SATA Newsletter - 2012 Winter

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Apartments Tenants Association

In June 2012, the landlord (Paramount Property Management Inc.) applied for Above Guideline Rent Increases (AGI) of 6.87 % over three years. Original Increase Proposed Year One 3.00 % Year Two 3.00 % Year Three 0.87 % TOTAL 6.87 % The basis of their application was the cost of capital expenditures. After extensive consultation with SATA members, the Executive committee voted to hire a lawyer to assist in fighting the increases. Karin More (President), Lorraine Walton (Vice- President), Jacqui Leroux, and Jennifer Davis (Secretary) visited the lawyers, Jennifer ODell and Bryan Delaney of Delaneys Law Office, at various times.

SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


The lawyers hired by SATA examined the landlords application and supporting documents. They advised SATA that all the costs claimed by the landlord fit the definition of capital expenditures and all the back up paperwork was in order. They could find nothing on which SATA could base a compelling argument against the landlords application. As a result of their findings, they recommended that the tenants accept a proposal that the lawyers for both sides had developed.
See RENT INCREASES on page 2


Calculating Your Increase AGM Agenda Jan 6, 2013 Executive Meetings Minutes Dec Financial Statement Newsletter Contest Good Neighbours Weekly Activities Schedule Winter Food Drive Christmas Tea Sun. Dec 9 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Continued from Page 1 The lawyers proposal was for 6.5% over 3 years (instead of the 6.87% for which the landlord had originally applied) and the increase will be more gradual. FINAL INCREASE ACCEPTED Year One Year Two Year Three TOTAL 3.00 % 2.50 % 1.00 % 6.50 %

Some tenants have been left out of the application and will not receive the Above Guideline Increase (AGI). This is for one of two reasons: a) their current rent is already at or near market, or b) all the capital expenditure work was completed before their tenancy began. Also, tenants who moved in after a particular capital expenditure item was completed will face a smaller total Above Guideline Increase (AGI). For instance, a tenant whose tenancy started on January 1, 2012 would not bear the cost for the fire alarm audibility upgrade, the roofing, the boiler room modernization or the pool repairs, since their tenancies started after those projects were finished. As a result their AGI increase will be lower (in this case approximately 3.3% phased in as: Year One = 3% and Year Two = 0.3%). The landlords lawyer has stated that he does not believe there are any plans for another Above Guideline Increase (AGI) in the next several years because additional major capital expenditure work is not expected.

Although the difference is very small only a difference of 0.37% - it does suggest a landlord who is willing to be a bit flexible. At an emergency meeting on November 21, 35 tenants voted to accept the proposal. On Friday, November 23, 2012, Karin More, Jennifer Davis and Jennifer ODell attended the hearing at the Landlord Tenant Board. The officiating Member of the Board, Wayne McKinnon, advised that he will include the terms of the agreement with the landlord in the Consent Order. A copy of the Consent order will be sent to each of the parties, that is, all tenants who are named on the landlords application. Consent Order

The Member of the Board who hears the application (or reviews the documents filed in an application) will make the final decision or ruling on the application. This decision is called an order. It is called a Consent Order if the landlord and tenant come to a voluntary agreement before the hearing and the member is not required to make a decision.

Parking is one of the services that is included in the rent for many tenants. For this reason, the parking fee increases by the same rate.
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If you have any questions, please contact the Saville Rental Office, the Landlord Tenant Board or SATA President, Karin More.

SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


Keep in mind that Above Guideline Increases (AGI) are on top of the Provincial Guideline Rent Increases of 3.1% in 2012 and 2.5 % in 2013. The increases after 2013 are not yet known. Because the Provincial Guideline Rent Increases run from January 1 to December 31, and the Above Guideline Increases run from each individual tenants Rent Renewal Date from one year to the next, determining your total increase can be confusing. A. Rental Rates Increases for: Tenants with a Rent Renewal Date between Sept 1 and Dec 31 If your Rent Renewal Date Years Guideline plus AGI equals Total (%) falls between September 1 Increase Increase Increase and December 31, Year One (%) (%) of the Above Guideline 2012 to 2013 0.031 + 0.030 = 0.061 Increases (AGI) will start as 2013 to 2014 0.025 + 0.025 = 0.050 of your Rent Renewal Date * 2014 to 2015 0.025 + 0.010 = 0.035 this year, 2012. Year Two *# 2015 to 2016 0.025 + 0.000 = 0.025 will start on your next Rent 0.106 + 0.065 = 0.171 Renewal Date in 2013 and # For these tenants, there is no AGI increase in 2015-2016. Year Three will start in2014. You will not be subject to any Above Guideline Increases (AGI) in 2015. B. Rental Rates Increases for: Tenants with a Rent Renewal Date between Jan 1 and Aug 31 If your Rent Renewal Date falls between January 1 and August 31, you will not pay the Above Guideline Increases (AGI) in 2012. For you, Year One of the Above Guideline Increases (AGI) will start on your next Rent Renewal Date in 2013. Year Two will start in 2014 and Year Three in 2015. Years Guideline plus AGI equals Total (%) Increase Increase Increase (%) (%) 0.031 + 0.000 = 0.031 0.025 + 0.030 = 0.055 0.025 + 0.025 = 0.050 0.025 + 0.010 = 0.035 0.106

2012 to 2013# 2013 to 2014 2014 to 2015* 2015 to 2016*



For these tenants, there is no AGI increase in 2012.

If you would like to know how the increases affect your rent in particular, or have questions about the increase, please contact the Saville Apartments Rental Office at 613-725-2720.

Since the Guideline rates for 2014 and 2015 are unknown, 2.5% has been chosen as a reasonable guess.

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Bldg 1 Rep Bldg 2 Rep Bldg 3 Rep Karin Jennifer Olive Paul vacant Jean Bernie More Davis Brownlee Kuster McNally Gareau Freemantle Wadsworth 613-898-3100 613-728-2685 613-421-3170 613-715-9604 613-728-2270 613-729-1373 613-728-3448 Lorraine Walton

Member at large Gigi Member at large Ruth

In emergencies, please call the Paramount Office and page the superintendent on duty at 613-239-4906.

SATA At this meeting: ANNUAL You will elect an Executive Board, You will set dues for the coming year, GENERAL You will review the past years financial records and the coming years budget, MEMBERSHIP You will vote on a constitution, MEETING You will make other important decisions.
J a n u a r y 6 , 2 0 1 3 2 : 0 0 P M T e n a n t s L o u n g e B u i l d i n g 1


See Agenda next page. Agenda and affiliated documents available in Mailrooms.

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Annual General Meeting Agenda

Sunday, January 6, 2013 2:00 PM Tenants Lounge, Building 1

1. Minutes of AGM January 8, 2012 2. Old Business a) Neighbourhood Watch? 3. Board Reports a) President b) Treasurer 4. New Business a) Rent Increase Final Update b) Newsletter Contest c) Constitution d) Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a Social Activities Policy e) Election of Executive Committee for 2013 5. Upcoming Meetings: a) Combined Membership & Executive Meetings Combined Membership/Executive meetings will be held monthly in the coming year. Items on which only Executive Members will vote will be clearly marked on the agenda. Anyone wishing to put an issue before the Membership or the Executive should speak to an Executive Member at least two days before the meeting. Items on which the membership will be voting must be posted at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting. b) Annual General Meeting: January 2014

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

The minutes of all meetings are available to all members. If you wish a cop of the minutes of any earlier meetings, please contact President, Karin More or Vice-President, Lorraine Walton for either a paper copy or the electronic version e-mailed to you.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Attendance Regrets Karin More, President (Chair) Barry Maloney, Building 1 Rep Jennifer Davis, Secretary Bernie Gareau, Building 3 Rep Lorraine Walton, Vice-President Gigi Freemantle, Member-at-large Olive Brownlee, Treasurer Paul Kuster, Past President Members in attendance Jean McNally, Building 2 Rep Janet Brazeau Mary Janega (?) Margaret Cuddihy, Member-at-large Wally Chalmer Nellie Koniewich Ruth Wadsworth, Member-at-large John Fedorowicz Gabby McGuire Jarwiga Fedorowicz Laura Stevens The President called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM NOTE: Changes to the agenda Item changed: i. MOTION 2.a.i Jennifer Daviss name That SATA opposes the Above has been removed from the Guideline Increases in rent. motion that SATA oppose the Paul/Lorraine Above Guidelines Increase. THE MOTION CARRIED Items added: 2.a.iv. Retainer for legal firm ii. Petition 4.b. Executive Christmas Tea Minor changes in the wording 4.c. Christmas craft sale were made. Paul agreed to organize the door 1. Minutes of meeting Oct. 14, 2012 to door requests to sign the The minutes were accepted as petition. amended. Paul will also collect personal Lorraine/Olive letters from the tenants about the impact of rent increases on 2. Old Business them, to be submitted to the a. Rental Increase Update Landlord Tenant Board. Signed

