.m00
can be found using the command:
bdutil –s mode.m00

Field Transformations: -rp#, -rt#, -tx#, or -ty#

These switches either rotate a field or translate the center coordinate of a field. Note that you can combine any number
of these 4 options in one command. The correct syntax for these switches is:
bdutil –r/t [options] input-file-name output-file-name
These four switches, and their uses are:
• -rp#
This switch tilts the input field by the angle phi given in degrees so that it will propagate at an angle of phi
in the XZ plane. Phi is measured from the Z axis.
• -rt#
This switch tilts the input field by the angle theta given in degrees so that it will propagate at an angle of
theta in the YZ plane. Theta is measured from the Z axis.
• -tx#
This switch translates the center of the input field in X by the given number of microns.
• -ty#
This switch translates the center of the input field in Y by the given number of microns.

e.g. To tilt the file mode.m00 in the XZ plane by 30 degrees and save the result in the file mode_tile.m00:
bdutil –rp30 mode.m00 mode_tile.m00
e.g. To translate the file mode.m00 by 3 microns in the X direction, and 2 microns in the Y direction and save the result
in the file mode2.m00:
bdutil –tx3 –ty2 mode.m00 mode2.m00

Far Field Calculation: -fa, –f#, or -f

These switches calculate the far field projection of field file via a Fourier transform. The correct syntax for these
switches is:
bdutil –f [options] input-file-name output-file-name
These three switches calculate the far field in different manners, and can have associated options:

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix E: Plotting Utilities • 329

• –fa
This switch produces a plot of Intensity vs. Angle. This calculation is done via a Fourier integral. The
utility also produces values for the beam divergence of the full angle at both the 1/e intensity as well as the
½ intensity. By default, the angular resolution of the Fourier transform is calculated directly from the range
of data in the input file. To override this angular resolution, the option -da# can be used to specify a
custom angular spacing.
• –f#
This switch calculates the field at a distance of # microns. This calculation is performed via the FFT-BPM
method that propagates one step whose length is equal to the value of #. The option –r can be used to
increase the boundary size if the field diverges outside of the boundary specified in the input file.
• -f
This switch calculates the intensity of the far field in k-space via a Fourier integral.
For these switches, there are also global options which allow greater control over the calculation. They are:
• -l#
This option sets the wavelength in microns to be used for the propagation. By default, this value is set to be
equal to 1µm.
• -n#
This option sets the refractive index that the field is propagated through. By default, it is assumed the field
propagates through air, and therefore this value defaults to 1.

eg. the far field projection of a field file field.fld given as intensity as a function of angle with an angular resolution
of 0.1 degrees at a wavelength of 1.55 µ&mu;m in a material with a refractive index of 1.5 can be saved in a file
bdutil –fa –da.1 –l1.55 –n1.5 field.fld field2.fld

eg. The field profile for the above case after a distance of 100 µ&mu;m:
bdutil –f100 –r –l1.55 –n1.5 field.fld field2.fld

330 • Appendix E: Plotting Utilities LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Appendix F: Table Gain Model

This Appendix describes file formats required for the Look-Up Table Gain model. These files must be obtained for a
sufficient range of carrier density and temperature for each desired alloy composition of the quantum well material
system. These must include the real and imaginary parts of the gain spectra and the spontaneous emission spectra. An
index file that identifies all the present data files should also be included.
All table gain data & index files are stored in \RSoft\products\lasermod\tablegain.
Currently an InGaAs 980 database is availablie in resides in \RSoft\products\lasermod\tablegain
ingaas980nm when installed.

F.1. Index File Format

The index file must be named "table.index" and have 7 columns:
1. file name
2. temperature (K)
3. 2D density (cm-2)
4. wavelength at which peak gain occurs (nm)
5. 1 if file contains the real part of the gain, 0 otherwise
6. 1 if file contains the imaginary part of the gain, 0 otherwise
7. 1 if file contains the spontaneous emission, 0 otherwise

for example:
rsoft300re10.00_0.050 300 0.050e+12 1576 1 0 0
rsoft300re10.00_0.100 300 0.100e+12 1576 1 0 0
rsoft300re10.00_0.170 300 0.170e+12 1576 1 0 0
rsoft300im10.00_0.050 300 0.050e+12 1576 0 1 0
rsoft300im10.00_0.100 300 0.100e+12 1576 0 1 0
rsoft300im10.00_0.170 300 0.170e+12 1576 0 1 0
rsoft300sp10.00_0.050 300 0.050e+12 1545 0 0 1
rsoft300sp10.00_0.100 300 0.100e+12 1545 0 0 1
rsoft300sp10.00_0.170 300 0.170e+12 1545 0 0 1

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix F: Table Gain Model • 331

F.2. Data File Format
All data files consist of two columns: wavelength (nm) in column 1 and data value in column 2. The units for the real
and imaginary parts of the gain are both cm-1, and for the spontaneous emission they are eV-1m-3s-1. The wavelength
should range from the longest (loweste energy) in the first row, to shortest (highest energy) in the last row of the file.

F.3. Database Availability

Although the Table Gain Model can accomodate any user defined gain data, LaserMOD has been validated with such a
database derived from an advanced many-body gain model supplied by

Nonlinear Control Strategies

1001 East Rudasill Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: (520) 544-2745

Users may purchase such a database for their specific geometry and material system.
Contact RSoft Design Group (see title page) for more information.

F.4. Table Gain Model Interface

The table gain interface allows access to gain, refractive index and photo-luminescence data from advanced many body
calculations (gain libraries computed by Nonlinear Control Strategies) or experimental data. The use of the table gain
model is requested by marking a corresponding check box in the laser simulation dialog. The global symbol table
parameter table_gain_material indicates the directory the data can be found within the tablegain directory. If
run_table_mode=standard, an encrypted standard library is expected. ASCII data can be used by setting
run_table_mode=custom. Inhomogeneous broadening can be applied to the table data by specifying a non-zero value
for table_gain_inhomog giving the FWHM of the Gaussian used in the convolution integral. Refer to Chapter 2 for

F.5. InGaAs/GaAs standard gain library

The Gain Library is a database system that allows the semiconductor laser simulator LaserMOD access to gain,
refractive index, and photo-luminescence spectra for semiconductor quantum wells, which are calculated by Nonlinear
Control Strategies ( using a sophisticated quantum many-body theory. The individual gain
libraries are distributed through Rsoft as optional modules for LaserMOD. Based on the information contained in the
database, LaserMOD can perform electro/thermal/optical simulations of semiconductor quantum-well lasers. The gain
database can be selected as an alternative to the built-in gain model of LaserMOD, providing several advantages in terms
of reduced calibration effort and increased predictive capability of the overall simulation.

The data within the database is grouped in a set of libraries providing spectra for different quantum well/barrier material
systems and target emission wavelength of the laser. Within a library the gain, refractive index, and photoluminescence
spectra are tabulated for varying wavelength, temperature, carrier density, alloy composition of quantum wells/barriers,
and quantum well width to allow the user to investigate variations in the active region design.

332 • Appendix F: Table Gain Model LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Comparison of measured photo-luminescence data with calculated spectra enables the user to characterize the sample in
terms of deviations from the nominal quantum well/barrier geometry and composition. Furthermore, the inhomogeneous
broadening indicating the amount of disorder present in the sample can be extracted for corresponding adjustment of the
calculated spectra for further simulations.

The microscopic calculation of gain/absorption, refractive index, and photo-luminescence spectra is described in detail in
references 1-4 below and references therein. It is based on solving the semiconductor Bloch equations, i.e. the equations
of motions for the reduced density matrix, to obtain the optical susceptibility of the quantum well system. The real part
of the susceptibility gives the carrier induced change of the refractive index and the imaginary part gives the
gain/absorption. The photo-luminescence is derived from the gain/absorption using the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relation.
Coulomb-induced effects like bandgap renormalization, Coulomb enhancement of the absorption and excitonic
resonances are taken into account self-consistently. The electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering processes are
calculated in a second Born approximation enabling the prediction of spectral broadening and spectral shifts. The
resulting scattering equations take the form of generalized quantum Boltzmann equations.

Figure F-240. Measured (green) and calculated (blue) on-wafer PL spectra at low densities. Measured (black dots) and calculated
(red) inverted semiconductor gain spectra at different carrier densities. Structure: In0.19Ga0.81As with GaAs barriers.

The InGaAs 980nm Gain Library contains gain/refractive index/spontaneous emission spectra for InGaAs quantum wells
embedded in GaAs barriers. The data is tabulated for Indium concentrations ranging from 8% to 24% and quantum well
widths ranging from 8nm to 20nm targeting a laser emission wavelength of 980nm. The spectra cover temperature
variations from 275K to 500K and variations of the carrier concentration up to 2×1013 cm-2 sheet density.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix F: Table Gain Model • 333

Figure F-241. Fundamental transition wavelengths as a function of well width and Indium composition for materials contained in the
InGaAs980nm Gain Library.

[1] J. Hader, et al., IEEE Photon Technol. Lett., Vol.14, No.6, 762 (2002)
[2] J. Hader, et al., Sol. Stat. Electron., 47 (3), 513 (2003)
[3] J. Hader, et al., IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol.35, No. 12, 1878 (1999)
[4] W.W. Chow, S.W.Koch, "Semiconductor-Laser fundamentals, Physics of the Gain Materials”, Springer, Berlin

334 • Appendix F: Table Gain Model LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Appendix G: Material Library

This chapter contains a listing of all the material data (.mat files) distributed with LaserMOD. These reside in
Unless otherwise specified, these parameters are from [1]. Wurtzite parameters come mainly from [4].
Several local or auxilliary variables are typically defined in the material files to clearify the parametric expressions.
These are otherwise not recognized by the simulation, and can vary from file to file. By convention, these variables are
either capitalized or contain the word "help" somewhere in the name.
Additionally, the alloy parameters (capital) X and Y are provided in each file for convenience. From the material file
editor, a user can adjust the alloy composition and immediately observe the resulting values for the entire parameter set.
The simulation does this automatically when it loads material data.

The default material parameters for AlAs are stored in AlAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.33
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 1
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.001
arora_elmudopexp 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 335

arora_elnref 5.46E+23
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 0.448
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.001
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 3.84E+23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.11
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.5
kpmat_C11 12.02
kpmat_C12 5.7
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 8.16
kpmat_DIELSTAT 10.06
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.018

336 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.0006
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 190
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.6
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.0006
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 204
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.15
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.28
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 3.45
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.68
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.29
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 5.6603
kpmat_LATT_DT 2.91E-05
kpmat_MG6C 0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.81
kpmat_MLH 0.16
kpmat_MOBN0 0.02
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2.1
kpmat_MOBP0 0.04
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.24
kpmat_MSO 0.3
kpmat_MX6C 0.71
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.161
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.000886
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 1007
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00014628
regmat_Augn300 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 337

regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.9
regmat_SRH_taun 5.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 3.76
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.45
regmat_sponrecoef 2.00E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.91
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.25

The default material parameters for AlGaAs are stored in AlGaAs.mat. EgG_BOWING1 is from [2].

338 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

DEv_DEg_REF 0.33
DielOpt_0 X*8.16+(1-X)*10.89
DielOpt_1 X*9.92+(1-X)*13.59
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_BOWING 1.424+1.087*X+0.438*X^2
EgG_BOWING1 X*3.018+(1-X)*1.424+X*(1-X)*(1.31*X-0.127)
EgG_LINEAR X*3.018+(1-X)*1.424
EgX_BOWING 1.905+0.1*X+0.16*X^2
EgX_LINEAR X*2.161+(1-X)*1.911
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*6.084+(1-X)*5.494
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*1.0+(1-X)*0.394
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop X*10e-4+(1-X)*500e-4
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref X*5.46e23+(1-X)*0.6e23
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 X*0.448+(1-X)*0.38
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop X*10e-4+(1-X)*20e-4
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref X*3.84e23+(1-X)*1.48e23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 339

hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV X*-8.11+(1-X)*-8.33
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-1.5+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_C11 X*12.02+(1-X)*11.9
kpmat_C12 X*5.7+(1-X)*5.38
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+(1-X)*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+(1-X)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT DielOpt_1
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*10.06+(1-X)*13.18
kpmat_G6C_G8V EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-6.00e-04+(1-X)*-5.30e-04
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*190+(1-X)*204
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*4.6+(1-X)*4.417
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*-6.00e-04+(1-X)*-4.00e-04
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*204+(1-X)*240
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*0.15+(1-X)*0.16
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.28+(1-X)*0.34
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*3.45+(1-X)*6.85
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*0.68+(1-X)*2.1
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*1.29+(1-X)*2.9

340 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+(1-X)*-0.44
kpmat_LATT X*5.6603+(1-X)*5.6533
kpmat_LATT_DT X*2.91e-05+(1-X)*3.36e-05
kpmat_MG6C X*0.15+(1-X)*0.0634
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*-1.20e-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*0.00e+00
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.81+(1-X)*0.55
kpmat_MLH X*0.16+(1-X)*0.08
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.02+(1-X)*0.85
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*(-2.1)+(1-X)*(-2.1)
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.04+(1-X)*0.04
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*(-2.24)+(1-X)*(-2.2)
kpmat_MSO X*0.3+(1-X)*0.165
kpmat_MX6C X*0.71+(1-X)*0.85
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V EgX_BOWING
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-8.86e-04+(1-X)*-4.60e-04
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*1007+(1-X)*204
kpmat_dnr_dT X*14.628e-5+(1-X)*16.425e-5
regmat_Augn300 X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*1.00e-48
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*2.00e-41
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.9+(1-X)*0.75
regmat_SRH_taun X*5.00e-07+(1-X)*5.00e-07
regmat_SRH_taup X*5.00e-07+(1-X)*5.00e-07
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1.00e+16+(1-X)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 341

regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.036+(1-X)*0.036
regmat_hotqmax X*5.00e+08+(1-X)*5.00e+08
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*3.76+(1-X)*5.318
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.45+(1-X)*0.327
regmat_sponrecoef X*2.00e-16+(1-X)*2.00e-16
regmat_tauloph X*1.00e-12+(1-X)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/(X/0.91+(1-X)/0.44+X*(1-X)*30)
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.25

The default material parameters for AlGaAsSb are stored in AlGaAsSb.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.35
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_AlAsSb YY*3.018+(1-YY)*2.3-0.8*YY*(1-YY)
EgG_AlGaAs XX*3.018+(1-XX)*1.424-(1.31*XX-0.127)*XX*(1-XX)
EgG_AlGaSb XX*2.3+(1-XX)*0.726-(1.22*XX-0.044)*XX*(1-XX)
EgG_GaAsSb YY*1.424+(1-YY)*0.726-1.43*YY*(1-YY)
EgG_LINEAR X*Y*3.018+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.726+(1-X)*Y*1.424+X*(1-Y)*2.3
EgG_X XX*(1-XX)*((1-YY)*EgG_AlGaSb+YY*EgG_AlGaAs)
EgG_Y YY*(1-YY)*(XX*EgG_AlAsSb+(1-XX)*EgG_GaAsSb)
EgX_AlAsSb YY*2.161+(1-YY)*1.63-0.28*YY*(1-YY)
EgX_AlGaAs XX*2.161+(1-XX)*1.911-0.055*XX*(1-XX)
EgX_AlGaSb XX*1.63+(1-XX)*1.0325-0*XX*(1-XX)
EgX_BOWING (EgX_X+EgX_Y-0.807*XX*(1-XX)*YY*(1-YY))/(XX*(1-

342 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

EgX_GaAsSb YY*1.911+(1-YY)*1.0325-1.2*YY*(1-YY)
EgX_LINEAR (1-X)*Y*1.911+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.0325+X*Y*2.161+X*(1-Y)*1.63
EgX_X XX*(1-XX)*((1-YY)*EgX_AlGaSb+YY*EgX_AlGaAs)
EgX_Y YY*(1-YY)*(XX*EgX_AlAsSb+(1-XX)*EgX_GaAsSb)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*Y*6.084+X*(1-Y)*5.23+(1-X)*Y*5.494+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.786
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xCyD1_y
X 0
XX min(1-1.e-8,max(1.e-8,X))
Y 0
YY min(1-1.e-8,max(1.e-8,Y))
arora_eldopexp1 (1-X)*Y*0.394+(1-X)*X*(1-Y)*0.5+X*Y*1.0+X*(1-Y)*0.5
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop (1-X)*Y*0.05+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01+X*Y*0.001+X*(1-Y)*0.005
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref Y)*1e+023
arora_elnrefexp -3*(1-X)*Y-0*(1-X)*(1-Y)-3*X*Y-0*X*(1-Y)
arora_hldopexp1 0.38*(1-X)*Y+0.5*(1-X)*(1-Y)+0.448*X*Y+0.5*X*(1-Y)
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002*(1-X)*Y+0.01*(1-X)*(1-Y)+0.001*X*Y+0.005*X*(1-Y)
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref Y)+3.84e+023*X*Y+1e+023*X*(1-Y)
arora_hlnrefexp -3*(1-X)*Y-0*(1-X)*(1-Y)-3*X*Y-0*X*(1-Y)
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 343

hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv (1-X)*Y*0.03+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.03+X*Y*0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.0425
ion_donoractiv (1-X)*Y*0.006+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.02+X*Y*0.05+X*(1-Y)*0.147
kpmat_ACV -8.33*(1-X)*Y-8.3*(1-X)*(1-Y)-8.11*X*Y-5.9*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_APRIME 2*kpmat_PP2
kpmat_AXDEF -2*(1-X)*Y-2*(1-X)*(1-Y)-1.5*X*Y-1.35*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_C11 (1-X)*Y*11.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*8.842+X*Y*12.02+X*(1-Y)*8.769
kpmat_C12 (1-X)*Y*5.38+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.026+X*Y*5.7+X*(1-Y)*4.341
kpmat_CPRIME 0
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT Y)*11.56
kpmat_DIELSTAT (1-X)*Y*13.18+(1-X)*(1-Y)*15.69+X*Y*10.06+X*(1-Y)*12.04
kpmat_G6C_G8V EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A 0.00042*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B (1-X)*Y*204+140*(1-X)*(1-Y)+190*X*Y+140*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V (1-X)*Y*4.417+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3.106+4.6*X*Y+3.5*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0.00042*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B (1-X)*Y*240+(1-X)*(1-Y)*140+X*Y*204+X*(1-Y)*140
kpmat_G8C_G7C (1-X)*Y*0.16+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.76+X*Y*0.15+X*(1-Y)*0.15
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V (1-X)*Y*0.34+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.76+X*Y*0.28+X*(1-Y)*0.67
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 (1-X)*Y*6.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*13.4+X*Y*3.45+X*(1-Y)*5.18
kpmat_GAMMA2 (1-X)*Y*2.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.7+X*Y*0.68+X*(1-Y)*1.19
kpmat_GAMMA3 (1-X)*Y*2.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.0+X*Y*1.29+X*(1-Y)*1.97

