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Diana Saiful Bahry Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia,, Abstract As intranets are being installed in most Malaysian corporate workplace environment, studies measuring its effectiveness at the users perspectives are still remain scarce or limited. Against the background of this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of the intranet. Adopting the information systems success model as the theoretical framework and survey as the research method, the study found out that 359 users who involved in the study had perceived the intranet they used to be effective. Keywords: Enterprise intranet, Information quality, Systems quality, Service quality, Intranet usage task productivity. 1. Introduction Intranet is an internal information system based on the Internet technologies. The use of intranet to support organizational business activities started in the mid 90s. Realizing the huge benefits that the intranet can offer, companies with varying sizes from all over the world have installed and use intranet to support their business operations. Today, intranet has significantly matured and to reflect its advancement and complexities, new terms have been used such as portal, enterprise portal, corporate portal, enterprise information portal etc. Nonetheless, as intranets are being installed in most Malaysian corporate workplace environment, studies measuring its effectiveness at the users perspectives are still remain scarce or limited. Questions still remain unanswered as to whether the status of intranet utilization in Malaysian corporate enterprise is comparable to those reported in the literature. Against this background this study was conducted with the aim (i) to investigate whether information quality is significantly correlated with intranet usage, (ii) to investigate whether systems quality is significantly correlated with intranet usage, (iii) to investigate whether service quality is significantly correlated with intranet usage and (iv) to investigate whether intranet usage is significantly correlated with intranet usage. 2. Research Framework One of the most cited model for evaluating IS effectiveness is the IS success model developed by Delone & Mclean (1992). The proponents of this model claimed that they offered a comprehensive view of IS Success. Since its introduction in 1992, more than two hundred studies have been reported to cite or test this model (Delone & Mclean, 2003). According to Ozkan (2006), Delone & Mcleans IS Success Model is an important contribution to the literature on IS effectiveness assessment because it was the first that tried to impose some order on IS researchers choices of effectiveness measures. Figure 1.0 depicts the proposed framework for the study. The framework is conceptualized based on the work of Delone & Mclean (1992) and Delone & Mclean (2003).

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Figure 1: Research Framework 2.1. Task Productivity

Previous studies on IT adoption have recognized the contribution of IT in enhancing individual performance especially in terms of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. Ishman, 1988; Gelderman, 1988; Grover et al., 1996; Jiang and Klein; 1999 and Iivari, 2005). In the same light, studies on intranet also discovered that intranet improved work productivity (Lai and Mahapatra, 1998; Kjernald, 2002; Kefos and Riedl, 2005; Daniel and Ward, 2005; Deltour, 2005, Masrek, 2007b); improved decision making (Lai and Mahapatra, 1998); improved individual commitment, empowerment and personal sense of accomplishment (Duane and Finnegan, 2000; Weber, 2002; Baptista et al., 2006). 2.2. Intranet Usage

The mode of intranet utilization depends upon the complexities and maturity of the intranet. The literature suggests that intranet maturity can be identified as low, medium or high (Gartner Group, 1996; Caselberry et al., 1996). Low maturity signifies that information is published on the intranet for one-way communication. Medium maturity indicates that the intranet is used for groupware and collaborative application. High maturity denotes that the intranet serves as a common user interface to back-end applications. In a situation where intranet is of high maturity, five different modes of utilization are possible, publishing, transacting, interacting, searching and recording (Damsgaard and Scheepers, 2000). Depending on the nature and design of the job, the five different modes of utilization vary across employees. In situation where employees daily job has to engage with organizational information systems such as financial or marketing, then the degree of utilization on transacting mode would be definitely high. Likewise, a head of a department or supervisors with many subordinates would heavily publish memos or notices, thus suggesting that their intranet utilization in terms of publishing mode would be relatively high. However, as a typical intranet user in these companies, three commonly found utilization mode are transacting, interacting and searching. In a transacting mode of utilization, users inevitably commit to HR systems that are integrated into the intranet. To interact with other staff in the companies, users engaged in interacting mode via e-mail, forum room, e-sms or e-chatting. To facilitate their jobs in locating organizational documents or tracing the whereabouts of specific individuals, users commit to searching mode via the use of search engines or directory that are built into the intranet. In addition to these common modes of utilization, users exploit the intranet for decision support and knowledge sharing purposes. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that information quality is significantly related with intranet usage.

