Comparison Between A Brewery Effluent and Its Receiving Stream in Ibadan Based On Their Physico Chemical and Microbiological Analysis

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Insan Akademika Publications

P-ISSN: 2301-4458 E-ISSN: 2301-8038 Vol. 01, No. 02 Oct 2012

Comparison Between a Brewery Effluent and Its Receiving Stream in Ibadan Based on Their Physico; Chemical and Microbiological Analysis
Oluwayemisi Agnes Olorode1, and O. E. Fagade2

Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy. Niger Delta University. Wilberforce Island, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. Nigeria

Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Key Words
Brewery effluents; Discharged; Receiving stream; Water pollution; Environments; Heavy metals

This study was conducted to compare the physico - chemical and microbiological parameters of a brewery effluent and its receiving stream in Ibadan, located in south-west of Nigeria from the month of December 1993 to June 1994. Results obtained indicated that brew house effluent had a higher pH (5.2) than the receiving stream pH (4.8), lower levels of chloride ions, dissolved oxygen, total solids, conductivity and BODs than its receiving stream. Aerobic bacteria counts from sample A ( brewery effluent) ranged from 180 x 103 cfu/ml to 150x103 cfu/ml and its receiving stream from 147 x 103 cfu/ml to 137 x 103, while the fungi counts from 1.3 x 104 to 1.1 x 104 and 5.7 x 104 to 4.5 x 104 respectively. Total coliform counts ranged from 2.0 x 10 MPN/100 to 7.0 x 10 MPN/ 100 and 2400 x 10 MPN/100 for sample A and B respectively. Microorganism isolated include Pseudomomonas sp, Acetobacter sp., Flavobacterium sp, and Lactobacillus sp, Aspergillus niger, Curvularia sp, Alternaria sp for sample A, while Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp Escherichia coli, Fusarium sp, Penicillum sp 1, Penicillium sp 2, and Aspergillus sp were isolates from sample B. There was no significant difference between the values of physico-chemical of the two samples at P<0.05. Results obtained indicated that the pH between 4.8 and 5.8 obtained coupled with objectionable odour for the two water samples were below the permissible level of pH values for stream water or natural water by World Health Organization (WHO) which is neutral pH of 7.0 or slightly alkaline pH 8 and the water must be colourless and odourless. The acidity level of these samples is an indication of water pollution in these environments due to an ineffective treatment of the brewery effluent and the proliferation of fungi isolates isolated in this study. These results clearly indicate that the brewery treated effluents in Ibadan and its receiving stream is an excellent medium for fungal growth and could also be used as a fertilizer with some modifications
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Pollution is the actual impurity introduced into the stream, and it is anything causing or inducing objectionable conditions in any water course and affecting adversely any uses to which the water may

