TV A-PLUS January 2013 Legislative Update

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John Goodwin, the first governor of the Arizona Territory, stated definitively, self-government and universal education are inseparable. The one can be exercises only as the other is enjoyed. As early as 1864 he called on the territory legislature to establish free public K-12 and university education, noting that The first duty of the legislators of a free state is to make, as far as lies within their power, education as free to all its citizens as the air they breathe.

January Legislative News

In our January 8th open forum meeting with state officials, it was conveyed that there is a contingent in the legislature who want to gut public education in favor of a private, for profit, competitive system. Arizona schools scored a significant legal victory that says the Legislature must fully pay for the base education budget, something that hasnt happened for three years. It can no longer pick and choose which parts of a voter-approved schoolfunding initiative it wants to pay for (prop 301). Tobin has already announced he plans to appeal the decision to the Arizona Supreme Court. Join us in calling Tobin (see below - it only takes 30 seconds) and request him to drop the appeal and fund public education. Across the state, every tax levy & proposed bill for education failed. Only way to get more $$ into education right now is through our legislature. Government required 'poison pill' wording and complicated props make it difficult to get voter approval. We need to push for change in legally required wording. Senator Bradley is drafting a bill to attempt to change this.

Legislation is currently being drafted to increase tax credits for public schools. Only $200 is allowed p/p and it must be used for extracurricular activities. In contrast, the private school tax credit law is $503 p/p and can go towards actual education costs. There is a bill in congress to raise the private tax credit to $800 p/p. Senator Bradley is attempting to write a bill to increase the public level tax credit amount too. Hes also exploring the legal and political feasibility to loosen the public school tax credit restrictions. It will need a lot of public support to pass. Thats you!

Contact your elected officials!

One of the best ways to engage state leaders is to call or email them and let them know your thoughts on education. Even better, attend a legislative session either in-person or virtually.
Kimberly Yee Senate Education Chair (602) 926-3024, email: (District 20) Doris Goodale House Education Chair (602) 926-5408, email: (District 5) FYI: (No Southern Arizona reps on House Education Committee) Andy Biggs Senate President (602) 926-4371, email: (District 22) Andy Tobin House Speaker (602) 926-5172, email: (District 1) Our District 10 elected officials: David Bradley (State Senator) (602) 926-5262, email: Bruce Wheeler (State Rep) (602) 926-3300, email: Stephanie Mach (State Rep) (602) 926-3398, email:

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