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A Report on Study of HR Systems In


: Submitted to:
Submitted by:

Mr. Dinesh Dhir





Human Resource Management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the techniques of managing a workforce. The theoretical discipline is based on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as bonded labour or can be purchased at price. The field takes a positive view of employees and study of practices followed by organization to manage this intellectual capital to their maximum satisfaction, so that they can work to best of their ability. So, as a MBA student I must know the practical implication of concepts of Human Resource Management, GLA has given me this golden opportunity to meet this end, by means of this Project work. Project work consists of visit to the company and collecting the information about the practices being followed there, as an HR student my aim was to get a deep insight into HR functioning and to know about the vital role that HR department plays in functioning of other departments. I have done my Project from Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd., Rudrapur, as a requirement for the degree of MBA. I hope to provide relevant information about the various HR functions of the Organisation in a nutshell by means of this report. It had been a constant endeavor to remain informative and to the point.



Perfetti Van Melle is a privately owned company, producing and distributing candies and chewing gums in more than 130 countries worldwide. The company was established in March 2001.through the merger of Perfetti S.P.A and Van Melle NV. In July 2006, the group acquired the Spanish company Chupa chups, thus strengthening its position as the third largest confectionery (sugar confectionery + gums) group in the world, and becoming the first player in the global sugar confectionery market. It is now the third largest confectionery group in the world, and the first to be present in the main Asian market. Employing over 14000 people and operating 32 companies throughout the world. Perfetti Van Melle has a true global reach: it is present in the Asia pacific region, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and the America. Its corporate headquarters are located in Lainate (Italy) and in Breda (the Netherlands). Several of its brands are household names and are much loved throughout the 5 continents. Mentos, frisk, fruittella, alpenliebe, golia, happydent, vivident, big babol, airheads, Chupa chups, and smint. In addition to these global brands, Perfetti Van Melle offers a wide range of products, the popularity of which is rooted in individual, local, and regional markets. The ability to develop products, versions, and flavors, that suit the different demands and opportunities of the local market is indeed one of the groups key to success. Perfetti Van Melles innovations provide ample proof of the effectiveness of its product customization strategy and its attention to consumer demand. In many Asian countries, Alpenliebe is produced with formulas, packaging and formats that vary according to local preferences, making it the market leading candy. In the most highly developed European markets, Perfetti Van Melle offers a wide and varied range of brands, with highly distinctive qualities and characteristics, like that of

functional chewing gum, still unmatched by its largest international competitors. In America, Mentos, the Groups no.1 brand, is distributed in a range of exclusive varieties, taking full advantage of the markets specific and enormous and potential.


Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd has deep root the drawing energy from the inspiration of real people. The founders the brothers Ambrogio and Egidio Perfetti from Italy, and Izaak Van Melle from Holland- were gifted with great initiative, intelligence and instinct. Though they did not actually know each other, these men had much in common: the same ambition, the same spirit and the same intuitions that encouraged them to found two great companies, albeit in different times and hundreds of kilometers apart. The Perfetti brothers started out in Lainate back in 1946 and Van Melle in Breskens in 1900. They could never have foreseen that the destinies of their respective companies-, which still bear their names, Perfetti and Van Melle-, would meet to bring about the creation of one of the worlds largest and most dynamic confectionery groups. And thanks to the work of their successors achievements, what might have only seemed a dream for them has now become reality. About Perfetti-The story of this large company began in Lainate, a town just outside of Milan, in 1946. It was here that the two Perfetti brothers, Ambrogio and Egidio, founded the Dolcificio Lombardo. In the mid 1950s the two brothers had the inspiration that led to their companys first and decisive qualitative leap forward: the production and launch of chewing gum, the legendary American product that had arrived in Italy a few years earlier with the first Allies. This decision marked the arrival of the first chewing gum entirely made in Italy: Brooklyn, known everywhere as la gomma del ponte ,

the chewing gum of the bridge. A true cultural icon, the Brooklyn legend lives on today. 1968 marked another milestone in the companys development: the creation of Gum Base, a business that immediately became an indispensable strategic asset for the production of gum base, the raw material for chewing gum. Today Gum Base is one of the top international gum base producers, supplying all the groups companies as well as many other confectionery producers. The 1970s witnessed the launch of the brands that were to become favorites with consumers around the world: Big Babol, Morositas, Vigorsol, Happydent, Vivident, and Alpenliebe. Since then Perfetti has continued to grow, set on a highly innovative policy that drives it to offer new products and new brands every year. Special attention to consumers and acute awareness of market trends have always been the hallmark of the companys activities. The ability to anticipate consumer demands and trends has played a vital role in the success of Perfetti. In the 1980s and 1990s Perfetti launched an aggressive policy of commercial expansion to accompany its strategy of constant innovation. In Italy, the acquisition of large players in the sector, such as Caremoli, owners of the Golia brand, Gelco and La Giulia, allowed Perfetti to extend its range even further into all market sectors. The acquisition of Frisk took it into the mini mint tablet sector and ensured a presence on the Japanese market. Encouraged by its leadership in the domestic market, the company launched an impressive process of international expansion, opening new production facilities and distribution units on five continents- from Greece and Turkey in the Mediterranean area, to the emerging markets of India, the ultramodern factory opened in Brazil in 1999.

About Van Melle -The story began in 1900 in Breskens, where Izaak Van Melle began converting the bakery founded 60 years earlier by his grandfather into a small confectionery factory. It only took him a few years to turn the small family business into a thriving company. Towards the end of the Second World War the Breskens factory was destroyed, and the company was forced to move to Rotterdam. After a few months of setting in, it was business as usual. The famous Mentos and Fruittella brands began to grow in volume and distribution range. It was at this time that modern stick and roll formats appeared. The company grew rapidly, spreading around the globe. The company focused on the qualitative improvements of its products and adopted the strategy for international expansion based on its ability to supply superior quality products to quality markets. Several European countries (France, Belgium and Germany) soon became the setting for commercial units which, supplied by the Rotterdam factory, created an efficient distribution network. In just a few years, Van Melle would succeed in taking the freshness and taste of its unmistakable brands to the most remote corners of the world. In 1980s, Van Melle decided to move its main factory to Breda, where the greater space allowed its productive capacity to increase. Immediately afterwards the company broaden its product range, directing its interest towards candies for young children through the acquisition of large companies. It was also during this period that Van Melle started its far reaching international expansion by opening commercial units and factories in Brazil, the USA, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Its growth in other international markets continued throughout the 1990s with the opening of the eastern European borders. During

this time the company set up commercial facilities across the whole region and built a production unit in Poland. In the late nineties Van Melle set its sights on the emerging Asian markets, where it once again displayed remarkable operational foresight. As well as creating commercial units, it also set up large-scale production facilities in Indonesia, China and India. To improve its home market position Van Melle acquired the Dutch company Klene, famous for its liquorices products.

The Story at the crossing -The first links between the two companies date back to the 1980s. Later, in 1991 common interests led Perfetti to acquire a 37% share in Van Melle. This was only the first step in a partnership that was to prove profitable from the outset, growing even stronger until ultimately, in January 2001, Perfetti bought Van Melles entire shareholding. In this way the two companies, starting from similar strategic concepts and complementary geographic and product interests, formed a new, strong, dynamic group that is today one of worlds most important confectionery players. Enormous challenges, ambitious projects and important objectives are opening up for this new group, born at the dawn of the new millennium. With a great past behind it, an even greater future awaits.

Companys Vision: Company will enhance our world leadership in

confectionery by creating value for people through delightful and imaginative high-quality products.

Mission Statements:
Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd.: Develop, manufacture and market high-quality and innovative products for consumers through efficient use of resources and in partnership with customers. Create a fulfilling workplace for employees built on trust, mutual respect, and appreciation of their diversity. Value the role we play in communities, as a socially and environmentally committed organization. Generate economic value through superior growth and profitability. Continuous focus on these principles will lead the company towards the vision.

