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Subject: Re: FINAL REQUEST -- media inquiry re: Dr.

William Davis's interview w/white supremacist David Duke From: Peter Heimlich <> Date: 1/21/2013 2:04 PM To: "Falkenberry, Allison" <> CC: "Nesbit, Yelena" <>,,, "Oswalt, Kate" <> Allison, Thanks for your e-mail, but all you and Ms. Nesbit have given me is that the interview was allegedly obtained under false premises. I've gotten no indication that your company regrets that your author appeared on the Duke show or that Rodale has taken any steps to request that Duke remove the interview from his site. Same goes for Dr. Davis, who has failed to respond to my multiple inquiries. Among other questions I wanted to ask him when he first became aware that he'd allegedly been duped. I don't know about you, but if I found out I'd been snookered into an interview -- especially by someone like David Duke who had it posted on his website -- I'd been on the horn to my attorney and have him send a cease and desist letter lickety-split. Based on the responses I've received, Rodale's and Dr. Davis's only concern seems to be that the interview got noticed. Therefore, until I receive some indication that Rodale regrets the interview including an explanation why, there's no reason I can perceive why any other Rodale author shouldn't appear on the program. Therefore, I'm comfortable standing by my characterization. If you wish to add anything, I look forward to receiving. Cheers, Peter

On 1/21/2013 1:43 PM, Falkenberry, Allison wrote: Peter: We don't book our authors on that show because it's not an outlet we support. The interview in question came about without our knowledge, and under misleading circumstances, as the host himself said on air. (you can attribute this comment to a company spokesperson if you plan to use it in your write-up) So, your below characterization is inaccurate. As we've answered your questions several times, I hope you'll consider this discussion closed. Many thanks.

On Jan 20, 2013, at 9:17 AM, "Peter Heimlich" <> wrote:

Maria Rodale Chairman and CEO Rodale Inc. Dear Ms. Rodale, I haven't received a response to my e-mails to Ms. Oswalt and Ms. Falkenberry (copied below my signature) therefore I feel comfortable headlining my item, "Good news for white supremacist David Duke -- Rodale Books has no problem with its authors appearing on his radio show."

If you consider that characterization inaccurate and wish to clarify your company's position, please advise by end of the day tomorrow, January 21. If you require more time, let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule. Thanks for your continued attention. Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar cc: Kate Oswalt, Allison Hobson Falkenberry, Yelena Nesbit, Aly Mostel

On 1/10/2013 3:40 PM, Peter Heimlich wrote: Kate: I haven't heard back from anyone. Please advise -- Peter On 1/8/2013 11:56 AM, Peter Heimlich wrote: You're welcome, Kate, and I appreciate the pass-along. Cheers, Peter On 1/8/2013 11:54 AM, Oswalt, Kate wrote:
I have forwarded your email along. I will get back to you. Thanks! -Kate
From: Peter Heimlich [] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 11:49 AM To: Oswalt, Kate Cc: Maria's Blog Subject: media inquiry re: Dr. William Davis's interview w/white supremacist David Duke

Kate Oswalt Executive Assistant to Maria Rodale Rodale Inc. Kate, Thanks for your time on the phone this morning and for your interest in reviewing/sharing the material with any appropriate Rodale executives. (I found Ms. Rodale's e-mail address on her blog, so I'm copying her.) I'd suggest you first read my December 30 blog item: and then read the e-mail trail below my signature -- please start at the bottom and read upwards. I didn't receive a reply from Yelena Nesbit to my January 4 e-mail, so, as you can see, the next day I forwarded all correspondence to Allison Falkenberry. I obtained a confirmation of receipt from her, but nothing else. As I explained to you, I don't do "gotchas" and I'm trying to give Rodale every opportunity to respond, hence my call to you this morning and this e-mail. If Rodale wishes to comment further, please let me know by the end of the day tomorrow, January 9. If you require more time, please advise and I'll accommodate your schedule.

Thanks for your time/consideration and I hope to hear back from you or another Rodale representative. Cordially, Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar cc: Maria Rodale, Rodale Inc. P.S. Since you said you'd never heard of David Duke, you may wish to review these pages from the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League:

On 1/5/2013 3:10 PM, Peter Heimlich wrote: Allison Hobson Falkenberry Vice President, Brand and Corporate Communications Rodale Inc. Dear Ms. Falkenberry, I haven't received a reply from Yelena Nesbit to my last e-mail and it seemed to me that, given her statements, senior management at Rodale was entitled to be notified before I go to print, hence this e-mail. With that in mind, if you wish to review our correspondence, please go to the bottom of this e-mail thread and read up. If Rodale wishes to comment further, please let me know by end of the day Monday, January 7. Cordially, Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar

On 1/4/2013 10:46 AM, Peter Heimlich wrote: Ms. Nesbit, I'm trying to give Rodale every opportunity to address the matter which, all due respect, I don't think readers will consider to be "a non-issue" simply because it went unnoticed when the interview took place. (Also, if you look at the show's archive page,* you'll learn that it's been re-broadcasted twice which suggests it may be broadcast again.) And if you do some quick Googling, you'll learn that recently a number of nutrition blogs and Twitter feeds have been engaging in lively discussions about the matter. >(Dr. Davis) was contacted directly by the show and put in an unfair situation.

