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Set 1 1 2 3 4 5 D B C A B 6 7 8 9 10 D B A B B 11 12 13 14 15 C D A A C

Set 2 1 2 3 4 5 C A B B D 6 7 8 9 10 C A D B D 11 12 13 14 15 A D B D D

Set 3 1 2 3 4 5 D B B A D 6 7 8 9 10 C C C A C 11 12 13 14 15 C B C C B

Set 4 1 2 3 4 5 C B C B C 6 7 8 9 10 C A A C D 11 12 13 14 15 C A B C C

ANSWER SECTION B Set 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sunshine Square / Sunshine Square Departmental Store 20 22 May 2012 Bayan Baru Level 1 While stocks last SUNSHINE GREAT DEALS RM 150 & above (no lifting) WYETH S26 Promise Gold 1.4kg 6 / six 1 box PREMIER facial tissue 90s, 1 packet HWA TAI cream cracker 400g and 1 bottle dishwashing liquid 1000ml (all 3 items must be mentioned to award 1 mark) Set 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a seminar ( Relationship is incorrect ) public health talk / health talk ( no lifting) Charity Fashion Show inter-cultural exchange programme / student exchange food and fun fair BMI calculation, blood glucose , blood pressure check (2 types of health screening must be mentioned to award 1mark) Happy Science raise fun for three charity homes ( no lifting) admission is free / dont need to pay No, it is only for form 3 & 5 students.

Set 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 flavonoids zeaxanthin and lutein (2 contents must be mentioned to award 1 mark) arthritis, colon cancer, heart diseases and osteoporosis (4 benefits must be mentioned to award 1 mark.) offers protection against advanced stages of prostate cancer antioxidant compounds grapes spinach carrots apples grapes

Set 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pulau Pinang Pulau Langkawi Danga Bay Lake Tour Agency Luxury Travels Pulau Tioman Danga Bay Pulau Pinang the price will be cheaper as the tax will not be included Pulau Tioman and Pulau Pinang

Set 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Aloe Essence Clarifying shampoo Blue Green Algae Mask Animal Mshake Advantages Shake Mix Cyromax Sport Drink Aubrey Organiscs Natural Baby and kids Bath Soap Cardio Krill Oil oily hair Maintain cholesterol level I use it after shampooing

Set 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Encyclopaedia of Rabbits George Washington Carver Teaching Young Gifted children in the Classroom Mastering Management 1080 recipes Sandra Ng the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award various types of rabbits the life, beliefs and thoughts of George Washington in the content if his times identifying giftedness in young learners and creating environments supportive of all students

Set 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Rent A Car Ridpest Digital Solution Junk Store sunshine Music a mosquito larvae trapping device buy and sell any useable device burglar alarm caravan fast delivery

Set 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Georgetown Municipal Council to reduce the environmental impacts of waste disposal five two container system recyclable items disposable nappies / toothpaste tubes / window glass / containers that once held paint or acids organic material wastes electronic wastes Home-made compost log to

ANSWER SECTION C Set 1 a) there is time for leisure and games / the villagers have free time b) it begins late in the morning until sundown a) the top that spins the longest ( can lifting ) 27 b) helps the top to spin for a very long time c) skillful men who have spent years patiently practicing this difficult sport / skillful and patient man 28 29 30
b) because it spins smoothly


a) it is hard (can lifting) b) to give weight to top paints the surface of the top with gum
a) it wobbles from side to side

choose hard wood the wood is dried for three or four weeks before shaped like a plate make a groove to fit a lead rim a spike is driven into the bottom of the top a rod is added to the upper side of the top paints the surface of the top with gum ties rope to a tree winds it round the rod tightly unties the rope wind it around the spinners waist throws the top on to the ground use a cokok to hold up the top

Set 2 a) a nurse b) Crimea a) i) nurses were careless and ignorant ii) the doctors did not know as much about healing wounds and curing diseases / the doctors are not medical expert b) ignorant 28 29 30 a) he did not wanted her to be like the other nurses b) she worked in hospitals and convents to learn about nursing
to allow her to go and look after the wounded soldiers



