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Write an essay describing the most significant problem in the world today and what can be done to solve it. The essay must include a description of the problem itself and how the problem affects mankind. The essay must also explain the problems causes and explore possible solutions to the problem. The essay must cite at least seven sources (one source must be a primary source and at least two sources must be from print material). The essay must also include a Works Cited page using MLA notation.
Focused Learning Target I can describe the problem with insight and clarity. I can describe who is most significantly affected by a problem with insight and clarity. I can describe the problems causes with insight and clarity. I can describe potential solutions to the problem with insight and clarity. I can include information from a primary source in my essay. I can include information from two print sources in my essay. I can correctly cite sources within my essay in accordance with MLA guidelines. I can correctly identify my sources with a Works Cited page in accordance with MLA guidelines. In the right margin, indicate where primary source information is included. In the right margin, indicate where print source information is included. Draw a line from reference to the author to page citation. List any errors in the top left of the Works Cited page. Title: Works Cited appears at top center of page. Sources: Sources are in alphabetical order. Evidence Indicate where your description begins and ends in the left margin of your essay. Underline portions of the description that are particularly insightful.

I can carefully choose words and sentence structures that insure the reader understands my insights and explanations I can use standard English conventions so the reader understands my insights and explanations. I can organize my writing so the reader can understand my description of a problem and its potential solutions and use skillful transitions to that same end.

Indentation: Second line of the citations indented. Spacing: Works Cited is double spaced. Box five examples of word choices that you feel were particularly skillful in terms of expressing a subtle shade of meaning. Have another student read your essay and circle spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. Write their name at the end of the essay. In the top margin of your essay, map out how you structured your response using the following symbols, if other symbols are needed be sure to define them: O=Overview P=Description of the problem. A=Description of who is affected by the problem. C=Description of what causes the problem. S=Description of potential solutions to the problem

I can include information from a diverse array of resources in my essay.

At the end of a fact presented in your paper, give a short name for the type of source. Use each source only once. Count the number of different sources and write that number to the left of your name in the heading of the essay.

Research Essay Scoring Guide

Notable Strengths
Insightful Descriptions. Comprehensive Detail. Diverse Research Sources. Artful syntax resulting in emphasis of key ideas. Artful word choice that extends meaning. Fluid transitions from one fact to the next.

Focus Points
Insightful Descriptions Comprehensive (x2) Primary Source (1) Print Source (2) Parenthetical Citations (x2) Works Cited (x2) Word Choice / Coherence Organization / Transitions Standard English Source Diversity (7)

Grade Scale
No Problems 1 Problem 2 Problems 3 Problems 4 Problems 5. Problems A+ A B C D F

Notable Issues
Unclear Descriptions. Weak, limited or poorly explained detail. Limited Research Sources. Confusing or ungrammatical syntax. Incorrect or vague word choice. Incorrect or confusing transitions. Confusing organization.

Common Citation Examples Author not named in fact. (Smith 71). Parents generally feel a greater sense of responsibility for their children (Smith 71). Author named in fact. (71). According to researcher James Smith, Parents generally feel a greater sense of responsibility for their children (71). More than three authors (Gisell et al. 14).
Parents generally feel a higher sense of long term financial responsibility for their children (Gisell et al. 14).

Website (Jones). or (

Socialists generally feel a greater sense of responsibility for countrymen (

Two or three authors (Gesell and Ilg 68). or (Gesell, Dilbert and Ilg 68).
Parents generally feel a higher sense of long term financial responsibility for their children (Gesell, Dilbert and Ilg 68).

No author Use the last name or word that begins the source on the works cited: (Steroids).
Parents generally feel a higher sense of long term financial responsibility for their children (Steroids).

2. Cite the original sources of the information you are providing with a Works Cited page following your report. Set up your Works Cited page by writing Works Cited centered at the top of the page. Going source by source, write your Works Cited refer to the MLA handout. Remember list sources in alphabetical order for the evaluation draft. Remember to indent the second line of the citation. Remember to double space. Example Works Cited
Dawes, Tim. Tech Time. Flemington, NJ: Central Press, 1997. Deed, Patricia, and Marc Southern. Software Basics. New York: May Press, 2002. Dew, John, et al. Myths Revisited. New York: The Viking Press, 1992. Dundes, Alan. Myth: Myths of the Beginning and of the End. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 1970. Shakespeares Best Lines. Bobs Shakespeare Page. 1998. 2 April 2002 <>. Sherman, Amy. "All about Chutney." Cooking with Amy: A Food Blog. 30 Mar. 2005. 3 Aug. 2005 < >.
Book, three authors. Encyclopedia Book, one author.

Book, two authors.

Website/Blog no author Website/Blog w/author

2. Research. Using the research report format provide the information below. Describe the problem in detail. Describe whom is significantly affected by the problem. Identify the problems causes. Identify potential solutions to the problem.
Preparation/Research. Complete the following activities to in preparation for writing your essay. 1. 2. Subject Statement. In one paragraph, describe in detail the problem your research essay will be about and why you chose that problem. Then, write out everything you know about the problem. With your group, list several research questions you will focus on finding the answer to and writing about in your essay.