Companys Values:
Living the Perfetti Van Melle values requires courage, vision, trust, commitment, and pragmatism. The following values guide the actions in realizing the mission of the company: Integrity Without CompromisePerfetti Van Melle conducts the business with honesty, integrity, and respect for those with whom they have relationship. Achieving ExcellencePerfetti Van Melle pursues quality in everything they do. They strive for continuous improvement in the way they operate. Dedication to the ConsumerPerfetti Van Melle will meet and surpass the differing needs and expectations of our consumers, delighting them with high quality, state-of-the-art and innovative products. Care for the peoplePerfetti Van Melle are committed to creating a global workplace where teamwork, involvement, open communication, flexibility and fun exist. They treat the people fairly; they value different styles, skills, experiences, and backgrounds and acknowledge that these differences result in greater creativity and better insights. They encourage them to take initiative and expect them to approach their jobs with passion and commitment. They offer their people the training opportunities and ongoing development so that each individual can reach his or her full potential.

Social and environmental ResponsibilityPerfetti Van Melle conduct the business as responsible members of society, respecting the laws of the countries in which they operate, Contributing to the progress of the local communities in line with the legitimate role of the business. They will operate safely, responsibly and with sound environmental practices, aimed at minimizing the impact on the environment and working toward long-term sustainability. IndependencePerfetti Van Melle is committed to achieving ambitious business goals while securing our companys profitability thus ensuring their independent growth.

Perfetti Van Melles strengths are Quality, innovation, knowledge of market and consumer desires. Quality: Product quality is not a simple detail; it is an indispensable starting point. With the firm conviction that the best way to encourage consumer loyalty is to offer products of unbeatable quality, Perfetti Van Melle has always paid utmost attention to the selection of the finest raw materials, the development of cutting-edge production processes and research into ever newer and better production formulas. Innovation: The confectionery sector is in constant evolution and innovation is an essential element in keeping pace with competition and the market. This is why the group has always given strategic importance to the research and development of new, up-to-date products. The central laboratories of Lianate and Breda, assisted by local laboratories, are constantly researching new products and qualitative improvements to existing ones. Marketing: An understanding of the market, its underlying trends and the ability to identify and anticipate consumer tastes and demands play a vital role in the achievements of outstanding competitive results. For this reason, our marketing services conduct constant, detailed market research and in-depth analyses of the target market and its development. Perfetti Van Melle also remains in tune with consumers by placing great emphasis on a series of other innovative, attractive initiatives; these include developing new formats and packaging, designing original product concepts, creating alternative, effective promotional tools, and high-impact, eye-catching advertising campaigns. Environment: Respect for the environment by operating in total compliance with local laws and regulations is central to the way of working.

The production processes have been designed to reduce all environmental impact to a minimum; attention and economic resources are thus specifically directed to improving the efficiency of these processes, cutting waste as far as possible, making the best use of natural resources and respecting the regulations and standards in force in the countries they operate. They concern for environmental issues is also shown in our preferences for environmentally-friendly options in all production processes. The sensitivity in this field has also led them to collaborate with the WWF through the sponsorship of important initiatives for environmental protection. People: The employees are the most important resource. Behind the success lies the initiative, enthusiasm, enterprise, commitment and creativity of the people working with them. Thats why Perfetti Van Melle makes every effort to create a stimulating work environment, to guarantee conditions of total safety for the workforce, and to offer all staff professional training and the opportunity for career advancement at an international level.

The brands which are being manufactured & distributed by Perfetti Van Melle are as follows: a) Air action b) Air heads c) Alpenliebe d) Big babol e) Brooklyn f) Center fresh/ shock/ fruit
g) Chloromint

h) Daygumprotex




i) Frisk powermint/ liquid j) Fruit-tella k) Golia-activ/ fruit-c l) Happydent-protex/ white/ xylit m) Marbles n) Meller o) Mentos- candy/ gums
p) Vigorsol- original/ real fruit

q) Vivident


Sales in billion US $

3rd position in global (sugar confectionery + gums)

Organisation Chart

MANAGER Production

MANAGER Maintenance & Projects

MANAGER Quality Assurance, Process & R&D

MANAGER Purchases

Controller Factory HR




Assistant Manager Production

Assistant Manager Maintenance

Senior Executive QA

Senior Executive Purchase

Associate Manager HR

Associate Manager Accounts

Senior Executive Stores

Senior Executive Production

Senior Executive Maintenance

Sr. Executive Trainee

Executive Purchase

Senior Executive HR

Sr. Executive Finance

Junior Executive Stores

Ayurvedic Manufacturing Chemist

Assistant Manager EHS

Senior Executive Planning

Executive HR

Executive Accounts

Junior Executive MIS

Associate Manager Projects


Executive IT

Senior Executive Utility

Front Office

Executive Maintenance

Human Beings / People- A Complex Resource Variety Individual Differences (Each individual is different from another) Specific Requirements Scare or Surplus

Human resources term in which many organizations describe the combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance management, employee relations and resource planning. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Human resources have at least two related interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm's organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues.

Assets- Valuable or Useful person or thing.

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organizations most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce. The theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The field takes a positive

view of workers, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of process. HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organizations. Synonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. So if we move to actual definitions, Torrington and Hall (1987) define personnel management as being: a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organizations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled". While Miller (1987) suggests that HRM relates to: ".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", i.e. an HRM approach seeks to

ensure a fit between the management of an organizations employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989). Human resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by linemanagers or other departments. Human Resources Planning (HRP) Design of Organisation and Job Selection and Staffing Training and Development Organisation Development (OD) Compensation and Benefits Employee Assistance Union/Labour Relations

Nature of HRM
Simply put, Human Resource Management (HRM) is a management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the people's dimension in organizations. Following are few definitions of HRM: 1. HRM is a series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship; their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the employees to achieve their objective. 2. HRM is concerned with the people dimension in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of organizationgovernment, business, education, health, recreation, or social action. 3. HRM is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational, and social objectives are accomplished.

These definitions of HRM can be summarized in the following points:


Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventories. They are people. It is the people who staff and manage organizations.

2.) HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The functions and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining, and remunerating employees in organizations.


Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions. 4. Decisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. Effectiveness of an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high-quality products supplied at reasonable costs. 5. HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are applicable to non- business organizations, too, such as education, health care, recreation, and the like.

Scope of HRM

The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker from the time of his or her entry into an organization until lie or she leaves come under the purview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included areHR planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare, safety and health, industrial relations (IR) and the like. For the sake of convenience, we can categorize all these functions into seven sections (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Employee hiring, Employee and executive remuneration, Employee motivation, Employee maintenance,

(v) (vi)

IR, and Prospects of HRM (see Fig.1).

Fig.1 Scope of HRM

Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. It is that part of the management process which is concerned with the management of human resources in an organization. It tries to secure the best from people by winning their whole hearted cooperation. In short, it may be defined, as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an efficient and effective manner.

In other words, it can be said that human resource management is concerned with people at work and their relationships with each other.

Nature of Human Resource Management

Interdisciplinary Approach

Training and Development Function

Pervasive Function

Nature Of HRM

Continuous Function

Individually oriented

People Oriented

In a typical manufacturing setup there are different Activities under the Banner of HR Department. We can divide them into the following areas: ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES HR ACTIVITIES For doing the Activities / Routine work there is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). These SOPS help in making the functions more efficient & System oriented rather than people oriented.


6.) 7.) 8.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.)



3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)



Rudrapur Plant



Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-1

The Objective of this policy is to bolster the arrangement of Uniform and maintain its record. APPLICABILTY All employees (Staff, SFE and Contract Labour)

All employees working in side the plant are mandatory to wear Uniform / Lab coat while entering /working in production area. The uniform is issued twice in a week i.e. on Monday & Thursday and each SFEs to maintain one uniform atleast for three days. A separate locker is issued to each SFE and contract labour based on the availability, where he can store his uniform, shoes & equipments. Each SFE puts on his uniform before the commencement of his work & puts off after the completion of work.

