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Howard Griswold Conference CallThursday, January 10, 2013 Partial Howard Griswold Conference calls: conf call (talkshoe)

724-444-7444 95099# 1# (non-talkshoe members must use the 1# after the pin number) Thursdays at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. Talkshoe mutes the phone lines ******************************************** ********************************** masterId=95099&episodeId=665319&cmd=hrepi ************************** Howard's link for Thursday: masterId=95099&episodeId=665319&cmd=hrepi Hosted by: Gemini Research Group Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 95099 Howard is the Guest Featured Speaker on Saturday at 6 p.m., Eastern Time at: Hosted by: :Mighty-Mo; Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 99043 Rod Class AIB call on Talkshoe, the pin number is 48361 at nine oclock PM, Tues & Fri (Eastern Time). Thats Americas Independent Bureau, AIB on Talkshoe. ************************** Howard is listed on Angela's at : **************************** Howard Griswold talks about contracts and the application of the law on the KMA Club. *****************************

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Note: there is a hydrate water call 8 pm, Eastern Mondays, 218-844-3388 966771# Howards home number: 302-875-2653 (between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.) Check out: All correspondence to: Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940 (do not address mail to Howard Griswold since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since hes on good terms with his wife he isnt likely to in the foreseeable future.) Donations are accepted. "All" Howard's and GEMINI RESEARCH's information through the years, has been gathered, combined and collated into 3 "Home-Study Courses" and "Information packages" listed at "Mail Order" DONATIONS and/or Toll-Free 1-877-544-4718 (24 Hours F.A.Q. line) Dave DiReamer can be reached at: Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer: Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everythingthe Myth and the Reality. Hell take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping ($35 barebones minimum) c/o 1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958 ******************** I am not a public servant {officer or employee} and any claim to the contrary must be proved by payroll records and my alleged public servant {officer} title and sworn under penalty of perjury with full commercial liability for the person who swears to it. Im not an officer or agent or employee of the government. I am not resident within the government and any claim to the contrary must be proved by payroll records. Prove that Im being paid by the government to be a government employee. If you cant then your law doesnt apply to me. Government has all the right in the world to make laws and rules regulating itself.

When they impose any of these rules and regulations beyond government upon any of us {private} theyre breaching their fiduciary duty {as public officers and trustees of government}. All employees of government are in a trustee position. The courts have said this emphatically Public means governmentprivate means non-government. Your acceptance of anything that government offers you at any level in any way, shape or form is a consent to cooperate with them and to put yourself under their authority and control. Governments have all the authority, rights and duties to make all the laws necessary to regulate themselves. Their law, rules, regulations, codes and so-called statutes do not apply to the people outside of government. **************** The scam that has been used is this lawyer reference to resident. You are a resident of the State of Blank. They will always say that. They will go so far as to put it in writing in the complaints or motions to the courts that the defendants, the plaintiff or any other party is a resident of the State of Blank. In order to get the individual under the jurisdiction of the courtthey use this languagethis is a presumption that is created which must be rebutted with rebuttable evidence to prevent them from proceeding against you. Now, this is going to really upset lawyers and judges because if you learn how to do this, and its not hard, but if you learn how to do this and you take an affidavit into court with a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), they fail to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, thats Rule 12(b)(6) because the complaint is made against a person who is not a resident of the State. Accompany that with an affidavit signed and sworn to under penalty of perjury and witnessed by a notary public that states the same thing, I am not a resident of the State of Blank because I do not work for the State of Blank. I am not employed in any way, shape or form. I am not an officer of the State of Blank. The presumption that I am is erroneous and must be corrected on the record. Simple enough, isnt it? Motion to dismiss this claim under Rule 12(b)(6) because the claim fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted against a person who is not a resident of the State of Blank. End of motion. Between the two, the motion and the affidavit, the court must rule and it must rule that you are not the person that the complaint can be lodged against. The case must be dismissed. When they dont then you want to start looking up this Code of Judicial Ethics. Theyre not following the law. ******************** If they create the presumption and you rebut it and then they come back at you with, well you do have a drivers license, you say, well, if I do its also erroneous. Dont let them trick you back into admitting that youre within the state because if you have a drivers license its within the states jurisdiction. *********************** There is no government left. The government has ceased to function in its normal position that it was in under the Constitution. Everything has been farmed out to

