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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 381

January 23, 2013

Meeting Henry Community Coalition, Inc. (HCC)

In This Issue:
Page Feature 1 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 9 Henry Community Coalition BoC Clarifies Appeals Process Spielbergs Lincoln Southern Gospel Concert Jeffares Named to Ethics Committee Another View on Sen. Jeffares Rand Paul Brings It to Clinton Other peoples kids . . . Sheriffs Warn Obama: War Over Guns

Monday, January 28, 2013, 6:30 p.m.

McDonough Presbyterian Church
(427 McGarity Road, McDonough, GA 30253, Phone # 770.957.9890 )

Topics: Updating County Ethic Codes

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Protecting Hwy 20 East from Unwanted Rezonings Come and bring a friend!


Commissioners Clarify Appeals Process

In order to make the appeals process more clear to builders and developers desiring to rezone or develop a property, the Henry County Board of Commissioners moved to update the ordinance on the appeals process to provide greater detail and clarity. The action took place at the Boards regular meeting on Tuesday. The updated ordinance makes it clear that the Board of Commissioners shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any approval, denial, written interpretation, or decision made by the Zoning Advisory Board (ZAB) or the Planning & Zoning, Building or Environmental Compliance/Plan Review Departments, based on the interpretation or enforcement of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). The ordinance also limits those who can file an appeal on such matters to those who have legal standing in the challenged action. Those wishing to appeal a decision must file a letter of intent containing the following information along with the application for appeal: - Written documentation specifying the alleged errors in the approval, denial, interpretation, or decision of the Zoning Advisory Board or the administrator; - Citation of the section(s) of the ULDC pertaining to the action of the administrator; and - A statement of the specific relief requested by the party appealing. Such appeals shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Services Division Secretary. All appeals will then be scheduled to be heard by the Henry County Board of Commissioners no later than thirty (30) days from the date of filing. A $300 application fee is also required at the time the appeal is filed. This fee, which did not change, is comparable to other metro counties and is required to help cover staff time for review and research regarding the appeal, and for advertising the public hearing on the appeal. However, under the revised ordinance, should the Board of Commissioners overturn the decision of staff or the Zoning Advisory Board, up to 75 percent of the fee would be reimbursable. Applicants would have 30 days from the date of the public hearing to request the refund.

Spielbergs Lincoln
Alec Ryan, American Renaissance, November 23, 2012

Steven Spielbergs latest historical sermon begins with The Bearded One smiling beatifically at two black Union soldiers, who recount their exploits at a battle that is a figment of Mr. Spielbergs imagination. The bolder, more intelligent of the two hectors the President on the pay inequalities between black and white soldiers. The scene is interspersed with footage from the mythical battle, in which black Union troops overcome white Confederates in brutal hand-to-hand combat. A white face is stamped, drowning, into the mud by a booted black man. This may be all you need to know about the movie.