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2.3. Information Quality Intranet, just like any other IT, is a tool for capturing, processing and disseminating information. Undoubtedly, in any intranet computing environment, the fundamental purpose for users accessing the intranet is for acquiring information. As noted by Garett et al. (1996), every successful intranet provides information that users value. As such, intranet has always been perceived as a comprehensive organizational information resource. Providentially, numerous intranet studies have recognized the importance of this aspect in ensuring successful intranet utilization (Phelps and Mok, 1999; Tang, 2000; CIBA Solutions, 2002; Fong, 2003; Welch and Pandey, 2005; Deltour, 2005; Lehmuskallio, 2006). A study by CIBA Solutions (2002) concluded that (i) the most important issue for users is that intranets are accurate and up-to-date, (ii) one of the least endearing qualities of intranets is that they are not accurate and are out-of-date, (iii) content duplication on the intranet is a major problem, (iv) redundant content is also a major problem, (v) finding content on the intranet is a frustrating experience for many users, (vi) intranets have little or no logical structure, (vii) there is a significant amount of organizational content missing from intranets, (viii) intranets could be used more effectively to share documents, (ix) intranets could be used more effectively to facilitate collaboration, (x) there is too much static content and not enough dynamic content (xi) personalization of intranet intranets is not common, and (xii) it is difficult for the typical intranet user to get information onto the intranet. Hence, in recognizing the importance of information quality in determining utilization behaviors, it is postulated that information quality is significantly related with intranet usage. 2.4. Systems Quality Systems quality entails attributes of the intranet such as navigation, ease of use, promptness, availability, etc. Within the domain of IS, evaluating systems quality has always been one of the major concerns in measuring IS effectiveness. Similarly, empirical evidence has showed that this aspect is significantly influential in determining successful utilization of the intranet. For instance, Weerakkody (2004) found that the implementation of intranet caused negative effects because its design and implementation failed to consider the demands and expectations of the users. On the other hand, Leung (2001) identified that the key quality characteristics of intranet applications as perceived by end users were reliability, functionality, efficiency, usability, maintainability and portability. Apparently, these characteristics signify the attributes of systems quality of the intranet. Wagner et al. (2002) study also discovered the importance of browse-ability (i.e., navigation). Following the findings of Deltour (2005) that systems quality of intranet was a predictor of acceptance, hence, it is hypothesized that system quality is significantly related with intranet usage. 2.5. Service Quality

