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1. When a patient is to be shifted in a wheel chair with a continuous bladder drainage, the urinary bag should be kept: a. on his lap b. below the bladder level c. kept clamped 2. Why a pregnant woman gets heart burn during pregnancy? a. hormonal changes b. Growing uterus pushes the uterus up c. effect of diet 3. What would be the mode of communication for a patient with CVA and Aphasia? a. Ask the relatives to help him b. give him a pen and paper c. ignore him d. observe his lip movements 4. When a nurse sees a patient chocking, what will be the nurse's immediate response? a. Ask the patient to cough b. ask are you chocking c. do abdominal thrust d. call for help 5. If a foul order comes from the plaster cast, what would be the reason? a. infected wound under the cast b. very old cast c. cast is wet 6. How will you give a wound care for a dry wound? a. Hydrogen peroxide b. normal saline c. 5% dextrose d. liquid paraffin 7. Define shock? 8. After gastroscopy, what is the nursing management before starting oral fluids? a. gag reflex b. check the bowel sounds c. look for dehydration 9. After 4hours of delivery, if a client is having shift of uterus to one side of abdomen. What is the nursing management? a. Massage the uterus b. Empty the bladder c. Document the findings d. Call the doctor

10. What is the use of humidified Oxygen? a. Gives the soothing effect b. It makes dry of respiratory mucous membrane c. It gives more concentrated Oxygen 11. Gastritis is caused by which of following foods? a. Dairy products b. Carbonated drinks c. Orange juice 12. Patient is on 3rd hourly N.G.T feeding-before starting the next food the nurse withdraws 40ml of gastric content, what is the next step? a. Allow the patient with out feeding for next 3 hours b. Discard the 40ml and aspirate some more c. Inject the aspirated fluid into stomach d. Continue the feeding 13. After the subtotal thyroidectomy, what is the complication? a. Tetany b. Hyper Parathyroidism c. Muscle Lethargy 14. In a post operation ward the nurse has 3 patients- What is nursing priority? a. Having Chest Pain b. Post operative wound pain c. I/V Infiltrating tissue 15. 2 hours after post operative the charge nurse says patient is alright vital signs as normal, she says the next shift nurse no need take the vitals hourly what is the duty of the next charge nurse 16. If a patient comes in emergency ward with Hypoglycemia what will you look? a. Profuse sweating b. High Glucose Level c. Acetone smell 17. What precautionary measure the nurse should take after giving pre-medication? a. Remove denture b. Empty the bladder c. Raise the railing of the bed 18. Patient with C.H.F which position you will keep the patient? a. High Fowlers b. Low Fowlers c. Supine d. Trendlenburg

19. During the 24 hours urine collection the nurse should look for a. If the bottle has preservative b. Ask the patient to void the last urine outside 20. Patient is going with AV Shunt the nurse should look for a. Thrill b. Look for bleeding 21. Anterior fontanelle closes at the age of a. 3 months b. 8 months c. 18 months 22. How will you take care of the soiled linen after the bed making? a. Wash hands before & after the bed making b. Keep away from uniform c. Kept on floor 23. Tuberculin test reading to be done after: a. 24 hours b. 24-48 hours c. 48-72 hours d. 1 week 24. Baby is diagnosed as tetrology of fall to what defects you can find? a. clubbing of fingers b. puffy face c. protruded eye balls 25. What will be the discharge advice for a patient after mastectomy and removal of axillary glands? a. ask the patient to keep her legs hanged b. try to avoid to sleep on the right side c. not to check BP on right side hand d. do arm exercises regularly 26. What changes occur in glaucoma? a. iris is constricted b. lack of blood circulation to retina c. destruction of retinal cells 27. What nursing measures you will take while giving bed bath to an unconscious patient? a. take the help from relatives b. lower the bed c. while turning the patient raise the opposite side railing 28. A patient is admitted with 45% burns. What will be nursing management after 24 hrs? a. adequate tissue perfusion b. give high nutrition c. prevention of infection

