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INDEX Essay Essay 1(Q1) Essay 2(Q2) Essay 3(Q3) Essay 4(Q6) Essay 5(Q7) Reference Page 3 5 7 9 11 13

1st essay Question 1 By looking at the graph given, it shows us the pattern of the statistic of motor vehicle theft in Malaysia from 1980 until 2010. The graph is about the number of year against the number of cases. For every 5 years it shows the number of cases occurred starting from 1980 to 2010. First of all Ill explain to you what the pattern of the graph is all about and what precaution steps that can be taken to avoid motor vehicle theft. Thus, the number of cases will decrease. From the graph given, all we can see that there is not much difference in the amount of theft cases occurring during the first 15 years early which is from year 1980 to 1995.The graph shows the number of cases of all cars and motorcycles being stolen increased slowly starting from year 1995 until it sharply increase from the middle of 2000 to 2005. There is also a decrease from 2005 until 2010. There is not much increase in the pattern of graph for the private the cars from being stolen. Since the motor vehicle theft has been increase dramatically for the past few years, we should do something by taking some effective and efficient steps to prevent this problem from happening again in the future. First thing, for those who own any types of vehicle should be extra careful when you choose the place to park your vehicles. Please dont just randomly park your car anywhere you like especially for those cars which do not have any security system to protect your car from being broken into. Park your car in attended lots where vehicle thieves do not like witnesses and prefer unattended parking lots. Lastly park your vehicle in the compound of your house rather than outside. Lock both your vehicle and gate for improved security. Besides that, make sure you lock your vehicle doors, and any additional car theft prevention locks if you are leaving your car for a period of time. One thing that you should avoid is never leave the vehicle keys inside the vehicle unattended. If you do this kind of mistake, cat never refuses to eat fish in front of it eyes. You must never leave your vehicle running, even if you will only be away for a minute. Vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, petrol stations, ATM and outside house compounds when owners leave the vehicle engine running to run errands or to unlock house gates.

Sometime people will take your those silly mistakes for granted. In other word, it means that you yourself give the thieves chance for them to steal your vehicle. First step is making sure that you are more extra careful next time. Even though, professional thieves are able to steal any vehicle. However, you can make it difficult for them to steal your vehicle. The more layer of protection on your vehicle, the more difficult it is to steal. The choice is in your own hand. You deserve to decide what you are going to get. Better late than never.

(513 words)

2nd essay Question 2 Pollution is a big problem in the world nowadays. Environmental pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planet today. It means adding impurity to environments consist of earth, water, air, plants, and animals. If we pollute them, then the existence of man and nature will be hampered. Perhaps that all of us citizens in this housing area have already known that there is an international company which is planning to set up a factory near our housing area. Hence, this is the bad thing that can contribute pollution to our place. There is a big chances for our housing area to get polluted since the main course of pollution comes from the manufactures. Here I strongly object about the plan of setting up a factory here. It will give a bad effect to our environment through thermal pollution, chemical pollution, and noise pollution. According to a research in US, every year 33500 Americans die of lung cancer, this is a direct result of air pollution. Jerry Coffey (2010) believes that the main cause of air pollution is manufacturing. This source of population spews particulate matter and chemicals into the atmosphere. The exhaust from factory includes sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, as well as volatile organic compounds and particulates. These dangerous gaseous will harm our health and our family members too. I think all of us deserve to get a more healthier life rather than suffering from any kind of pollution that comes from factories in the future. Besides that, the factory that will be built near in our housing area will contribute to water pollution. The water of rivers and seas is being constantly polluted in our area by various dangerous chemical and biological wastes from this factory. The factory will discharge very harmful substances water into river and sea. We even drink a lot of water every day. Hence, we must safe our river from pollution that comes from this factory. Moreover, it will result the surrounding area becoming noisier. From the noise pollution, the school nearby will be disturb. Thus, the students and teachers wont be able to pay more their attention during lessons. Therefore, we must unite and be one to stop the idea of building up a factory here. Other than that the effect of the factory will result in increase of water temperature or it is also known as thermal pollution. Thermal pollution normally caused by dumping hot water

from factories. Like other form of water pollution, thermal pollution is widespread, affecting many lakes and vast number of streams and rivers especially in the United States and other parts of the world. This information really shocked me and made me realize that we should not allow any other company from building up the new factory in our housing area. If the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil which produces our crops, vegetable and fruits, all became more and more impure, then the chances of us being in good health and longevity will be very less. Environment pollution is a menace to our existence. Realizing the danger, as natives we should speak out to protest this planning so that we can live here healthy without any pollution. (542 words)

