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V S ^ X I T ^ ^ ^ ^ SDGIW P S - Q NOIDA PSQ-PNT-COM 27.03.2002 R 0 0 / 27.03.2002

S.Me^OTRA AGffll P S - Q N O I D A




Painting & a e s t h e t i c s of e q u i p m e n t is a very crucial a r e a . Painting h a s b e e n identified a s a ' s p e c i a l p r o c e s s ' in all P S - R e g i o n s . Painting work, involved at site, is e n o r m o u s , s p e c i a l l y for Boiler structural items, piping, V a l v e s etc. w h e r e c o m p l e t e painting is to b e d o n e at site. B e s i d e s , in n u m b e r of c a s e s , items w h i c h are s e n t finish/semi-finish painted f r o m M U s , are to be repainted at sites before handing o v e r the P l a n t to C u s t o m e r , d u e to deterioration of paint during transportation & storage at site. T h o u g h , guidelines exist for painting in M U s , a n e e d w a s felt for a Painting M a n u a l , for following uniform practices at sites. This w o u l d e n a b l e sites in improving the Quality during painting at site. K e e p i n g this in m i n d , P S - Q h a s prepared a " P a i n t i n g M a n u a l for P o w e r S e c t o r Erection s i t e s " w h i c h is b a s e d o n ' B H E L C o r p o r a t e standard', 'Indian Standards'(IS) and recommendations of ' C o r p o r a t e task force for painting' for M a n u f a c t u r i n g Units, i s s u e d in Sept., 2000. T h e Painting M a n u a l p r o v i d e s b r o a d b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s for Painting work at sites. S i t e s must e n s u r e a d h e r e n c e to the contract requirements, d r a w i n g s a n d other instructions i s s u e d by M U s , s p e c i f i c to the Project. T h i s Painting M a n u a l will b e very useful in e s t a b l i s h i n g systematic & uniform painting p r a c t i c e s throughout P S - R e g i o n s & sites a n d to i m p r o v e quality of painting at sites leading to i m p r o v e d C u s t o m e r satisfaction b e s i d e s s e r v i n g a s a b a s e d o c u m e n t for preparing contract/tender d o c u m e n t s for Painting at site.

S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TITLE Objective Scope and extent of!painting work involved at site Painting scheme Painting process Paint procurement Qualification of paints & test certificates Storage and handling of paints & consumables Painting procedure /Painters' skill test Tools & tackles needed during painting Surface preparation Application of paint Inspection, testing & records during paint application Details of IMTEs & their operating procedure Colour coding Safety norms List of references Field Quality Plan for Painting Process at site PAGE NO. 1 ' 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 10 12 13 13 15 ' ; | ! |

15 15

i i



Sampling criteria for carrying out routine test on received from supplier Method of testing routine test criteria Pictorial depiction of surface cleanliness profile Record of Painter skill Test Field Quality Plan for Painting process at Erection site


Annexure-I I Annexure-lll Annexure-IV Annexure-V


OBJECTIVE To ensure that uniform standard practices are followed in Power SectorRegions regarding painting of equipments at sites in conformance to the specified requirements.


S C O P E AND EXTENT OF PAINTING WORK INVOLVED AT SITE This System covers equipments supplied by B H E L Mfg. Units, which are to be erected in Power Sector sites and where site painting is involved including primer, intermediate and final coating as per painting schedule specified by Customer/BHEL. It doesn't cover painting on equipment to be done at shop floor, before dispatch of the equipment.

Every item sent from M U to site is sent with at least one coat of primer paint. Equipment/items dispatched from M U s to site can be classified in following two categories:

A. Equipment/items dispatched with only primer coating: In this case, depending upon the condition of primer paint on receipt of equipment/item at site, either re-painting or Intermediate & final coating may be required to be done at site.

B. Equipment/items dispatched with finished painting: In this case, depending upon the condition of paint on receipt of equipment/item at site, either touch up painting or complete painting may be required to be done at site. Sometimes, even if the equipment from M U s supplied to site are finish painted same may have got deteriorated or peeled off during transportation, storage, erection or due to aging. In those cases, wherever required, touch up painting or re-painting is to be done on such equipments.

Normally, at any Power Sector site, painting work includes cleaning of surface, surface preparation, application of primer, intermediate & finish coats, painting of colour bands, marking signs of direction of flow/ rotation, legends, identification/names etc. as per contract.



