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Akinbiyi Babarinde

From Script to Screen OGR

Premise and Title.2 Logline..............3 Step Outline........4 Character Biographies7 Links ....................14 Creative Partnership ...17

The Brain Eating Surgeon

Premise You are who you eat

The main character of the story is Zack, his love interest is Lisa and the famous musician is Damien Waters, Zack wants to ask Lisa out on a date; he realised he liked her after they kissed on their graduation party. Zack drinks the brain of the man Lisa seems to be attracted to, so he gains the confidence and charisma that he has.

Step Outline
Scene 1 Zack buys show ticket, theres a cut to Zack sitting in a crowd watching Lisa perform Scene 2

Zack goes backstage, and presents Lisa with flowers, she accepts the flowers and they share a few laughs, but when Zack talks about his feelings for her she seems dismissive, he asks her out on a date, then Damien shows up, she apologizes to Zack but goes on a date with Damien.

Step Outline
Scene 3 Zack follows the two to a caf and in a disguise he sits away from the couple, reading a newspaper he spies on the couple, as Lisa and Damien hug and part ways, he leaves the caf and follows Damien on his walk home. Scene 4 Zack calls out to Damien on his walk home, he gestures as though someone is in need of help at the alley next to him, they both walk in to save this Damsel in distress, Damien walks towards the Dark Alley with Zack unaware this is a trap, before he realised something was going on Zack knocks him unconscious before scooping out his brain, and in a cartoonish style sets everything out to blend the brain mixture, before drinking it, Zack exist the scene leaving Damien unconscious in the alleyway.

Step Outline
Scene 5 Zack buys a show ticket the next day, theres a cut to Zack backstage again, he asks Lisa on another date, and she accepts Scene 6

The date is happening on the stage she performed on, the scene is romantic and somewhat intimate, as the date goes on he realises hes attracted to the waiter, he drinks to calm his nerves and on his last drink, theres a fade to black
Scene 7 Fade in to the morning and Zacks now in bed with the waiter, Zacks not up yet but the waiter is; hes looking lustfully at Zack as he sleeps, then the camera flies through the scene to goes past the blender he used on a window seal, through the window and towards a News stand in front of the Concert Hall, the scene ends when the newspaper reveals that Damien was actually gay

Character Biographies

Character Biography Zack Withers

Age: 30 Occupation: Brain Surgeon in training Leaving late one night after his first operation, Zack decides to go for a walk, he was confused as to how unfazed by the sight of blood and organs he was, thoughts begin racing through his head, and he didnt know what was going on. He wasnt squeamish, the sight of blood didnt scare him, but he felt different, it was like he wanted see more, the brain looked strangely appetizing to him, and on his way home that night, a man got hit by a car, the driver didnt stop and now theres an unconscious man lying on the floor in the middle of nowhere, something came over him that night and he ends up dragging the man out of sight before opening his head and eating his brains. The next morning Zack feels different, the looks different, his stance is different and hes got a whole different demeanour, people started recognising him and he didnt have such a bad day, the next day he was back to normal, though he liked who he became, he didnt like the idea of being this brain eating psycho, so in this head he made up a character, so whenever he goes out looking for peoples brains he is puts on a different persona and calls himself Grundy, Grundy was different form Zack, although it was him, he did things Zack wasnt able to; he was like a detective, a whole different kind of genius, he was never spotted and things always went smoothly. As time went on Zack hated who he was becoming, he got into the routine of stalking and drinking peoples brains, he came to the realisation that people didnt like him for who he was, so he stopped it, things went back to normal and people stopped noticing him, he was now invisible to people hed previously befriended because no one recognised him.