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299

Olorode and Fagade

thereof put (Adekunle et al., 2008).The water resources of our planet, a basic and most important of our existence, 2.7% of earths water is consumable, a report by United Nation in 1978 and this is threatened by pollution. Pollution is the environmental alteration due to mans activities, detrimental to most indigenous life (Omoleke, 2004). Brewery effluent comprises of waste water from washing bottles, water treatment plants, carbon dioxide generating plant, bottling and production hall ,and general waste water from domestic washings. Nigeria brewery under study is located in Ibadan and the receiving stream is located about a kilometer from the point of effluent discharge. This stream water flows through a dense rain forest where the allochtonous impute of organic matter from the surrounding vegetation is derived through run-off from the surface of the soil. This stream may serve as a source of drinking water, and cooking. The treated effluents of Nigerian Breweries are being discharged into this stream through five constructed ponds, where the waste waters were being discharged to, this conveys their method of treating their wastes. Construction was made on these five ponds to allow aeration into them. Waste water from a particular pond will pass through a parapet to the next after treatment. This continues until the waste waters get to the 5th pond (final pond) where it receives a final treatment and then discharged out of the premises down to the nearby stream which passes through a village. Ibekwe et al., (2004) and Sangodoyin (1995) observed and stated that increase industrial activities have led to pollution of our major rivers and streams in Nigeria including the streams in a densely populated area of lbadan. Industrial waste water entering a water body represent a heavy sources of environmental pollution in Nigeria rivers (Fakayode, 2005). It affects both the water quality as well as the microbial and aquatic flora, Emongor et al., (2005) with competing demands on limited water resources, awareness of the issues involved in water pollution, has led to considerable public debate about the environmental effects of industrial effluents discharged into aquatic environments. Fakayode, (2005) investigated on the impart assessment of industrial effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro river in Ibadan, Nigeria and stated that industrial effluents are characterized by their abnormal turbidity, conductivity chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total hardness. The author stated that industrial waste containing high concentration of microbial nutrients would obviously promote an after growth of significantly high coliform types and other microbial forms. Organic pollution is always evident and the pollution is made worse by land-based sources such as occasional discharge of raw sewage through storm water outlets and industrial effluents from refineries oil terminals, petrochemical plants, brewery and food and beverages (Ajayi et al., 1981: Kanu et al., 2006). Due to population and industrial growth in land water ( river, lakes etc) become often the recipient of organic matter in amounts exceeding their natural purification capacity, while in the past, natural purification and dilution were usually sufficient (Osibanjo et al., 2011). The aim of this study is to compare physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the treated Nigerian Breweries effluents in Ibadan with its receiving stream to enable us access the level of water pollution in this environments.


Materials and Methods

The samples of the Nigerian Breweries labeled A, were collected at random from the 4th and the 5th ponds, while the receiving stream samples were collected using the same random sampling technique from the North, South, East and West into sterile bottles and immediately taken to the laboratory for analysis and the remaining samples were stored in a refrigerator at 40C. This was repeated every month from December, 1993 to June, 1994, the mean values of physico- chemical parameters were recorded and the microorganisms isolated in each month were noted. The pH and the temperature readings of the two samples were taken using pH meter and thermometer respectively. Acidity and alkalinity were determined using Alpha 1975 method, Electrical conductivity was measured with set-method MC-l mark V and a cell mode EBA 101 of constant, k=0.1, the sample temperature were taken into consideration at the time of determination. Winklers method (by Alsterberg) was used to determine both the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Suspension Solids, Dissolves Solids and Total Solids were estimated using whatman GF/C grade (glass filter paper) while Chloride was determined using Mohrs method.


Insan Akademika Publications

Olorode and Fagade

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299


Sterilization of the Materials

All the glass ware used for this experiment was sterilized using an over at 1050C, and the autoclave was used to sterilize the agar media used, at 1210C for 15 minutes.


Sample Preparation, Organism lsolation and Characterisation

Serial dilutions method was used to get countable colonies on both samples. Mac conkey, Nutrient Agar Plate count Agar (PCA) and Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media were used for the isolation of bacteria and fungi respectively. Most Probable number for coliforms count was estimated using the five and three tubes methods. Resulting pure colonies were transferred onto nutrient agar and PDA slants for bacteria and fungi respectively for subsequent characterization and identification.


Characterization and Identification

Pure cultures of bacteria isolated were characterized and identified on the basis of their cultural, morphological and biochemical properties and by reference to Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, (Holt et al., 1994) and Cowan and Steels Manual for the identification of Medical bacteria (Barrow and Feltham, 1993). The fungi isolated were characterized based on their macroscopic appearance on culture medium, microscopical morphology and type of asexual spores produced, also identified by reference to Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi (Barnett and Hunter, 1972).


