Society of Actuaries Education Examination Volunteer Job Descriptions

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Society of Actuaries Education Examination Volunteer Job Descriptions

Examination Chairperson ..... 2 Examination General Officer ........... 3 Examination Item Writers & Graders ...... 4 Examination Committee Member .... 5 Examination Chairperson (Preliminary & FSA Exams) ....... 6 Examination Vice Chairperson .... 7 Exam Supervisor ....... 8

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Examination Chairperson Position Summary: Overall responsibility for the proper development and administration of SOA examinations; serves as a member of the Education Executive Group. Reports To (if applicable): General Chairperson Qualifications: FSA Member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Prior experience on examination committees up through General Officer (GO) level; Position requires leadership, communication, and organizational skills, plus a good understanding of all aspects of the exam development process. Term of Service: Normally three years, with the expectation that the incumbent will then advance to the General Chairperson position Time Commitment: Approximately 100 hours for required duties (can increase if proactive in addressing policy initiatives). Responsibilities & Duties: Establishing priorities related to examination issues, in conjunction with input from the Education Executive Group Ensuring that Examination Committees are appropriately staffed; recommending and recruiting Examination GOs Coordinating and monitoring the preparation of examinations Conducting spring and fall exam Central Review sessions Conducting Examination GO meetings during Central Review and by teleconference as needed between Central Review meetings Coordinating pass mark setting and recommending pass marks to the General Chairperson Proactively reviewing examination policy and recommending changes as deemed appropriate Meeting & Travel Requirements: Education Executive Group monthly teleconferences Central Review / GO in-person meetings of 3-4 days, two times per year, plus travel time Examination GO teleconferences twice per year SOA Leadership in-person meeting of 1 days, plus travel time Item writer training sessions of 2-3 days, two times per year, plus travel time Other ad hoc conference calls and/or meetings dependent on specific initiatives

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Examination General Officer (GO) Position Summary: Examination GO carries out many of the duties that are overseen by the Examination Chairperson with heading the committee that is charged with the rigorous development and grading of examinations. The Examination GO is supported by members of the Examination Committee. Reports To: Examination Chairperson, Examination Vice-Chairperson, General Chairperson of the Education Executive Group and the Board of Directors (BOD) Qualifications: An FSA member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Examination GO should be familiar with SOAs Education system, the examination development process; Prior Examination Committee and/or volunteer experience within the Education System would be beneficial. Term of Service: Officers (e.g., Chairs, Vice-Chairs and GOs) may serve one term, which is not renewable. Additional terms may be served only at a different level or in a lateral position with regard to function or exam. The Examination GO carries out the following responsibilities and duties of the Examination Committee: Recommend Examination Committee Chairs Recruit Examination Committee Vice-Chairs and committee members for specific examinations Assure Examination Committees are appropriately staffed Acts as principal participant in setting Pass Marks Advise Curriculum Committees of syllabus additions and/or improvements needed and provide general feedback on the course of reading Overall examination development (call for questions, grading outlines, Pre-Review, Central Review, Central Grading, written-answer examination model solutions) Grading Provide input and thorough knowledge of the syllabus and course of reading Direct and delegate the activities of other committee officers and members Draft and review questions, answer keys, grading outlines and model solution Grade written-answer examinations and attend Central Grading Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the SOA Education Confidentiality Agreement Travel Requirements: Attends approximately four to six on-site meetings per year. Note: Meeting attendance may vary based on need. Recommended Skills: Strong communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to demonstrate leadership skills

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Item Writers/Graders Reports To: Examination Chairperson Qualifications: An FSA member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Should be familiar with SOAs Education system, the Examination development process. Prior Examination Committee and/or volunteer experience within the Education System would be beneficial. Term of Service: The terms for graders are four years and the role of the Appointments Committee (AC) is to verify that rules for servicing are met (e.g., having proper credentials and/or not engaged in conflicting activities). FAP graders, DMAC graders and the FAP Assessment Committee (other than chairpersons) are also included under these term provisions. Responsibilities & Duties: Participate in the development of questions for examinations Grade papers Attend Central Grading Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the SOA Education Confidentiality Agreement Travel Requirements: Attends approximately two to three on-site meetings per year. Note: Meeting attendance may vary based on need. Recommended Skills: Strong communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to demonstrate leadership skills

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Examination Committee Member Position Summary: The Examination Committee member is responsible for preparing and grading all examinations. Reports To: Examination GO Qualifications: An FSA member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Should be familiar with SOAs Education system, the examination development process; Prior Examination Committee and/or volunteer experience within the Education System would be beneficial. Term of Service: Terms are four years and appointments are reviewed by the Appointments Committee (AC). Appointments can be made throughout the calendar year. For this policy, service time is deemed to begin on either the July 1 or January 1 following the beginning of service, whichever comes first. Term limits have been set for each position. The person to whom a volunteer reports may request a six-month extension (with notice to and expected approval by the AC) if the volunteer is in the midst of a critical task. An Examination Committee member: Assumes responsibility for the overall examination development (e.g., call for questions, grading outlines, Pre-Review, Central Review, Central Grading, written-answer examination model solutions) Oversees grading Provides input to, and have a thorough knowledge of, the syllabus and course of reading Directs and delegates the activities of other committee officers and members Works with Examination Committee officers to prepare valid and reliable examinations that discriminate between passing and failing candidates Drafts and reviews questions, answer keys, grading outlines and model solutions Grade written-answer examinations and attend Central Grading Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the SOA Education Confidentiality Agreement Travel Requirements: Attends approximately four to six on-site meetings per year. Note: Meeting attendance may vary based on need. Recommended Skills: Strong communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to demonstrate leadership skills

