Syllabus in Science

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SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES PRELIMINARY PERIOD 1. Discuss reasons for studying Earth Science 2.

Discuss the meaning of earth Science and allied sciences 1. Identify the different steps of Scientific Method 2. Discuss the importance of curiosity and asking questions in scientific research 3. Identify and describe commonly used maps in Earth Science 4. Accurately locate a

TIME FRAM E 1.5 hours

COURSE CONTENT FOUNDATIONS OPF EARTH SCIENCE A. Why study Earth Science? Importance Scope Definition


STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES Lecture/discussion Question & Answer/Sharing Group work Audio/Video presentation


Quiz/Major Exam Recitation Seatwork Reaction Paper/Essay

1 hour

PROBLEM SOLVING IN EARTH SCIENCE B. Knowing more about the Earth Problem solving Mapping the Earth Tools in Earth Science

certain place on earth using its latitude and longitude

1. Name the most

1 hour EARTHS ATMOSPHERE C. Properties of the Atmosphere Atmospheres composition Layers of the atmosphere 1 hour


3. 4.




common gases found in air Describe three ways that the atmosphere supports and protects life List the layers of the atmosphere Name the instruments used to make weather observations Explain why air pressure measurements are adjusted to sea level Draw a station model using standard weather symbols Describe a places

1 hour

D. Observing the Weather Measuring temperature, wind, and pressure Measuring water in the air Measuring air pollutants Other instruments

1 hour

E. Reading Weather Data Plotting weather data Reading weather symbols on a map

weather by reading its station model 8. Give the characteristics of highs and lows 9. Describe four types of air masses 10. Describe four kinds of fronts 1. Tell why the Earth is unevenly heated 2. Explain why water changes temperature more slowly than land

1 hour

F. Weather Patterns Patterns of air pressure Models of highs and lows Fronts

1 hour

3. List three ways the Earths surface heats the atmosphere

ENERGY AND THE ATMOSPHERE G. Sunlight Energy source for Earth The energy in a sunbeam Effects of latitude and time Sunlight in the atmosphere Sunlight at Earths surface H. The atmospheres energy sources Conduction and convection Latent heat Radiation The atmospheres energy budget

4. Explain how evaporation transfers energy to the air 5. Tell how carbon dioxide affects temperature 1. Explain how airs capacity for water vapor depends on the temperatur e 2. Name three examples of condensatio n nuclei 3. Explain how a cloud forms 4. List three major cloud shapes 5. Explain how many cloud droplets do not freeze when

1 hour WATER IN THE ATMOSPHERE I. Water vapor in the air Water vapor in the air Condensation Condensation nuclei

1 hour

1 hour

J. Clouds: Droplets in the air How clouds form Low clouds Middle and high cloud formation Middle and high cloud types

K. Precipitation: From clouds to Earth How rain and

cooled below 0oC 6. Describe two ways that precipitatio n forms 7. List six kinds of precipitatio n 8. Tell how cloud seeding causes precipitatio n 1. Compare the weather in different parts of a convection cell 2. List three factors that affect wind 3. Explain why air usually travels in curved paths 4. Describe how thunderstorms,

1 hour

snow form Other types of precipitation

1 hour

WINDS AND WEATHER L. How winds form Convection The Coriolis effect The rule of spin Friction

1 hour

M. Violent circulations Thunderstorms Tornadoes Typhoons

0.5 hour

N. Frontal cyclones The polar front Formation of frontal cyclones Movement of frontal typhoons O. General circulation Global wind

thunder, and lightning form 5. Tell how tornadoes and storms form 6. Describe the way frontal storm forms and moves 7. Find the direction of the nearest storm center 8. Sketch global wind patterns 9. Name the factors affecting climate 10. Given its location, describe a regions climate 1. Describe the distribution of the worlds water supply

1 hour

patterns Global weather and climate

0.5 hour

EARTHS WATERS Earths Fresh Water P. The Earths water supply A water inventory Fresh water: A basic need Water: A renewable resource Getting water Q. How water enters the Earth Infiltration Porosity and permeability

0.5 hour

1 hour

R. Water inside the Earth Where water goes underground

2. Explain why it is important to conserve fresh water 3. Explain how water enters the Earth 4. Explain the relationship between porosity, permeabilit y, and infiltration 5. Diagram the undergroun d zones of water 6. State how ground water forms springs, swamps, and wells 7. State the conditions under which precipitatio n becomes runoff 8. Describe

Depth of water table Tapping ground water

0.5 hour

S. Streams: Water on the Earth Runoff Streams Stream pattern Stream flow Floods

0.5 hour

Oceans T. Topography of the sea floor Sea floor features Mapping the sea floor U. Properties of sea water Composition of sea water The changing

