Resignation Letter

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Taft Street, Brgy. Sta.

Rosa NHA Mandurriao, Iloilo City November 15, 2008

SR. MA. LINDA TANALGO, SPC Administrator St. Pauls Hospital Iloilo City

Dear Sr. Tanalgo, I have the honor to render my resignation as Staff Nurse from this hospital effectivet h e c l o s e o f b u s i n e s s h o u r s o n O c t o b e r 9 , 2 0 0 9 . I i n t e n d t o t a k e t h e N C L E X a n d IELTS. I regret to leave this place which I consider as my second home. I wish to thank youfor giving me the opportunity of joining the nursing service of this hospital for thepast two years. I also wish to thank the medical and nursing staff for enabling me tolearn as much as I did and for their kind attitude towards me. I truly enjoyed my stay in this hospital. Thank you again fo r t h i s w o n d e r f u l experience. Enclosed herewith are the clearance papers relative to my resignation.May the Lords holy mantle protect you and St. Pauls Hospital.


ERWIN CHRISTIAN D. CAPALLA, R.N. Staff Nurse, Medical Intensive Care Unit

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