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Michael J. Escoto

Objective Full time position in a politically related field

Work Experience November 2008 – December 2008 Norm Coleman for Senate Recount
Deployed County Lead
 Assisted in statewide recount effort in several counties
 Recruited, organized, and trained recount volunteers
 Reported field situations, trends and recount results to HQ

July 2008 – November 2008 Nevada Republican Party

Absentee Ballot/Early Vote Director
 Organized data for the McCain Presidential campaign, RNC & NRP
 Responsible for maintaining statewide database for GOTV efforts
 Coordinated with county officials for data including voter files

May 2007 – February 2008 Rudy Giuliani Presidential Campaign

Congressional District Chair
 33rd District of California
 Assisted in recruiting volunteers and supporters
 GOTV planning, Voter ID, Media Relations

January 2007 – July 2008 USC Campus Cruiser

Field Supervisor
 University operated student Safety Service
 Oversees a staff of over 75 workers and 20 vehicles
 Responsible for Hiring, Training, Field Relations, Customer Service

May 2005 – May 2006 Alpha Gamma Omega Fraternity

House Steward
 Responsible for the daily operations of Fraternity property
 Handled budgeting and purchasing
 Facilitated in event planning and coordination

May 2000 – July 2002 Vector Marketing

Sales Representative
 Direct Customer retail sales and service, in person and over phone
 Assisted in recruiting, hiring, training and development
RNC Campaign Management School
 Strategy, Communication, Media, GOTV & Voter ID, Finance
University of Southern California
 Political Science Major
 Major Related Course Work GPA: 3.54

Organizations Alpha Gamma Omega, Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, PERC

Computer Skills Voter Vault 3, Database Management, Computer/Server Troubleshooting,

Omnipage (OCR), Remark (OMR), Microsoft Office, Photoshop, InDesign,
Internet Explorer, Web Page Design, Blogging

Willing to Relocate | References available upon request | American Citizen | |

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