Doc. No.PSQ-PNT-COM Rev. No. R00

PAINTING S C H E M E For every Project, there is an equipment-wise 'Painting S c h e m e ' . Painting scheme contains type of surface preparation, type of paint to be used for primer, intermediate and finish coat (equipment wise), thickness of each type of coat, number of coats, etc. The colour & shade of paint shall be as per 'Colour Coding Scheme' (Refer clause 6. of this Manual) Exhibit of a typical painting scheme is shown as below:
Equipment Surface preparation grade/ surface profile Primer Coat Primer Paint No. of coats DFT in l^m Intermediate Paint Interm ediate Paint No. of coats DFT in nm Finish Paint Finish Paint j DFT No. DFT i in nm of in coats urn

In some cases, 'Painting S c h e m e ' is provided by Customer for the entire range of equipment for a Power Plant. However, if Customer does not provide painting scheme and is ready to accept the scheme given by B H E L , then B H E L painting scheme, as issued by M U / E C is to be followed. Subsequently, painting process has to fulfill the requirements mentioned in the painting scheme. At sites, painting process shall commence only after availability of Painting Scheme and Colour Coding Scheme agreed between Customer & BHEL. 4. PAINTING P R O C E S S Any Painting process essentially involves following basic steps: 1. Paint procurement, storage and handling 2. Painting procedure Qualification / Painters' skill test 3. Tools & Tackles required during Painting 4. Surface Preparation 5. Application of Paint 6. Inspection, testing & records during paint application In the following paragraphs, details of each of the above aspects will be described, as required during site painting. 4.1 PAINT PROCUREMENT Depending upon the area to be painted and number of coats, appropriate Paint as mentioned in the 'Painting-scheme', shall be purchased from approved supplier along with appropriate thinner, as prescribed by the paint manufacturer. B H E L M U s have their own list of approved Paint suppliers. P S - R e g i o n s may either adopt the same or may prepare their own list of approved suppliers.


Qualification of paint & test certificates For each type of paint received from supplier, some tests are to be carried out. These tests have been categorized in two categories. Type tests Routine tests

Type tests: These tests are done not for every batch of paint material, but for qualification of. vendors for the first time or when a new type of paint is procured from existing vendor or as a periodic monitoring of an existing approved vendor, A list of type tests, required for paints procured, is given below.
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Characteristic Colour Finish Freedom from defect Chemical composition Consistency Spreading capacity Mass per ten liters Drying/ Curing time Dry film thickness (DFT) Heat resistance test Resistance to transformer oil S.No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Characteristic Flash point Lead content Scratch hardness Flexibility & adhesion Resistance to salt spray Chemical resistance test Compatibility Date of manufacture & expiry Accelerated weathering test Leafing property

These type tests need not be carried out at site. However, it shall be ensured a t ' site that 'Test certificate' consisting of applicable information from above table, i conforming to IS 101 (Unless otherwise specified), are supplied by paint' supplier along with the paint supplied, as an evidence of having carried out above tests. This requirement of test certificates necessarily should be included in Purchase Order (P.O.). Routine tests: These Tests are carried out for every lot of paint received. At sites, following \ routine tests shall be performed on the paint received from supplier, for every batch of paint. Number of containers to be selected as sample, from a lot of specified volume, shall be in accordance with Annexure-I


1 2 3 4

Routine test to be carried out at site (On sample paint for every batch of supplies for every type of paint) Freedom from defects i.e. freedom from contamination/skinning/agglomeration Consistency Colour /Shade Curing/ Drying time Dry film thickness (DFT)

Type of check


Visual Measurement Visual Measurement Measurement

Visual Annex-ll IS-5 As per paint data sheet Annex-il


Besides above, Paint containers should necessarily have following minimum information on it: Supplier's name Type no. /Brand name/Shade/Indian Standard Colour no. (ISC No.) Date of manufacture/ Batch no. Expiry date Mixing ratio (If any) Special instructions (If any) Storage and handling of paints & consumables


All the paints, & consumables (i.e. thinner, cleaning agent, solvent etc.) shall be i stored in well ventilated closed storage and their records w.r.t. type of paint, ISC ! no.(lndian Standard Colour no.), expiry date & place of location shall be ! maintained. j Storage of paints & consumables shall be done in a manner so that they are easily retrievable. Paint & consumables shall be handled with care so as to prevent any damage or j loss either to the paint or to the floor where they are stored. | Place where paints are stored shall display caution boards like 'No Smoking j Area', 'Inflammable', 'Danger' etc. j Required Paint & consumables shall be identified well in time. Issue of the paint shall be done in a manner that the one with earlier expiry date will be issued first. It shall be ensured that all the paints & consumables are applied before the expiry date only. 4.2 4.2.1 PAINTING P R O C E D U R E / PAINTERS' SKILL TEST Painting procedure test: A s referred earlier in clause 3. above, for every Project there is a 'Painting scheme' agreed between B H E L & Customer which details out type of surface preparation, type of paint to be used for primer, intermediate and finish coat, thickness of each type of coat, number of coats etc. for e a c h type of equipment / item to be erected at site. Practically, Painting-Scheme itself determines the painting procedure to be followed. 4.2.2 Testing of Painters' skill: It is suggested that each painter will be subjected to a test initially for e a c h type of painting scheme and for each type of painting methods(i.e. Brush painting & spray painting).