While the original intention of the inclusion of the service quality construct to the IS success model is meant to assess the service quality of the application service provider (i.e., IS department or outsourcer) other researchers had successfully used it for evaluating the eservice environment like e-commerce (Lee and Lin, 2005; Ahn et al., 2004); electronic support systems (Negash et al., 2003); e-tourism (Stockdale and Borovicka, 2006); and ebanking (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2005). In the intranet and extranet environment, the use of service quality for measuring effectiveness was accomplished by Cody and Hope (1999) and Miller (2004). The infamous SERVQUAL instrument developed by Parasuraman et al., (1988, 1991) mainly used for assessing the service quality in the marketing field was the most
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adopted model for measuring web-service or e-service quality. The model consists of five dimensions namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. Hope (2001) elaborated how the original SERVQUAL dimensions are applicable in the context of the extranet. Since intranet and extranet can be almost equated, the researcher also argues that elaboration by Hope (2001) holds valid in the context of the intranet. The table below illustrates the details. Accordingly, this study also posits that: service quality is significantly related with intranet usage. Table 1: Service quality dimension of intranet adapted from Parasuraman et al. (1988; 1991) and Hope (2001) Construct Definition Description and examples Reliability The ability to Using backup system can help ensure availability of perform a promised the intranet and minimize downtime. Reduced service dependably downtime and accurate data reflects reliable and and accurately dependable service. Responsivenes A willingness to help Responsive intranet would mean quick response to es users and to provide mail and on-line queries from users. support services Assurance Knowledge, courtesy The embedded security precaution ensures employee and ability to inspire trust and confidence. Judicious and prompt use of etrust and confidence mail follow ups to user enquiries reflects intranet knowledge and courtesy. Empathy The caring, Allowing intranet access to every employees convey a individualized sense of caring. Intelligent use of user profiles, based attention the intranet on preferences and usage patterns convey a sense of provides to users individualized attention. Tangibles The physical Visual pleasing page presentations and ease of site facilities, equipment navigation can enhance a companys image. Since and appearance of intranet operates in a virtual environment, site and the intranet page characteristics have the most impact on tangible dimensions in intranet-mediated service provision. 3. Research Methodology Several corporate enterprises were contacted to participate in the study. However, in order to be eligible, the intranet being used should be of high maturity, i.e. being integrated with organizational IS. Consequently, four companies were found to fulfill the criteria and therefore chosen to participate. After lengthy discussion with representatives of these enterprises, it was decided that the respondents of the study should be the executives working in the headquarters only. The reasoning being that majority of the employee ranging from the executives to top management were located here and furthermore, employee working here are directly involved in the core-business and core-functioning such as human resource, marketing, finance and service operation the organization. Hence, in the course of such activities the use of ICT such as intranet would be very extensive. Adopting a stratified random sampling technique, 700 questionnaires were distributed upon which 423 were returned but 359 were found usable. Sekaran (2003) suggested that a researcher should adopt well validated and reliable instrument to ensure that the research is scientific and escape the laborious efforts in developing a new instrument. Accordingly, instruments that had been used by previous studies were adopted and adapted for the purpose of this study. To measure
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information quality, systems quality and service quality, the instrument developed by Ahn et al., (2004) and Roca et al., (2006) were adopted. To measure intranet usage, an instrument was developed based on the work of Damsgaards and Scheepers (2000). To measure, task productivity, the instrument developed by Torkzadeh and Doll (1999) was adopted. 4. Findings 4.1. Factor analysis and reliability analysis Factor analyses were conducted using Principal Axis factoring with Varimax rotation. The results showed that all items measuring information quality, intranet usage and task productivity were cleanly loaded onto distinct factors. However, items measuring both systems quality and service quality have been cross-loaded onto one single factor. To this effect, both systems quality and service quality have been combined into single variable only and is named systems_service quality for subsequent analyses. Accordingly, reliability analyses were also gauged based on the Cronbach alpha measurement and the results indicated that all values stood above the cut-off level i.e. 0.7. Specifically, the alpha values for information quality was 0.903, for systems_service quality was, 0.942, for intranet usage was 0.899 while for task productivity was 0.924. 4.2. Demographic profiles Between male and female, the former seemed to outnumbered the later with 54.9% as opposed to 45.1%. Age group between 31 and 35 was most dominant and contributed to 29.5% of the sample. In terms of qualifications, 284 respondents indicated to have gotten first degree while 23 indicated to have obtained Masters. 306 respondents indicated as holding executives posts while 53 were holding middle management post. The average length of service was 7.62 while intranet experience recorded a mean of 6.92. 4.3. Descriptive statistics of research variables Table 2 exhibits the descriptive profile of the three intranet utilization modes i.e. interacting, searching and transacting. By means of the interacting mode, users utilize the intranet to interact with other individuals and groups in the companies via e-mails, e-groups, forum room, discussion room etc. By means of the searching mode, users utilize the intranet to search organizational information such as staff info, forms, manuals, newsletter, technical documents etc. via staff directory or search engines. By means of transacting, users utilize the intranet to transact with organizational information systems such as Human Resource Information Systems, Financial Information Systems, Customer-Relationship Management Systems, etc. Among the three utilization modes, interacting mode seemed to be the most highly adopted with mean score of 5.51, while transacting mode was the least adopted mode with mean score of 4.85. The mean score for searching mode stood at 5.01. The highest score for interacting mode could probably be due to the fact that there is a huge number of users working in these companies and in the course of carrying out their work task, they have to constantly communicate and collaborate among themselves; and that the intranet is perhaps the most feasible and efficient means for interacting. This finding is in congruent with claims by Bottazzo (2005) that the intranet is an effective medium for internal communication. As previously mentioned, Doll and Torkzadeh (1998) noted that effective IT utilization should also mean that IT is being utilized for collaborative purposes. In this regard, it is clearly evident that users of these four companies have indicated that they are utilizing the intranet mostly for this purpose.
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In the course of doing their business, big companies such as in these studies, have huge amount of information accumulated and generated almost every minute and second. This information would be constantly and repeatedly retrieved by staff for the purpose of accomplishing their work task. Hence, as manifested by the value of the means for the searching mode which is 5.01, users have indicated that the intranet is quite extensively utilized for searching organizational information. Compared to interacting and searching, transacting modes recorded the lowest mean, probably because not every user would have to access organizational information systems in the course of doing their job. Nevertheless, the mean value of 4.85 is still considered high as it is above the neutral value, and that it can be interpreted that users generally commit to transacting mode close to 2 and 3 times a week. Overall, the mean scores of all the three modes of utilization is 5.12, indicating that respondents were committed to intranet utilization in transacting mode, interacting mode and searching mode at the frequency of more than 2 or 3 times a week. This finding has simply provided empirical evidence that intranet utilization among users of corporate workplace environment is quite extensive and the modes of which the intranet are being utilized is almost akin to intranet users reported in other countries (Daamgaard and Scheepers, 1999; Azzone and Bianchi 2000; Buchanan-Oliver et al., 2000; Vaast, 2001; Ruppel and Harrington, 2001; Stoddart, 2001; Kefos and Reidl, 2005; and Stenmark, 2005b). Table 2: Descriptive profile of intranet usage Std. Std. Items Mean Error Dev. Var. I use the intranet to interact with other individuals and groups 5.51 0.610 1.160 1.346 in the organizations via e-mails, e-groups, forum room, discussion room etc I use the intranet to search organizational information such 5.01 0.680 1.295 1.676 staff info, forms, manuals, newsletter, technical documents etc. via staff directory or search engines I use the intranet to transact with organizational information 4.85 0.067 1.276 1.629 systems such Human Resource Information Systems, Financial Information Systems, Customer-Relationship Management Systems etc. Average usage 5.12 0.452 1.244 1.55 Table 3 displays the descriptive profile of the information quality variable. The six-item measure evaluates the qualities of information in the intranet in terms of relevancy, appropriateness of format, completeness, newness, accuracy, and timeliness. None of the sixitems measures has a mean value less than 4.00. All items recorded mean value greater than 4.90 and the mean score stood at 5.09. Generally, respondents agreed that the qualities of information in the intranet met their expectations. The two top highest mean score are for items that say The intranet presents the information in an appropriate format and The intranet provides relevant information for my job. Clearly, this finding is almost consistent with that of task fit variable. With the advancement and sophistication of technology, information can be presented in diverse forms or formats. However, despite this variability, the most important thing to users is that the information presented to them must be appropriate, relevant, accurate, timely, up-to-date and detail enough for them to instantly use. As shown in the findings of this study, respondents generally agreed that the qualities of information in the intranet met their expectations. Perhaps, due to the strong technical support as shown in the earlier findings, the intranet is continuously updated and upgraded so as to
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ensure that the information needs of the users are always manifested in the intranet. Nevertheless, this finding is inline with that of CIBA Solutions (2002) and Deltour (2005).