344 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_LANDE (1-X)*Y*-0.44+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-7.88+X*Y*1.3+X*(1-Y)*-0.44
kpmat_LATT Y)*6.1355
kpmat_LATT_DT Y)*2.6e-005
kpmat_MG6C (1-X)*Y*0.0634+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0396+X*Y*0.15+X*(1-Y)*0.14
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.20E-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH (1-X)*Y*0.55+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.28+X*Y*0.81+X*(1-Y)*0.94
kpmat_MLH (1-X)*Y*0.08+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.05+X*Y*0.16+X*(1-Y)*0.14
kpmat_MOBN0 (1-X)*Y*0.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.3+X*Y*0.02+X*(1-Y)*0.02
kpmat_MOBN0_exp (1-X)*Y*(-2.1)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-2.1)+X*Y*(-2.1)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.8)
kpmat_MOBP0 (1-X)*Y*0.04+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.12+X*Y*0.04+X*(1-Y)*0.046
kpmat_MOBP0_exp (1-X)*Y*(-2.2)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-2.1)+X*Y*(-2.24)+X*(1-Y)*(-2.2)
kpmat_MSO (1-X)*Y*0.165+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.13+X*Y*0.3+X*(1-Y)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C (1-X)*Y*0.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.87+X*Y*0.71+X*(1-Y)*0.92
kpmat_P2 (1-X)*Y*28.8+(1-X)*(1-Y)*27.0+X*Y*21.1+X*(1-Y)*18.7
kpmat_PP2 -1.94*(1-X)*Y-1.63*(1-X)*(1-Y)-0.48*X*Y-0.56*X*(1-Y)
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V EgX_BOWING
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A Y)*-0.00039
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B (1-X)*Y*204+(1-X)*(1-Y)*94+X*Y*1007+X*(1-Y)*140
kpmat_dnr_dT 4+X*Y*0.00014628+X*(1-Y)*0.000119
kpmat_interpolP 1
regmat_Augn300 (1-X)*Y*1.00e-48+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2e-042+X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*1e-044
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 (1-X)*Y*2.00e-41+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3e-042+X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*1e-044
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 5.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 X*Y*1.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.32+(1-X)*Y*1.32+X*(1-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 Y)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*Y*0.001+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.001+X*(1-Y)*0.001

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 345

regmat_e3dav_el Y)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl Y)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph (1-X)*Y*0.035+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0297+X*Y*0.036+X*(1-Y)*0.036
regmat_hotqmax Y)*5.00e+08
regmat_krelaxener X*Y*0.026+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.026+X*(1-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.1+X*(1-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density (1-X)*Y*5.318+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.614+X*Y*3.76+X*(1-Y)*4.26
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener X*Y*0.01+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat (1-X)*Y*0.327+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.25+X*Y*0.45+X*(1-Y)*0.45
regmat_sponrecoef 016
regmat_tauloph Y)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/(thermconduct_help+thermconduct_help2)
regmat_thermconduct_exp (1-X)*Y*(-1.25)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-1.1)+X*Y*(-1.25)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.2)
thermconduct_help (1-X)*Y/0.44+(1-X)*(1-Y)/0.33+X*Y/0.91+X*(1-Y)/0.57
thermconduct_help2 X*(1-X)*(Y*30+(1-Y)*34)+Y*(1-Y)*(X*65+(1-X)*63)

346 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

The default material parameters for AlGaInAs are stored in AlGaInAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.28
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_BOWING 0.36+2.093*X*Y+0.629*(Y-X*Y)+0.577*X*Y*X*Y+Eg_HELP
Eg_HELP X*Y)*(1-Y)
EgG_LINEAR X*Y*3.018+(Y-X*Y)*1.424+(1-Y)*0.354
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*Y*6.084+(Y-X*Y)*5.494+(1-Y)*5.224
Interpolation_Scheme AxyBy_xyC1_yD
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*Y+(Y-X*Y)*0.394+(1-Y)*0.32
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop X*Y*0.001+(Y-X*Y)*0.05+(1-Y)*0.1
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref X*Y*5.46e23+(Y-X*Y)*6e22+(1-Y)*1.1e24
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 X*Y*0.448+(Y-X*Y)*0.38+(1-Y)*0.46
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop X*Y*0.001+(Y-X*Y)*0.002+(1-Y)*0.002
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref X*Y*3.84e23+(Y-X*Y)*1.48e23+(1-Y)*1.1e23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3*Y+7*(1-Y)
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 347

hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.44*X*Y-8.33*(Y-X*Y)-(1-Y)*6.08
kpmat_APRIME -1.7*X*Y-1.7*(Y-X*Y)-4*(1-Y)
kpmat_AXDEF -1.5*X*Y-1.7*(Y-X*Y)-(1-Y)*1.8
kpmat_C11 12.02*X*Y+11.9*(Y-X*Y)+8.33*(1-Y)
kpmat_C12 5.7*X*Y+5.38*(Y-X*Y)+4.53*(1-Y)
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02*X*Y-0.017*(Y-X*Y)-0.01*(1-Y)
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15*X*Y-0.085*(Y-X*Y)-(1-Y)*0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 8.16*X*Y+10.89*(Y-X*Y)+12.25*(1-Y)
kpmat_DIELSTAT 10.06*X*Y+13.18*(Y-X*Y)+14.6*(1-Y)
kpmat_G6C_G8V Eg_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.0006*X*Y-0.00053*(Y-X*Y)-0.000594*(1-Y)
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 190*X*Y+204*(Y-X*Y)+535*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.6*X*Y+4.417*(Y-X*Y)+4.39*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.0006*X*Y-0.0004*(Y-X*Y)-0.0004*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 204*X*Y+240*(Y-X*Y)+250*(1-Y)
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.15*X*Y+0.16*(Y-X*Y)+0.24*(1-Y)
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.28*X*Y+0.34*(Y-X*Y)+0.371*(1-Y)
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 3e-5*(1-Y)
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 3.45*X*Y+6.85*(Y-X*Y)+20.4*(1-Y)
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.68*X*Y+2.1*(Y-X*Y)+8.3*(1-Y)
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.29*X*Y+2.9*(Y-X*Y)+9.1*(1-Y)
kpmat_LANDE 1.3*X*Y-0.44*(Y-X*Y)-14.8*(1-Y)

348 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_LATT 5.6603*X*Y+5.6533*(Y-X*Y)+6.0583*(1-Y)
kpmat_LATT_DT 2.91e-5*X*Y+3.36e-5*(Y-X*Y)+3e-5*(1-Y)
kpmat_MG6C 0.15*X*Y+0.0634*(Y-X*Y)+0.0221*(1-Y)
kpmat_MG6C_L -0.000012*(Y-X*Y)
kpmat_MG6C_Q -0.000000005*(1-Y)
kpmat_MG6C_T -0.00000000006*(1-Y)
kpmat_MHH 0.81*X*Y+0.55*(Y-X*Y)+0.4*(1-Y)
kpmat_MLH 0.16*X*Y+0.08*(Y-X*Y)+0.026*(1-Y)
kpmat_MOBN0 0.02*X*Y+0.85*(Y-X*Y)+2.65*(1-Y)
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2.1*X*Y-2.1*(Y-X*Y)-1.57*(1-Y)
kpmat_MOBP0 0.04*X*Y+0.04*(Y-X*Y)+0.046*(1-Y)
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.24*X*Y-2.2*(Y-X*Y)-2.3*(1-Y)
kpmat_MSO 0.3*X*Y+0.165*(Y-X*Y)+0.103*(1-Y)
kpmat_MX6C 0.71*X*Y+0.85*(Y-X*Y)+0.32*(1-Y)
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.161*X*Y+1.911*(Y-X*Y)+2.28*(1-Y)
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.000886*X*Y-0.00046*(Y-X*Y)-0.00035*(1-Y)
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 1007*X*Y+204*(Y-X*Y)
kpmat_dnr_dT X*Y*14.628e-5+(1-X)*Y*16.425e-5+(1-Y)*22.88e-5
regmat_Augn300 1e-48*(Y-X*Y)+5.53e-43*(1-Y)
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 2e-41*(Y-X*Y)
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.9*X*Y+0.75*(Y-X*Y)+0.177*(1-Y)
regmat_SRH_taun 0.0000005
regmat_SRH_taup 0.0000005
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 349

regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 3.76*X*Y+5.318*(Y-X*Y)+5.667*(1-Y)
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.45*X*Y+0.327*(Y-X*Y)+0.352*(1-Y)
regmat_sponrecoef 2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/thermconduct_help
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.25*X*Y-1.25*(Y-X*Y)-1.2*(1-Y)
thermconduct_help Y)*80+(Y-X*Y)*(1-Y)*78.8

The default material parameters for AlGaInP are stored in AlGaInP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.395
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_BOWING (up(X)-up(X-0.6))*0.6*X+(up(X-0.6)-um(X-1.0))*0.36+Eg_GaInP
Eg_GaInP 1.35+0.643*Y+0.786*Y^2
Eg_LINEAR X*Y*3.62+(1-X)*Y*2.78+(1-Y)*1.344
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*Y*6.054+(1-X)*Y*6.054+(1-Y)*5.684
Interpolation_Scheme AxyBy_xyC1_yD
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 Y*0.8+(1-Y)*0.42

350 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop Y*10e-4+(1-Y)*400e-4
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref Y*44e23+(1-Y)*3e23
arora_elnrefexp Y*(-0.71)+(1-Y)*(-3.25)
arora_hldopexp1 Y*0.85+(1-Y)*0.62
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.001
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref Y*10e23+(1-Y)*4.87e23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length Y*3+(1-Y)*7
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV X*Y*-8.83+(1-X)*Y*-8.83+(1-Y)*-6.31
kpmat_APRIME X*Y*-1.7+(1-X)*Y*-1.7+(1-Y)*-2
kpmat_AXDEF X*Y*-1.8+(1-X)*Y*-1.8+(1-Y)*-1.7
kpmat_C11 X*Y*18.83+(1-X)*Y*14.05+(1-Y)*10.11
kpmat_C12 X*Y*6.71+(1-X)*Y*6.203+(1-Y)*5.61
kpmat_CPRIME X*Y*0.02+(1-X)*Y*0.02+(1-Y)*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*Y*-0.085+(1-X)*Y*-0.085+(1-Y)*-0.085

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 351

kpmat_DIELOPT X*Y*7.54+(1-X)*Y*9.11+(1-Y)*9.66
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*Y*9.8+(1-X)*Y*11.11+(1-Y)*12.5
kpmat_G6C_G8V Eg_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*Y*-4.10e-04+(1-X)*Y*-4.10e-04+(1-Y)*-4.46e-04
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*204
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*Y*5.09+(1-X)*Y*5.24+(1-Y)*4.64
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0.07
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*Y*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.08+(1-Y)*0.108
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*Y*3.47+(1-X)*Y*4.05+(1-Y)*4.95
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*Y*0.06+(1-X)*Y*0.49+(1-Y)*1.65
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*Y*1.15+(1-X)*Y*1.25+(1-Y)*2.35
kpmat_LANDE X*Y*2+(1-X)*Y*2+(1-Y)*1.48
kpmat_LATT X*Y*5.4635+(1-X)*Y*5.4505+(1-Y)*5.869
kpmat_LATT_DT X*Y*5.00e-06+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-06+(1-Y)*2.96e-05
kpmat_MG6C X*Y*0.2+(1-X)*Y*0.18+(1-Y)*0.075
kpmat_MG6C_L X*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-Y)*-8.00e-08
kpmat_MG6C_T X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_MHH X*Y*0.51+(1-X)*Y*0.67+(1-Y)*0.58
kpmat_MLH X*Y*0.21+(1-X)*Y*0.17+(1-Y)*0.12
kpmat_MOBN0 X*Y*0.006+(1-X)*Y*0.016+(1-Y)*0.54
kpmat_MOBN0_exp Y*(-1.6)+(1-Y)*(-2.0)
kpmat_MOBP0 X*Y*0.045+(1-X)*Y*0.0135+(1-Y)*0.015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp Y*(-1.98)+(1-Y)*(-2.0)
kpmat_MSO X*Y*0.465+(1-X)*Y*0.465+(1-Y)*0.21
kpmat_MX6C X*Y*0.25+(1-X)*Y*0.25+(1-Y)*0.32
kpmat_QQ X*Y*6.26+(1-X)*Y*6.26+(1-Y)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*Y*2.505+(1-X)*Y*2.27+(1-Y)*2.44
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*Y*-3.20e-04+(1-X)*Y*-6.20e-04+(1-Y)*-3.50e-04

352 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*Y*460+(1-Y)*0
kpmat_dnr_dT X*Y*10.605e-5+(1-X)*Y*8.625e-5+(1-Y)*9.207e-5
regmat_Augn300 X*Y*5.53e-43+(1-X)*Y*5.53e-43+(1-Y)*5.53e-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 X*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-Y)*0.00e+00
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*Y*0.37+(1-X)*Y*1.3+(1-Y)*0.65
regmat_SRH_taun X*Y*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-07+(1-Y)*5.00e-07
regmat_SRH_taup X*Y*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-07+(1-Y)*5.00e-07
regmat_coul_enh1 X*Y*1.32+(1-X)*Y*1.32+(1-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*Y*1.00e+16+(1-X)*Y*1.00e+16+(1-Y)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*Y*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.001+(1-Y)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+(1-Y)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+(1-Y)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+(1-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+(1-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+(1-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+(1-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+(1-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+(1-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+(1-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+(1-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*Y*0.036+(1-X)*Y*0.036+(1-Y)*0.036
regmat_hotqmax X*Y*5.00e+08+(1-X)*Y*5.00e+08+(1-Y)*5.00e+08
regmat_krelaxener X*Y*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.026+(1-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*Y*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.1+(1-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*Y*2.4+(1-X)*Y*4.138+(1-Y)*4.81
regmat_qw_rich X*Y*1+(1-X)*Y*1+(1-Y)*1
regmat_scatener X*Y*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.01+(1-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*Y*0.477+(1-X)*Y*0.313+(1-Y)*0.311
regmat_sponrecoef X*Y*2.00e-16+(1-X)*Y*2.00e-16+(1-Y)*2.00e-16
regmat_tauloph X*Y*1.00e-12+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-12+(1-Y)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/thermconduct_help
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*Y*(-1.25)+(1-X)*Y*(-1.3)+(1-Y)*(-1.5)
thermconduct_help Y)*77+(1-X)*Y*(1-Y)*19.9

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 353

The default material parameters for AlGaN are stored in AlGaN.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*8.134+(1-X)*7.334
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*0.66+(1-X)*0.66
arora_eldopexp2 X*0.81+(1-X)*0.81
arora_elmudop X*0.0295+(1-X)*0.0295
arora_elmudopexp X*-1.02+(1-X)*-1.02
arora_elnref X*1e+23+(1-X)*1e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*3.02+(1-X)*3.02
arora_hldopexp1 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnref X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnrefexp X*0+(1-X)*0
bg_absorption X*0+(1-X)*0
eff_tunnel_length X*3+(1-X)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_elcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_hlcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+(1-X)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*221000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_elvsat X*191000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
hfmob_hlfield0 X*221000+(1-X)*221000

354 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

hfmob_hlvsat X*191000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+(1-X)*40
ifrec_vp X*40+(1-X)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
ion_donoractiv X*0.17+(1-X)*0.17
kpmat_ACV X*-2.6+(1-X)*3
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-1.9+(1-X)*-2.2
kpmat_C11 X*30.4+(1-X)*29.3
kpmat_C12 X*16+(1-X)*15.9
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+(1-X)*-0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT X*5.35+(1-X)*5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*8.9+(1-X)*8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*4.9+(1-X)*3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.019+(1-X)*0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*1.92+(1-X)*2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*0.47+(1-X)*0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*0.85+(1-X)*1.1
kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
kpmat_LATT X*4.38+(1-X)*4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT X*0.0000035+(1-X)*0.0000035