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

and anonymous letters will be filed separately. iii. Carpooling A carpooling form will be posted in the mailrooms for anyone wishing to make arrangements to share travel. Janet Brazeau will call Ottawa City Transpo regarding the cost of a special bus. iv. Retainer A retainer for $1,000.00 is required for Delaneys Law Offices to continue preparing our case. MOTION THAT a retainer of $1000.00 be provided to Delaneys Law Firm to continue preparing our case against the Above Guideline Increase in rent. Paul/Lorraine THE MOTION CARRIED The President will sign the Retainer Agreement and have it and the cheque couriered to the Law Offices on Monday. MOTION That the Treasurer will transfer the GIC to the bank account when it matures on November 21, 2012. Jean/Jennifer THE MOTION CARRIED b. Job Descriptions

The revised drafts of the job descriptions for the Treasurer and Secretary, and the initial drafts of the job description for the Member- at-Large and Building Representative were reviewed without comment. c. Social Activities Policy An ad hoc committee will be organized at the Annual General Meeting in January 2013 to draft terms of reference. d. Constitution The quorum for the General Membership Meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be 30 members. Executive members will be part of that number. The AGM will be held in January yearly. In the section on Finances, it was agreed that prior approval must be obtained from the executive for any expenses of $25.00 or greater. 3. Board Reports The Financial Statement was submitted without comment. 4. New Business a. Items for AGM Agenda Review of the past year Plans for coming year 2012 Financial Statement 2013 Budget Constitution Executive Job Descriptions Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a Social Activities Policy Elections
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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Additional items should be brought to the next Executive Meeting or submitted directly to the President as soon as possible. b. Executive Christmas Tea Jean McNally will supervise the organization of the event; Lorraine and Jennifer will assist. Linda Shields will be consulted for her experience organizing previous Christmas Teas. The Tea will be held Sunday, December 9 at 2:00 PM in the Tenants Lounge. The President would appreciate all the Executive attending if at all possible. c. Christmas Craft Sale There is no craft sale.

d. Carolling Paul is will consider organizing the annual carolling and food bank drive. e. Newsletter Due date for submissions is Nov. 17 for publication in the first week of December. 5. Upcoming Meetings: Executive: Dec 2 AGM: January 6 NB: dates may change due to Executive Members availability. Meeting adjourned at 3:25 PM

In 2013, copies of the Minutes of meetings and Financial Statements will be available in the month following the meeting, after they have been formally accepted at the following meeting. Copies will be available in the mailrooms of each building.

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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


December 2, 2012
Starting Balance Debits Cheque # 87 Cheque # 88 Cheque # 89 Cheque # 90 Cheque # 91 Total Debits Credits Deposit on Total Credits Closing Balance Plus $,2000 GIC Current Balance 2,820.05 49.04 26.13 1,000.00 119.43 237.27 $(1,431.87) $- $1,388.18 $2,000.00 $3,388.18 As of Oct 24, 2012 Description Photocopies Discs of landlord supporting docs for AGI application Delaney's Law Office retainer Photocopies Tables, long white Description As of Nov 23, 2012 Maturing Nov 18, 2012 Profit/Loss - - - - - (1,194.60) (237.27) (1,431.87) YTD 180.32 166.07 (33.84) - - (1,466.39) (237.27) (1,391.11)

Expenses & Income by Category: Debits Breakfast Bingo & 50/50 Social Get Togethers Dues Fund Raisers Administrative Expenses 1,194.60 Other Expenses 237.27 Totals 1,431.87


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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


Prize: $25 Gift Certificate for Carlingwood Mall
Rules: Come up with a name for the SATA newsletter and write it down. Add your name, building #, unit #, phone # and e-mail address if you have one. Put your submission in the box in your mailroom before December 20. Each tenant can enter up to 3 newsletter names. A list of all names suggested will be posted in all mailrooms by January 1. Members at the Annual General Meeting on January 6 will vote for the winning name.

