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7:VI:2012 July 14, 2012 To: ALL UNITS / STATE COMMITTEES Dear Comrades PREPATORY PROGRAMMES CULMINATING IN STRIKE ACTIONS. As informed in our earlier circular to pursue the unresolved issues listed in the All India Strike action on 28th Feb 2012 in addition to the issues listed by UFBU after its meeting at Kolkatta on 6 th June 2012, the Office Bearers of our organization met at Hyderabad on 11thJuly 2012 to take stock of the situation with particular reference to the preparedness of the rank and file and also the approach of the constituent unions in the UFBU meeting held at Chennai on 6th July 2012. 2. The meeting had the benefit of the reporting on the UFBU and its approach towards the proposed strike actions by Com RJ Sridharan, Chairman as well as by the General Secretary. An important point that should be borne in mind is that the UFBU have been missing the sense of the timing in the matter of agitational programmes. On our elaborate analysis of the reporting by the Office Bearers and also less serious approach of some of the constituents, drive home the point that our organization broadly supports the issues listed out for agitation and more specifically and particularly on the following issues concerning the common members of banking fraternity. ISSUES: 1. 1.Regulated working hours for Officers 2. 2. Pay parity to extension of 6.5% of revised pay from Nov 2007 3. 3. Compassionate ground appointments with an option to the grieving family

4. 4. Five days working in a week 5. 5. Stagnation free pay scales 6. 6. Standardisation of retiral benefits. 3. Many constituents including the acting convenor in his report suggested changes in the date of strike. Some suggested to change it after wards. AIBOA said postponement if any should be decided in the meeting itself. However the following preparatory programmes were decided towards strike. PROGRAMMES: 17 7 2012 17 7 2012 24 7 2012 25th & 26th July 2012 4. We call upon our affiliated Units and State Committees to ensure membership mobilization of our organization in full measure to make the strike a memorable one. With greetings Yours comradely S NAGARAJAN GENERAL SECRETARY. Dharna in all State Capitals and other important Centres Mass demonstrations at all centres Mass demonstration rallies, processions at all centres 2 days All India Strike

Circular Letter No.9:VI:2012 June 15, 2012 To: ALL UNITS / STATE COMMITTEES Dear comrades, UNRESOLVED ISSUES AND THE FUTURE COURSE OF ACTION TWO DAYS STRIKE IN JULY 2012 In the background of the call of All India Protest Day on 21st May 2012 at all State Capitals by the constituents of UFBU, a meeting on 6th June 2012 was held by the UFBU at Kolkata under the Presidentship of Com.Rajen Nagar, AIBEA. UN RESOLVED ISSUES: 1. Banking Sector Reforms: Amendment Bill contains v Raising of the voting rights of shareholders from 10% to 26% in the Private Sector Banks v Exempting the Bank mergers from Competition commission v I Increasing the voting rights in Public Sector Banks from 1% to 10% v Supersession of Bank Boards etc. 2. Outsourcing of permanent regular jobs 3. Implementation of Khandelwal Committee recommendations contrary to the settled procedure of Bipartite mechanism in the Industry level. 4. Issues concerning the common employee:

Regulated working hours, compassionate Ground appointments, 5 day Banking, Uniform revised guidelines on Staff Housing loan, Pension related issues. The calendar for observance of programmes are as under. PROGRAMMES: 25-6-2012 To 24-7-2012 18-6-2012 20-6-2012 21-6-2012 27-6-2012 6-7-2012 10-7-2012 17-7-2012 17-7-2012 24-7-2012 25th & 26th July, 2012 Explanatory meetings by all Constituents and State-level UFBUs UFBU to write to IBA/Govt. conveying the agitational programme Submission of memorandum to all Constituent Unions/State units to IBA Chairman UFBU to write to all Central Trade unions and leaders of political parties seeking their support Mass Demonstrations in all bigger Centres UFBU to serve formal Strike Notice Badge wearing Dharna in all State Capitals and other important centres Mass Demonstrations at all centres Mass Demonstrations, rallies, processions at all centres 2 Days ALL INDIA STRIKE