Table 3: Descriptive profile of information quality variable Std. Items Mean Error The intranet presents the information in an appropriate 5.26 0.056 format The intranet provides relevant information for my job 5.21 0.061 The information content in the intranet is accurate and 5.18 0.055 reliable The intranet provides the information I need in time 4.98 0.063 The information from the intranet is up-to-date enough for 4.96 0.068 my purpose The information content in the intranet is complete and 4.94 0.067 detail Average score for information quality 5.09 0.062

Std. Dev. 1.066 1.152 1.041 1.185 1.283 1.270 1.166

Var. 1.137 1.328 1.084 1.405 1.647 1.613 1.369

Table 4 exhibits the descriptive profile of the systems quality variable. Except for the item that states the intranet displays is customizable to suit individual needs and preferences, which has a mean value of 4.96, all other items recorded mean values greater than 5.00. The highest mean which stood at 5.33 was for the item that states the intranet is always available to be accessed 24 hours daily, hence suggesting that Malaysian users are expecting that the intranet they use in their workplace should be accessible around the clock. However, the mean score for all items is 5.10, denoting that users were generally inclined to agree that the systems qualities of the intranet fulfilled their expectations. As described in previous chapter, the intranets in all the four participating companies have integrated their intranet with numerous organizational applications. Hence, users whose works have to constantly engage with various functional business applications that are integrated with the intranet would surely expect the intranet to fulfill their systems qualities requirements. These systems requirements characteristics include aspects such as accessibility, promptly response, secured transactions, easy navigation, personalization, user-friendly, etc. These aspects have been fully addressed as evidence by the findings of the study. The availability of strong maintenance team coupled with management support as indicated in earlier findings of this study could perhaps explain the reasons why the systems quality of the intranets are favourable to the users expectations. Table 4: Descriptive profile of systems_service quality variable Std. Std. Items Mean Error Dev. The intranet is always available to be accessed 24 hours 5.33 0.060 1.135 daily The intranet gives a professional and competence image 5.22 0.057 1.078 of our organization
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Var. 1.289 1.162


