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Jo Dicandia

Constitution Worksheet

Article I 4. Congress must meet at least once every year; new members of congress must be elected. 5. A quorum is the number of members of a group or organization required to be present to transact business legally, usually a majority. In every new group of congress, the rules of proceedings must be agreed upon by the House. The journal of proceedings will be published from time to time, excluding the parts that must remain secret. 6. A revenue bill is one that is used in order to raise money, often done through taxes. Every bill proposed for raising revenue will originate only in the House of Representatives. The senate can however may propose with amendments as on other bills. 7. After a bill is derived from the Senate or House of Representatives, it must be approved by the president. In order to get approval, the bill must be passed by 2/3 majority of the Senate and House. If the president denies, it is sent back to Congress. 8. One type of veto is in which the president does not sign bill within the ten day waiting period. The other type of veto is when the bill is sent back to congress with reasons for not approving. 9. Powers of congress: - Laying and collecting taxes for the genreal welfare and common defense. Regulating commcerce with foreign trades Borrowing money on the credit of the U.S. Regulating commerce in the states To coin money, and regulate its value Appoint punishments for counterfeit Establish post offices and post roads Establish patents To raise and support armies To provide and maintain a navy to make rules for the government and Regulation of the land and naval forces To provide for calling forth a militia To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever To make laws necessary in order to execute the higher powers 10. This clause allows the government to carry out actions that may not be stated, as long as what they want to do is necessary to carry out their powers 11. - The Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless public safety is threatened - No bills of attainder or ex post facto laws shall be passed - No direct taxing - No taxes on exports from the U.S. - No titles of nobility may be granted 12. In order to prevent any association with any King, Prince, or foreign state 13. In the House, elections are held every two years, and service terms and two years as well. In the Senate, there are six year terms Article II 1. In order to become president, the candidate must be of at least 35 years of age and born a U.S. Citizen. The term is four years 2. The decision must be made by the majority; each state's electors go to the candidate that wins the popular vote of the people for that state. In the case of no majority, or an equal vote, then the House of Representatives must immediately choose.

3. The president can be removed from office if he is convicted of treason, high crimes, and/or bribery 4. The president is to be the commander in chief of the military - Has the power of granting repreives and pardons for offenses - Has the power to make treaties - Nominating ambassadors - Nominating judges of the Supremer Court - Has the power to fill vacancies in the Senate 5. Te creation of foreign treaties Article III 1. In concern of judicial power, the Supreme Court will remain at the top, while federal district courts lie underneath it 2. Federal judges would serve for life, in order to avoid being affected by political influences 3. Cases involving ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party. 4. All other matters that are not officially noted as exclusive powers. 5. Levying war against the U.S., adhering to her enemies, and/or giving them aid or comfort. Article IV 1. Must allow the same rights from one state to another 2. New states are to be admitted by congress, and not within the jurisditcion of another state, as well as not the junction of any existing states 3. Executive composed of non-monarchy, with a constitution and representative democracy Article V 1. Two thirds of the House can propose amendments, two thirds of the state legislators can call convention to propose amendments, and three fourths of state legislators must ratify amendments for them to pass. Article VI 1. The constitution, las made by the U.S., and treaties made by the U.S., should compose the law of the land Article VII 1. By the ratification of the conventions of nine states VOCABULARY FOR THE CONSTITUTION Enumerated Powers Powers given specifically to the federal government from Article 1, Section 8 Delegated Powers Synonymous to the Enumerated Powers Implied Powers The powers necessary and proper in oder to carry out tasks Advice and Consent - a legal expression in the United States Constitution that allows the Senate to constrain the President's powers of appointment and treaty-making Writ of Habeas Corpus One cannot be held in jail without charges held against him Bill of Attainder Law that secludes individual as well as group punishment without trial Naturalization the granting of citizenship Pocket Veto The act of the president not returning a bill within the ten day waiting period before Congress adjourns Ex Post Facto - laws adopted after an act is committed making, it illegal although it was legal when done

VOCABULARY FOR THE FIRST 10 AMENDMENTS Due Process the government cannot abuse the rights of citizens when they are charged with a cime Indictment the process f being formally charged with a crime Grand Jury determines if there is enough evidence for trial Jeopardy where a person cannot be charged with the same crime twice Reserved Powers Powers that are not given to the federal governemt and stay in the hand of the people and states

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