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 355

kpmat_MG6C X*0.25+(1-X)*0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*1.2+(1-X)*0.8
kpmat_MLH X*0.33+(1-X)*0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.1461+(1-X)*0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.0015+(1-X)*0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MSO X*0.47+(1-X)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C X*0.53+(1-X)*0.5
kpmat_P2 X*27.1+(1-X)*25
kpmat_PP2 X*0.76+(1-X)*-0.92
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*6+(1-X)*4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0000575+(1-X)*0.0000575
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 X*1e-46+(1-X)*1e-46
regmat_AugnEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_SRH_taup X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1e+16+(1-X)*1e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13

356 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_elphscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.091+(1-X)*0.091
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+(1-X)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*6.15+(1-X)*6.15
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.49+(1-X)*0.49
regmat_sponrecoef X*1.1e-14+(1-X)*1.1e-14
regmat_tauloph X*1e-12+(1-X)*1e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-0.28+(1-X)*-0.28
wz_A1 X*-6.56+(1-X)*-6.56
wz_A2 X*-0.91+(1-X)*-0.91
wz_A3 X*5.65+(1-X)*5.65
wz_A4 X*-2.83+(1-X)*-2.83
wz_A5 X*-3.13+(1-X)*-3.13
wz_A6 X*-4.86+(1-X)*-4.86
wz_C13 X*10.6+(1-X)*10.6
wz_C33 X*39.8+(1-X)*39.8
wz_D1 X*-3+(1-X)*-3
wz_D2 X*3.6+(1-X)*3.6
wz_D3 X*8.82+(1-X)*8.82
wz_D4 X*-4.41+(1-X)*-4.41
wz_Eg X*3.42+(1-X)*3.42
wz_Eg_A X*-0.000909+(1-X)*-0.000909
wz_Eg_B X*830+(1-X)*830
wz_P1 X*14+(1-X)*14
wz_P2 X*14+(1-X)*14
wz_Psp X*-0.029+(1-X)*-0.029
wz_defc_a X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 357

wz_defc_c X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_e13 X*-0.35+(1-X)*-0.35
wz_e33 X*1.27+(1-X)*1.27
wz_latt_a X*3.189+(1-X)*3.189
wz_latt_c X*5.185+(1-X)*5.185
wz_mel_a X*0.2+(1-X)*0.2
wz_mel_c X*0.2+(1-X)*0.2
wz_split_cr X*0.019+(1-X)*0.019
wz_split_so X*0.014+(1-X)*0.014

AlGaN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for AlGaN Wurtzite are stored in AlGaN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*8.292+(1-X)*7.31
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*1.16+(1-X)*0.66
arora_eldopexp2 X*0.86+(1-X)*0.81
arora_elmudop X*0.0298+(1-X)*0.0295
arora_elmudopexp X*-1.82+(1-X)*-1.02
arora_elnref X*1e+23+(1-X)*1e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*3.78+(1-X)*3.02
arora_hldopexp1 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnref X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnrefexp X*0+(1-X)*0
bg_absorption X*0+(1-X)*0

358 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

eff_tunnel_length X*3+(1-X)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_elcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_hlcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+(1-X)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*447000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_elvsat X*217000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
hfmob_hlfield0 X*447000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_hlvsat X*217000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+(1-X)*40
ifrec_vp X*40+(1-X)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.47+(1-X)*0.17
ion_donoractiv X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
kpmat_ACV X*3+(1-X)*3
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-2.2+(1-X)*-2.2
kpmat_C11 X*39.6+(1-X)*39
kpmat_C12 X*13.7+(1-X)*14.5
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+(1-X)*-0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT X*4.6+(1-X)*5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*8.5+(1-X)*8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*3.299+(1-X)*3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.017+(1-X)*0.017

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 359

kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*2.67+(1-X)*2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*0.75+(1-X)*0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*1.1+(1-X)*1.1
kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
kpmat_LATT X*4.5+(1-X)*4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT X*0.0000047+(1-X)*0.0000035
kpmat_MG6C X*0.15+(1-X)*0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.8+(1-X)*0.8
kpmat_MLH X*0.18+(1-X)*0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.0684+(1-X)*0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.0014+(1-X)*0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MSO X*0.29+(1-X)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_P2 X*25+(1-X)*25
kpmat_PP2 X*-0.92+(1-X)*-0.92
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*4.52+(1-X)*4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0000575+(1-X)*0.0000575
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 X*1e-46+(1-X)*1e-46
regmat_AugnEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001

360 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_SRH_taup X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1e+16+(1-X)*1e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.11+(1-X)*0.091
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+(1-X)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*3.23+(1-X)*6.15
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.6+(1-X)*0.49
regmat_sponrecoef X*1.1e-14+(1-X)*1.1e-14
regmat_tauloph X*1e-12+(1-X)*1e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*2.85+(1-X)*1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-0.164+(1-X)*-0.28
wz_A1 X*-3.95+(1-X)*-6.56
wz_A2 X*-0.27+(1-X)*-0.91
wz_A3 X*3.68+(1-X)*5.65
wz_A4 X*-1.84+(1-X)*-2.83
wz_A5 X*-1.95+(1-X)*-3.13
wz_A6 X*-2.91+(1-X)*-4.86
wz_C13 X*10.8+(1-X)*10.6
wz_C33 X*37.3+(1-X)*39.8
wz_D1 X*-3+(1-X)*-3
wz_D2 X*3.6+(1-X)*3.6

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 361

wz_D3 X*9.6+(1-X)*8.82
wz_D4 X*-4.8+(1-X)*-4.41
wz_Eg X*6.28+(1-X)*3.42-X*(1-X)*1.3
wz_Eg_A X*-0.001799+(1-X)*-0.000909
wz_Eg_B X*1462+(1-X)*830
wz_P1 X*14.5+(1-X)*14
wz_P2 X*14.5+(1-X)*14
wz_Psp X*-0.081+(1-X)*-0.029
wz_defc_a X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_defc_c X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_e13 X*-0.5+(1-X)*-0.35
wz_e33 X*1.79+(1-X)*1.27
wz_latt_a X*3.112+(1-X)*3.189
wz_latt_c X*4.982+(1-X)*5.185
wz_mel_a X*0.28+(1-X)*0.2
wz_mel_c X*0.32+(1-X)*0.2
wz_split_cr X*-0.164+(1-X)*0.019
wz_split_so X*0.019+(1-X)*0.014

AlInGaN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for AlInGaN Wurtzite are stored in AlInGaN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*8.292+Y*6.243+(1-X-Y)*7.31
Interpolation_Scheme AxByC1_x_yD
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*1.16+Y*0.68+(1-X-Y)*0.66
arora_eldopexp2 X*0.86+Y*-0.94+(1-X-Y)*0.81
arora_elmudop X*0.0298+Y*0.0774+(1-X-Y)*0.0295
arora_elmudopexp X*-1.82+Y*-6.39+(1-X-Y)*-1.02

362 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_elnref X*1e+23+Y*1e+23+(1-X-Y)*1e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*3.78+Y*8.05+(1-X-Y)*3.02
arora_hldopexp1 X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlnref X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlnrefexp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
bg_absorption X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
eff_tunnel_length X*3+Y*3+(1-X-Y)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
fca_elcoef X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
fca_hlcoef X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+Y*1+(1-X-Y)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*447000+Y*52000+(1-X-Y)*221000
hfmob_elvsat X*217000+Y*136000+(1-X-Y)*191000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
hfmob_hlfield0 X*447000+Y*52000+(1-X-Y)*221000
hfmob_hlvsat X*217000+Y*136000+(1-X-Y)*191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+Y*40+(1-X-Y)*40
ifrec_vp X*40+Y*40+(1-X-Y)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.02+Y*0.02+(1-X-Y)*0.02
ion_donoractiv X*0.17+Y*0.17+(1-X-Y)*0.17
kpmat_ACV X*3+Y*3+(1-X-Y)*3
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+Y*-1.7+(1-X-Y)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-2.2+Y*-2.2+(1-X-Y)*-2.2
kpmat_C11 X*39.6+Y*22.3+(1-X-Y)*39
kpmat_C12 X*13.7+Y*11.5+(1-X-Y)*14.5
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+Y*0.02+(1-X-Y)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+Y*-0.15+(1-X-Y)*-0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT X*4.6+Y*8.4+(1-X-Y)*5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*8.5+Y*15.3+(1-X-Y)*8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*3.299+Y*3.299+(1-X-Y)*3.299

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 363

kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+Y*-0.000593+(1-X-Y)*-0.000593
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*600+Y*600+(1-X-Y)*600
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*10+Y*10+(1-X-Y)*10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*10+Y*10+(1-X-Y)*10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.017+Y*0.017+(1-X-Y)*0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*2.67+Y*2.67+(1-X-Y)*2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*0.75+Y*0.75+(1-X-Y)*0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*1.1+Y*1.1+(1-X-Y)*1.1
kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+Y*1.3+(1-X-Y)*1.3
kpmat_LATT X*4.5+Y*4.5+(1-X-Y)*4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT X*0.0000047+Y*0.0000035+(1-X-Y)*0.0000035
kpmat_MG6C X*0.15+Y*0.12+(1-X-Y)*0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.8+Y*0.5+(1-X-Y)*0.8
kpmat_MLH X*0.18+Y*0.17+(1-X-Y)*0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.0684+Y*0.3138+(1-X-Y)*0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.0014+Y*0.0015+(1-X-Y)*0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MSO X*0.29+Y*0.29+(1-X-Y)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_P2 X*25+Y*25+(1-X-Y)*25
kpmat_PP2 X*-0.92+Y*-0.92+(1-X-Y)*-0.92
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+Y*6.26+(1-X-Y)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*4.52+Y*4.52+(1-X-Y)*4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+Y*-0.000593+(1-X-Y)*-0.000593
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*600+Y*600+(1-X-Y)*600

364 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0000575+Y*0.0000575+(1-X-Y)*0.0000575
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 X*1e-46+Y*1e-46+(1-X-Y)*1e-46
regmat_AugnEact X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*0.000000001+Y*0.000000001+(1-X-Y)*0.000000001
regmat_SRH_taup X*0.000000001+Y*0.000000001+(1-X-Y)*0.000000001
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+Y*1.32+(1-X-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1e+16+Y*1e+16+(1-X-Y)*1e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+Y*0.001+(1-X-Y)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+Y*0.0516+(1-X-Y)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+Y*0.0516+(1-X-Y)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1e-13+Y*1e-13+(1-X-Y)*1e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1e-13+Y*1e-13+(1-X-Y)*1e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1e-13+Y*1e-13+(1-X-Y)*1e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1e-13+Y*1e-13+(1-X-Y)*1e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5e-14+Y*5e-14+(1-X-Y)*5e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5e-14+Y*5e-14+(1-X-Y)*5e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5e-14+Y*5e-14+(1-X-Y)*5e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5e-14+Y*5e-14+(1-X-Y)*5e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.11+Y*0.073+(1-X-Y)*0.091
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+Y*500000000+(1-X-Y)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+Y*0.026+(1-X-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+Y*0.1+(1-X-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*3.23+Y*6.81+(1-X-Y)*6.15
regmat_qw_rich X*1+Y*1+(1-X-Y)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+Y*0.01+(1-X-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.6+Y*0.32+(1-X-Y)*0.49
regmat_sponrecoef X*1.1e-14+Y*1.1e-14+(1-X-Y)*1.1e-14
regmat_tauloph X*1e-12+Y*1e-12+(1-X-Y)*1e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*2.85+Y*0.45+(1-X-Y)*1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-0.164+Y*-0.28+(1-X-Y)*-0.28
wz_A1 X*-3.95+Y*-9.28+(1-X-Y)*-6.56

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 365

wz_A2 X*-0.27+Y*-0.6+(1-X-Y)*-0.91
wz_A3 X*3.68+Y*8.68+(1-X-Y)*5.65
wz_A4 X*-1.84+Y*-4.34+(1-X-Y)*-2.83
wz_A5 X*-1.95+Y*-4.32+(1-X-Y)*-3.13
wz_A6 X*-2.91+Y*-6.08+(1-X-Y)*-4.86
wz_C13 X*10.8+Y*9.2+(1-X-Y)*10.6
wz_C33 X*37.3+Y*22.4+(1-X-Y)*39.8
wz_D1 X*-3+Y*-3+(1-X-Y)*-3
wz_D2 X*3.6+Y*3.6+(1-X-Y)*3.6
wz_D3 X*9.6+Y*8.82+(1-X-Y)*8.82
wz_D4 X*-4.8+Y*-4.41+(1-X-Y)*-4.41
wz_Eg X*6.28+Y*1.89+(1-X-Y)*3.42
wz_Eg_A X*-0.001799+Y*-0.000245+(1-X-Y)*-0.000909
wz_Eg_B X*1462+Y*642+(1-X-Y)*830
wz_P1 X*14.5+Y*14.6+(1-X-Y)*14
wz_P2 X*14.5+Y*14.6+(1-X-Y)*14
wz_Psp X*-0.081+Y*-0.032+(1-X-Y)*-0.029
wz_defc_a X*-4.08+Y*-4.08+(1-X-Y)*-4.08
wz_defc_c X*-4.08+Y*-4.08+(1-X-Y)*-4.08
wz_e13 X*-0.5+Y*-0.57+(1-X-Y)*-0.35
wz_e33 X*1.79+Y*0.97+(1-X-Y)*1.27
wz_latt_a X*3.112+Y*3.548+(1-X-Y)*3.189
wz_latt_c X*4.982+Y*5.703+(1-X-Y)*5.185
wz_mel_a X*0.28+Y*0.12+(1-X-Y)*0.2
wz_mel_c X*0.32+Y*0.12+(1-X-Y)*0.2
wz_split_cr X*-0.164+Y*0.041+(1-X-Y)*0.019
wz_split_so X*0.019+Y*0.001+(1-X-Y)*0.014

The default material parameters for AlN are stored in AlN.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424

366 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.66
arora_eldopexp2 0.81
arora_elmudop 0.0295
arora_elmudopexp -1.02
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.02
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 221000
hfmob_elvsat 191000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 221000
hfmob_hlvsat 191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.02
ion_donoractiv 0.17
kpmat_ACV -2.6

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 367

kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.9
kpmat_C11 30.4
kpmat_C12 16
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT 8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V 4.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.019
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 1.92
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.47
kpmat_GAMMA3 0.85
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.38
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.50E-06
kpmat_MG6C 0.25
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 1.2
kpmat_MLH 0.33
kpmat_MOBN0 0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0015

368 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.47
kpmat_MX6C 0.53
kpmat_P2 27.1
kpmat_PP2 0.76
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 6
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.091
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 369

regmat_material_density 6.15
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.49
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.28
wz_A1 -6.56
wz_A2 -0.91
wz_A3 5.65
wz_A4 -2.83
wz_A5 -3.13
wz_A6 -4.86
wz_C13 10.6
wz_C33 39.8
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 8.82
wz_D4 -4.41
wz_Eg 3.42
wz_Eg_A -0.00091
wz_Eg_B 830
wz_P1 14
wz_P2 14
wz_Psp -0.029
wz_defc_a -4.08
wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.35
wz_e33 1.27
wz_latt_a 3.189
wz_latt_c 5.185
wz_mel_a 0.2
wz_mel_c 0.2
wz_split_cr 0.019
wz_split_so 0.014

370 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

AlN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for AlN Wurtzite are stored in AlN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 1.16
arora_eldopexp2 0.86
arora_elmudop 0.0298
arora_elmudopexp -1.82
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.78
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 447000
hfmob_elvsat 217000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 447000

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 371

hfmob_hlvsat 217000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.17
ion_donoractiv 0.02
kpmat_ACV 3
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.2
kpmat_C11 39.6
kpmat_C12 13.7
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 4.6
kpmat_DIELSTAT 8.5
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.1
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT 4.70E-06

372 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_MG6C 0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.8
kpmat_MLH 0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 0.0684
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0014
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.29
kpmat_MX6C 0
kpmat_P2 25
kpmat_PP2 -0.92
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 373

regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.11
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 3.23
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.6
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 2.85
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.164
wz_A1 -3.95
wz_A2 -0.27
wz_A3 3.68
wz_A4 -1.84
wz_A5 -1.95
wz_A6 -2.91
wz_C13 10.8
wz_C33 37.3
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 9.6
wz_D4 -4.8
wz_Eg 6.28
wz_Eg_A -0.0018
wz_Eg_B 1462
wz_P1 14.5
wz_P2 14.5
wz_Psp -0.081
wz_defc_a -4.08

374 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.5
wz_e33 1.79
wz_latt_a 3.112
wz_latt_c 4.982
wz_mel_a 0.28
wz_mel_c 0.32
wz_split_cr -0.164
wz_split_so 0.019

The default material parameters for AlP are stored in AlP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.6
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.8
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.001
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 4.4E+24
arora_elnrefexp -0.71
arora_hldopexp1 0.85
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.001
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1E+24
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 375

eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.83
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.8
kpmat_C11 18.83
kpmat_C12 6.71
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 7.54
kpmat_DIELSTAT 9.8
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.62
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00041
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V 5.09
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.01

376 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 3.47
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.06
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.15
kpmat_LANDE 2
kpmat_LATT 5.4635
kpmat_LATT_DT 0.000005
kpmat_MG6C 0.2
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.51
kpmat_MLH 0.21
kpmat_MOBN0 0.006
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -1.6
kpmat_MOBP0 0.045
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -1.98
kpmat_MSO 0.465
kpmat_MX6C 0.25
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.505
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00032
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00010605
regmat_Augn300 5.53E-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.37
regmat_SRH_taun 0.0000005
regmat_SRH_taup 0.0000005
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 377

regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 2.4
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.477
regmat_sponrecoef 2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.25

The default material parameters for AlSb are stored in AlSb.mat.

Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0

378 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_eldopexp1 0.5
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.005
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 0
arora_hldopexp1 0.5
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.005
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.00E+23
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.0425
ion_donoractiv 0.147
kpmat_ACV -5.9
kpmat_APRIME 2*kpmat_PP2
kpmat_AXDEF -1.35
kpmat_C11 8.769
kpmat_C12 4.341
kpmat_CPRIME -0.017

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 379

kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 11.56
kpmat_DIELSTAT 12.04
kpmat_G6C_G8V 2.3
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00042
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 140
kpmat_G7C_G8V 3.5
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.00042
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 140
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.15
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.67
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 5.18
kpmat_GAMMA2 1.19
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.97
kpmat_LANDE -0.44
kpmat_LATT 6.1355
kpmat_LATT_DT 2.60E-05
kpmat_MG6C 0.14
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.20E-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.94
kpmat_MLH 0.14
kpmat_MOBN0 0.02
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -1.8
kpmat_MOBP0 0.046
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.2
kpmat_MSO 0.29
kpmat_MX6C 0.92
kpmat_P2 18.7
kpmat_PP2 -0.56

380 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 1.63
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00039
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 140
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.000119
kpmat_interpolP 1
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-44
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 1.00E-44
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.75
regmat_SRH_taun 5.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 4.26
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.45
regmat_sponrecoef 2.00E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 381

regmat_thermconduct 0.57
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.2

The default material parameters for GaAs are stored in GaAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.33
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.394
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.05
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 6E+22
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 0.38
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.48E+23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000

382 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.33
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.7
kpmat_C11 11.9
kpmat_C12 5.38
kpmat_CPRIME -0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 10.89
kpmat_DIELSTAT 13.18
kpmat_G6C_G8V 1.424
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00053
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 204
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.417
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.0004
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 240
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.16
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.34
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 6.85
kpmat_GAMMA2 2.1
kpmat_GAMMA3 2.9
kpmat_LANDE -0.44

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 383

kpmat_LATT 5.6533
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.36E-05
kpmat_MG6C 0.0634
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.2E-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.55
kpmat_MLH 0.08
kpmat_MOBN0 0.85
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2.1
kpmat_MOBP0 0.04
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.2
kpmat_MSO 0.165
kpmat_MX6C 0.85
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 1.911
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00046
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 204
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.000164
regmat_Augn300 1E-48
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 2E-41
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.75
regmat_SRH_taun 5E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14

384 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 5.318
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.327
regmat_sponrecoef 2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.44
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.25

The default material parameters for GaInAsP are stored in GaInAsP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.47
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_BOWING 0.322*X^2*Y+0.03*X*Y^2
EgG_LINEAR X*Y*1.424+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.344+(1-X)*Y*0.354+X*(1-Y)*2.78
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*Y*5.494+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.684+(1-X)*Y*5.224+X*(1-Y)*6.054
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xCyD1_y
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*Y*0.394+X*(1-Y)*0.8+(1-X)*Y*0.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.42
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop X*Y*500e-4+X*(1-Y)*10e-4+(1-X)*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*400e-4
arora_elmudopexp 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 385

arora_elnref X*Y*0.6e23+X*(1-Y)*44e23+(1-X)*Y*11e23+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3e23
arora_elnrefexp X*Y*(-3)*X*(1-Y)*(-0.71)+(1-X)*Y*(-3)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-3.25)
arora_hldopexp1 X*Y*0.38+X*(1-Y)*0.85+(1-X)*Y*0.46+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.62
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop X*Y*20e-4+X*(1-Y)*10e-4+(1-X)*Y*20e-4+(1-X)*(1-Y)*10e-4
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref Y)*4.87e23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3*X+(1-X)*7
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV X*Y*-8.33+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-6.31+(1-X)*Y*-6.08+X*(1-Y)*-8.83
kpmat_APRIME X*Y*-1.7+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-2+(1-X)*Y*-4+X*(1-Y)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*Y*-1.7+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-1.7+(1-X)*Y*-1.8+X*(1-Y)*-1.8
kpmat_C11 X*Y*11.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*10.11+(1-X)*Y*8.33+X*(1-Y)*14.05
kpmat_C12 X*Y*5.38+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.61+(1-X)*Y*4.53+X*(1-Y)*6.203
kpmat_CPRIME X*Y*-0.017+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.017+(1-X)*Y*-0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*Y*-0.085+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.085+(1-X)*Y*-0.085+X*(1-Y)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT X*Y*10.89+(1-X)*(1-Y)*9.66+(1-X)*Y*12.25+X*(1-Y)*9.11
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*Y*13.18+(1-X)*(1-Y)*12.5+(1-X)*Y*14.6+X*(1-Y)*11.11

386 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G6C_G8V EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A Y)*-4.10e-04
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*Y*204+(1-X)*(1-Y)*204+(1-X)*Y*535+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*Y*4.417+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.64+(1-X)*Y*4.39+X*(1-Y)*5.24
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*Y*240+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*250+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*Y*0.16+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.07+(1-X)*Y*0.24+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*Y*0.34+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.108+(1-X)*Y*0.371+X*(1-Y)*0.08
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*Y*6.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.95+(1-X)*Y*20.4+X*(1-Y)*4.05
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*Y*2.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.65+(1-X)*Y*8.3+X*(1-Y)*0.49
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*Y*2.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.35+(1-X)*Y*9.1+X*(1-Y)*1.25
kpmat_LANDE X*Y*-0.44+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.48+(1-X)*Y*-14.8+X*(1-Y)*2
kpmat_LATT X*Y*5.6533+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.869+(1-X)*Y*6.0583+X*(1-Y)*5.4505
kpmat_LATT_DT Y)*5.00e-06
kpmat_MG6C X*Y*0.0634+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.075+(1-X)*Y*0.0221+X*(1-Y)*0.18
kpmat_MG6C_L Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_MG6C_Q Y)*0.00e+00
kpmat_MG6C_T X*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*-6e-11+X*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_MHH X*Y*0.55+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.58+(1-X)*Y*0.4+X*(1-Y)*0.67
kpmat_MLH X*Y*0.08+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.12+(1-X)*Y*0.026+X*(1-Y)*0.17
kpmat_MOBN0 X*Y*0.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.54+(1-X)*Y*2.65+X*(1-Y)*0.016
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*Y*(-2.1)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.6)+(1-X)*Y*(-1.57)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-2)
kpmat_MOBP0 X*Y*0.04+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.015+(1-X)*Y*0.046+X*(1-Y)*0.0135
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*Y*(-2.2)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.98)+(1-X)*Y*(-2.3)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-2)
kpmat_MSO X*Y*0.165+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.21+(1-X)*Y*0.103+X*(1-Y)*0.465
kpmat_MX6C X*Y*0.85+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.32+(1-X)*Y*0.32+X*(1-Y)*0.25
kpmat_QQ X*Y*6.26+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.26+(1-X)*Y*6.26+X*(1-Y)*6.26

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 387

kpmat_X6C_G8V X*Y*1.911+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.44+(1-X)*Y*2.28+X*(1-Y)*2.27
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A Y)*-6.20e-04
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*Y*204+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*460
kpmat_dnr_dT Y)*9.207e-5
regmat_Augn300 Y)*5.53e-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 Y)*0.00e+00
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*Y*0.75+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.65+(1-X)*Y*0.177+X*(1-Y)*1.3
regmat_SRH_taun Y)*5.00e-07
regmat_SRH_taup Y)*5.00e-07
regmat_coul_enh1 X*Y*1.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.32+(1-X)*Y*1.32+X*(1-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 Y)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*Y*0.001+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.001+X*(1-Y)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+X*(1-Y)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+X*(1-Y)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*Y*0.036+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.036+(1-X)*Y*0.036+X*(1-Y)*0.036
regmat_hotqmax Y)*5.00e+08

388 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_krelaxener X*Y*0.026+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.026+X*(1-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.1+X*(1-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*Y*5.318+X*(1-Y)*4.138+(1-X)*Y*5.667+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.81
regmat_qw_rich X*Y*1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1+(1-X)*Y*1+X*(1-Y)*1
regmat_scatener X*Y*0.01+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*Y*0.327+X*(1-Y)*0.313+(1-X)*Y*0.352+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.311
regmat_sponrecoef Y)*2.00e-16
regmat_tauloph Y)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/(thermconduct_help+thermconduct_help2)
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*Y*(-1.25)+(1-X)*Y*(-1.2)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.3)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-1.5)
thermconduct_help X*Y/0.44+X*(1-Y)/0.77+(1-X)*Y/0.27+(1-X)*(1-Y)/0.68
thermconduct_help2 X*(1-X)*(Y*78.8+(1-Y)*19.9)+Y*(1-Y)*(X*21.6+(1-X)*34)

The default material parameters for AlInGaN Wurtzite are stored in AlInGaN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.35
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_GaAsSb YY*1.424+(1-YY)*0.726-1.43*YY*(1-YY)
EgG_GaInAs XX*1.424+(1-XX)*0.354-0.477*XX*(1-XX)
EgG_GaInSb XX*0.726+(1-XX)*0.1737-0.415*XX*(1-XX)
EgG_INTERP X*Y*1.424+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1737+(1-X)*Y*0.354+X*(1-Y)*0.726
EgG_InAsSb YY*0.354+(1-YY)*0.1737-0.67*YY*(1-YY)
EgG_X XX*(1-XX)*((1-YY)*EgG_GaInSb+YY*EgG_GaInAs)
EgG_Y YY*(1-YY)*(XX*EgG_GaAsSb+(1-XX)*EgG_InAsSb)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_INTERP X*Y*5.494+X*(1-Y)*4.786+(1-X)*Y*5.224+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.7637
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xCyD1_y
X 0
XX min(1-1.e-8,max(1.e-8,X))

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 389

Y 0
YY min(1-1.e-8,max(1.e-8,Y))
arora_eldopexp1 X*Y*0.394+X*(1-Y)*0.5+(1-X)*Y*0.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.32
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop X*Y*0.05+X*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref X*Y*6e22+X*(1-Y)*1e23+(1-X)*Y*1.1e24+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.1e24
arora_elnrefexp -3*X*Y-0*X*(1-Y)-3*(1-X)*Y-3*(1-X)*(1-Y)
arora_hldopexp1 0.38*X*Y+0.5*X*(1-Y)+0.46*(1-X)*Y+0.46*(1-X)*(1-Y)
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002*X*Y+0.01*X*(1-Y)+0.002*(1-X)*Y+0.002*(1-X)*(1-Y)
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.48e23*X*Y+1e23*X*(1-Y)+1.1e23*(1-X)*Y+1.1e23*(1-X)*(1-Y)
arora_hlnrefexp -3*X*Y-0*X*(1-Y)-3*(1-X)*Y-3*(1-X)*(1-Y)
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3*X+(1-X)*7
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv X*Y*0.03+X*(1-Y)*0.03+(1-X)*Y*0.01+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01
ion_donoractiv X*Y*0.006+X*(1-Y)*0.02+(1-X)*Y*0.001+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0007
kpmat_ACV -8.33*X*Y-8.3*X*(1-Y)-6.08*(1-X)*Y-7.3*(1-X)*(1-Y)
kpmat_APRIME 2*kpmat_PP2
kpmat_AXDEF -2*X*Y-2*X*(1-Y)-1.8*(1-X)*Y-2*(1-X)*(1-Y)
kpmat_C11 X*Y*11.9+X*(1-Y)*8.842+(1-X)*Y*8.33+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.847

390 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_C12 X*Y*5.38+X*(1-Y)*4.026+(1-X)*Y*4.53+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3.735
kpmat_CPRIME X*Y*-0.017+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.017+(1-X)*Y*-0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*Y*-0.085+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.085+(1-X)*Y*-0.085+X*(1-Y)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT X*Y*13.3225+X*(1-Y)*14.5924+(1-X)*Y*12.3904+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*Y*13.18+X*(1-Y)*15.69+(1-X)*Y*14.6+(1-X)*(1-Y)*17.7
kpmat_G6C_G8V EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -5.30e-04*X*Y-4.17e-4*X*(1-Y)-5.94e-4*(1-X)*Y-3.2e-4*(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*Y*204+140*X*(1-Y)+535*(1-X)*Y+170*(1-X)*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*Y*4.417+X*(1-Y)*3.106+(1-X)*Y*4.39+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3.141
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*Y*-4.00e-04-4.17e-4*X*(1-Y)-4e-4*(1-X)*Y-3.2e-4*(1-X)*(1-Y)
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*Y*240+X*(1-Y)*140+(1-X)*Y*250+(1-X)*(1-Y)*170
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*Y*0.16+X*(1-Y)*0.76+(1-X)*Y*0.24+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.392
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*Y*0.34+X*(1-Y)*0.76+(1-X)*Y*0.371+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.81
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*Y*6.85+X*(1-Y)*13.4+(1-X)*Y*20.4+(1-X)*(1-Y)*34.8
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*Y*2.1+X*(1-Y)*4.7+(1-X)*Y*8.3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*15.5
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*Y*2.9+X*(1-Y)*6.0+(1-X)*Y*9.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*16.5
kpmat_LANDE X*Y*-0.44+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.44+(1-X)*Y*-14.8+X*(1-Y)*-7.88
kpmat_LATT X*Y*5.6533+X*(1-Y)*6.0959+(1-X)*Y*6.0583+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_LATT_DT X*Y*3.36e-05+X*(1-Y)*4.72e-5+(1-X)*Y*3.00e-05+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_MG6C X*Y*0.0634+X*(1-Y)*0.0396+(1-X)*Y*0.0221+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.20E-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH X*Y*0.55+X*(1-Y)*0.28+(1-X)*Y*0.4+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.43
kpmat_MLH X*Y*0.08+X*(1-Y)*0.05+(1-X)*Y*0.026+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.015
kpmat_MOBN0 X*Y*0.85+X*(1-Y)*1.3+(1-X)*Y*2.65+(1-X)*(1-Y)*7.0
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*Y*(-2.1)+X*(1-Y)*(-2.1)+(1-X)*Y*(-1.57)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-1.66)
kpmat_MOBP0 X*Y*0.04+X*(1-Y)*0.12+(1-X)*Y*0.046+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.085

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 391

kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*Y*(-2.2)+X*(1-Y)*(-2.1)+(1-X)*Y*(-2.3)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(-1.95)
kpmat_MSO X*Y*0.165+X*(1-Y)*0.13+(1-X)*Y*0.103+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.19
kpmat_MX6C X*Y*0.85+X*(1-Y)*0.87+(1-X)*Y*0.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.25
kpmat_P2 X*Y*28.8+X*(1-Y)*27.0+(1-X)*Y*21.5+(1-X)*(1-Y)*23.3
kpmat_PP2 -1.94*X*Y-1.63*X*(1-Y)-2.9*(1-X)*Y-0.23*(1-X)*(1-Y)
kpmat_QQ X*Y*6.26+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.26+(1-X)*Y*6.26+X*(1-Y)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*Y*1.911+X*(1-Y)*1.0325+(1-X)*Y*2.28+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.63
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*Y*-4.60e-04+X*(1-Y)*-2.76e-04+(1-X)*Y*-3.50e-04+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*Y*204+X*(1-Y)*94+(1-X)*Y*93+(1-X)*(1-Y)*170
kpmat_dnr_dT X*Y*16.425e-5+X*(1-Y)*3.1324e-4+(1-X)*Y*22.88e-5+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_interpolP 1
kpmat_wurtzite X*Y*1.00e-48+X*(1-Y)*2e-042+(1-X)*Y*5.53e-43+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_Augn300 0
regmat_AugnEact X*Y*2.00e-41+X*(1-Y)*3e-042+(1-X)*Y*0.00e+00+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0.5*Eg
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*Y*5.00e-07+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-07+X*(1-
regmat_SRH_taun X*Y*5.00e-07+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-07+X*(1-
regmat_SRH_taup X*Y*1.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.32+(1-X)*Y*1.32+X*(1-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh1 X*Y*1.00e+16+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e+16+(1-X)*Y*1.00e+16+X*(1-
regmat_coul_enh2 X*Y*0.001+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.001+X*(1-Y)*0.001
regmat_delta_e X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+X*(1-
regmat_e3dav_el X*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+X*(1-
regmat_e3dav_hl X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+X*(1-
regmat_elelcaptime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+X*(1-
regmat_elelscttime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+X*(1-
regmat_elphcaptime X*Y*1.00e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-13+X*(1-
regmat_elphscttime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+X*(1-

