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Exercise 1: General Kinematic Simulation - The Monkey and The Hunter Experiment

Purpose: For this example you will have the complete input file given to you. The example is for you to learn how to read an input file and figure out how the syntax matches with the information in the Reference Manual. Model Set-Up: The monkey and the hunter experiment consists of two masses which are subjected to gravity. The point is that if one of these masses has an initial trajectory towards the other, the masses will meet at some time. The MADYMO model will then have two SYSTEMS each containing one body. There will be one acceleration field applied to both bodies. For results we will want to output the kinematics to view in a post-processor. Z System 1 3m -9.81 m/s^2

Initial velocity (vx=10m/s and vz=7.5m/s) X 4m System 2 Input Needed: The input file for MADYMO should be a text file with an .xml extension on the end. For this first exercise a monkey.xml file is provided. 1. Always start a new file with the MADYMO element. In this element you will specify all the information related to the exercise. There is a file called template.xml in the share directory that has MADYMO element and all its required related elements in one file. - In the TYPEDEFS element write typedefs.xml as an INCLUDE file - In the RUNID element, you can give a short description on the file you are creating. - CONTROL_ALLOCATION needs to be defined - In the CONTROL_ANALYSIS.TIME you need to specify all the information concerning the simulation. Please take into account that the simulation runs from 0.0s to 0.5s with a time step of 0.001s and the integration method used is EULER - In the CONTROL_OUTPUT card you need to ask for the outputs of the simulation, which in this case do coincide only with the kinematics. Please make sure the sampling time is set to 0.01s. 2. At this point you will create a SYSTEM.REF_SPACE. This is just a reference space with respect to which the positions of all other SYSTEMS will be defined. 3. Now you will create a system using the element SYSTEM.MODEL where you will define a body (BODY.RIGID), which will represent the body of the arrow. - Next a joint is created, using the JOINT.FREE element. - At this stage, you need to attach an ellipsoid (SURFACE.ELLIPSOID) to visualize the body you have created.

- Position the arrow at 0,0,0 using the INITIAL.JOINT_POS element, and similarly give it a velocity (INITIAL.JOINT_VEL) 4. Repeat the procedure from step 3 to create a system containing the monkey 5. Create an acceleration field to apply gravity to the arrow and the monkey (LOAD.SYSTEM_ACC) as well as a function describing it: FUNCTION.XY. Within the function element you will also need to specify type XY_PAIR. The header of the table should be | XI YI |. After seeing how this is done, try creating your own file from scratch, called monkey1.xml and follow the above instructions, then try changing different parameters such as the shape of the arrow or the velocity or the position of either of the systems.

Running the model

Once you are sure the file is saved with the .xml extension, run it with the command: madymo61 file.xml If the file has any problems, you will debug with the file which has the .rep extension Files needed: monkey.xml

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