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Name: NATASHA SAHER University: BAHRIA UNIVERSITY KARACHI CAMPUS Committee: LEGAL Country: HUNGARY Legal systems are

the systems of civil law, common law and religious law. Each country often develops variations on each system and incorporates many other features into the system. Hungary is an independent, democratic constitutional state. According to the amended Constitution Hungary is a parliamentary republic. Hungary has a civil law system. The sources of Hungarian law are the Acts of Parliament, governmental and ministerial decrees, which are valid only if published in the Official Gazette, and decrees of local governments. The legal system of the Republic of Hungary accepts the universally recognized rules and regulations of international law, and shall harmonize the internal laws and statutes of the country with the obligations assumed under international law. Hungary has become a member of the European Union in 2004. The basic and supreme law of the Republic of Hungary is the Constitution. The Constitution in its present form is a compilation and regrouping of the modifications of the earlier constitution (Article XX of 1949) into a coherent structure. Important stages in the process of drafting the Constitution were Act XXXI of 1989 and Act XL of 1990. The Hungarian Constitution regulates two classical constitutional areas: state administration (national government, local government, and organizations for the protection of rights) and the listing of the basic rights of citizens. The European Commission has started legal action against Hungary over new legislation that came into force at the beginning of the year 2012 under Hungary's new constitution. The Commission has raised a number of concerns on the compatibility of these laws with EU law. Under new Hungarian legislation, also 274 judges (including judges at the Supreme Court) are being compulsorily retired in contradiction to EU rules. The government also receives powers over the data protection authority that contradicts the EU Treaties, which require the independence of national data protection authorities and the independence of the national central bank. The EU executive is concerned that aspects of the constitution violate EU laws on the independence of the national central bank, among other issues. However I being a delegate of Hungary believe that Hungary's new constitution is a good thing and a sign of things to come. As a singular republic nation-state, it has the right to govern itself as it sees fit. This new Hungarian constitution is a sign that the old order of militant Secularism and Multiculturalism has miserably failed. The Hungarian government should and they hope to proceed with its new Fundamental Law without interference from outside groups, governments and individuals, and especially European Union institutions. Now Time will prove whether the Hungarian Fundamental Law is right, but what is important is to respect one another, to be open to accept critical views and approaches, but to avoid being dictatorial."

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