392 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_hlhlcaptime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+X*(1-
regmat_hlhlscttime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+X*(1-
regmat_hlphcaptime X*Y*5.00e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5.00e-14+X*(1-
regmat_hlphscttime X*Y*0.035+X*(1-Y)*0.0297+(1-X)*Y*0.03+X*(1-Y)*0.025
regmat_hnuloph X*Y*5.00e+08+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e+08+(1-X)*Y*5.00e+08+X*(1-
regmat_hotqmax X*Y*0.026+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.026+X*(1-Y)*0.026
regmat_krelaxener X*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.1+X*(1-Y)*0.1
regmat_lo_frac X*Y*5.318+X*(1-Y)*5.614+(1-X)*Y*5.667+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.775
regmat_material_density X*Y*1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1+(1-X)*Y*1+X*(1-Y)*1
regmat_qw_rich X*Y*0.01+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.01
regmat_scatener X*Y*0.327+X*(1-Y)*0.25+(1-X)*Y*0.352+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.209
regmat_specific_heat X*Y*2.00e-16+X*(1-Y)*1e-016+(1-X)*Y*2.00e-16+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_sponrecoef X*Y*1.00e-12+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-12+(1-X)*Y*1.00e-12+X*(1-
regmat_tauloph 1/(thermconduct_help+thermconduct_help2)
regmat_thermconduct X*Y*(-1.25)+(1-X)*Y*(-1.2)+X*(1-Y)*(-1.1)+(1-X)*(1-Y)*(0)
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*Y/0.44+X*(1-Y)/0.33+(1-X)*Y/0.27+(1-X)*(1-Y)/0.17

The default material parameters for GaN are stored in GaN.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.66

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 393

arora_eldopexp2 0.81
arora_elmudop 0.0295
arora_elmudopexp -1.02
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.02
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 221000
hfmob_elvsat 191000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 221000
hfmob_hlvsat 191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.02
ion_donoractiv 0.17
kpmat_ACV 3
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.2
kpmat_C11 29.3
kpmat_C12 15.9
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15

394 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_DIELOPT 5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT 8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.1
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.50E-06
kpmat_MG6C 0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.8
kpmat_MLH 0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.29
kpmat_MX6C 0.5
kpmat_P2 25
kpmat_PP2 -0.92
kpmat_QQ 6.26

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 395

kpmat_X6C_G8V 4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.091
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 6.15
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.49
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12

396 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_thermconduct 1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.28
wz_A1 -6.56
wz_A2 -0.91
wz_A3 5.65
wz_A4 -2.83
wz_A5 -3.13
wz_A6 -4.86
wz_C13 10.6
wz_C33 39.8
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 8.82
wz_D4 -4.41
wz_Eg 3.42
wz_Eg_A -0.00091
wz_Eg_B 830
wz_P1 14
wz_P2 14
wz_Psp -0.029
wz_defc_a -4.08
wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.35
wz_e33 1.27
wz_latt_a 3.189
wz_latt_c 5.185
wz_mel_a 0.2
wz_mel_c 0.2
wz_split_cr 0.019
wz_split_so 0.014

GaN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for GaN Wurtzite are stored in GaN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 397

Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.66
arora_eldopexp2 0.81
arora_elmudop 0.0295
arora_elmudopexp -1.02
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.02
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 221000
hfmob_elvsat 191000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 221000
hfmob_hlvsat 191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40

398 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

ion_acceptoractiv 0.17
ion_donoractiv 0.02
kpmat_ACV 3
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.2
kpmat_C11 39
kpmat_C12 14.5
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT 8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.1
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.50E-06
kpmat_MG6C 0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.8
kpmat_MLH 0.18

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 399

kpmat_MOBN0 0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.29
kpmat_MX6C 0
kpmat_P2 25
kpmat_PP2 -0.92
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.091

400 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 6.15
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.49
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.28
wz_A1 -6.56
wz_A2 -0.91
wz_A3 5.65
wz_A4 -2.83
wz_A5 -3.13
wz_A6 -4.86
wz_C13 10.6
wz_C33 39.8
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 8.82
wz_D4 -4.41
wz_Eg 3.42
wz_Eg_A -0.00091
wz_Eg_B 830
wz_P1 14
wz_P2 14
wz_Psp -0.029
wz_defc_a -4.08
wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.35
wz_e33 1.27
wz_latt_a 3.189
wz_latt_c 5.185
wz_mel_a 0.2

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 401

wz_mel_c 0.2
wz_split_cr 0.019
wz_split_so 0.014

The default material parameters for GaP are stored in GaP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.6
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.8
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.001
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 4.4E+24
arora_elnrefexp -0.71
arora_hldopexp1 0.85
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.001
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1E+24
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000

402 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.83
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.8
kpmat_C11 14.05
kpmat_C12 6.203
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 9.11
kpmat_DIELSTAT 11.11
kpmat_G6C_G8V 2.78
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00041
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V 5.24
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.08
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 4.05
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.49
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.25

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 403

kpmat_LANDE 2
kpmat_LATT 5.4505
kpmat_LATT_DT 0.000005
kpmat_MG6C 0.18
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.67
kpmat_MLH 0.17
kpmat_MOBN0 0.016
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -1.6
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0135
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -1.98
kpmat_MSO 0.465
kpmat_MX6C 0.25
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.27
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00062
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 460
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00008625
regmat_Augn300 5.53E-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 1.3
regmat_SRH_taun 0.0000005
regmat_SRH_taup 0.0000005
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13

404 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 4.138
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.313
regmat_sponrecoef 2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.77
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.3

The default material parameters for GaSb are stored in GaSb.mat.

Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.5
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.01
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 405

arora_hldopexp1 0.5
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.01
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.00E+23
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.03
ion_donoractiv 0.02
kpmat_ACV -8.3
kpmat_APRIME 2.0*kpmat_PP2
kpmat_AXDEF -2
kpmat_C11 8.842
kpmat_C12 4.026
kpmat_CPRIME -0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 14.5924
kpmat_DIELSTAT 15.69
kpmat_G6C_G8V 0.726
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00042
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 140

406 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G7C_G8V 3.106
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.00042
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 140
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.213
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.76
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 13.4
kpmat_GAMMA2 4.7
kpmat_GAMMA3 6
kpmat_LANDE -7.88
kpmat_LATT 6.0959
kpmat_LATT_DT 4.72E-05
kpmat_MG6C 0.0396
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.20E-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.28
kpmat_MLH 0.05
kpmat_MOBN0 1.3
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2.1
kpmat_MOBP0 0.12
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.1
kpmat_MSO 0.13
kpmat_MX6C 0.87
kpmat_P2 27
kpmat_PP2 -1.63
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 1.0325
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00048
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 94
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.000313
kpmat_interpolP 1

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 407

regmat_Augn300 2.00E-42
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 3.00E-42
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 5.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.0297
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 5.614
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.25
regmat_sponrecoef 1.00E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.33
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.1

The default material parameters for InAlGaSb are stored in InAlGaSb.mat.

408 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

DEv_DEg_REF (1-X-Y)*0.584+X*0.46+Y*1.014
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_BOWING -0.47*X*Y-0.43*X*(1-X-Y)-0.42*Y*(1-X-Y)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR (1-X-Y)*4.7637+X*5.9+Y*4.786
Interpolation_Scheme A1_x_yBxCyD
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 (1-X-Y)*0.32+X*0.5+Y*0.5
arora_eldopexp2 (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
arora_elmudop (1-X-Y)*0.1+X*0.005+Y*0.01
arora_elmudopexp (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
arora_elnref (1-X-Y)*1.10e+24+X*1.00e+23+Y*1.00e+23
arora_elnrefexp (1-X-Y)*-3+X*0+Y*0
arora_hldopexp1 (1-X-Y)*0.46+X*0.5+Y*0.5
arora_hldopexp2 (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
arora_hlmudop (1-X-Y)*0.002+X*0.005+Y*0.01
arora_hlmudopexp (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
arora_hlnref (1-X-Y)*1.10e+23+X*1.00e+23+Y*1.00e+23
arora_hlnrefexp (1-X-Y)*-3+X*0+Y*0
bg_absorption (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
eff_tunnel_length (1-X-Y)*3+X*3+Y*3
eff_tunnel_priority (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
fca_elcoef (1-X-Y)*2.00e-18+X*2.00e-18+Y*2.00e-18
fca_hlcoef (1-X-Y)*1.30e-17+X*1.30e-17+Y*1.30e-17
haensch_tunnel_length (1-X-Y)*1+X*1+Y*1
hfmob_elfield0 (1-X-Y)*400000+X*400000+Y*400000
hfmob_elvsat (1-X-Y)*72000+X*72000+Y*72000
hfmob_elvsattemp (1-X-Y)*0.44+X*0.44+Y*0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 (1-X-Y)*400000+X*400000+Y*400000
hfmob_hlvsat (1-X-Y)*90000+X*90000+Y*90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp (1-X-Y)*0.59+X*0.59+Y*0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 (1-X-Y)*0.5*Eg+X*0.5*Eg+Y*0.5*Eg

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 409

ifrec_priority (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
ifrec_vn (1-X-Y)*40+X*40+Y*40
ifrec_vp (1-X-Y)*40+X*40+Y*40
ion_acceptoractiv (1-X-Y)*0.01+X*0.0425+Y*0.03
ion_donoractiv (1-X-Y)*0.0007+X*0.147+Y*0.02
kpmat_ACV (1-X-Y)*-7.3+X*-5.9+Y*-8.3
kpmat_APRIME 2*kpmat_PP2
kpmat_AXDEF (1-X-Y)*-2+X*-1.35+Y*-2
kpmat_C11 (1-X-Y)*6.847+X*8.769+Y*8.842
kpmat_C12 (1-X-Y)*3.735+X*4.341+Y*4.026
kpmat_CPRIME (1-X-Y)*-0.017+X*-0.017+Y*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS (1-X-Y)*-0.085+X*-0.085+Y*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT (1-X-Y)*16+X*11.56+Y*14.5924
kpmat_DIELSTAT (1-X-Y)*17.7+X*12.04+Y*15.69
kpmat_G6C_G8V (1-X-Y)*0.1737+X*2.3+Y*0.726+EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A (1-X-Y)*-0.00032+X*-0.00042+Y*-0.000417
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B (1-X-Y)*170+X*140+Y*140
kpmat_G7C_G8V (1-X-Y)*3.141+X*3.5+Y*3.106
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A (1-X-Y)*-0.00032+X*-0.00042+Y*-0.000417
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B (1-X-Y)*170+X*140+Y*140
kpmat_G8C_G7C (1-X-Y)*0.392+X*0.15+Y*0.213
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V (1-X-Y)*0.81+X*0.67+Y*0.76
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 (1-X-Y)*34.8+X*5.18+Y*13.4
kpmat_GAMMA2 (1-X-Y)*15.5+X*1.19+Y*4.7
kpmat_GAMMA3 (1-X-Y)*16.5+X*1.97+Y*6
kpmat_LANDE (1-X-Y)*-0.44+X*-0.44+Y*-7.88
kpmat_LATT (1-X-Y)*6.4794+X*6.1355+Y*6.0959
kpmat_LATT_DT (1-X-Y)*3.48e-05+X*2.60e-05+Y*4.72e-05
kpmat_MG6C (1-X-Y)*0.0135+X*0.14+Y*0.0396
kpmat_MG6C_L (1-X-Y)*-1.20e-05+X*-1.20e-05+Y*-1.20e-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0

410 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_MG6C_T (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
kpmat_MHH (1-X-Y)*0.43+X*0.94+Y*0.28
kpmat_MLH (1-X-Y)*0.015+X*0.14+Y*0.05
kpmat_MOBN0 (1-X-Y)*7+X*0.02+Y*1.3
kpmat_MOBN0_exp (1-X-Y)*-1.66+X*-1.8+Y*-2.1
kpmat_MOBP0 (1-X-Y)*0.085+X*0.046+Y*0.12
kpmat_MOBP0_exp (1-X-Y)*-1.95+X*-2.2+Y*-2.1
kpmat_MSO (1-X-Y)*0.19+X*0.29+Y*0.13
kpmat_MX6C (1-X-Y)*0.25+X*0.92+Y*0.87
kpmat_P2 (1-X-Y)*23.3+X*18.7+Y*27
kpmat_PP2 (1-X-Y)*-0.23+X*-0.56+Y*-1.63
kpmat_QQ (1-X-Y)*6.26+X*6.26+Y*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V (1-X-Y)*0.63+X*1.63+Y*1.0325
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A (1-X-Y)*-0.00032+X*-0.00039+Y*-0.000475
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B (1-X-Y)*170+X*140+Y*94
kpmat_dnr_dT (1-X-Y)*0.00048+X*0.000119+Y*0.00031324
kpmat_interpolP 1
regmat_Augn300 (1-X-Y)*5.00e-38+X*1.00e-44+Y*2.00e-42
regmat_AugnEact (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
regmat_Augp600 (1-X-Y)*5.00e-38+X*1.00e-44+Y*3.00e-42
regmat_AugpEact (1-X-Y)*0+X*0+Y*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 (1-X-Y)*0.5*Eg+X*0.75+Y*0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun (1-X-Y)*5.00e-07+X*5.00e-07+Y*5.00e-07
regmat_SRH_taup (1-X-Y)*5.00e-07+X*5.00e-07+Y*5.00e-07
regmat_coul_enh1 (1-X-Y)*1.32+X*1.32+Y*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 (1-X-Y)*1.00e+16+X*1.00e+16+Y*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e (1-X-Y)*0.001+X*0.001+Y*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el (1-X-Y)*0.0516+X*0.0516+Y*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl (1-X-Y)*0.0516+X*0.0516+Y*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime (1-X-Y)*1.00e-13+X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime (1-X-Y)*1.00e-13+X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime (1-X-Y)*1.00e-13+X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime (1-X-Y)*1.00e-13+X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime (1-X-Y)*5.00e-14+X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime (1-X-Y)*5.00e-14+X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime (1-X-Y)*5.00e-14+X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 411

regmat_hlphscttime (1-X-Y)*5.00e-14+X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph (1-X-Y)*0.025+X*0.036+Y*0.0297
regmat_hotqmax (1-X-Y)*500000000+X*500000000+Y*500000000
regmat_krelaxener (1-X-Y)*0.026+X*0.026+Y*0.026
regmat_lo_frac (1-X-Y)*0.1+X*0.1+Y*0.1
regmat_material_density (1-X-Y)*5.775+X*4.26+Y*5.614
regmat_qw_rich (1-X-Y)*1+X*1+Y*1
regmat_scatener (1-X-Y)*0.01+X*0.01+Y*0.01
regmat_specific_heat (1-X-Y)*0.209+X*0.45+Y*0.25
regmat_sponrecoef (1-X-Y)*5.00e-17+X*2.00e-16+Y*1.00e-16
regmat_tauloph (1-X-Y)*1.00e-12+X*1.00e-12+Y*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct (1-X-Y)*0.17+X*0.57+Y*0.33
regmat_thermconduct_exp (1-X-Y)*0+X*-1.2+Y*-1.1

The default material parameters for InAs are stored in InAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.35
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.32
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.1
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 1.1E+24
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 0.46
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002

412 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.1E+23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 7
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -6.08
kpmat_APRIME -4
kpmat_AXDEF -1.8
kpmat_C11 8.33
kpmat_C12 4.53
kpmat_CPRIME -0.01
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 12.25
kpmat_DIELSTAT 14.6
kpmat_G6C_G8V 0.354
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.000594
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 535
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.39
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.0004
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 250

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 413

kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.24
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.371
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0.00003
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 20.4
kpmat_GAMMA2 8.3
kpmat_GAMMA3 9.1
kpmat_LANDE -14.8
kpmat_LATT 6.0583
kpmat_LATT_DT 0.00003
kpmat_MG6C 0.0221
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q -0.000000005
kpmat_MG6C_T -6E-11
kpmat_MHH 0.4
kpmat_MLH 0.026
kpmat_MOBN0 2.65
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -1.57
kpmat_MOBP0 0.046
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.3
kpmat_MSO 0.103
kpmat_MX6C 0.32
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.28
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00035
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.0002288
regmat_Augn300 5.53E-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.177
regmat_SRH_taun 0.0000005

414 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_SRH_taup 0.0000005
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 5.667
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.352
regmat_sponrecoef 2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.27
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.2

The default material parameters for InAsSbP are stored in InAsSbP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF X*0.35+Y*0.58+(1-X-Y)*0.6
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_BOWING -0.58*X*Y-0.101*X*(1-X-Y)-1.2*Y*(1-X-Y)
Eg_REF 1.424