For this, an area of 300 mm x 300 mm shall be painted by painter.either on a 'separate test piece' or 'on the job', after mixing the paint with thinner (if applicable), in the prescribed ratio. Painting shall be done as per painting scheme of that particular equipment, (i.e. usage of specified paint for primer, intermediate & finish coatings) Dry Film Thickness (DFT) for each of the primer, intermediate & finished coat shall be checked as prescribed in the painting scheme to ensure that painter has understood & applied the requirements of the painting scheme. After the finished paint film is dried, it shall be checked for the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. Finish (Absence of Brush Marks, evenness of the coating -visual check) Dry Film Thickness (DFT) (as per procedure mentioned in Annexure-ll) Adhesion (as per procedure mentioned in Annexure-ll)

Painter shall be permitted for doing painting job, only after fulfilling the above criteria satisfactorily, as per the requirements of painting scheme. Painter skill records shall be kept at site as per Annexure-IV for all the painting schemes applicable and for all the painters .


T O O L S & T A C K L E S REQUIRED DURING PAINTING: Besides consumables like paint, thinners etc, Painting work requires lot of other material like painting equipment .supporting structure etc. The suggested list of T & P , to be made available at site, is given below. It should be ensured that painting contractor has following minimum requisites before start of painting work at site : a. Spray painting nozzle with hose pipe & portable air compressor (for Spray painting) b. Paint brushes of different sizes (for brush painting) c. Wire brushes d. Grinding Wheels/Rotating steel wire brush e. Shot blasting equipment (As needed) f. Ladders, Scaffolding pipes & clamps (wooden & steel) g. Manila rope h. Fire extinguisher i. Flood light fittings & bulbs j. Safety equipment (such as Mask, Gloves, Apron etc.) k. Step down transformer 24 v I. Lighting distribution boards with switches, plugs, fuses etc. The above list is for general guidance only. Depending upon the painting techniques used at site, other equipments/ material may also be required by contractor.


SURFACE PREPARATION This is an important activity before applying paint on surface, for better adhesion quality of paint. Surface preparation has two dimensions: a) Surface cleaning: Surface cleaning involves removal of oil, grease, dirt etc followed by removal of rust & scale. Surface should have proper cleaning profile for proper adhesion quality. The requirement of surface cleaning profile, invariably forms a part of painting scheme. Surface cleaning profiles(ln c a s e of shot blasting) are normally mentioned as S a 2, S a 2 / , S a 3 etc. These are Pictorially depicted in Annexure-HI
1 2

b) S u r f a c e Roughness Profile (In case of shot blasted surface) Details of surface preparation are as follows: 4.4.1 Removal of Oil, grease& dirt etc. Following methods can be adopted at site, depending upon condition of surface: a) Solvent cleaning b) Tri-chloro-ethylene cleaning c) Alkaline cleaning d) Emulsion cleaning e) Steam cleaning Note: At sites, mostly solvent cleaning is adopted a) . Solvent cleaning : This method involves use of petroleum solvents like white spirit, aromatic solvent like Xylol or light naphtha. Depending upon size and shape of component, the method can be either by immersion or by brushing/wiping the surface. The immersion method is used where contamination is light and when highest degree of cleanliness is not essential. The brush/wiping method is more suitable for site application. The solvent should be allowed to evaporate before next operation. If required, a clean cotton cloth can be used for wiping the surface. b) . Tri-chloro-ethylene cleaning: A s an alternative to petroleum cleaning, Tri-chloro-ethylene solvent is also used for degreasing & dirt removal. Method involves placing the equipment in the vapours of tri-chloro-ethylene or by immersing it in boiling tri-chloroethylene or by jetting tri-chloro-ethylene at high pressure. c) . Alkaline cleaning: Cleaning of the surface can also be done by using alkaline degreasing agents. Process can be either by immersing the surface in hot alkaline mixture or by electro cleaning process or by using jet cleaning process. In electro cleaning process, tank is used as one electrode while the job a s other electrode.