Two white, hick Union soldiers run up breathlessly and ineptly try to recite Lincolns Gettysburg address for the President. They forget how it ends, and the recital is finished by the intelligent, complaining black private as he saunters off into the night. Stupid whites and smart blacks. We get it. We see that in every TV commercial during basketball timeouts. It is all downhill from there, as Daniel Day-Lewiss simpering, unbelievable Lincoln is surrounded by saintly, misty-eyed, cardboard-cutout blacks, as he battles courageously against the reactionary elements in Congress who would never give votes to the Negro. In fact, blacks had been voting in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey since the Articles of Confederation, and the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks the right to vote, was passed just a few years later, in 1869. Someone remarks that the Confederates want to take slavery even into South America. The Spanish brought black slaves to the New World more than 100 years before the first slaves appeared in the British colonies, and slavery wasnt abolished in Cuba until 1886 and Brazil in 1888. But who cares about the real story? Apart from a few enlightened men such as Lincoln and Thaddeus Stevens, all whites were rabid racists all too willing to sell out blacks for peace with the South, even when it was in its death throes. Mr. Spielberg knows that such distortions will slip past uncritical audiences. The subtext, of course, is that the Union could not have defeated the Confederacy without the valiant efforts of black soldiers. Since the Union was full of vicious racists, they would have left blacks as they were had Lincoln not listened to urgings of his sanctified black housemaid and other ebony worthies. In the modern Hollywood narrative, all American history revolves around the Sacred Black Experience. Lincoln confirms this, bending historical truth to paint the most ruthless, bloody-minded, strong-willed American leader in history as some kind of smug, pre-post-modern storyteller croaking gamely through the difficulties like a paleface Obama sans teleprompter. The few Southerners are snarling, greasy bigots, recoiling before the erect, scowling black Union guards as they slink by during a meeting that led to the Hampton Roads peace conference of February 1865. No noble Lee, courageous Stonewall or knightly Forrest to see here; but why should we expect that? I was surprised not to see the Southern delegation accompanied by blond, Afrikaans-speaking advisors from South Africa, along with a few monocled British Empire villains. Another surprise was that General Grant was not played by Morgan Freeman or that Magic Negro extraordinaire, Samuel L. Jackson. The film has throughout a sense of hushed awe, as if kowtowing to its own self-evident righteousness. There is no balance, no complexity, no sense of inner struggle or desperation. No opposing arguments. Its simplistic outlook more closely resembles the popcorn-psychology Avengers or Justice League rather than the serious historical movie that it clearly wishes to be acclaimed. Mr. Day-Lewis radiates pompous self-absorption, and his interpretation jars against my gut-feeling of Lincoln, the rawboned, shrewd backwoods attorneyLincoln, the Illinois rogue so memorably sketched in Flash for Freedom! by George MacDonald Fraser. Yes, Lincoln is involved in political skullduggery and intrigue, as the three fixers/bribers blunder and cajole their way through improbable situations in an effort to sway the House for the 13th Amendment, but it comes off as silly capering. There is not the slightest hint, of course, that Lincoln wanted to free the slaves and then send them out of the country. No dramatic scenes from August 14, 1862, when Lincoln invited five black preachers to the White House and asked them to persuade other blacks to resettle in Central America. No earnest conversations between Lincoln and Rev. James Mitchell, whom he had put in charge of exporting blacks.


All this would make eye-opening cinema, but why let the truth spoil an image of Lincoln as a pioneer egalitarian? To Mr. Spielbergs credit, the cinematography is superb, as is the period detail. Articulate speeches are also a welcome respite from the usual lowbrow movie soundbites. Yet the work is let down by the smarmy lead performance of Daniel Day-Lewis, as well as the historical inaccuracies and stereotypes, which have obviously been inserted to foist a politically-correct message onto the audience. And when will we get a realistic, multifaceted black character in a movie, instead of the constant stream of sinless, chocolate-hued demigods? When will the Magic Negro finally be retired? No time soon, judging by this travesty. An interesting movie about black battlefield valor might be made about the troops who served in General George Crooks Apache campaigns during the 1870s and 1880s. But would we see a black boot trampling an Apache face? It is hardly astonishing that Hollywood has turned out yet another movie with an anti-white agenda this time from the director of the execrable Munich, which also played fast and loose with history in its sordid depiction of Israels use of a team of bungling amateurs to carry out a series of cold-blooded assassinations. Mr. Spielberg has, however, accomplished the unthinkable with this one. He has actually succeeded in making the Civil War look schmaltzy and one dimensional. The Sacred Black Experience is the only history that matters, and the only thing that ever prevented these noble Negroes from attaining their uplifting potential was foaming old white guys with mutton-chops. As my wife and I left the cinema for the cold night, a pair of young black men swaggered by, baggy pants sagging past their buttocks, communicating in barely decipherable ebonic grunts. We looked at each other with wry smiles and sighed.



Sen. Rick Jeffares serves as Chairman of the Ethics Committee. He represents the 17th Senate District which includes portions of Henry, Rockdale and Newton counties. He may be reached by phone at 404.656.0503 or by email at RICK.JEFFARES@SENATE.GA.GOV.