3rd essay Question 3 According to Wikipedia, the word Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the "wrongful appropriation," "close imitation," or "purloining and publication" of

another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions," and the representation of them as one's own original work but the notion remains problematic with nebulous boundaries. Farlex (2008) plagiarism is the theft of another persons writings or ideas. Recently, plagiarism has become an issue of growing concern across universities in Malaysia and internationally. Those definitions obviously tell us that plagiarism occurs when someone steals expressions from another authors composition and makes them appear to be his own work. A charge of plagiarism can result in a student receiving a zero for an assignment, failing a course, being expelled from school and although instances of plagiarism occurred in the past, with the advent of the internet and the subsequent ease of information retrieval it is now becoming almost epidemic in its frequency. Students who are involved in this criminal sometimes have their own reasons why did so. Yet as for exactly why the students resort to plagiarism, although the motivations are as diverse as students themselves, there are nevertheless some main reasons. Firstly, lack of knowledge about the topic discusses. Hence, students tend to take the easiest way to complete their task by copying or taking it straight forward from other authors and send it to the lecture as their own work. There are some students that choose to do plagiarism because of lack of time. Normally students put off assignments until the very last minute. They do not have enough time to finish the task according to the time given, and take the shortcut way of being able to send the task to the lecture. Other than that, laziness also leads to plagiarism; some students want to get by with little work as possible. This kind of students are most likely to copy and paste large blocks of text from online sources and then fail to acknowledge the sources. However, there are a few effective strategies to avoid plagiarism. Firstly, any information gain just keep it maintaining and make sure to keep it organized so anything to write down from sources can be found when the time comes to cite it. Secondly, anything that did not come from your own idea must be put in quotations. By writing it this way, it will show that you are really pretty smart. Apart from that, you also have to ask experience people

on how to cite something. Better ask someone like college instructor, employer, editor, or check it on one many sites that can help you determine whether or not it is plagiarized. Lastly, do paraphrase and it doesnt mean you can copy and rearrange the words from the original words so that it doesnt look like plagiarism accrued. Read the paragraph or section and paraphrase it without looking at the portion. This way makes you understand the information better and help ensure that you arent copying another persons words. Plagiarism is very serious and it can be grounds for failure in a course. Hence you deserve to know what you are going to do with your life. Follow the right path so that you can finish your study peacefully. You will be more satisfied when you get result with your hard work. Sometimes plagiarism does not solve your problem but makes it worst. (565 words)

4th essay Question 6 To: Majlis Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur From: Resident of Taman Melawati Shah Alam Proposal for Developing Bicycle Lanes in Taman Melawati Shah Alam Im one of the residents at Taman Melawati writing this proposal to Majlis Bandaraya asking for bicycle lane at Taman Melawati housing area. I want to bring all of your attentions that many unreported bike accidents have occurred in our housing area. Recently there have been a few accident cases occurred in our housing area which caused by reckless drivers. These involved some students who go to school by cycling. Apart from that, the parents of these victims have decided to make complain regarding the safety of their children. Im willing to take the responsibility to overcome this problem since I dont want my child to be the next victim of the bicycle accident. I highly recommend that Majlis Bandaraya build the bicycle lanes for the spotted area especially the route along to school for those students who cycle to school and in the park since most of the residents spend most of their time there cycling. This can also be an attraction for visitors to visit the park. Hence our housing area really needs a bicycle lane for all bicyclists to feel safe. As we have known, the roads in my housing area are not in good condition. The current route along the side of the street is hilly, hard to find and hardly used. Drivers dont obey the speed limit along this route. Hence, this is the obvious solution to prevent the accident from occuring again and again. By construct bicycle lanes would be able to increase safety for cyclist on the housing area lanes and giving them no reasons to cycle because of personal safety. Some of them nearly reduce their time by doing what they enjoyed too much because of the dangerous condition nowadays. Riding a bicycle in areas that have no bike lanes can be nightmare to cyclist. Bicycle lane will reduce the risk of accident and increase the number of bicycle riders to promote public health. Moreover, the bicycle lane can promote to other residents that making cycling more pleasant for leisure. Indeed, cycling has been shown to be the most effective thing an individual can do to improve health and increase longevity.