d). Emulsion cleaning: These are diphase cleaners of oil/water emulsion type. These cleaners may be applied either by spray or dip, though spray is more common. e). Steam cleaning: The method uses the jet of high pressure steam for 'in-situ' cleaning of large unit parts that can not be accommodated in cleaning container. 4.4.2 Removal of rust, scale & spatter. This can be done by following methods or in combination of these methods, depending upon extent of rusting occurred. a) Hand scraping b) Scraping with mechanical power tool c) Flame cleaning d) blast cleaning e) chemical cleaning Note: At sites, mostly scraping (Hand or mechanical power tool) & chemical cleaning is adopted for rust removal. However, In specific cases, blast cleaning may also be required. The details of e a c h of the above methods are mentioned as follows: If rusting has occurred locally: Either of the following methods can be used. a) . Hand scraping: Generally by wire brushing and finally using a coarse sand paper, steel wool or emery paper followed by wiping with a clean cloth. b) . Scraping with mechanical power tool. Like grinding wheels, rotating steel wire brushes. This method gives better and quicker results than hand scraping. c) . Flame cleaning: By heating the surface with oxy-acetylene torch. B e c a u s e of difference of expansion between heated mill scale and bulk of steel, scale becomes loosened which either falls off or removed by wire brush. This process is not suitable for plate thickness less than 6 mm because of distortion problem which may occur due to heating. d) . Blast Cleaning: (When the surface is widely rusted such that pitting with hard flakes is exhibited) Generally, blast cleaning operation may not be applicable to site operation. However, in specific cases such as Condenser water boxes, C W Piping/LP Piping etc., it may be required. The principle is to impinge under pressure of air, a jet of sharp granulated steel(steel or non-metallic grit) on to the metal surface, removing any rust or scale, including firmly adhering mill scale.

Surface preparation before blast cleaning: a. Before the blast cleaning, surface may be cleaned by emulsion/steam cleaning to remove oil, dirt, grease etc. b. Weld spatter shall be removed by using chipping hammer, scraper or by grinding. c. Sharp edges may be removed by grinding, mechanical sanding etc. Profile of roughness obtained during blasting: This will depend upon the abrasive(steel balls.) used, air pressure and technique of blasting. Too low profile may not provide a sufficient roughness for a coating whereas too high a profile may result in uneven surface. Profile of roughness, required on the surface before painting, is mentioned in painting scheme. In general, select the smallest size abrasive that produces the desired cleaning results. Usually, this will give fastest and most economical cleaning operation. Surface preparation after shot blasting & immediately prior to painting: a. Visible deposits of oil, grease or other contaminants shall be removed by solvent cleaning. b. Dust and loose residuals shall be removed by brushing, blowing off with clean & dry air or vacuum cleaning. c. Any visible rust that forms on the surface after blast cleaning shall be removed by re-blasting the rusted area. d. Profile of roughness should be inspected before painting. It should be in line with the requirements mentioned in 'Painting Scheme'. e. The appearance of the surface after shot blasting and cleaning should correspond to pictorial standard as mentioned in relevant painting scheme, as per the following criteria : Blast cleaning method Pictorial Standard For pictorials

White blast cleaning A Sa 3 , B S a 3 Refer (blast cleaning to visually C Sa 3 & D Sa 3 Annexure - III clean steel) Commercial blast B Sa 1 , C Sa 1 & cleaning D Sa 1 -do(light blast cleaning) Brush off blast cleaning B Sa 2 , C S a 2 &D Sa2 (thorough blast cleaning) -doNear white blast cleaning A S a 2 1 / 2 , B S a 2 1 / 2 (very thorough blast -docleaning) NOTE: The pictorials enclosed are photocopies. The comparison is to be done i w.r.t. original ones, which are given in Corporate Standard A A 067 41 01.

e). Removal of rust by chemical cleaning: i) . light rust: If a thin film of very light coat of rust exists on the surface, it shall be removed by means of de-rusting solution/ rust converter. After degreasing as mentioned above, the de-rusting solution is applied in a thin film using brush or swab and left for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the period and before it has dried, it shall be wiped off with a clean dry cloth and the surface re-examined. If any rust is still visible, similar application shall be made until surface exhibits gray colour only. The surface shall then be allowed to dry and be brushed down with a clean dry brush before painting. The drying may be accelerated by swabbing or brushing the surface with industrial methylated spirit. This is recommended for faster drying & removal of un-reacted acid. ii) . Heavy rusting Sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid pickling: To remove scale & rust, pickling can be done by using sulphuric acid of 52 0 % concentration by volume at 60-80C or Hydrochloric acid of 20-50% concentration by volume at room temperature or phosphoric acid of 5-25% concentration by volume at 60-85 C. The pickling acid selection should be made on the basis of material pickled. Appropriate inhibitors shall be used in the pickling bath to reduce acid attached on the base metal. Component to be treated shall be immersed in the tank made of steel with suitable lining, with chemicals. Temperature and dipping time are as given below: Concentration Process Pointage Temp. Time
(Chemical in Water)

Degreasing (If Hot) Degreasing (If Cold)

3-5% Wt.A/ol. 10-15% Wt.A/ol.

80 - 90 C Room Temp.

10-15 Minutes 10-15 Minutes

Rinsing in cold running water tank De-rusting (Cold) 20-40% Vol.A/ol. Room Temp. 10-20 Minutes

Rinsing in cold running water tank Phosphasting (Cold) 5-6% Vol.A/ol. Room Temp. 20-30 Minutes

Rinsing in cold running water tank Passivation (If Hot) 0.1-0.2% VolA/ol Passivation (If Cold) 0.1-0.2% VolA/ol

50 - 60 C Room Temp.

