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BioFuels for Energy Generation

Adel Garcia, Jr. - PEE

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila Tel/Fax: +63 2 374 6455 Email:
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

0Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Presentation Outline
The presentation shall: Introduce various BioFuels and common forms Discuss various BioFuels technologies Applicability of BioFuels to local Industries Case summaries of a bio-fuels in Energy Generation Projects in the Philippines
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is Biomass What is Biofuel History of Biomass and Biofuels Forms of Biofuels Energy Content of Biofuels Biofuel based technologies Application of Biomass fuel in the Philippines BioFuel in Energy Generation Projects

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

What is Biomass?

In the energy production industry, refers to living and recently living biological material or their metabolic byproducts which can be used as fuel or for industrial production Produced from plant matter, either domestically or wildly grown It includes plant or animal matter Includes biodegradable wastes It excludes organic material which has been transformed by geological processes (i.e. hydrocarbon fuels)
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

What is Biofuel
Any fuel with an 80% minimum content by volume of materials derived from living organisms harvested within the ten years preceding its manufacture Derived from biomass Renewable energy source

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

A bit of History
Solid biofuels such as wood or dried waste have been used since man learned to control re Liquid biofuels for industrial applications was used since the early days of the car industry
Nikolaus August Otto, invented the combustion engine to run on ethanol Rudolf Diesel, invented the diesel engine using peanut oil Henry Ford, after being prevented to mass produce electric cars, designed the Model T completely fuelled originally on ethanol
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

A bit of History
Before WW2, Germany sold biofuel, a blend of gasoline with alcohol fermented from potatoes (Reichskraftsprit) as alternative to imported oil In Britain, grain alcohol was blended with petrol by the Distillers Company Limited under the name Discol and marketed through Esso After WW2, cheap Middle Eastern oil lessened interest in BioFuels The oil shocks of 73 and 79 pushed governments and academics to pursue BioFuels The counter-shock of 1986 again reduced oil prices and interest
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

A bit of History
BioFuels development is now the priority of most governments due to:
Rising oil prices Concerns on GHG emissions (global warming) Middle East instability

USA plans to replace 75% of Middle East oil imports with BioFuels by 2025 Brazil now uses 100% ethanol red transport systems India mandated 10% mandatory BioFuel blend for transport system
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

A bit of History
The Philippines passed the Biofuels Act of 2006, mandating:
2 years from effectivity of the law, 5% ethanol fuel must be blended on total annual gasoline volume sold 4 years from effectivity of law, National Biofuels Board will determine the feasibility and recommend to DoE of increasing the blend to 10% Within 3 months from effectivity of the law, a minimum of 1% biodiesel by volume shall be blended into all diesel fuel sales Within two years, 2% biodiesel blend is mandated to be blended to all diesel fuel sold

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Forms of Biofuels
Alcohols - biologically produced by microorganisms (?) Biodiesel - alkyl esters produced from vegetable oils or animal fats Biomass - Liquids produced by catalysis from synthetic gas (syngas) Methane from anaerobic digesters Biogas from photosynthetic algae Synthetic gas from gasification (??) Wood, charcoal, rice husk, coco husk, peanut shell Switchgrass, dried animal waste



Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Forms of Biofuels - Alcohols

Ethanol - C2H6O
Most commonly produced from sugar and corn Cellulosic ethanol - from a wide variety of plants, subject of intense R&D today

Methanol - CH3OH
Normally produced from natural gas (thus NOT a biofuel) Can NOW be produced from biomass but not yet economically feasible

Other Forms of Alcohol (but NOT BioFuel)

Propanol Butanol
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

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Bio-Ethanol - C2H6O
Renewable because the energy is derived from the sun (?) Produced from the conversion of agricultural feedstock (??) Can be produced from feedstock of:
sugar cane, bagasse, miscanthus, sugar beet, sorghum, grain sorghum, switchgrass, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, sunower, fruit, molasses, whey or skim milk, corn, stover, grain, wheat, wood, paper, straw, cotton Cellulosic waste and harvests

Leading countries with developed bio-ethanol programs

Brazil, Colombia, China and USA

Currently best sources of ethanol

Sugar Switchgrass Corn
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

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Bio-Ethanol Production
To Produce ethanol, sugar is required (carbohydrates) Basic Processes: microbial fermentation of sugars Distillation Dehydration (required for blending with gasoline) Denaturing (optional)

