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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_mU8VX1Arc Following are 10 more objective samples for OJT (On Job Training).

These sample objectives for the resume of OJT are best for students and recently graduated applicants. You have to modify these before using in your resume because an objective duplication might have adverse effect on your job application. Sample Objective for OJT Resume 1. To pursue venerable career in a professional organization enable achieving companys objectives of development, customer pleasure and service. 2. Together with assets for instance sincerity, truthfulness and struggle for excellence, I will add value and strength to any company empowering me or a team which I am fraction of. 3. In quest of a position in a top business where I am able to transmit the knowledge gained through my bachelors degree. I determinedly deem in the principle of implementing my duties with loyalty and courage. 4. To grow capably by giving my skills to association and vice versa. 5. To work in demanding environment where all my skills and efforts to explore and familiar myself in varied fields, and comprehend my potential and add to the growth of organization with inspiring performance. 6. To utilize my knowledge and skills in the top likely way for the implementation of organizational goals. 7. Seeking first-rate career development opportunities where my capacity and knowledge could be best subjected and utilized for the promotion of the organization and myself. 8. To do effort for quality in the field of software development with devotion, focus, positive approach, cheerful attitude and enthusiasm. 9. Seeking a dependable position with a possibility for skilled challenge and growth to support and enhance supportive objectives of the company. 10. To work with most advanced Technologies and certified company where my Skills and Knowledge can add to its success.

JT/EPT Objectives


Demonstrate the broad role and importance of the technician in industry / commerce. Give the student an opportunity to establish an interest in industrial/ commercial activities. Provide a general work experience, so that the student can apply skills previously acquired at the College and acquire new relevant skills. Provide a foundation for and prepare the student for working efficiently and productively in industrial / commercial

establishments. Create a two-way link between the Trade & Industry and the colleges of Ministry of Manpower so that the graduates of the colleges fulfill their needs and requirements.

For E/PT:
To enhance the knowledge and skills developed during the course of study.

To train in the skills that they could not practice during OJT as well as the skills that need more tuning. To provide a general work experience, so that the student gets an opportunity to acquire new relevant 'occupational competences' that will make him viable in industrial/commercial activities. Provide a foundation for and prepare the student for working efficiently and constructively in industrial / commercial establishments.

OBJECTIVES FOR ROP INTERNSHIPS 1. To provide basic background instruction to help interns prepare for business/industry occupations and related professions. 2. To facilitate the transition between school and employment. 3. To provide training stations for interns to practice skills and attitudes learned in the classroom. 4. To provide interns with practical experience that will help make their classroom instruction more meaningful. 5. To provide interns with practical experience that will help make their classroom instruction more meaningful. 6. To provide an opportunity, through the use of local business, for interns to acquire skills and knowledge that are best developed on the job. 7. To emphasize to interns the importance of being able to follow directions, pay attention to details, and accept supervision. 8. To foster an understanding in interns of the benefits and responsibilities of gainful employment. 9. To provide interns with the ability to keep up with the changing world of work by putting emphasis on problem-solving, thinking, and decision-making. 10. To provide interns with instruction in business skills, principles, and concepts that will lead to success on the job. 11. To counsel interns who want to continue training beyond high school.

12. To point out to interns that constant educational growth is necessary for successful employment and good citizenship.

1. Objectives of the OJT Program

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Objective of the OJT Program The objective of On-Job-training (OJT) is directly related to the teaching learning experiences and should help the student to: Enhance their knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in order to become more responsive to the demands of Information Technology (IT) Profession. 2. Develop the value of professionalism, love of work and commitment to people they serve. 3. Apply the relevant theories of IT Profession and Code of Ethics into practice. 4. Feel and experience the actual world of work in computerized services.

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