30-45Seconds 2-3 Minutes

This shall be followed by washing in water, followed by dipping in phosphonc acid solution of 1-2 % concentration by volume.



A s described earlier, details of type of paint to be used for primer, intermediate I and finish coat (equipment wise), number of coats, thickness of coat etc. are j provided in painting scheme. Paint shall be applied as per paint manufacturer's product data sheet which shall j include the mixing ratio, maturation time (for two pack paint application), method j of application, use of thinners and drying time between coating intervals, i However, thinner quantity to be added in the paintshould not exceed more than 5% of the paint, by volume. When the containers of air drying paints are opened, the material is observed for contamination/skin formation/agglomeration. The skin formed should be carefully removed and settled pigments has to be broken up and loosened by vigorous i stirring, preferably mechanically, to ensure uniform mixing of constituents. The j paint, if required may be strained through muslin cloth or 60 mesh sieve. Extra coat of paint shall be applied on the areas where the shape and/or plane of application results in thinly applied coatings e.g. at edges, welds etc. To compensate this effect, stripes coats of paint shall be applied so that they will be covered by full coat. NOTE: For painting at sites, mainly Brush application is adopted. However, Conventional air spray or airless spray application is also applied at few places. Following four main application procedures can be adopted: : a) . Brush application This is used where the use of spray methods would increase the loss factor, i However, In brush application it is difficult to achieve higher thickness in one ! coat. The process is relatively slow and may sometimes result in a poor finish. b) . Conventional spray A widely accepted painting method where liquid paint is atomized by an air stream. A correct combination of air pressure, air volume and fluid flow has to be selected to achieve full atomization and a paint film free of defect. Major disadvantage of this method is that high build coatings can not be applied by this method, as most paints have to be thinned to a suitable viscosity for satisfactory atomization. c) . Airless spray This is by far the fastest and most versatile method because it enables application at various thickness. The equipment utilizes an electric or air driven motor and a high pressure fluid pump to compress the coating to extreme pressures. The paint is made to pass a special tip that atomises it and thus controls the application process.

The advantages of Airless spray application are: High build coatings can be applied Fast rate of application Reduced pollution & environment friendly Reduced wastage of material Less air consumption and saving of power.

Special tips used in the spray gun and the pressure control enables one, to monitor application of very low to very high viscosity products. Similarly, different slot angles produce spray fans of different widths. The selection of a particular fan width depends upon the shape & size of the structure to be painted.. The choice of fan width is also related to orifice size. For the same orifice size, the paint applied per unit area will be less, wider the spray fan. The general indication of orifice sizes is given below, to help in choosing the proper orifice size for painting. Wet film thickness Upto 50 microns 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 microns > 200 microns Mastics Orifice Size (in mm.) 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 3 mm 0 . 0 3 - 0.04 mm 0 . 0 4 - 0.07 mm 0 . 1 - 0 . 1 5 mm


Consistency of paint during brush/ spray painting: Consistency to be maintained for brush, spray/airless spray painting is mentioned as below (unless specified by paint manufacturer): Mode of application Brushing Spraying Flow Cup(Ford Cup) viscosity in sec. 40-60 S e c . 30 2 Sec. Method of measuring consistency Annex-ll Annex-ll

NOTE: Viscosity measurement of high build epoxy paint may be done by viscometer. 4.5.2 Maturation time Maturation is an important criterion for two pack products where curing takes place through chemical reaction when the components are mixed before application. Normally, the mixed paint is matured for about 30 minutes, unless otherwise specified, to initiate the reaction process which ensures thickness build-up and proper drying of the paint film.


INSPECTION , TESTING & RECORDS DURING PAINT APPLICATION Visual Inspection & testing of surface preparation, application of primer, intermediate and finished coat & measurement of D F T are to be conducted Painting material is either procured by contractor or provided by B H E L , depending upon the 'painting contract' finalised with contractor. In either case, type of paint and shade of paint (equipment wise) should be as per painting scheme agreed between B H E L & Customer. Inspection shall be carried out on prepared surface, for freedom from rust, stain, oil or grease before application of primer paint. Records of surface cleanliness (extent of cleaning) & surface profile shall also be maintained. It shall also be ensured that shot blasting surface should be subjected to application of primer paint within 4 hours except for those jobs, that need pressure testing due to code requirement. A log sheet containing the critical quality requirements, which are to be measured & recorded before, during & after painting of equipment, has been prescribed. In the "Field Quality Plan for Painting in Power Sector erection sites" (Annexure-V). The requirements mentioned shall be recorded by T a s k performer in this logsheet at site, for each type of painting and for each equipment. All paint coatings are to be inspected for the following criteria : a) . Dry film thickness (DFT): D F T shall be measured with an appropriate calibrated measurement gauge. Method of measurement shall be as per (Annexure-U) The D F T measurements for primer, intermediate and final coating shall be checked and recorded in the logsheet (Annexure-V). b) . Adhesion: The adhesion of primer to steel substrate and the 'inter-coat- adhesion' of the subsequent coat(s) after curing, shall be determined by the application of a cross-cut test as given in Annexure-ll.

c). Shade:

A s per IS-5

(Visual Check)

d). Visual checks: Painted surface shall be smooth and uniform and there will be no visible porosity, pot holes or any other painting defects. If runs and sags, dry spray and over spray are present, these should not cover more than 5% in any given area and cumulative not more than 2 % of the total surface area.



