Topic: Architectural Research Report Writing Format

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i. Abstract ii. Acknowledgements iii. Table of Contents iv.List of Maps, Charts, Graphs & Tables v. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Chapter # 1 - Introduction 1.1: Background Problem statement; Research questions 1.2: Objective Sub-objectives 1.3: Methodology 1.4: Scope and Parameters 1.5: Rationale and Justification 1.6: Expected results 1.7: Use of Study Chapter # 2 Literature Review 2.1: Definitions and descriptions (background of literature review) 2.2: Different Authors and their books, articles etc. (Summary of whatever literature reviewed) 2.3: Architects perspective 2.4: Research Arguments ( view points of different authors both for and against) 2.5: Theoretical Framework (Identification of the gaps in arguments where you want to work) 2.6: Conceptual Framework (Hypothesis development) Chapter # 3 Research Design 3.1: Lessons learned through literature review 3.2: Breakup of Hypothesis in Parameters / Variables; Indicators/Values and Sources. 3.3: What data shall be collected (Based on Hypothesis breakup) 3.4: What shall be the method to collect the data 3.4.1: Observations 3.4.2: Interviews 3.4.3: More literature review 3.4.4: Questionnaire Survey 3.4.5: Photographic Survey 3.4.6: Map making (GIS/Remote Sensing) 3.4.7: Retrospective Prospective Study or Before and After study 3.4.8: Case studies method etc. Comparison of Local as well as International cases 3.4.9: Experimentation (Practical Modeling) 3.5: Method of data presentation 3.6: Method of analysis Chapter # 4 Architectural Research

4.1: Factual data presentation (Local and International Case Studies/Contextual Information) 4.2: Data analysis as per selected method of Analysis 4.3: Synthesis (Summary of Arguments) CHAPTER # 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1: Summary of Research Findings 5.2: Interpretation of Research Findings into Design Brief 5.3: Justification of Design Brief 5.4: Site Selection Criteria; Site Selection and Analysis 5.5: Design Philosophy, Concepts and its Justification Chapter # 6: Design Proposal 6.1: Design Development Process 6.2: Master Planning Process and Alternatives Development 6.3: Detailed Design Process and Alternative development 6.4: Proposed Master Plan 6.5: Proposed Detailed Design (Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Views, Details below ups, Block Models and Detailed Models Chapter # 07 Research Appraisal 7.1: Brief Presented to the Jury 7.2: Questions asked by Jury Members 7.3: Answers given to Jury Members 7.4: Jurys Final Remarks (Unanswered questions) 7.5: Avenues for further research in future 8: REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 9: ANNEXURES HOW TO GIVE THE REFERENCES? BOTH IN FOOT NOTES AND IN BIBLIOGRAPHY: Following is the style of references that may be followed in the thesis report. Book (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of book family name and initials Year of publication, Title of book italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication. Chapter in a book (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of chapter family name and initials Year of publication, Title of chapter in single quotation marks, in Editor(s) of book (eds), Title of book italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Page numbers. Conference paper (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of paper family name and initials Year of publication, Title of paper in single quotation marks, Title of published proceedings which may include place held and date(s)

italicised, Publisher, Place of Publication, Page number(s), (viewed date-in-full, URL if accessed electronically). Journal Article (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of journal article family name and initials Year of publication, Title of journal article in single quotation marks, Title of journal italicised, Volume, Issue or number, Page number(s), (viewed date-in-full, URL if accessed electronically). Thesis (Elements of the citation) Author of thesis family name and initials Year of preparation of thesis, Title of thesis in single quotation marks, Award, Institution issuing degree, Location of institution. Report (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of report (person or organisation) Year of Publication, Title of report - italicised, Report number (if available), Publisher/ Institution, Place of publication, (viewed date-in-full, URL - if accessed electronically). Newspaper and magazine article (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of article family name and initials Year of publication, Title of article in single quotation marks, Title of newspaper italicised, Day month, Page number(s). Web page (Elements of the citation) Author(s) of page (person or organisation) Year (page created or revised), Title of page italicised, description of document (if applicable), name of the sponsor of the page (if applicable), viewed date-in-full, URL. Patent (Elements of the citation)Author(s) of patent family name and initials Year of issue, Title of patent- italicised, Number of patent including country of issue. Standard (Elements of the citation) Corporate body issuing standard Year of publication, Title of standard- italicised, Number of standard including identifier of issuing country or body, Publisher of standard, Place of publication. Map (Elements of the citation) Issuing body Year of publication, Title of map italicised, Series (if available), Publisher, Place of publication. Personal communication (Elements of the citation) Information obtained by interview, telephone call, letter or email should be documented in the text, but should NOT be included in the list of References.



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