The Final Fifth

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Ross Ray

The Final Fifth

Written by: Ross Ray

The Final Fifth is an action game composed of many small levels. Every level has several different ways to be won. In this document, the levels will be told from the players perspective, and they will be beaten showcasing each levels unique features. Text read in Italics represents gameplay. Text read without Italics represents a cut-scene.

Near the edge of a city in California, there is a large building for a video game company. This company is called Radius, and they are a publisher. Right now, it is dark out. The time is 11pm, and on the inside of the building, there is only one person left. This man is the president of the company, and he is sitting at his desk, angrily looking forward and tapping his foot. The president glances at his desk. There is a note that reads, New Video Game Pitch: 9pm. The man looks up to his clock: 11pm. He taps his foot faster, and then quickly stands up and begins putting on his jacket. Just as the president is ready to leave, a man wearing a business suit enters the room. This new man is out of breath, and has sweat dripping from his face. He introduces himself as Andrew Smith, and asks if there is still time to have the meeting. The president scoffs, and says that Andrew is two hours late. The president then says that there is no way he will listen to Andrews pitch. The president goes for his door, but before he can reach it, Andrew drops to his knees and begs for a chance. Andrew cries that he has the best new idea for a game, and that it will change the game industry forever. The president scowls, and tells Andrew to stand up. He does, and the president tells him that he has five minutes to sell his idea. Andrew catches his breath, thanks the president of Radius, and begins talking. Ok, well, my game is called, Blood Red Wine. Once every five years, the devil holds a gameshow in Hell called, Satans Fifth. In this gameshow, demons go back to Earth and compete to see who can kill the most humans in the most creative ways. Everything they do is recorded, and

Ross Ray viewed in Hell. The demons still in Hell that are watching vote for which player they would like to see more, and the players with the most votes continue to compete. The wining demon gets to eat a dinner with Satan, and he shares his most expensive fifths of wine and vodka. But most importantly, after the dinner, Satan gives back the demons soul, allowing the winner to live another life back on Earth. The president, still standing by the door, gives a confused look, and tells Andrew that Blood Red Wine is one of the stupidest ideas hes ever heard. Andrew just smiles and says, Here, let me give you an example.

Deep in the pits of Hell, there is a small square stage with an announcer on it. The announcer is a short red demon, with a pitchy voice and a small microphone. Surrounding the stage, millions upon millions of demons stand screaming and cheering. They are all standing on rocks and lava, and large cliffs can be seen in the distance; there are demons on the cliffs as well. On the edges of the stage, there are large paper banners that read, Satans Fifth, in big bold fiery text. All of a sudden, the announcer begins talking. He screams that it is time for the games to begin. The crowd goes crazy, and as they shout, a thin white pathway made of levitating rocks forms in the air, leading to the stage. Once the white pathway is made, the announcer shouts, All right fans! The five years are up! Its time to get this show started! Are you ready for the most amazing show youve ever seen?! The crowd continues to cheer. Well alright then! Lets bring out the first contestant! The announcer does a small little spin, and points his finger to the white path in the air. Ross! Come on down! You are the first demon to compete this year! Roughly a mile away from the stage, a slender red demon jumps on the white rocky path, and begins to walk to the stage. This demon has small black wings, two short horns, and a thin long tail with a spike at the end. Although his teeth are filed and sharp, his face looks very human, giving him a trusting appearance. As this demon walks to the stage, the announcer gives him an introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Ross! Make way for this newcomer, because little is known about him! Hes only been in Hell for one month, and his cause of death is unknown! This mysterious little guy is in his early twenties, but dont dismiss him because of his lack of experience. Big things can come in small packages! Ross, the thin red demon, makes his way to the stage. When he stands next to the announcer, the floating white path disappears. As that happens, a black cylinder sticks up from the center of the stage. Ross stands on top of the cylinder, and looks at all the demons laughing at him.

Ross Ray The announcer smiles at the crowd, and shouts, Okay Ross! Give them hell!! The announcer presses a button on his microphone, and Ross begins to float in the air. A ray of white light shines down onto Ross, and he soon disappears into the sky. The announcer smiles, and says, Lets hear it for Ross!