DETAILS OF INSTRUMENTS, MEASURING & T E S T EQUIPMENT (IMTEs) & THEIR OPERATING PROCEDURES Following instruments must be available at site for measuring above characteristics: S.No. 1. Type of Instrument Automatic magnetic gauge (To measure dry film thickness) Ford Cup - 4 (To measure consistency of paint) \S5 (To compare shade) S S P C Visual standards (To assess the degree of cleanliness of surface to be painted) Range 0 - 1 0 0 0 u.m

2. 3. 4.

SP7, SP6, SP10, S P 5

Operating Procedures of IMTEs and methods of measurements are mentioned in Annexure-ll. 6. COLOUR CODING (Reference Corporate standard AA 0400302) Colour coding procedure covers application of colour on Power Plant equipment, Piping & ducting as final coat, over & above the protective coating, for the purpose of identification. Normally, colour coding is done as per scheme provided by Customer. However, if Customer does not provide colour coding scheme and is ready to accept the scheme given by BHEL, then colour coding of the equipment, piping & ducting shall be done as p e r ' Corporate standard A A 040 03 02'. The system of colour coding consists of a ground colour and a colour band superimposed on it. The ground colour is kept s a m e for a particular group of fluid e.g. water, steam, o i l , gas etc. Colour band is superimposed on ground colour to distinguish one kind or condition of fluid from another kind of condition of the s a m e fluid e.g. condensate from Boiler feed pump , chilled water from drinking water etc. W h e n a pipe is lagged/insulated, colour may be painted on lagging/ insulation. In general, painting of colour bands, lettering, marking of direction of flow/rotation etc. will be carried out by brush painting. However, areas/equipment inaccessible for manual painting have to be painted by spray painting.


Application of ground colour : The ground colour may be applied in one of the following ways: a. Throughout The length b. Upto Min. 300 mm width at Suitable Intervals, not exceeding 5 M c. A s a colour panel.

However, for Boiler Feed water, drain, steam, air.oils, gas lines, fire installation total length is to be covered.

W h e n the ground colour has not been applied for entire length, it shall be applied at least a t : a. Start & finish of pipes b. Inlet & outlet of valves c. Near junction fittings d. Near walls & floors where pipes are crossing them In no c a s e the span between the consecutive 'ground colour bands' shall e x c e e d 5 M. 6.2 Application of colour bands: Minimum width of colour band shall be 75 mm. W h e n the ground colour has been applied for entire length, colour band shall be superimposed on ground colour coating at following locations : a) Start & finish of pipes b) Inlet & outlet of valves c) Near junction fittings d) Near walls & floors where pipes are crossing them W h e n the ground colour has not been applied for entire length, colour band shall be superimposed on ground colour coating at all places. In this case, ground colour shall extend sufficiently on both sides of colour bands, to avoid confusion.

7. 7.1

SAFETY NORMS: During removal of o i l , grease, rust & scale from surface: a. Appropriate apron, gloves, respirators & safety glasses shall be used by the operator During painting: a. Etch primer and epoxy paints are liable to cause irritation to the skin. This may transpire into inflammation, swelling, rash or pustules on the hands , arms & occasionally on the whole body. Therefore, task performers should wear hand gloves& aprons during painting. b. Work place & storage rooms shall be adequately ventilated. c. Before starting work, hands should be washed with soap and water and good barrier cream applied. d. Utmost care should be taken to avoid splashes on the skin. e. Splashing on the skin should be immediately washed with soap & water. f. After the work, hands, arms & face should be washed with soap & water, followed by thorough drying with a clean cloth. General: a. Don't smoke while painting b. Don't paint close to a welding area.



LIST OF R E F E R E N C E S a. Corporate Standards A A 067 41 01, A A 067 41 05, A A 067 41 06, A A 067 41 23, A A 0400 302

b. SIP:PP:22/02 Rev. 02 (Procedure for surface preparation and painting) of B H E L Trichy c. Report of Corporate task force on Uniformity in surface preparation, painting & aesthetic procedure and norms (Issued in Sept. 2000) d. IS 101 (Methods of test for ready mixed paints & enamels)


FIELD QUALITY PLAN FOR PAINTING P R O C E S S AT SITE Field Quality Plan is attached as Annexure-V. The Quality plan has been made based on requirements described in this manual and takes care of critical quality checks and recording as per Logsheet L-01, to ensure quality of painting as per specifications.(Logsheet L-01 is a part of Annexure-V).