Some crops require previous saccharication - hydrolysis into carbohydrates Cellulose saccharication is called cellulolysis (cellulosic ethanol). Other steps can be necessary for some crops (i.e. corn rening into starch and liquication)
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Bio-Ethanol Yield of Common Crops

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Methanol - CH3OH
It is the simplest alcohol Light, volatile, colorless, flammable Poisonous liquid with a distinctive odor, milder and sweeter than ethanol (ethyl alcohol) It is used as an antifreeze, solvent, fuel and as a denaturant for ethyl alcohol. Produced naturally in anaerobic metabolism of many varieties of bacteria, resulting into traces of atmospheric methanol Methanol burns (oxidized by oxygen with the help of sunlight) in air forming carbon dioxide and water: 2 CH3OH + 3 O2 2 CO2 + 4 H2O A methanol flame is almost colorless
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Methanol - CH3OH
Burns with an almost invisible fire Frequently used as a denaturant additive for industrial ethanol Often called wood alcohol because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood. It is now produced synthetically by a multi-step process
natural gas and steam are endothermically reformed in a furnace to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases exothermically synthesized under pressure in the presence of a catalyst
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Forms of Biofuels - Biogas

Basically composed of methane combined with carbon dioxides and sulfides Produced by anaerobic digestion of organic materials
60% - 65% methane content by industrial anaerobic digesters and mechanical biological treatment systems 40% - 50% methane from landfill gas recovery systems A solid byproduct from ADGs - digestate or sludge - is also a biofuel or a fertilizer

23 times more potent GHG than CO2

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Forms of Biofuels - Biogas

Oils and gases can be produced from various biological wastes: Thermal depolymerization of waste can extract methane and other oils similar to petroleum Nontoxic photosynthetic algae feeds on smokestack flue gases to produce biodiesel or biogas and a dry fuel comparable to coal Forms of biogas
Methane Biogas from photosynthetic algae

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Methane - CH4
Methane's relative abundance and clean burning process makes it a very attractive fuel.
Difcult to transport Converting methane to derivatives that are more easily transported, such as methanol, is an active area of research. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with global warming potential.
When averaged over 100 years each kg of CH4 warms the Earth 23 times as much as the same mass of CO2, There is approximately 220 times as much CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere as methane. The Earth's crust contains huge amounts of methane.

Large amounts of methane are produced anaerobically by methanogenesis Other sources include mud volcanoes which are connected with deep geological faults.
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Methane Properties
Major component of a natural gas, about 85% - 97% by volume Colorless and odorless at room temperature and pressure The smell characteristic of natural gas is an articial safety measure caused by the addition of an odorant, often methanethiol or ethanethiol. Methane has a boiling point of 182.6C at one atmospheric pressure It is ammable only over a narrow range of concentrations (5-15%) in air Liquid methane does not burn unless subjected to high pressure (normally 4-5 bars)

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Methane Potential Health Effects

Methane is not toxic It is highly ammable and may form explosive mixtures with air in an enclosed space Methane is violently reactive with oxidizers, halogens and some halogen-containing compounds Methane is also an asphyxian and may displace oxygen in an enclosed space (i.e. septic tanks) The concentrations at which ammable or explosive mixtures form are much lower than the concentration at which asphyxiation risk is signicant When structures are built on or near landfills, methane can penetrate the buildings and expose occupants to signicant levels of methane
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

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Forms of Biofuels - Solids

Most common examples
Wood and Charcoal and associated derivatives Agricultural Wastes
Rice husk Coco husk and leaves Sugarcane bagasse Undergrowth shrubs and soft woods

Dried Animal Waste

Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Contents of BioFuels

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Biofuel Technologies
Liquid Biofuels
Ethanol - for gasoline red engines
Additives : 5% - 20% Concentration Pure ethanol red - 100% concentration Engines can either modied or designed to burn ethanol

Methanol red Direct Fuel Cells BioDiesel - for diesel red engines
Additives : 1% - 15 % Concentration for transport 100% concentration - heavy fuel red engines
Engines must be modied or designed to burn biodiesel Most of the HFO Fired engines have modication kits now available

Biodiesel red Fuel Cells

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Methane Gas
Closed Combustion Systems
Internal Combustion Engines

