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Take one of the major religious (early religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and explain how it displays the four ways and aims of religion described by John Haught, Pick Religion InHaughts and Nigosians book Notes/Outside sources 4 wayss- how relates to stick person diagram- sacramentalism, mystical, Silence, and action 4 aims- sac ( reassurance) Mystical (mystery) Silence (Adventure) action (morality) Talk about the religion picked above with 2 or 3 points about each aim Adventure- is that you do not grab onto any idea or image, and sort of risk and go out into a world where there is nothing to hold on to. No anchors.

Adventure in a religion- in chrisianity- group of people left everything and went to desert and prayed in a cave


Describe in detail one of the reductionist/functional theories of religion.

FUCTIONALISTS Fulfill so function that is nor what is acyually said.what is said is false Examples- Frued, Tyler, Durkheim, Marx, Frazier TYLER-Main points---anamisim, 2 laws of culture, the doctrine of survivals FRAZER- Magic and religion FREUD- super ego and ego theory, relilgion is a mental illness from surpressed memory from the playin gout of the edipex complex. Durkheim- unity of practices leads to MARX_ RICH VS POOR- escape from feeling bad about being oppressed by rich..fuction of religion is then used to keep poop where they are because rich lead the religions and churches Interpretive-Weber, Eliade, ghertz,

Weber-Social change comes ffrom the religious ideas Most famous for protestant= work ethic= made possible for a modern reality such as Capitalism IDEAL TYPE

ElIADE- Typed into symbols, these are for giving us access to the sacred world or breakthrough to it.

Doesnt conform what the religion says, they think that the goal is to get a clear understanding of what the religion is saying and how they live.


Describe in detail one of the interpretive theories of religion.


Give and explain Clifford Geertzs definition of religion.

) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by (3) formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that (5) the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic

Explain- Tell what this means


Describe the various aspects of a human being and how they relate to the four ways of religion.

Body Chart Draw the little guy to get the answers.

6. Describe one of the four ways of religion. Include a discussion of its relationship to the four aims of religion. Pick one from question 1 and then explain it in the 4 aims ONE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT THE OTHERS ALL ARE PRESENT AND EQUAL, then religion is okay Then he says if one is missing it is an unhealthy religion

7. Explain the meaning of the various forms of religion: polytheism, henotheism, pantheism, monotheism, and dualism. Poly-more than one GOD Heno- worship of one god, without saying others do not exisit PANTHEISM- All is god in some mysterious way. Monotheism-One transcent god Dualism- there are two gods


In what way has the human race progressed? In what way not?



What is the difference between religion and magic? Give examples

The difference is magic is done to make something happen, and religion does not put it in other hands, you are not able to control this.

10. Describe one of the major critiques of religion. How do religious people respond to this critique?


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