29. A patient is diagnosed as CHF and on Frusemide( lasix),what should be his dietary plan? a. increase intake of sodium b. include banana and rye c. take plenty of oral fluids 30. Insulin is secreted by a. adrenal cortex b. pituitary c. islets of Langerhans of pancreas 31. What is the action of insulin? 32. What discharge advice should be given to a patient after total hip replacement? a. do not cross over the legs while sitting b. always sit on chairs c. limit the activities 33. What would be the nursing action for a patient on skin traction? a. immobilization b. range of motion exercises c. make the patient to sit on a chair d. ask the patient to dorsiflex the ankle 34. Cataract is a. Opacity of lens b. Increased intra ocular pressure c. Detachment of retina d. Increased vitreous humour 35. Symptoms of meningitis include a. urinary incontinence b. stiff neck c. hydrocephalus d. spina bifida 36. Difference between Hodgkin's and Non Hodgkin's disease 37. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis admitted in hospital. His Right elbow is splinted. What will be the reason? a. to relieve pain b. to increase circulation c. to give comfort by immobilization 38. In Cystitis a. urine is yellow coloured b. increased WBC in urine c. incontinence d. dysuria 39. Colonoscopy means a. visualization of stomach through a tube

b. visualization of rectum and colon 40. What is atherosclerosis? 41. Complication of peptic ulcer? 42. Post operative complications of thyroidectomy? 43. Route of transmission of Hepatitis A? 44. Which type of Hepatitis is transmitted through sexual contact? 45. What is the colour of stool of a patient with hepatitis? 46. What will be the symptoms of pre eclampsia? 47. Post operative complication of tonsillectomy? 48. What kind of breathing exercises will a COPD patient do? 49. To prevent hypostatic pneumonia, what will be the nursing action? a. take lot of oral fluids b. postural drainage c. deep breathing exercises 50. Which remedial factor is helpful in patient with haemophilia with bleeding? a. administer Factor 6 b. administer factor 8 c. administer Vitamin K d. administer heparin 51. What is the purpose of checking fundal height for pregnant women? a. To know gestational age b. To check the fetal heart rate c. To know the position of the fetus 52. In thrombophlebitis, the skin will be a. cold and clammy b. hot and red c. dull and weak d. sweating 53. Cord care

54. A mother of 6 months old baby comes to the nurse and asks for MMR to her child. The nurse's response will be a. give the MMR b. tell the mother that the child has not achieved the age for this vaccination c. call the doctor 55. How will you take a culture swab from an infected wound? 56. What position, the patient should be placed after LP? 57. The most common site for bone marrow aspiration? 58. Common cause for haemorrhoids? 59. Colostrums contains? 60. A baby is admitted with infective diarrhea, what advice you will be giving to the mother? a. hand washing b. formula feed 61. Angina patient to be kept away from a. cold weather b. inactivity c. prolonged rest 62. In Rheumatic fever penicillin is given to: __________________________ 63. If the ring is on the finger of the patient during an OT procedure, what is the duty of the nurse: __________________________ 64. What will be the priority for the patient who comes with a head injury to emergency ward a. Control bleeding b. Maintaining an airway c. Check BP 65. Taking care of the patient with Hepatitis A a. Proper hand washing b. Using Gloves 66. Non-modifiable risk factors for cardiac diseases. a. obesity b. HTN c. DM d. age above 63 67. Child CPR ratio: a. 2:30 b. 1:10 c. 2:30

68. Risk factor for CA Pancreas. a. high alcohol intake b. high dietary intake, etc. 69. Patient with gastritis should avoid a. alcoholic beverages b. bicarbonate soda, c. etc. 70. What is the first priority for patient with nephrotic syndrome during edematous stage? a. at checking every alternate days b. skin care c. etc. 71. Patient with hepatitis, stool Colour a. black b. clay c. reddish 72. Patient with duodenal ulcer, observe for which colour of stool a. black b. clay c. reddish d. green 73. Patient with bowel obstruction, during post-op period we should observe for a. fluid electrolyte imbalance b. wound infection c. pneumonia d. etc 74. To prevent DVT during post-op, the nurse should doa. teach leg muscle exercise b. massage the calf every 4th hourly c. elevate the leg with a pillow on the knee 75. After immunization, inform the physician if a. mild fever b. generalized rashes c. local pain d. local tenderness 76. After giving premedication, what is the priority a. secure the patient with side rails b. empty the bladder c. remove dentures

77. What is true about hepatitis vaccine a. it provides immunity against hepa B and C b. a third dose is necessary to produce prolong immunity c. it is needed only for the health care professional 78. Transmittal through sexual contact a. Hept C b. Hept B c. Hept A 79. Signs and symptoms of Hept A 80. Common symptoms of HTN a. unexplained nose bleed b. proteinuria 81. Patient with alcoholic withdrawal symptom tells the nurse that bugs are crawling under the pillow. What the nurse do? 82. Common signs of pre eclampsia. -proteinuria 83. One patient is advised to take low-cholesterol diet. He should take limited amount a. eggs b. chicken 84. What is the priority action for patient with immobility a. change the position every Q2H 85. Patient with carbon monoxide poisoning we should assess for a. HB level b. consciousness c. respiratory rate and depth 86. Patient with active tuberculosis a. low grade fever b. hemoptysis and night sweats etc ( answers) 87. Tuberculosis test should need after a. 48-72 hr b. after 24 hrs c. after 3 days d. etc 88. Patient is posted for bronchoscopy today. When the nurse enters the patients room, patient is not ready for the procedure and the consent is not sign. What the nurse do? 89. Dietary restrictions for the patient with nephrosis.

