Sample Reading Target Questions

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Rachel Kinney HHistory 10 Reading Target Questions

Ms. Gleason/Ms. Allison October 3, 2012

Topic Question: What does the operation of the Influenza Tent Hospital of Lawrence, Massachusetts tell us about the social impact of the influenza pandemic on a Massachusetts local city and how did Lawrences experience compare to state and national responses to the flu pandemic? Historical Context: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. What are the symptoms of influenza and how is it spread? How was the 1918 pandemic worse than other flu outbreaks? What was the impact of World War I on the flu pandemic? During wartime, how did government officials respond to the flu pandemic? How and when did influenza arrive In Massachusetts? How did the federal government and the state of Massachusetts respond to the pandemic? What was the Massachusetts general public informed about the pandemic ? What do individual stories and anecdotes tell us about the flu pandemic? What were tent hospitals and why were they established? What evidence indicates whether tent hospitals were widely or rarely used? How effective were tent hospitals?

Topic and Its Importance XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. How and when did the flu pandemic arrive in Lawrence, Massachusetts? What did the newspapers report about the disease and how did newspaper coverage of the flu relate to other issues of the day? How did city leaders inform the public about the flu pandemic and how did their response change over time? What state and federal laws and regulations impacted Lawrences response to the flu? What information is available about individual cases in Lawrence and how did the flu statistics change over time? What was the public health response in Lawrence, in other words what actions did the city take to try to prevent more cases and how did this change over time? How did people and the newspapers respond to the new public health measures? How did hospitals, doctors, and nurses handle the increasing number of flu patients and deaths? In which areas were the city overwhelmed because of the flu and where did their responses fall short? Were all flu victims treated equitably, are their cases of better or worse treatment due to ones ethnicity, age, sex or socio-economic status? Why was a tent hospital needed?


How was the tent hospital constructed and organized? Why were the tent hospitals location and operations criticized? In what ways was the tent hospitals operations praised? Who worked at the hospital and what were their tasks? What was a typical day at the hospital like for patients and workers? How was the tent hospital reflective of the military officials who organized and ran it? What health precautions were in place at the tent hospital? What were the monetary costs of the tent hospitals operations? When did the flu pandemic end and how was the tent hospital closed?

Immediate Effects, Long Term Effects and Connection to Today XXXII. What are the Lawrence, state, national, and global statistics of the flu pandemic? XXXIII. How did wartime measure both hinder and help the response to the flu pandemic? XXXIV. At the time was the tent hospital deemed a success or failure and why? XXXV. What elements of the flu response were deemed most useful/successful? XXXVI. What elements of the flu response would not be used in the present time and why? XXXVII. What tributes were made then and now to the Lawrence tent hospital and its workers? XXXVIII. Why is the flu pandemic largely forgotten and is the lack of remembrance in Lawrence representative of the forgotten pandemic? XXXIX. Why should the tent hospital be remembered? XL. What lessons do historians and scientists use from the 1918 pandemic flu when making comparisons to pandemics of today?

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