Yes. She has trained many nurses. (accept any suitable answer)


nurses were always careless and ignorant the doctors were not skillful enough
she wants to be a nurse since she was young

she visited hospitals and convents where nuns were trained to be nurses she worked together with the nuns and learned more about nursing she was placed in charge of a small hospital in London she looked after the wounded soldiers with others nurses in the Crimea she worked all day to make sure the wounded soldiers were well looked after and carefully nursed

she saved hundreds of lives she trained nurses in all hospitals in England

Set 3 a) waterways, canals and other wet areas b) because it clogs up waterways a) tastes better and superior in quality 27 b)because it is low in calories and no fat and sugar c) because it contains vitamin B2 28 29 30 because it is cooling i) kangkung belacan ii) sotong kangkung accept any suitable answer



It is low in calories It contains free amino acids, protein, fat, sugar, crude fibre, beta carotenoids, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorous / it has many nutrients It helps in high blood pressure can lower body heat it is believed to have detoxifying properties a good relief for constipation/ helps who has constipation problem
helps anaemie patients

should grow under full sunlight It grows in many different types of soil prepare a planting bed and always keep it moist use seeds to plant kangkung use cutting as planting material water twice daily in hot weather

Set 4 a) It had been unbearably hot 26 27 28 29 30 b) It had been really hard work He found it a nuisance a) Severely damaged right wing b) slightly creased left wing startled/ amazement in awe/ amazed/ respectful (accept any suitable answer)


arrival of a common bee irritating brushed it away swatted it to the ground stamped on it severely damaged its right wing thorax and abdomen covered with sand persistent in recovering itself tried to straighten its wings strain and flex its muscles slowly tested itself and lifted itself into the air tried to correct any structural deficiencies flew away

Set 5

a) poor quality of food 26 27 28 b) low-level of vitamins The lacking of enzymes / Lack of iron vitamins a) Help young criminals change their diets b) avoid young offenders from being send to juvenile detention centres or prison Young offenders have terrible health because of poor diet caused by financial problems and lack of education. A good diet provides the necessary nutrients that help a person grow and develop. (accept any suitable answer)



31. lack important nutrient cause aggressiveness anti-social behavior lack of vitamins needed to produce enzymes control adrenaline levels lack of enzymes excitable undisciplined act illogically proper vitamins changes character better good breakfast - improve behavior nicer more sociable

Set 6

26 27 28 29 30

advanced medical equipment / doctors and nurses / beds a) New York Citys JFK / Tokyos Narita airport b) Changi Airport Because international airports are only required to have a relationship with an external and an ambulance on standby sick accept any suitable answer

31. such as the airport airports which have long layovers have sophisticated medical centres some have stand-alone clinics offer vaccinations general check-ups beds dental work minor surgery consultancy is sought for through the UNs International Civil Aviation Organisation most airports have a relationship with an external hospital ambulance on standby need tighter screening



1. a) harvested b) hot days 2. trees struggling in the high Jamaica winds 3. We. The persona is implying that he is one of the people of Jamaica. 4. When the gold sun shines on the lush green canefields. Magnificently. 5. The rainy days are extremely wet due to heavy downpour that sound like bullets hitting the rooftops. 6. Life is a cycle and sooner or later, the bad times will end and we can then appreciate the good times more. 7. The persona is appreciating of things around him and sees beauty in them 8. We have to go through series of bad days before we experience and appreciate the good days. 9. the most beautiful time of the year 10. have been harvested 11. best of all there are the days 12. we should appreciate the beauty of the nature in our country 13. Jamaica 14. tropical 15. swish 16. mango

17. bare

18. the mango and the logwood blossom, bushes are full of the sound of bees
and the scent of honey and buttercup flowers in abundance on the ground

19. The poet compares it to bullets on the roofs. 20. The leaves have fallen off. 21. They have been harvested. 22. a) They are the days when the trees are flowering and the bushes are full of the sound of bees and there is the smell of honey in the air.

b) I like the days when the weather is breezy and cool. I enjoy seeing all the trees, like the flame of the forest and tembusu in full bloom. There is a sweet fragrance in the air where butterflies and birds will be flying around

23. He does not regret it and accepts it. 24. Struggling. 25. They are left to rest and recover their fertility. 26. He loves the natural beauty of his country of his country. He sees beauty in the ordinary trees, the grass and wayside flowers and does not wish for anything different. 27. The face of the sun is yellowish in colour and looks like the of gold 28. roofs & gullies 29. The trees have to struggle to stay upright because the winds are too strong.