90. Patient with renal failure, advised to avoid a. CHO b. protein c. fat etc 91. Common sign of patient with congestive heart failure a. dyspnoea 92. Breathing exercise for patient with COPD a. purse lip b. abdominal muscle relaxing etc 93. Patient is advised to move immediately during post-op period to prevent a. hypostatic pneumonia 94. Patient with sickle cell crisis asks the nurse, why he is experiencing leg pain. The nurse responds that - inadequate blood flow to leg muscles due to obstruction 95. Patient with snake-bite comes to the emergency room with c/o of difficulty in breathing. What the nurse do? a. inform the physician immediately b. clean the area with soap and water 96. Common symptoms of patient with glaucoma a. less of peripheral vision b. double vision c. scattering of light 97. Signs and symptoms of dehydration in children a. absence of tears while crying 98. TB transmitted by-droplet 99. DM is the risk factor for which type of disease - cardiovascular 100. Pancreatitis ed level of s. amylase 101. Post op appendicetomy - check for bowel movement 102. Positive sign to confirm the pregnancy a. amenorrhoea b. morning sickness c. FHR detected by Doppler 103. Wound healing 104. Dressing 105. Pulmonary edema chest pain

106. # long bones fat embolism 107. Controlled (narcotics) medicines all shift staff to check 108. nursing process priority 109. Convulsion signs and symptoms 110. CCF signs and symptoms 111. TEV signs and symptoms 112. Hypospadias 113. Colour of lochia two days after delivery? 114. A mother is coming with 5 month old child for MMR vaccination, as a nurse what is your opinion? a. check temp b. check weight c. come on due date d. sent to physician 115. Risk factor for pregnant women those who are smoking?\ 116. Diabetic in pregnancy urine examination 117. Anterior fontenalla is closing at what time? 118. How will you collect specimen from wound for culture? 119. How will take care of patient with hepatitis A, precautions for nurses? 120. Symptoms for hypotensive patient? 121. Calculate EDC? 122. Montaux test reading for tuberculin bacilli is done after hrs, 3 days, 12 hrs, 24 to 74 hrs. 123. Reason for giving bed rest after MI? 124. Before giving bed bath, what will do? a. raising side rails b. lowering bed c. open all windows 125. Liver biopsy 126. L.P. (Lumbar Puncture)

127. Exercise for diabetic patient 128. Symptoms of dehydrated child? 129. Position 130. Ketoacidosis symptoms 131. Complication after post mastectomy? 132. Position of child after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy after two days. 133. Type DM is common in which age group 134. Old age group 135. Pulmonary edema is for reducing preload and after load is which also achieves anxiety. Which is the drug of choice? a. aminophylline b. dobutamine c. morophine 136. CPR ratio for 1 person 30:2 137. For warfarin theraphy, which lab value, we will monitor INR of 3-4 138. Patient had CHF, now patient recovered. What will be the change in ECG? a. QRS complex wide b. ST segment back to bar line c. P-R interval prolonged 139. commonest sign of hypertension? a. visual disturbance b. epitasis c. headache 140. Before giving premeditation, what the nurse do first a. assess the vital signs b. completion of pre- op checklist c. see the 's line patent d. empty the bladder 141. Evaluation is done -At the end of nursing process. 142. Breast feeding is contra indicated a. mastitis b. inverted nipples c. Hepatitis C

