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Apartments Tenants Association

FALL 2012
The Ontario government has set the rate of allowable rent increases for 2012 at 3.1%. The guideline is the maximum amount that most landlords can increase a tenants rent during the year without making an application to the Landlord and Tenant Board. Landlords can apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board for an increase above the guideline for, among other things, eligible capital expenditures. Paramount Properties has applied to increase rents by an additional 3 % on top of the allowed 3.1 %, for a total increase of 6.1 %. QUESTION: So, what happens next? ANSWER: The Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) will set a date for either an oral (in person) hearing or a written hearing. Once a hearing date is set, the landlord must give a copy of the application to the tenants. After the hearing, the

SATA Newsletter Fall 2012

Greater than the 2012 Rent Increase Guideline

LTB will issue a judgement. There are three possibilities: 1. The additional 3% increase is denied; rent will only increase 3.1%. 2. The additional 3% increase is allowed; rent will increase by 6.1% 3. An increase of a smaller amount than 3% is allowed; rent will increase more than 3.1 % but less than 6.1 %. QUESTION: When will we know what the judgement is?
See RENT INCREASES on page 2



Weekly Activities Schedule

Post it on your fridge!

Executive Committee & 4 Executive Meeting Schedule

Post it on your fridge!

Executive Meeting Minutes 5 for May 6, 2012, including Presidents Report & Financial Report Agenda for Next Executive Meeting on Oct. 14, 2 PM 10

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012

Continued from page 1 ANSWER: It will take several months before the judgement is issued. It may not be issued until spring or early summer of 2013. QUESTION: Do I have to pay any increase right away? ANSWER: If you have received a notice of rent increase, you must pay the 3.1 % increase as of the date indicated on the notice. No matter whether the landlords application is approved or not, they are legally allowed to raise the rent up to 3.1 %. QUESTION: Do I have to pay the full 6.1 % increase until the judgement is issued.? Or should I only pay the 3.1 % increase? ANSWER: Whether you wish pay only the 3.1 % increase or the full 6.1 % is up to you. However, if you pay only the required 3.1%. and the application is approved, you will owe the extra money in full retroactive to the date you began paying the 3.1%. Example Your current rent is $1000/month. With the allowed 3.1 % increase it will now be $1031/month. With the additional 3 % that the landlord is applying for, your rent will be $1061/month. If the landlords application is approved, you will owe $30/month for every month

since you received the rental increase notice, i.e. since September 1, 2012. If the decision is not issued until June 1, 2013, you will owe $30/month times ten months, or $300. Current rent per month $1000 3.1 % 6.1 % Difference Difference X 10 months $31 $61 $30 $300

If you pay the 6.1 % increase and the landlords application is NOT approved, or approved at a lower rate, then the landlord must pay YOU back the difference. So, SATA STRONGLY suggests that if you do not pay the additional 3% increase, make sure you set it aside every month and do not touch it until the LTB issues the judgement. If the extra money is not needed, you can go on a spending spree. QUESTION: What is SATA doing about all this? ANSWER: At a special meeting in July, the members decided to challenge the landlords application. It was agreed that the President will consult a lawyer to determine the best way to do so. A report will be made to the members once that has been done and members will be consulted on any other action. QUESTION: Are all Saville tenants affected?
See RENT INCREASES on page 10
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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012



10:00 -10:30 AM Exercise
See Note 1

1:30 - 3:30 PM Knitting

Joan Nugent 613-724-6717 See Note 2

Bridge, Euchre and Knitting are happy to welcome New Members!

7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170

7:00 PM Euchre
Doris Legault 613-729-5663

10:00 -10:30 AM Exercise See Note 1 7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170

Note 1: Exercise by ICC Healthnet For info about joining contact Francis 613-263-5769 or Linda 613-421-0327 Note 2: Knitting Club is on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month only. Note 3: Wii Bowling is currently full. For info contact Linda 613-421-0327 Acting Activities Organizer: Linda Shields 613-421-0327

2:00 PM Bingo
Linda Shields 613-421-0327

7:00 PM WII Bowling See Note 3

10:00 -10:30 AM Exercise See Note 1 7:00 PM Bridge
Jennifer Davis 613-421-3170

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Bldg 1 Rep Bldg 2 Rep Bldg 3 Rep Karin Jennifer Olive Paul vacant Jean Bernie More Davis Brownlee Kuster McNally Gareau 613-898-3100 613-728-2685 613-421-3170 613-715-9604 613-728-2270 613-729-1373 613-728-3448 Lorraine Walton

Member at large Gigi Member at large Ruth


Member at large Margaret Cuddihy

Wadsworth 613-728-2270

In emergencies, please call the Paramount Office and page the superintendent.