Ross continues to float in white until he is surrounded by bushes. He falls to the ground, but quickly gets up and looks around. He is in the backyard of a house located in the suburbs. The backyard is surrounded by a tall wooden fence, and in the backyard, there are several perfectly trimmed bushes, three big trees, a grill, and one big swimming pool. Ross looks around for a weapon, but before he can find one, the backdoor of the house opens up. From it, six fat and nerdy thirty year olds dressed up as elves and knights enter the back yard. The adult nerds start talking, and Ross finds out that they are about to start larping and have a huge fantasy battle. Before they begin, one of the nerds dressed with a knight helmet unsheathes his sword and accidently throws it into the bushes next to Ross. The other nerds yell at him to get it, and say they will start playing once he is ready. The fat knight nerd runs to the bushes, and as he enters, Ross grabs him and swiftly stabs his belly with his sharp demon fingers. The nerd dies instantly, and falls into the bushes. While the other nerds are still talking and waiting for their friend to return, Ross begins to take action. Ross puts his hands above the mans body, and soon, Rosss body transforms into the man. Ross now looks exactly like the dead fat nerd. With his new identity, Ross picks up the dead nerds sword, and walks to the others. Once in the group of the remaining five nerds, the fattest one dressed as a wizard begins explaining the rules. He says that if you get hit once, you die. He also says that there is to be no cheating, and that whatever he says is right. After the wizard explains the rules, everyone splits up. Ross, dressed up like fat knight, just stays in the middle. Once everyone is far away from each other, the wizard yells for everyone to attack. Once nerd dressed as a green elf runs at Ross with a plastic bow. Ross takes two steps to him, swings his sword, and slices the elfs face. Ross turns around, and sees a knight and an axe wielding warrior going at it. Ross goes to the knight and hits him on the head with the sword. The knight falls down, and in the excitement, the axe warrior doesnt realize the knight has died. The axe warrior thanks Ross, and forms an alliance with him. Near the grill, the wizard and the last remaining nerd are battling it out. The wizard screams a fire spell, and yells that it is super effective. The other nerd begins angrily pouting, and says that the fire

Ross Ray spell missed. While they are arguing, Ross points his finger to the grill, and twists his hand. The instant after Ross does this, the grill explodes, and the losing nerd catches fire. He begins screaming for someone to put out the fire, and the wizard begins to try and cast a water spell. Ross aims his finger at the pool and twists his hand. The water comes out from the pool, splashes on the fiery nerd, and puts out the fire. The now burned nerd falls into the half empty pool and drowns. The wizard looks at his hands, and quietly gasps that he is a real wizard. Rosss axe wielding companion charges at the wizard, screaming that he killed his friend. The wizard looks at the axe wielding nerd, and screams for him to halt. As this happens, Ross lunges forward, and sticks his sword into the axe wielder. He falls dead, and the wizard looks grimly at Ross. Ross sticks his hands into the air, and quickly brings them down. His disguise disappears, and he now looks like his regular demon self. The wizard looks at the demon, and shouts that the real dungeons and dragons battle is finally beginning. The wizard raises his hands to the air, and calls out for Earth to lend its power of wind, fire, plants and water to him. After this little spectacle, the wizard brings down his arms, and tells Ross to fight him. Ross walks to him, and as he does, the nerd begins shouting random words for magic spells. Nothing happens, and Ross picks up the wizard. Ross grabs his neck, cutting off circulation, and the wizard begins to choke. The wizard then shouts, that Ross is a fool, and that he has Ross right where he wants him. The nerd yells SELF DESCRUCT! and as he says it, Ross squeezes harder, separating the mans head from his body. With all six nerds dead, Ross turns around, cracks his fingers, and begins to glow in a white light. He sinks into the ground, returning to Hell.

Ross is back on the stage with the announcer. There is a large television screen floating on the back of the stage showing Ross killing the nerds. The announcer says, Lets hear it for the newbie! All the demons scream, and Ross smiles smugly. First, he took the Knights disguise. Then, one by one, everyone was slaughtered! The giant screen shows Ross making the grill explode, then making the pool shoot water out. Ross even made the wizard think he had real powers! Everyone laughs once more, and then the screen fades to black. The announcer points at the screen. Ok viewers, its time to see if Ross will get a second chance! Everyone, start casting your vote! The demons surrounding the stage pull out a small keypads and begin pressing buttons. The TV screen shows the results. With a whopping 97%, it looks like Ross will be killing for us again! The crowd goes crazy, and Ross waves at his fans.

Ross Ray

Andrew smiles, showing is neat clean teeth, and says, So, Mr. President, what did you think? The president, still standing next to the door, puts his hands to his side and responds. Well All I can say is that you have my attention. The president leans against the wall. So that demon, Ross, killed the nerds in cold blood, and because the crowd liked it, he won the gameshow? Andrew gives a comical smile. Well, kind of. Yeah, Ross killed the nerds and the crowd approved, but he didnt win the show. He only won that round. If he continues to win rounds without upsetting the crowd, he will eventually become the winner of the entire show. But Im still dont get it So all he has to do is kill people, and he wins? No. He can still kill everyone, but if he does it boringly, without causing action or suspense for the viewers, then he will be voted off. For example, if he just killed the nerds the instant he got there and didnt use a disguise or fool the wizard, the crowd would have been bored, and booed him when he came back. Andrew takes a deep breath. Do you get it now? The president rubs his head. Could you give me another example? Absolutely, Mr. President.

Ross walks onto the stage from the white path, and stands next to the announcer. As the cylinder begins to come up from the ground, the announcer begins his introduction. Looks like Ross is back in action! This time, hes invited to a slumber party! But theres a twist! Ross wont be sleeping; hell be causing nightmares! The announcer presses his microphone, and Ross vanishes into white.