privately owned corporations to do the government work. So Social Security is actually a private insurance company. Its not government. Its doing it for government but its there for anybody to do business with it. So, in reality social security is not a benefit or a privilege from government but theyll try to tell you it is. All you got to do is do a little bit of leg work to find where its listed as a business on Dunn and Bradstreet and present it to them that, look, this is a private company. Its in business to make money. This is not government. ********************************* If you look at most statutes thats what they say and all persons only applies to all persons in the agency that they give it to unless it specifically says, all persons who have a license to sell alcohol or all persons who operate a motor vehicle or all persons who have a license to sell tobacco products. It has to be specific. It cant just say all persons and when it does it hasnt been properly assigned to the agency for implementation. So what the agencies do is they sue in their own name. For instance, the IRS makes a complaint against you under United States v. You or The United States of America v. You, IRS, Department of the Treasury complaining that you didnt pay taxes. Well, what they are doing is acting as an assignee of an authority to collect taxes but where in the statutes were they assigned this authority to take you to court, to bring claims against you? Its not there. ********************************** This is all important to understand that in most cases the actual action is being made against you by an assigned person. Either the agency has been assigned or has not been assigned. The police department is acting like they are the assignee but by law have not been assigned to do the functions that theyre doing. There is no statutory law that they can bring themselves within a provision of in order to execute the assignment of action that theyre doing, an action on a negotiable instrument of any kind is an action on a note or on a chosen action. ******************************* Every action shall be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. The rule requires you to objectan objection for ratification of commencement of the action by or joinder or substitution of the real party in interest and such ratification, joinder or substitution shall have the same effect as if the action had been commenced in the name of the real party in interest. See the trickery of this kind of stuff that lawyers put together? As long as you dont object we can do this with assignment and get away with it and theyre doing it and theyre getting away with it because we dont know enough to object. ********************************** It is a dishonest act of enforcing a law upon a private individual that government has no right, no power, no authority whatsoever to enforce upon the private individual. That is breach of their fiduciary duty with no stupid questions asked. When you file a breach of fiduciary duty case you are actually filing in equity. Leave out all statutory references even though that example that we send around came out of Colorado forms and it refers to a Colorado statutory representation that does put it in equity but it isnt necessary to quote any statutory reference in order to open the court of equity which is the Article 3 courts

(unless youre a teacher or government worker or have contracted with the government with full disclosure, etc whereby youre not private anymore and youre resident within the government.) You got to be party to government to enjoy governments benefits, privileges and opportunities. ********************* The executive branch of government is only enforcing the legislation for the benefit of protecting the government and not necessarily doing what theyre supposed to do to protect us. The one that is the most guilty of not following the law is the judges. It comes from the canon of ethics for judicial conduct. Canon #2, very important, the canon says: a judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judges activities. Subsection A, Promoting Public Confidence. You know anybody whos competent in the courts? I dont. Nobody believes the courts are honest, correct and truthful and fairnot even most of the lawyers. ******************** This defendant states that he is without knowledge sufficient to form a belief as to the correctness of the statement of the claim of the plaintiffs and he neither admits nor denies the allegations concerning the claims of the plaintiffs but demands the plaintiffs strictly prove their claim. ************************************ Failing to answer is devastatingits a total loss. Failing to answer and back the answer up with an affidavit denying what they claim amounts to a total loss. A vague or ambiguous complaint is remedied by a request for a more definite statement. That will put things off for a little while until you get a decent statement. You must object to whatever they finally state by affidavit. ************************************ Now, another rule that I found to be interesting Rule 11. Rule 11, its called signing of pleadings but its got a very interesting statement in it that I think clarifies something I bought up a week or two ago and that is I have been finding that lawyers are not making a notice of appearance and putting it in the docket record of the case and I thought sure they were supposed to because I read parts of the dictionary definition to you about the appearance of an attorney and the duty of the court recorder to put it in the docket. The docket is the list of actions that are done within a court action. The complaint itself, the answer to the complaint, the motion to dismiss, all those different functions that go on within a complaint, notices that are written into it, theyre all docketed in this sheet called the docking sheet or a docket sheet depending upon what court and what name they have for it. ************************************* We need to object every time an attorney goes into court and the docket sheet shows that they have not entered their appearance on the docket sheet with an official entry that everything that theyre doing is a sham pleading and that they should be sanctioned for this or at least ordered by the court to put the notice into the record that they are the attorney for the attorney for the party before they proceed any further. That will stop the proceeding for that day. ********************************************