Character Biography Zack Withers

Note: the whole world the characters are in dont reflect reality, though pigs dont fly, after Zack eats the brain of his victim, but they dont die they just continue the next day brainless History with character(s) Lisa Lisa Lisa and Zack were childhood friends, theyve lived in the same neighbourhood since primary school and they graduated from the same college, Zacks never been the social type, and when he did get picked on at school Lisa would stand up for him, during their graduation party Lisa and Zack kissed, Zack realises that he likes Lisa but the following day made a comment on how it was a mistake, he takes this as a hint and still hurting inside he distances himself from her, till they stop speaking, Lisa becomes a Jazz singer and Zacks training to become Brain surgeon. Characters prologue to story

Zack hasnt heard from Lisa in a while and the hasnt drank anyones brain for quiet sometime, when heard, Lisa would be headlining at the concert hall across the street from his apartment, he planned to go and see her in person, to try one more time and see if shell go on a date with him

Character Biography Lisa Grey

Age: 29

Occupation: Jazz Musician (Vocalist)

Lisa had a very normal upbringing, her mum and dad were always together, she had a popular older brother growing up and this prevented her from getting bullied, so she was confident standing up for her friend Zack, shes always had singing lessons and sometimes sings at church, shes a little naive but she got to where she is on the merits of her own voice, she loves animals and is a vegetarian History with character(s) Zack and Damien Zack

Lisa and Zack were childhood friends, theyve lived in the same neighbourhood since primary school and they graduated from the same college, during their graduation party Lisa and Zack kissed, not knowing of Zacks feelings for her she dismissed the whole as drunken accident and carried on, as time went by they stopped speaking and went in the opposite direction in terms of their careers with Lisa becoming a Jazz singer and Zack training to become Brain surgeon.


Character Biography Lisa Grey

History with character(s) continued Damien Lisa was asked to go on a date with Damien, in an attempt to make her more popular and recognisable, this was a publicity stunt, neither Damien or Lisa liked it, but as they got together they found out how much things they had in common, this was the beginning of their friendship, and since then Lisa would confined in him and vice versa Characters Prologue Lisa is about to headline a Jazz concert in Manhattan, at the Aeolian Hall, which happens to be opposite Zacks apartment, the night before the show, Damien asks to speak to her over dinner at a local caf. It sounded urgent so she agrees to meet him


Character Biography Damien Sabian

Age: 35 Occupation: Jazz Musician (Vocalist) Damien was born with a silver spoon, his parents threw him into everything and when they saw his interest in music they pushed, maybe a little too much sometimes, his fathers very old fashioned and being as successful as he is, he also wants his son to be successful, Damien didnt really have a relationship with his parents they were very distance and the real conversation he had with them would always be about school, or his music, due to the lack of communication with his parents, Zack had no one to talk to causing him to hide his sexuality from his parents, he plans to tell his family one day.


Character Biography Damien Sabian

History with character(s) - Lisa Damien met Lisa after his manager organised for the two to meet each other as a publicity stunt, the company was worried that if Damien wasnt seen in public with woman, people would start to assume hes gay and half of his female fan base wouldnt be as interested, the two met for dinner unaware of the actual reasons they were together, apart from the fact it was a publicity stunt to make him look like he was dating a female jazz vocalist, they started talking and what began as an awkward introduction blossomed into great friendship. Lisa and Damien became close and told each other everything Characters Prologue

Damien told his story to a Newspaper to be published the next day, he called Lisa to arrange to meet with her after her first night of headlining at the Aeolian concert hall, he wants her to be the first to know hes revealing his homosexuality to the world.



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Script Like-for-Like


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Creative Partnership


Creative Partner: George Nwosisi

For documenting our Creative Partnership, me and George Nwosisi decided start making video documentaries, documenting the whole process showing how we got from ideas to fully formed short film concepts, we do have some footage but arent done editing, itll be ready be ready for the end of the project These are a few comments, we made on each others blogs In a response to my initial idea posts George commented.. George Nwosisi All you ideas for you stroy gives me the creeps. I like the idea of the 5th one down. you could tweek this up by making him work in the concert hall or he has a sceret lair there and hes an undercover mental surgeon, blending peoples brains and drinking it to make him more intelligent or something. But good ideas bro keep them coming In a response to Georges initial idea post I commented.. Akinbiyi Babarinde I love the direction this is going, the point when the kid looses control of the gun has a lot of comical potential, maybe a little bit more could be done at the ending, something that links the beginning to the end somehow. Out of the three ideas youve posted so far this has the most potential, working on the beginning and thed ending could do a lot for what you have going on here.


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