When Ross opens his eyes, he finds himself in a bathroom. It is clean, but too small for Ross to move around in, so he exits. The bathroom door takes him to a large hallway. From what he can tell, Ross believes he is in a very large modern house. He hears whispering from down the hall, and he carefully goes to investigate. In the living room, there are eight college girls dressed up in short cut pajamas. Above them, a sign with Greek symbols. Ross realizes he is in a frat house, and listens to the girls gossip.

Ross Ray One of them is telling a story. She has long blonde hair, and is sitting in the middle of the girls. She tells them all about a monster called, The Dream Cutter. She says this monster only kills college girls at sleepovers and that the monster has knives for knuckles and always wears a night gown. All the girls giggle, and then they stand up and split up around the house. Ross, still hiding in the shadows, overhears two girls talking. One is short, and the other is a red head. The red head tells the short one that she has a secret to tell her, and that they should meet up in the closet. The short one agrees, but says she has to go to the bathroom first. The red head goes into the closet, and the short one waddles to the bathroom. Ross quietly follows the short one, and goes into the bathroom with her. In the bathroom, the short girl talks out loud to herself, and says that the red head is a total creeper. She then says that she isnt going to the closet, and will just be putting on makeup. Ross carefully maneuvers behind her, not being seen, and hides in the shower. The short girl stands on the sink so she can see herself in the mirror, and just as she starts putting on makeup, the notices a shadow in the shower. She investigates, and as she opens it, Ross grabs her body and slams it to the shower floor. With her dead, Ross puts his hands on her, and becomes disguised. Ross closes the shower, hiding the body, and makes his way to the closet looking like a short little college girl. In the closet, the red head (thinking that Ross is the short girl) tells Ross, that she loves him. She says she has always had feeling for him, and that they should take their relationship farther. The red head sticks out her lips, closes her eyes, and waits for a kiss. Ross transforms back into his demons self, and kisses the red head. Mid-kiss, the red head opens her eyes and screams into Rosss mouth. Ross bites down, ripping off her lips, and then bites the rest of her face. Two down, six to go. While still in the closet, Ross grabs an extra night gown and puts it on. He creeps his way to the kitchen, and grabs six knives. He puts one knife in between each of his fingers. Ross has now become, The Dream Cutter. A random girl enters the kitchen, and sees Ross. She screams, Dream Cutter!! just as Ross slashes up her body. Ross hides in the fridge, and waits for the others. The remaining five enter, and scream at the dead girl. Their leader, the blonde, says that they need to stick together. Just as she says this, Ross jumps from the fridge and kills one of the other girls. They freak out, and split up down the hallway. Ross follows one girl to the bathroom. The girl locks the door, goes to hide in the shower, and finds the dead short girl. She flips out, reopens the bathroom door, and stares right at Ross. After killing her, Ross sees a girl at the end of the hall. It is a dead end, and she has nowhere to go. Ross begins throwing his knives from his knuckles, and they go through the girl, posting her body to the wall. Ross goes to the girl, and pulls out the knives. He hears the blonde girl scream from behind him. For added effect, Ross licks his bloody knife knuckles, and chases the horrified blonde girl. He meets her at the living room, and ends her life with a quick swing of his arms.

Ross Ray Feeling that he has used his Dream Cutter ploy enough, Ross puts his hands on the dead blonde, and acquires her disguise. As the blonde girl, Ross walks around the house at his leisure, hunting for the last girl. He finds her in one of the bedrooms. She is under the bed with her legs sticking out and shaking. The girl sees Ross, and thinking that he is the blonde, gets out from the bed. She hugs Ross, and says that she is scared. Ross hugs her, but begins squeezing her very hard. The girl says it hurts, and as she says that, Ross shows his true form. The girl tries to scream, but her air escapes her. Ross hugs all the breath out of her, and then snaps her back. She falls down, limp and broken, and Ross begins to glow white and reenter Hell.

Back on the stage, replays are shown of Ross taking on the form of, The Dream Cutter. The audience loves it, and they cackle during the closet scene. With 94% approving his work, Ross bows.

The president of Radius quits leaning on the wall, and begins moving his hands in the air. Okay, I understand how it works, but dont you think this is too graphic? I mean, its a game about killing college girls wearing panties. Isnt that a little too much? Andrew scoffs, Youre not serious, are you? How is this different from any horror movies? People have been watching this stuff for years, and its about time they can play it. The audience is demons, so the kills have to be violent. A frown forms on the presidents face. I guess you have a point there He taps his foot. Do you have more than just those two levels? You bet I do, Mr. President!

Ross reenters the stage, waving at his demon fans. The announcer begins talking. Looks like round three for Ross! This time, Ross will be taking it easy on a relaxing trip to the forest. The only problem is that there are pesky teenagers playing loud music! Im sure Ross can keep them quiet! Ross stands on the cylinder, and vanishes to white.

