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Aula 05

It's used to talk about a hypothesis, something which is unlikely to happen at this moment. If I had more money, I would buy a new car.

Conditional Clauses

It's used to talk about events or situations that can occur at any time. General conditions. If you drink very much, you are not supposed to drive. It's used to talk about a past possibility, something that was possible in the past but it is no longer possible. If you had arrived on time, we wouldn't have missed the train.

*p.p. = past participle It's used to talk about something that is likely to happen. A real possibility at an specific moment. If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out. > No podem ser conjugados (no tem tempo verbal, apenas expressam tempo) > Seguidos de verbo no infinitivo

Can indica habilidade/possibilidade/pedido

informal I can speak English. I can't (cannot) find my keys. Can you help me?

Must Indica uma forte obrigao ou uma

deduo You must pay all your bills every month. She was crying, something must be wrong.

Ought to indica uma obrigao ou conselho Could passado de can

When I was a child I could draw very well. Tambm usado em pedidos formais. Could you lend me your pen, please? You ought to study everyday.

01 - But if you book something, don't you necessarily do it pre? A forma condicional da frase acima expressa uma situao que (A) possvel no futuro (B) im possvel de ocorrer (C) jamais ocorreu (D) pode ocorrer a qualquer momento (E) ocorreu no passado

May indica uma forte possibilidade/ pedido

muito formal It may rain tomorrow. May I help you?

Might indica uma pequena possibilidade

You have to behave in class, the director might show up at any time. 02 - Select the best alternative to complete the sentences correctly: I If they _______ money, they will buy a new house. II - If you _________ more, you can lose weight faster. III If he _________ that much money, he would have been able to travel with us. IV I _____________ to New York, if I could travel now. V If she ________ a car, she wouldn't be late everyday.

Should indica conselho ou obrigao

If you want to graduate, you should study. It's ten o'clock, he should be home already.

(A) have exercise hadn't spent would go had (B) had exercise didn't spend would go has (C) have exercised didn't spend went had (D) have - exercise didnt spend would go had (E) has exercised - spent go has

05 - The sentence I have to be at work at 8 o'clock everyday can be substituted without a change in meaning by I _________ be at work at 8 o'clock everyday. I - may II- might III must IV ought to V shall (A) apenas I (B) apenas II e III (C) apenas III e V (D) apenas III e IV (E) apenas V

3 - A alternativa que completa corretamente a frase If I ______ you, I _________accept his offer (A) was would (B) am could (C) were will (D) was could (E) were would

4 - Qual alternativa que melhor completa a frase? If my ex-boyfriend calls me, _______________. (A) I would not answer. (B) I will not answer. (C) I didn't answer. (D) I would have answered. (E) I should have answered

1D 2A 3E 4B 5D

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