Type of Uniform and Lab Coat White uniform With PVMI logo for permanent SFE in Production, QA and Stores. without PVMI logo for Contractual workmen SFE in Production, QA and Store With PVMI logo for permanent SFE in maintenance. without PVMI logo for contractual labor in Maintenance (if any)

Blue uniform

Lab Coat o Store o o Blue Lab Coat with PVMI Logo for Staff Members of Maintenance Light Blue Coat with Visitor logo for Visitors White Lab Coat with PVMI Logo for Staff Members of Production, QA and

Dry Cleaners responsibilities Dry Cleaners have to pickup the dirty Uniform every Thursday and Monday and have to make entry in the Security gate while delivery & picking up through the outing and incoming Gate pass, which has to be verified by Security and Time Office. Bill Management Laundry vendors bill is verified & recorded by the incumbent of Time Office and after its verification & authorization by HR manager its forwarded to Finance department for payment. Time office is the responsible for keeping and maintaing the records for the same.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

2. Event Management
To organize the events of PVMI in an effective manner, for the Motivation & development of the employees.

To organize any event the HR Department is to play the roll of the Organizer to organize any event inside or outside of the Company. A Notice/Circular has to be put on notice board in advance with the details of events, venue, conditions etc. All the arrangements related to the event, either it is inside or outside of the Company has to be made in advance by the Incumbent of Time Office i.e Venue, Menu, Transport facility etc. The events includes the celebrations, annual day, monthly communication meet etc. Bill Management & Records The all bills related to the same will be verified by the Time Officer and forward the same to Accounts department for payment after authorization of HR Manager. The records of every events has to be maintained by the time office i.e, bills, details of event, photographs etc.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-3

3. Company Telephone
To provide the interrupted telephone services to employees and manage proper working of all the Telephone services installed at factory & their maintenance.

To ensure an effective & direct communication among the employees of PVMI, the Incumbent of Time office maintains the proper & regular connectivity of all Telephone sets. In case, there is any sort of problem with any Telephone set, the Incumbent of Time Office arranges its repairing. The bills related to the repairing of the Telephone sets & their Monthly charges are verified by the Incumbent of Time office. After the verification all the bills are authorized by the HR Manager & then forwarded to the Finance department.

All the details related the vendor/mechanics bills are recorded in the Record Register by the Incumbent of Time office.


Rudrapur Plant


4. Guest House

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-4

To lay down the procedure to avail accommodation facility in the Company Guest House in Rudrapur.

All the employees of PVMI at Staff Level are entitled to stay at the Guest House. The employees staying in the Guest House can avail all available facilities provided by the Company free of cost except meal charges subject to the payment of following amount.
MEAL: MENU/RATE Meal Vegetarians Amount Non-Vegetarians Amount

Breakfast Lunch/ Dinner


Meal recovery Meal recovery

Rs. 20/Rs. 50/-

Meal recovery Meal recovery

Rs. 20/Rs. 50/-

1. 2. 3.

Any member who wants to avail the facility has to inform HR Department at least one day in advance. Payment is to be made to the caretaker and a register, to be kept in the Guest House, is to be filled and signed by every individual availing the meal facility. Amount paid can be claimed through the Expense Statement, if the employee is availing the facility for official purposes.

4. This policy is not applicable in case of meals organised by the company, information on meetings and conferences, to be organised in the Guest house, will have to be communicated in advance to H.R.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-5

5. Transportation 5.1 Company vehicle

Objective: To provide Transportation facility to the employees & to look after
the maintenance of the same. S.O.P PVMI has three vehicles/cars of its own Bolero, Scorpio, Esteem There are three drivers respectively for shift-A, B & C and their shifts rotate according to the schedule. If any employee needs the vehicle for some official or personal work, he can be allowed Company Vehicle according the availability of Vehicle and Driver. For this, the respective employee should get approval from his Departmental Head on Requisition form duly mentioning the reason and place of visit. According to the availability of Vehicle & Driver, Vehicle is issued to the user by the Time Office. The security personnel will note down the time and reading of vehicle at the time of vehicle exit and enter in the factory The company vehicle can be used for local travel only Company has tie-up with a petrol pump to arrange fuel on credit basis All the details related to the expenses of Fuel & Maintenance of Company Vehicle are verified by the Time office on Monthly Basis. Time office has issued a petrol/diesel slip to drivers to get it filled up by the petrol pump mentioning the fuel quantity, date, vehicle no. etc.

After the verification, all the bills are authorized by the HR manager the same are forwarded to the Finance department.

All the details related the bills of all expenses of Guest House are recorded in the Record Register by the Time office.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-5

5. Transportation 5.2 Unit Head Vehicle

Its main objective is the management & maintenance of Unit Head Vehicle.

PVMI has Chevrolet Aveo for the use of its Unit Head. The Time Office ensures its maintenance & proper working. In case, there is any problem or default with the Unit Heads vehicle then the Time Office arranges repairer/mechanic for it. The company reimburse the petrol expenses to Unit head on submission of the petrol bills All the bills related to the expenses of Unit Heads vehicle, are verified by the Incumbent of Time office. After the verification, all the bills are authorized by HR Manager& then forwarded to the Finance department.

All the details related the bills of all expenses of Unit Heads Vehicle are recorded in the Record Register by the Incumbent of Time office.


Rudrapur Plant


5. Transportation 5.3 Buses

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-5

To provide smooth Transportation facility to all employees of PVMI Rudrapur.

PVMI has six buses in PVMI on contractual basis Four shift buses Two staff buses Shift buses move from Haldwani, Lalkuan, Rudarapur, Kichha to Factory Staff buses move from Haldwani & Rudrapur to Factory in general shift. On the basis of daily Bus Report is prepared by Front Office and submits to HR manger and the Time Office prepares monthly report. In case there is any sort of problem/default with any bus the bus contractor ensures proper arrangements for its maintenance and provide the another bus for the time being. All the bills related to the expenses of buses are verified by the Time Office. After the verification all the bills are authorized by HR Manager & then forwarded to the Finance department.

All the details related the bills of all expenses of Buses are recorded in the Record Register by the Incumbent of Time office.


Rudrapur Plant

SOP for Using Company Vehicle

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.5

To ensure cost effective management by utilization of company vehicle for employees. PROCEDURE 1. The responsibility of vehicle administration rests with the Time Office and Security Officer. 2. In case of vehicle requirement by employee for official purpose he /she should fill up the Vehicle requisition form and should take the approval of his manager. During the shift working the shift executive is authorized to sign the vehicle requisition slip (Annexure-1) The vehicle requisition slip should be given at the Time Office or Security Department (in case time officer is not available) who will make the necessary arrangement according the availability of the Vehicle and Driver The user has to make the entry in the Log Book (total KM, location visited etc) which is maintained by the Driver after using the vehicle. The Company Vehicle will be allowed only for Rudrapur, Kiccha and Haldwani area and should be used for a short time I,.e. less then 2 hrs.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No. 6

6. Xerox
To provide the uninterrupted service of Xerox machine to all employees PROCEDURE The Company has one Xerox machine, which is kept in the Admn. Block All employee can use the machine for Xerox of official documents In case any vendor has to use the Xerox machine he has to take to prior approval from respective department head with the information to HR Department.. In case, there is any mechanical problem. Changing of Cartridges etc. in the Xerox machine, the same can be informed to HR Department for arrange maintenance of the same.

