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Dipatiukur 112-116 Bandung 40132 Abstract There are many methods to measure WI-FI exposure in open area, almost all the methods only measure in a few point of area which reveals one fidelity metric such as intensity. If we want to find out the location of minimum intensity, the area of exposure and the best exposure in small hotspot internet, the effort should be taken is to plot all measurement points in 3D or contour mapping. This research is providing 3D mapping of Internet hotspot exposure in some open area, fidelity analysis about intensity exposure and load and strength capacity which represented the access speed based on user number. The results of this research are location of black spot which is represented minimum exposure, load and strength empiric function and percentile distribution of usage per day. Keyword: Hotspot, WI-FI, Intensity, Internet 1. Introduction
The intensity received by client in Wi-Fi network is always not consistence according to number of user, interference and signal attenuation. Wi-Fi network uses IEEE 802.11 technology which is a good platform actually for single-hop ad hoc network because of its simplicity [1]. In public usage of Wi-Fi technology like in campus, office, supermarket, restaurant this technology is familiar with the name of hotspot or WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). Theoretically, hotspot as Wi-Fi network is Wireless Internet network which operates at 2,4 GHz band. Recently, hotspot uses standard IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g, which enables transmission at 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps. This paper will propose alternative measurement of continuous power intensity received by client in WLAN and the method of measurement and analysis. The metrics in Internet defines as the measurable variable which inherently represents the Internet performance. In Internet knowledge performance analysis, there are some metrics used to be chosen such as Internet speed (download or upload speed), bandwidth, WLAN intensity of exposure, and so on. 2. Hotspot Intensity Problem WLAN transmits its signal by its router hotspot with almost in omni-directional angle of exposure. The intensity received by client is sometimes not consistent depend on [2] a. channel has time-varying and asymmetric propagation properties b. the wireless medium is significantly less reliable and ease to interfere by noise and has attenuate properties c. Inconsistencies in bit rate depend on bandwidth and number of user

Proceedings of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010


The consistency demand sometimes can be neglected and not consider as problem in hotspot. However, if the inconsistency of bit rate and the decreasing of intensity happen in particular area or sub area then it will trigger new question about what happen in that particular area. According to outdoor WLAN exposure beside intensity exposure which become an attention in this paper, there is also another metrics or variable involved like angle of exposure, Fresnel distant, and of course the distant itself [3]. Fresnel zone is highly depend on distant and height of sender to receiver, 3. Experimental Procedures In this paper, we choose two metrics i.e. Internet download speed and intensity of hotspot. The experiment is conducted using 4 laptops with the same specification. The four laptops are placed at hotspot area with different position and each of position is represented as measurement point (figure 1). At the same time the four laptops as a client in WLAN doing downloading at the same site. The temporal data then statistically processed and will be plotted using 3D Mathlab plotting program. 1 5m 3 4 2 AP

5m Figure 1. The position of measurement and AP (Access Point) Software involved in procedure of measurement:
a. To measure intensity exposure which is actually the signal to noise ratio, we used WI-FI Software called Network Stumbler b. To measure the bit rate when downloading process occurred, we used FTP(iperf) with command: C:\>iperf c <IP address> -u b -11M r i 2

The SNR and bit rate are measured for 12 hours, and represented in rms (root mean square) value and temporal data. Each measured are sampled for 10 minutes and done in four laptops simultaneously. 4. Result The one half daily measurement of SNR in rms values is showed in Figure 2.

SNR rms


-0.5 15 10 10 5 meter 0 0 5 meter 15

Figure 2. SNR rms measure for 12 hours with network stumbler software and plotting with Matlab.
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The good intensity exposure of WI-FI is placed at center of area as depicted in Figure 2. The hat shape of SNR rms in this figure shows that in 5. Conclusion The intensity of hotspot can be plotted in 3D and can be analyzed further more about the location which contains minimum SNR or Maximal SNR References [1] Anastasi,G., Conti, M., Gregori, E., IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks: Protocols, Performance and Open Issues , in Mobile Ad hoc networking, S. Basagni, M. Conti, S. Giordano, I. Stojmenovic (Editors), IEEE Press and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2003. [2] Gavin Holland, Nitin H. Vaidya Analysis of TCP Performance over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ACM/Kluwer WINET 8(2-3), (2002) pp. 275288. [3] G. Anastasi, E. Borgia, M. Conti, E. Gregori, , IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks: Performance Measurements, Cluster Computing Journal, (to appear).

Proceedings of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010


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