The reason why lawyers dont write affidavits is because the lawyer cant. They dont have first-hand knowledge. They cannot testify because they werent there. ******************************* Sometimes theyll get an affidavit signed by somebody they call a robo signer, somebody who signs hundreds and hundreds of these affidavits for the benefits of the lawyers that theyre not the real party in interest. Theyre not real either and that can be proven. All you have to do is object to that affidavit because you have no proof from this party that they actually work for such-and-such a bank or suchand-such a government agency or whatever. You have no proof given within the affidavit and you have no proof that this individual was there at the time of the incident or the transaction and really does have first-hand knowledge because they didnt express that in the affidavitand they dont. And thats how you object to their affidavits and that proves that theyre just a robo-signer, theyre not the real party. *************************************** Theyll always say that we need the information from you. The burden of proof is upon the complaining party, not upon the defendant. That, again, is a violation of due process. **************************************** You didnt give me enough knowledge or information about what youre talking about to give you a responsive answer. *************************************** How can there possibly be a credit card when the law forbids the banks to lend credit? ************************************** Dont give them the facts that they want. Dont give them the answers to creates facts or even the appearance of facts that they want. The burden of evidence according to the law is upon the complaining party, not upon the defendant. The defendant doesnt have to produce or admit to anything. *************************** Their own paperwork is your evidence to prove their dishonest act, have a copy of the statute, for instance, that shows what they were supposed to do which they didnt do or a copy of the rule that shows what they were supposed to do that they didnt donot that complicated for any of us to do. **************************************** The state of some name is the government. We have been so misled into thinking that we live in the state of something but when in fact the only time youre in the state of something is when youre employed as an officer or an employee of the state government or any of its political subdivisions. *************************************** Look it up in the states laws. Every state has laws on the procedure of how theyre supposed to do things, even the rules of filing a complaint. They can be found and those rules require things that are commonly left out of complaints.

*************************************** The whole basis of appeal is based on whether or not due process was met and whether the judge erred in the due process. **************************** Resident means located at, an agent of or associated with the state government when you admit to being a resident of the state. When they make a claim that youre a resident of the state you can rebut that claim by an affidavit stating that you are not a resident of the state. You are not employed by the government and if they want to claim that you are all they have to do is come up with payroll records to prove it. Caution: The Department of Education is an agency of the State. ***************************** What land is in the State of Blank? Certainly not your private land that you bought the land that the state bought to build state office buildings or state agencies would be in the State of Blank, not your private land. That law does not apply to private land and it cannot. The law is not allowed by the constitutional mandates to extend any of its law and its activities of taxation and regulation to private property. So it cannot extend to your private land and cannot require your private land to be recorded. But some lawyer told you it had to be because he lies and you didnt question it, you let it happen and its recorded. If you want to get out of the private property tax or the property tax on private propertyI should have said that more correctlyyou have to get that deed back out of their records, out of their recording to that land. The same thing applies to birth certificates. The only thing that the law related to births can apply to its corporations. It cannot apply to a natural child birth of people because the government is a corporation and the only thing a corporation can do is deal with other corporations and it can even extend the authority of operating as a corporation to individuals who request such an authority from the state. And on the date that that requested corporation is authorized that corporation is born and that birth has to be recorded in the states records as a corporation. A natural child from natural people does not fall under that statute. The wording does not cover people and any lawyer that will tell you that it does is lying to you. ******************************** Christian Walters (trusts) is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays at nine o'clock, Eastern Time. The number is 1-712-432-0075 and the pin is 149939# (9 pm EST). Wednesdays number is 1-724-444-7444 and the pin is 41875# (8 pm, Eastern) or tune in on Wednesday at at masterId=41875&cmd=tc Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the weeks call at the following website: Howard approves or disapproves all postings to this yahoo group. Send potential posting to Howard.