3. Choose Sources & Make MLA Works Cited list (Use MLA Handout). 4. Make Research Report listing the significant facts / important information discovered during your research. List the facts in complete sentences including parenthetical (MLA) citations. Common Citations Author not named in fact. (Smith 71). Two or three authors (Gesell and Ilg 68). or (Gesell, Dilbert and Ilg 68). Author named in fact. (71). More than three authors (Gisell et al. 14). Website (Jones). or ( No author Use the last name or word that begins the source on your works cited list: (Steroids).


1. Organize Facts. Organize the information you have discovered during your research by rewriting your research report, grouping the facts together and listing the groups and facts in the order you will address them in your essay. Be sure to again list the facts in complete sentences including parenthetical (MLA) citations. Remember to continue to research throughout the process, continually posing follow up questions that will strengthen your treatment of the issue.

Works Cited 1. Set up your bibliography page by writing Works Cited centered at the top of the page. 2. Going source by source, write your bibliography refer to the MLA handout.. Remember list sources in alphabetical order for the evaluation draft. Remember to indent the second line of the citation. Remember to double space. Example Works Cited
Dawes, Tim. Tech Time. Flemington, NJ: Central Press, 1997. Deed, Patricia, and Marc Southern. Software Basics. New York: May Press, 2002. Dew, John, et al. Myths Revisited. New York: The Viking Press, 1992. Dundes, Alan. Myth: Myths of the Beginning and of the End. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 1970. Shakespeares Best Lines. Bobs Shakespeare Page. 1998. 2 April 2002 <>. Sherman, Amy. "All about Chutney." Cooking with Amy: A Food Blog. 30 Mar. 2005. 3 Aug. 2005 < >.
Book, three authors. Encyclopedia Book, one author.

Book, two authors.

Website/Blog no author Website/Blog w/author

Writing. Write the first draft. Be sure to double space, use the correct heading and give a title. 1. Write your heading. Write your name, teacher, class, period row and date using the example below as a guide. Be sure to double space. Margarita J. Espinoza Mr. Seals English 12, Period 3 15 August 2015 2. Write your title. 3. Write the introduction. Topic Sentence. State the topic in a clear statement. What is the most significant problem in the world today? Overview. Overview what you learned from your research and why it is important. 4. Write the body paragraphs. Present your research findings one sub topic at a time. o Describe the problem itself o Describe how the problem affects mankind. o Describe the problems causes. o Describe possible solutions to the problem. 5. Write the conclusion. Explain specifically what you plan to do to solve the problem or provide support to those affected by the problem.
6. Add the Works Cited page, listing references in the correct order according to the MLA.

Works Cited 1. Arrange your cards in in alphabetical order by the (first) authors last name. If there is no author go by the editors last name, or the title of the book or website. 2. Set up your bibliography page by writing Works Cited centered at the top of the page. 3. Going card by card, write your Works Cited refer to any handouts or the MLA handbook. Remember to list sources in alphabetical order. Remember to indent the second line of the citation. Remember to double space. Example Works Cited
Dawes, Tim. Tech Time. Flemington, NJ: Central Press, 1997. Deed, Patricia, and Marc Southern. Software Basics. New York: May Press, 2002. Dew, John, et al. Myths Revisited. New York: The Viking Press, 1992. Dundes, Alan. Myth: Myths of the Beginning and of the End. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 1970. Shakespeares Best Lines. Bobs Shakespeare Page. 1998. 2 April 2002 <>. Sherman, Amy. "All about Chutney." Cooking with Amy: A Food Blog. 30 Mar. 2005. 3 Aug. 2005 < >.
Book, three authors. Encyclopedia Book, one author.

Book, two authors.

Website/Blog no author Website/Blog w/author

Editing. Copy the Scoring Guide on right side of paper across from the heading. 1. Check the format. Check the Spacing, title and indentation. Check the heading. Margarita J. Espinoza Mr. Seals English 1HP 15 September 2005 2. Check organization. Underline topic sentence for each body paragraph and note missing topic sentences. Note where each element begins and ends in left margin. 3. Check Elements, Facts and Citations. Note if any of the elements are missing. Highlight and number facts in as few words as possible. Determine if minimum number of facts are present. Check to see citations are present and correctly punctuated. Sixty percent of teens are self-absorbed (Smith 22). 4. Check the Works Cited page. Is the list in alphabetical order and unnumbered? Is the spaced correctly? Is the list correctly indented? 5. Check Spelling Grammar Punctuation and Word-choice/coherence. Exchange with new peer editor. Circle issues with spelling, grammar, punctuation word-choice and coherence. Elements Problem Definition Effects / Affected Causes Solutions
Research Essay Scoring Guide

Focus Points
Insightful Descriptions Comprehensive (x2) Primary Source (1) Print Source (2) Parenthetical Citations (x2) Works Cited (x2) Word Choice / Coherence Organization / Transitions Standard English Source Diversity (7)

Grade Scale
No Problems 1 Problem 2 Problems 3 Problems 4 Problems 5. Problems A+ A B C D F

Revision 1. Revise the essay correcting problems found during the peer edit. 2. Have a parent or other adult read and edit your revised essay. 3. Revise the essay correcting problems found during the parent edit. 4. Type the final draft of your essay. The essay must be double-spaced, 12 point font (preferably Times New Roman), one inch margins with proper headings and numbering. Please do not use a cover page or portfolio, simply number each page and staple them together in the upper-left corner.

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