Ross Ray

It is night time, and like the announcer said, Ross is in the forest. In front of him, there is a small log cabin with the lights on. Ross walks to the cabin, keeping an eye out for people. On the inside, there are five teenagers. Beer cans surround them, and one of them is very drunk. Eventually, the five friends sit down. Excluding the drunk, there are two girls, one blonde and one brunet, and there are two guys, one muscular and the other skinny. The brunet pulls out an Ouija board, and begs her friends to play with her. They agree, but before they start, the muscular guy warns them that they shouldnt, because he thinks the board will possess them and make them kill each other. They play the Ouija board, and find out that the skinny guy has been moving the board, making it give false answers. While the skinny guy laughs, the girls get upset, and the muscular guy says he doesnt want to play anymore. The drunken guy stands up, says he has to use the outhouse, and leaves the cabin. This is Rosss cue for action. Ross follows the drunk to the outhouse, but the drunk does not enter. He begins urinating on the outhouse door, but Ross puts an end to it by sticking his sharp finger nails through the drunks neck. With the drunk dude dead, Ross puts his hands over the dead body, and takes his form. Ross hides the body on the outhouse toilet, and makes his way back to the cabin. Ross opens the cabins front door, and with a blank stare, walks to the others. Both girls and the skinny guy are making fun the teen with muscles, ridiculing him for believing that the board would possess them. The skinny walks to Ross, and while thinking that Ross is really their drunk friend, he hits Ross on the shoulder, and asks if he is possessed. With the body of a teenager, Ross punches the skinny kid and sends him falling to the ground in shock and in pain. While on the ground, Ross jumps on top of him, and begins gnawing at his neck. The girls try to make themselves useful, and begin screaming. The muscular friend grabs a wooden plank and begins to beat Ross over the head. Ross falls off the skinny guy, and looks at his attacker. The muscle guy freezes, and Ross lunges after him. Ross grabs his wooden plank, and beats him over the head. A few of his teeth go flying, and just as Ross is about to finish him, Ross feels a sharp pain on the back of his head. The pain comes from the skinny guy. While holding his neck with one hand, he has a fire poker in the other. The fire poker hit Ross on the head, and has a small amount of his blood on it. Ross is not really hurt, but thinking about his audience in Hell, Ross decides to play dead. Muscles and Skinny pick up Ross, still thinking that it is their drunk friend, and throw him in the basement. The lock the door to the basement stairs, and begin arguing. While in the dark basement, Ross quits playing dead. He removes his disguise, turning back into his regular slender red self, and listens to the teens. Muscles is blaming the brunet for bringing up the board. The brunet starts crying, and the blonde screams at him, telling Muscles to shut up. Skinny tries to yell, but he passes out from blood loss.

Ross Ray Ross quits listening, and looks around the basement. There is a small window leading to the grass outside. Ross also sees a brick lying on the floor. Ross takes the brick, climbs through the small window, and walks casually to the front door. On the inside, Skinny is passed out and laid out on the sofa in the corner. Muscles and the two girls are in the kitchen on the opposite side of the cabin, yelling at each other. Ross sneaks in, and using a pillow on the couch, suffocates Skinny to death. Ross brings Skinny into the basement to hide the body, and then takes on the form of his appearance. With his new outfit, Ross walks up from the basement with his fake throat bleeding, and goes to the basement with brick in hand. The three survivors look at Ross, and stare at his neck. They tell Ross that he should lie back on the couch, but before anything else happens, Ross walks to the blond and grabs her neck. With his other hand, he smashes her face with the brick. Her head quickly becomes a red mess, and the others panic. Ross drops the brick, and turns his stare to the brunet and muscly guy. The brunet begins shaking, and says that this is her fault. Muscles picks the girl up, and throws her at Ross, telling Ross to take her instead of him. Ross looks at the crying brunet, then back at Muscles. Ross dives at the cowardly teen rips his ears off. He screams like a little girl, and tries to kick Ross off. The brunet runs away in the confusion, and Ross finishes off Muscles by grabbing a butter knife from the kitchen counter and playing an imaginary game of Whack a Mole on his chest. After finishing up, Ross takes his new earless and bloody disguise, grabs a rolling pin, and goes hunting for the brunet. Ross walks back to the living room and finds her shivering in the corner. She stands up, looks at her earless friend who is really a demon, and asks if it is all over. Ross shakes his head, and plunges the rolling pin through her skull. Her body stands for a few seconds, and then falls. Ross pats the blood off of his hands, turns back into his regular demon self, and returns to Hell.

On the big TV screen, Ross watches replays of when he attacked the group as the drunk, and when he attacked the girl with the brick. The demons hoot and holler, then give him a passing grade of 98%.

The President makes a wincing frown. Its so so violent. Well, that is the point, Mr. President. Andrew smiles, and awaits for further instruction from the president.

Ross Ray The president walks over to his desk, and sits. He invites Andrew to sit with him. Once he does, the president begins talking. I appreciate your effort, but I dont think kids will buy this. Andrew tries to but in, but the president puts his hand up. Kids like violence, yes, but not ghosts and demons. Monsters a too last generation. Kids nowadays want war games. They want to feel the action of battle by playing shooters, not is torcher porn crap. Andrew violently shakes his head, and argues his point. How can you say that when countless horror flicks are made? The only people that watch scary movies anymore are kids! Bloody Red Wine is an untapped market of horror video game ideas. This game will be huge! Andrew crosses his arms. Let me tell you this one, and you tell me if kids wont like it.