Note: questions to Howard are now submitted to Howard, preferably typed, to Gemini Research rather than fielded on the call live. It would be desirable to send a couple of bucks for mailing, copying and printing costs. ********************* Extra legal help is available from the firm, Ketchum, Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. ******************************************************************* **************************************** For reference: Jersey City v. Hague, 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8 (A 2nd ) ********** Project for all: Howard needs information on how to write a complaint for breach of the trust. Hit the libraries! He would appreciate any research help. ***************************************************** Start ***************************************************** {01:54:29.577} [Dave] The last report from Rod Class is available. If you want to get on Rod Class call, weekly announcement list, called the big list, just go to and thatll get you on the big list and youll get the announcements of when Rod Class is going to have a call. And the most interesting things that hes gotten reported back from the people is that the arraignment is the administrative hearing and you and I are the plaintiff. They just never told us that that was the administrative hearing and hes had people to filing coram nobis in advance of the arraignment and when they got to the arraignment the case was dismissed because they did not want to face or consider or address the issues raised in the coram nobis but you have to file it a week or two in advance of the arraignment so they have time to decide what to do because they dont want to face the facts. Then the other thing that Rod Class has discovered is Federal Reserve Notes, you and I are not allowed to have them according to the banking act. Theyre only authorized to be used by Federal Reserve banks and agents and representatives. So by you and I possessing and using Federal Reserve notes they presume we are Federal Reserve employees or agents or representatives because were using and we cannot pay legally, cannot pay, court costs with Like the drivers license is considered contraband, well, Federal Reserve notes are contraband. You and I not being Federal Reserve employees were not supposed to have Federal Reserve notes so we cannot pay according to their own laws that we dont have any gold or silver, so once you point out these facts and

point that out in the informa pauperis they pretty much have to issued the informa pauperis because we dont have any other way. Theres no gold or silver and you cannot use legally federal reserve notesinternal only for banks and itll run the court system broke. [Howard] Long before what he has discovered, way back in the early 1800s there was a bank case called McCulloch v. Maryland, but that is known as the bank case.
{In McCullough v. Maryland, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maryland could not levy a direct tax on a branch of the national bank located in Maryland. Having ruled that a national bank was a reasonable exercise of the constitutional powers of Congress, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution restricted Maryland from taxing the bank. The state of Maryland had made two arguments in this case: first, that the Constitution did not give Congress the power to charter a national bank, and; second, that even if Congress did have such a power, Maryland could levy a tax on the bank. The Court rejected both of these arguments, fearful that such an interpretation would severely injure the letter and spirit of the Constitution: If we apply the principle for which the State of Maryland contends, to the Constitution generally, we shall find it capable of changing totally the character of that instrument. We shall find it capable of arresting all the measures of the Government, and of prostrating it at the foot of the States. The American people have declared their Constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof to be supreme, but this principle would transfer the supremacy, in fact, to the States. More important, perhaps, than the ruling in this case was the principle it espoused on taxation. Chief Justice John Marshall, writing for the Court, said that the power to tax involves the power to destroy. Marshall understood that allowing direct state taxes on federal government operations could completely undermine the sovereignty and legitimacy of the federal government. This principle should ever be on the minds of our lawmakers.}

But thats known as the bank case and it was very specific in that case that government has an absolute right to create any banking system they want for inter-agency exchanges but not beyond that. So long before the Federal Reserve Bank came along in 1913 it had already been established by the courts that this stuff is all inter-governmental exchanges having nothing to do with the rest of the American people. [Dave] And thats all the more proof whyit backs up Rod Class research, the proof you and I cannot pay court costs when were filing cases, were filing answers to cases against us because we dont have any money and we cannot use Federal Reserve notestheres more proof, as Howard just mentioned. [Howard] [Dave] As money So they pretty much have to issue the informa pauperis to everybody