All the details related the bills of all expenses of Xerox machine are recorded in the Record Register by the Incumbent of Time office.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-7

7. Estate Maintenance Objective:

To ensure appropriate maintenance of normal wear & tear in factory

S.O.P of Estate Maintenance

The Incumbent of Time Office is responsible for carrying out the maintenance work in factory premises Estate maintenance has to deal with maintenance at following places BUILDING GLASSES ENTRANCE GATE cleanliness SECURITY GATE SCRAP YARD BUILDING ENTRANCE TOILETS Near Raw material store Near Admin. Block Near Security room Near Upstairs SHOP FLOOR POTS & FLOWERS STAIRS ROAD LIGHTS\OFF\ON\CONDITIONS


All the bills related to the repairing are verified by the incumbent of time office Verified bills are authorized by HR manager and then transferred to the finance department.


Rudrapur Plant


8. Courier

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-8

To ensure about the proper & systematic pickup and delivery of the Couriers

PROCEDURE Outgoing Courier

The Company has tie up with two local courier agencies for sending the courier. If any employee wants to send any Courier, it has to be reached at Front Office till 4:00 p.m. on every working day for further processing. The sender ensures mentioning the Name & Address of the receiver and Name of the Sender on the courier envelope. The detail of each outgoing courier has to enter in the Outgoing Register by Security personnel, which is maintain at Security Gate. In case any employee wants to know the courier details (docket no. etc) he/she may refer the outgoing courier register, which is available at Security Gate No.1 If any employee wants send his / her personal courier, the same needs to be informed to Front Office and payment to be made directly by the employee to Front Office.

Incoming Courier
In case name is specified on the incoming courier, its directly delivered to the respective employee by the Security Personnel and employee has to sign in the incoming Register for receiving the same. In case name is not specified on the courier, its delivered to the HR Departm


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-9

OBJECTIVE: To provide services for booking the ticket of Train / Air and Guest
House / Hotel Booking PROCEDURE: Any employee may approach to Front Office for booking of Train /Air Ticket, Guest House, Hotel and Taxi For the Train & Air ticket booking the employee has to fill his/her all travel details in the Travel Requisition From duly authorized by Department Head and submit to Front Office for further processing. Front Office will forward the travel details to our Travel Agency for booking the tickets as per information given in Travel Requisition Form and handover the tickets to concern employee In case the seats are not available the front office shall immediately inform the same to the concern employee. Front Office will also coordinate for the transportation and Guest House / Hotel arrangement for the employee traveling from Rudrapur to other station for official purpose only. In case any employee books his personal train ticket, he / she have to make the payment directly to Travel Agency for the same.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-9

OBJECTIVE:- To ensure that the stationery management is done in a systematic

way keeping budgets in a systematic way and control.


Stationery will be purchased quarterly on the basis of closing inventory. Purchase requisition will be raised in the first week of opening quarter to PURCHASE DEPTT. Bill processing will be done within 15 days of receipt of material.

Storage of the purchased stationery will be done after cross checking of all the material.

Stationery will be issued only after getting the stationery requisition form filled with appropriate information and signature. File consisting of stationery requisition forms according to the date. Budget track record will be maintained on periodic basis.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-

OBJECTIVE: To provide the canteen facility to all employees APPLICABILTY : Category 1 - Staff Members Category 2 - Shop Floor Members, Contract Labour (except all short time contract labours like project labour), House Keeping Members, Security Personnel, Loading & Unloading members PROCEDURE: The meal and tea would be served as per the following canteen timing Category 1-Staff members 2-Shop Floor Members Lunch 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM Dinner 9.00 PM to 9.30 PM 7.00 PM to 9.00 PM Tea 09.30 AM 11.00 AM 03.00 PM 9.00 AM to 9.30 AM 5.00 PM to 5.30 PM 1.00 AM to 1.30 AM 4.00 AM to 4.30 AM (with snacks)

All applicable members may have their meal in canteen except Security, House Keeping and Loading & Unloading personnel as per the above timing. Tea will be served at the table of all staff members and others applicable members have tea in the canteen

In case any Visitors want to have meal in the canteen he has to fill the Visitor Lunch Slip and get authrosied by respective department. Visitor Lunch Slip is available in the canteen and Time Office. In case any employee want to have Biscuits, Chips, Cold Drinks etc. he can take the same from canteen on MRP and payment for the same will be directly make to canteen by concern employee. In case of any official meeting/conference the payment for the snacks (Biscuits, Chips, Cold Drinks) will be made by the Company and concern employee has to make the entry in register maintained by the Canteen for the same.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-

OBJECTIVE To provide smooth taxi services to all the departments and timely & proper payment to service provider. APPLICABILITY For all staff members. SERVICE OPTIONS: 1. Balaji Transportation PROCEDURE: User will give taxi requisition form to Front Office for arrange the taxi for official purpose (Requisition Form Annexure -I) Front Office will coordinate with Taxi Vendor & arrange the taxi for the user Department. User ensure to fill and sign the Duty Slip with mentioning the readings, Kms., time at the time of hiring and leaving the taxi. In case of using the taxi for personal purpose, user has to make the payment directly to vendor. While summarizing the bills of Vendor, HR Department will ensure that he Duty Slip of Taxi Driver should be completely filled in & signed by the User. 2. Luxury Tours & Travels

Annexure I PERFETTI VAN MELLE INDIA PVT. LTD. Taxi Requisition Form Date .. Name of the User .. Deptt. .. : Date of Hiring .. AC) : To . : To . : : : : : :

Vehicle Type (AC/Non .. Time Schedule : Place to be visited : Reason : Official : Description : From .. From .. Personal :

. User's Sign.



Rudrapur Plant



Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-

To keep a record of employees personal details like educational qualification, experience details, physical fitness status and family members details.

This policy will be applicable to all new employees.

If the employee joins at the HO & Factory the joining formalities will be taken care by the HR Department. In case the employee joins at the Branch Office the joining formalities will be taken care by the Manager-Branch Accounts and forward them to the HR Department.


1. 2. 3. 4. Joining Report Family Declaration Form Employee Information Form Nomination Form No. 2 (Revised) & Declaration Form No. 11, (Under Provident Fund Act.) 5. Superannuation Nomination Form (applicable only for Band 4 & above) 6. Form No. 12 B (Under Income Tax) / Previous Salary Declaration Form (Form 16 from the previous employer of the current financial year). 7. Nomination Form F (Under Gratuity Act.)


1. 2 passport size photographs

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Photocopies of all educational and experience certificates. Latest Salary Slip of the previous Company (if he/she working) Proof of Date of Birth Medial Fitness Report Offer Letter

In case the new employee has relocated, he/she is eligible to claim for reimbursement of the expenses incurred for moving self, family and shifting house hold goods as per the relocation policy applicable to his level.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-

OBJECTIVE: To provide visiting cards to all employees above SFE level for
their ease and convenience.

Visiting Cards will be given to all permanent employees above SFE level (i.e. Bands 5C and above). For associates not directly on the rolls of the Company, visiting cards will be discretionarily issued, subject to clearance from the concerned Functional Head and Head HR.


In order to maintain consistency, all the cards will be printed centrally at H.O. The design and the size of the visiting card will be same for all the levels. All the visiting cards will carry the address of the location where the concerned Employee is based. The requisition to Human Resources for reprinting the visiting cards should be in the format (See Annexure 1). The printed visiting cards will be sent to the concerned employee within 15 days from the date of requisition received. At a time not more than 100 visiting cards will be printed. The designation to be used by each employee will be as per the designation appearing on the pay-slip. New employees will use the designation in their appointment letter.


___ ______________________ Signature of the employee Manager ____________________ Signature of the



Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.1(a)

To Recruit & Select the adequate manpower for PVMI.

HR Department recruits employees in two categories viz: 1. Staff Employees 2. SFEs 3. Contract Labour

1. SOP to recruit Staff Employees

A manpower budget is freezed every year for each department. Staff employees are recruited according to the Manpower Budget.

A JOB description is prepared for the position vacant by the department.

Job Description of the vacant post is given to the Consultancies. Consultancies send the CVs (Curriculum Vitae) of the required candidates to the Company. Company calls the suitable candidates for the interview. As per the Domestic Travel Policy of PVMI, travel allowances are paid to the respective candidate. Selection of candidate is made after the interview,the deserving candidate is then selected. The selected candidate is then given the offer-cum-appointment letter by the CORPORATE HR.