That's part of the story I'm reporting and have attempted to verify with you, but you've refused to provide any supporting information or documentation. Further, to my knowledge, there's no indication that Dr. Davis or Rodale have made any attempts to demand that the interview be removed from Duke's site. That is, if the interviews were obtained under false pretenses, readers may wonder why you've chosen not to do so. (If I'm mistaken and Dr. Davis or Rodale have made any such efforts, please provide details and I'll publish the information.) Finally, I'm also trying to report Rodale's position re: its authors appearing on the Duke program and you've refused to provide me with a comment. In my opinion, by failing to do so, readers may rightly draw the conclusion that Rodale is neutral about such interviews. Anyway, thanks for your ongoing attention. If you have anything further to add, please advise by end of today. Cheers -- PMH *

On 1/4/2013 9:15 AM, Nesbit, Yelena wrote:

We have tried to answer your questions and provide clarity, but as we mentioned before he was contacted directly by the show and put in an unfair situation. Take care, YGN

From: Peter Heimlich [] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 5:00 PM To: Nesbit, Yelena Cc: Mostel, Aly Subject: Re: FW: media inquiry re: Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly) interview on white supremacist radio program

Ms. Nesbit: My understanding is that you're refusing to answer my questions and that Rodale Books has no position regarding its authors appearing on The David Duke Show. If my understanding is incorrect, please advise by end of the day tomorrow (Friday), otherwise I'll be going to print with that. If you need more time to obtain answers to my questions or other information, please advise and I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule -- PMH

On 1/3/2013 3:55 PM, Nesbit, Yelena wrote:

As the host himself mentions in his introduction to the interview, Dr. Davis was not informed with whom he was speaking. If you need additional details/have further questions please take them up with the shows producers. This took place nearly a year ago (and for Dr. Davis, hundreds of interviews ago)we dont have additional details for you. I appreciate you updating your story appropriately.

From: Peter Heimlich [] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:51 PM To: Nesbit, Yelena Subject: Re: FW: media inquiry re: Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly) interview on white supremacist radio program

Yelena Gitlin Nesbit Senior Director Communications/Rodale Books Dear Ms. Nesbit, Thank you for your e-mail and your explanation. >(Dr. Davis) was contacted directly and intentionally misled about the true identity of the host. I'd appreciate further clarification, please. 1) Re: the interview in question, on what date was Dr. Davis contacted and by whom? 2) Was he contacted by phone or in writing? 3) How was he "intentionally misled about the true identity of the host"? Please feel free to provide any additional details or comments. Thanks for your continued attention and I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud blog: The Sidebar

On 1/3/2013 11:31 AM, Nesbit, Yelena wrote:

Dear Mr. Heimlich: Our authors are often contacted directly by media outlets and producers; Dr. Davis, in fact, often receives more than 20 such requests a day, in addition to other opportunities that we secure for him. In this instance, he was contacted directly and intentionally misled about the true identity of the host. That said, the substance of the interview that took place was entirely book-focused and did not veer into any other topics--in the 11 months since the interview aired it's been a non-issue. All best wishes, Yelena Gitlin Nesbit

Senior Director, Communications/Rodale Books 212-573-0296 -----Original Message----From: Peter Heimlich [] Sent: Sun 12/30/2012 12:50 PM To: Mostel, Aly Subject: media inquiry re: Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly) interview on white supremacist radio program Aly Mostel Director, Communications Rodale Books 733 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 Dear Ms. Mostel, I'm reporting a follow-up to this item I posted today on my blog and would appreciate your answers to a couple of quick questions: .html 1) Who arranged Dr. Davis's interview with David Duke? 2) Does Rodale wish to provide a statement? If so, I'll publish it in its entirety. Since it's the holidays, everybody's schedule is a jumble, but if you can get back to me by end of the day Thursday, January 3, that would be great. If you need more time, please advise and I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule. Thanks and I look forward to your reply. After I send this, I'll leave you a follow-up voice message at (212)808-1684. Sincerely, Peter M. Heimlich Atlanta ph: (208)474-7283 website: Medfraud <> blog: The Sidebar <>

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