Volume of supply in a lot (In litres) Up 51 101 151 201 301 401 501 601 751 1001 1501 2001 2501 3001 3501 4251 5001 6001 7501 10001 15001 20001 25001 30001 35001 42501 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 50 100 150 200 301 400 500 600 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4250 5000 6000 7500 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 42500 50000

No. of containers to be sampled for size of containers Above 20 Litres 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 20 Litres 1 1 * i 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Litres 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 4-5 Litres 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 2 Litres or less 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 24





CONSISTENCY/ VISCOSITY MEASUREMENTS: (Ford cup No:4, as per IS 101 Part I sec . 5- Amendment 2) Level the instrument by adjusting the leveling screws. With the orifice closed by the finger, pour the paint until the cup is filled. R e m o v e the finger and simultaneously start a stop-watch, which is set to 0. sec. At the first evidence of a break of the stream into droplets, stop the stop-watch. Record , Viscosity in Ford C u p N o . 4 = Seconds.


Note: Calibrate the Ford Cup N o . 4 , for it's dimensional accuracy once in a year and maintain records.


MASS PER 10 LITRES/DENSITY MEASUREMENT: (Density cup (Metal) as per IS 101 Part 1 Sec. 7) Thoroughly clean the Density cup, to attain room temperature and weigh as M . Fill with distilled water at a temperature not more than 1C below the room temperature. C a p the Density cup and remove overflow by wiping, dry immediately & weigh as Mi.



Dry the Density cup in an air oven until it is free from moisture and repeat the above procedure using the paint under examination in place of distilled water and weigh as M 2 . Calculations: Volume of the Density cup (V) = (Mi - M ) / d where d is the density of water at room temperature. Density of Paint = ( M - M i ) / V
0 2


Report density in Kg/10 Litres for Paints.

ANNEXURE-II S H E E T 2/2 3. MEASUREMENT OF DRY FILM THICKNESS (DFT MEASUREMENT): (MAGNETIC PULL-OFF G A U G E METHOD) Apparatus: Elcometer PAINTING THE T E S T PANEL: Check the Steel panels of size 300 mm x 300 mm x 1.25 mm (length , width & thickness respectively) for freedom from surface imperfection and suitable for high standard of surface finish. Before use, degrease the panel with suitable hydrocarbon solvents like Petroleum, Ether, toluene or Xylene. Burnish uniformly with IS grit no. 180 emery paper, so as to get circular burnishing marks superimposed one upon another. Remove the emery dust, swab the panel with linen rug soaked in hydrocarbon solvents, dry and cool to room temperature. Apply the paint material on the panel, note the time and allow to dry in vertical position, shielded from air current, in absence of direct sunlight, at room temperature. 3.2 CALIBRATION OF ELKOMETER : Set the reading in Magnetic G a u g e to maximum reading and place the Elkometer over the standard shim of known thickness and slowly release the magnet by rotating the ratchet till a click sound is heard. Note the dial gauge reading and record the thickness measured. If the reading, measured is matching the standard value within the allowed tolerance (as mentioned in the write up along with the equipment), then the calibration of the gauge is O K . The Elkometer along with the standard shim shall be got calibrated once in a year and record maintained. MEASUREMENT OF DRY FILM THICKNESS: After calibration, place the Elkometer over the coated test specimen and slowly release the magnet by rotating the ratchet till a click sound comes, note the dial reading at the point of detachment of the magnet from the specimen. Take sufficient number of readings to characterize the sample (minimum of five readings). Curing, drying and testing will be done under existing ambient conditions. Tolerance on D F T measured should be within 10% of the D F T required. ADHESION T E S T Draw 5 lines at a distance of 1mm on any part of the painted & dried surface with the help of a knife/sharp edge. Draw another set of 5 lines at a distance of 1 mm over the above drawn lines in perpendicular direction, so that we get 25 nos. square blocks of 1mm x 1mm size on the surface. Cut a cello tape of suitable length and place on the square blocks by apolying pressure using fingers. Remove the tape with a jerk. S e e that the paint removed from the square blocks, if any, should not be more than 10% of the area (Visual check).