Come to the AGM on Jan. 6 to vote for your favourite!

If more than one person submits the winning name, the winners name will be drawn from a hat


The next edition of the SATA Newsletter will be at the beginning of March. Community Events: To list events occurring in March through May, please give the ALL of the following information in writing to any Executive Member before February 15: 1. Your Name, phone # and/or e-mail address 2. The title of the event, date, time, location, cost of entry if any. 3. Name of organization holding event. 4. Name of contact for that organization and their phone number. Content Contributions: If you would like to write an article of interest to the SATA membership, please contact the President, Karin More at 613-898-3100 or
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We reserve the right to decline or to edit for content or size.

SATA encourages contributions from members.

SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Has somebody here at the Saville Apartments done something nice for you lately? Has somebody gone out of their way to make your day just a little more pleasant? Has somebody simply smiled, said good morning and held the door for you? Well, we want to know about it! Lets tell everybody why we like living here in the Saville Apartments! Its because we have such good neighbours. Did somebody tidy up the garbage room or pick up some garbage in the lobby? Did somebody know you werent well and drop off some chicken soup? Did somebody hold the elevator door for you? And you dont even know their name! Drop us a line and tell us what one of your neighbours did that made you glad you live here. Lets hear some GOOD news for a change! If you have a story to tell, simply write it down and put it in the box in your mailroom or e-mail it to


Its time for SATA to move into the 21st century. We are looking for someone to create and maintain a simple website for SATA. If you are interested, please contact SATA President, Karin More at


That a by-law of the City of Ottawa provides for standards under which properties are maintained, including heating? Section 33 of the property standards by-law 2005-207 states that: 33. (1) Every dwelling shall be provided with a heating system capable of maintaining a room temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) in the center of all habitable rooms, bathroom and powder rooms.
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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012



10:45 -11:15 AM Exercise
See Note 1

1:30 - 3:30 PM Knitting

1st and 3rd Mondays only Joan Nugent 613-724-6717

Bridge, Euchre and Knitting are happy to welcome New Members!

7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170

7:00 PM Euchre
Doris Legault 613-729-5663

Note 1: Exercise is provided by ICC Healthnet and is covered by OHIP for those 65 years or older. For info about joining, please contact Tammy at 613-263-6810 Note 2: Wii Bowling is currently full. For info contact Linda 613-421-0327 Acting Activities Organizer: Linda Shields 613-421-0327

10:45 -11:15 AM Exercise See Note 1 7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170

2:00 PM Bingo
Linda Shields 613-421-0327

7:00 PM WII Bowling See Note 2

10:45 -11:15 AM Exercise See Note 1 7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170
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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012

Building 1 Tues., Dec. 11

Building 2 Wed., Dec 12

Building 3 Thurs., Dec 13

Please leave non-perishable food items outside your door or drop them in the shopping cart in the lobby of your building before 7 PM.
All donations will go to the Ottawa Food Bank. NOTE: there will be no carolling this year unless you would like to organize it; if so just get your friends together and have fun!
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SATA Newsletter Winter 2012


The SATA newsletter will be produced 3 or 4 times per year. To have it delivered to your door, please call SATA Secretary, Jennifer Davis, 613-421-3170 with the following information: Your Name Your phone # Your building number and apartment number Your e-mail address (if you have one)

NOTE: This newsletter is also available by e-mail! To save on printing costs, please let us know if you prefer it to be e-mailed to you. PLEASE STOP REMOVING SATA NOTICES
SATA notices are posted for the benefit of all tenants. If you have a problem with the notices please contact a member of the SATA Executive to discuss it.

You are invited to a

Hosted by the SATA Executive

Sunday, December 9, 2:00

Tenants Lounge, Building One
Join us for Refreshments and a Carol Sing-a-Long!
The event is FREE but due to limited space Tickets are required. Please contact the designated person in your building:

Bldg. # 1 Bldg. # 2 Bldg. # 3

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Marlene OGrady 613-680-1173 Olive Brownlee 613-596-1156 Linda Shields 613-421-0327

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