Chapter 27 History

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CHAPTER 27 Globalization and Its Discontents, 19892000

1. The concept of the 1990s was said to be 2. The internationalization of commerce and culture and the reshuffling of the worlds peoples have been going on for only the last _____ years. 3. The velvet revolution was 4. After Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, George H. W. Bush immediately sent American troops to 5. Who did Clinton appoint to head the panel on health care reform? 6. The freedom revolution was 7. Clinton ended 8. Bill Clintons foreign policy centered on 9. What spurred the new economy? 10. By 2000, unemployment in America stood at about _____ percent. 11. The sectors of the economy that were most affected by the scandals of the late 1990s and early twenty-first century had all been 12. By 2000, approximately _____ Muslims lived in the United States. 13. Which ethnic groups average family income in 2000 surpassed that of whites? 14. The battles that raged throughout the 1990s over moral values were called 15. Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania 16. Which city witnessed riots and looting in 1992 after tensions snapped over an episode of police officers beating an unarmed African-American man? 17. The 1995 truck bombing of the federal building in Okalahoma City was organized by 18. Which of the following was a scandal of the Clinton Administration? 19. Bush v. Gore ordered 20. Which was not a demand of the Global Exchange outlined in their Declaration for Global Democracy? 21. Which country received permanent most favored trade status under the Clinton administration? 22. Which country did George H. W. Bush not get involved with militarily? 23. What was the fate of the chief officers of Enron? 24. The abortion rate declined throughout the 1990s, largely because 25. What is a visible sign Native American quasi-sovereignty? 26. In 1998, the number of murders with guns for the following nations was as follows: 19 in Japan, 54 in Great Britain, 151 in Canada, 373 in Germany, _____ in the United States 27. According to the Filipina immigrants account, many Filipinos came to the United States 28. Whose motto was No globalization without representation? 29. Which replaced General Motors as the countrys largest corporate employer? 30. The countless corporate scandals and stock frauds stemmed directly from the 1999 repeal of which New Deal measure? 31. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are associated with 32. Who made a Contract with America? 33. Whose election campaign director was fond of the saying Its the economy, stupid? 34. Which African state, which had practiced apartheid for decades, elected Nelson Mandela president in 1994? 35. What were the student protesters who occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing in June 1989 demanding? 36. By the end of 1991, Soviet attempts at economic reform had created chaos, and the 37. The New World Order referred to by President George H. W. Bush 38. Operation Desert Storm 39. In 1992, Bill Clinton secured the Democratic nomination for president because he 40. The third-party candidate Ross Perot 41. NAFTA 42. The 1994 Contract with America 43. The 1996 Telecommunications Act 44. Bill Clinton was easily reelected in 1996 because he 45. During the Balkan crisis, President Clinton 46. During the 1990s, the American economy 47. The computer revolution of the 1990s included the development of new and life-altering technology such as 48. By the start of the twenty-first century, dot coms symbolized the 49. The Enron scandal 50. By the end of the 1990s, the American economy

51. Because of the 1965 changes in immigration laws, thirty-five years later, the immigrant population in the United States 52. By the start of the twenty-first century, the largest minority group in the United States was 53. Increasingly visible during the 1990s, Asian-Americans 54. During the 1990s, African-American civil rights 55. By the year 2000, the AIDS epidemic 56. During the 1990s, twenty-three states passed laws 57. At the end of the twentieth century, the Christian Coalition 58. The 1996 Defense of Marriage Act 59. By the start of the twenty-first century, American women 60. Militia groups arose in America during the 1990s 61. In 1998, Congress brought impeachment charges against President Clinton because he 62. The 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore was 63. The term gender gap refers to the difference in 64. By the start of the twenty-first century, American voter participation rates had 65. According to a 2000 public opinion poll, 69 percent of Americans who responded were most proud of the nations

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