Industrial Management System

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ERP-For Industrial Management System

1.1 Organization Profile
Sumka Sons Insturmentation is a part of Sumka Group of Companies established in 1994 has been producing quality castings in ferrous (Gray,Steel,Ductile and Non Ferrous aluminum) from coimbatore India. The Group is managed by Founders Mr. Angou Mourougane and Mr. M.Muthukumar, Engineering Graduates from Pondicherry University. Head Quartered in Coimbatore, India, the Company has established Clients all over South-India and Parts of North India. The Company is dedicated to providing Quality Marketing and Services to India's Leading Universities and Institutions needing Biotechnology based Instrumentation Products. Since its inception, the company has earned good co-operation from all corners - Their Principals, Their Customers and Their vendors. Due to this, they are all the more committed to Providing Quality Products with competitive pricing giving the purchase advantage to their clients. They are able to attain an annual turnover of 35 million Indian rupees (close to 1 million US Dollars).They are constantly striving for better Products and wider Market reach. Sumka Sons Instrumentation is a Marketing and Service Company dealing with Research and BioTechnological based Instrumentation Products.Sumka Sons Inc is a Global Company satisfying Customers with Quality Castings.

ERP-For Industrial Management System

2.1 Hardware Configuration
Processor Clock Speed RAM capacity Hard Disk Monitor Type Mouse Type Keyboard Floppy Disk Pentium IV 900 MHZ 256MB 40GB 17 Inch Color Monitor Scroll mouse Logitech 1.44 MB

2.2 Software Configuration

Operating System Front End Back End Report Tool Windows NT 4.0 Visual Basic. NET MS SQL Server 2000 Crystal Report

ERP-For Industrial Management System

About Visual Basic.Net

Platform: .NET Framework The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web Services and other applications. It is the infrastructure for the overall .NET platform. The framework consists of there main parts: the Common Language Runtime (CLR), the Class Libraries, and ASP.NET. The Common Language Runtime and Class Libraries includes Windows Forms, ADO.NET and ASP.NET which are combined together to provide services and solutions that can be easily integrated within and across a variety of systems. The .NET Framework provides a fully managed, protected and feature rich application execution environment, simplified development and deployment and seamless integration with a wide variety of language. Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Visual Basic Dot Net offers full Object-Oriented Language features, including implementation and inheritance. It also allows developers to create highly scalable code with explicit free threading and highly maintainable code with the addition of modernized language constructs like structure exception handling. Microsoft Visual C#.Net Microsoft C#.Net is a modern, object oriented, type safe language. It enables programmers to quickly build a wide range of applications for the new Microsoft.Net platform. More than anything else, C# pronounced C Sharp is designed to bring rapid development to the C++ programmer without sacrificing the power and control that have been a hallmark of C and C++.

ERP-For Industrial Management System

Microsoft Visual C++.Net Visual C++ provides deep support for creating XML web services including ATL servers and a new project type for creating powerful serverbased applications. With attribute based programming any function can be easily exposed as an XML web service. Traditional unmanaged C++ and new managed C++ code can be mixed freely within the same application. Existing components can be wrapped as .NET components by using the managed extension. This preserves investment in existing code while integrating with the .NET Framework. ADO.NET ActiveX Data Objects.NET (ADO.NET), formerly known as ADO+ is a new set of classes that expose the data access services of the .NET Framework. ADO.NET is a natural evolution of ADO and is built around NTier application development.ADO.NET has been created with XML at its core. The ADO.NET object model is composed of two central components: the connected layer, which consist the classes that comprises the .NET Data Provider and the disconnected layer, which is rooted in the Dataset. .NET Data Providers includes the following components: the Connection Object, the Command Object, the Data Reader, and the Data Adapter. The first two should be familiar to existing ADO Programmer; they are used to open a connection to a data source and execute a command against it. The Data Reader loosely corresponds to a forward-only, read-only record set. It is a highly optimized, no buffering and fire host-style interface for getting the results of a query executed against the data source. The Data Adapter provides the dataset.

ERP-For Industrial Management System

The Dataset is a local buffer of tables or a collection of disconnected record sets. Integrated Development Environment Visual Studio.NET provides a single Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that helps developers build solutions faster using key productivity features accessible by any .NET language. The IDE is a completely customizable cockpit that enables the highest performance for developers. It provides unified access to the designer, editors, and tools of Visual Studio from any .NET language.

About Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 extends the performance, reliability, quality and ease-of-use of Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 includes several new features that make it an excellent database platform for large-scale online transactional processing (OLTP), data warehousing and e-commerce applications. Internet Integration The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability and security features required to operate the data storage component of the largest web sites. SQL Server 2000 supports features such as English Query and the Microsoft Search Service to incorporate user-friendly queries and powerful search capabilities in web applications. Scalability and Availability The database engine can be used across platform ranging from laptop computers running Microsoft Windows 98 through large, multiprocessors

ERP-For Industrial Management System

servers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views and large memory support that allow it to scale the performance levels required by the largest web sites. Enterprise- Level Database Features The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the features required to support demanding data processing environments. The database engine protects data integrity while minimizing the overhead of managing thousands of users concurrently modifying the database. Data Warehousing SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary of the data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


ERP for INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a highly enhanced form of the existing system because the existing system was being done in FoxPro. The customers are provided with user-friendly interactive system. It automates the company to easily use the details. The company enhances the facilities with implementing latest technologies. This application enables the company to use the information in a better way, which increases their services and satisfaction. Organizational process and information distribution for Industrial Management System is implemented using .NET architectures. Technologies enable the application with scalability and extended performance measurements for the industrial management. The ERP-Industrial Management System is designed to enable the strategic, operational, and tactical processes that support sales and purchase information. The movement of sales and purchase information is vital to modern system and can produce competitive advantage and analytical status of the transactions. Without an effective and efficient ERP-Industrial Management System, all transactions are operating sub-optimally and manually. Managing transaction is now a major management task requiring professional experts for implementing cost benefit transactions for a modern system.

ERP-For Industrial Management System

3.1 Existing System

FoxPro is a one of the leading database management system an enhanced and updated version of the Fox base+ software. To get a share of the expanding dams market for the pc segment. Fox software Inc come out with fox based that was almost compatible with database 111 plus. Then it was updated and the new software was called FoxPro. FoxPro is also called the relational database management system. FoxPro helps you to design database files as per the requirements and as per the specified format. It also helps you enter and manage data in database files. FoxPro also helps you to edit view change data in the database through simple built in commands. FoxPro is very simple to learn the use. The commands and simple the FoxPro commands are very powerful and flexible. Draw Backs: It is a case sensitive. It required special computer knowledge. It is difficult to maintain. It insures lengthy processing.
Security is not available.

ERP-For Industrial Management System

3.2 Proposed System

This project ERP-Industrial Management System mainly focus on all transactional activities like sales order, purchase order, buyer details, sales invoice, and purchase invoice. The problem mainly concerns to produce the sales and purchase transaction of a company. To manage the data more accurately and promptly and to maintain a large amount of data stored safely for further reference.

Advantages of proposed system:

File maintenance is easy Information can be retrieved within a fraction of seconds Overcomes the lack of accuracy. It enhances the security mechanism. Redundancy of data. Lack of time. Lack of employees.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


Data Flow Diagram
The data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most important tools used by system analysts. Data flow diagrams are made up of a number of symbols that represents system components. Most data flow modeling methods use four kinds of symbols. These symbols are used to represent four kinds of system components. Processes, data stores, data flows and external entities. Circles in DFD represent processes. Data flow is represented by a thin line in the DFD and each data store has a unique name and square or rectangle represents external entities. Unlike detailed flowchart, data flow diagrams do not supply detailed description of the modules but graphically describes a systems data and how the data interact with the system. To construct a data flow diagram we use, Arrow Circles Open end box Squares An arrow identifies the dataflow in motion. It is a pipeline through which information is flown like the rectangle in the flowchart. A circle stands for process that converts data into information. An open-ended box represents a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data. A square defines a source or destination of system data.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


Five rules for constructing a data flow diagram: 1. Arrows should not cross each other 2. Squares, circles and files must bear names. 3. Decomposed data flow squares and circles can have same names. 4. Choose meaningful names for data flow.