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 415

HLAFF_LINEAR X*5.224+Y*(0.1737+4.59)+(1-X-Y)*5.684
Interpolation_Scheme A1_x_yBxCyD
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*0.32+Y*0.32+(1-X-Y)*0.42
arora_eldopexp2 X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_elmudop X*0.1+Y*0.1+(1-X-Y)*0.04
arora_elmudopexp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_elnref X*1.10e+24+Y*1.10e+24+(1-X-Y)*3.00e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*-3+Y*-3+(1-X-Y)*-3.25
arora_hldopexp1 X*0.46+Y*0.46+(1-X-Y)*0.62
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0.002+Y*0.002+(1-X-Y)*0.001
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
arora_hlnref X*1.10e+23+Y*1.10e+23+(1-X-Y)*4.87e+23
arora_hlnrefexp X*-3+Y*-3+(1-X-Y)*-3
bg_absorption X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
eff_tunnel_length X*7+Y*3+(1-X-Y)*7
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
fca_elcoef X*2.00e-18+Y*2.00e-18+(1-X-Y)*2.00e-18
fca_hlcoef X*1.30e-17+Y*1.30e-17+(1-X-Y)*1.30e-17
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+Y*1+(1-X-Y)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*400000+Y*400000+(1-X-Y)*400000
hfmob_elvsat X*72000+Y*72000+(1-X-Y)*72000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0.44+Y*0.44+(1-X-Y)*0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 X*400000+Y*400000+(1-X-Y)*400000
hfmob_hlvsat X*90000+Y*90000+(1-X-Y)*90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0.59+Y*0.59+(1-X-Y)*0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+Y*0.5*Eg+(1-X-Y)*0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+Y*40+(1-X-Y)*40
ifrec_vp X*40+Y*40+(1-X-Y)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.01+Y*0.01+(1-X-Y)*0.04
ion_donoractiv X*0.001+Y*0.0007+(1-X-Y)*0.0057
kpmat_ACV X*-6.08+Y*-7.3+(1-X-Y)*-6.31

416 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_APRIME X*-4+Y*-0.46+(1-X-Y)*-2
kpmat_AXDEF X*-1.8+Y*-2+(1-X-Y)*-1.7
kpmat_C11 X*8.33+Y*6.847+(1-X-Y)*10.11
kpmat_C12 X*4.53+Y*3.735+(1-X-Y)*5.61
kpmat_CPRIME X*-0.01+Y*-0.017+(1-X-Y)*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.085+Y*-0.085+(1-X-Y)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT X*12.25+Y*16+(1-X-Y)*9.66
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*14.6+Y*17.7+(1-X-Y)*12.5
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*0.354+Y*0.1737+(1-X-Y)*1.344+EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000594+Y*-0.00032+(1-X-Y)*-0.000446
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*535+Y*170+(1-X-Y)*204
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*4.39+Y*3.141+(1-X-Y)*4.64
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*-0.0004+Y*-0.00032+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*250+Y*170+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*0.24+Y*0.392+(1-X-Y)*0.07
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.371+Y*0.81+(1-X-Y)*0.108
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*3.00e-05+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*20.4+Y*34.8+(1-X-Y)*4.95
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*8.3+Y*15.5+(1-X-Y)*1.65
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*9.1+Y*16.5+(1-X-Y)*2.35
kpmat_LANDE X*-14.8+Y*-0.44+(1-X-Y)*1.48
kpmat_LATT X*6.0583+Y*6.4794+(1-X-Y)*5.869
kpmat_LATT_DT X*3.00e-05+Y*3.48e-05+(1-X-Y)*2.96e-05
kpmat_MG6C X*0.0221+Y*0.0135+(1-X-Y)*0.075
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+Y*-1.20e-05+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*-5.00e-09+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*-8.00e-08
kpmat_MG6C_T X*-6.00e-11+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.4+Y*0.43+(1-X-Y)*0.58
kpmat_MLH X*0.026+Y*0.015+(1-X-Y)*0.12
kpmat_MOBN0 X*2.65+Y*7+(1-X-Y)*0.54
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*-1.57+Y*-1.66+(1-X-Y)*-2
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.046+Y*0.085+(1-X-Y)*0.015

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 417

kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*-2.3+Y*-1.95+(1-X-Y)*-2
kpmat_MSO X*0.103+Y*0.19+(1-X-Y)*0.21
kpmat_MX6C X*0.32+Y*0.25+(1-X-Y)*0.32
kpmat_P2 X*21.5+Y*23.3+(1-X-Y)*20.7
kpmat_PP2 X*-2.9+Y*-0.23+(1-X-Y)*-1.31
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+Y*6.26+(1-X-Y)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*2.28+Y*0.63+(1-X-Y)*2.44
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000276+Y*-0.00032+(1-X-Y)*-0.00035
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*93+Y*170+(1-X-Y)*0
kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0002288+Y*0.00048+(1-X-Y)*9.21e-05
kpmat_interpolP 1
regmat_Augn300 X*5.53e-43+Y*5.00e-38+(1-X-Y)*5.53e-43
regmat_AugnEact X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+Y*5.00e-38+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.177+Y*0.5*Eg+(1-X-Y)*0.65
regmat_SRH_taun X*5.00e-07+Y*5.00e-07+(1-X-Y)*2.00e-09
regmat_SRH_taup X*5.00e-07+Y*5.00e-07+(1-X-Y)*3.00e-06
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+Y*1.32+(1-X-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1.00e+16+Y*1.00e+16+(1-X-Y)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+Y*0.001+(1-X-Y)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+Y*0.0516+(1-X-Y)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+Y*0.0516+(1-X-Y)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13+(1-X-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13+(1-X-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13+(1-X-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1.00e-13+Y*1.00e-13+(1-X-Y)*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14+(1-X-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14+(1-X-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14+(1-X-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5.00e-14+Y*5.00e-14+(1-X-Y)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.03+Y*0.025+(1-X-Y)*0.043
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+Y*500000000+(1-X-Y)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+Y*0.026+(1-X-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+Y*0.1+(1-X-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*5.667+Y*5.775+(1-X-Y)*4.81

418 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_qw_rich X*1+Y*1+(1-X-Y)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+Y*0.01+(1-X-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.352+Y*0.209+(1-X-Y)*0.311
regmat_sponrecoef X*2.00e-16+Y*5.00e-17+(1-X-Y)*1.20e-16
regmat_tauloph X*1.00e-12+Y*1.00e-12+(1-X-Y)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*0.27+Y*0.17+(1-X-Y)*0.68
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-1.2+Y*0+(1-X-Y)*-1.5

The default material parameters for InGaAs are stored in InGaAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.35
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
EgG_BOWING 0.324+0.7*(1.0-X)+0.4*(1.0-X)^2
EgG_LINEAR X*0.354+(1-X)*1.424
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*5.224+(1-X)*5.494
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*0.32+(1-X)*0.394
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop X*0.1+(1-X)*0.05
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref X*11e23+(1-X)*0.6e23
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 X*0.46+(1-X)*0.38
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref X*1.1e23+(1-X)*1.48e23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 419

eff_tunnel_length X*7+(1-X)*3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV X*-6.08+(1-X)*-8.33
kpmat_APRIME X*-4+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-1.8+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_C11 X*8.33+(1-X)*11.9
kpmat_C12 X*4.53+(1-X)*5.38
kpmat_CPRIME X*-0.01+(1-X)*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.085+(1-X)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT X*12.25+(1-X)*10.89
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*14.6+(1-X)*13.18
kpmat_G6C_G8V EgG_BOWING
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-5.94e-04+(1-X)*-5.30e-04
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*535+(1-X)*204
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*4.39+(1-X)*4.417
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*-4.00e-04+(1-X)*-4.00e-04
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*250+(1-X)*240
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*0.24+(1-X)*0.16
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.371+(1-X)*0.34

420 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*3.00e-05+(1-X)*0.00e+00
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*20.4+(1-X)*6.85
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*8.3+(1-X)*2.1
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*9.1+(1-X)*2.9
kpmat_LANDE X*-14.8+(1-X)*-0.44
kpmat_LATT X*6.0583+(1-X)*5.6533
kpmat_LATT_DT X*3.00e-05+(1-X)*3.36e-05
kpmat_MG6C X*0.0221+(1-X)*0.0634
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*-1.20e-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*-5.00e-09+(1-X)*0.00e+00
kpmat_MG6C_T X*-6e-11+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.4+(1-X)*0.55
kpmat_MLH X*0.026+(1-X)*0.08
kpmat_MOBN0 X*2.65+(1-X)*0.85
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*(-1.57)+(1-X)*(-2.1)
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.046+(1-X)*0.04
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*(-2.3)+(1-X)*(-2.2)
kpmat_MSO X*0.103+(1-X)*0.165
kpmat_MX6C X*0.32+(1-X)*0.85
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*2.28+(1-X)*1.911
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-3.50e-04+(1-X)*-4.60e-04
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*0+(1-X)*204
kpmat_dnr_dT X*22.88e-5+(1-X)*16.425e-5
regmat_Augn300 X*5.53e-43+(1-X)*1.00e-48
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 X*0.00e+00+(1-X)*2.00e-41
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.177+(1-X)*0.75
regmat_SRH_taun X*5.00e-07+(1-X)*5.00e-07
regmat_SRH_taup X*5.00e-07+(1-X)*5.00e-07
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1.00e+16+(1-X)*1.00e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 421

regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1.00e-13+(1-X)*1.00e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5.00e-14+(1-X)*5.00e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.036+(1-X)*0.036
regmat_hotqmax X*5.00e+08+(1-X)*5.00e+08
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*5.667+(1-X)*5.318
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.352+(1-X)*0.327
regmat_sponrecoef X*2.00e-16+(1-X)*2.00e-16
regmat_tauloph X*1.00e-12+(1-X)*1.00e-12
regmat_thermconduct 1/(X/0.27+(1-X)/0.44+X*(1-X)*78.8)
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*(-1.2)+(1-X)*(-1.25)

The default material parameters for InGaN are stored in InGaN.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*7.074+(1-X)*7.334
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0

422 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_eldopexp1 X*0.66+(1-X)*0.66
arora_eldopexp2 X*0.81+(1-X)*0.81
arora_elmudop X*0.0295+(1-X)*0.0295
arora_elmudopexp X*-1.02+(1-X)*-1.02
arora_elnref X*1e+23+(1-X)*1e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*3.02+(1-X)*3.02
arora_hldopexp1 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnref X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnrefexp X*0+(1-X)*0
bg_absorption X*0+(1-X)*0
eff_tunnel_length X*3+(1-X)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_elcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_hlcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+(1-X)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*221000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_elvsat X*191000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
hfmob_hlfield0 X*221000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_hlvsat X*191000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+(1-X)*40
ifrec_vp X*40+(1-X)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
ion_donoractiv X*0.17+(1-X)*0.17
kpmat_ACV X*-0.35+(1-X)*3
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-1.2+(1-X)*-2.2
kpmat_C11 X*18.7+(1-X)*29.3
kpmat_C12 X*12.5+(1-X)*15.9
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 423

kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+(1-X)*-0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT X*5.35+(1-X)*5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*8.9+(1-X)*8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*1.94+(1-X)*3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000245+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*624+(1-X)*600
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.006+(1-X)*0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*3.72+(1-X)*2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*1.26+(1-X)*0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*1.63+(1-X)*1.1
kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
kpmat_LATT X*4.98+(1-X)*4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT X*0.0000035+(1-X)*0.0000035
kpmat_MG6C X*0.12+(1-X)*0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.84+(1-X)*0.8
kpmat_MLH X*0.16+(1-X)*0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.1461+(1-X)*0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.0015+(1-X)*0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MSO X*0.3+(1-X)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C X*0.48+(1-X)*0.5
kpmat_P2 X*25+(1-X)*25
kpmat_PP2 X*-0.92+(1-X)*-0.92

424 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*2.51+(1-X)*4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000245+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*624+(1-X)*600
kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0000575+(1-X)*0.0000575
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 X*1e-46+(1-X)*1e-46
regmat_AugnEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_SRH_taup X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1e+16+(1-X)*1e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hnuloph X*0.091+(1-X)*0.091
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+(1-X)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*6.15+(1-X)*6.15
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.49+(1-X)*0.49
regmat_sponrecoef X*1.1e-14+(1-X)*1.1e-14

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 425

regmat_tauloph X*1e-12+(1-X)*1e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-0.28+(1-X)*-0.28
wz_A1 X*-6.56+(1-X)*-6.56
wz_A2 X*-0.91+(1-X)*-0.91
wz_A3 X*5.65+(1-X)*5.65
wz_A4 X*-2.83+(1-X)*-2.83
wz_A5 X*-3.13+(1-X)*-3.13
wz_A6 X*-4.86+(1-X)*-4.86
wz_C13 X*10.6+(1-X)*10.6
wz_C33 X*39.8+(1-X)*39.8
wz_D1 X*-3+(1-X)*-3
wz_D2 X*3.6+(1-X)*3.6
wz_D3 X*8.82+(1-X)*8.82
wz_D4 X*-4.41+(1-X)*-4.41
wz_Eg X*3.42+(1-X)*3.42
wz_Eg_A X*-0.000909+(1-X)*-0.000909
wz_Eg_B X*830+(1-X)*830
wz_P1 X*14+(1-X)*14
wz_P2 X*14+(1-X)*14
wz_Psp X*-0.029+(1-X)*-0.029
wz_defc_a X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_defc_c X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_e13 X*-0.35+(1-X)*-0.35
wz_e33 X*1.27+(1-X)*1.27
wz_latt_a X*3.189+(1-X)*3.189
wz_latt_c X*5.185+(1-X)*5.185
wz_mel_a X*0.2+(1-X)*0.2
wz_mel_c X*0.2+(1-X)*0.2
wz_split_cr X*0.019+(1-X)*0.019
wz_split_so X*0.014+(1-X)*0.014

InGaN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for InGaN Wurtzite are stored in InGaN_wz.mat.

426 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*6.243+(1-X)*7.31
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xC
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*0.68+(1-X)*0.66
arora_eldopexp2 X*-0.94+(1-X)*0.81
arora_elmudop X*0.0774+(1-X)*0.0295
arora_elmudopexp X*-6.39+(1-X)*-1.02
arora_elnref X*1e+23+(1-X)*1e+23
arora_elnrefexp X*8.05+(1-X)*3.02
arora_hldopexp1 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hldopexp2 X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudop X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlmudopexp X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnref X*0+(1-X)*0
arora_hlnrefexp X*0+(1-X)*0
bg_absorption X*0+(1-X)*0
eff_tunnel_length X*3+(1-X)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_elcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
fca_hlcoef X*0+(1-X)*0
haensch_tunnel_length X*1+(1-X)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*52000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_elvsat X*136000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_elvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
hfmob_hlfield0 X*52000+(1-X)*221000
hfmob_hlvsat X*136000+(1-X)*191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*0+(1-X)*0
ifrec_vn X*40+(1-X)*40

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 427

ifrec_vp X*40+(1-X)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*0.17+(1-X)*0.17
ion_donoractiv X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
kpmat_ACV X*3+(1-X)*3
kpmat_APRIME X*-1.7+(1-X)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*-2.2+(1-X)*-2.2
kpmat_C11 X*22.3+(1-X)*39
kpmat_C12 X*11.5+(1-X)*14.5
kpmat_CPRIME X*0.02+(1-X)*0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*-0.15+(1-X)*-0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT X*8.4+(1-X)*5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*15.3+(1-X)*8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V X*3.299+(1-X)*3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*10+(1-X)*10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*0.017+(1-X)*0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*2.67+(1-X)*2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*0.75+(1-X)*0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*1.1+(1-X)*1.1
kpmat_LANDE X*1.3+(1-X)*1.3
kpmat_LATT X*4.5+(1-X)*4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT X*0.0000035+(1-X)*0.0000035
kpmat_MG6C X*0.12+(1-X)*0.15
kpmat_MG6C_L X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MHH X*0.5+(1-X)*0.8

428 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_MLH X*0.17+(1-X)*0.18
kpmat_MOBN0 X*0.3138+(1-X)*0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MOBP0 X*0.0015+(1-X)*0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_MSO X*0.29+(1-X)*0.29
kpmat_MX6C X*0+(1-X)*0
kpmat_P2 X*25+(1-X)*25
kpmat_PP2 X*-0.92+(1-X)*-0.92
kpmat_QQ X*6.26+(1-X)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*4.52+(1-X)*4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*-0.000593+(1-X)*-0.000593
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*600+(1-X)*600
kpmat_dnr_dT X*0.0000575+(1-X)*0.0000575
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 X*1e-46+(1-X)*1e-46
regmat_AugnEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_AugpEact X*0+(1-X)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 X*0.5*Eg+(1-X)*0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_SRH_taup X*0.000000001+(1-X)*0.000000001
regmat_coul_enh1 X*1.32+(1-X)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*1e+16+(1-X)*1e+16
regmat_delta_e X*0.001+(1-X)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl X*0.0516+(1-X)*0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elelscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphcaptime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_elphscttime X*1e-13+(1-X)*1e-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlhlscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphcaptime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14
regmat_hlphscttime X*5e-14+(1-X)*5e-14