All meetings are held on a Sunday at 2:00 PM in the Tenants Lounge, basement of Building 1 on:

O c t o b e r 1 4 N o v e m b e r 4 D e c e m b e r 2

Annual General Membership Meeting: January 6

NB: dates may change due to Executive Members availability.

Tenants are encouraged to attend the Executive Meeting but do not vote. To speak at the meeting or add an item to the agenda, please contact the President at least two days in advance.

President: Karin More, / 613-898-3100

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012

Executive Meeting Minutes for Sunday, May 6, 2012

Accepted Sunday, September 16, 2012 Attendance Karin More, President & Chair of meeting Olive Brownlee, Treasurer Jennifer Davis, Secretary Paul Kuster, Past President Marlene OGrady, Building 1 Rep Margaret Cuddihy, Member-at-large Ruth Wadsworth, Member-at-large Regrets Lorraine Walton, Vice-President Jean McNally, Building 2 Rep Bernie Gareau, Building 3 Rep Gigi Freemantle, Member-at-large Members in attendance Kay Burrows David Fancott John Fedorowicz Teresa Fedorowicz Jacqui Leroux The President called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes were accepted as presented. Olive/Marlene. All in favour. 2. Old Business a. Survey Carried forward to next meeting b. Newsletter Postponed to the fall c. Dues Costs were listed and budget will be brought up at the AGM. We have sufficient funds to cover expenses until then. MOTION: that dues be waived until the AGM. Olive/ Marlene. All in favour.

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012 d. Eldercare Division of ICC Healthnet Canada Inc. Linda will be co-ordinator and we will ask her for a report. Jennifer will ask whether OHIP will cover the cost for people with disabilities. e. Constitution & Job Descriptions A draft constitution is in the meeting documents package. It was noted that if the Job Descriptions are included in the constitution, and it is approved by the membership at the AGM, then any changes must also be approved at the AGM. If the Job Descriptions are not included in the constitution, and are part of a policy, then the Executive can make changes to them. f. Tables It was agreed to purchase three tables. Jacqui and Jennifer will check the prices at Staples and at Grand & Toy, and report back. David volunteered to pick the tables up. g. Signing Authorities Olive and Jennifer now have Signing Authority; Lorraine is in the process of arranging to get it. h. Tenants Lounge Rules Karin and Jennifer will print the Rules for posting with the agreed changes. It would be appreciated anyone reserving the Lounge advise SATA, by informing a member of the Executive. i. Neighbourhood Watch David Fancott presented the following report on Neighbourhood Watch. Break-ins have been prevalent recently. Little evidence is left, e.g. the apartment doors are left locked by the trespassers. Management is changing the exterior locks to electronic keys. The local police are willing to come and do a class on womens safety. David suggests a meeting to update the list of Neighbourhood Watch members. He is developing a database for members so we no longer use the paper forms. Neighbourhood Watch suggests we have two people in each building as Ward Captains. David is considering resigning due to his already busy schedule. Karin will discuss the new electronic keys for friends and family with Paramount. j. Fire Alarms Carried forward to next meeting k. TV in Tenants Lounge The small TV and its stand will be put in the storage room. Jacqui will try to hook up the large TV. l. Microwave The microwave has been cleaned. m. Pool change rooms The smell in the change rooms is normal. Page 6 of 10

SATA Newsletter Fall 2012 3. Board Reports a. President See meeting documents package. b. Treasurer See meeting documents package. c. Social committee - none d. Other none 4. New Business a. Etiquette for meeting A draft document is contained in the meeting documents package. Members should read it and be prepared to discuss it in the fall. b. Social Activities Policy A draft document is contained in the meeting documents package. Members should read it and be prepared to discuss it in the fall. c. Brochure A draft of a new brochure is contained in the meeting documents package. Members should read it and be prepared to discuss it in the fall. The President will take photos of the Saville Apartments for the brochure. d. Garbage Garbage is being thrown outside from doors and/or balconies. Jennifer will call the office. e. Closet doors Paramount is storing closet doors in the tenants storage room. Paul will ask them to remove them. f. Farewell for Lydia For Lydias retirement, SATA will have a small get-together in May with coffee, tea and cookies but no gift or money. Linda and Olive will organize it. If tenants wish to give her gifts individually, that is up to them. g. Upcoming Meetings: Sept 9, Oct 14, November 4, Dec 2 NB: dates may change due to Executive Members availability. Action Items Item Person Ask whether OHIP will cover the cost for people with disabilities. Jennifer Check the prices at Staples and at Grand & Toy Jennifer and Jacqui Print Tenants Lounge Rules for posting Karin and Jennifer Hook up the large TV in the Tenants Lounge Jacqui Phone office about garbage being thrown from balconies Jennifer Ask management to remove the closet doors being stored in Tenants Paul storage room Organize event for Lydia Olive and Linda Discuss the new electronic keys for friends and family with Paramount. Karin

