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Berger English 1 December 7, 2012

Name ______________________________

Speak Out!
Speak Newspaper Article

Assignment: Write a newspaper article on an issue we have discussed related to Speak. In the article, you must explain what the problem or issue is, and explain its role in Speak. What does Melinda say about it? How do Melinda or other characters handle the problem? Finally, what do YOU say about it? Offer your thoughts/opinions/advice/solutions. Choose your topic [circle it]: o date rape/sexual harassment o being prepared for high school o teenage parties o family problems o cliques o smart students getting poor grades o making friends in high school o depression/students who need help Requirements: Please check that your article meets the following requirements. You will lose points if any of these are not met: Content: o Include at least two quotes from Speak. Quotations should be properly introduced, formatted, cited with page numbers, and explained. o Give your article a title. Underline it and center it at the top of the page. See the top of this page for an example. o The writing style should be professional, like a real newspaper article. Format: o 1-2 pages typed, double-spaced. Articles that are not typed will not be accepted. o Times New Roman font, size 12 font. Essays will be due on _______________________________________. You have the option of turning your paper in early for extra credit, but late assignments will automatically receive only half credit (failing grade). If you choose to email this assignment to me, you must email it as an MSWord document (ending in .doc or .docx). Please title your document with your last name and the assignment (ex. Smith Speak Article). Good Luck! I will be available during lunch and after school to discuss this assignment and provide assistance to anyone who needs it. Just let me know you would like to come!

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