[Howard] Remember the designation there. Indeed Federal Reserve notes are money. Anybody who says theyre not money has no idea what theyre talking about. Indeed Federal Reserve notes are money. Theyre inter-agency exchanges of finance and money

between governments. So they are a form of money. The fact is that as it relates to me in my private capacity and not being a part of government they are not money to me and I cant use them. Its that simple. [Dave] So anybody who wants to hear Rod Class actual programstheyre two hours long usually on either Tuesdays or Fridays at 9:00 PM, EST, and the most recent one that was on December 28th, just go to and listen to it on the archives and Rod Class talk shoe number is 48361#. (AIB, Americas independent Bureau) So you can either go to or you can dial in to talk shoe thats 1-724-444-7444, pin number 48361 but to listen to the summary by his student from North Carolina, Greg, on Friday, December 28th on 48361 to hear the entire two-hour summary and thats the most recent one that definitely even beat the one before that one was Tuesday, December 4th was the one before that. But Friday, December 28th was the one with Greg, the student, that Rod is really proud of that guy because hes picked up on what Rods been teaching and the guys no slouch. 02:05:19.875 [Howard] A week or two or three ago I made a comment that I was going to spend a little bit of time and look into this word, civil, like civil rights, civil governmentcivil. What does it really mean? So I spent about thirty seconds by opening a law dictionary and looking up the word, civil. Thats all it took. It fell right in line with exactly what we have been teaching for years. I dont know why I didnt do this earlier. For those of you who wish to follow the leadership of people who want to file civil rights cases youre putting yourself in the wrong status by doing that. Civil rights apply to people in government. Now, listen and listen and listen closely. Blacks Law Dictionary, the definition of the word, civil: Of or relating to the state or its citizenry. The word is derived from the Latin, civilis, a citizen. Originally, pertaining or appropriate to a member of a civitas or free political community; natural or proper to a citizen. Also, relating to the community, or to the policy and government of the citizens and subjects of a state. Im sure that went right over the minds of most people, went right over their heads. The only important thing there is the government of the citizens and subjects of a state. Now, lets go look at the definition of the word, citizen. In Blacks Law Dictionary the 2nd paragraph it says, citizens are members of a political community who in their associated capacity have established or subjected themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and protection of their individual as well as collective rights. In other words, civil rights. It didnt say that, but thats what it means. And in the first paragraph it clarified that. It said, a citizen is one who under the Constitution and laws of the United States or of a particular state is a member of the political community owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. Do I get the drift of this? Or maybe Im still as stupid as I was when I got out of school. Do I understand that if Im not a party to government I dont have any civil rights? Do I understand that in order to have civil rights I have to make myself a party of government? Whats the difference between natural rights and civil rights? Civil rights evidently come from government. Natural rights are the rights I have as a natural person. I think the natural rights are much more important than civil rights because civil rights being

government-created rights can be un-created and removed by government. Thats what I would think. I dont think Im interested in civil rights. I think I would prefer to be a natural person and have natural rights, not rights generated as the policy and government of the citizens and subjects of a state. But my next question is, if a citizen is a member of the political community, what does that mean, what is a political community? Political, according to Blacks Law Dictionary, the definition is: pertaining or relating to the policy or the administration of government, state or national. Do you belong to the government? Are you an employee or officer of state or federal government? If not, youre not a party to the political society. Now, lets clarify that. Under the word, domicile, we find a very interesting explanation of citizenship. A citizen is an inhabitant, a resident and these terms are severally all words which in a particular case may mean precisely the same as domicile while in other uses may have different meanings. Residence signifies living in a particular locality while domicile means living in that locality with intent to make it a fixed and permanent home and for the purpose of business and commerce. It becomes a commercial. Im paraphrasing a little bit ahead because Im not going to read the whole definition. Resident, citizen, inhabitant and domicile all relate to a commercial connection with governments which are commercial operations. Read the definition, go look it up yourselves. If you disagree with me prove that Im wrong in what I tell you about. Look something up; get back to me and show me how Im wrong because I could be. Ive been wrong many times in life but a political community means government. It does not mean the area, the territory that we live in. As a matter of fact, we go on with the definitions, to the definition of the word, state. And the word, state, is defined again in Blacks Law Dictionary as being: a people permanently occupying a fixed territory bounded together by common law habits and customs. Well, gee, that sounds like it would fit everybody, doesnt it? But thats not the end of the statement, thats just the beginning. By common law habits and customs into a body politic. A political body, a political organization, well, that was defined as a government, wasnt it? So, the word, state, does not mean all the people that live in a territory by the same name as the state uses, does it? So, if it all relates to a political body exercising through the medium of an organized government independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries capable of making war and peace and entering into international relations with other communities of the globe. Now, a political body exercising its authority, doesnt that fit what Ive told you before about Twining v. State, Chicago Railroad Company v. Number 1 School District of Yuma County? Both of those cases and one of them even earlier than that and I cant even remember what the name of it was, Somebody v. the State of New York. In all three of those cases the courts have declared that the state and its laws only apply to the people that are in the state. The state has all the rights and powers and authorities to regulate itself as a government. That means only people that join in with the government come under those regulations. Thats exactly what those cases spelled out very clearly that only people within the government come under those regulations. How did you get within the government? Accepting its benefits and privileges. {Two court cases were cited but no spelling or cite so cant transcribe it?} Both of those cases cited that a resident was a person who was accepting the benefits, privileges and opportunities of the government. I think both of them were about income tax and what they stated was that the income was not based on the amount of money you made. That was just the measure of the tax. It was based on the