0.5 hour

how a stream forms 9. Identify several conditions that lead to flooding MIDTERM PERIOD 1. Sketch a typical ocean floor 2. Describe how the oceans depth is measured 3. List four common ingredients of sea water 4. Explain how the water cycle affects the composition of sea water 5. Outline the temperatur e changes that occur 0.5 hour

composition of sea water Temperature of sea water

V. Motions of the sea Waves Long waves Currents

0.5 hour

W. Life in the sea Sea communities Keeping the sea healthy

1 hour

in sea water at different depths 6. Describe the effects of waves on shorelines 7. Explain the cause of tides 8. Contrast surface currents with deep water currents 9. Name three main categories of sea life, and state how they differ 10. Name two ways in which people threaten ocean life 1. State the characteristi c of

0.5 hour

EARTHS SURFACE Minerals X. What a mineral is Mineral characteristics Mineral groups Mineral formation Y. Mineral properties Identifying minerals How minerals are used Conserving minerals

0.5 hour


minerals 2. Explain how minerals are classified 3. Describe the three ways in which a mineral may form 4. Describe the properties used to identify minerals 5. Contrast the properties of metallic and nonmetallic minerals 6. Explain how minerals should be conserved 1. List three ways of identifying and classifying

0.5 hour

Z. An introduction to rocks Rock characteristics Three types of rock

AA. 0.5 hour

Igneous rock Types of igneous rock Igneous rock composition Some common igneous rocks

BB. 1 hour

Sedimentary rock From sediments to rocks Characteristics of sedimentary rock Types of sedimentary rock





rocks Compare and contrast the three types of rocks Describe how igneous rock is formed Describe the different textures of igneous rock List some 1 common hour igneous rocks and their characteristi cs


Metamorphic rock Factors that change rock Types of metamorphic rock The rock cycle

6. Describe how rocks are formed from sediment 7. List the identifying features of three types

Weathering and soil DD. Weathering of the Earths surface Physical weathering Chemical weathering Factors that affect weathering

1 hour

of sedimentary rock 8. Explain how coal forms 9. Tell how metamorphi c rocks are formed 10. List the characteristi cs of metamorphi o.5 c rock hour 11. Describe the rock cycle 1 hour 1. Compare and contrast physical and chemical weatheri ng 2. Describe some processe s that cause

EE. Soil: A product of weathering What soil is Soil formation Soil horizons Soil and human activity

0.5 hour

Erosion and Deposition FF.Processes of erosion and deposition Agents of erosion Factors affecting erosion Factors affecting deposition Bedding of sediment


4. 5.


each type of weatheri ng State the factors that affect weatheri ng Explain how soil forms Describe the three soil horizons List some ways soil can be conserve d

0.5 hour

0.5 hour

GG. The work of gravity Erosion by gravity Rapid mass wasting Slow mass wasting HH. The work of moving water Erosion by rain and runoff Erosion by streams Stages of a stream Deposition by streams

1. Explain what processes are constantly changing the Earths surface 2. Name the

1 hour

II. The work of wind Erosion by wind Features formed by wind erosion


4. 5. 6.



agents of erosion Describe the factors that affect the carrying and depositing of sediments List types of mass wasting Describe how talus forms Explain how runoff and streams erode the land Summarize the stages in a streams developmen t Describe some land features formed by stream deposition

Features formed by wind deposition

1 hour

JJ. The work of glaciers Movement of glaciers Types of glaciers Erosion by glaciers Glacial deposits Lakes

0.5 hour

EARTHS INTERIOR Movements of the Earths crust KK. Evidence of crustal movement Motion in progress Evidence of past motion

1.5 hours

9. Describe two ways wind erodes land 10. Name two land features formed by wind deposition 11. Tell how glaciers form 12. Explain how glaciers erode the land 13. Describe land features formed by glacial deposits FINAL PERIOD 1. List direct evidence of crustal motion in progress 2. Describe indirect

1.5 hours

LL.Forces that move the crust Forces in many directions Forces from the mantle The effects of gravity and rotation

1 hour

MM. Effects of crustal movement Joints Faults Movement along a fault Folds NN. Landforms from crustal movement Mountains Plateaus plains





7. 8.


evidence of past crustal motion Identify areas where the crust is sinking under deposits of sediment Tell how three kinds of forces can move the crust Explain how the mantle applies forces on the crust Describe how gravity can affect the crust Compare joints to faults Describe the three kinds of faults Explain how rocks can

1 hour Earthquakes OO. Earthquakes: Causes and effects Causes of earthquakes Where earthquakes start Effects of earthquakes