The intranet has fast response and transaction processing Doing transactions such as filling up on-line forms etc. on the intranet is safe and secured The intranet has an easy navigation to information The intranet displays and designs are visually appealing The intranet features and quality of service instill confidence to users to continue using the intranet The intranet responds promptly to user request The intranet can be depended on to fulfill whatever functionalities and features that are required The intranet displays is customizable to suit individual needs and preferences Average score for systems quality

5.14 5.13 5.08 5.04 5.04 5.02 5.01 4.96 5.10

0.060 0.059 0.059 0.058 0.057 0.061 0.060 0.060 0.059

1.134 1.116 1.126 1.100 1.086 1.151 1.130 1.144 1.119

1.286 1.245 1.268 1.211 1.180 1.324 1.276 1.308 1.255

Table 5 presents the descriptive profile of the task productivity variable. The mean score for each item is well above 5.0 and the overall score is about 5.25 thus implying that respondents of the study inclined to agree that the intranets they use in their workplace help to boost their work productivity. The findings are consistent with that of Lai and Mahapatra (1998), Kjernald (2002), Kefos and Riedl (2005), Daniel and Ward (2005), Deltour (2005) and Masrek (2007b) Table 5: Descriptive profile of task productivity variable Std. Items Mean Error My work with the intranet increases my productivity 5.28 0.054 My work with the intranet saves my time 5.23 0.054 My work with the intranet allows me to accomplish 5.23 0.056 more work than would otherwise be possible Average score for task productivity 5.25 0.055

Std. Dev. 1.028 1.020 1.054 1.034

Var. 1.056 1.041 1.111 1.069

4.4. Relationship amongst research variables According to Alreck & Settle (1995), when the objective of the study is to test the degree and significance between two continuous variables from interval or ratio scales, the appropriate technique is either correlation or regression analysis. Correlation entails the provision of a yardstick whereby the intensity of strengths of a relationship can be measured (Bryman & Cramer, 2001). The result of the correlation analysis is shown in Table 6. Evidently, all the values of the Pearson correlation were found to be significant at 0.01 level, suggesting that that significant correlation exist among research variables. Specifically, the values of the Pearson correlation are above 0.600, hence indicating that the strength of the relationship among research variables are moderate. The highest correlation value is between user satisfaction and individual impact while the lowest is between systems quality and user satisfaction. Nonetheless, as all the values are significant at 0.01 level, hence all the formulated hypotheses are fully supported. Table 6: Results of the correlation analysis Information Systems_service Task quality quality productivity 1

Intranet usage

Information quality

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Systems_service quality Task productivity Intranet usage