acceptance of the benefits, privileges and opportunities of government. Well, if you want to go to work for the government there are many benefits to doing somany. And Ive said many times that I dont object to that for someone who wants to do it. Personally, I dont. I dont want to have anything to do with the government. I think it is a great institution but its been corrupted and I dont want to be a party to it. Bearing in mind that the laws, rules and regulations of government only apply to those people that are in government I dont want to submit myself to those laws and rules. I dont want to have to live that way. As we read on from the definition of the state it goes on to say that thats exactly what youve done. In its largest sense a state is a body politic or a society of men. It is a body of people occupying a definite territory and politically organized under that one government. It is a territorial unit with a distinct general body of law. The term may refer either to the body politic of a nation such as the United States or to an individual governmental unit such as a nation called California. So the State of California as I have said many times is located in Sacrament. It is an office in Sacramento. Its not the entire city of Sacramento. It is the corporate body politic. It extends out beyond Sacramento to the borders of California with its authority and can set up agencies and offices all over California and if you dont deal with any of those agencies and offices you are not participating in the State of California. The same thing is true whether its New York or Florida or Michigan or Texas or any other one of these places. Ive said many times that you cannot find a state if you look on a map. If you look on a map a map gives a name of a place, New York, California, Florida, Michigan, Texas and many other places like that but it does not say the State of New York. It does not say the State of Florida, the State of Michigan, the State of Texas, the State of California, it does not say that on a map because the state is a fictitious corporation called a corporate body politic. In order to be the state and under the States laws and rules whether it be gun legislation or taxes or regulation of your automobile or anything like that you have to be a party member to the State. You have to join the State in some way or another, either by registration or by acceptance of a position of employment such as an officer or employee of the State and that means any state agency, any governmental agency of any kind. This is something that really aggravates me. Ive had numerous different people that Ive talked to over the years that were teachers and they would say stupid things like, well, I work for the Department of Motor Vehicles, I dont work for the State. Oh, boy, its no wonder our kids come out of school stupid. Look at the stupid people we have for teachers. The Department of Education is an agency of the State. Yes, indeed they do work for the State. The Department of Police is an agency of the State even if its privately owned as we have recently proved to be correct and Ive talked about it for years that most of these functions of government today are privatized. They are privately owned agencies contracted with government to do the governments work. They are still governmental. They are still part of the political body called the body politic, the corporate body politic. If you are a member or party to that then you come under all their laws, rules and regulations. A cop can be arrested for violating any of the rules of government but a cop cannot arrest you if youre not a member of government for violating any of the rules of government and if he does hes breaching his fiduciary duty and you ought to sue that bastard for every little stupid thing hes got in life. Clean him out and then go after his lawyer because his lawyer will try to protect him and say hes just doing his job which means the lawyers being dishonest and lying and you add him