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 429

regmat_hnuloph X*0.073+(1-X)*0.091
regmat_hotqmax X*500000000+(1-X)*500000000
regmat_krelaxener X*0.026+(1-X)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*0.1+(1-X)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*6.81+(1-X)*6.15
regmat_qw_rich X*1+(1-X)*1
regmat_scatener X*0.01+(1-X)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*0.32+(1-X)*0.49
regmat_sponrecoef X*1.1e-14+(1-X)*1.1e-14
regmat_tauloph X*1e-12+(1-X)*1e-12
regmat_thermconduct X*0.45+(1-X)*1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*-0.28+(1-X)*-0.28
wz_A1 X*-9.28+(1-X)*-6.56
wz_A2 X*-0.6+(1-X)*-0.91
wz_A3 X*8.68+(1-X)*5.65
wz_A4 X*-4.34+(1-X)*-2.83
wz_A5 X*-4.32+(1-X)*-3.13
wz_A6 X*-6.08+(1-X)*-4.86
wz_C13 X*9.2+(1-X)*10.6
wz_C33 X*22.4+(1-X)*39.8
wz_D1 X*-3+(1-X)*-3
wz_D2 X*3.6+(1-X)*3.6
wz_D3 X*8.82+(1-X)*8.82
wz_D4 X*-4.41+(1-X)*-4.41
wz_Eg X*1.89+(1-X)*3.42-X*(1-X)*3.8
wz_Eg_A X*-0.000245+(1-X)*-0.000909
wz_Eg_B X*642+(1-X)*830
wz_P1 X*14.6+(1-X)*14
wz_P2 X*14.6+(1-X)*14
wz_Psp X*-0.032+(1-X)*-0.029
wz_defc_a X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_defc_c X*-4.08+(1-X)*-4.08
wz_e13 X*-0.57+(1-X)*-0.35
wz_e33 X*0.97+(1-X)*1.27
wz_latt_a X*3.548+(1-X)*3.189
wz_latt_c X*5.703+(1-X)*5.185

430 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

wz_mel_a X*0.12+(1-X)*0.2
wz_mel_c X*0.12+(1-X)*0.2
wz_split_cr X*0.041+(1-X)*0.019
wz_split_so X*0.001+(1-X)*0.014

The default material parameters for InGaNAs are stored in InGaNAs.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_BOW -69*(StrainXY-StrainX0)
Eg_REF 1.424
HLAFF_LINEAR X*Y*7.074+X*(1-Y)*5.224+(1-X)*Y*7.334+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.494
HLAFF_REF X*Y*5.494+X*(1-Y)*5.494+(1-X)*Y*5.494+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.494
Interpolation_Scheme AxB1_xCyD1_y
Mc_BOW -18.1667/10*(StrainXY-StrainX0)
StrainX0 5.6533/(X*6.0583+(1-X)*5.6533)-1
StrainXY 5.6533/kpmat_LATT-1
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 X*Y*0.66+X*(1-Y)*0.32+(1-X)*Y*0.66+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.394
arora_eldopexp2 X*Y*0.81+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0.81+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
arora_elmudop X*Y*0.0295+X*(1-Y)*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.0295+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.05
arora_elmudopexp X*Y*-1.02+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*-1.02+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
arora_elnref X*Y*1e+23+X*(1-Y)*1.10e+24+(1-X)*Y*1e+23+(1-X)*(1-
arora_elnrefexp X*Y*3.02+X*(1-Y)*-3+(1-X)*Y*3.02+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-3
arora_hldopexp1 X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0.46+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.38
arora_hldopexp2 X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
arora_hlmudop X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0.002+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.002
arora_hlmudopexp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
arora_hlnref X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*1.10e+23+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.48e+23
arora_hlnrefexp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-3+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-3
bg_absorption X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 431

eff_tunnel_length X*Y*3+X*(1-Y)*7+(1-X)*Y*3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*3
eff_tunnel_priority X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
fca_elcoef X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*2.00e-18+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.00e-18
fca_hlcoef X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*1.30e-17+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.30e-17
haensch_tunnel_length X*Y*1+X*(1-Y)*1+(1-X)*Y*1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1
hfmob_elfield0 X*Y*221000+X*(1-Y)*400000+(1-X)*Y*221000+(1-X)*(1-
hfmob_elvsat X*Y*191000+X*(1-Y)*72000+(1-X)*Y*191000+(1-X)*(1-
hfmob_elvsattemp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0.44+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 X*Y*221000+X*(1-Y)*400000+(1-X)*Y*221000+(1-X)*(1-
hfmob_hlvsat X*Y*191000+X*(1-Y)*90000+(1-X)*Y*191000+(1-X)*(1-
hfmob_hlvsattemp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0.59+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
ifrec_vn X*Y*40+X*(1-Y)*40+(1-X)*Y*40+(1-X)*(1-Y)*40
ifrec_vp X*Y*40+X*(1-Y)*40+(1-X)*Y*40+(1-X)*(1-Y)*40
ion_acceptoractiv X*Y*0.02+X*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.02+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.03
ion_donoractiv X*Y*0.17+X*(1-Y)*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.17+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.006
kpmat_ACV X*Y*-0.35+X*(1-Y)*-6.08+(1-X)*Y*3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-8.33
kpmat_APRIME X*Y*-1.7+X*(1-Y)*-4+(1-X)*Y*-1.7+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-1.7
kpmat_AXDEF X*Y*-1.2+X*(1-Y)*-1.8+(1-X)*Y*-2.2+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-2
kpmat_C11 X*Y*18.7+X*(1-Y)*8.33+(1-X)*Y*29.3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*11.9
kpmat_C12 X*Y*12.5+X*(1-Y)*4.53+(1-X)*Y*15.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.38
kpmat_CPRIME X*Y*0.02+X*(1-Y)*-0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.02+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS X*Y*-0.15+X*(1-Y)*-0.085+(1-X)*Y*-0.15+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT X*Y*5.35+X*(1-Y)*12.25+(1-X)*Y*5.35+(1-X)*(1-Y)*10.89
kpmat_DIELSTAT X*Y*8.9+X*(1-Y)*14.6+(1-X)*Y*8.9+(1-X)*(1-Y)*13.18
kpmat_G6C_G8V 0.324+0.7*(1.0-X)+0.4*(1.0-X)^2+Eg_BOW
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A X*Y*-0.000245+X*(1-Y)*-0.000594+(1-X)*Y*-0.000593+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B X*Y*624+X*(1-Y)*535+(1-X)*Y*600+(1-X)*(1-Y)*204
kpmat_G7C_G8V X*Y*10+X*(1-Y)*4.39+(1-X)*Y*10+(1-X)*(1-Y)*4.417
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-0.0004+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.0004
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*250+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*240
kpmat_G8C_G7C X*Y*10+X*(1-Y)*0.24+(1-X)*Y*10+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.16

432 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G8C_G7C_A X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V X*Y*0.006+X*(1-Y)*0.371+(1-X)*Y*0.017+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.34
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*3.00e-05+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_GAMMA1 X*Y*3.72+X*(1-Y)*20.4+(1-X)*Y*2.67+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.85
kpmat_GAMMA2 X*Y*1.26+X*(1-Y)*8.3+(1-X)*Y*0.75+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.1
kpmat_GAMMA3 X*Y*1.63+X*(1-Y)*9.1+(1-X)*Y*1.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.9
kpmat_LANDE X*Y*1.3+X*(1-Y)*-14.8+(1-X)*Y*1.3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-0.44
kpmat_LATT X*Y*4.98+X*(1-Y)*6.0583+(1-X)*Y*4.5+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.6533
kpmat_LATT_DT X*Y*0.0000035+X*(1-Y)*3.00e-05+(1-X)*Y*0.0000035+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_MG6C X*0.0221+(1-X)*0.0634+Mc_BOW
kpmat_MG6C_L X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-1.20e-05
kpmat_MG6C_Q X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-5.00e-09+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_MG6C_T X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-6.00e-11+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
kpmat_MHH X*Y*0.84+X*(1-Y)*0.4+(1-X)*Y*0.8+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.55
kpmat_MLH X*Y*0.16+X*(1-Y)*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.18+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.08
kpmat_MOBN0 X*Y*0.1461+X*(1-Y)*2.65+(1-X)*Y*0.1461+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.85
kpmat_MOBN0_exp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-1.57+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-2.1
kpmat_MOBP0 X*Y*0.0015+X*(1-Y)*0.046+(1-X)*Y*0.0015+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.04
kpmat_MOBP0_exp X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*-2.3+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-2.2
kpmat_MSO X*Y*0.3+X*(1-Y)*0.103+(1-X)*Y*0.29+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.165
kpmat_MX6C X*Y*0.48+X*(1-Y)*0.32+(1-X)*Y*0.5+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.85
kpmat_P2 X*Y*25+X*(1-Y)*21.5+(1-X)*Y*25+(1-X)*(1-Y)*28.8
kpmat_PP2 X*Y*-0.92+X*(1-Y)*-2.9+(1-X)*Y*-0.92+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-1.94
kpmat_QQ X*Y*6.26+X*(1-Y)*6.26+(1-X)*Y*6.26+(1-X)*(1-Y)*6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V X*Y*2.51+X*(1-Y)*2.28+(1-X)*Y*4.52+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.911
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A X*Y*-0.000245+X*(1-Y)*-0.000276+(1-X)*Y*-0.000593+(1-X)*(1-
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B X*Y*624+X*(1-Y)*93+(1-X)*Y*600+(1-X)*(1-Y)*204
kpmat_dnr_dT X*Y*0.0000575+X*(1-Y)*0.0002288+(1-X)*Y*0.0000575+(1-
kpmat_interpolP 1
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 X*Y*1e-46+X*(1-Y)*5.53e-43+(1-X)*Y*1e-46+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 433

regmat_AugnEact X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
regmat_Augp600 X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*2.00e-41
regmat_AugpEact X*Y*0+X*(1-Y)*0+(1-X)*Y*0+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun X*Y*0.000000001+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*0.000000001+(1-
regmat_SRH_taup X*Y*0.000000001+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-07+(1-X)*Y*0.000000001+(1-
regmat_coul_enh1 X*Y*1.32+X*(1-Y)*1.32+(1-X)*Y*1.32+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 X*Y*1e+16+X*(1-Y)*1.00e+16+(1-X)*Y*1e+16+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_delta_e X*Y*0.001+X*(1-Y)*0.001+(1-X)*Y*0.001+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.001
regmat_e3dav_el X*Y*0.0516+X*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_e3dav_hl X*Y*0.0516+X*(1-Y)*0.0516+(1-X)*Y*0.0516+(1-X)*(1-
regmat_elelcaptime X*Y*1e-13+X*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-
regmat_elelscttime X*Y*1e-13+X*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-
regmat_elphcaptime X*Y*1e-13+X*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-
regmat_elphscttime X*Y*1e-13+X*(1-Y)*1.00e-13+(1-X)*Y*1e-13+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-
regmat_hlhlcaptime X*Y*5e-14+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-
regmat_hlhlscttime X*Y*5e-14+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-
regmat_hlphcaptime X*Y*5e-14+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-
regmat_hlphscttime X*Y*5e-14+X*(1-Y)*5.00e-14+(1-X)*Y*5e-14+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.00e-
regmat_hnuloph X*Y*0.091+X*(1-Y)*0.03+(1-X)*Y*0.091+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.035
regmat_hotqmax X*Y*500000000+X*(1-Y)*500000000+(1-X)*Y*500000000+(1-
regmat_krelaxener X*Y*0.026+X*(1-Y)*0.026+(1-X)*Y*0.026+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.026
regmat_lo_frac X*Y*0.1+X*(1-Y)*0.1+(1-X)*Y*0.1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.1
regmat_material_density X*Y*6.15+X*(1-Y)*5.667+(1-X)*Y*6.15+(1-X)*(1-Y)*5.318
regmat_qw_rich X*Y*1+X*(1-Y)*1+(1-X)*Y*1+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1
regmat_scatener X*Y*0.01+X*(1-Y)*0.01+(1-X)*Y*0.01+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.01
regmat_specific_heat X*Y*0.49+X*(1-Y)*0.352+(1-X)*Y*0.49+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.327
regmat_sponrecoef X*Y*1.1e-14+X*(1-Y)*2.00e-16+(1-X)*Y*1.1e-14+(1-X)*(1-

434 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_tauloph X*Y*1e-12+X*(1-Y)*1.00e-12+(1-X)*Y*1e-12+(1-X)*(1-Y)*1.00e-
regmat_thermconduct X*Y*1.3+X*(1-Y)*0.27+(1-X)*Y*1.3+(1-X)*(1-Y)*0.44
regmat_thermconduct_exp X*Y*-0.28+X*(1-Y)*-1.2+(1-X)*Y*-0.28+(1-X)*(1-Y)*-1.25

The default material parameters for InN are stored in InN.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.66
arora_eldopexp2 0.81
arora_elmudop 0.0295
arora_elmudopexp -1.02
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.02
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 221000

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 435

hfmob_elvsat 191000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 221000
hfmob_hlvsat 191000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.02
ion_donoractiv 0.17
kpmat_ACV -0.35
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -1.2
kpmat_C11 18.7
kpmat_C12 12.5
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 5.35
kpmat_DIELSTAT 8.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V 1.94
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00025
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 624
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.006
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 3.72
kpmat_GAMMA2 1.26
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.63

436 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.98
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.50E-06
kpmat_MG6C 0.12
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.84
kpmat_MLH 0.16
kpmat_MOBN0 0.1461
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.3
kpmat_MX6C 0.48
kpmat_P2 25
kpmat_PP2 -0.92
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.51
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00025
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 624
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 0
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 437

regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.091
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 6.15
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.49
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.3
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.28
wz_A1 -6.56
wz_A2 -0.91
wz_A3 5.65
wz_A4 -2.83
wz_A5 -3.13
wz_A6 -4.86
wz_C13 10.6
wz_C33 39.8
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 8.82
wz_D4 -4.41
wz_Eg 3.42
wz_Eg_A -0.00091
wz_Eg_B 830
wz_P1 14

438 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

wz_P2 14
wz_Psp -0.029
wz_defc_a -4.08
wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.35
wz_e33 1.27
wz_latt_a 3.189
wz_latt_c 5.185
wz_mel_a 0.2
wz_mel_c 0.2
wz_split_cr 0.019
wz_split_so 0.014

InN (Wurtzite)
The default material parameters for InN Wurtzite are stored in InN_wz.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.3
Eg wz_Eg
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.68
arora_eldopexp2 -0.94
arora_elmudop 0.0774
arora_elmudopexp -6.39
arora_elnref 1.00E+23
arora_elnrefexp 8.05
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0
arora_hlmudopexp 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 439

arora_hlnref 0
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 0
fca_hlcoef 0
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 52000
hfmob_elvsat 136000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0
hfmob_hlfield0 52000
hfmob_hlvsat 136000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.17
ion_donoractiv 0.02
kpmat_ACV 3
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.2
kpmat_C11 22.3
kpmat_C12 11.5
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 8.4
kpmat_DIELSTAT 15.3
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.299
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_G7C_G8V 10
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10

440 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.017
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 2.67
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.75
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.1
kpmat_LANDE 1.3
kpmat_LATT 4.5
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.50E-06
kpmat_MG6C 0.12
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.5
kpmat_MLH 0.17
kpmat_MOBN0 0.3138
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.0015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.29
kpmat_MX6C 0
kpmat_P2 25
kpmat_PP2 -0.92
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 4.52
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00059
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 600
kpmat_dnr_dT 5.75E-05
kpmat_interpolP 0
kpmat_wurtzite 1
regmat_Augn300 1.00E-46
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 441

regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 1.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 1.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.073
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 6.81
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.32
regmat_sponrecoef 1.10E-14
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.45
regmat_thermconduct_exp -0.28
wz_A1 -9.28
wz_A2 -0.6
wz_A3 8.68
wz_A4 -4.34
wz_A5 -4.32
wz_A6 -6.08
wz_C13 9.2

442 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

wz_C33 22.4
wz_D1 -3
wz_D2 3.6
wz_D3 8.82
wz_D4 -4.41
wz_Eg 1.89
wz_Eg_A -0.00025
wz_Eg_B 642
wz_P1 14.6
wz_P2 14.6
wz_Psp -0.032
wz_defc_a -4.08
wz_defc_c -4.08
wz_e13 -0.57
wz_e33 0.97
wz_latt_a 3.548
wz_latt_c 5.703
wz_mel_a 0.12
wz_mel_c 0.12
wz_split_cr 0.041
wz_split_so 0.001

The default material parameters for InP are stored in InP.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.6
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.42

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 443

arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.04
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 3E+23
arora_elnrefexp -3.25
arora_hldopexp1 0.62
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.001
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 4.87E+23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 7
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -6.31
kpmat_APRIME -2
kpmat_AXDEF -1.7
kpmat_C11 10.11
kpmat_C12 5.61
kpmat_CPRIME -0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085

444 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_DIELOPT 9.66
kpmat_DIELSTAT 12.5
kpmat_G6C_G8V 1.344
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.000446
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 204
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.64
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A 0
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.07
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.108
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 4.95
kpmat_GAMMA2 1.65
kpmat_GAMMA3 2.35
kpmat_LANDE 1.48
kpmat_LATT 5.869
kpmat_LATT_DT 0.0000296
kpmat_MG6C 0.075
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q -0.00000008
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.58
kpmat_MLH 0.12
kpmat_MOBN0 0.54
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2
kpmat_MOBP0 0.015
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2
kpmat_MSO 0.21
kpmat_MX6C 0.32
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.44
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00035

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 445

kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 0
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00009207
regmat_Augn300 5.53E-43
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 0
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.65
regmat_SRH_taun 0.000000002
regmat_SRH_taup 0.000003
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.036
regmat_hotqmax 500000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 4.81
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.311
regmat_sponrecoef 1.2E-16
regmat_tauloph 1E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.68
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.5

446 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

The default material parameters for InSb are stored in InSb.mat.

Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.32
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 0.1
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 1.10E+24
arora_elnrefexp -3
arora_hldopexp1 0.46
arora_hldopexp2 0
arora_hlmudop 0.002
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1.10E+23
arora_hlnrefexp -3
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2.00E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.30E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 447

ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.01
ion_donoractiv 0.0007
kpmat_ACV -7.3
kpmat_APRIME 2*kpmat_PP
kpmat_AXDEF -2
kpmat_C11 6.847
kpmat_C12 3.735
kpmat_CPRIME -0.017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.085
kpmat_DIELOPT 16
kpmat_DIELSTAT 17.7
kpmat_G6C_G8V 0.1737
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00032
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 170
kpmat_G7C_G8V 3.141
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.00032
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 170
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.392
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.81
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 34.8
kpmat_GAMMA2 15.5
kpmat_GAMMA3 16.5
kpmat_LANDE -0.44
kpmat_LATT 6.4794
kpmat_LATT_DT 3.48E-05
kpmat_MG6C 0.0135
kpmat_MG6C_L -1.20E-05

448 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.43
kpmat_MLH 0.015
kpmat_MOBN0 7
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -1.66
kpmat_MOBP0 0.085
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -1.95
kpmat_MSO 0.19
kpmat_MX6C 0.25
kpmat_P2 23.3
kpmat_PP2 -0.23
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 0.63
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00032
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 170
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.00048
kpmat_interpolP 1
regmat_Augn300 5.00E-38
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 5.00E-38
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
regmat_SRH_taun 5.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 5.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 449

regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.025
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 5.775
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.209
regmat_sponrecoef 5.00E-17
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.17
regmat_thermconduct_exp 0

The default material parameters for Oxide are stored in Oxide.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.33
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme Oxide
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0
arora_eldopexp2 0
arora_elmudop 1E-10
arora_elmudopexp 0
arora_elnref 1
arora_elnrefexp 0
arora_hldopexp1 0
arora_hldopexp2 0

450 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

arora_hlmudop 1E-10
arora_hlmudopexp 0
arora_hlnref 1
arora_hlnrefexp 0
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 2E-18
fca_hlcoef 1.3E-17
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 72000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.44
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 90000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.59
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 1
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.005
ion_donoractiv 0.005
kpmat_ACV -8.03
kpmat_APRIME -0.017
kpmat_AXDEF -1.703
kpmat_C11 12.0188
kpmat_C12 5.6968
kpmat_CPRIME -0.00017
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.14935
kpmat_DIELOPT 1
kpmat_DIELSTAT 10.0912
kpmat_G6C_G8V 2.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.0006
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 190.117
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.59817
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.0006

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 451

kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 204.21
kpmat_G8C_G7C 0.1501
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.279897
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 3.77753
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.90523
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.42747
kpmat_LANDE 1.29566
kpmat_LATT 5.66023
kpmat_LATT_DT 0.0000292
kpmat_MG6C 0.148449
kpmat_MG6C_L -0.00000012
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.8074
kpmat_MLH 0.1592
kpmat_MOBN0 0.000003
kpmat_MOBN0_exp 0
kpmat_MOBP0 0.000001
kpmat_MOBP0_exp 0
kpmat_MSO 0.29865
kpmat_MX6C 0.7114
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 2.5
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00087
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 979.673
kpmat_dnr_dT 0
regmat_Augn300 1E-49
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 2E-42
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.966

452 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_SRH_taun 0.000000545
regmat_SRH_taup 0.000000545
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.00109
regmat_e3dav_el 0.056244
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.056244
regmat_elelcaptime 1.09E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.09E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.09E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.09E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.45E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.45E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.45E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.45E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.03924
regmat_hotqmax 545000000
regmat_krelaxener 0.02834
regmat_lo_frac 0.109
regmat_material_density 5.318
regmat_qw_rich 1.09
regmat_scatener 0.0109
regmat_specific_heat 0.01
regmat_sponrecoef 2.18E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.09E-12
regmat_thermconduct 0.01
regmat_thermconduct_exp 1

The default material parameters for Polysilicon are stored in Polysilicon.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.5
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 453

Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.72
arora_eldopexp2 0.065
arora_elmudop 0.008
arora_elmudopexp -0.45
arora_elnref 1.12E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.2
arora_hldopexp1 0.72
arora_hldopexp2 0.065
arora_hlmudop 0.0045
arora_hlmudopexp -0.45
arora_hlnref 2.23E+23
arora_hlnrefexp 3.2
bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 8.50E-18
fca_hlcoef 6.00E-18
Fcn_elcoef -8.80E-22
fcn_hlcoef -8.50E-18
fcn_hlexp 0.8
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 103000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.74
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 72000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.37
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40

454 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

ion_acceptoractiv 0.045
ion_donoractiv 0.054
kpmat_ACV 1.72
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.1
kpmat_C11 16.577
kpmat_C12 6.393
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 3.5*3.5
kpmat_DIELSTAT 11.7
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.4
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00039
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 125
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.2
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.00039
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 125
kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.044
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 4.285
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.339
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.446
kpmat_LANDE 1.999
kpmat_LATT 5.431
kpmat_LATT_DT 1.41E-05
kpmat_MG6C 1.18
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.49
kpmat_MLH 0.16

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 455

kpmat_MOBN0 0.143
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2
kpmat_MOBP0 0.046
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.18
kpmat_MSO 0.23
kpmat_MX6C 1.18
kpmat_P2 0
kpmat_PP2 0
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 1.12
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00047
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 636
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.000132
kpmat_interpolP 0
regmat_Augn300 1.10E-42
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 3.00E-43
regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.9
regmat_SRH_taun 7.00E-09
regmat_SRH_taup 3.00E-09
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.05093
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08

456 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 2.329
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.703
regmat_sponrecoef 2.00E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.31
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03

The default material parameters for Silicon are stored in Si.mat.

DEv_DEg_REF 0.5
Eg min(kpmat_G6C_G8V,kpmat_X6C_G8V)
Eg_REF 1.424
Interpolation_Scheme AB
X 0
Y 0
arora_eldopexp1 0.72
arora_eldopexp2 0.065
arora_elmudop 0.008
arora_elmudopexp -0.45
arora_elnref 1.12E+23
arora_elnrefexp 3.2
arora_hldopexp1 0.72
arora_hldopexp2 0.065
arora_hlmudop 0.0045
arora_hlmudopexp -0.45
arora_hlnref 2.23E+23
arora_hlnrefexp 3.2

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 457

bg_absorption 0
eff_tunnel_length 3
eff_tunnel_priority 0
fca_elcoef 8.50E-18
fca_hlcoef 6.00E-18
Fcn_elcoef -8.80E-22
fcn_hlcoef -8.50E-18
fcn_hlexp 0.8
haensch_tunnel_length 1
hfmob_elfield0 400000
hfmob_elvsat 103000
hfmob_elvsattemp 0.74
hfmob_hlfield0 400000
hfmob_hlvsat 72000
hfmob_hlvsattemp 0.37
ifrec_Et-Ev300 0.5*Eg
ifrec_priority 0
ifrec_vn 40
ifrec_vp 40
ion_acceptoractiv 0.045
ion_donoractiv 0.054
kpmat_ACV 1.72
kpmat_APRIME -1.7
kpmat_AXDEF -2.1
kpmat_C11 16.577
kpmat_C12 6.393
kpmat_CPRIME 0.02
kpmat_DELTAMINUS -0.15
kpmat_DIELOPT 3.43*3.43
kpmat_DIELSTAT 11.9
kpmat_G6C_G8V 3.4
kpmat_G6C_G8V_A -0.00039
kpmat_G6C_G8V_B 125
kpmat_G7C_G8V 4.2
kpmat_G7C_G8V_A -0.00039
kpmat_G7C_G8V_B 125

458 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

kpmat_G8C_G7C 10
kpmat_G8C_G7C_A 0
kpmat_G8C_G7C_B 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V 0.044
kpmat_G8V_G7V_A 0
kpmat_G8V_G7V_B 0
kpmat_GAMMA1 4.285
kpmat_GAMMA2 0.339
kpmat_GAMMA3 1.446
kpmat_LANDE 1.999
kpmat_LATT 5.431
kpmat_LATT_DT 1.41E-05
kpmat_MG6C 1.18
kpmat_MG6C_L 0
kpmat_MG6C_Q 0
kpmat_MG6C_T 0
kpmat_MHH 0.49
kpmat_MLH 0.16
kpmat_MOBN0 0.143
kpmat_MOBN0_exp -2
kpmat_MOBP0 0.046
kpmat_MOBP0_exp -2.18
kpmat_MSO 0.23
kpmat_MX6C 1.18
kpmat_P2 0
kpmat_PP2 0
kpmat_QQ 6.26
kpmat_X6C_G8V 1.12
kpmat_X6C_G8V_A -0.00047
kpmat_X6C_G8V_B 636
kpmat_dnr_dT 0.000132
kpmat_interpolP 0
regmat_Augn300 1.10E-42
regmat_AugnEact 0
regmat_Augp600 3.00E-43

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 459

regmat_AugpEact 0
regmat_Et-Ev300 0.9
regmat_SRH_taun 7.00E-07
regmat_SRH_taup 3.00E-07
regmat_coul_enh1 1.32
regmat_coul_enh2 1.00E+16
regmat_delta_e 0.001
regmat_e3dav_el 0.0516
regmat_e3dav_hl 0.0516
regmat_elelcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elelscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphcaptime 1.00E-13
regmat_elphscttime 1.00E-13
regmat_hlhlcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlhlscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphcaptime 5.00E-14
regmat_hlphscttime 5.00E-14
regmat_hnuloph 0.05093
regmat_hotqmax 5E+08
regmat_krelaxener 0.026
regmat_lo_frac 0.1
regmat_material_density 2.329
regmat_qw_rich 1
regmat_scatener 0.01
regmat_specific_heat 0.703
regmat_sponrecoef 2.00E-16
regmat_tauloph 1.00E-12
regmat_thermconduct 1.31
regmat_thermconduct_exp -1.03

[1] O. Madelung, "Semiconductors – Basic Data", 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[2] J. Piprek: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (Academic Press 2003).
[3] S.L. Chuang, “Optical Gain of Strained Wurtzite GaN Quantum-Well Lasers,” IEEE JQE, Vol. 32, No. 10, OCT.
1996 p.1791.

460 • Appendix G: Material Library Data LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

[4] I. Vurgaftmana, J. R. Meyer, and L. R. Ram-Mohan, “Band parameters for III–V compound semiconductors and
their alloys,” JAP, Vol. 89, No. 11, 1 June 2001, pp. 5815-75.

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Appendix G: Material Library Data • 461

Arrange Icons 45
Aspect Ratio = 1:1 44, 147
Aspect Ratio = any 44

Index Barr/SCH: Set Material 82, 139
Beam Propagation Method 154
bias 1 98, 160
bias 2 98, 107, 160
bias 3 107
boldface Courier 4
Bulk Active 46
Bulk Insulator 46
Bulk Region 78, 134
Bulk Semiconductor 46
# Bulk Taper 46
# Long./Azym. Modes 169
# of X pts 88, 90, 91, 100, 150, 153, 163 C
# of Y pts 90, 100, 104, 150, 153, 163
Calculate Gain 46, 92, 113, 119, 155
# Points 93, 115
Calculate Mode 46, 91, 153, 154
# Tran./Radial Modes 169
Cancel 77, 133
# Transverse 169
Cascade 45
cauchy 127
1 Charge Carriers 101, 164, 174
clear run file 74, 123, 172, 295
15 244
Close 43, 45
150+Phase/360 230
Close All 43, 44, 45
composition 82, 139
2 Copy (Ctrl-C) 43
Copy Selection 45
2 244
Cs 111
2D Simulation 133
Current 107
Current[0] 105, 108, 173
3 Cut (Ctrl-X) 43
300+Phase/360 218 Cut Selection 45

5 D

5e+17 218 Data vs Bias 105, 172, 173

DBR for Index Only 58
DBR Stack 46
A Delete (Delete) 43
About LaserMOD 45 Display Color 49
Accept 98, 107, 160 Dlg. Help 49
Acceptors 52, 81, 140, 141 Donors 52, 83, 138
Add Rectangle 78, 134 Duplicate 43
Add to Plot 74 Duplicate Bias 98, 107, 160
Advanced 98, 107, 160 Duplicate Selection 45
AlGaAs 81, 82, 83, 138, 139, 140, 141
All 74, 164, 295 E
Alloy X 82, 139
Alloy X composition 52, 81, 82, 83, 88, 138, 139, 140, Edit Bias Table 43, 46, 98, 107, 123, 160
141, 150 Edit Global Settings 46
Alloy Y composition 52, 81, 138 Edit Material File 43, 46

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Index • 463

Edit Symbol Table 46 Last 44
Edit Symbols 43, 79, 136, 161 LatticeTemperature 130
EgG_BOWING 122 Launch Data Browser 44, 45
EgG_LINEAR 122 Launch Sim Window 44
Electrode 46 Light vs Current 123, 173
Electrode Number 137, 142 Look-Up Table Gain Model 26, 113, 119, 123
Electrode Region 78, 134
Element # 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, M
142, 143
Element Height 49, 81, 83, 138, 140, 141, 143 Material System 52, 81, 83, 138, 140, 141, 143
Element Width 49, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 137, 138, 139, Materials Data 106
140, 141, 142, 143 Max. Density 69, 93, 113, 115, 295
Enable Parasitic Effects 111 Max. Spacing-X 50
Energy Bands 101, 164 Max. Spacing-Y 50
Enter 7 Max. Temperature 155
Exit 43 Max. X Spacing 170
Min. Density 92, 93, 113, 115, 155
Min. Spacing - Bottom 87, 149, 150
Min. Spacing - left 149, 171
Far Field 101, 164, 174 Min. Spacing - Right 149
Far Field Resolution 101, 164, 174 Min. Spacing - Top 87, 150
fca_elcoef 124 Min. Spacing-Bottom 50
fca_hlcoef 124 Min. Spacing-Left, Min. Spacing-Right 50
File 86, 147 Min. Spacing-Top 50
Frequency Response 110 Mode Calculation 44
Full 44, 85, 145 ModePower[0,0] 173
ModePower[1,0] 173
G Mtrl. Files 49
Mtrl. Help 49
Gain Calculation 44
Generate Grid 87, 148
Generate Mesh 44, 46
Generate Plot 44, 47, 100, 104, 105, 106, 110, 123, 163, Net Doping 90, 150
172, 173, 174 New 43
Generate Profile 44, 46, 88, 90, 150 New Circuit 45
Global Settings 44 New Structure 77, 133
New Symbol 79, 136
H None 127

HALT 107
Help 49, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62
OK 7, 77, 133
I Online Help 45
Open 43
Import 43 Open Circuit 45
In 44 Operation 72
Index Profile 90, 150 Optical Grating 46
InGaAs 82, 139 Out 44
Oxide 143
K Oxide Region 135

kpmat_G6C_G8V 122
L Parasitics 44, 111
Paste (Ctrl-V) 43
LaserFrequency 105 Paste Clipboard Contents 45

464 • Index LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

Perform Parameter Scan 47 Spacing-Left 149
Phys. Data 49, 51, 54, 127 Spacing-Right 149
Plot Data for Bias # 100, 130, 164, 174 Spatial Data 130
Predef Symbol 55 START 41
Print 43 Sweep over Temperature 155
Printer Setup 43 Symbols 49

Quantum Well 46 Tile 44
Quantum Well Data 106 Tile Regions 44, 46, 85, 145
Quantum-Well Region 78, 134 Time 108
Qwell: Phys. Data 120 Time Dependent 107
Qwell: Set Material 82, 139 tmp 87, 148
Trap dens 52
Recalculate KP 69, 123, 161, 295
Recalculate Mode 123, 153, 161, 172, 294 Undo (Ctrl-Z) 43
Redraw 44, 85 Undo Last Change 45
Redraw Circuit 45 Uniform 50, 170, 172
reg_regtype 49 Uniform Mesh 73
Region(s) 164 Use Default 50
regmat_Augn300 125 Use Defaults 62, 87, 149, 150
regmat_Augp600 125 Utility 111
regmat_krelaxener 120
regmat_SRH_taun 125 V
regmat_SRH_taup 125
Reports 106 View 7, 44, 45, 85, 87, 88, 93, 114, 145, 147, 148, 155
Rs 111 View Bias 74
RUN 107 View Contours 165, 169, 171, 174
Run Log 106 View Editor 104, 173
Run Prefix 119 View Full 45
Run Simulation 6 View Graphs 151
View Plot 104, 173
Save 43, 86, 100, 147, 163
Save As 43, 86, 147 Waveguide Loss 124
Save Circuit 45 Well Thickness 82, 139
Save Structure 86, 147 Width 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
Scan Variable 44 Window 173
SCH Thickness 82, 139
Select All 43 X
Select Mode 46, 47, 135
Self-Heating 129 X Axis Parameter 105, 173
Set Custom 105, 130, 173 X Ref 49, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,
Set Grid 73, 74, 100, 104, 130, 163, 295 142
Set Material 49, 51, 81, 83, 138, 140, 141, 143 Xcenter 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
Show 3D Contour Plot option 88
Show Index Change 93, 115, 155 Y
Show L-I-V 7
Show Material PL 93, 114, 155 Y Axis Parameter 105, 173
Show Peak Gain 93, 115, 155 Y Ref 49, 80, 137
Show Structure 133
Simulate Laser 44, 46, 99, 108, 123, 161

LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide Index • 465

Zoom Mode 46, 48

466 • Index LaserMOD 3.0 User Guide

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