Again, Ross is on the stage with the announcer. The announcer introduces the new level. This time, Ross is going to take a relaxing tour of the country side! Hell meet new friends, and kill every single one of them! Okay Ross, show those humans that everything is bigger in Hell! Ross fades to white.

Ross comes to in the back lot of a gas station in the middle of the country. The bright sun shines on countless crops of corn, wheat and others that fill the dirt surrounding the station. These crops go on for miles. In the back lot, there are three dead cars, a handful of metal drums, and loose scrap metal. Ross picks up a piece of scrap metal, and heads to the gas stations backdoor. One the inside, there is only one man. He is smelly, fat, and sitting at the cash register. Ross prepares himself for the kill, but before he acts, five hip and trendy college kids enter the front door. From out of a window, Ross can see that they are traveling by van, and are on some kind of road trip. While the kids pay for their gas, Ross exits the back door and goes around to the front. Using his scrap metal, Ross slices the two rear tires. He then runs back around the station and goes back inside. The college kids exit, and while they are outside, Ross sneaks around to the register. Just before his attack, the kids reenter sooner than Ross had anticipated. Ross ducks down behind the counter, and begins hoping that the fat employee doesnt look down at him. The kids start yelling at the man, and ask what they can do. The fat employee scratches his nose, and recommends they go to the auto shop just up the road. The disgruntled kids storm out, and slowly begin driving up the road to the auto shop. With the kids gone, Ross takes his scrap metal and dives it through the side of the fat mans head. Ross then opens the cash register and slams his head into to

Ross Ray repeatedly. Ross takes the fat man disguise just in case he needs it, and goes out the front door for the first time. From the front of the gas station, Ross can still see the van chugging along very slowly. And in front of them, Ross can faintly make out another building. Deciding to catch up, Ross runs along the edge of the road just inside of the first row of tall corn leaves. Ross catches up to the van quite quickly and throws himself in front of it just as it pulls up to the auto shop. The teens run out and begin panicking knowing that theyve hit the gas station employee. The five teens gently pull Ross to the auto shop, and Ross examines his newest victims one by one. There are two girls and three guys. Between the three guys, one looks like a hippie, one looks like a nerd, and the other is dressed up in very expensive name brand cloths. Of the two girls, one is dressed in all black, and the other has pink makeup on, making her look like plastic. Ross enters the shop while being dragged, and looks around. There are numerous tools up and down the walls, and the two people running the place look ugly and inbred. The teens ask for help, and one of the mechanics walks to Ross. He lifts Rosss face, and asks Ross if he can hear him. Ross says nothing, and the mechanic tells the teens that they hit the gas station owner. The teens say that they know who they hit, but they need help keeping Ross alive. The other creepy mechanic tells the hippie teen to help him drag Ross to the back. The hippie does help, and Ross is placed on a smelly bed in the backroom. The hippie and mechanic reenter their friends, and the arguing begins. The mechanics say that the teens hit their best friend, and that the cost of fixing the van would be doubled. The guys get mad, but the girls agree. The mechanics say that they get a lot of customers out here, and that they know exactly what they are doing. The mechanics lead the teens to a waiting room, and as the teens enter, the mechanics lock them in. The kids scream in anger and fear, but the mechanics just laugh and say tell them that they are in for the time of their lives. Thinking that he has heard enough, Ross jumps through a window and investigates the backyard. There is a mini junk yard of old cars, and near the center, a large tool shed. Ross discards his fat gas station outfit and goes into the shed. To Rosss surprise, the shed is not filled with tools, but rather chopped up bodies. The wall is covered with human faces, and blood is splattered on every wall. On the ground, Ross sees a chainsaw, and right next to the chainsaw, two metal chains hang down from beams on the ceiling. There are other loose chains on the ground, but Ross doesnt have time to investigate. Before Ross can think about what to do, the mechanics enter the shed. They see Ross, and scream, Oh no!! Pigsy is back!! Ross has no idea what that means, nor does he care. Ross grabs the chainsaw and with it turned off, knocks one mechanic unconscious. The other mechanic runs out the door, but Ross grabs a chain and lassos his head. The man comes down with a quick thud, and falls unconscious.