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Examination Chairperson (Preliminary Exams & FSA Exams) Position Summary: Overall responsibility for the proper development and administration of SOA examinations; serves as a member of the Education Executive Group. Reports To (if applicable): Examination GO Qualifications: An FSA member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Prior experience on examination committees up through General Officer (GO) level; Position requires leadership, communication, and organizational skills, plus a good understanding of all aspects of the exam development process. Term of Service: Normally three years, with the expectation that the incumbent will then advance to the General Chairperson position Time Commitment: Approximately 100 hours for required duties (can increase if proactive in addressing policy initiatives). Responsibilities & Duties: Specific responsibilities include: Establishing priorities related to examination issues, in conjunction with input from the Education Executive Group Ensuring that Examination Committees are appropriately staffed; recommending and recruiting Examination GOs Coordinating and monitoring the preparation of examinations Conducting spring and fall exam Central Review sessions Conducting Examination GO meetings during Central Review and by teleconference as needed between Central Review meetings Coordinating pass mark setting and recommending pass marks to the General Chairperson Proactively reviewing examination policy and recommending changes as deemed appropriate Meeting & Travel Requirements: Education Executive Group monthly teleconferences Central Review / GO in-person meetings of 3-4 days, two times per year, plus travel time Examination GO teleconferences twice per year SOA Leadership in-person meeting of 1 days, plus travel time Item writer training sessions of 2-3 days, two times per year, plus travel time Other ad hoc conference calls and/or meetings dependent on specific initiatives

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position July 1, 2011

Position Title: Examination Vice-Chairperson Position Summary: Examination Vice-Chairperson assists the Examination Chairperson with heading the committee that is charged with the rigorous development and grading of examinations. The Examination Vice-Chairperson is supported by the Examination Vice-Chairperson, Examination General Officer (GO) and members of the Examination Committee. Reports To: Examination Chairperson, General Chairperson of the Education Executive Group and the Board of Directors (BOD) Qualifications: An FSA member in good standing with the SOA; Compliant with SOA Education Conflict of Interest policy and Confidentiality Agreement; Should be familiar with SOAs Education system, the examination development process; Prior Examination Committee and/or volunteer experience within the Education System would be beneficial. Term of Service: Officers (e.g., Chairs, Vice-Chairs and GOs) may serve one term, which is not renewable. Additional terms may be served only at a different level or in a lateral position with regard to function or exam. The Examination Vice-Chairperson assists in overseeing the following responsibilities and duties of the Examination Committee: Overall examination development (call for questions, grading outlines, Pre-Review, Central Review, Central Grading, written-answer examination model solutions) Grading Provide input and thorough knowledge of the syllabus and course of reading Direct and delegate the activities of other committee officers and members Draft and review questions, answer keys, grading outlines and model solution Grade written-answer examinations and attend Central Grading Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the SOA Education Confidentiality Agreement Travel Requirements: Attends approximately four to six on-site meetings per year. Note: Meeting attendance may vary based on need. Recommended Skills: Strong communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to demonstrate leadership skills

SOA Education Examination Volunteer Position August 1, 2011

Position Title: Exam Supervisor Position Summary: The supervisor is in charge of receiving and storing the exam materials, proctoring the exam itself, and returning the materials to the proper location. Reports To (if applicable): Exam Center Logistics Administrator Qualifications: Fellow or Associate of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or of the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS); or At a minimum, the person should be sufficiently advanced in the examination system to have demonstrated a firm commitment to the actuarial profession. No individuals may supervise an exam for which they do not have credit; or If an appropriate member of the SOA or CAS, as detailed above, is not on staff, someone who has administered standardized tests, such as a tenured academic, or an employee of an educational institution (e.g., testing department), is acceptable as the Examination Supervisor.

Term of Service: Varied. A person can supervise a single exam or continue as supervisor for an open ended period of time. We very much appreciate when those that are stepping down find a suitable replacement. Time Commitment: Varied. It depends on the number of exams a person is supervising. As an example if an exam is scheduled to run from 8am 11am, the supervisor should arrive no later than 7:30am and plan to stay until 11:30am. Responsibilities & Duties: The Supervisors chief concerns should be to safeguard the confidentiality of the exam materials, to conduct the examinations correctly, to protect the candidates from disturbance and to return the examination materials promptly. Because the examinations are given at many locations, a standard schedule is essential to the goal of providing comparable examination conditions for all candidates. Meeting & Travel Requirements: None Additional Information (if applicable): If a supervisor is unable to proctor the exam it is their responsibility to find a qualified replacement. If more than 15 candidates will be attending the exam the SoA recommends the supervisor find an additional person(s) to assist with the proctoring of the exam.

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