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Baju Melayu

Baju Melayu merupakan satu panggilan bagi baju tradisional Melayu yang biasa di pakai oleh golongan lelaki di Malaysia dan negara serantau. Ia biasanya terbahagi kepada dua jenis utama, iaitu baju Melayu potongan Teluk Belanga dan potongan Cekak Musang. Baju Melayu Teluk belanga biasanya lebih terkenal di selatan Malaysia sementara potongan Cekak Musang di kawasan tengah dan utara Malaysia. Potongan tersebut merujuk kepada cara jahitan pada leher baju tersebut, potongan Cekak Musang berbentuk seperti leher baju India hanya bahagian penutup atau rumah butangnya bertindan. Sementara potongan Teluk Belanga pula bahagian lehernya hanya di jahit secara sulaman. Terdapat berbagai bentuk sulaman yang dipadankan seperti Mata Lalat, Tulang Belut dan sebagainya.

Baju Kurung
Baju kurung dianggap popular dan dipakai oleh lelaki dan perempuan. Perbezaannya terletak pada bahagian kocek iaitu lelaki mempunyai tiga kocek manakala perempuan mempunyai satu kocek serta perbezaan daripada segi pemakaian. Pengertian kurung secara tidak langsung telah membawa erti mengurung atau menutup anggota tubuh. Cara ini menepati konsep pakaian cara Melayu setelah kedatangan Islam, sehinggalah istilah kurung diertikan sebagai baju yang selesa dan longgar, labuh atau panjang. Sehingga disebut dengan berbagai-bagai nama misalnya baju kurung bernyawa walaupun mempunyai pelbagai nama namun baju kurung telah menampilkan ciri-ciri tersendiri.

The classical everyday clothing for men in Malaysia is a short sleeved shirt worn outside the trousers, light-weight trousers and informally, sandals for comfort. The Chinese women wear the cheongsam, a one-piece dress with a high collar, diagonally closed with small clips or toggles (fabric clasps). It sometimes can have slits at the side, as is made with a soft fabric such as silk.[1] The cheongsam is especially popular around the time of the Chinese New Year and other formal gatherings (the fourth and fifth women from the right in the picture above). Older well-respected women wear a samfoo, which looks like pajamas with a separate loose fitting top fastened by toggles and ankle length, or above the ankle, pants.

Indians in Malaysia as with elsewhere in the world wear sarees, a cloth of 5-6 yards which is usually worn with a petticoat of a similar shade. It is wrapped around the body so that the embroidered end hangs over the shoulder, while the petticoat is worn above the bellybutton to support the saree, which can be made from a wide variety of materials. The Punjabi Salwar kameez is popular with women from northern India, and is a long tunic worn over trousers with a matching shawl.[1] The fabric imported from India, made of the best quality silk is used in making saris. There are two layers to a sari: a long bright colored "dress" decorated with colorful beads sewn on it to make it look more attractive, and a wrap, a piece of straight fabric draped around one shoulder which ties across the body around the waist area. Women with a high standing will have their clothing made from gold and silver thread with elaborate beading.

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