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General de Jesus College San Isidro, Nueva Ecija TELEFAX (044) 940-61-81 / e-mail: gendejesus@gmail.


QUIZ IN LITERATURE 2 Name:_____________________________________ Date:________________ Score:_____________ I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices below. Write only the letter on the space provided. _______1. A quality of great literature which appeals to our sense of beauty. a. Artistry b. universality c. permanence d. style _______2. It is a type of approach that deals with the analysis of the theme. a. Analytical approach b. thematic c. historical d. marxist _______3. This is a peculiar way in which the writer writes, sees life, forms his ideas and expresses them. a. Artistry b. universality c. permanence _______4. It is a kind of literature that is handed down from generation to generation by words of mouth. a. Oral b. written c. unrecorded d. both a and c _______5. It does not make use of rhyme at all. a. Prose b. poetry c. epic d. short story _______6. Great literature has the capacity to elevate the spirit by bringing out moral values which makes people better. a. Suggestiveness b. spiritual value c. intellectual value d. universality _______7. It tells a story following chronological events. a. Lyric poetry b. dramatic poetry c. narrative poetry d. prose _______8. This is a lyric poetry of 14 iambic pentameter lines with a formal rhyme scheme. a. Ode b. song c. elegy d. sonnet _______9. This is a lament or an expression of mourning for the dead. a. Simple lyric b. sonnet c. elegy d. ode _______10. It has elements that are closely related to drama. a. Dramatic poetry b. narrative poetry c. lyric poetry d. none of the above _______11. The leading character dies in this kind of dramatic poetry. a. Comedy b. soliloquy c. tragedy d. monologue _______12. Hudhud and Alim is an example of this. a. Ballad b. epic c. metrical tale d. folk tale _______13. It is a combination of drama and poetry which presents the speech of a single character. a. Drama b. dramatic monologue c. comedy d. tragedy _______14. Most of the theme of these stories are adventures of knights and their highborn ladies. a. Metrical tale b. metrical romance c. dramatic comedy d. epic _______15. It is a dramatic play dealing with a past historical event. a. Dramatic history b. dramatic poetry c. soliloquy d. masque _______16. The most majestic type of lyric poetry. a. Ode b. ballad c. sonnet d. song _______17. The Midsummer Nights Dream is a classic example of this. a. Comedy b. tragedy c. epic d. drama _______18. It is the utterance of the human heart in poetic form. a. Narrative b. lyric c. dramatic d. poetry _______19. It is a long, majestic narrative poem which tells of the exploits of a traditional hero. a. Epic b. ode c. elegy d. ballad

_______20. A short simple narrative composed to be sung, its favorite subject are hapless love, domestic tragedy, revenge, death and supernatural. a. Epic b. ode c. elegy d. ballad II. Matching Type. Match column A to column B. Write only the letter on the space provided. Column A _______21. France _______22. Panay _______23. Greece _______24. England _______25. Bicol _______26. Spain _______27. Germany _______28. India _______29. Mindanao _______30. Ifugao Column B A. El Cid B. Hudhud and Alim C. The Song of Roland D. Iliad and Odyssey E. Ibalon F. Beowulf G. Niebelungenlied H. Mahabarata and Ramayana I. Hinilawod J. The Darangans of Mindanao

III. Identify what does not belong to the group by writing the letter of the answer on the space before the number; then on the space below, write the classification of the remaining three. (2 pts. each) _______31. a. tragedy b. comedy c. epic d. soliloquy ________________________________________________________________________ _______32. a. ballad b. masque c. epic d. metrical romance ________________________________________________________________________ _______33. a. Spenserian b. Petrarchan c. Shakespeareane d. Puritan ________________________________________________________________________ _______34. a. lyric b. narrative c. drama d. dramatic ________________________________________________________________________ _______35. a. El Cid b. Hamlet c. Ibalon d. Beowulf ________________________________________________________________________ _______36. a. The Tempest b. Romeo and Juliet c. Hamlet d. Macbeth ________________________________________________________________________ _______37. a. Historical b. Analytical c. Purposeful d. Thematic ________________________________________________________________________ _______38. a. Artistry b. Entertainment value c. universality d. style _______________________________________________________________________ _______39. a. possess rhythm b. may/may not use rhyme c. appeal to emotion d. to furnish information _______________________________________________________________________ _______40. a. appeal to intellect b. does not make use of rhyme c. to provide pleasure d. to instruct or enlighten _______________________________________________________________________

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Prepared by: Jennifer G. Erese Instructress

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