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Ali Baba and The 40 Thieves 1st Scene: Ali Babas house Ali Baba Raiyah My darling, I must

work very hard to gather woods, to make enough for us to eat this next month. I shall be gone for two days. Be careful husband, for I have heard that there are wicked bandits in the forest beyond the plains. May Allah guard you and bring you safely home. Ali Baba in the jungle Ali Baba Erm. I dont think any wood here has been cut here for many years. Im going to be rich. What is that dust cloud? Its coming this way. Its a group of people. I can see them now. Oh dear! Thats the famous 40 thieves! I shall hide from them. Theres a tree. I shall climb the tree. The 40 thieves come out shouting Hoi Hoi Ya Hoi Sergeant Thieves Sergeant Thieves Sergeant Thieves Chief Thief Thieves Silent everybody! Lets gather here. Our boss is still not here. Now we can rest for a while. Who are we?? We are the feared and famous Forty Thieves! How many are we?? Er. (Counting and talking to each other) One.. Err.. Two? (In choreograph) Why are you so foolish ?? The boss has arrived. Attention!! Yes sir! How many are there today? Why is it not forty? Where are the others? (One by one) Some are under the weather sir! Some are attending their stepmothers birthday celebration sir! Some are visiting their mummy sugar Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief daddy sir! Aik? What! Make sure they have government hospital MCs. If not, Ill cut half month salary! Ai ai sir! Aik? What kind of language do you use? My fathers language Sir!. (Looking to the tree, saw Ali Baba) Aik? Hi. (Waving hand) Hi. (Smile and waving back) Lets go thieves! Nyiat Inson Mata Kaji Semarengiseng!

The thieves off the stage using the side entrance. Before the Chief follow his people, Ali Baba stops him. Ali Baba Wait! Wait! Wait for a minute! (Run to the Chief Thieves)

Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief

Who are you? How do you know about my cave? Im a reporter. Of course I know. Eh, how do you open your cave? Erm. Do you have a pen? Yes. Here it is. Paper? Here it is. Eh, Amazing that you have all these things with you? Im a reporter Sir. Oh. Ok. Dont tell anybody about this secret. Ok sir! Dont worry! Wait, wait! That is the opening only. Let me write down the words on how to

close it. Ali Baba Oh. Ok. Thank you!. Chief Thief (After Ali Baba out of sighted) Ngangpong ngiseng semartilem. The chief walks off the stage. Ali Baba at the cave. 2nd Scene Ali Baba Oh I cant believe my eyes. Should I tell the city guard about all these stolen treasure? Emm. No no no. Now, how do I open the cave? Oh yes. Nyiat insong mata kaji semarengiseng. Praise to God for showing me such wonders. But, I shall not be greedy. I will just take some, enough for my family to live in comfort. Ali Baba races home to share his good fortune with his wife. His wife is shock to see the gold coins. Raiyah Ali Baba (Shocked) Kanda! Where did you get all these gold coins? Kanda! Where did you get all these gold coins? (Repeat until Ali Baba settle down) How many times do you want to ask? My friend gave them to me. He said he doesnt want to be a wealthy man. Now, go to Kasim Babas house and borrow Raiyah Ali Baba a measure from him. Ha. Okay-okay. I will go now. What a foolish friend you have? Eh eh? Go go. (Look until his wife out of sighted) Now, Ive become a wealthy man. Should I change the way I walk? Let me try this one. Argh! Forget it. Now Raiyah Ali Baba Raiyah Ali Baba Raiyah I should bury this gold coin first. (Rush into the stage) Kanda, here is the measure I have borrowed from Kasim Baba. I didnt tell him about our secret, but he looked curious. Give it to me. Kanda, tell me the truth. Where did you get all these coins? Okay. I will tell you the truth. The story is like this. Haa. Thats how I got all these coins. Oh. Okay. Now I understand. But we should not be greedy; we just take what is enough for us. No less, no more.

Ali Baba Raiyah Ali Baba Raiyah

Thats the way. Ahha ahha. Thats the way. Ahha ahha. Now, let me give this measure back to Kasim Baba. No no, let me go. Ok? Take care. Ok Kanda. I will always be a good and soft hearted wife. (Look at her husband

