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About E E 3113 Practical Exam 1

October 16/17, 2011

Covers: Labs 1, 2, 3, and 4

1) The practical exam is open lab manual, lab reports, and lab notebook. The instructor or T A will have a
USB datastick on which you will store your screenshots. It is convenient to j ust save them all to a
single folder and include your name in the filename of the folder.

2) Please wire up on your group protoboard the two circuits pictured on the back prior to coming to the
exam. Circuit A is a voltage-doubler circuit; drive it with a 2.5Vp=5Vpp 1kHz sine wave from the Function
Generator. Circuit B is a common-emitter amplifier; drive it with a 1kHz sine wave of appropriate amplitude
from the Function Generator. A third circuit, Circuit C, will be provided to you in a project box at the time
of the exam. It is a one-pole lowpass filter. It will be used for an RC time-constant measurement like in Lab

3) You are responsible for knowing how to do any of the measurements from Labs 1, 2, 3, or 4. In
particular, you should know how to use:
x The software instruments from the ELVIS software suite that we have previously used in lab
x The Agilent oscilloscope, including manual cursors and quick measurements
x Your handheld DMM

4) You are encouraged to power up and test in any way the circuits prior to the exam.

5) The Practical Exam will be performed individually, not in a group. You will have 60 minutes maximum
to complete the measurements for the practical exam. A bonus multiplier is available if you finish early.
Your final adjusted score will consist oI your raw score multiplied by a 'time-completed multiplier. This
multiplier is as follows:
Test completed between 0 and 45 minutes: Multiplier 1.1
Test completed between 45 and 60 minutes: Multiplier 1.1 (Time Completed 45)/150
The test must be turned in at 60 minutes regardless.
In words, you get a 10% bonus if you finish within 45 minutes. The bonus diminishes linearly to zero as
your time approaches the maximum available time of 60 minutes. This format encourages you to practice
your lab skills ahead oI time so that you don`t waste precious test time learning something Irom scratch.

6) You will be required to store into a folder certain oscilloscope screen shots to justify your answers. The
test will describe which screenshots and measurements (voltage, frequency, etc.) are required for full credit.
Thus, even iI you measure something ahead oI time, you will not receive credit Ior stating 'The Vpp voltage
is 10V without backing up that claim with a screenshot of a Vpp cursor showing a voltage of 10V.

7) Lab stations will be on a first-come-first-served basis by group member. Sections will begin at 8AM,
2:00PM, and 12:00PM, respectively. The instructor or TA will record start and stop times on your exam
sheet in order to calculate the 'time-completed multiplier. If you are the second or third member in your
group, you are free to leave and come back later. Those students with a class immediately following the lab
may wish to arrange with their group to NOT be the third person to use the breadboard since the test may go
slightly past the normal quitting time. Assuming no other time constraints, it is suggested that the fastest and
surest group member be the first to take the exam. I have seen cases where a weak lab member became
conIused, and in an attempt to 'Iix the circuit, basically tore it up, requiring the next group member to
debug the circuit prior to starting the exam.

Use instructor-provided blue 1uF
caps. They are not polarized.
Circuit A

Caps in Circuit B
can be larger, but
not smaller, than
the indicated
Circuit B

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