Sen. Rick Jeffares Named Chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee

ATLANTA (January 17, 2013) Sen. Rick Jeffares (R- Locust Grove) has been named Chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee for the 2013- 2014 legislative term by the Senate Committee on Assignments. It is an honor to be appointed to serve as Chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, said Sen. Jeffares. I look forward to serving on this committee and will work tirelessly to ensure a greater level of trust and transparency while we conduct business at the state capitol. Sen. Rick Jeffares was also recently appointed to serve as the Governors administrative floor leader. He currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Natural Resources and the Environment Committee and Secretary of the Economic Development Committee. In addition, he is a member of the Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee. Im humbled to preside over a Senate that is strongly unified and filled with individuals that are hardworking, intelligent and dedicated to solving problems, Lieutenant Governor Cagle said. I look forward to working hand-in-hand with Chairman Jeffares, who is extremely well-versed and passionate about this important subject matter, to deliver Georgians real results on the major issues facing this State. "We are fortunate to have a wealth of talent and experience in the State Senate," said President Pro Tem David Shafer (R-Duluth). "I have every confidence in our new committee leadership team." Once a piece of legislation is introduced in the Senate, it is assigned to a Committee, depending on its topic. If the Committee gives the legislation a do pass recommendation, then the proposed law is sent to the Rules Committee for consideration. The appointed chairs will oversee the operation and order of Senate committee meetings, including calling for action on bills, resolutions or other matters assigned to that committee. The 152nd Legislative Session of the Georgia General Assembly convened January 14, 2013 at the Georgia State Capitol.


Submitted: A different view on Sen. Rick Jeffares

Some folks believe that an elected public servant has been approved for service in the elected position, but that further appointments to local government are not appropriate. In the case of Sen. Jeffares we see blog posts and an expose that

See the bio on Rick Jeffares from the Henry County Water Authority Web-page . Talk about conflict of interest: Not only is he collecting a salary from the State Government and the County Government, but he also has his brother who is in a Managerial position at the Water Authority. In addition, he is the owner of J&T Environmental Services whose clients he assists in the operations and management of water and wastewater treatment plants as well as water distribution and wastewater collection of systems. This fact might show the most conflict of interest of any of them. The bio shows that his company works for communities throughout the state of Georgia.


So, the long and short of this is that, outgoing BOC Chairman BJ Mathis, Senator Rick Jeffares and Congressman Lynn Westmoreland have forced the Henry County taxpayers to spend money we do not have for an airport we did not want. The county LAID OFF 57 EMPLOYEES and our PROPERTY TAXES JUST WENT UP AGAIN in order to pay for it. Were losing public safety officers to better paying jobs at an alarming rate and theres still the matter of the $5 million balloon payment we will be required to make in 2017 for the GOLF COURSE. At the same time special interest donors who own land around the airport not only stand to profit from the inevitable development of their properties, but these same elected officials have secured cushy tax breaks for them by creating an Opportunity Zone specifically for them. According to a recently obtained document which outlines plans for a public-private partnership between some of these land owners and our local, state, and federal governments, it appears the Henry County Water and Sewerage Authority will play significant role as a member of the Bear Creek Alliance. In addition to being a State Senator, Rick Jeffares is also A BOARD APPOINTEE to the HCWSA. It would make sense that he likely has a significant role in the coordination of state departments involved in this plan including, GDOT, DCA, and the Governors office. Campaign contributions Senator Rick Jeffares accepted from Bear Creek Alliance Members, their immediate family members, and business associates since 2010 total $9,400.00. A spreadsheet detailing campaign contributions is found at HTTP://PROOFOFRIGHT.WORDPRESS.COM//?S=JEFFARES&SEARCH=GO.