Name of Painter

Type of Paint

Method of Painting (Brush/ Spray)

Test Results:

Finish of Paining : OK / Not OK (Visual)

Dry Film Thicknes :



Adhesion Test

OK / Not OK



Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Date :

Signature of In-charge (Painting) - BHEL




Power Sector -Quality


Power Sector-Quality





SYSTEM: Common


AREA : Painting

Ensure availability o f following Documents: a) . Painting Scheme ( A s agreed between Customer & B H E L ) b) . 1S-5 (For checking the shade o f colour) c) . Corporate Standard A A 040 03 02 (Colour coding for Power Plant Equipment, Piping & Ducting), as applicable. Note: Painting work should be taken up only after painting scheme is available. 2. Ensure availability o f following I M T E besides other tools & tackles required for painting. a) . Ford Cup-4 (To measure consistency o f Paint) b) . Automatic magnetic gauge (To measure Dry Film Thickness ( D F T ) ) c) . S S P C Visual standards (To assess the degree o f cleanliness o f surface to be painted) Ensure that all the paint material is procured from approved suppliers and information on test certificate/containers is as per requirement. Ensure that following routine tests on paints are conducted satisfactorily, as per sampling Plan (Annexure-I), for required criteria.

Clause 5. & Clause 4.3


Clause 4.1

Clause B Visual Annexure-I I ISC I'.iinl d;il;i Muvl Annexure-II

a) . Freedom from defects (i.e. freedom from contamination/skinning/agglomeration) B b) . Consistency B c) . Colour/Shade It d) . Curing/Diving time e) . Adhesion
FMT-QP-015 REV.1)1


DOC. NO. Q P X - P N T - C O M

Power Sector-Quality


S Y S T E M : Common



A R E A : Painting







Painters' skill test on mock plate of size 300 mm x 300 mm separately for brush painting & spray painting for the following criteria: a) . D F T of Primer, intermediate, final coat & total D F T , as applicable. b) . Finish (i.e. Absence o f brush marks, evenness o f the coating on overall surface) Ensure storage o f paints & thinners in covered and ventilated places. Ensure that they are issued in a way so that the one, whose expiry date is earlier, is issued first. Ensure that surface to be painted, is free from dust, oil, grease, rust & scale. ( To be checked randomly, as agreed between Customer & B H E L ) 8. Ensure proper surface preparation, as per painting scheme. ( T o be checked randomly, as agreed between Customer & B H E L ) Ensure that appearance o f the surface after cleaning should correspond to pictorial standard, as mentioned in the painting scheme.(Applicable for shot blasted surface) ( To be checked randomly, as agreed between Customer & B H E L ) Ensure that blasted surface is painted within 4 hours after blasting. Ensure val'dity of shelf life o f paint before use. Ensure use o f specified thinner and proper mixing ratio, as prescribed by supplier. iNOTE: Never use kerosene as thinner

Clause 4.2.2 Annexure-ll Visual C. Clause 4.1.2


Clause 4.4.1 & Clause 4.4.2



Clause 4.4



Clause 4.4.2.




Clause 4.1.2 & Clause 4.5


Power Sector-Quality






A R E A : Painting








Record Dry F i l m Thickness ( D F T ) o f primer, intermediate and final coats (as applicable) as well as total D F T after final coat. Ensure proper drying time between two coats & record. N O T E : 1. Ensure that touch up painting & finish painting is carried out (wherever required) on equipment which comes finish painted from MUs. 2. To be checked randomly, as agreed between Customer & B H E L

Clause 4.6 & Clause 2.



Ensure colour coding during painting o f pipelines and relevant identification. (Colour band on piping shall be of min. 300 mm width , at a min. gap of every 500 mm.)

Clause 6. Corporate std. A A 040 03 02


L O G S H E E T L-01

Drawing No: Customer: Quality Plan No.

Description of the job:

WO No./: P.O.No.: Name of the i tern to be painted: Painting Scheme:

Customer specification:

1. Surface Preparation:

Start Date: Chemical Cleaning

Finish Date: Surface roughness Zinc Phospheting

Degreasing & shot blasting

2. Painting Process:

Painting Scheme: Start date: Method of application: Thinner Make: Type of Paint
2.1 Stripe Coat:

Deviation, if any: Finish date: Batch No. Carried out by: DFT

Temperature (Wet Bulb):

2.2 Primer Coat:

Dry Bulb: Start date: Make:


Suiiface Temp: Finish date:

Method of application Thinner Type of Paint 1st coat llnd coat Temperature (Wet Bulb):
2.3 Intermediate Coat:

Batch No.

Carried out by:


Dry Bulb: Start date:



Surlface Temp: Finish date:

Method of application Thinner Type of Paint 1st coat llnd coat Temperature (Wet Bulb):
2.4 Final Coat:

Batch No.

Carried out by:


Dry Bulb: Start date: Make:


Surlface Temp: Finish date:

Method of application Thinner Type of Paint 1st coat llnd coat Temperature (Wet Bulb):
2.5 T O T A L D F T :

Batch No.

Carried out by:


Dry Bulb:


Sur ace Temp:

3. Quality Checks: Inspected/tested by:

Painting In-charge:

Third Party Inspection:

Visual Inspection Adhesion test Finish Shade


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