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G.P.S. Gods Protection System GPS keeps us on track. It helps us from being or becoming lost (so long as it is updated).

. That is mans protection system fallible, frail, weak and continually needing to be updated and changed. Gods Protection System to keep us on track and help us from being lost is valid for ALL time, for EVERY generation. Gods Protection System is His Law. We find Gods Protection System in Deuteronomy 5:1-21. Gods Protection System: Puts us on track Puts us back on track Keeps us on track (Read Deuteronomy 5:1-21) Moses gathered ALL the people TOGETHER to inform them that they would be going over Gods Statutes/Ordinances. These are His Guidelines for living. The people were instructed To learn diligently To observe diligently Gods Statutes/Ordinances/Law/Guidelines Learning Diligently taking EXTRA care that His Guidelines become a part of us, our life every part. Whatever is a part of our mind becomes a part of our heart. Whatever we think about finds expression in/through our emotions. Whatever is a part of our heart becomes a part of our spirit. Whatever we express in/through our emotions is the result of our determination. Whatever we determine that is what we put into action; that is what we do. Observing Diligently taking ourselves beyond mere memorization. Memorization is simply a tool that enables something to become a part of us easier. This is why it is so important for us to be careful of what we SEE with our eyes and HEAR with our ears. These are the biggest and easiest gates or doors of access to our mind. We need to be careful of what movies we watch and what content is contained in them. We need to be careful of the music and language we continually expose ourselves to. Some things build us up and draw us closer to the Lord, while other things actually put a wall between us and the Lord and drive us further away from Him. It is these things that separate us from Him that we want to eliminate from our lives (as much as possible). Why? Because of Gods Covenant Relationship with us even today; Gods Guidelines are proven to be Timeless. We have even more proof, more evidence today than the children of Israel did then. We have more writings and more access to these writings than any other generation. Commentaries, teachings, sermons, etc. are all mere tools/evidences that show Gods Guidelines work then, now, and later (yesterday, today, tomorrow) Eternity

When Jesus Returns, His Word/His Guidelines, every jot, dot, and tittle will be proven eternal (timeless) true for every generation without debate or discussion or argument God speaks to us today through His Son Jesus Christ Through His Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and the final proof will be when He returns. Jesus speaks to us through His Holy Spirit. The Father in His Sovereignty is so Incredibly Majestic. He is so Magnificent that He is FIRST and foremost too terrifying to approach YET at the same time, He is too Beautiful to turn away from. This is why Moses stood between the people and the LORD. The people could not see past His Terror to catch a glimpse of His Beauty; neither were they willing. Moses life proves to us today Gods Desire for Personal, Intimate Relationship. Gods Guidelines are the provision for this Relationship to be reality, not only with Him, but with each other as well. The first five guidelines are all about Him. 1) He tells us who He is and what He did for us. He is the LORD God. He brought us out of. Because of Who He is and What He has done NO ONE, NOTHING has the right to be ahead of or in front of Him. 2) Neither do we have the right to take something HE made for the purpose of us knowing Him more and make something for our selves, diverting our attention/our heart and mind/our focus from Him and putting that thing in His Place. Neither can we think so highly of others that their opinions override what He KNOWS. We can only tell each other what we think God tells us what He knows. God tells us why He will not allow anything to be on His Throne over our lives because He is Jealous. He is so Jealous for our attention / focus/ affection that if we deny Him His Right, than He will not only remove His Presence and Favor from our lives, but He will remove His Presence and Favor from 2- 3 generations of our childrens lives too. BUT When we give Him our attention/focus/affection FIRST, making Him the priority above all else, He pours out continuously, non-stop His Favor all the way up to the thousandth generation thats a whole lot of people covered and blessed with His Presence and Favor. The difference is incomparable, incomprehensible; unfathomable.we just cannot grasp it. 3) He is so amazing that to even misuse His Name is the same as misusing Him. His Name is Who He Is. to misuse His Name is unforgiveable. Interesting that there is an unforgiveable sin in the NT as well: blasphemy of the Holy Spirit 4) God is so Amazing, so vastly Incredible that He guides us to set aside an entire day to reflect and remember He and what He has done. Reflecting on / Remembering Who He is and what He has done reminds us who we are which in turn reminds us of what we are incapable of without Him which brings us back to the reality of Who He is and What He has done.

Time spent with Him looks like this: Coming into Presence in Expectation Bringing us to His Feet on our knees (sometimes on our faces) Moving Him to Lift us up, draw us closer to Him Resulting in our praise/adoration to/of Him THIS IS WORSHIP. This is how we are to be in our mind/thinking This is how we are to be in our heart/feeling This is how we are to be determined to live THIS ENABLES/EMPOWERS US TO DO THE REMAINING 5 GUIDELINES. THIS ENABLES/EMPOWERS US TO BE IN RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. 5) Honoring our Father and Mother (the first people we encounter). How we approach and treat God is how we approach and treat ALL of those in all positions of authority over us. Honoring them allows us to live a long, good life for starter.our conscious will be free from worry / condemnation. 6) We wont murder (steal life from another person) when we honor God in every way. Well protect other peoples right to life as much as our own. 7) We wont commit adultery. We wont be found unfaithful. In being faithful to the LORD we will understand the hurt and pain unfaithfulness causes. 8) Neither will we deprive others of their right of possession. We wont take what God has given to another person. We will know and understand that God has no problem giving us good things, so long as it will not separate us from Him. 9) We wont lie and destroy anothers reputation. 10) The last one deals with us on the inside (heart/mind) it deals with our desires.desiring what has been given to another whatever it is will cause us to be determined to achieve or get whatever we are desiring ignoring the possibility that God may not desire us to have that for some reason. Gods Protection System Guides keeps our lives on track and guides us into the amazing, incredible of life in right relationship with Him.

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