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Hershey creates chocolate (0n nection

between students in U.S., Ghana

Chocolate moker sets up necl-time


to creote virtuol clossrooms.

Crystcl Lindeli
he days when school

has been inspired by the

children handwrote a letter to a peer on the other side of the

passion the children and

teachers in Ghana have for

world sure have evolved.

Hersheyhas recently launched a modern version of a pen pal program that links kids
at a school in its hometor,rrn But instead of

learning together through this powerful technology." Meanwhile, Eric G-yeke, headmaster of the FOSCO


Hershey, Pa. to childreninGhana.

Demonstration School in Ghana, says the children in their classroom are delighted
by the relationships they're


letters, the students connect

forming with the qtudents at

the Milton Hershey School. "In Ghana, we are focused on bringing the highest quality education to our rural schools and believe this technology-based programming is a major step forward," he explains. The connection is made possible by highdefinition telepresence video technology from Cisco.

through real-time, highdefinition technology that creates a common, virtual classroom. \Mhile the two places may have very different cultures,

they share a common bond that will no doubt help the students understand each other - Hershey is the largest U.S. chocolate maker, while Ghana is a world leader in
cocoa production. The Hershey Learn to Grow: Ghana Distance Learning Program allows about B0

During each session, 11and l2-year-old students in

Assin Fosu, Ghana- a rural tor.tryr in the Central Region

elementary students to learn together based on a curriculum

developed by teachers in Hershey and Ghana. It's the first-of-its-kind and was developed in collaboration with the Milton Hershey School, the M.S. Hershey Foundation and Hershey Story Museum, Cisco, as well as African partners that

- participate in a life-like virtual classroom program with fourth-grade students at the Milton Hershey School
"We are thrilled by how well our students have responded to this new way of learning about Ghana and seeing links between cocoa growing and chocolate making," says Joel Crowley, fourth grade teacher at the Milton Hershey School. "Everyone in Hershey (MHS) in Hershey, Pa. The MHS students connect to Ghana from The Hershey Story Museum's Chocolate Lab located in dou,rrtown Hershey, Pa. Teachers from both schools,

include the Assin Fosu school, Ghana Education Service, Ghana Cocoa Board and Source Trust.

in addition to educators from the museum, lead the sessions together,



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