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Timp n romn

Exemple n romn Traducere n englez 1. PREZENT 1. Present, common Vine adesea s ne He often comes to see us vad. 2. Present, continuou Acum citete i nu He is reading now poate veni. and cannot come. 3. Present Perfect, M cunoti demult? Have you known me common for a long time? 4. Present Perfect, M atepi demult? Have you been continuou waiting for me for a long time? 5. Past Perfect, A zis c vine dup ce He said he would common termin. come after he had finished. 6. Past Perfect, A zis c citete demult. He said he had been continuou reading for a long time. 7. Past Tense, A zis c tie. He said he knew. common 8. Past Tense, A zis c citete. He said he was continuou reading. 9. Future Vine mine. He will come tomorrow. 10. Future-in-the-Past A zis c vine cnd He said he would vrea. come whenever he wanted to. 11. Imperative Te duci i te culci. Go to bed. 12. Frequentative Aa fac copiii. Children will be children. 13. Subjunctive E ciudat c pleci chiar It is strange that you acum. should leave right now 14. Infinitive Se atepta c tii de He expected you to asta. know about this. 2. IMPERFECT 1. Past Tense, common 2. Past Tense, continuou 3. Frequentative Simea c e adevrat. Citea. He felt it was true.

Timp n englez

He was reading.

He would often/often used to come to see us. 4. Future Tu erai tata i eu eram You will be father mama. and I will be mother. 5. Near Future Nu tia ce am de gnd He had no idea what I s fac. was going to do. 6. Past Perfect, A zis c merge acolo He said he had gone common zilnic de un an. there daily for a year. 7. Past Perfect, Ploua de dou ore. It had been raining continuou for two hours. 8. Conditional Present Dac ai fi srac, nu If you were poor, you aveai bani. would not have any money. 9. Conditional Past Dac voiai veneai. If you had wanted to, you would have come. 10. Subjunctive Mcar dac veneai i tu If only you had come ieri. yesterday, too. 11. Perfect Infinitive Mai bine veneai cu noi. You had better have come with us. 12. Modal verb Trebuia s vii. You should have come.

Venea adesea pe la noi.

13. Present 3. PERFECT COMPUS 1. Past Tense, common 2. Past Perfect, common 3. Present Perfect, common 4. Present, common

Urma s vin. Aveam ceva s te rog.

He was to come. I want to ask you a favour.

Did you come yesterday? Zicea c a uitat. He was saying he had forgotten. Ai citit ultima lui Have you read hi carte? latest book? Am auzit c tii. I hear you know about it. 5. Present, continuou Ei gata, am plecat! I am going now. 6. Frequentative Ani de zile nici nu l-a For years he would bgat n seam. not even notice him. 7. Subjunctive E ciudat c a plecat It is odd that he deja. should already have left. 4. CONDIIONAL PREZENT 1. Indefinite Infinitive He is said to be a thief. Cic ar citi acum. He is said to be reading now. 2. Past Tense Dac ai vrea ai veni. If you wanted to, you would come. 3. Present Se pare c ar fi ocupat. It seems he is busy. 4. Conditional Present A veni i eu dar nu I should come, too, pot. but I cannot. 5. Future Cic ar pleca mine. They say he will leave tomorrow. 6. Modal N-ar trebui s pleci. You should not go away. 5. CONDIIONAL TRECUT They say he came yesterday. Nu c n-ar fi tiut, dar He knew all right, but n-a vrut. he would not. 2. Past Perfect Dac ar fi vrut, ar fi If he had wanted to, venit. he would have come. 3. Conditional Past Ar fi venit dac-i He would have come spuneai. if you had told him. 4. Subjunctive Mcar dac ai fi venit If only you had come ieri. yesterday. 5. Modal Ar fi fost cazul s vii. You should have come. 6. Perfect Infinitive Se zice c ar fi He is said to have terminat. finished. 6. PERFECTUL 1. Past Tense Sosi i se culc. He arrived and SIMPLU went to bed. 2. Hardly...when Nici nu sosi bine, c i Hardly had he arrived auzi pianul. when he heard the piano. 1. Past Tense Cic ar fi venit ieri. Cic ar fi ho.

Ai venit ieri?

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