4.1 Database Design

Database is the heart of this application. All information entered into the system is stored into the database in the form of Tables. A proper database design will facilitate immediate and fast access of data into and out of the tables. The development of the database system is not a major breakthrough in the computer technology rather it is a logical development in the method used by the computer to access and manipulate data shared in various parts of computer system. The overall objective in the development of database technology are to treat data as an organizational resource as an integrated whole. The software package, which helps the user to integrate with the contents of database, is known as Database Management System. Data Integration Data integrity Data independency Data integration refers to the logical interactive of deferent piece of data scatted in the entire system in the data base information from several files are coordinately accessed and operated upon as through it is in single file. Logically the information is centralized physically the data may be located on deferent devices and is widely scatted geographically connected through data communication facility. Data independence is the insulations of

ERP-For Industrial Management System


application programs from the changing aspect of the physical data organization. This is essential because deferent application need the same data in different forms. If all the data kept in all this different forms it will result in wastage of space due to increase in redundancy Various tables designed for this purpose are attached in Annexure

ERP-For Industrial Management System


4.2 Input Design

Input is one of the expensive phases of the operation of computerized system. The input data are the life blood of a system and has to be analyzed and designed with almost care and consideration. Input system design features can ensure the reliability of the system and generate correct reports from the accurate data. It also determines whether the user can interact efficiently with the system. Different types of problem occurs with the system usually be traced back to faculty input design method. The input data is validated, edited, organized in an acceptable form by the system before being processed. Wrong messages were displayed in the screen when any invalid data was given as input in the system. In entering data operation one needs to know the following: Allocated space for each field The field sequence, which must be in source document The format in which data field were entered The name of the item for the specified code Input design are attached in APPENDIX

ERP-For Industrial Management System


4.3 Output Design

Output design produces the hardcopy regarding the information requested or displays the output in a predefined format. It is the direct source of information to the end user. Efficient and intelligible outputs improve the systems relationships with the users and help in decision-making. Computer output is most important and direct source of information to the user. Efficient and intelligible output design should improve the systems relationship with the user and help in design making. The nature of processing and procedure related to the system were classified and gives the output results. Output from the computer storage is required primarily communicate the result of processing to the users and provide permanent copy of the results for later consultation. While designing the output, the type of the output, concern format, frequency responses etc., have been taken into consideration. The output reports play a major role in the system. Reports are printed periodically in order to help the authorities of the company to make decisions and to get over all information about the system. The various reports generated by the system are attached in Annexure.

Computer output is the most important direct sources of information to the user efficient. Intelligible output design should improve system

ERP-For Industrial Management System


relationship with the user and help in decision making. Hard copy is preferred since it is to be used by the management for the future references. The output design, various output layouts are made. The objectives of output specification are: To interpret and communicator the results of the computer in a way in which they can understand. To communicate the output design specification to the user in which unambiguous and comprehensive errors may not occur. Outputs from a computer system are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to user. Outputs are also used to provide a permanent copy of these results for later consultation.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


Development is the state in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. The most crucial stage is achieving a successful system and confidence on the new system for the user that it will work efficiently and effectively. The system can be developed only after when testing is done and if it is found to work to the specifications. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on development of education and training of users and testing the system. System development is an important phase in the software engineering process. Various approaches are there for developing a system. Individual application approach is one of the well-known approaches for system development. This involves the development of individual computer based application the system serve in a specific application area in an isolated way. The first step in which the analyst must undertake is to understand the current system by gathering all information about it. The required datas are collected by several methods like: Interviews with the management. Questionnaires Study of the current manuals Observation of the functioning

ERP-For Industrial Management System


Sampling and Research In a system development phase, all the codes of the application are generated. This approach has got a number of advantages. The system is easier to develop and implement because applications are small and relatively simple.

ERP-For Industrial Management System



6.1 System Testing
System testing makes a logical assumption that if all the paths of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. System testing is aimed at ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently before it can be operated on live data. The logical design is thoroughly done and continuously examined. Inadequate testing may lead to error may explode into a much larger problem in course of time if not needed properly. The proper choice of test is as important System Testing makes a logic assumption that if all the paths of as test itself. The main objective for testing is described as follows: Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet undiscovered error. A successful test is on e that uncovers as-yet undiscovered errors. Software is the only one element of a large computer-based system. Ultimately, software is incorporated with other system elements (e.g., hardware, people, information), and a series of system integration and validation tests are conducted. These tests fall outside the scope of the software process and are not conducted solely by software engineers. However, steps taken during software design and testing can greatly improve the probability of successful software integration in the larger system.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