Open Combustion Systems

Combustion Gas Turbine Systems
Simply Cycle or Combined Cycle

Boiler burner systems

Chemical Process Systems

Fuel Cells
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Methane Gas
Internal Combustion Gas Engine Power Plants
Higher thermal efficiencies
40% for power generation systems only Can be as high as 75% on CHP systems

1kW to 10 MW engine models Lower investment than normal HFO Power Plants Medium speed models can operate on base load regime, minimum of 8000 hrs annually Potential to produce CO2 byproduct from biogas scrubbers Industrial Zero Waste Technology Systems
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Ideal Technology Combination with Waste Management Systems

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Biofuel Technologies
Methane Gas
Open Combustion Systems
Combustion Gas Turbine Systems
Micro Turbines for sub-MW applications, both on simple or combined cycle Relatively lower thermal efciencies, (15% on simply cycles to 45% on combined cycles) than ICE technologies 1 kW - 5 MW range Relatively higher investments than ICE High RPM applications (thus may mean higher maintenance cost than ICE) May require multi-modules to guarantee base load operations Ideal Technology Combination with Waste Management Systems

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Biofuel Technologies
Methane Gas
Open Combustion Systems
Boiler burner systems
Ideal for 1 MW to 10 MW range per module Relatively lower thermal efciencies
15% on low MW 25 % on >10 MW ranges)

Can be as high as 45% on CHP systems Relatively higher initial investment costs but ideal for CHP applications with higher heat output than power Ideal Technology Combination with Waste Management Systems

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Biofuel Technologies
Solid BioFuels
Rice Husk Fired Thermal Plant
Ideally up to 10 MW modules Relatively lower thermal efciencies
15% on low MW 25 % on >10 MW ranges

Can be as high as 40% on CHP systems High silica of ash is a concern HV of 10 MJ/kg - 12 MJ/kg Ideally 50 km radius supply range Relatively higher initial investment costs but ideal for CHP applications with higher heat output than power Ideal Technology Combination with Post Harvest Facilities
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Solid BioFuels
Coco Husk Fired Thermal Plant
Ideally up to 10 MW modules Has better fuel/ash characteristic than rice hull Relatively lower thermal efciencies
15% on low MW 25 % on >10 MW ranges

Can be as high as 40% on CHP systems High chlorine on coco husk is a concern HV of 12 MJ/kg - 18 MJ/kg Ideally 50 km radius supply range Relatively higher initial investment costs but ideal for CHP applications with higher heat output than power Ideal Technology Combination with Post Harvest Facilities
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Solid BioFuels
Bagasse Fired Thermal Plant
Ideally up to 5 MW modules Relatively lower thermal efciencies
15% on low MW 25 % on >10 MW ranges

Can be as high as 40% on CHP systems High moisture content of fuel HV of 9 MJ/kg - 10 MJ/kg Limited supply Relatively higher initial investment costs but ideal for CHP applications with higher heat output than power Ideal Technology Combination with Post Harvest Facilities
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Solid BioFuels
Processed Solid Fuel Thermal Plant
Pelletized biomass such as soft woods and other undergrowth plants and trees Ideally for > 10 MW modules Relatively higher thermal efciencies than other solid fuels Low moisture content and higher heat densities is possible HV to approximate those for good quality coal, > 20 MJ/kg Theoretically unlimited supply Relatively higher initial investment costs due to the fuel processing plant Ideal for CHP applications with higher heat output than power

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Phillippine Biomass Application

Biofuels Law of 2006, RA 9367 Renewable Energy Law - still pending at Senate Energy Committee

DoE Policy
To install about 4800 MW in 10 years
250 MW from Biomass based
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Most Viable Technologies

Liquid Biofuel
Ethanol / Methanol Fired Gas Engines
Light transport

Coco Methyl Ester (CME) or biodiesel fired engines

Heavy transport for light diesel Power generation for modified HFO engines
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Most Viable Technologies

Biogas / Methane Fuel
Biogas Fired Engines
10 kW - 7500 kW

Biogas Fired Industrial Boilers

Up to 30 tph steam output, 8 bars, 180 C

Biogas Fired Thermal Plants

10 MW, 44-46 bars, 450 - 460C, 50 tph

Fuel Cell Technology

Solid Oxide Types, up to 100 kW Direct Fuel Cell, up to 10 MW
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Most Viable Technologies