143. A patient with pneumothorax, when will the chest tube be removed? a. when there is minimal drainage from test tube b. when there is no fluctuation in the water seal drainage system 145. While transporting a patient with closed drainage system the nursing care include a. damp the tube while transporting b. keep on the bed of the patient c. keep below the heart level 146. For the effectiveness of postural drainage, which position the patient will attain - lateral position 147. The patients with hip replacement surgery advise the patient to avoid? a. sleeping upright in the chair b. crossing over the legs c. not to do weight bearing for 6 weeks 148. AFB rod seen on lab investigation of sputum indicate the presence of a. bordetella pertussis b. mycobacterium tuberculi 149. Duodenal peptic ulcer, what is the signs and symptoms a. coffee brown coloured vomitus b. burning mid epigastric pain that occurs 2-4 hours after eating c. heat burn d. vomiting 150. What plans to check FBS nest what is the advice given to the patient. a. take low fat diet before 1 week b. take lot of fluids before the day of test c. can take a small meal at 6 am and do the test at 10 am d. avoid smoking for 1 week 151. CVP Measure a. Pressure in Lt atrium b. pressure in Rt ventricle c. pressure in Rt atrium 152. A patient with CVA has severe dysphagia. How will you meet the nutritional need of the patient? a. T PN b. NU tube feeding c. NPO until we has no dysphagia 153. A patient is admitted to hospital with cerebral haemorrhage. How will you state to the patients family members that EEU is done to know a. the extend of haemorrhage b. electrical activity of the brain c. extend of functional brain tissue

154. A child is choking and holding his neck with the hand, what is the action by given Heimlich maneuver 155. MRSA how is spread. a. contact b. air bone c. droplet 156. For S/C administration of heparin in what is to be followed: a. use to 1 inch gauge needle b. apply pressure for 2-5 sec after administration c. withdraw before injecting the medication 157. A patient is given packed cells, if the patient has a transfusion reaction. 158. A patient had an angiogram through left femoral artery after the procedure what is the nursing measures a. check bleeding b. pedal pulse 159. A patient is asked to attend the medical research study, what protect the patient. a. informed consent b. nurses act c. hospital policy procedure 160. Registered nurse license is for - protecting the patient. - protecting nurse - protecting hospital 161. Normal stimulation of respiration. a. O2 b. CO2 c. CO 162. Stat means a. giving drug if needed b. giving drug after meals c. giving as soon as the drug is order 163. HS means a. giving drug before sleeping b. giving drug after meals c. giving drug only when needed 164. A child with convulsion is start in the crib. What are the nursing measures? 165. Safety protect from injury

166. A patient is having diarrhea for 1 week. What type of isolation. a. Dementia is ___ loss of memory with some symptoms 167. After giving pethedine the ordered dose, what you do with remaining medication a. discard the remaining medication under supervision of other staff nurse. b. heart rate chills, pulmonary oedema 168. Rheumatic fever caused by - haemolytic beta streptococci 169. The teaching made by the nurse is effective. When the patient states a. medication should be taken with an antacid b. should not take medicine without doctors ordered .

170. A child is admitted for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease. What type of room is suitable for the child. a. isolation room b. private room c. multi bed set with other children d. sharing with an adult 171. Granulation tissue (appearance). Patient is pressure ulcer management. a. give inflatable ring b. apply dressing 172. A child weight is 18 kg. medicine 6 mg/1 kg/1 day to given in divided dose 8th hr/g. The medicine available in pharmacy 10 mg/ml. how many ml will you give? 173. Pencillin 750, 000 unit as ordered on band pencillin. 1 mega million/unit. How many will you give? 174. Patient is already diagnosed as AIDS the patient avoid the chance for following a. Kaposis Sarcoma b. HIV c. Opportunistic infection 175. Otitis Media is the infection a. middle ear b. inner ear c. pinna of ear 176. Venturi Mask is for a. giving 80% O2 b. 100% O2 c. delivers precise percentage of O2 inspired 177. If patient is having glucoma to prevent any infection, he shoulda. follow proper washing b. infill the eye c. cover the eye

178. A patient is to be given 45 mg codiene and 650 mg aspirin. Available dose is 15 mg codene and 325 mg aspirin. How many tablets of each would you give. 179. Side effect of aluminum hydroxide?-constipation 180. Side effect of magnesium? diarrhoea 181. How we will apply rectal suppository for a patient --above spincture 182. What we will do the unresponsive? -call for help 183. How we will confirm the pain is angina? -it will relive with nitroglycerin 184. Sickle cell anemia 185. Pernicious anemia is caused by the deficiency of __ Vitamine B12. 186. ECG changes in CHF. 187. Immediate post operative assessment. a. Airway (bleeding will be second) b. Causes of thrombophebilis. c. Cloat formation in vein d. Venous strain, vessel trauma, pregnancy, obesity, pelvic surgery 188. Action of Tab. Digoxin? -cardiac glycoside 189. A normal person has minimum hourly urine output 30 ml.

190. On the 3rd day after MI, the patient tells he is only having the problem of indigestion. What is the stage of reaction? a. anger b. denial c. depression d. projection

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