Ross Ray With two knocked out mechanics, Ross brings them to the hanging chain, and attaches them to it. Both mechanics are now stuck to the dangling chain, and will be unable to escape when they awaken. Ross touches one of the mechanics, grabs his appearance, and then picks up the chainsaw. Looking like a hillbilly lumberjack, Ross goes back into the shop with his chainsaw ready to be turned on. Ross goes for the waiting room door, and overhears the kids getting hysterical. They keep passing the blame back and forth like children until eventually one of them starts crying. The gothic girl screams for everyone to shut up, and when they do, she gives a speech on how everyone has to be calm and work together. She ends her speech by saying that as long as they dont panic, they can survive. This is Rosss cue for action. Ross starts up his chainsaw, and the very sound of it sends the teens into another panic. Gothgirl tries to calm them down, but she too begins to question her logic when Ross starts cutting through the door and peaking in. After not too long, the door is turned into splinters, and Ross, still dressed up like a mechanic, jumps in and slices the nerd into two pieces. Hippie tries to help, but Ross cuts off his hand. Gothgirl throws a magazine from the waiting room table at Ross, and it bounces off. However, Ross falls to the ground, and acts like he is distracted. The four leave, and while thinking about his viewers in Hell, Ross gives them a convenient head start. They head straight for the van, but the handless hippie is trailing behind. At the front door, Ross sees them in front of the van. Ross aims his fingers at the van and twists his hand. The van turns on, and it suddenly mows over the guy wearing the name brand cloths. Gothgirl and Pinkgirl scream, and then look back at the only remaining guy. The hippie falls over, and with his handless arm in the air, he waves it back and forth yelling at the girls to leave him behind. Gothgirl says she could never do that, but Ross stands on top of the hippies back, and drives the chainsaw into his spine. Pinkgirl passes out, and Gothgirl holds her friend from falling. Ross walks slowly closer, and once he is an arms length away, Gothgirl drops her friend and runs around Ross back to the auto shop. Ross looks at Pinkgirl, shrugs his arms, and goes after the last teen whos still somewhat of a challenge. Ross enters the auto shop and is quickly hit on the head by a large wrench. Ross falls to the ground, in more of a surprise than actual pain, and receives several more hits to the head. The wrench is wielded by Gothgirl, and she is screaming and crying the whole time. Wanting to fulfill his mechanic role, Ross lies on the ground and plays dead. His fake human is head is all busted open, and getting back up to fight would be unfair to Gothgirl. Gothgirl stands with the wrench in her hand, and silently sobs. She asks her self what she has done, and then drops the wrench: Big mistake. She leaves to go wake up Pinkgirl, and as she leaves, Ross slowly gets up. Ross has gone under a lot of damage pretending to play dead, but his heath begins to regenerate steadily. He was in no real danger letting Gothgirl beat him like that, but if she would have continued, Ross would have had to end her. On the outside, Ross sees Pinkgirl waking up in the arms of Gothgirl, and asking if it is all over. Gothgirl, with bloodshot eyes, shakes her head, and cries. Seeing enough of this emotional garbage,

Ross Ray Ross transforms back into his regular self, and with the chainsaw turned off, he heads back to the big shed in the backyard. The two mechanics are still unconscious. Ross puts the chainsaw down, and rips a face off of the wall. It fits perfectly. Ross goes over to the other mechanic, the one that he hadnt taken his disguise from, and transforms into him. Ross is now the other mechanic, and he is wearing the face of a once dead teenager. Feeling as evil as he can get, Ross splashes some blood on his face, picks up the chainsaw, and goes back to the shop. Inside, the two girls are pointing at the large blood pool on the ground where Ross once laid. Gothgirl stammers that she was certain that she killed the mechanic, and for the first time so far, Pinkgirl says something smart. She makes a scared face, and then asks, Wasnt there two mechanics? Ross revs up his chainsaw, and jumps over the counter. The two girls scream and split up. Gothgirl runs outside and Pinkgirl makes a dash for the waiting room. Ross shakes his head in disgust of Pinkgirls stupidity, and walks to the waiting room. Pinkgirl is whacking her hands on the walls and making an annoying whiney sound from her mouth. Ross simply walks over to her and spins around with his arms extended. Pinkgirl falls to the ground in several different small chunks, and Ross makes his way outside. He can hear Gothgirl off in the distance, but she is running in the corn field. Ross chases after her, and finds her with relative ease. Ross slowly slashes at her, giving her time to dodge. He does this again for five more slices, and then drops the chainsaw. Ross holds her by the neck, and begins cutting off her air supply. She grinds her teeth, and with her last breath, spits on Ross, and tells him to bite her. Ross doesnt, and instead just strangles her to death. With the last teen dead, Ross takes her disguise, and makes his way to his last two victims. From the door of the shed, Ross can hear the two confused mechanics whispering about a monster called, Pigsy. As soon as Ross enters, they shut up. They look at Ross, and recognize his disguise as the goth girl they were going to kill themselves. The two say that they are sorry, and beg for Ross to release them. They say that they will fix the van for free, but their pleas fall on deaf ears. Ross, dressed as Gothgirl, revs up the chainsaw, and begins to go to work on the larger of the two mechanics. Ross slices and dices for a few seconds. Its not long until there are only two hands left tied to the chain. The other mechanic begins to cry, and tries one last time to beg for forgiveness. Ross steadily brings the chainsaw to the pigs crotch, and slices upward as slow as he can up to the head. Standing next to a pile of guts, the victorious Ross drops the chainsaw and shakes off his costume. He goes into white, and head back to his fan base.

Ross Ray The demons are louder than they have ever been. They scream Rosss name, and clap their hands. Replays are shown of Ross dressed as the mechanics, and of Ross dressed up like the goth girl. Laughter fills the air, and proudly smiles.