1 hour

0.5 hour

PP. Measuring earthquakes The seismograph Types of seismic waves Earthquake measurements Earthquake zones

QQ. Progress in seismology The earthquakes

bend 10. Describe how crustal movements can build mountains 11. Compare plateaus with mountains 12. Compare and contrast plains and plateaus

1 hour

interior Prediction and control

1. Explain what happens 1 during an hour earthquake 2. Describe the Elastic Rebound Theory 3. List some of the effects of earthquakes 4. Describe how earthquakes are 1

Volcanoes RR. Earths fiery interior Heat within the Earth Sources of heat Hot liquid rock

SS. Volcanism above ground How a volcano forms Volcanic eruptions Volcanic structures







detected hour List two measureme nts that scientists use to study earthquakes Locate three main earthquake zones Identify the 1 warning hour signs preceding earthquakes Describe one method of earthquake control currently being explored 1 Give hour evidence that the Earths interior is hot Name possible

Volcanoes: present and past

TT. Volcanism underground Intrusions Other effects of volcanism

Plate Tectonics UU. Early theories Isostasy Continental drift Sea floor spreading








sources of the Earths internal heat State the properties of magma and lava Describe the formation of a volcano Contrast a quiet eruption with an explosive eruption Identify several volcanic structures Identify the four rock structures formed by intrusions Describe surface landforms formed by intrusions Explain how

1 hour

VV. Plate tectonics: a unifying theory The plate tectonic model Plate movements Hot spots

1 hour WW. Plate tectonics: past, present, and future The plate tectonic picture Practical applications of plate tectonics

1.5 hours

EARTHS HISTORY Measuring Geologic Time XX. Determining relative age







a geyser erupts Name several theories that sought to explain crustal changes Present the evidence in support of each of these early theories Explain the weak points of each of these early theories List the types of plate boundaries Name surface features that form along each type of plate boundary Describe

1 hour

Geologic time The story in rocks The age of things past Basic principles in Earth history Determining relative age

1 hour YY. Determining absolute age Absolute dating: early attempts Radioactive isotopes: atomic clocks Radioactive dating

1 hour

1 hour

Earths Past ZZ. Fossils: fingerprints of life What fossils are Where fossils are

how a chain of undersea volcanoes is formed 7. Outline the movements of the Earths plates 8. Give one practical application of plate tectonics 1. Compare relative age and absolute age 2. Explain the Principles of Uniform Process and Superpositio n 3. Describe several ways in which relative age can be determined

found Types of fossils

1 hour

AAA. Fossils: key to the past Fossils change Fossils and changing life Fossils and the age of rocks BBB. Ages of the Earth The geologic column The Geologic Time Scale The Precambrian era The Paleozoic era The Mesozoic era The Cenozoic era EARTH IN SPACE An Orbit System: Sun, Earth, and Moon CCC. The Sun: Earths star The photosphere: the Sphere of Light Outer layers

1 hour

1 hour

4. Discuss early attempts at absolute dating 5. Describe the process of radioactive decay 6. Calculate an objects absolute age 1. Describe how a typical fossil forms 2. Name the types of fossils and explain how each is formed 3. Describe how fossils provide clues to the past 4. Explain how index fossils help date

The Suns interior

DDD. Day and night on planet Earth The Earths rotation Earths rotation and time Time zones around the world Lights and night EEE. Earths orbit and seasons A look at the Earths orbit The cause of the Earths seasons Time adjustments during the year FFF. The moon: Earths satellite Our nearest neighbor in space Phases and the moons orbit Eclipses

rocks 5. Compare the geologic column and the Geologic Time Scale 6. List the events and life forms common for each geologic era 1. Describe the parts of the Sun 2. Name the most plentiful gases on the Sun 3. Describe the Suns energyproducing process 4. List evidence that Earth rotates 5. Estimate time by the

The Solar System GGG. Observing the solar system The Suns family Tools for observing the solar system Radio telescopes Satellites and space probes Rockets

HHH. Touring the solar system The inner planets The belt of miniature planets The outer planets III. Other members of the Suns family Comets: visitors from space Shooting stars: meteors

Suns position in the sky 6. Compare Earth to a magnet 7. Give evidence that the Earth is revolving 8. Relate the Earths seasons to its orbit 9. Describe some surface features of the moon 10. Name the phases of the moon 11. Explain how eclipses of the sun and moon occur 1. Trace the developmen t of the modern



4. 5. 6. 7.



model of the solar system Describe the three kinds of telescope Explain how space travel has helped astronomer s study the solar system Compare the inner planets Describe asteroids Compare the outer planets Describe what happens to a comet approaching the Sun Explain why a comet may appear regularly Explain

what a shooting star is

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