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OTW Fiction Contest Winner 2012

My Lake
y wore hikers and jeans and to protect his ankles from snakes and long sleeves to protect his arms against thorns. H carried two shing rods, and wore hi hi i h He i d hi d d his tackle box on his back in the form of a vest, the state shing license pinned betw n his shoulder lades. here ere between his shoulder blades. There were no paths other than the ones made by twee houlde aths ther han the ones t d deer; the only ound a deer; the only sound was of chipmunk-tousled leaves and the voices of bugs, lots of them. n h pmu k tousled eave and h voic l d ves oices bugs, lots ot h m Th trees provided a p h The trees provided a canopy that only the heaviest downpour might penetrate even with tree e ovid d l h heavie ownpo migh penetrat even t iest npou p ght netrate v th shad th hum dit the shade the humidity was a killer, even at 5:30 a.m. de a iller, ve a :30 a.m r, en 3

-photo by Andy Nabreski

On he ater On The Water

pag pag page 46 a

The shrubbery was so thick and tight that he was unable to nd an opening. A machete would really help, he thought. After a short walk he was able to come across a clearing that sat beneath a large tree no footprints, no spent tackle bags, no tennis balls, and no empty spring-water bottles. A cove littered with lily pads and fallen branches and some boulders, partially submerged, opened up to a larger body of water. Frogs scattered as Ty approached the bank, but they refused to use the water as an escape route. Sweat ran into his eyes. He took a deep breath and told himself to relax, but still his hands trembled. He considered his go to weedless plastic worm, keeping it simple and basic to start out, but instead decided on an old reliable, a oating Rapala that he named Slick and that was already clipped onto his number-two rod. He ung the Rapala to a promising-looking spot, but it never hit the water. It landed in a tree and dangled just below an overhanging limb. He took up the slack and brought the lure to within a few inches of the branch. Ty took another deep breath. A tug at the rod tip resulted in the treble hooks anchoring in a tuft of greenery. First I screw up a cast Ive made a thousand times, now this, he g y p said out loud to no one. He icked the rod harder and the lure ripped out of the leaves and rocketed into a shrub just behind him. He retrieved the lure and gave thanks that it didnt end up in his eyelid as he removed the remaining greenery from the hooks. Ty noticed rustling in the woods behind him. He stopped what he was doing thinking only, bear. But as he squinted towards the picket fence of trees, it became clear to him that it was the typical two-legged gait of a man. Ty cursed to himself. Here we go, he thought. Avoid conversation, avoid eye contact, turn your back to him, and make believe you dont notice hes there. Hello there! a voice called out from the woods. Ty kept quiet and waited for Hello h e! o p quie and waited the man the man to pass by, but instead he approached. Once the man reached Ty he again h ass by but instead by, stea proached. nce the man r ached Ty oache a gain spoke. Hello there friend! poke. Hell ther rie d! ke. llo ll here r How are ya, Ty said as he turned to begin shing. How e a y a as turn rned begin shing n begi n

Catchin anything? Ty cranked his eyes closed and readied to cast. Just got here. Just want to let you know friend, you cant sh here. Its private property. What? Yea, this is all private property, signs are posted. Im going to have to ask you to leave. Ty stepped away from the bank and sat on a moss-covered log. All he could focus on was the taste of puke in that invaded his mouth and throat. He attempted to snort and spit to clear the taste, as he detached his water bottle from the carabiner on his belt. The drink didnt work; the taste of puke was still fresh and he spit the mouthful into the ground. Who says its private? Ty demanded. I say its private. Well, who the hell are you? I am the property owner. This is my lake. Your lake? Yes, I own this land, and that includes all the lakes, ponds, and waterways contained therein. All Ty could do was shake his head. I cant freakin believe itI just cant freakin believe itunfreaking believable! Listen friend, Im sorry. Yea yea yea! Howd you nd this place, if you dont mind me asking. Google Earth Google Earth? Satellite images, you know, on the computer. Satellite mage ges, now, the computer mputer. And howd you get up here? A d w t here? e Hiked it. Hiked t. k Hi d t? ha ha o four ile Whatd u ta Hiked it? That has to be four miles! Whatd you start in the middle of the night? ur iles td the midd h ddle dd h night? ght?

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Basically. Whered you leave your car? On Route 404, on a clearing, on the side Might get yourself towed. You dont think I know that? Listen friend, why dont you come to my place, Ill give you a ride to your carthis way you wont get towed. Tys head throbbed and his lower back ached. All he could think of was lying down and closing his eyes. Can I have a minute? Sure, the man said. Ty took a few deep breaths. He thought for a moment about the close-by shing holes. It would be close to lunchtime by the time he got to any of them; crowds, joggers, dog walkers, screaming kids would all be in full swing. You know the reason I trudged all the way up here? Ty asked. You know why I scouted out this lake? Because, I gured if I do the work, if I can be a trailblazer and nd a spot that nobody else has the commitment and dedication to nd and get to, that maybe Id be rewarded with ve minutes of peace and quiet! Listen friend No, you listen! Do you know we have a lake near my house that I cant even sh? Ty spit again in the dirt. I pay out my lungs in taxes but Im not allowed to sh in a lake in my own town because I didnt buy close enough to be part of the Lake Community. You know I have to buy a permit to sh a postagestamp-size bank on the rez in the town I grew up in? I cant nd a shing spot where the Canada Geese arent fed white bread until they are about to explode! Now, after hiking through a maze of sticker bushes and poison ivy, Im kicked out again! Listen friend, Im sorry, the man said. Do you sh? Ty asked. I do. Im a y sherman. Its my passion. Wait a minute, friend. What are you rich or something? Figures! The world is for the rich, a guy like me gets JACK. Come on now. I worked for what I have. Doing what? I dont think thats any of your business. Yeah OK, Ty said. So if I didnt spend my life cheating people out of their life savings then I dont have a right to enjoy the beautiful places in the world. Listen friend, I have what I have because I earned it. I own this land, and I can tell you to leave. Its not anything personal. Listen I know you think this is yours, because you bought it, but its not yours! I dont care what the law says, it doesnt belong to you! I agree, but I do have the right to protect it from people and garbage and thats what I intend to do. If there is one lake left unpolluted and not shed-out, then let it be on my land, let it be my lake. Thats the way I want it, and Ive earned the right to protect this place. You know what? Youre just as full of it as anyone. Let me

