ECE318 Uoft - Problem Set 1

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Tutorial 1 Problems Jan 15 / 17, 2013 1) Briefly describe how the foci of an ellipse connect with Fermats Principle!

2) Use Fermats Principle to prove Snells law for ray propagation from point A to B, in the diagram on right. 3) A lamp is placed underwater in a pool, where water has a refractive index of 1.33. At what minimum angle of incidence with respect to the surface normal will the light be totally reflected by the water-air interface? Use this result to explain why a scuba diver may not see the lights from his boat during a night dive.

ECE 318

4) Pedrotti 2-5: A ray of light makes an angle of incidence of 45o at the center of the top surface of a transparent cube of index 1.414. Trace the ray through the cube. 5) Hecht 5.5: Making use of Fig. P.55, Snells Law, and the fact that in the paraxial region, = h/so, = h/R, and = h/si, derive Eq. (5.8), for Gaussian Optics. Recall that this same formula was derived in class using Fermats Principle. 6) Pedrotti 2-13: a) At what position in front of a spherical refracting surface must an object be placed so that the refraction produces parallel rays of light? In other words, what is the focal length of a single refracting surface? b) Since real object distances are positive, what does your result imply for the cases n2 > n1 and n2 < n1 ? 7) Hecht 5.6: Show that in the paraxial domain, the magnification produced by a single spherical interface between two continuous media, as shown in Fig. P5.6, is given by ns MT = 1 i n2 so Use the small-angle approximation for Snells Law and approximate the angles by their tangents. 8) Hecht 5.7: Imagine a hemispherical interface, with a radius of curvature of radius 5 cm, separating two media: air on the left, water on the right. A 3 cm-tall toad is in the air medium, facing the convex interface and located 30 cm from its vertex. Where in the water will it be imaged? How big will it appear to a fish in the water? Use the result of magnification of a single spherical interface from the previous problem, even though our frog is pushing the paraxial approximation limits: 9) Hecht 5.8: Locate the image of an object placed 1.2 m from the vertex of a gypsys crystal ball, which has a 20 cm diameter (n = 1.5). Make a sketch of the ray trajectories. 10) Pedrotti 2-16: A plano-convex lens having a focal length of 25.0 cm is to be made with glass of refractive index 1.52. Calculate the radius of curvature of the grinding and polishing tools to be used in making the lens.

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