Interviewing Matrix

Up Senior Executiv e Associat e Manager & above to

Reporting Manager HR Manager

Unit Head Reporting Manager HR Manager Unit Head Department Head Head HR

Joining Formalities
Selected candidates has to fulfill some joining formalities which are regulated by the HR Department & mainly consists of information like Educational qualification, Experience details, Physical fitness status & Family member details. List of documents to be filled-

a) b) c)

Joining report Family declaration form Nomination form no. 2(revised & declaration form no.11 under PF Act) d) Superannuation nomination form(applicable only for associate manager & above)

e) f) g) h) i)

Form no. 12 B (under income tax) Nomination form F (under gratuity act) HRIS template (to be filled & forwarded to payroll in soft copy) Social security no (SSN) Form no. 16 (nomination for wages) List of documents to be submitted-

a) b)

3 passport size photographs Photocopies of all educational & experience certificates c) Latest salary slips of the previous company(if he\she is employed)

d) e) f) g) h)

Proof of date of birth Medical fitness report Offer letter Copy of PAN Card Copy of Passport


Rudrapur Plant


2. SOP to Recruit SFEs

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.1(b)

2.1 in Production, Q.A & Stores 2.2 in Maintenance

Every year a manpower budget is freezed by every department with the consent of concerned department Head. HR DEPARTMENT initiates the vacant position.

2.1 SOP for Recruitment in Production, QA & Store

SFEs are recruited from the pool of contractual workmen. These contractual employees are under an obligation of 2-3 year contractual role. They have to go through the written test & personal interview by a panel of members comprising Manager HR, Factory Manager and concerned Department Heads.

Joining Formalities
Selected candidates has to fulfill some joining formalities which are regulated by the HR Department & mainly consists of information like Educational qualification, Experience details, Physical fitness status & Family member details. List of documents to be filledk) Family declaration form. l) Nomination form no. 2(revised & declaration form no.11 under PF Act) m) n) o) p) q) r) Superannuation nomination form(applicable only for associate manager & above) Form no. 12 B (under income tax) Nomination form F (under gratuity act) HRIS template (to be filled & forwarded to payroll in soft copy) Social security no (SSN) Form no. 16 (nomination for wages) List of documents to be submittedi) j) l) m) n) 3 passport size photographs Photocopies of all educational & experience certificates k) Latest salary slips of the previous company(if he\she is employed) Proof of date of birth Medical fitness report Offer letter


Joining report

o) p)

Copy of PAN Card Copy of Passport Joining procedure

Annual Budget to determine head count

Call for resumes with background of the workers and then selected through the contractor for production and Stores

Recruited in the rolls of the contractor

If company has requirement the best of this pool is considered for employment on the rolls of the company after Personal interview with Factory Manager / Department Head & Manager - HR and Medical test

Issue Offer cum Appointment letter


SOP for Recruitment in Maintenance

The maintenance department prepares JOB DESCRIPTION and provide to Hr

The company usually employs skilled manpower for its maintenance Department. Department.

Then HR department provide the requirement to consultants with JD of the position and the consultant forwards the RESUMES of the candidates to the concerned HR. Then HR DEPT shortlisted the resume as per the JD and arrange the interview with the consultation of DEPARTMENT HEAD. Candidates are short listed on the basis of required experience & qualification. Selected candidates have to undergo through pre-employment medical check up as prescribed by the organization. Then his salary details are scrutinized, and date of joining finalized. After being found fit for the vacant position the candidate is issued an offer cum appointment letter.

Recruitment matrix 1st interview : Shift Executive, Hr Executive

2nd interview : Department head 3rd interview : Manager HR and Factory

After the final interview, the candidate is required to get his medical check-up before being joining. After submitting his medical check-up report, the candidate joins the organization.



Joining Formalities
Selected candidates has to fulfill some joining formalities which are regulated by the HR Department & mainly consists of information like Educational qualification, Experience details, Physical fitness status & Family member details. List of documents to be filleda) b) Joining report Family declaration form c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Nomination form no. 2(revised & declaration form no.11 Superannuation nomination form(applicable only for under PF Act) associate manager & above) Form no. 12 B (under income tax) Nomination form F (under gratuity act)

HRIS template (to be filled & forwarded to payroll in soft copy) Social security no (SSN) Form no. 16 (nomination for wages) List of documents to be submitted-

a) b)

3 passport size photographs Photocopies of all educational & experience certificates c) employed) Latest salary slips of the previous company(if he\she is

d) e) f) g) h)

Proof of date of birth Medical fitness report Offer letter Copy of PAN Card Copy of Passport


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.1(b)

OBJECTIVE: - To provide the contract labour as per the requirement


Manpower Budget is freezed at the starting of every year based on the production plan (targeted tons). There are 2 types of contractual labour in PVMI: a. DIRECT CONTRACTUAL LABOUR:- these are directly engaged in PRODUCTION and RAW MATERIAL STORES. b. INDIRECT CONTRACTUAL LABOUR:- These are directly engaged in Quality finished goods store and Engineering store. Generally, Contractual Labour is recruited through from reliable sources who give references of such contractual workmen and then candidates are selected. But the criteria required for the selection of contractual labour is:1.) He should have minimum qualification of 8th standard. Maximum qualification of 12th standard. 2.) He should be a resident of UTTRAKHAND region and should have DOMICILE certificate because it has been framed by UTTRAKHAND GOVT. that 70% of the contractual labour should be from Uttrakhand region.

Procedure for recruitment of Contractual Labour

1.) Before the recruitment of any contractual labour, the HR person has to ensure that he should have good behaviour, clean reputation, not engaged in any criminal activity, not physically handicapped 2.) Check the all required document before joining of any contract labour. Obtain Uttarakhand Domicile Obtain Employment Registration No.

Form -13 has to be counter signed by Mr. Chaman Dhiman at the time of joining & leaving of any Contract Labour Provide training on GMP & basic at the time of joining with coordinate of QA & Prod or concern department. Follow up for proper documentation from contractors Preparing break schedule of contract employees. After five months everyone should get break. Contractor has to disburse the wages in presence of HR Person on or before 7th of every month. 3.) After the selection of candidate by HR person, the concerned CONTRACTOR SUPERVISOR confirms all the joining formalities such as:a.) police verification certificate b.) reference letter c.) Domicile certificate d.) Family declaration form e.) Esi-employee state insurance corporation f.) Confirmation letter of 2 contracting agencies- NATH TRADERS and POOJA MANPOWER.


Rudrapur Plant

SOP for Training & Development

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-


To conduct the training program for growth & development of PVMI Members.

It is applicable to all SFES and STAFF.

The standard operating procedure for training at Perfetti van Melle is analysed in 2 parts:a.) SFEs (shop floor employees) b.) Staff Members SOP for shop floor employees:Procedure to be followed;2.) First of all, training need identification form is circulated in each department along with the PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL form every year in first week of the month of March and this form is filled by the concerned shift Executive of each department with the consent of his department head and concern employee. 3.) This form helps in analyzing the training needs of the SFES. 4.) The training needs identification form is being filled on:a.) TECHNICAL SKILLS:- the executive administers a TRAINING NEED IDENTIFICATION FORM on each shop floor employee to identify the technical skills related to their specific jobs. This questionnaires are then used to identify the deficiency in technical skills in the shop floor employees. b.) BEHAVIOURAL SKILLS:- a TRAINING NEED INDENTIFICATION FORM specifying behavioural traits such as leadership, communication skills, team work, problem solving, etc. is administered on to the shop floor employees. 5.) This training need identification forms for all the employees is submitted to HR department by concern department head and then consolidated by the HR DEPARTMENT. The all TRAINING needs put a in a form of Training Calendar to provide requisite training to fulfill the identified gaps in technical and behavioural skills.