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guess, you made your money by manufacturing BS consumer goods, right? The man did not respond. I bet youve taken your pound of esh out of the environment, more so than any poor slob that leaves behind a bait container. Sounds like sour grapes to me, the man said. It is! My grapes have soured long agoin fact my grapes are rancid! Look, I dont care to be rich. My wife and I dont need anything more than what we need. The only wealth I need is places like this, to come and spend a few hours shing. But no, the beautiful places like this are squatted upon by the rich people that shut out us guys. Fine. Ill just hike out of here the way I came in. Come on now, why dont you come back with me and have a cup of coffee? No thanks. Well, at least let me give you a ride down to your car. Ty thought for a moment. OK, Ill take the ride. As Ty walked the trail away from the cove, he kept an eye on the water. Small areas called to him a corner of deeper water on the banks wedged between boulders, a spit of water crowded with lilies, a submerged log about four feet from the bank in about three feet of water that begged to be shed. You know, people are the only living things that pollute, that create garbage. the man said as they walked. Garbage doesnt occur in a lake naturally. Ty did not respond, he just kept walking, thinking about getting to his car as fast as possible. Where do you usually do your shing? the man asked. Places by where I live, that I can get to quick early in the morning. I have a family, so I sh when they are asleep. Im usually up at 4 a.m. and out before all the joggers and dog walkers. So, youre shing right in the middle of everything? Yea, in magnicent suburbia! That has to be tough. You ever catch anything? I got a six-pounder out of Garrettsons Pond last July. Really! Yeascum froggin! And I got another three ve-pounders out of Blues Lake, and I got three bonaed ve-pounders out of the Big Ol Rez so far this summer tooand a seven-pound hybrid stiperso Im having a pretty good season. Thats impressive! I wouldnt even think there were any sh left in those waters, especially the hybrids. I thought theyd all be gone by now. Oh theyre there, you just gotta work your ass off the get em. The two men kept walking. Ty began to regret his tantrum. You know what? Ty said. I would just once like to walk up to a pond or lake and not see runaway snot weed from all the fertilizer runoff, or shing line and bobbers hanging from trees like Christmas balls. Thats the problem, and thats why Im so angry. I understand, the man said. What is your name by the way? You know, continued Ty, It just seems, no matter what, I end up seeing ON... FOLLOW more of what I dont want to see and less of what Im looking for. Not me, the man said. I see miracles each time Im by my lake. My lake is my church. For me, this is the secret of life. This is birth, life, death, and renewal. So Im excommunicatedIm not allowed to be here? Im not part of your church? Silence reigned over the two men. After a short walk they approached a large AND GET THE LATEST UPDATES ON YOUR cottage-style home. FAVORITE FISHING MAGAZINE On The Water This your place? Ty asked.



On The Water

page 48

Yes. Nice! Does the job. The two men jumped in the mans car and headed down the mountain road to Route 404. So, youre, married? the man said. Yup. You? Widowed. You have kids? Two boysmy car should be just up ahead on the right. Still there? the man asked. Yea, thankfully, Ty said. Even before the car stopped Ty was opening the door and had one foot out. Wait a minute, the guy said. No offense but Im kind of behind the eight ball so far this morning Listen, I know it doesnt take much to y into some legendary body of water where the sh have never seen a lure and ll a million dollar boat with sh. What? I know it takes quite a bit of skill to catch sh in the pressured waters you mentioned. Whats your point? Ty asked. Can I make a deal with you? What kind of deal?

Well, you can have access to my lake, the guy said. On your mountain? Yea, free reign. Really? Whats the catch? Just stop in and visit with me when youre done. Stop in and have a cup of coffee, let me know how you made out. You can park in my driveway, no need to hike up the mountain. Wow! Im speechless, Ty said. Thank you. Dont need to thank me. Get your car and follow me back up the mountain. Ill give you a tour of the lake and show you some of the other ponds and streams. How many ponds are up there? asked Ty. Half a dozen. Hurry up! The morning is getting old. Ty could barely steady his hand enough to get the key in the ignition. He tried to settle himself down as he attempted enter the trafc of Route 404. The man sat in his car on the roadside with his ashers on. Ty took extra care, allowing a string of six or seven cars to pass before he would engage the turn across the oncoming lane. His mind raced: catch and release only, no pollution, no company, the lake would be a secret, a secret that he had earned a place he would treat as if it was his own. He made a mental note too, that the rst thing hed do when at the top of the mountain would be to introduce himself, and nd out the guys name.
Winning Prize: A St. Croix trout shing rod-and-reel combo and a selection of Mooselook trout spoons!

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February 2012 page 49

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