to the suit. And if the judge says, well, I agree with the lawyer, then you add him to the suit and you get another judge and by the time you get to the third, fourth or fifth judge finally one of them is going to wake up and say, look, I dont want to be a part of this. I rule in favor of the plaintiff against all these defendants, because he does not want to be subjected to a law suit for breach of his fiduciary duty like youve done to all of these other If you know that much and you can bring it, no judge ought to be stupid enough to rule against you. But if he is, include him in the next part of the suit. Just add him as a co-defendant if theres a rule in the court rules that allows you to bring in additional defendants or additional plaintiffs. You got to look up which rule that is. In each state it might be under a different number or a different name but there is a rule to do that under and you can bring them in as additional defendants in your suit for breach of the fiduciary duty starting with some low-level moron law enforcement agency enforcement, code enforcement officer, any one of these little morons of government that come out and bother your private property, your private person. Theyre bringing civil claims upon you. You know what civil disorder means? Its when the civil government is out of order, not when the people are. The people have the power and the right to stop government from anything its doing because its wrong. But you better be darned sure youre right, not just your personal opinion. You better be able to back up your claims by quoting cases. And all these definitions that I just read to you have cases cited in them even in Blacks 6th edition. If you go back to Blacks 4th and 5th theres even more cases cited backing these statements up that prove the very points that Im bringing. Dont have anything to do with civil. Youre not part of the civil government unless you work for it. If you dont work for it you dont belong there. You havent signed up. You havent acknowledged that you want to be control by it and you cant be. A lawyer will tell you, you can. A lawyer will tell you that were wrong, that Im not right in what I just said, that the government has the right to control and regulate all the people. Well, hes absolutely right, all the people that are in government but not all the people that are in the world or in the country or in a particular territory such as California or New York or Florida or Michigan or Texas or any of the other so-called states because the only state is the state of the forum, the government, the political body which is a corporation and the only way you can become a party to a corporation is to sign in, ask for the privilege of being a party to that corporation as an officer or employee. And if they want to impose these rules upon youI cant stop complimenting, I dont remember the fellows nameIm not even sure they ever released itbut the fellow up in Oregon who want into court and said, he was not a resident of the state of Oregon. And, of course, they said, oh yes you are, if you live here youre a resident. Well, if you live where? If you are domiciled in, resident within, citizen of, within government then, yes. But he said, I am not a resident of the State of Oregon. And they said, oh yes, you are. And he said, well, you prove that by payroll records, and they dismissed his case and threw him out the courtroom door because they cant prove with payroll records that youre a citizen, a resident, a domicile, and inhabitant of government unless they do have payroll records to prove that you have entered yourself into the jurisdiction of the government. Smart young manas a matter of fact he wentI talked about this many timesand he went numerous steps beyond the point that I had made by demanding that they prove by payroll records that he was a resident of the State of Oregon. Every one of you should learn from that. Every one of you should think seriously about this. Get a

dictionary. If you dont have one get on the internet and print these definitionsread themlook up the cases that are cited. Learn for yourself that you are not a person entitled to civil rights unless youre a person in government. [Dave] Or registered to vote in it.

[Howard] Well, you should stay out of government in all facets. You should, and as Dave has said earlier, you should remove all registrations. You should follow the directions of Gemini Investments, not Howard Griswold, because there was a whole lot more people involved in putting this together than just Howard Griswold. I cant take credit for all of what was done. But the security agreement once its prepared for you and you properly register it with the Secretary of State and if there is land involved, unmoveable property it would be County Recorder of Deeds Office according to the requirements of the law and youve set all that up in place. You have claimed your interest in the property. You lost that interest by the registration. But you claimed it back by establishing your secured interest in the property. Then and only then do have a right to terminate that registration and recover the property and this is what we should be doing. Everybody should be doing this. Get everything youve got out of government. We call ourselves Gemini Investments for a damned good reason. The symbol in the Zodiac of Gemini is a picture of an individual going in opposite directions. The reason we call it Gemini Investments is because investments like individuals can often go in opposite directions and government is always going to go in the wrong direction. Its very seldom that you are benefiting by anything in government. But as an employee, an officer or an employed agent of government it is a good job theres no doubt about it. It pays well, it provides great benefits such as retirement benefits, health benefits. Theres no reason not to be a party to government if you want to. But realize that if you do this youve submitted yourself to the jurisdiction and authority of all their laws, rules and regulations and you cant avoid them. You cant stand up and say that Ive got Constitutional rights because youve surrendered them by contract by joining in with the government. Alright, do you understand that? If youve got a government job, youre a police officer, youre a fool, but youre a police officer, a school teacher or any other type of an agent or officer of government you have submitted yourself to the rules and regulations of government. If you dont like that quit. Go find an honest job somewhere. If you do like it stick to it. If you like the benefits and the pay scale stick to it but abide by all the laws and rules otherwise you are going to be in serious trouble. Youre going to lose out by not abiding by the rules. You will bethey call it prosecutedI would prefer to use the term, persecuted, but they will persecute you for not following the rules. Government has the right to regulate itself. If youre a party to government you come under all the rules that government makes to regulate itself. Now, that does not apply to the private individual who does not work for government. They have a great advantage over government officials as far as liability for government rules and regulations. But they may not have as great an advantage of making as much money. In your private capacity, individually operating you dont have the ability to deal in things that government has the authority to grant privileges such as the manufacture and sale of firearms, the manufacture and sale of alcohol, the manufacture and sale of

