Queen of Peace School: Name: - Date: - Score

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Queen of Peace School

Third Periodical Examination in Religion IV

Prepared by: Sister Myrna Dagpin, BVMC

Name: ______________________________ Date: _________________ Score: _____

Test I. Put an (X) mark on the line before the sentence that tells the improper behavior and a check () mark if it shows the proper way to show worship.
___________ 1. ___________ 2. We pray the novena while the Mass is going on. We pray the rosary to ask the help and protection from Jesus and Mary. ___________ 3. It is good to buy blessed religious objects so that we will not go to the priest anymore. ___________ 4. It is our duty to know more about our faith by participating well during our Christian Living class. ___________ 5. We put the image of the Sto. Nio in our stores to bring good luck and prosperity in our business. ___________ 6. God understands if we dont go to Sunday Mass when we are sick. ___________ 7. Nena doesnt believe in fortune tellers because only God knows our future. ___________ 8. It is all right to consult the spirit of the glass to talk to the spirit of our beloved. ___________ 9. Mr. Santos prayed hard to God for his sick father and entrusted everything to Him. ___________ 10. We kneel on both knees as a sign of respect the Blessed Sacrament that is exposed.

Test II. Identify the following passages as to where they were said. Write after the passage Temptation in the Desert or Temptation on the Cross.

1. If you are the Son of God, command these stones to turn into bread. (Luke 4:3) __________________________________________________________________ 2. If you will prostrate yourself and worship me, I will give you all the kingdoms of the world. (Luke 4: 6-7) __________________________________________________________________ 3. If you are king of the Jews, save yourself. (Luke 23-37) __________________________________________________________________

4. You would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days; save yourself, if you are the Son of God. __________________________________________________________________ 5. If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. (Luke 4: 9-10)

Test III. Box the correct answers in the parentheses.

1. God deserves our (love, beauty, fame) more than anything else. 2. The highest form of prayer is the (Our Father, Mass, Angelus). 3. The first leader of the Church was (Peter, John the Beloved, James). 4. The present leader of the Church is the (priest, brother, Pope). 5. The New Sabbath, the Lords day is (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday).

Test IV. Identify the following actions and attitudes as to whether they are against the first, second or third commandments. Write 1 , 2 , or 3 .
___________ 1. Taking false oaths using the name of God. ___________ 2. increase Working on Sundays to
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