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.LT domain registration guidelines

Version 1.0B

Part I General information


.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



Change log
2007-02-23 Version 1.0B Modified Domain registrant change chapter

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



Table of contents

.LT domain registration guidelines................................................................................ 1 General information....................................................................................................... 1 Change log..................................................................................................................... 2 Table of contents ........................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 Guidelines structure................................................................................................... 4 Terms............................................................................................................................. 5 Model............................................................................................................................. 6 Automated domain management system................................................................... 6 Registrar EPP interface for subdomain administration system ............................. 6 Registrar WEB interface for subdomain administration system ........................... 6 Prepayment model ..................................................................................................... 6 Term of subdomain registration ................................................................................ 6 Automatic subdomain renewal for next term ............................................................ 6 Contact persons ......................................................................................................... 7 Geographical limitations ........................................................................................... 7 Subdomain parking.................................................................................................... 7 DNS server groups .................................................................................................... 7 Changing domain registrar ........................................................................................ 7 Changing domain registrant ...................................................................................... 7 Update of registrant login information ...................................................................... 8 Quarantine ................................................................................................................. 8 Registrar responsibilities ........................................................................................... 8 Domain administration system ...................................................................................... 9 Versioning ................................................................................................................. 9 System functionality depending on interface .......................................................... 10

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



The .LT domain registration guidelines is set of documents that describes actions and procedures that can be made by registrar in order to maintain domain names registered for their customers.

Guidelines structure
Part I. General information. Document describes .LT domain registration model in general. Part II. EPP system. Document describes EPP system and XML documents that can be used to work with the system in details. Part III. Online system. Document describes system with interface screenshots, detailed menu, and interface fields descriptions. Part IV. Procedure how to become registrar. Document describes procedure how to become registrar that can register .LT domains.

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



Domain second level domain, belonging to the top level domain .lt. Administrator Kaunas University of Technology Information Technology Development Institute (KTU ITPI), which administrates top level domain .lt. Registrar Internet service provider accredited by KTU ITPI, and having signed agreement with KTU ITPI regarding .lt domain registration and maintenance for customers. EPP extensible provisioning protocol is application layer client-server protocol for the provisioning and management of objects stored in a shared central repository. Protocol is described in internet documents: RFC3730, RFC3731, RFC3733, RFC3734.

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



All .lt domain and domain registrant information is stored by .lt domain administrator in a central repository. Registrars can register and manage domains for their customers using Administrators supplied domain administration system interfaces. Customers ask their selected registrar or Administrator to register .lt domain. Administrator publishes the list of all accredited registrars in his website (

Automated domain management system

To make domain name administration operative as possible, Administrator provides automated domain management system, which works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are 2 interfaces for registrars to manage domain names: EPP interface and WEB interface. Both interfaces provide the same main system functionality domain name registration and management. Due to the specific nature of each system interface one interface may have some features that can not be provided by other interface. Users who wish to register and maintain their domain names using Administrator services can use only provided WEB interface, which differs from WEB interface, provided for registrars by Administrator.

Registrar EPP interface for domain administration system

Registrar can use EPP synchronous system to adopt his software with Administrators domain registration system. This allows registrar to automate domain administration and maintenance.

Registrar WEB interface for domain administration system

Registrar have to enter all necessary information into provided input fields in web form in order to execute particular action. After pressing Send button information about asked operation will be sent to domain administration system for completion. Operation results will be provided online in web interface.

Prepayment model
Non free services must be paid after they are requested, before completion of the request. Payments for registrars for all requests are rescheduled till the end of the current month. Proforma invoices for the services are given in online system immediately after the request was made. Invoices are written on the day the payment was received.

Term of domain registration

Domains are registered for 1 year term

Automatic domain renewal for next term

On the end of domain registration term domain will be automatically renewed for next term. To not renew domain for next term registrar or administrator have to delete domain name before the end of domain registration term.

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



Contact persons
Contact person types, used in .lt domain administration system: REGISTRANT person, who requested domain registration and who is domain registrant, or in other words domain holder; TECHNICAL technical contact, or person, who should be contacted regarding technical matters.

Geographical limitations
There are no geographical limitations to the registrant, registrar or technical contact. They can be located in any country. Authoritative DNS servers for .lt domains have no geographical limitations.

Domain parking
It is possible to register domain name without specifying DNS servers, to allow registrants to safeguard their domains for future use.

DNS server groups

When creating domain, name servers must be provided for the domain name to work properly. In case a registrar or registrant wants to change the name of a name server, it is obliged to do a mass update of all domain names linked to that name server. To make some lives easier, it is created new object: the DNS server group. A DNS server group contains a list of DNS servers that will be linked to all the domains that have that DNS server group. One update (changing the DNS server in a name server group) will propagate to all domain names that are linked to that DNS server group. The registrar can create as many DNS server groups as he feels appropriate.

