Ethics Paper-Rushworth M. Kiddler's "Ethics in A Time of Crisis"

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Name: Dwayne Salmon Course: MG 615 Instructor: DR.

Zavala Date: February 27, 2012

Ethics Paper- Rushworth M. Kiddlers Ethics in a Time of Crisis

I think the author made some strong point of views as I agree with his views on how America thinks of Ethics within society. When the stock market had fell dramatically the media as well as the world turned into chaos due to the greed and ethical behavior of Wall Street and other financial members. After the financial meltdown, the world looked at what is right or wrong differently as they now see what great effects it has on society. Ethical relativism is the cause of today's poor economic conditions, as financial Individuals make choices that they believe is correct such as fudging of financial figures or to commit fraud. As what is right for you may not be right for me, is a way in which people look at things. Within Ethical Relativism it represents the position that there are no moral absolutes, no moral wrong or right. Despite the rules and regulations put in place by federal government, individuals in the financial community still thinks ethical relativism is the best way to conduct themselves in society. Business Integrity is defined as the ethical behavior in business transactions that is in accordance with the businesss principles, relevant provisions and is in compliance with local, national and international laws. Many businesses and their employees do not practice integrity, as they think this is not right which depends on the culture and the way that they look at things. Integrity begins with the leader of a company who understands the qualities of integrity which is then filtered down throughout the company into every department and every members approach and attitude. Business integrity cannot take place unless it starts from the leader down to the bottom of the chain; business leaders and management have to practice integrity in everything that they do for employees to follow. Regulations will be implemented to develop business integrity as employees tend to break the rule if they think they will not be punished or it is deemed as the norm. Harsh punishments will be put in place for persons who cannot abide by the rules, this will therefore result in termination of employment. This will act as a point to show that the business takes integrity in everything that it does. To achieve the businesss goals and vision the employees and leaders have to practice integrity in every aspect of the business in order for the business to be in compliance with local, national and international laws.

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