0.699** 0.642** 0.567**

1 0.658** 0.579**

1 0.557**

5.0 Discussion Based on the analyzed data, it is evident that users in this study used intranet for interacting, transacting and searching. Transacting mode of intranet usage relates to the utilization of intranet for transacting with organizational information systems such Human Resource, Finance, Customer Relationship, etc., that are embedded in the intranet. In this instance, the intranet acts as an interface upon which users can commit transactions with the systems. Besides transacting mode, interacting mode was also found to be prominent among intranet users in the participating companies. In fact, this study found that interacting mode was the highest in terms of frequency of access compared to other utilization mode. Interacting mode denotes the utilization of the intranet for communication purposes via e-mail or forum room. In an office environment where employees have to constantly engage in communications not only with subordinates and superiors but also outsiders such as customers and suppliers, the use of this kind of communication approach is considered very effective and efficient. The third prominent intranet utilization mode was the searching mode which relate to the utilization of the intranet for searching organizational information. The use of the intranet has really facilitated the task of information searching and retrieval. As has been shown from the findings of this study, respondents had indicated that they engaged with information searching via the intranet at the frequency of 2 or 3 times a week. This finding suggests that information searching and retrieving via the intranet was really extensive. The fact that these respondents came from the headquarters, and highly engaged with strategic and tactical management activities, this high value of usage frequency could be justified. The extant literature on IS has consistently emphasized the importance of both information quality and systems quality aspects. In fact, both of these qualities are considered as a yardstick for measuring the effectiveness or success of the IS (DeLone and McLean, 1992). Providentially, respondents had indicated that the intranet they used fulfilled the information quality attributes that they expected. In an office environment involving white collar jobs, the demand for highly accurate, timely, comprehensive, relevant and current information is very intense. Obviously, the installation of the intranet is in response to this demand. Equally important to information quality is systems quality. When asked to rate the systems quality aspect of the intranet, users had also responded favourably suggesting that they were satisfied with the systems quality attributes of the intranet. By definition, systems quality focuses on the outcome of the interaction between the user and the system. Attributes of systems quality include navigation experience, colour design, response time, availability, security, functionality, empathy, responsibility, etc. The findings of this study have empirically showed that the participating companies have successfully addressed all of the aforementioned issues on systems quality. Having discovered the descriptive profiles of information quality and systems_service quality of the intranet, this study hypothesized both information quality and systems_service quality are significantly related with intranet usage. Accordingly, upon performing statistical analyses involving correlation, it was found that all the hypotheses were fully supported. Theories such as TRA and DOI posited that object-based beliefs do have an effect on usage behaviour. Models such as ISSM and TAM also posited similarly. In the context of this study, the intranet characteristics namely, information quality and systems-service quality were equivalent to object-based beliefs in TRA, DOI, ISSM or TAM. In congruent to these
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theories and models, all the three intranet characteristics were found to be strong determinants of intranet utilization variables. Without doubt, intranet utilization certainly improves the productivity of the users. Diverse studies had repetitively provided empirical evidence for this (Lai and Mahapatra, 1998; Leung et al. 2000; Azzone and Bianchi, 2000; Buchanan-Oliver et al. 2000; MurgoloPoore et al., 2003; Knight et al., 2005), and this study further confirmed and strengthened previous studies. By definition, task productivity refers to the extent the intranet enhances users output per unit of time. The manner and purposes upon which the intranet is being utilized clearly explain how task productivity can be greatly enhanced. The three utilization modes, transacting, interacting and searching, can obviously improve users productivity. Via transacting mode, users no longer have to fill up any paper forms which are time consuming and tedious. Via interacting mode, users can actively engage in heavy communication with almost everyone without having to worry about cost. Via searching mode, information retrieval is so handy and convenient. 6.0 Conclusion Despite the success of accomplishing the research objectives, this study is also subject to a number of limitations, which is mainly associated with the adopted research method. Firstly, the chosen respondents were those holding executive level positions or higher, and users of the lower level positions were excluded. Therefore, future research should consider involving every intranet user irrespective of their job level as respondents. Secondly, the chosen companies were of those of Government Linked Companies or GLC only. Apparently, it is worth venturing into research that investigates the status of intranet usage public and fully private companies. Finally, the perceptual measures used in the survey instrument are subject to individual interpretation and understanding. References Ahn, T., Ryu, S. & Han, I. (2004). The impact of the online and offline features on the user acceptance of internet shopping malls. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 3, 405420. Alreck, P.L., & Settle, R.B. (1995). The survey research handbook. Second Edition. Chicago: Irwin. Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2001). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS release 10 for Windows (also suitable for SPSS release 11): a guide for social scientist. New York: Routledge. Casselberry, R. et al. (1996). Running a perfect intranet. Indianapolis: Que Publishing. CIBA Solutions (2002). Analysis of intranet benchmark survey. Australia: CIBA Solutions. Cody, K., & Hope, B. (1999). Ex-Servqual: an instrument to measure service quality of extranets. Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS1999), Wellington, New Zealand. Damsgaard, J., & Scheepers, R. (2000). Managing the crises in intranet implementation: a stage model. Information Systems Journal, 10(2), 131149. Daniel, E., & Ward, J.M. (2005) Enterprise portals: addressing the organizational and individual perspectives of information systems. Proceedings of the 13thEuropean Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2005), Regensburg, Germany. DeLone, W.H. & McLean, E.R. (2003). The Delone and Mclean model of information systems success: a ten-year review. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 930.
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Proceedings of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010


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