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012


May 16, 2012 TENANT ISSUES Tenant 1: The senior property manager for the Saville Apartments has been quite cooperative with suggestions to alleviate the tenants possible allergic reactions to the cleaning and deodorizing chemicals. So far, the changes made have been effective. I will continue to monitor the situation and liaise with him again if there are any further problems. Tenant 2: I have received some complaints about the all night laundry facilities. OTHER ISSUES Bingo: I have spoken to several people about conflict that has arisen over the way that Bingo is run. To resolve this issue, I am proposing a Policy that I hope will promote openness, accountability and fairness across all SATA social groups and events. (See attached) Laundry: I have tried to speak to someone in every unit that is next to a laundry room in all three buildings to find out who is affected by the all night laundry hours Etiquette for SATA Meetings: I am concerned about the negative energy that has been generated at more than one SATA Executive meeting. In order to make our meeting more productive, I am proposing we establish some guidelines or rules of etiquette. (See attached.) These are only some ideas to get you thinking. Please come to the next meeting with at least TWO statements that we could add to this ylist. Then we can decide as a group which are most relevant to us.

SATA NEWSLETTER SUBSCIPTION The SATA newsletter will be produced 3 or 4 times per year. To have it delivered to your door, please call SATA Secretary, Jennifer Davis, 613-421-3170 with the following information: Your Name Your building number and apartment number Your phone # Your e-mail address (if you have one) NOTE: This newsletter is also available by e-mail! To save on printing costs, please let us know if you prefer it to be e-mailed to you.
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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012

SATA Financial Statement for April 2012

Starting Balance as of: March 23, 2012 $2,826.22 Total debits (24.66) Total deposits 90.15 Closing Balance as of: April 25, 2012 $2,891.71 Plus $,2000 GIC Maturing Nov 18, 2012 2,000.00 Current Balance $4,891.71

Expenses and Income by Category: Breakfast Bingo & 50/50 Social Get Togethers Dues Fund Raisers Administrative Expenses Other Expenses Totals

Debits 24.66


Credits 45.55 44.60 $90.15

Profit (Loss) YTD 20.89 104.89 44.60 130.57 - (33.84) - - - - - (91.20) - - $65.49 $110.42


The next edition of the SATA Newsletter will be available before Christmas.

Community Events:
To list events occurring in December or January, please give the ALL of the following information to any Executive Member before November 1: 1. Your Name, phone # and/or e-mail address 2. The title of the event, date, time, location, cost of entry if any. 3. Name of organization holding event. 4. Name of contact at that organization and their phone number.

Content Contributions:
If you would like to write an article of interest to the SATA membership, please contact the President, Karin More at 613-898-3100 or
SATA encourages contributions from members. However, it reserves the right to decline or to edit for content or size, any item contributed to the newsletter.
Newsletter Editor: Karin More, President of SATA

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SATA Newsletter Fall 2012

AGENDA FOR NEXT Executive Meeting Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 2:00 PM Tenants Lounge, Building 1

1. Minutes of meeting September 9, 2012 2. Old Business a. Tenants Lounge Rules b. Fire Safety c. Rent Increases d. Tables e. Newsletter f. Job Descriptions Part II i. Treasurer ii. Secretary g. Social Activities Policy Part II: Section 3. Finances i. 3.1 Weekly and Monthly Accounting ii. 3.2 Expenses iii. 3.3 Accrued Profit at Year End h. Constitution Part II i. 5. Duties of Officers ii. 6. Executive Committee Meeting iii. 7. General Membership Meetings 3. Board Reports a. President b. Treasurer c. Social committee d. Other Continued from page 2 ANSWER: Only tenants who have received a Notice of Rent Increase are affected right now. However, everyone will be affected through

All tenants are welcome to attend but only the members of the Executive Committee can vote on an issue. Anyone wishing to speak at a meeting should let the President at least 2 days in advance so that they may be given space on the agenda. President: Karin More 613-898-3100

4. New Business 5. Upcoming Meetings: Nov 4, Dec 2. AGM: January 6 NB: dates may change due to Executive Members availability


the coming year, once it has been a year since your last rent increase. The landlord cannot increase the rent more than once in twelve months. For more information see or contact Karin More, SATA president, at or 613-898-3100.
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