Are you still playing your flute?

1. the rice fields are not doing well 2. disturbs my conscience 3. be responsible / be aware of what is happening around us 4. the music touches the depth of her heart 5. it seems to be wrong to play the flute because he is unaware of national problems 6. watching watching the rain , gazing at the evening rays, collecting dew drops or enjoying the fragrance of flowers. (either two) 7. her younger brothers unemployed and desperate and her people disunited by politics 8. she feels disturbed and troubled 9. paddy /rice 10. this world is too old and bleeding 11. her life is extremely hectic and she does not have leisure time 12. she wants to hear the song from the flute despite the troubled situation round her 13. wistful and soleman 14. sadness and hopelessness 15. guilt 16. slim 17. She longs for it. 18. Uncovered by the breath of an artist.

19. a) I think he is one who is passionate about his music and therefore he forgets about the rest of the world.

b) Yes, I love reading and sometimes I can forget the things around me totally if I am immersed in an interesting story. 20. Quiet and deserted;. 21. The rice fields are doing badly / They are not flourishing 22. Most probably in the city where the persona is living. 23. a) I think they are things that give pleasure and therefore people should enjoy them. b) I would love to go for a walk along the river. (Accept any possible answer)

24. The word song symbolises a simple pleasure of life enjoyed by the persona and the flautist.

25. deserted & quiet

26. the rice fields are sick because many of the villagers have left and the rice field have not been attended to.

He had Such Quiet Eyes

1. quiet eyes, pool of lies and layered in ice 2. she thought he had sincere-looking eyes. 3. our eyes look like pools of water and they can reflect like the surface of water.

4. begging her to give in to his demands 5. nice & paradise 6. he probably said he was in love with her. She surrendered herself to him as she wanted to bring happiness to him. 7. he whispered soft word of love 8. innocent 9. nave 10. do not fooled by the physical appearance / to be careful when in a relationship 11. regrets for not listening to advice 12. the hows and whys 13. Dice is part of the games of chance. Falling in love is like playing a game of chance because one would not know whether one has found the suitable life partner. 14. what is supposed to be good must be really good 15. it means not being successful in love for the first or second time 16. Do not compromise with pleasure-seeking guys. / Do not mix with the men who will use and then abandon you. 17. She had to put up with people reproaching her and asking many unnecessary questions. 18. Then youll never be losing at dice. 19. a) I think it is good advice because girls should be careful of being taken advantage of. b) They might get cheated by unscrupulous. 20. She should have been wiser and heeded the advice she was given.

21. It means she would be free from regrets and reproaches. 22. She is trusting and easily fooled. 23. Her advice is that you must be sure of your partners character before you trust your partner completely. Although you may suffer from heartaches occasionally because of this, you can avoid deception and greater heartaches. 24. to be nice to the man 25. pools of lies 26. a) If only shed been wise b) things student would do and followed by any logical reason

In The Midst of Hardship

1. To get some warmth as they were wet and cold 2. looking for the lost albino buffalo 3. tiny chips of tree branches and others might cause the scratches and cuts on their limbs. 4. they made jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves 5. they did not seem to be affected much emotionally / they accept their fate with no expression of dissatisfaction. 6. 24 hours / a day 7. they share jokes and smoke 8. many animals had been illed and their carcasses were floating around. 9. the hardship in which they had grown up

10. it was an albino 11. i) horrendous flood , bloated carcasses ii) yes because the flood was most damaging and horrible and the carcasses being exposed to water were bloated .

12. sigh and complaint 13. Yes, it was. That is why the persona and his family sacrifices a whole night and day searching for it.

14. No. Making jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves. 15. they do not look defeated. 16. Their work the previous night had made their clothes wet and torn. 17. Not a sign of despair 18. a) No, I would not be unhappy. b) Success comes to those who work and therefore hard work is important. It gives one a sense of satisfaction to achieve something through hard work. 19. There was not a sign of despair 20. They suffered scratches and wounds on their limbs. 21. There had been a flood and some animals may have drowned. In the aftermath of the flood, their dead bodies are floating in the water.

22. I definitely would have felt disheartened and would not take it n such good stride as these people did.

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