Solid Biomass Fuel
Rice Husk Fired Thermal Plants
1 x 10 MW - San Jose City, Nueva Ecija 1 x 10 MW - Cabatuan Isabela 1 x 2.5 MW - Talavera, Nueva Ecija 1 x 6 MW - Calapan, Mindoro Oriental About 500 MW potential for the Philippines 3 x 10 MW Cogen - Quezon 1 x 10 MW Cogen - Camarines Sur About 500 MW potential for the Philippines Sugar mills
AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Coco Husk Fired Thermal Plants

Bagasse Fired Thermal Plants

Energy Systems Integration

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Biomass Energy Generation

1 x 10 MW CHP - Quezon
Primary Secondary HV Rate Pressure Temperature Flow Plant Efficiency Coco Husk Coco Kayakas; Buli; Ipil-ipil 13 MJ/kg - 15 MJ/kg, 25% MC 15 tph 40 - 45 ata 400C - 430C 50 tph - 55 tph 15% - 23%

Thermal Parameters

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Biomass Energy Generation

1 x 10 MW CHP - Quezon
Power Generation Island
Generator Gross Output Net to Grid Station Load Generator Bus Voltage Grid Bus Voltage Mass Flow Heat Input Copra Feedstock Input Coco Oil Output AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company

10 MW 8.8 MW 900 kW 13.8 kV 69 kV 5 tph - 10 tph 2 - 4bars, 150C 100 tpd 60 - 65 tpd
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Process Steam Island

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biomass Energy Generation

1 x 10 MW CHP - Quezon

Investment Volume
EPC Soft Costs Total Investment AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company

US $ 24 M US $ 5 M US $ 29 M PhP 5.25 /kWH PhP 30 - 35 /kilo > 15% > 25%

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Project Returns
Electricity Copra IRR RoE
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Biofuel Technologies
Methane Gas
Chemical Process Systems
Direct Fuel Cells - Hydrogen is produced inside the cell by reacting ADG with steam. A proprietary catalyst system creates
carbonates from the CO2 of the fuel as electrolytes, creating electricity as a byproduct

Biogas Fuel


CH4 + 2H2O 4H2 + CO2 4H2 + 4CO3 4H2O + 4CO2 + 8e

2O2 + 4CO2 + 8e


Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Fuel Cell vs Conventional Power Generation

Direct Energy Conversion Improves Efficiency

Conventional Power Plants - 15% to 30%




Turbine Generator




Turbine Generator


Fuel Cell Power Plants - 40% to 65%

Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Direct Fuel Cell

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.
The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Emissions of Fuel Cell Power Plants

24.89 25.0
(Pounds of emissions per 1000 kWh NOx, CO, SOx, Hydrocarbon, Particulates)

(11,364 gm)


1.5 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.04 (18 gm) 0 Average US fossil fuel plant Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

(545 gm)

(273 gm)


Combined cycle gas turbine

DFC Fuel cell

Source: NETL(

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Direct FuelCell Tri-generation Electricity/Heat/Hydrogen

Commercial - Industrial Bldg

kWs to electric load

Heat/Cooling to buildings thermal load Fuel Cell Power Plant

Distributed tri-generation of electricity, heat and hydrogen is attractive Current technology is competitive with small scale/distributed H2 production Future developments have potential to make fuel cell produced hydrogen the preferred method of supply
Energy Systems Integration
Generation - Distribution - Utilization

Hydrogen H2 Refueling Station

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Fuel Cell Power Plants

Fuel Cell power plants are superior distributed generation option

Reliable, 24/7 uninterrupted base load power supply for commercial, industrial & utility customers More efficient than competing technologies, high 60% range Complimentary with Solar and Wind Energy Generation Systems Clean & quiet On-site, customer - controlled Uses existing electric grid & fuel infrastructure & multiple fuels

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

Thank You.
Adel Garcia, Jr. - PEE
Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila Tel/Fax: +63 2 374 6455 Email:

Energy Systems Integration

Generation - Distribution - Utilization

AVGarcia Power Systems Corp.

The Energy Resource Company

Suite 7H, 20 Lansbergh Place, 170 T Morato Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Tel: 372 9247 Email:

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