6.) Then the HR DEPARTMENT analyses this TRAINING CALENDAR and arranges for suitable trainers (either external or internal) to provide training to their shop floor employees. 7.) At the end of every training evaluation the training is done through training feed back form and through a objective test In both the cases, department Head informs to HR department at least before Two days so that material & equipment related to the training can be arranged. The Incumbent places a training notice in advance which includes Training topic Date Duration Participants & Trainer Location etc. All the participants make entry in the Training register with their Name, Code, Department& Signature record so that a proper training record can be preserved.


Rudrapur Plant

SOP for Training & Development

Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-

Training & Development (S.O.P for STAFF)

To conduct the training program for growth & development of PVMI Members. PROCEDURE: First of all, training need identification form is circulated in each department along with the PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL form every year in first week of the month of March and this form is filled by the concerned employee of each department with the consent of his reporting executive. There has been a training form on which concerned employee with his department head fills his training needs. This is submitted to corporate HR Corporate HR Department rolls out a Training Calendar in the starting based on the training needs identified. The corporate HR consolidates this form and sends the training needs requirements of employees to local hr Then the corporate and local HR conduct training. Training is mostly provided by external faculty. Training provided to the Members is classified into two categories Behavioral training Technical training It may be either internal or external. After training session, candidates are evaluated on a TRAINING FEEDBACK FORM on the basis of their learning & deserving candidates are awarded and this is being sent to the corporate HR.


All the details related the training program & its evaluation is recorded properly by the respective Incumbent.


Good manufacturing practices (plant, food and personal hygiene) HACCP ISO 22000 Defects counts Pest control EHS (first aid, fire safety etc.) Sap basic Fork lift operation Computer (ms office) training basic

Communication skills

Team working Problem solving Positive attitude Leadership skills

Autonomous maintenance (cleaning ,lubrication, inspection & tightening of machines) Do & donts of maintenance Others (please specify)

___________________ ______________________ Employees Signature Signature

______________________ Executives Signature Managers


Participant's Name : Department : Program : Designation : Date : Venue :

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 4 1= 2= Not Satisfied Good But Needs Improvement 3= 4= Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

PROGRAM EVALUATION Relevance of the program Depth of Content Coverage Adequate opportunity to reinforce the learnings Program duration Quality of Material Quality of arrangements Extent to which the program met my expectations FACULTY EVALUATION Conceptual clarity / Knowledge of the subject Responsiveness of the faculty - receptiveness to suggestions, sensitivity to individual requirements, ability to handle queries Encouraged participation Style & delivery of the faculty Methodology used to reinforce learning LEARNINGS & ACTION PLAN What were your 3 most important learnings from the program? 1 2 3


How do you intend to translate the learnings to your workplace. Please give your action plan and also indicate the type of resources (for e.g. supervisor's support) required for the implementation of your plan Action Plan Resources (Required if any)

Any suggestions in improving the program?

Participant's Signature


Rudrapur Plant



Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

To have an effective, systematic and uniform process of Performance Appraisal. APPLICABILITY: All shop floor employees. PROCESS: The annual appraisal is done for the period January to December and the increments are effected from the subsequent April every year. The employees are rated for performance based on the following parameters through the appraisal form circulated to all departments in the factory.


Rating / Weightage Very Good 20 20 20 20 16 20 100 16 80 Good Satisfactory Poor 16 12 5 16 16 12 12 12 5 12 60 5 25 5 5

1. Quality Orientation 2. Productivity 3. Aptitude/Flexibility 4. Attitude 5. Dependability Total Score

The employees are appraised the shift executives and reviewed by the Department Head. After completion of the appraisal of all employees the overall ratings are decided as below: Total score90 and above VERY GOOD 80 to 89 GOOD 60 to 79 SATISFACTORY 59 and below POOR

For rating the Dependability factor attendance of an employee is considered as an important and a indication of his / her work orientation, seriousness and his attitude towards work / discipline. Attendance Above 90% 89% to 89 % 85% to 88% Below 85% Rating VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY POOR

If an employee is a habitual absentee, his overall rating normally be Poor or at the best Satisfactory. Also if the employee is absent for more than 10 days for not authorized reasons the overall rating will be Poor/ Satisfactory irrespective of the his ratings on the other parameters.

Criteria for Promotion:

The following broad criteria need to be followed while recommending for promotion to the higher grade. 1. The employee should have been for a minimum of 4 years in the present grade. 2. Should have a rating of Very Good/Good for the previous three years. 3. Minimum attendance should have been more than 90% for the last three years. 4. Should have very good behavior, attitude and safe working. After completion of the process of rating by the department the appraisal committee comprising of the Manager HR, Department Heads do the rationalization of the ratings based on the bell curve matrix. The quantum of the increments is decided based on the budgeted provisions, wage survey conducted every year across industries in the region and affordable cost for the year. Suggested Task Target date: 1st week of March 2nd week of March 3rd week of March 4th Week of March 1st April Manager HR Distribution of Appraisal Forms Duly filled forms returned to HR Appraisal Committee discussion on ratings and Promotions based on Bell curve / grid Appraisal committee to decide on quantum of increment Distribution of aincrement letters duly signedby



1st JANUARY, 2008 TO 31st DECEMBER, 2008 Name : Department : Emp. Code : Date of Joining :

Please rate the member on all the factors below on the given rating scale, please tick (): 1. Quality Orientation (Meeting established Quality Standards) Productivity (Satisfactory Output) Very Good


Poor Satisfactory
(12) (05)


Very Good


Poor Satisfactory
(12) (05)

3. Aptitude/Flexibility (Ability / Adapting to changing conditions, Speed of learning new activities etc.) 4. Attitude (Interest towards work, Positive team work with respect for all colleagues & superiors)

Very Good


Poor Satisfactory
(12) (05)

Very Good


Poor Satisfactory
(12) (05)

5. Dependability (Including Punctuality towards Attendance to be filled by HR) TOTAL SCORE GRAND TOTAL

Very Good


Poor Satisfactory
(12) (05)

Name & Signature of Appraiser Comments / any other contribution (Please specify): Overall Rating: Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

Date: Manager Comments of HR Department

Signature of Concerned

Controller Factory HR


Comments of Unit Head Rudrapur Plant



SOP No.-2

Unit Head No.: 00

To lay down limits/ entitlements of reimbursement of expenses incurred by employees who are joining from outstation locations or employees who are transferred during their services in the Company and minimizing the hassles of relocation.

This policy is applicable to all employees of Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd. and applies to all those employees who are required to move from one business location to another primarily on a company-initiated request.

Definition: Definition of transfer: For the purpose of this policy, any assignment of duration greater than 6 months is considered to be a "Transfer" Definition of temporary relocation/Deputation*: An assignment is classified as a deputation or temporary relocation if duration is Greater than one month Lesser than six months In special cases, duration could be extended to one year. If the employee requests a transfer for his own personal reasons, which the Company is able to accede to, then the provisions of this policy will not be applicable. However in such cases, only the travel costs and the reimbursement for shifting of personal effects as per policy will be reimbursed. *However, this definition will not hold true for movements within Delhi/NCR. 1.1 Expenses covered for Transfer 1.1.1 Travel Entitlements

For movement of self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents (staying with the employee), the mode of travel will be as per the eligibility and limits of the Domestic Travel policy.