Rand Paul (R-KY) Brings It to Clinton

The attack by armed militants that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans stains Hillary Clinton's legacy as secretary of state. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), told Clinton, I would have relieved you of your post and accused her of failures of leadership that led to the loss of four U.S. personnel including Ambassador Chris Stephens in the attack. One of the things that disappointed me most about the original 9/11 is that no one was fired. We spent trillions of dollars, but there were a lot of human errors. These are judgment errors and the people who make judgment errors need to be replaced, fired, and no longer in the position of making these judgment calls, he said. He went on, Im glad that youre accepting responsibility. I think that, ultimately, with your leaving, you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11. And I really mean that. Had I been president at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post. I think its inexcusable. It was about this time that Clinton began to smirk to herself. Clinton at one point said that she had not seen requests from U.S. officials in Libya seeking additional security. Paul went on saying that perhaps it was excusable that Clinton did not read every cable from Benghazi in the months leading up to the attack. And while he claimed to not suspect the Secretary of bad motives, he said he felt she had been a failure at her job. By turns emotional and fierce, CLINTON choked up at a congressional hearing as she spoke of comforting the victims' families and grew angry when a Republican senator accused the Obama administration of misleading the country over whether the Benghazi incident stemmed from a protest. "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?" she said, making chopping motions with her hands for emphasis. While clouding Clinton's tenure at the State Department, the controversy over the Benghazi attack also cost Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, her chance to succeed Clinton as secretary of state. Republicans in Congress blasted Rice for her comments five days after the attack in which she said it appeared to be the result of a spontaneous demonstration rather than a planned assault.



Other peoples kids. . . . Oh, how were they raised? I love Henry County Times newspaper. It is truly a hometown publication. Probably my favorite section is
Hey Henry because it reveals the minds of our friends and neighbors.

Today's issue, Jan. 23rd, had a Hey Henry asking "How long should Henry Board of Education expect
employees to go without raises - it's going on 7 years."

Hey, how about the taxpayers who support every dime spent by the Henry BoE? We do not get COLA or
other raises for the same period of time. We are cash strapped, too.

The post said "employees are getting fed up and finding ways to do less work." Out here in the real world where we cannot press our employers for raises by whining like children, where
a work slow down and bad attitude are grounds for termination, WE ARE FED UP hearing about government employees who think they are "special."

So stop whining about overworked and underpaid school system employees. With your next paycheck, be
thankful you got one AND BUY A CLUE.

Sheriffs warn Obama of deadly war over guns

The Utah Sheriffs' Association has written an official letter to President BARACK OBAMA warning of a deadly war over guns if the president and Congress enact the GUN BANS, GUN REGISTRATION, and GUN CONTROL measures Obama has recommended to Congress, according to SIPSEY STREET IRREGULARS which received a copy of the letter. The full text of the letter can be read HERE. The key paragraph in the letter is as follows:

We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties; we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights -- in particular Amendment II -- has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.
The Utah sheriffs join A GROWING LIST of law enforcement agencies in at least a half dozen states that have indicated they will not enforce any federal law that infringes on the Second Amendment and that any federal official who attempts to enforce such laws will be arrested and jailed.


County sheriff's departments across the country tend to be the law enforcement agency that is closest to the people, given that most sheriffs are elected by the citizens within their respective counties. But early in 2012 news reports began to surface indicating that the Obama Administration, working through federal law enforcement agencies, city and county commissions, and state governments have launched a covert effort to make the office of the county sheriff obsolete, stripping the elected official of most of his authority. In some areas of the country, such as certain areas of the northeast, such actions have already been taken. Could it be that the reason some politicians wish to strip sheriffs of their authority lies squarely in the fact that most of the resistance to the current push of the Obama Administration to concentrate power at the federal level is coming from county sheriffs? If the Leftist push of certain large municipalities and the Obama Administration to strip sheriffs of their law enforcement power is successful, then the enemies of the Constitution will have removed the last bastion of resistance among law enforcement agencies. Nothing will stand in the way of the statists, except for the people themselves, as they embark on this tyrannical push to nullify every right that is protected by the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

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