narcotics which is a doctors license, the license to be a drug dealer, a legitimate sales license for drugs as opposed to unlawful drug distribution. That makes money. Selling alcohol, manufacturing and selling alcohol makes money. Manufacturing and selling firearms of any kind as a gun dealer, so-called gun dealer is a profitable business. You make more money than you do working for a living in a manufacturing factory, youre in an office setting or a small business. You make much more money from these privileges but because youve accepted that privilege of either being a government official or being licensed by government to do a certain function you can more money in that certain function than you can in private regular small business. But youre going to pay the kickback to government for the privilege that they gave you of being able to enjoy being in that business area and making all that extra money that is feasible and possible through those privileges. You better pay the tax if you have that position of privilege from the government under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, the Congress of the United States shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on imposts, duties and excises. The word, excise, means privileges, any privileges granted. The state is a rider on the federal income tax. They dont have a tax program of their own. They follow as tax imposed on the gross federal income tax reported. So the state tax is all based on federal tax. Theyre a rider on the federal tax program. The federal tax, tax program is only allowed to apply to these privileges. If you had a privilege license from the state to do something that the state and the federal have the right to regulate then you were receiving the privilege and you are liable for the tax. If you dont have any such privilege youre just working for a living. None of that taxiing authority applies to you. Now, unfortunately, the education system does not teach any of this so this is all new to anybody. It is a little bit hard to grasp and definitely a little bit hard to argue in the courts. I would not suggest that you get into these arguments or prepare yourself to get into them by avoiding the income tax unless you fully understand the explanation that I just gave. Now, surprising enough it sounds like that lawyer from Alabama, Larry Becraftnow, Becraft is a lawyer and lawyers are all evil people. They are taught to be evil in the law school. They are taught to enforce these things and push these issues to do this and do that and make everybody abide by it. But I dont think Mr. Becraft is an extremely evil person. I think there is a good bit of good in him somewhere and eventually the good is beginning to show through. Hes against the governments ways of deceiving and misleading people and hes beginning to expose it and hes not the only one. There are many, many people in government today that are starting to bring this stuff out and exposing it. One of the interesting news channel that you ought to watch is the channel that covers Wall Street. It is amazing how much stuff they bring out. There were two different people on there being interviewed yesterday. I had a little time yesterday. I just happened to turn it on at the right time too. I get lucky this way. I dont have time to sit there all day and watch the whole thing. Ill just go back there, Ill push the button and turn the television on, and sit back and watch it for a couple of minutes and then I got to get back to work before the phone rings and somebody wants me again and ties me up. It just so happens that I caught this controversy. Boy, what a heated argument between two different investors, one of them who thinks the world is never going to end and the other one who is saying that this whole thing is going to eventually devolve into a complete total collapse of the market and the money system. Interesting. They actually allowed somebody to bring the same comments that we have been making and talking about for years into the news today and

this fellow made some very good points as to why this whole thing is going to collapse. And its the same thing that Ive told you about this fiscal cliff. Its there and theres nothing they can do about it. They may slow it down with a little bit of alteration in the legislation but theyre not going to stop going over the fiscal cliff because no matter what they do theyre still causing the problem to get worse. They increase the taxes on the wealthy. You know who builds business and expands business? You take away more of their money and you deter them from expanding business and hiring more people... {02:44:51.282}

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