TESTING METHODOLOGIES 1. UNIT TESTING Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software Design, the module. This is also known as Module Testing. The modules are tested separately. This testing is carried out during programming stage itself. In this testing step each module is found to be working satisfactorily as regard to the expected output from the module. 2. INTEGRATION TESTING Data can be lost across an interface. One module can have an adverse effort on the other. Sub functions, when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration testing is a systematic testing for constructing he program structure, while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to take unit tested module and build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested as a whole. Here correction is difficult because the vast expense of the entire program complicate the isolation of causes. Thus in the integration testing step, all the errors are uncovered are corrected for the next testing steps. 3. VALIDATION TESTING After Integration Testing, the software is completely assembled as a package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and then test of software is conducted i.e., Validation Test. Validation Test succeeds when the software function in a manner that can be reasonably expected by

ERP-For Industrial Management System


the client. Software validation is achieved through series of Black Box Testing, which confirms with the requirements. 4. BLACKBOX TESTING Black box testing is conducted at the software interfaces. This test through is designed to uncover errors interfaces. This test through is designed to uncover errors interfaces, is also used to demonstrate that software functions are operational, input is properly accepted, output are produced correctly and that the integrity of external information are maintained. Black Box Testing attempts to find errors in the following categories: Incorrect or missing functions. Interface errors. Errors in Database Structure. Performance and termination errors. 5. OUTPUT TESTING After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produces the required output in the specific format. The outputs generated or displayed by the system under consideration are tested by asking the user about the format required by them. Here, the output format is considered in two ways, one is on the screen and another is printed format.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


6. USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING User acceptance testing in a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the prospective system users at time of developing and making changes wherever required. This is done with regard to the following points: Input screen design Output screen design The above testing are done taking various kinds of test data. Preparation of test data plays vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data the system under study is tested using that test data. While testing the system by using test data errors are again uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


6.2 System Implementation

Implementation is the process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one. Thus it can be considered to be the chanciest stage in achieving a successful new system and its vital to assure the user confidence that the proposed new system will never cause impairs and it will be effective. If implementation is not carefully planned and controlled, it can cause chaos. Consultation and a demonstration were given to them about the working of the system. The aim of the system illustration was to identify any logical miss-working of the system when various combinations of test data were fed. Processing accuracy and reliability checking were also made. The first task in implementation is the implementation planning, that is deciding on methods to be adopted. This is done in view of any last minute changes that will be necessary in the formats. After the approval of the system by the user and the system manager, the system was implemented in the user department. The three approaches of implementation are direct, parallel and changeover. In the first approach, the existing system is rejected and the new system is completely implemented. In parallel approach both existing system and new system will be working simultaneously. Direct method of implementation is followed in this project.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


The Developed system is highly interactive and user friendly. The project was tested under different conditions was found to be effective. The project ERP- INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM was designed and developed to save time gives lesser strains and generates quicker and accurate results. Reports have been generated so that it meets user requirements to the maximum possible extents. The system provides accurate updating, data validation and integrity. The system has been designed and run to satisfy the needs of the entire organization. The existing system makes the job very difficult. The new system reduces work and also results in quick retrieval of information, which is very vital to the progress of an organization. The project has been successfully completed and tested using the sample database information. The system has been developed with the present working conditions. The industrial environment is very fast with new features, styles etc are expected.

ERP-For Industrial Management System



This system is very flexible so that the maintenance and further amendments based on the changing environment and requirements can be made easily. Any changes that may lead to the system failures are prevented with security measures. The project will support multi user environment that is, more than one user can access a single application simultaneously. It can be further developed to include more operations and analysis, as changes are required in the system to adapt to the external developments that is, when the company carry out local sales in future. The sales module can be included and the transactions involved in local sales can also be maintained. Further enhancements can be made to the system at any later point of time.

ERP-For Industrial Management System


1. Billy Hollis, Rockford Lhotka, PROGRAMMING IN VB.NET, Public Beta Release, 2001. 2. Elias M.Award, System Ana1ysis And Design, Galgotia 2000. Paul Nielsen, Microsoft SQL server 2000 Bible, Wiley Publishing, Inc. 3. Roger S.Pressman, Software Engineering, Tata Macgraw Hill 1999 4. Kalani Kirk Hausman, Ed Tittel,, Development and Implementation With Visual Studio.Net ,QUE Publishing,2003 5. Matthew MacDonald, Bill Hamilton, ADO.NET in a Nutshell, O'Reilly,2003

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