1.1.2 Transfer of Personal Effects . For the employees the actual Freight charges, Packing Charges for transportation of Personal effects will be paid directly to the packers by the company. Alternately, employees can choose to tie up with a local transporter/packer for transportation of their personal effects. The limits of such transportation is as below: Band-5 At actual upto a maximum of 40 days basic salary of the concern enmployee Band 4 One truckload (25 cubic meter) including car Band 3 & 2 One truckload (25 cubic meter) + transportation of car Band 1 At actuals Kindly note that to process the invoice; the cubic meter utilized will be required to be mentioned on the invoice. In cases wherein the employee makes his own arrangement/s for transportation of his personal effects, he will be required to submit 3 quotations for the same to the admin department. Payment will be made basis the lowest quote received. 1.1.2 One-Time Settling Expenses The employee will be reimbursed admission fees of upto a maximum of Rs.20,000/- per child, at actuals, for a maximum of two children. This will be paid after the employee has resumed his duties at the new location, and with original supporting bills. This is permissible upto the next academic session. This is not applicable for tuition fees, etc 1.2 Special Leave The employee will be given a maximum of 4 days special leave (excluding the day of travel). This leave can be split between the existing place of posting and the place of transfer/joining. Excess leave availed will be deducted from Annual Leave 1.3 Hotel/Guest House Stay The employee is expected to find suitable accommodation within reasonable time of moving. In case where the employee is unable to arrange accommodation with in reasonable time, the Company will allow a hotel stay / Guest House Stay for a maximum period of 2 weeks. However, in such cases,

the employee can opt to stay in a hotel only if the company Guest House cannot accommodate him. The entitlement of Hotel & Boarding will be the same that the employee is entitled to in the city of posting for normal business work as per the Companys Travel Policy.

2.0 Expenses covered for Temporary Relocation. 2.1 Employee will continue to receive salary as per base location 2.2 The boarding, lodging and travel arrangements of the employee will be taken care of by the new location 2.3 The company will provide economic boarding and lodging arrangement. Should there be no guest house facility available; the employee can choose to stay with friends or relatives. In such a case the employee will be reimbursed Rs.250/- per diem for miscellaneous / out of pocket expenses, and reasonable local conveyance expenses. 2.4 Exploratory Trip to New Location upon intimation of Transfer Subject to prior approval from the CEO/Head HR/Functional Head an employee may be permitted to make one exploratory trip to the new location prior to the date of transfer to arrange for housing, schooling etc. Travel entitlements will be as per the Domestic Travel Policy. 2. Process to be followed

When you are informed of your transfer, please follow these steps: a) Collect your transfer letter from your respective Manager. b) Close your existing Savings Bank account in old location, if you so wish. c) Open a new Savings Bank account in any of the recommended banks such as Citibank, HDFC or ICICI in the new location. d) Inform Payroll about your new bank account number so that you receive your salary in the new location. e) Get approval from your Admin on expenses likely to be incurred during transfer, by getting the quotation approved for shifting of household effects. f) You will be entitled to one months advance salary before you move to your new location.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

1.1 To help the new employees settle in by providing personal and professional support and demonstrating commitment to them. 1.2 To integrate new employees into the workplace. 1.3 To allow new employees to assimilate information about their workplace and their role within the organization. 1.4 To provide important information and resources that will enable a new employee in fulfilling his/her duties. 1.5 To make new employees independent and proficient in their job as soon as possible.

This policy is applicable to all employees of Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd.

2.1 The HR department shall be responsible for the overall induction programme and the individual department would be responsible for their respective departments. 2.2 The induction should convey three types of information: General information about the daily work routine A review of the organization history, purpose, vision, mission, operations, products and services, as well as a sense of how the employees job contributes to the organizations goals. A detailed presentation of organizations policies work rules and employee benefits

2.3 The induction programme will be conducted as per the Induction Schedule in Annexure I.

2.4 A detailed presentation of the departments policies, work rules and employee benefits will be shared with the employee during their induction. 2.5 The induction programme will be conducted in all seriousness and any deviation would be viewed seriously. 2.6 The Induction schedule for employees joining at the Corporate office, Factories, and Branch Offices is per Annexure I.


Ba nd

Day Day 1 (1 st Ha lf) Day 1 (2 nd Half) Day 2 Day 2 (last one hour) 1 month later Day 1 (1 st Ha lf) Day 1 (2 nd Half) Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 (last one hour) Day 4 1 month later Day 1 (1 Ha lf) nd Day 1 (2 Half) Day 2 - 5 Day 5 (last one hour) 1 month later Quarterly Indu ction

Agenda Joinin g Formalities Factory Visit Functional induction Feedba ck Session Feedba ck Session Joinin g Formalities Factory Visit Functional induction Functional induction Feedba ck Session Market Visit Feedba ck Session Joinin g Formalities Factory Visit Functional induction Feedba ck Session Feedba ck Session

Resource person HR incharg e Shift Executive Execu tive & a bove HR incharg e Location HR Head HR incharg e Shift Executive Manage r & above Manage r & above HR incharg e HR incharg e Location HR Head


Band 5

Band 4 & above

HR incharg e Fac tory/ HR Head HODs HR incharg e Location HR Head will be conduc ted at HO as and wh en announced


Rudrapur Plant



Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

To lay down limits/ entitlements for reimbursements of expenses incurred by employees during travel on Companys business.

All Shop floor employees of PVMI including trainees.


Daily Allowance ( DA): Daily Allowance can be claimed only when the employee travels in the city on official work subject to the limits stipulated. DA includes expenses incurred on food, local conveyance, telephone calls and any other incidental expenses. DA cannot be claimed if company had made arrangements for meeting and other incidental expenses like food etc.. Whenever an employee had worked for half day and the balance time spent in the factory, he / she is entitled for 50% of DA amount only.

DA Amount: Rs.130/- (Rupees One Hundred and thirty)


NIGHT HALT: Mode of Travel:

By Train - 3 tier A/c (in case of non availability it should be 3 tier 2 nd Class), Non Deluxe Bus. Local Conveyance: Bus, Auto rickshaw, Local transport Lodging and Boarding: Actual hotel expenses supported with money receipts will be reimbursed, subject to the maximum limits as stipulated here in. The limit for lodging expenses is exclusive of taxes as applicable. Any other incidental expenses such as food expenses, laundry, telephone should be excluded from the bill for lodging. Period of stay over 12 hours will be treated as one day and less than 12 hours as half day. In case of night stay it would be treated as one day. This definition is for calculation of number of days entitlement for claiming lodging and boarding expenses. Lodging Special Towns 1000 Normal Towns 700 Boarding Special Towns 175 Normal Towns 150

Travel ticketing and reservation:

Ticketing will be arranged through the company authorized travel agencies by the travel desk/ administration. Ticketing would be organized only after receipt of

authorization of travel by the concerned department Head in the prescribed format.

Expenses settlement:

The employee is entitled to take advance duly sanctioned within the entitlements to take care of the expenses.

An employee should settle the bills within 3 days of return from the trip. In case of delay in submission of the expense statement without any valid reason such as leave due to sickness the company reserves the right to disallow the claim and in case of any advance received before travel, such advance may deducted from the salary in total. All expenses incurred towards laundry, telephone and any other services will have to be settled by the employee.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

Employees who leave the Company will be treated fairly and any dues will be settled expediently.

This policy is applicable to all employees who leave the Company.

RESIGNATION The original Resignation Letter should be forwarded to Head-Human Resources through Functional Head with decisions on the date of release and notice period. The HR Department accordingly issues acceptance letter and the concerned Manager will hand it over to the employee. RETIREMENT Retirement age for employee is 58 years.

In case of retirement the HR Department will give a written intimation to the employee, with a copy to the concerned Functional Head, at lease 2 months in advance of his date of retirement. SETTLEMENT OF DUES He/ she has to fill the No Dues Form (Annexure I) three days before the last working day in the company. It will be the employees responsibility to seek clearance from the concerned department and forward it to HR Department. Incase any employee of the Branch Office leaves the services, it is the responsibility of Manager - Branch Accounts to forward the No Dues Form to HR Department duly signed by himself, Regional Manager and employee. In case any Senior Distribution & Sales Executive, Distribution & Sales Executive and Trainee Distribution & Sales Executive leaves the company, he/she has to submit the No Dues Certificate (Annexure 2) from the

concerned Distributors. The Manager-Branch Accounts must send these forms along with their No Dues Form. DEATH IN SERVICE The dues of a deceased employee will be paid to his legal next of kin as per the company policy, whereas Provident Fund and Gratuity amount will be paid to his nominees. In the absence of nominees, these dues will be paid to the legal heir of the deceased employee. Payment to the legal heir will only be made on production of either a Succession Certificate or a Probated Will.