Result and Discussion


Table 1.0 shows the physico - chemical analysis of the two water samples (A and B). The values got for pH, Temperature, Chloride, Turbidity, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Solid(TDS) Total Suspended solid (TSS), and Total solid (TS) are clearly expressed in the table 1 below. All these values fell within the World Health Organization (WHO) limits except the pH, and the odour which were obtained as 5.2 for sample A and 4.89 for sample B, these are below WHO limits of pH between 6.5 and 7.5. There was no significant difference between the obtained pH values with f-ratio of 1.62 and f-ratio of 2.52 for both samples A and B respectively at F-critical of 2.69. Bacteria and fungi isolated from sample A include Pseudomonas sp, Acetobacter sp,and Flavobacterium sp, Aspergillus niger, Curvularia sp and Alternaria sp, respectively, while sample B isolates include Bacillus sp Escherichia coli and, Penicillium sp l, Penicillium spp 2, Aspergillus niger, and whitish brown, moderate. The total bacteria counts of sample A & B were 180 x 103 cfu/ml and 147 x 103 cfu/ml respectively, while the coliforms counts ranged from 0 to 2x10 MPN/100ml and 7x10MPN/100ml to 2400x10MPN/100ml respectively.

Table 1:
No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Physico-Chemical analysis results of waste water samples from a brewery in lbadan.

Characteristics pH Temperature ( C) Conductivity (Ohms-1) Colour Turbidity Odour

Sample A (Brewery waste water) 5.20 27.0 4.50 Lighter yellow Highly Turbid Objectionable

Sample (Receiving Stream) 4.89 24.0 4.80 Light yellow Turbid Objectionable

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299

Olorode and Fagade

No 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Characteristics Dissolved Oxygen (mg/ litre) Chloride (mg/ litre) Acidity Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (mg/L) Total Suspended Solid (mg/Litre) Total Solids (mg/L) Dissolved Solids (mg/L)

Sample A (Brewery waste water) 4.50 243.72 570.00 2.30 12.00 20.00 8.00

Sample (Receiving Stream) 5.8 305.76 330.00 3.70 22.00 40.00 18.00



The pH is the hydrogen ion concentration which measures the acidity or alkalinity (basicity) of any water, this is one of the most important determination in water chemistry because many of the processes involved in water treatment are pH dependent (Lateef, 2004). The pH values got for the two samples A and B were 5.20 and 4.98 respectively. This could be as a result of some chemicals preservatives used in brewery such as Sulphur dioxide and Carbon dioxide which in turn form Trioxosulphate (iv) and Carbonic acid, on reaction with water respectively. The acidic nature of stream water samples (B) might be due to the dilutions of some chemical acids stated above into the stream water as well as the decomposition of littering materials discharge into stream which latter produce humic acid. The permissible level of pH value for stream water or natural water by World Health Organization (WHO) is neutral i.e. pH 7 or slightly alkaline pH 8, and must be colourless and odourless. The acidic nature of this companys machinery due to corrosion might thereby pose a health risk to the nearby inhabitants using this stream water as a source of drinking and cooking. The temperature and the Dissolved Oxygen are related, according to Omoleke (2004) who stated that the higher the temperature, the lower would be the dissolved oxygen value in the water bodies, and the higher the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), the lower the Dissolved Oxygen. Temperature values obtained for sample A and B were 270C and 240C while Dissolved Oxygen values were 4.50mg/L and 5.8mg/L, finally the BODs were 2.30mg/L and 3.70mg/L respectively. These values could be due to the microbial loads present in the brewery waste waters as well as the receiving stream waters. These values obtained for these three parameters are still adequate according to World Health Organization which stated that a normal stream water is between 6mg/L to 8.0mg/L. The high turbidity values obtained from samples A and B (12.0mg/L and 22.0mg/L) might be due to the dissolved substances used in the production activities in the brewery such as barley, hop, sorghum and washing of materials used in the brewery also could be due to decaying organic matters in sample B, this can also be as a result of dissolution of organic wastes such as faeces, other nitrogenous wastes being discharged by some villagers inhabiting the area. The odour of the two waste water samples were objectionable, this might be due to dissolved organic and inorganic compounds in the water bodies, this is in concordance with the work of Ibekwe, (2004) which stated that most unpleasant smells associated with polluted rivers are due to the presence of inorganic and organic compound of nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus arise from putrefaction of proteins and other organic materials present in sewage and in trade wastes. Chlorine is used to control odour of industrial waste according to Nweke (2009), the chloride content obtained were 243mg/L and 305mg/L for waste water samples A and B respectively. Both values were higher than the 200mg/L desirable level from World Health Organization (WHO). The conductivity values were 4.5 x 10- 4 and 4.8 x 10- 4 for samples A and B respectively. Conductivity is the measurement of the ability of a solution to carry electric current. Since this ability depends on ions in solution, a conductivity measurement is an excellent indicator of the total dissolved solids in a water ( Jern et al., 2006). Conductivity is also due to chloride content present in water. The higher the chloride content, the higher the conductivity in the water samples (Nweke, 2009).