Other than that this also can educate to the other that cycling is an ideal alternative mode of transport for short journeys. Hence, it is the best way to promote and develop cycling in our housing area as a safer, convenient, low cost and environmentally friendly mode of transport, for leisure and other short trip and increase opportunity for more people to choose cycling. I hope my proposal to have the bicycle lane in Taman Melawati will get your approval. This will benefit the entire community of Taman Melawati. (470 words)

5th essay Question 7 Most Malaysians have their own vehicles like cars, motorcycles and lorry and it is crucial for these owners to have driving licenses. In order to drive a car, the first step the owner has to do is to get a driving license. Here are the several ways or steps on how to get a driving license. First and foremost, according to Road Transport Department or JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan), there are 5 main types of driving license in Malaysia. First, Learners Driving License (LDL), Probationary Driving License (PDL), Competence Driving License (CDL), Vocational Driving License (VDL) and International Driving Permit (IDP). The most important thing that everyone should be more concern of in this article is the step on how to get a driving license. Im explaining this according to my experience and with the help of some research on the internet for sources and corrections. For beginners, getting a license, no matter for riding or driving the first thing is you have to contact instructor who is certified and has experiences in teaching how to ride or drive. Contacting the instructor can just simply be a call or a visit to the only few driving school around you. Nowadays, there are a lot of registered driving schools for each state in Malaysia. Second step is going for the lecture to prepare for the theory test. You can have a license for motorcycle at 16 and driving license at 17 and the theory test must be taken before taking any these tests for those who wishes to take both licenses within a year. The lecture last for about 5 hours stated but normally, in reality only last about 4 hours. During the lecture, the instructor will give you two books and a CD. This is because the theory test will be held on a PC at the driving school. The book explains about the rules and regulation on the road and more. Then, the other book is compilation of 500 questions where the 50 questions in the test are chosen from. For those licenses, it cost about RM 750 for driving and riding. Some other driving school will charge you more than this price. According to my instructor, this price is the cheapest price among other driving schools in Malaysia. This is for real when I asked my other friends about it. Some of them have to pay about RM 1300++ for both licenses. This is quite expensive for those who are not affording for it. Here, for those who want to take a

license, you have to survey the price first and compare it with other driving schools so that you will make a good choice. The price offered must be including for the theory test, practical test and also for the 8 hours of teaching and trial test and also for the actual test. When you already get the books, go home and read those books and get as much information from that as you get a sense of how the test will be as you have to seat for theory test soon. Then contact you instructor to perform the test. The passing score for the theory test is 42 out of 50 questions. You can repeat the test if you fail for how many times you takes. After passing the test, you are eligible for the next process which is the practical lesson, in this practical lesson or known locally as amali and another day listening to lecture for another 3 hours. This session will give you more information about each part of the car or motorcycle. The school instructor will explain the analogy of the car or motorcycle for you. After you have finished this stage, soon you will get an L license or Learners Driving License (LDL) after that. After you hold your L license, you will be able to ride or drive on the road with the specific rules. Then, with the L license too you are eligible for a short lesson of driving, a minimum of 8 hours driving lesson. Normally, the instructor would teach 8-10 lessons varying in hours of you driving. It is possible for you to add up more sessions if you are not confident enough to take the real test. The last step before taking the real test is the trial test. Youd be tested by another instructor from the school to be as a trial test taking just about 10 minutes ride around the school area. Then you are eligible for the full-fledged driving test by the guys from the Road Transport Department or JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan), a test of parking, uphill slope, some more on road safety measures and so on would take a whole of 20 points and the passing point is 16. After you have gone through the tests, you will get a P license or Probationary Driving License (PDL) which is your license for the next 2 years. So, this is the price to pay for getting 8 hours of minimum driving hours before the test. The P license basically means that you are not competent enough to drive yet, only after 2 years you are eligible for a change to Competence Driving License (CDL) which is much better and you wouldnt be summoned so seriously on the road. (885 words)

REFERENCE Farlex(2008). Plagiaries Maening surfed on 26.june.2012 at URL http://legal- Keyt&Aaron. (1988). "An Improved Framework For Music Plagiarism Litigation: California. Law Review. Lewis, mark. (2002). "Doris Kearns Goodwin And The Credibility Gap. Forbes Mayfield& Kendra. (2001). "Cheating's Never Been Easier." wired No Author Name. License In Malaysia. Surfed On 22.June.2012 At URL

Http://Noobrookie.Blogspot.Com/2011/02/Getting-Driving-License-In-Malaysia.Html S.evan bramer(2012) Surfed On 22.June.2012 At URL

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