EXIT INTERVIEW All leaving employees are required to go through an exit interview. The objective of the exit interview is to ascertain and record the employees reasons for leaving and take comprehensive feed back of his experience of working in the Company

Annexure - 1 NO DUES FORM Name of Employee : Employee Code : Location/Region : Date of Joining Services : Date of Leaving : Date of Last Working Day : Short-fall in Notice Period : Accumulated Leave (Annual Leave only) : Loan(s) (if any, please specify) : Whether company leased Accommodation given?: If yes, whether vacation notice given if yes, Please mention the date : Handing over of the leased premises (Pls. mention date) : Security Deposit Recovered : Electricity & Water charges to be paid : Whether company telephone given : If yes, status of telephone : Any outstanding telephone bill to be paid : Travel imprest (Expense Account) to be recovered/to be paid : Any other amount (to be recovered/ to be paid): Companys property surrendered : Forwarding Address: Contact Telephone No: Signature: _________ Employee ___________ Finance deptt. ____________ Functional Head ______ Head H R


Rs. Rs. Yes/No. Rs. Rs. Rs. Yes/No.



Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

To assess its strengths and areas of improvement with a view to bring about positive changes in its approach and policies and the most effective way of acquiring knowledge is through its own employees.

SCOPE: It is applicable to all the SFEs and Staff members. SOP

The exit interview process consists of the following 3 stages: STAGE I All exiting employees will be required to fill up the enclosed questionnaire (Exit Review form, Part 1 of Annexure-I), and send the completed form directly to the Head HR in a sealed envelope. STAGE II

Additionally, an in-depth interview will be conducted by the concerned HR representative per the given matrix, to elicit the subjective details of the views expressed by the concerned executive on various issues. Band of the separating Employee Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 & 1 Exit interview to be conducted by HR Representative of the unit/location HR Representative of the unit/location Head HR CEO & Head - HR

The administration of questionnaire and conduction of exit interview should precede the final settlement of accounts of the individual.


The information collected from the questionnaire and the exit interview, will be analyzed by the Corporate HR Team. Tracking of such data over a period of time will help in identifying patterns in the responses. The feedback can normally be classified as under: Individual related issues. Organizational issues, more in the nature of policies. Based on the analysis, the Corporate HR team would send feedback to the concerned individual/ group/location/ function and would take immediate remedial measures, wherever feasible, with respect to issues under items (I) above.

Get the following form filled up before the in person interview Timing 1. Interview should take 20-30 minutes

Opening statements

2. This interview is part of an ongoing effort to analyse why employees choose to leave PVMI 3. What are some steps that we should take to improve excitement and retention 4. We would be thankful if you gave a frank opinion and specific suggestions to make PVMI a better employer

5. Our intention is only to share aggregated findings and

quotes without disclosing any names.

Annexure I Background Name: Tenure: Date of resignation: relieving: Male/ Female: Last performance rating: Last two immediate supervisors: 6. 7. Name: Name: Date: Date: Designation: Date of joining: Date of

We would like to know more about your experience at PVMI 1) Key reasons to join PVMI Career option Work environme nt Work itself Working hours Pay package As a temporary engageme nt Reasonabl e working hours Others ( Brand name )

2) How long were you planning to stay when you joined PVMI? 6-12 Months 1-2 Years 2-4 years Longer than 4 years 3) Please tell us what were the three best things about PVMI and rank them in order of importance. (Most important should come first)(career growth, work environment, work itself, recognition, reasonable working hours, pay package) 1. 2.

4) Did you see a well-defined career path at PVMI? Yes No Decision making process 6) What were your reasons for leaving PVMI and please rank them in order of importance. Applicable Rank

a) Better opportunity b) Higher education c) Unattractive work mix d) Bad relationship with boss e) Unhealthy shift timings f) Lack of recognition g) Bad work environment h) Less/ too much responsibility (please specify) i) Low salary j) Lack of career growth k) Health

l) Sexual harassment Any other :

8) What was the time gap between your deciding to leave and finally resigning? 10 Days

9) Did you try to talk to someone/ take help regarding problems faced by you? Yes No

10) Did the person attempt to help you? Yes No 11) Do you think intervention could have changed your decision to leave? Yes No 12) How could we have changed factors to retain you? Please list in order of importance 1. 2 3 4

Improvement Opportunities 13) What improvements can PVMI make to retain exceptional people? Please list in order of importance. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) New Job 14) Tell us about your new job? S Name of the organization: Responsibilities/ Designation Higher Compensation: Higher Same Lower Same Lower

Factors those are significantly better than PVMI. (Please identify top 3) Salary Job profile Designation Reputation of the joining firm Timings People Others

Closing 15) Is there anything else that you would like to mention?

HR Representatives summary of the interaction with the employee in terms of reasons for resignation and executives views on companys culture/policies etc.( incase of any additional input)

Signature : HR Representative


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

The objective of this policy is to ensure employees are adequately motivated to improve their attendance thereby increasing their earning and productivity for the organization.

This scheme is applicable to all probationers and permanent shop floor employees of the company.

This scheme will be on calendar year basis and divided into two blocks: FIRST BLOCK SECOND BLOCK : : January to March and April to June July to September and October to December

INCENTIVE AMOUNT: Rs.650/- will be paid in a quarter if present on all working days during the quarter. Rs.400/- will be paid in a quarter if a member works with one day approved leave for the quarter during the year. An additional amount for Rs.500/- will be paid if a member is present on all actual working days in first or second block of quarter. First three members who will have best Attendance during the year will be given a Reward in kind at the end of the year over and above the scheme. Payment will be made along with monthly salary.

Official duty, Compensatory off will not be counted as absence from duty for the purpose of the scheme.


Rudrapur Plant


Revision No.: 00

SOP No.-2

OBJECTIVE: To confirm all the employees of PVMI for their services based
on their performance review during the probation period.

To all the SFEs and Staff of PVMI.


After the appointment the employee is kept on probation period for 6 months, during this period the incumbent performance is evaluated by the HR department.. After the completion of 6 months the HR department will hand over the confirmation report of the concerned employee to the concern department head to evaluate his performance during last 6 months. The confirmation report will be handed over to the concerned department head at least 1 month in advance from the date of confirmation, so that the confirmation report shall be filled on time and the confirmation letter is issued on time. If the employee performance is not satisfactory, then his probation period is being extended by the HR department for a minimum of 3 months and maximum time could vary. After 3 months the same procedure is followed. Based on extention and confirmation , the corporate HR will issue a confirmation letter to the concerned department head which finally hands over to the concerned employee. 1 copy of the letter is submitted to the HR department duly accepted and signed by the employee.


After the appointment the employee is kept on probation period of 6 months and for fresher the probation/Training period is for 1 year After the successful completion of 1 year or 6 months as the case may be, the employee is then put permanently on the job.


[ A D M I N I S T R A T I O N S T A F F ]


E Code:

Location: Rudrapur

Region: Factory Date of joining: Confirmation due on:

To : Mr. Fm : Human Resources Mr. ____________ is due to be confirmed on ________. You are requested to fill the following report and return it to us at the earliest.
Please rate the member on all the factors below on the given rating scale, Please tick ()

Attitude towards assignment Results orientation Team Work Technical Knowledge Integrity Attendance (To be filled in by

A A A A A HR deptt.):




How has the member performed during the probation period? Any specific achievements?

Any area in which improvement is required?


 To be confirmed

 Extension of Probation period

Reporting Manager Comments of Unit Head:

Unit Head Comments of Local HR:

Controller -HR

Comments of Reviewer:

Functional Head Comments of Reviewer:

Head -HR

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