Guidelines For Industrial Training Report:: Sequence of Project Report

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Guidelines for Industrial Training Report:

1. The report should be minimum of 40-50 pages and should be designed in the format as provided below. 2. The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size. 3. The project report should be hard bound using cover of the thick RED art paper. 4. The cover page should be printed in black letters and the text for printing should be as mentioned below. 5. Use Times New Roman font in the report. 6. The font size to be used 16 Bold for Titles,12 Bold for sub-titles and 12 for normal text. 7. The margins: Left margin: 1.5andRight margin: 1; Top and Bottom margins: 1 8. Text should be left justified. 9. Numbers in bracket indicate the font size to be used 10. The line spacing is 1.5. Maximum number of pages: 30 11. Be in contact with your PI for corrections / addition / deletions if any in the report. 12. Student should sign on the acknowledgement and self-assessment report. 13. Certificate from the industry should be on the Industry Letterhead. 14. No. of copies required: Four (4) a) Department copy b) Industry copy c) Student Copy and d) PI Copy


Specimen of The Project Report

TITLE OF PROJECT <Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> AN INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 14> AT NAME & LOGO OF THE COMPANY Submitted by <Font Size 14><Italic> NAME OF THE CANDIDATE <Font Size 16> in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of <Font Size 14><1.5 line spacing><Italic> NAME OF THE DEGREE <Font Size 16> IN BRANCH OF STUDY <Font Size 14> UNDER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (PDA)



It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course of study. I express my sincere gratitude to (Director, Company/Industry) for providing me an opportunity to undergo Industrial Training at .. I am thankful to . (Project Investigator) for her/his support, cooperation, and motivation provided to me, during the training and for continuous inspiration, presence and blessings. I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr/Ms. (Dean, Faculty of..) who provided her/his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report. Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work.

(Name of the student) Date: Place:

Certificate from the Company / Industry (Should be on the Company/Industrys letterhead) CERTIFICATE (18, bold, underline) This is to certify that Ms.___________________________has partially completed / completed the Industrial Training in our Organization / Industry during the academic year 2011-2012. She was trained in the field of _____________________________________________________________ __________. Her overall performance during the period was Excellent / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor. (16, normal)

Industrial Guide (16, bold) Seal

Self-assessment of Industrial Training by the student 1. Name of Student:_____________________________________________ 2. Name and address of Company / Industry_________________________ 3. Guide from Industry__________________________________________(with designation)____________________________________________ 4. Date of commencement _______________________________________ of Industrial Training 5. Number of days present ________________days out of _________days. 6. I hereby declare that, I have learnt following skills during my Industrial Training: Sr. Description

DECLARATION I, .(name of the student), student of .(Course name) studying in .(trimester/semester), hereby declare that the Industrial Training report on .. (topic) submitted to Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University, Jaipur, in partial fulfillment of degree of .. is the original work conducted by me, at .(Company Name & Location).

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge. This summer training report is not being submitted to any other place for award of any other degree, diploma and fellowship.

(Name of the student) Date: Place:

TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic 1. INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC 2. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 3. SCOPE AND RATIONALE OF THE TRAINING 4. COMPANY PROFILE (Background, History, Founder, vision, mission, competitors, Organization structure, Products, milestones, achievements, address) 5. TRAINING METHODOLOGY (Type of methodology, training design, sampling design, tools, sample units, hypothesis, data collection methods) 6. STUDY OF TOPIC 7. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS 8. RESULTS AND FINDINGS 9. CONCLUSIONS 10. LIMITATIONS OF THE TRAINING 11. SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY 13. APPENDIX ANNEXURE I QUESTIONNAIRE ANNEXURE II ANNUAL REPORTS etc. Page No.

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