The president places one of his arms on his desk and leans on it. So, Andrew Whats the selling point here? Is it the violence? Is it the teenagers? Or is it the downright evil antihero? Selling point? Andrew looks to the ceiling in deep thought. I guess the gimmick would be the new original concept. I mean, slaying humans in a video game has never been done like this. Ill admit that it is original, but there is a flaw in your design Andrews teeth grind. What is it, Mr. President? What could possibly be wrong with Blood Red Wine? The president pulls out a cigar from his desk, and lights it up. Ill tell you what, give me another example, and if the problem is still there, I will tell you the bad news. Andrew makes a gulp that is almost comical, and begins telling another game level.

Once again, Ross is on the stage. This time, the announcer has a grim look on his face. Ladies and gentlemen, I have grave news for Ross. The crowd instantly becomes quiet. In this adventure, Ross will be going on a camping trip. There, he will have to deal with the largest crowd of people he has ever had to kill. Twelve! The crowd screams with excitement. Ross, if you are ready to take on your most difficult challenge yet, then I salute you! This will be one camping experience you wont forget! Ross stands on the cylinder and fades to white.

When Ross opens his eyes, he is standing in snow. It is night time, and the he snow is roughly one foot deep, and the cold sensation is unusual for Ross. He looks around, and finds himself in a forest. There are tons of trees, as well as a frozen lake in front of him. Ross walks to the lake, and on the other side, he sees one large building with several small cabins surrounding it.

Ross Ray Ross crosses the frozen lake and goes to the building. A large paper banner reading, Hockey Camp can be seen running across the top of the entrance. Ross pears his head into the builds door, and sees ten teenagers and one adult. The adult is the coach, and the high school students are all dressed up in hockey uniforms. The building is nothing more than a giant gymnasium. Ross listens carefully to the adult, and finds out that they are about to train on the frozen lake. As the students get their equipment on, Ross goes over the ten students and one coach, and remembers what the announcer of Hell said. There are only eleven people here, that means there is one more left to find. The teens start heading for the door, so Ross quickly climbs a tree and watches. The eleven happy campers go straight for the ice, and begin shooting a hockey puck around. Ross jumps down from the tree, and walks around the perimeter of the lake. He gets to the other side, and one of the students shoots the hockey puck at Ross. Ross hides in a bush, and waits for the student to get close. The student does get close, but before Ross can pounce, there is a gunshot, and the boy falls down. From the forest, a hunter wearing an orange jacket comes running out, screaming that he is sorry. Everyone runs to the shot teen, and the hunter explains that it was an accident. The coach attacks the hunter, and a mini riot breaks out. Eventually, two students pick up the shot teen and begin carrying him across the lake to a cabin. When they are half way, Ross aims his finger and twists his hand. The ice cracks, and the three fall into their watery graves, screaming for help. The seven other teens run to the ice, but their coach yells at them to hold back, saying that the ice is too thin. Instead, the deeply depressed students go back to their cabins while the hunter and the coach settle things out. The coach jumps on the hunter, and begins beating him up. After about a minute, the coachs hands are broken, and the hunters face is unrecognizable. Coach says that he is going to call the cops, and tells the hunter to leave. They separate, and Ross follows the hunter. The hunter leads Ross to a small tent. In the tent, the hunter begins to cry in the fetal position. Outside of the tent, there is a gutted deer and a small tarp covering a table. Ross investiges the table, and finds some hunting equipment. Ross gets a large machete, and holds on to it. In his other hand, Ross grabs a bear trap. Ross opens the trap, and enters the tent. The disoriented hunter looks at Ross, and before he can begin crying again, the bear trap closes on his head. This kills him with one steady snap, but his face doesnt change all that much. The coach really did a number on him to begin with. Ross drops next to his body, and touches it. Ross now looks like the beaten up hunter. Ross takes the hunters rifle, and heads back to the camp ground with the machete in his back pocket. Near the camps, Ross can hear the teens crying and fighting. Ross enters the gym and heads for the coach. He finds him in a small office near the corner. Dressed as the hunter, Ross aims the rifle at his head. Coach looks up, and with blood shot eyes, tells Ross to, Just do it