until Ali Baba is out of sight) Suddenly, Ali Baba goes back into the stage. Ali Baba Raiyah Ali Baba Darling. Ive done a mistake. When I arrived at Kasim Babas house, he was waiting for me already. And do you know what had happened? Tell me dear. He forced me to tell the secret. And I had to. Because his wife found out that we have gold coins. They trapped us. His wife had put some wax and put it under Raiyah Ali Baba 3rd Scene: When Ali Baba and his wife off the stage, the Chief of Thieves enters the stage carrying table and chair (from right side). The bandits enter from the left side. Chief Thief Thieves Chief Thief Thieve Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Thieves Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief 4th Scene : Raiyah looks worried. (Blow the whistle) Come on thieves. Payment time! Hoorray!! Okay. Your name? Siva, opps, Hamidah Bee? Haa. Sign here. (showing a paper) You salary for this month is 150 dirham. Thank you sir. You sergeant! Your salary for this month is 30 dirham. Sign here. Aik? Sir? Im a sergeant, why must my salary be lower than the others? 30 dirham only? Then? How much do you want? 40 dirham? 70 dirham? One thousand ? What ! No no no. You took too many MCs, so I cut your salary. Oh my God. Im sorry. I will not do it again. Next!!! Sir! Sir ! We had caught someone who tried to steal our treasure. There he is. What? Sergeant! Go get me the Elephant Rifle. I will kill this thief. Ai ai sir. Here is your Elephant Rifle. Good! Now lets go thieves. the measure that we used to count the coins. I told him everything. I had to. Then? Did Kasim Baba go to that place? Yes dear. He is already on his way. I hope nothing will happen to him.

Ali Baba Raiyah Raiyah Cobbler Ali Baba Raiyah Cobbler Raiyah Cobbler Raiyah Ali Baba Cobbler Raiyah Raiyah Cobbler

(Rush into the stage) Raiyah, Kasim is dead. What are we going to do now? What are we going to do with his body? We cannot bury him like this. Uncle, can you helpyou told his you to stitch something. Oh my God!! Have me? I want wife? What docannot seeme to stitch? like this. He has been cut into pieces. She will No, she you want her husband You will know when you are there. becomeThat sounds fishy. What ! crazy. Ahh.I pay you 360 dirham. Is it okay for you? the best cobbler who can sew your I will know how to settle this matter. I know Okay, no body back. brothers problem. But I have to blind fold you. on you then. Really? Thank you. I will rely If you Now Im going to meet the am I going to walk? I want 770 dirham if you Okay. want to blind fold me how cobbler. want to blind fold my eyes. Hmm. Agree. Ill guide you. Dont worry. Now, take this. Let me blind fold you. All right then.

Raiyah meet the cobbler.

At the cave. Chief Thief Ali Baba Thieves Chief Thief Sergeant Chief Thief Ali Baba Chief Thief Thieves Ali Baba Sergeant Chief Thief Raiyah Chief Thief Ali Baba Thieves Chief Thief Raiyah Thieves Raiyah

Its just an easy task to do and you can even do it! What kind of thieves are Assalamualaikum ya sheikh. Good evening traveller. Are you on your way to you?? the market? Have we met before? Weve done everything that you have asked us going Sir. market to sell all my Waalaikumsalam. You look familiar too. Im to do to the Yes boss. We also have marked the house that you wanted us to mark. servants. But now Im looking for a lodging. You call that marking the house?? Do you know that the house marked is a Oh, thats not a problem. You are welcome to stay here tonight. My wife is the toilet?cook in the world. Please come in. finest Thats so generous of you, praise to god. No! Raiyah honey, this honourable merchant of servants will be staying with us Calm down Boss!. feast of a finestthe right house and to give food to all his tonight. Make us a I have found lamb. Dont forget I have a suggestion. servants we will go to his house. You will pretend as a slave merchant. We will Tonight too. Your generosity is boundless; you must let me pay for such hospitality. follow you as slaves. At 12 oclock sharp, we will kill him and his family. You are welcome Sir. Wow. You areSir, I am almost insulted that you should offer money. Perhaps (Interrupting) a genius. Very good. All thieves, tonight we will work overtime!! you can pay for your lodging with some stories. Hooray!! Indeed sir, I have many stories (the situation faded, the main attraction is towards Raiyah) I feel strange about the man..and his servants. (at the time Raiyah arrived at the back of the house, he heard the other thieves chatting) When will the time come? Im very eager to kill the man and his whole family and take all the things in the house. Oh my god! All these are tricks for my husband. All of them want to kill my

family. I should prevent this from happening. I shall give them poisoned cookies. Salam everyone. I have brought you some cookies. Come and taste them. Are they delicious? (All of the thieves eat the cookies together, and they all die one by one in choreographically) Raiyah inside the house.


Kanda, the feast is ready. Before we start, Sheikh, would you like to taste my cookies? I made them specially for you. Cookies! They are my favourite. Thats very thoughtful of you. Thank you. (The chief eats the cookie and immediately falls to the floor and die.)

Chief Thief

Ali Baba Raiyah

What did you do? You have just murdered a man! Please my dear, before you condemn me, take a closer look at the man that I have killed. He is the leader of the forty thieves! Ali Baba Oh my God! He is the head of the forty thieves. You are right. You are the wisest of all women. Thank you very much my wife. How dare you come to my house and wanted to kill me! Raiyah Thank God that we are save. Dear, why he is smiling? Chief Thief Mati dalam Iman laa.. Ali Baba Hahahaha. We are save. Thank you Allah. After the incident Ali Baba and his wife lived happily ever after with all the treasure inside the cave. The End.

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