We call upon the members and Units to participate in all the preparatory programmes as prelude to the strike call. Office Bearers are to meet shortly at Hyderabad in the first week of July 2012 to take a review of the entire emerging situations and implementation of programme. With greetings,


CIRCULAR No.5:VI:2012 February 28, 2012 TO ALL UNITS/STATE COMMITTEES Dear Comrades, ALL INDIA INDUSTRIAL STRIKE. ON 28 FEBRUARY 2012. A GRAND SUCCESS. OUR ORGANIZATION HAS PLAYED ITS DUE ROLE. In the independent India, for the first time, all the Central Trade Unions, on common issues concerning citizens of this country of all walks of life, the All India Industrial Strike was declared and observed today through out the country. All India Bank Officers Association, our organization, did carry out the patriotic role by participating in the strike for the issues concerning officers listed out in addition to the demands raised by Central Trade Unions. Ten crores people have participated in todays strike. Our role in the Banking Industry and also of insurance in the financial sector is extraordinarily appreciated as a key factor. 15 Unions operating in the Banking Sector have participated in this historical strike. Along with the financial sector workforce, participation by ports, telecom, power and vast number of independent federations made this first industrial strike a resounding success sending an appropriate warning to the Govt. at the Centre. Todays strike is against the Governments anti labour policies and also of anti people policies dictated by the international monetary fund and world bank. The citizens are no longer prepared to bear the burden of attacks and repeated attacks on jobs and job security. Their willingness to struggle against the approach is reflected in todays strike. The gains of this strike are of growing unity of the working class and the trade union movement in our country. This has to be preserved, protected and promoted further. That shall be the task of the Trade Union and the mood of the strike is the echo of collective voice with the slogan together we achieve. Let us firm up our resolve to unify a struggle of greater unity of Officers Organizations to ensure parity and to end the hegemonistic loot by SBI management and their Unions of the Bipartite system clandestinely. Kudos to one and all who have participated in this patriotic exercise and more so the officers belonging to our organization in particular. Yours comradely, S. NAGARAJAN GENERAL SECRETARY

The Presidents/Chief Executives All Banks/DFIs Dear Sirs/Madam,


Please refer to Master Circular of Unclaimed Deposits issued vide BPD Circular No. 07 dated July 21,2006, wherein banks/DFIs are required to obtain succession certificate from legal heirs, in case of unclaimed deposit refund of deceased account holders/beneficiaries of instrument. In order to facilitate legal heirs of deceased account holder/beneficiary of instrument in obtaining petty amount claims, without going into cumbersome process of obtaining succession certificates, it has been decided that: 2- All banks/DFIs can initiate and submit refund claims cases of the deceased account holders/ beneficiaries of instrument of Rs. 100,000 and below to State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) without obtaining the succession certificate, if they have examined the refund claim and satisfied themselves about the genuineness of the legal heirs. For the purpose, the banks/DFIs will obtain indemnity bond on appropriate value of stamp paper from the legal heirs of the deceased account holders/beneficiaries of instrument along with two personal guarantees. This will also be accompanied by application from all the legal heirs and copies of CNICs and death certificate of account holder/beneficiary of instrument. The indemnity bond has to be invariably signed by all the legal heirs. Further, the banks/DFIs will also indemnify SBP on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp paper regarding any risk/loss and legal cost in the matter (specimen indemnity bond enclosed). 3- The banks/DFIs shall continue to obtain succession certificates from the legal heirs of the deceased account holders/ beneficiaries of instrument in all unclaimed deposit refund cases of above Rs. 100,000 as usual. 4- Other instructions on the subject shall remain unchanged. Please acknowledge receipt. Encl: Specimen of Indemnity Bond

Yours faithfully,

(Syed Imran Ali) Senior Joint Director


April 28, 2008 Emerson M. Navarro 255 Wawa St. Abucay, Bataan CA#0457-0014-51 Dear Sir/Madam: Central Bank Circular No. 407 dated May 31, 1974 requires all banking institutions to update the specimen signatures of their depositors every two (2) years or sooner. In this regard, we request you to visit us for the updating of your specimen signatures. For our mutual protection, please bring with you adequate identification papers. Land Bank of the Philippines _____________________ (Authorized Signature)

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