Ross Ray Ross contemplates whether killing him like this would get him good votes from his fans. Just then, a hockey student enters the room. Ross aims the gun at the teen, and shoots him in the head. This sets off the coach. Coach jumps on top of Rosss back and begins biting at his already disfigured head. With the rifle held in both hands Ross fires a few more shots into the air during the struggle. Its not long before more students enter the gym. They all start screaming for their coach to win, but their cheers soon turn into screams as Ross jumps on his back, knocking the wind out of the coach. Coach coughs, and Ross smashes his face with the butt of the gun. Coach tries hard to get up, but Ross puts an end to it by firing the last bullet into his face. With six students frozen in fear behind him, Ross aims his empty rifle at the teens and fires. The teens realize that this is their opportunity, and charge at him with hockey sticks. The kids attack with a strong force, and Ross decides to play dead as a hunter with almost no face left. Once the teens believe that the hunter is dead, they all shutter at what has just happened. They are scared because they are all now killers, and their coach, as well as four of their friends, are now dead. Some insist on a burial, but they realize that the ground is too cold to dig. Eventually, they all head back to their cabins, and decide to wait until morning to go for help. They leave, and Ross stands up. He transforms back into his regular self, and wields his machete: This camping trip is just beginning. Ross goes to the edge of the gym, grabs a hockey mask, and puts it on. With his mask, Ross lurks around the camp, hearing the remaining six teens cower in the cabins. Soon, Ross is back at the lake. He dives in, and sinks to the bottom. There, he sees the first student who got shot. Ross touches his cold dead body, and transforms into him. Ross exits the crack in the ice, and emerges looking like the ghost of a dead drowned college kid. Admiring his new outfit, Ross adjusts his hockey mask to fit his now slightly smaller head, and then makes his way to the camp. He casually knocks on one of the cabin doors. There are five small cabins, but only two have the lights on. One student opens the door, sees Ross and tries to scream. The teen fails to successfully scream as Ross drives the machete into his open mouth. There are three others in the cabin, and all of them were staring at the door once it was answered. The three run around the room throwing hockey pucks and dirty socks. Ross slices through the juvenile obstacles and jabs one teen in the gut. Ross then pulls it out and swiftly throws it into the head of another. With only one teen left alive in this cabin, he runs out and scampers away to his friends for help. With his body still wet and pale, Ross goes over to the third killed student and pulls out his machete. He sheaths his blade in his back pocket, and grabs a hockey puck and a hockey stick. He exits with a satisfying feeling of accomplishment. With only three college kids left to finish, Ross follows the footsteps to the other cabin. With a stick and a puck, Ross enters the open door. Immediately, a student charges at Ross with a hockey stick. Ross turns his own hockey stick sideways and deflects the students blow. Another student charges from the other wall of the cabin, so Ross throws his puck at the teens head. It hits with a devastating smash,

Ross Ray and blood explodes into the air. Ross rebalances himself by grabbing his hockey stick with two hands, and starts to have a vigorous sword battle with the only brave student. Ross begins to show dominance in the hockey stick battle, when all of a sudden, the only other remaining teen attacks Ross from behind with another stick. This catches Ross of guard, and soon, Ross is at the disadvantage. The battle leads all the way to the center of the room. Ross, realizing he is losing this battle, pulls out his machete and stabs one the knee of the student in front of him. That student kneels down, but still keeps on fighting. Beginning to get nervous, Ross thinks of a way to end the battle. Ross waits for teens to attack at the same time. They do, and Ross deflects it by holding his stick sideways above his head. Then, in one quick slash, Ross rotates his stick as fast as he can, and each end of the stick hits a students face. The blow is so fast and spontaneous, that the handle cuts off one teens head, while the base of the stick smashes the other teens head into a vertically flat mesh of blood and bone. Ross drops the stick like a samurai dropping a katana, and slowly takes off his hockey mask. Ross shakes his wet teenage hair, then transforms into his regular red self. He glows white, end goes back to Hell.

The announcer shouts, I cant believe it!! Ross killed twelve people! Demons begin chanting his name. Lets see that ending one more time! The TV shows Ross smashing two students with one blow. Unprecedented! And you even went out of your way to use the hunter and the dead student as disguises! Beautiful! Okay everyone! Vote now! Ross passes with 99%, and a smug smile plants itself on his face.

The president poofs a large ball of smoke into Andrews face and frowns. You want to know what the problem is? Well let me spell it out for you. He leans over his desk, and begins talking loudly. Your game is about killing teens! Every level is the same thing over and over again. Kill the teens! Kill the teens! The president chuckles at his words, and starts up again. And dont get me started on the violence! This game might even be too violent for me to publish! His voice lowers, and he reseats himself in his desk chair. Even if I did publish this game, it would have a demographic of sick minded adults. Kids cant play this! If we try to appeal to disturbed adolescence, no adult will buy this game, and in turn, we will lose money!

Ross Ray He closes his eyes and talks very quietly. You have a good idea, dont get me wrong, but this game appeals to kids, and kids cant buy it. The eighties are over. This game should be rebuilt and made with a target audience of adults. We can change the monsters into terrorists, and instead of being a game show, it could be a World War 4! Andrew, who has been silent the whole time, just smiles. Is that what you said your problem was going to be, Mr. President? Im glad thats all! The presidents ears perk up. I have this problem addressed already. The reason every level has been about killing college students is because those were the easy levels! From now on, Ross will be focusing on killing adults, and eventually very difficult individuals armed with guns! Andrew closes his eyes and sighs. The demographic was never children; it was adults. Now that the easy levels are out of the way, I can tell you about the rest of the game: the meat of it. The president squints his eyes in confusion. You really think ghouls and ghosts will appeal to an adult audience? Andrew stares into the presidents eyes. I dont think so, Mr. President. I know so.

Back on the stage, Ross cups his hands and shakes them in the air. The announcer begins his regular routine. Please welcome back, Ross! The newbie with a heart of ice! The crowd gets loud, but he talks over them. In this nerve shattering adventure, Ross will be going on a shopping spree thats to die for! Prices have been cut so low, you just might lose you head! Ross stands on the cylinder, and fades to white.

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