Insan Akademika Publications

Olorode and Fagade

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299

Seven different strains of pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the two waste water samples. Three strains isolated from sample B included: Bacillus sp, Escherichia coli, and Lactobacillus sp. Escherichia coli isolated is a coliform bacteria, Ibekwe et al., (2004) reported E coli as an indicator of faecal pollution in pond water and in foods and Lactobacillus and Bacillus sp isolated in this study is in concordance with the work of Ibekwe et al., (2004) on bacteriological and physico - chemical qualities of wastewater from a bottling company in Owerri, Nigeria. Bacillus sp. isolated in this study is in concordance with the work of Emongor et al., (2009) and Phiri et al., (2005) which stated that the stream water is in contact with soil, and Bacillus sp. are predominant in the soli. Pike (2004) reported Pseudomonas sp., Flavobacterium sp and Alcaligene as the predominant bacteria in the oxidation pond just as Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium sp were found in this study. Some fungi strains isolated include: Penicilum sp, Aspergillus niger; Curvularia sp; Alternaria sp; Fusarium sp; this is in concordance with the work of Nubi et al., (2008) who reported Geotrichum candidum, Tichosporon and Penicillum as fungi community found in effluents just as Penicillium sp was isolated from the studied samples in this research work. Some bacteria species isolated from the two samples in this study are pathogenic in nature and this could cause health hazard to the villagers living beside the stream. Diseases associated with the pathogenic microorganisms contaminate the stream water include typhoid fever, cholera dysentery and polio. Organic pollution of inland water system in Africa, in contrast to the situation in developed countries of the world, is often the result of extreme poverty and economic and social underdevelopment according to Tolba (1982), it is in these countries that the quality of water, and often the quantity, is lowest, sanitation and nutrition the worst and disease most prevalent (Dejoux et al., 1981; Burgis et al., 1987). The inhabitants (villagers) of this vicinity where the stream is are exposed to danger of being infected with any of these diseases if not all. Likewise, the effluents is a good medium for the fungi growth and could be used as a fertilizer with some modifications.


Conclusion and Recomendation


This work has X-rayed the microbiological and physico - chemical parameters that are present in a Nigerian Brewery treated effluent and its receiving stream at lbadan, and the results obtained from the study showed that the effluents treatment is not adequate, therefore there is a necessity for F.E.P.A Federal Environment Protection Agency to help industries in establishing acceptable standards of waste treatment. The acidic nature of the two studied samples is dangerous to inhabitants, this eventually exposes these people to future ulcer. For effective treatment of this brewerys effluent, waste treatment plants must be set up in the industrial estates, and sufficient regulations leading to strict penalties to prevent pollution of the environment must be enacted.



Proper medical attention must be given to human in the industrial areas, and record properly kept. This will allow for early detection of any health effects and immediate treatment offered. Full research into the industrial effluents discharged environment must be done and this must be supported by the Federal Government. Laboratories for such works must be properly equipped and records should be properly kept. Environment microbiologist should be seen as complementing efforts at regulating the degradation of the environment rather than trying to run industries down. Biological treatments manned by microbiologists and other trained environmental specialists such as chemist and Sanitary Engineers should be considered to assist industries on the methods to treat their waste discharges.


International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299

Olorode and Fagade

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Insan Akademika Publications

Olorode and Fagade

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, pp. 293-299

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