Changing domain registrar

Registrar changes have to be initiated by the registrant. Registrant have to connect to Administrators domain administration system using his login name and password (registrant receives his login and password information by his email after domain name registration) and initiate domain name transfer specifying new registrar. After registrant has initiated domain name registrar change, he has to ask his new registrar to take over domain administration from old registrar. From the moment when new registrar receives confirmation that domain name administration was overtaken, he is responsible for domain administration on behalf of registrant. Domain name administration loosing registrar receives message about initiated domain name transfer to another registrar, and also he receives message about already transferred domain name to new registrar. Initiated by registrant transfers are valid for 3 days. After this registrant have to initiate registrar changes again.

Changing domain registrant

Registrant changes have to be initiated by the registrant. Registrant have to connect to Administrators domain administration system using his login name and password (registrant .LT domain registration guidelines. General information. 7



receives his login and password information by his email after domain name registration) and initiate domain name registrant changes specifying full name and e-mail address of new registrant. After registrant has initiated domain name registrant change, he has to tell new registrant to ask registrar of his choice to take over domain administration from old registrar/registrant. From the moment when new registrar receives confirmation that domain name administration was overtaken and registrant was changed, he is responsible for domain administration on behalf of registrant. Domain name administration loosing registrar receives message about initiated domain name registrant/registrar change to another registrant/registrar, and also he receives message about already transferred domain name to new registrant/registrar. Initiated by registrant transfers are valid for 3 days. After this registrant have to initiate registrant changes again. If domain name contains reserved mark, registrant cant initiate registrant change himself. In this case registrant has to apply Administrator with new registrant details and prove new registrants rights to domain name mark. After domain name registrant change, new registrant cant initiate domain name registrant change in Administrators domain administration system for next 30 calendar days. In this case new registrant has to wait 30 days or ask Administrator to initiate wanted transfer. In this case registrant has to provide Administrator with written agreement between parties of last domain name registrant change.

Update of registrant login information

Every .lt domain registrant by e-mail receives login information (name and password) for connection to the registration system. After the connection to the system registrant can change his login password. Registrant can change forgotten password. In this case registrants e-mail will be used for password change mechanism.

A domain that is deleted, doesnt function. In WHOIS database is indicated, that this domain is in quarantine. Quarantine lasts 30 days and during this period the name is not available and can only be registered by the last registrant. Registrant can choose any registrar for this domain registration during quarantine. When quarantine is over, domain is deleted form WHOIS database and it can be registered by any registrant. The quarantine should prevent the deletion of a domain name due to some negligence of the registrant.

Registrar responsibilities
Registrar is responsible for the data that he sends to domain administration system. Administrator is not responsible for the consequences of the instructions that the registrar sends into the automated domain administration system. The registration system will only execute the given instructions. A registrar has full control over its own data (registrar information) and over the data of the domain names it has registered. Registrars will at no time have access to the data registered by another registrar.

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



Domain administration system

The registration system is a fully automated system enabling registrars to do all the necessary tasks to register and maintain domain names on behalf of their clients. The registration interface consists of a number of transactions, which can be performed with objects: domains, contacts, DNS server groups, registrars. The offered transactions enable the registrar to create, delete, change these objects information, also link the objects together. A valid registration of a domain name links a number of contacts to a domain name, as well as it can link a number of name servers and DNS server groups.

Domain registration system works with defined command set as described in documentation. Defined command set is fitted to specified version of domain administration system. After changes in domain administration system functionality, command set or command features, domain administration system version changes to new and system documentation also changes to reflect these changes. The EPP interface requires the registrar to specify this version number during the initial connection setup, in order for the registrar and registry to agree over a certain set of functionality New version can be compatible with older versions. Then function set of older version will operate with new version. New version can have additional functionality. In some cases, the changes may be such that the compatibility with older versions cant be maintained. If thats the case, the registry will inform the registrars officially 2 month in advance. In this case, older build versions will not be accepted any more. The description of the transactions in the manual will always refer to the latest version. The difference with previous versions will be indicated in the remarks. The online interface system will always work using the latest system version functionality.

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.



System functionality depending on interface

Functionality comparison table, depending on domain administration system Online or EPP interface: Functionality Create domain Create contact Create DNS server group Update domain Update contact Update DNS server group Delete domain Delete contact Delete DNS server group Change domain registrar Change domain registrant Update registrar information Review of invoices Online YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES EPP YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO

.LT domain registration guidelines. General information.


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